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4 ~- FROM: Secretar:,r of State, ~Yashington TO: DATED: NUMBER: Aroo_rrcao. LegHt.io:n, r.ra~ lgier! Januacy l7y$19h5 x 9 -~ a t CONTROl COPY Please deliver following message to Renee Reichman, 23 Rue 1foliere, Tangier, from Vaad Hahatzilla ;<;mergency Committee! v K License received Yiill pay Cohen additional ~t6,ooo. / 'V"...._/. Endeavor send parcels Ferdinand Fichtelberger Bertha Oppenheimer both in./ Theresienstadt, GRE'i (Acting) ;j J

5 CiBLE TO AME:'CAf< LEGA'fiON, TJJiGFH, FROM WAE flfugee BO.ARD. PtN.se deliver follo.,o.t~lner<s l,ge -~ Ranee Reichr.um, 23 P c1e Moliere, T'lngio!, from Vt>-Etd He.hotzall! tmergency Committee: ;,:UOF" i..c1:niii' >:GJW/l'.D ;,J:,L f';,y COHEN ADnlTONAL!6,000. ii;}jdeavoh SFND PARCELS FgRDN.A.lqD F'CHT!l:,BEHGER BERTHA OPPHHEMEfi BO'rl! N 'l'heeesbnstaftr. '1Nt]t10'l'E 10:30 a.m. January 15, -945 ~~ ncey (for the Sec 1 y) Ackermann, Akzin, Cohn, Drury, DuBois, ::;nston, ~H~!.larks, McCormack, Pehle, Files / /)""'\-» 1\ 'Y ~ '5 u v~,\'j p " RDrury l/13/45

6 (EMERGENCY COMMTTEE) 132 NASSAU STREET CR~OM euu NEW YORK 7, N. Y, PHONE RECTOR ~' January 12, 1946 War Refugee Board Treasury Builaing Washington, D,C, Dear Miss Hodel: Attention: l<i.iss F. Hodel ~y we ask you to please transmit the enclosed messag~through the facilities of the War Refugee Board. With our deepest appreciation for the many courtesies you have shown me and also the members of our committees during our contact in the problem of rescue, Very respectfully yours, V:AilD HliiD TZ.lLA EMERGENCY C01Uvi!TTEE,/v-; "'-~~? v J RABB lib AHlll;! CALh<.!iNOW TZ / ': To utlllte the possibilities f;r rescue of European Jewry where the Vaad Hahat~ala program a especlally.needed _!,_., :.

7 (EMERGENCY COMMTTEE) - H2-NASSAU STREET (ROOM DS) -NEW-YORK 7. N.Y. PHON&: REc:TOR January 12, 1945 :MESSAGE TO RENEE RECHMAN 23 RUE MOLERE T.~GERS THROUGH llmeb Cb.N LEGli'l' ON, TAl!GERS LCENSE RECEVED will PAY COHEN ADDTONAL $6000. ENDEAVOR SEND PARCELS FERDNAND FC!iTELBERGER :BERTHA OPPENHEMER llo''h N ''HERESENS''iill'l'. V AAD HA.HA.''ZALA Jl!MERGENCY COMM''''EE To ullllte the po6siblllllo for re&cue of B_uropean Jewry where the Vaad Hahau;ala program b especially needed. -


9 tm(l t~legrwns iio. ;g '..,.. simil2.r 'ti-ansaction:a~ 3:15 p.m. Januliry 9, 1945 Miss Chauncey (for the sec 'Y) Ackermann, Akzih, colul., Drury, Hodel,., Marks, McCol'm!l.ck, Pehle; Files. gtlrr~iy ~rlhit1'nh t,.~ 1 /f)./ /.f


11 \

12 ... ~---~i1., :. i"1.i1 (EMERGENCY COMMTTEE) 132 NA$SAU STREET (R;OO_M 81~} NEW YORK 7. N. Y. PHONE RECTOR if September 29, 1944 War Refugee Board Tressur.y ~il~ing Washington, D. u. Atta Miss F. Hodel Dear Miss Hodel, / We refer to your telephone conversation with Mr. Sohoen, and we anxiously await your letter incorporating the details of the ~omprehensive report the Board bas received from Mr. McOlelland. May we ask you to please have the attached message sent through the War i!efugee Board. With our deepest appreciation,, Very respectfully yours, AKsr VAAD H.AHATZALA EMERGENOY OOMMTTEE,/.A; /.(~~ Rabbi A~rabam Kalnianowitz ct :. To r11cue, save anti preserve from war Jedr1;'cuon tbe Torah val11ts (Yeshivoth, Rabbh, Sch~lart and Comm11rial Leaders). To utllln th Po llblllllet for me111 of B11roPea11 Jewry whm th V a a d H a h.a :& a a program h Ptclall:y.n~eded ~

13 (EMERGENCY COMMTTEE) 132 NASSAU STREET (ROOM- 819) NEW YORK 7, N. V, PHONE RECTOR ~ September 29, 1944 MESSAGE TO RENEE RECHMAN 23 RUE :r.dlere TANGERS Through All. RCAN LDATON, TAHGERS READY MAKE PAYMENT TO JACOB S. COHEN WHO V/:.L NSTRUCT BROTHER PAY YOU $5,000. REQUEST BROTHER TANGERS TO CABLE BROTHER NEW "YORK 4CCEPT SUM STOP PLEASE ADVSE DEVE.OPJ\!ENTS MATTER OF 500 CHLDREN STOP SEND ALL COMMUNCATONS AND REQUEST DRECTLY TO US VA W.AR REFUGEE D.ARD AND DT TO PRVATE NDVDUALS VAAD HAHATZALA E1!ERGENCY COMMTTEE,_ To rescue, save ond preserve from war deslrncliotl tbe Torab values (Y eihlvolh, RPbbls, Scholars ana Commurzal Leaders) To uhz. lht Ponlbllllles for m~.. of Et~roP an Jewry whtre lht V a a rl H a h a z a a program h especially n rlerl.

14 V.H.E. c. qz NASSAU STREET Suite NEW YbRK 7, N: Y.

15 ,~! FROM TOt DATED NUMBER ORGNAL TEXT OF ~~LEG~ SENT. J Secretaryof State, Washington / \,.,. '.. American Legation, ''.l1angier. ; September 2, CONTROl COPY Please inform Renee Reichman, 25 Rue Moliere, Tangier, that Vaad v Hahatzala Emergency Committee has been licensed by / ~ Treasury Department to pay Jacob s. Cbhen, New York City, $5,000 for account of AaronS. uohen, Calle Tetuan 17, Tangier, against which payment Aaron s. Cohen is to pay the local currency equiva- / lent to Renee Reichman for ~urchase of food packages for Jewish refugees in camps in Czechoslovakia. n.this connection, reference is made to the Department's telegram No. 38 of March 30, 1944, concerning an identical transaction. HULL \ DECLASSFED State Dept. Letter, Vi>' ;. By R. H. Parks Data.5fE..l

16 Pleaet.t lntq~ Rc~nee Relollvlln. 115 Rae l>!'ou.we, fan&lgj', tha"t Vad Hahailala l!lneaogimoy Commltt~~tG ha.e betm lloenu!l b7.'l1'8aii\u'y De p&'ua91\t to pay Jacob a. Cohen tl$'tij York; Cl'Y ss.ooo toj' ooount of Aal'on s. Oohon, Calle!etuan 1'1, fanglol', against llbloh pe.ji.1lont UU'on s. Cohen is te pay tho 1ooai cutrreno~ equl va1&n) to Be:teo, R&lolU!an f~ pu"ohatil9 of!oed pu{lgolf for tfdish l'efugooa ill Wllptl 1n 0!.1h08lOvak~. n tllle oonneot1on, ftforenoe 18 'Jll!de to. the v,gartmont' tolegnm 9:30 a.m. September 2, 1944 Mies Chauncey (for the Sec 1 y) Abrahamson, _Oohn, DUBois, Frieaman, Hodel, Laughlin, Leeser,!-lannon, McOormack, Oable Control Files.

17 -~

18 FRO.'_: ~ An:er:tcan Li:watio!l, Tene'ier DA'l'ED: Nillt.B '1:,, Sentember 26, 1944 Y. 295 *' ~ - Fopo1 1ng is ror the r;ttention of ti'e ''Br l{~fufee BORrd. 'ieference le mfjde :J.erevith t.o Lee at.l.on's cvbl<o of ~e,;tember , no, 28<", A televram has \1een recel ved by l/,r«, ~..; R2icn~ann from the ntercroge in Buclrpest etatinf th~>t it '-ill effr;ct the distribu / tioi1 of ro&d ~Rrcelf" to Je"'f" ir. concentr:''lm c:-;;-,r s ii1 Hungtn y, t let felt th! t ln vie n;f Allled Control of Fronce such shipments ould rerch Hune-10 ry via ~> :i.t7erl<:ncl ~:e h;ovc not yet recelved raoney ir.~ntl med in Den,rt.-;:ent 1 " ceble 125o ";ince Reichother f'unos for t=:uch curt'ose, can the Dm;Art ~e,nt exuedi te trpnsfer? OC!LD5 j. CONTROL COPY. j,r DCR:VAG 9/27/4' DECLASSFED ~State Dept. Letter, By R. L Parke Date~ S l:'~o -~ 1 s 19'"'1 rr.

19 FROM:. TO: UTE:.tW.Aill~ric~Legation, T~ng~lir ': --.: _ --~{: - -~, ~ecretarf o:f' $)iate. w~shington Follow~~g , _ -_ - 1:-_.:- is for War Refligeo :Bo~r4 t is now stated by Reichmann. that food. parcels sent for Hungary through France and! Switzerland, bu..t :she ~s attempting. to e~ip through t_he qternati~na.l.red Oross, from S~Teden. She will again attempt to s~:~rt~ to ;Birkene.u and Theros1enstadt bu.t i.e of' 1 the opinion thii.t Jews li.avo been deported from Satoraljaujh11Y~ The foregoing has referen~~to tho ;Deparl;m~n!its. ' /;:' of Au..gu.st 31, No. 122,,( ' Paraphrase: DOR:VAG:MEM.CH~LDS 9/12/44..- l t. 1. i l,

20 J~~AfU-~ l'rom& TO a DATED Secreta17 o:f 1$-~a.te, / Amelgation, ~ongier lulgl4et 31, )(.. rtashington \" )- Reference Departmellt'e no. 97, July ro, and your no. 221, Jul1' 25.,.-- ~lease advice whether Mrs. Reichman has received any informatio~ con -;/ cer~ing pone1b1l1t;y o:r delivoq of food parcels ta Cl.llllp SntoralJaujll11T j in Hungary. DECLASSFED Stata Dept. Letter, ,._ :ey R. H. Parks Data-SEfL

21 t) 1 ~- \ w.rence Department's Jul7 2Q and 7aDr no. 221, 't. Jul7 25. Please advise whether Hr&. Re1cllmlm bas received. any y 1nf01'1!1ation conceming possibili\7 of del1vehq: of food p!ll'cels 10:30 a.m. August 31, 1944 MLss Chauncey (for the sec y), Abrahamson, Cohn, DllBois, Friedman, Hoilel, Laughlin, Lesser, Mannon, McCormack, Cable Control Files to Camp Satoral.jau,ihU)' in~- -

22 'l'u.3 -~t:egram!ust be parapo.rajed be:f'ci:re being: commu.:1icated to anyone other than a Government agenc3!:, ~!R~J!i+ Secretary ot State, Dated JH1y; 25, 1944 Rec 1 d 7:53a.m., 26th Washington, 221,.,July 25, noon,(. Department's 97, July 20 from War l'iefugee Jloard. r'!" Mrs. REin!:! Reichmann stat'es that food paroels for Hungary will contain on~j-j~ilo Argentine chocolate bought here ~d will be sent through Spanish Post Office by arrangem~nt with $panish Red Cross. She adds Catholic Bishop, Tangier, has tej.egraphed Catholic Bishop, Budapest, to ascertain if he will supervise distribution of patpels and that Embasey, Madrid, has requested s:.jili;lar service of :tnterne.tional Red Cross, Geneva, No opinion concerning possibility of delivery can be given until receipt or replies but:reicnmann stresses that she does not comtemplate sending parcels until absolute assurance is re- ceived that appropriate delive,ry will be effected, Depal'tnient will be informed concerning replies when received, Reference Legation's despatch 2042, April 10, Reiohmann,states she continv.es to receive evidence receipt of parcels previously sent,.. EEC JJM Miss Chauncey(For the Sec'y), Abrahamson, Ak~in, Borenstein, Cohn, DuBois, Friedman, Gaston, Hodel, UJ.ughlin;.e.sser, Mann, Mannon, Marks, McCormack, Pehle, Sargoy, Sta'ndish, Weiniftein, Files, "',.. i. :-,'1 -:.

23 CoNTROL Cb~Y 15):) \ 1%'..l Ji ~ -.J ARGRMi FHO,, Tangier Morocco <=ecretary of ~;tate, :'a abington. -- n~p!\rtment Of STATE uf 1 MAY ' ""iions '"'"' necoros ;1=76, ~Y 3, 6 PoiDo ;( Department's telegram Noa 47 of April p.m. and Le~tion'a despatch No of April 10 concerning shipment,- or food parcels to internment camps in Czechoslovakia. / iflrs. Renee Reichmann had already n-ranged with f iro Mordecai,/,/ Kessler of 'the American J'oint Distribution Co:mni ttee,. at present in T!lngier, for the list ot' recipients to be submitted to :Jr. J'oseph,/!":chwartz in Lisbon for checking against the list held by him in order to avoid duplication. ~jhe is also brinsins a copy of the list ~o the Legation J'EG/gna

24 . 1-t~'J?i'~-)'~ DEPARTMENT J QUTG. Q.NG \-'. DVSON OF l. -\~ r~, 'l'h'l's t"elegrum 1 t be - July 20, 19 4 COMMUNCATONS ~:TF" TELEGRAM.. AN~D RECORDS paraphrased before being communlca ted to anyone 1 C!;.!:~~;; lu 1C.r.&. t~ '.~l..:r-... -r;t;'i?rl:.jo!i.~::; ('.L( ;1C:), (. ' ').1\MLiiXMTON 'l'.a.ng R5 9J ~ Tne following from W~r Refugee Hoavd. / BO&.rd been e.ekad by Vaad Hel'U!.tzale #:ntergenc;y Coi!Uflittee to reoommen.d issuance of Treasury lioenso allowing additional,/ payment squivalent of $ n looal currency to Mrs. Renme r r' Rlllichman fox food parcels "iio be forwardl3d to Hungary to r persons in Crunp Satoralje.ujhily. YoiAE" re oomro0nde.uono oonoerning proposal requested by Board. l Please advise, in partioular, regarding origin ot rood stuffs, shipment methodu and Jour opinion relnt1ve to possibility or delivery to eamp nemtd. HULL ( GL;i) \ljrbsmmv:omh 7/00/44 \'E BE Nf~ AF S/GH J'i'

25 TO: DATE: CORRECTON OF "ft.rf>~"hras<: OF r Lli:GRJ'~ Rf,Cu:JVED Anlf~rlo9n. / Legation, Tena:ier secret&ry of, State, \1ash1ngton i'l Yay u n t'lc heading of thi e para]:jilrnne the n.eria1 n\.unber or the telegram'we"' irwdvertently omitted, please insert No.?9. DCR: ~c~:rk ;;._.0.1 l ' D~QLASSFED. State Dept. Letter, 1.1.1?2 By R. H. Parks Date..s.E,E..l 5 19~~. '4.. l~.

26 PARAPllRA>'>E OF TEEGRAM m:nt FROM: Secretary of State, Washington., A"iiFGA~i.'ON 9 '!'angier. li.: ;,~::D ~ tl "' ~~ 3 "'tontrol COPf,(J",,;.., llei'ugeo Doni'd sends the fol.lowin!! for ''lbdck: ~ n connection with tho following wo reff'l? t;-.h2.. / ra'~ ssac e from Rabbi Kalmanowi tz and stephan ietoin,r of Vnnd,.-- flnhatzala contained in th0 Department's cable i>f :arch 30, 19M,oo.3. 8 ~ o (\1. v'b:;! t iu requested that you advise- Henee ~oi~ ~ve. ~- sww you tho names of all persons who!ll'a to reoo:tvo the ~~ls v t) ~c::o of food. ~'he listv of names given to you br i~s~neim-.=o..,,.:u )::a ;.. :n should bg forwa:rded to the American Legation o.t~sbi!ftt~ror ~ --t:: chacldng against the Uat hold at the.prasont time by Dr. Joseph Schwartz{ 242 Rua Aurea, Lisbon, in ordol' to -.. _)\ insure that the packages are received by the persons f'o:r vthom they are intended. 0!fuLL.!. DECLASSFED State Dept. Letter, By R. H. Parks Date~ 1 ~ 'Vf/2.

27 April 12, 1944 FROMJ J. W. Pehlo t will be appreciated if you will have the attached cable despatched at once to Tangier. Attachment... :~ j:.! ~ iihlab 4/12/44...

28 _ GAm.E TO?ANGER From War Refugee Board to Childs Reference our number 38 ot?larch 30, 1944, O!mtaining message to Renee Reichman frqjll Rabbi Kalman011ita and Stephen Klein ot Vaad Hahatsal.a. Please a<fvise Renee Reichman to Sllbmit to you names of all persons to whom rood parcels are to be sent. n order to insure dsli very of packages to pers()lle tw whom they are intended, the nl;lmes submitted to you by Mrs;. Reichman should be sent to the American Legation at Lisbon for ohecldng againet the list presently- held b.;r Dr. Joseph Schwartt, 2.42 Rua Aurea, Lisbon. ~- --

29 !. APR Dear. Rabbi Kalmanowitr&,,. You wul be interested in knowing that we have -,r just been advi~d by tho Ammoan Con8Ul in Tangier that Rtmee Reichmam is being paid the equivalent of $) 1 000", by Aaron Cohen( we have al o been adyieed, 1n connection with this oase;, that it is poalible to send tooii" parcels to the intemment camps at Di:rkenau~~'and.'l'hereeJ.enetadt,.but that no parcels can be tent into eastern EUrope.. Ver,vt~ 7oure 1 J. w. P8hle Executive Director... Rab~ Abraham Kalmancmita, Vaad'Hahataala Baergen~ Committee, 132 tlaaaau Street, New York?, New York. ilhlaby%;.

30 April 11, 1944 \b MEMORANDUM FOR THE FlLES ~- n view of the fe~ express~ by Mr. Leavitt conc~ing possible duplication of footl package sch~e for Theresi~stadt and Poland, discussed with Mr. Schoen of the Vaso Hahatzala the question of checking all lists against the basic list held by the JDC in' Portugal. Mr. Schoen stated tha)' he had no. objection whatsoper to requiring Mrs. Reichman to submit to the American Legation in Tangier the list of all persons to whom she intended to send food parcels. Schoen stated that the Vaad Hahatzala-regards this program as being in a very preliminary trial stage. As a matter of fact they have only sent.$.500 under the license. F. Hodel 1r.+~ b-< ~ _:..e. y, k,.;::;:j. ~ i ~ ~tt~.q_~

31 'ii! April ll, 1944 UEJ.DRANWM FOR 'i'li! F:(LES n view of the fears expressed by Jr. Leavitt concerning possible duplication of rood package scheme for Theresienstadt. and Poland, diaouased 'lith llr. aghoon or the Vaad Hahat$81.~ the question of checildng all lishs agtinst the basic list held by the JDO 1n Portugal. Hr. ~ohoen stated that he had no objection 'lrilatsoever to requiring Hrs. Reichman to 8llhlll1t to the American Legation in 'fangiar the list of all persons to 'llhom she intended to send food parcels. Schoen stated that the Vaad Hahatsala regards this program as being 1n a vary preliminary trial stage~ As a matter of fact they have only sent under the license. F. Hodel ' _, i' i. l!h a lab 4/11/44

32 CONTROL COPY i ioo 2042 X &ubjeot: ll'ooci Faa.l:nt{es for J'EVG }2n ~~...b t J;~~~:~) 'l'he honorable r.;trt The ~earotary of 5tate ::ast.illf;ton. D. c,ih lleve the ljonor to refer to the lloljeu'tmeat s tel,e6).'~.ijoso 36 at.. iiriooh 30~ 10 p.ru., &nd ~ of. pr1l 6p 3 P.ol!l e und to the L!wation o rellly)foo 79 of. pril re!s6.rd1jl6 tho sondillg by ~.ra. ~<ones H;~CJ.l;~U.lN 0 o:s: TN~U'ior 0 ot food parcels to oortaiu Juwc 1n oentrel Ult\ &tlstt>l'l ;;.'Uropeo i.il'bo :1o1c:t.mnnn ~1as ;toequested to ()Q;,:G in jip tt.o Lag~:.tion to ou)j-ino her plv.nso t appeers t~et <tabbi K;.x.;.,u:<o;;'l'.4!nd...tr 9 ;a...;.ro hove uistnterprotod the let'tor under r.ei'erenae in the Depart<> Uleut s telegram iloo :58o They teloeraphed: l,( "Greenwalli rocoivod your lettor nhioh outlined the poat:.il111t;y of eelll'lin~; purceljl of :food to J'ews in e}iottoao ;:o t>u~rantee 11~l:l.nt up to ;,JdOOo All ~;llettoa 1n Lithuania l'oland, ;>lovakia nnd whorover else possible should receive Plal'Oels at onceo" The Let;~Jtion was dubiouo about tr.e opreasnt. 1JOUS1b1lit1ea or bei.li{; able to deapatch 1'ood.'Hll'O&ls 1'r0Ll 'iwl.l;iol' to ghettuo in Lithuania!lllil. l:'olr:.nd,.titt:.my asaurll.oe \'lllt>.tsoever 1M. t th~y 'iot ld arrive at their J!l'O~r deat!nationo i...ra. iteioh!.lann.has e:~~pla:lnud that ti.is was not tho sucteation she~ hl:.d o1'turudo l!'o1!cllll.a,:.c,ntlls ::~t.e l:as. been sen.c.in<; ooo..grnla i'ood po:cltnt:es to' l'0lut.ivs llllu friends in t\>1o 1ntel'Ui>9nt c13.1ilps located in C?:eolloslovokia~ T11erwo1ensta.dt llll!i Birkenauu The recipients ere n.ll,.oh~i to send i'orru slips a.clmovlodlinc the ruoeipt of thuile paoitht;esp cno....:s:a. :r.eiclu.lann brout;bt with liar to the Loc ;C.t1on t~ nw.1'1ior oi' thuae al1!18 1'1'0Ju.. 'l'j,ereaienstnd.t 0 nut.tr.y1u~:; l t>r or tht; sw:~.arrive.! o:l' the l'ood paolcageso :Jhe had no such slips rr01u D1rkent~u 0 rlliioh Ci.oos not p0l'll11t thelli1t but aho ir.:ror.ued tl.e Lo;,..l,tion the. t llhe ha.s ae1'i11! te knovjlod;;;e thnt the.31rkenau _pac~11 ulso are belnt> r!loe1ved sat'oly thoro. ::!he otatud tl.ut 1n 1iheoe two i:.te~"'l el' t CHUpli tluu:-e are.ore thun l.lcoo Jous withuu,;.?ti:tru.te Nsuuroes or J!tLuut friends to aasi.st t:t,;lll in ou:pplo:n.ontit>t: the insuffio:.~~ut o~p rationso 'rlle ~p~otion ha.s <iincusaed ~..rt:~o Hoiclmuym s ~lnn with :.r.~rdeoui.r...b:iil...r 0 n r&j4'<lltlolltt;.tive of tto,.,-::..uricr.ul Joint Uiotr:lc blltion OO<Wttee at pl"aoont. :l:u Tant.:icr. Ho l."'portu ~llut... ;rao RoiohDUllln ttntl ll11r ~roup ~ fa.vo:robly kr~uwn in t}jo looul Jow:l.oh oq.llll\u\i tyo :Re ttl. no teals ~.at tl'.o t'ol'lil reoei:ptp oonuutute an.j -_

33 11deq_uate assurt:llee tj,ut, bonn ;~iriternees clu, in :L'aot, rocei've tljs i'ood &hi;=nts. lie '!mia'"~;;&t tl11.1 Joint 1Jiiltr1hu1.1on CUitlllrlttae in LiF-bon iij alrondj senti.illb nojuu i'.jeld pai'ouls to 'l'lleresienstu.lit~ but ti,at ~.ro.,(eiohmunn a,.present lis't of 100 Uf.UES lw:s,been cl eekod ui'th tho Lisoon list o1' :roo1p1enta to a.void llllf uu~lioations. 'l'j',o Jewish OC!ia~U11 ty of fll'atislava. l as \Ul\iortuitan to.t'vr..iah.. il. s. ;;~ioruunnn <-~ith tho bslo:uco or the nawss ot the :aooo Cieot1tute Jews in t.!.o-t;;;ii -:-interill4ol),t olir.i)?a l'jl~ thit> :fist, in turn, r;ill be checked act-.inut tho Linbou l-1-et to ljl'tlvent u.ny OV9l'lUPl)ill(~o / 'l'he 500=~m.l i'oou l*tl'oela s,ra sent i'l'oli4 Tl.lf'(_i.,r tla <n.j the w,)ul1nll Poat o~':i'ics AllG. lm.~ tlaull es tohort a til:itl as ei-.ht liu:tfil in tri'uj.&it. UUlkio1 packages ure dt~l!.yen an lollt..- as t, o or three tacmtht~. t ~l0ulcl 0 tl:er;l:t'or<~, U<iillr.l. advtmtat,uous to u~ r.t1nue ner,.ciint. tl1e &Jall p~;.c!mggs. 'l'l:e intor. naes u-e alla:ted to l'cjoeive t\io kilos por._.,nth, o.t O;.o "Kolm,;e anch <!eoka.:jo far, tho local.,punil!t auth"rititjs httve raised no objection to thtt export of :t'ood~ atui'fs i'rol'l 'lun: :isr in tho LLll.(lliOku~os unuor roferonco. -'~oi:uvsl'o if tho plt;n is.'j.'ue.t.ly cx.tondud~ ae is no : anv1g~,cti 9 ttu~o r.~~:.y be eo:..e diffio;tlty., t is hopee~ none,;,tlleml<h18 0 thht tl.ro~:l tho ~cod o:t'i"ioue oi' -vla :;pln1sh :'ed Oro. L s, thtt-"o..;l;:ch it.;as reocnltl;y."" tjogsible to :::end Bl.lnll, SU1'Jllc.aentary po.okagcs of ~utzoth i'roe oi') poeta~e ohurt;oe to ti:use intornuus, 1t.:ill pt ova _;;~ossible to overco~e "-l'y obstaolt>s o1' nn o:r.fioil<l nrtura. n the last 1.ustF nco0 sl:iou:td the bp~misli plnco an au1b,1rco on ull food JJel"aal shi.pm.:wts, tho ;,u::11ey ocn r.:.:uiiily bo tr.,s.sfcrrcd to 'crtugal whence it iz at ill poi>sibb to eeno cucb. pe.cta.;,.es thuut;l. at much treater cos'i.q 'J.'l:.ore D:;>!lev.l'S to be UO '\'~ in tj!;icj pnt"celo Cllll be sent at present froja ~tliilier to Llthuaninp i'ole.na0 o1 luntlli7 llespooti'ully ycurs 0 Co liw:kl'>.:.l'briok Cll~a cse d'.j.'1'c.ires nd intoru.t,r~ Ori~:inal. and :.E~ctoc:t'Bllh t.o DEl;,art.. emt Copy to: ;:~U~Jrioan.i:bibnssyD 1..o.drid,merica.n Leucttion, Linbon. --.:.:.- --

34 FRO<l: TOt PARAPHRASE g~e~tlfe~ AM The Al!lerioaJt Consul, Tangier RE-<lEVED The Seo:i:'etary c State, Washington """:~,R'MP,.,,,~...,. DA'l'E: April 10, 1944 ~ DV r,nw1"nl CPMo The following meeeage refers to Departme~t' number ~ 38 de.ted March 30 and to number 43 ~ted April 6, Reichmann h being paid the equivalent of three ~housand dollars by Aaron Cohen. ~o C~eob internment camps of the B~au ano. Hea1enstadt rrhere assistance is require~ by mor e than ttqo thousand 1nd1. gent Jews 1 t 1s possible to send food parcels only. no parcels can be sent. lnto eastern Europe ELBRCK \/ i J DOR:M.PL 4/ll/44 DECLASSFED State Dept. Letter, By R. H. Parks Dnte~1 5 1~2.

35 ~- PARAPHRASE OF TELEGRAM SENT FROM: TO: DAT~,~. NUMBER: Secretary of State, \'lashington. AMLEGA TON, T!=mgi er: ~=r~ April 6, 1944, 3 p.m. 43.~ The fol,lo~ring messe.ge to CHilds from Wnr Refugee Board. Please transmit the following message from Jacob s. Cohan to Aaron S. Cohen,,.. Calle Tetuan, 17, Tangier: from There is baing held for your aooount $3,000 reoeived V<lf.td Haha tzala pursuant to Treasury lioens e is sued to that organization. Renee Reichman, 25 Rue Molier~, Tangier, ~rill communicate w ith you s.nd it is requested thbt you pe.y the equiva.lent of ~3,000 to him. HULL DECLASSFE) State Dept. Letter, By R. H. Parke Date...s.fE..l

36 -~ _t:. April 1, 19M t will be approolatttd it ;you will have the attachecl cable despatched at once to Aaron a. Cohen, laue Tatuen, 17, ''angiar, fa'a Jacob s, Oolum, and bill the ~ Habat.ula Km&r~ genoy Committee. 132 Haseau. S'"et, fhnr ork '71 N. Y., tor thecost -of the message and ~ answer the~o. Attachment, '( - (

37 CABLE T0 'fp.ngj l!r ;t-.: Pl<!lllSE! <.laliver the following ro5silgta t > MU'O'l s. CQhafl, Galle Tatuan, l?, Tnng1er, fr0m Jaooh <:-. Cclumt "PursuP.nt t.o Treasury license f have rocei voo?:3,000 i: -n< vaad llailatzala.,,.j.ch f nolo r"r y.;llr account Stop 1 i'leaso pey equivala>lt. of ~u.ooo to t!athje <leichlllllli, 25 lllm l~ollere, Tangier, who will o::mtaet. you 11 co: Miss Chauncey (for the Sec'y.), Abrahamson, DUBois, Friedman, Hodel, Laughlin, Lesser,!~rum, Pehle, Stewart, Central Files - Rm. 194, Cable Control Files - Rm. 38~~..

38 ~ n reply please refer to: 5930o 6irtl1 Reference is made to your letter of Mareh ~ubm!tted te; t.he War Refugee Board ir, uhich you r"'<t'"eated the iseuane& of a license!ltdrurl:tting ;ruu to pay the sum of $3,000 to Jacob S. Cohen, )6{) Broad'iUYt liew York Gity 1 f~r the acoount of Aaron s. Goh1m1. Calle 'l'et.uiln l'l 1 Tangier, 1Wrocoo1 agaiuut which payl~ent.~aron s. Coh'm is to ma.k-a the equivalenl available to Yrs. Renee Reichman, 25 Rue Moliere, ~angier, to be used by her for the purchas6 cf food parcels to be!sent ~o Jo\'B in concol1'trot1on co.n.'}la.iii. GaeolloBlovuldu. '4nia ia to advise you tm.t pureulult to the reeollllllendation roads to this Uepartmen:t by thg War TtG:f'u~ gee tho Federal heserva la.uk of!iaw York hall Buard 1 been authorized to ieaue to' yqu License No. NY permitting the axermtion or the tranoactions deecribgd abnvo. Tho ~ar Refugee Boa~d has a~viead t~\s Department that arrangam~nte havs bean made for tho transmieai'on cf the!llf.lefle.ge to M.ron S. Cohen in rrung:l.or 1.h:r<lllgh the.faeilitiee aveiln.bl.e t() the Depar.tmt>nt of S1;ata. Very truj.y yours, Orvh A. l.!cbm:l:dt Actilig Director Vaa4 Hahataala Emergency G~ttee 132 Naeeau Street New York 1, New York, [. RBParketdh 3/29/44

39 ruraut.nt. to ~;,:uc~t\:l.<:~n L':lli)\1 dil'illlhly w:lththia nepat>tn\dnt.,.you!i:r ~ h!i}!;by. ( "' ~\..''"""'"'"..;,;... """" to V '..,;;.,,..,. J'> ro'">&l' Go ;.itto.~ ~S2 N~.naa:J ' <ltnet, i~t'lw YoF.-i: Git.Y ptu,llltting it to p~.y tg J,'le<)b /; Cohim, 3M Srmuhtl~'t '... t <lw York C:J.ty, fo:r ll.tlc0>.wt of.u,.ron.;;. CohGn 1 Gdlo 'l'etusm l7 'l'.wgil'%'1 1(f.)foC<O:t the sum ot ;\\; , ll.!.::d.nat which payril-~tlt Jaoob li>o Coh$n :tw Ti:n~~~l iliot.'>itb<- ~Stanrlit'S GM6rul. liulins J<o. 11, to irut.tl~ot. Aaron ::;. Collen in 'l'b.ngl.sr to llulko the loo<il. Gu~'l'nncy '<q1t.ivnlont "'rr.ilable to ;lunll6 k,ichm&n, 2$ l\ue. /l.\oliar. e, ~ ~. tlg,\.. c1' 1.. /.... for the~,>moeh..>~»e of fm>d p&olvbif.ll tv.bu u~nt. to.ret1ish :NJfll OGS in concuntrat1on ~. " J '.\,' all ~: s in i:~~oaoi»alovw..!a / l /-'.l, (nitialed} O~A:s~ l"_'. RDPal'ke.1fb Unit 402

40 .~ 10:20 a.m..~ it will up. a~;preo!.at,m~ if you will havu \;he attached cable dcapntohed at OlHlO to!ton,ee Rl.ilichman, 25 Rue MolieJ. e, 'J'an(;ior, fro1u Rabbi. braham ~:nlwmmvl tz <1nri "tepben Kl<}iii of Vaad :w.hutza1n, and b:ul Vmtd'!!<.<hntznla, 132 Nassau Street, ~; <'lw tor!' 'J, :; eu '{ ork, fo1' the coat of the mea sago lmd any nra=;t~ ~r thnreto. i :,!.. \.,. ' / \,.,r. t Attaohmant..., -.!

41 ~-~~~ \\/,;,\ :P/141~~- 0RGNAL TEXT OF TELEGRAM SENT ~.,... r,.r 1 FROM: SECRETARY; f.h"' state, WASJiiNGTON..,. TO: AMLEGATON, TANGER ;. ~. DATED: MARClF'30, 1944 GoNJROL copy fh NUMBER: 38 j Please deliver the following message to Renee Reighmari{ -t:~ t.. ~ 25 Rue Moliere; Tangier, [rom Rabbi Abraham Kalmanowitz and Stephen Kiein~~'of Vaad Hahatzala:" "Greenwald receivedydur letter detailing possibeities send food" parcels t,o Jewsv in ghettos';' We guarantee payment up toi;$3\)00) Send immediately "!-' (,. parcels to all p.ossible ghettos5:~f Slovakia, Po_land,.. y Lithuania elsewhere. Contact Aaron S. Cohen. Availf". -./".. ability of further funds dependent on ticenses which Will be :t,ssued providing you can let 4s have informaj tion assuring War Refugee Board packages deliver.ed to f. bona fide persons. Contact American Legation, Tangier, consult send reply via Legation 11.-~..... l....r '. ' f., ''.vi/- DECLASSJFED _ State Dept. Lotter, : 7,.. By R. H. Purl< Duw...s.E..1 ~ ~~ 1.

42 r 11' wru- n~tugee Eoal-d to Cbilt:le - -_;_!"_-!!- _ _, _- _-. _ :T*----. Kle1n 1)1:. VMd Hnhatznlaa _ ' j - -- lioraenwald rgoetved your lntt~r detailif!g pmmii.>ilitios send foof.l pllrcel!'l to,jf!wro :tng!i~ttos Bt.op!fe guarimte~ -,, Bend i))mtedi~tw.y parcale to all- possit)l~ ghetto;; of slovakia. Pol,nd, l.ithuanta lllse1ihere stop - --_ }~, ~---_-._']' stop Availabilit-y of rurt-lier funds Contact Aaran 13. Cohen - - dopendellt ori licensen whiclt ~i.ll l;u~.,:lt eued prov.ldlng you can let us hlilvo informatlun 1 i$uringiwar Rotugee aoord' - packages deu vorad to bona i'tcte parsons. Contact./ttte:riclln ' -. Lagtrliion 'l'angitu' consult send r()plj via j~sgationu ' ' -, - '!' -../: f,! r,,/" \ (',

43 -="' Proj13ct No.: TO: FROM: Subject: Liaison Oi'f'icer, Fo~eignFimds Control / WarRefugee.Board ' , / ; Vaad ~tilal.a r~lief to Jewe in camps in CzechoBlo~aida There is transmitted herewith a copy of' a lette.r elated!arch i?; 1944 fro1n Ba Rabbi Kalmaliawitz. Vaad Hahatzal.a.. dealing with trans.f~ of to Vaad representative 1n Tan8iel's for transport of food parc~s to Jews.in concentration. camps 1n Terezeristat, Birkeriaw in CzeohoSlo~ and other camps. /... {''. :::.. :. ) ' The War Refugee Board recommends that appropriate Treasury..... l licenses and other necessary documents be' f~sued ; _.; '- l" of the project contemplated il'l the letter described above, permitting the execution,r Action: Date: ~ "--" For the War tefu~;ee noarc1 Basic license No, V/ is sued. x.. Remittance License No, ~ NX,6l75B6 issued M~arch 30.. J, Other: Letter No, 5930t- dated March 31, 1944 '.. MAR 3 l L ion Officer. : r- Foreign Fund~ 9oWtl;:qi...

44 'l'oa t will bg appreciated if y~ will have the: attached cable deap~tchad nt. once to Rnbbi Vfilhlillin Wolbe;, U Oletsgatten st., _stookholra,.t'ran Rabbi.Abrahain Ksl.mimcwita ot' tho Vaal} uarn.tzaln ~!Jrger.cy Connuttee, and bill tho- Nand Hahatealn ~lllergollfiy Co.mmitt0e, 1.32 Nassau Street, Nuvr Ytlrk 7, NoY., fo1 the - cost of the message n.nd any mr~wer th~x ato.1 ) l~ r ) ' l-. Attachment..31. 'PHtlab 3/~S/ ;

45 War RefUgee Board T!'!easury Department washington,-, D. o.. Dear friend, Att: Mr. Lesser May e:x:pres.s my '4eepest appreciation for your gt-ac ious reception to llle and for your deep concern in the pj:oblems presented for the rescue of the 'linfortu:riate Jews in Europe,._.. r, '.. /. We enclose copies of our let.ter to Miss Hod e.ll and me s sages to be -~-~-t. by,...y_'! the War Refugee Board. J May ~ ask y'ou to please lend your fullest cooperation to the various requests in the. letter and messages? With deepest appreciation,. ' 1 \\. \/-,. \_.,r. ~,., ~AAD Very respectfully your~, HAHAT.z.Ai.A EMERG~CY c O.MMT'J,'EE '. AK:r..,.. -_~

46 ~rch Vlar Refugee Boar.d.. 'Treasury. Department " washington~ D. c;. Dear Miss Rodell, Att 1 Miss F. Hodell Muyi express my sincere thanks for your courtesies during our c,onferenoe on Wednesday. We enclose 6\,lr application for the l:icens~ to 'l'angiers and also our messages to M.t"~ Sternbuch and. to nabbi WUh\:ilm.wo:Ll>e in fitockholrn, sweden. ~'!e are certain; that.y:ou wil:l,give these matters your earnest and iminediat... e.. att'ent1oii. (:".. May we o.slc you also t/gitre your early -attention to the matter ofjthe license for the $100,000 fo~ Which. we Pi.ad.~ 1 ;appl1cat1o:q~.. t e~~mld ba made in the :ruuiu:t ot vaad.hahatzale: Elliergenoy collilllittee, 132 ll"b&sau st. Will you please allvise us if we oan eejid a message to Rabbi Wilhelm WolbEl 1n the same text as the cable which yo\1 peru4 tted us to pend to - saac stornbuoh about the $50,000 to. Shanghai? The inatter of san salvador is so vita that we allow ourselves to again broach :l;he s\llf.jeot to 1nqu ire. if tt~.e San,.Salvador government ~-ha o. alrealiy. informed the Swiss government ttat it recognizes the doouqente issued. May we ask whe;,ther it is. ~. f ~- --

47 . ~ possible frf;r our government to advise the SWiss government that a5surances have been received from the san salvador government in this respect. May again assure you that it is with every feeling of tha.nkf'ulness and deep appreciation that we reoe1ve every offer of c oopet'ation given by you;. Very sincerely yours, ; Vlu\D HARN'6AL. '.1:ERGENCY COl.lMTTEE AK1r Rabbi Abr~ham Kalmanowitz

48 }.,"arch 17, 1944 We herewith apply for a license to pa.y the sum of ~>3, to Jacob So Cohen of 366 BrotlilWSi t New York City, for the account of h!s brother, Aaron s. Cohen whose address is Balle Tetuan, l7,!n To.ng!ere, Morocco. n conjunction with license, a cable shouls. be porm1tte4 to go from said Jacob s. Cohen to Aaron s. Oohen in Tangiers instructing him to pay said ~z,ooo.oo to pur committee in Tangiers headed by Renee Reichman, 25 Rue Yoliore, and to be uaed by her and the committee :t.'or trans port of food parcels to Jews in concentration oamps in Terezens tat', B1rkenow in C~eohoelovakln lu1 d other camps. Permiesion :for transport ot said lite-saving food parcels has been sranted by lcoal authorities. ~\ -~ VAAD H.RATZALA EMEHGENCY OQMJ.AJTTEE.A--; f ~~/ :3. ~ i,i...

49 -~ 't/ 'l March Message to be transmitted to eaao sternbuch 8 Teufenar Straaso st. Gallen, ~:>wit zerland l Greatly concerned fnta Uthuani~m Jews.- Do everything possible to save max1l1lulll number especially great religious leaders stop Take all available addresses from Botoko, ~is, Erlanger end others stop Concerning san Satvador assurances reoeivt:ld government h'onot' <looumants stop oonwlt Griffel ln 'l'urkey _about all phases rescue work sand him money fbr. roacue if 1 e quire d. Expand rescue work in evory way. G1 ve u8 concrete plana ani money will be no object, Advise if reoel ved answer from sho.naba1. Please send periodic reports on all phases o t rescue program. VAAD HlflATZALP. gj:ll~!lgency COMMTTEE J

50 ,, / (Emergency Committee for Refugee Scholars, Yeslzivoth, Rabbis and Communal Leaderft) _1.32 NASSAU STREET {ROOM 819) NEW YORK 7, N.Y. lr' \ PHONE RECTOR ~ March 17, 1944 ~ j - We herewith apply 1'0r a l1c}ense to pay the sum of $5, to Jacob s. Cohen of :366 Breaiw~, New York City, for the account of his brother, Aaron s. cdhen whose aiiress is Balle Tetuan., 17, in Tangiers, Morocco. n conjunction with license, a cable shouli be permittei to go from sa14 Jacob s. Cohen to Aaron s. Cohen in Tangiers instructing him to pay saii $:3, to our.9ommittee in Tangiers headed by Renee Reichman, 25 Rue Moliere, an4 to be -qs ed by< her and the committee for transport of fo6d parcels to Jews in concentration camps in Terezens tat, B1rkenow in czebhoslove.kia and other camps. Permission for transport of said life~saving food parcels has been granted by local authorities. \.. l,.- ~ l! -.,

51 EXECUTVE OFFCE OF THE PRESDENT WAR REFUGEE BOARD NTER-OFFCE COMMUNCA!LON ' / To : Files FROM: ;.,,r. Parke SU.DJE:C'r: Request For License By Va_ad _Hai1atzala Er,18rE;ency Cor::mitte e To Pay <?3,000 To Jacob S. Cohen, Hew York City ~~or Account Of Aaron S. Cohen, Tangiers R2,bbi Kalmanowi tz ex-plaineci ti1at the renson for the offset transaction set forth in the Corurtittee 1 s letter of Earch 17, l9l-4-, lies in the fact that A8.ron S. Cohen in Tangiers will vay a l1igher rate of exchange for dollars in the United States than could be obtained from a bank in Tangiers if a remittance were nade curect, He st<''.ted the.t in all likelihood..._. S)anish currency would be maue available to J,irs. Reichman in Tangiers. Tl:)is money would be utilized by her for the purchase of food pb.cllages. in Tangiers for shipment to Jews in con..,. centr ation camps in Czechoslovakia,.f -

52 [.1'1lea March 28, 1944 SUBJECT: Mr.!'arke Request For License By Vaad Hanatzala,Emergener Committee lfo Pay $3,000 'lo Jacob s. Qohen, liew ork Q1ty For Aooount or Aarons. aohen, fang1ers Rabbi Killmanowi tz. explained ihat the reason for the offset transaction set forth in the Qommittee s letter of March 17, 1944, lies in the fact th6t Aaron s. Cohen ln!anglers will pay a higher rate of exchange for dollars in the United States than could be obtained from a bank 1n Tangiers if a remittance were made direct. He stated that in all likelihood --.. Spanish ourrenqt would be made available to Mrs. Reichman in!anglers.!his money would be utilized by her for the purchase of food packages in Tangiers for shipment to Jews 1n concentration camps in Ozeohoslovak1a. R.- B. Parke

53 March 14, 1944 MEMORANDUM ]}or THE FLES ' ; called Mr. Schoen' of the vaad"hahatzala for an explanation of the proposed message to Renee Rei~~ma~( in Tangiers. Mr. Schoen explained that a Mr. oreenwald in New York recently received a letter fr,em ME's. Reichman, the wife of a wealthy businessman in Tangiers, advising Greenwald that food parcels had been sent from Tangiers to Jewish internees in Thereisenstadt and that written receipts for the packages had been received in Tangiers. The purpose of the proposed message is to get information concerning a possible expansion of the small program which ME's. Reichman has reported to Greenwald. Mr. Schoen stated that there is no intention to arrange for food packages to be sent from this country to Tangiers; that it is clearly understood that the food parcels will be sent from - Tangiers and that the Vaad Hahatzala will merely finance the scheme, While they have no information ccncerning the possibility of sending food parcels to Poland and Lithuania, the Vaad Hahatzala hopes that this message will indicate their interest in these areas, and that if Mrs, Reichman has any information concerning Poland and Lithuania, she will report to the Vaad Hahatzala here! They also deslre that the American Legation in Tangiers be fully advised of the - proposal and, for _that reason, they have suggested t,hat Mrs. Reichman contact the American Legation and send any reply_~o the message through the Legation. F. Hodel

54 !Ulrch 14, 1944 Yr MORAND!Jli F'.:lR 'l'he FLES *.. called Mr. Schoon oi' the Vaad Hahpt.zala i'or an.explll.natian of the proposed message to Renee Reichman in Tangiers. :Yr. Schoen explained that a Jtr. Greenwald in New o~ recently raeeived a letter from Ure. Rei~, the Wif~ of a weal~bf businessman in Tfillgiers, advising Gret~Pwal.~ that food parcels had been. sent from Tangiers to Jewleh internees in 'l'herttiflenat.adt and that written receipts for the packages had been received in Tangiers. The purpose of. the proposad message is to get int'ol'lll!ltion concerning a possible expaneion ot the small prof!rm which Mrs. Reicnmanhas reported to GreMwald. Mr.. Schoen stated that there it!! no intention to arrange for t'ood packages to be sent from this oountcy to TangiersJ tho.t ito is clearly understood that the food parcels will be sent from Tangiers and that. the vaad Uahat.111ala~ 'Will merely.finance the sqhene. While they have no ini'ol'lllation cmceming the posa1bil1t.y of sendi.ng food parcels to Poland Md Lithueniat the Vaad Hahatwa hopes that this message will indicate tbeir interest in thesg arena, and that if!irs Reichman has eny in:t'orm!ltion concerning Poland and Lithuania, she will report/to tho Vaad Hahat~a hera ThQt also desire that the American Lega~ion in tangi~s ba tully advised or tba proposal and, for that S"easoil they hsvo euggeeted that lfrs. Reichman contac~ the Alllarican Legation an.d send any reply to the message through' tho.egation. ' ' l F. Hodel r-.

55 -;f ilil.,~. fl HfJTZfi-Lfl (Emergency Cot1rmittee /or Refugee 'Scholars, Yeshivoth, Rabbis atld Commtmal Leaders) 132 NASSAU STREET.{ROOM 819) NEW YORK 7, N.Y. Honorable John w. Pehle Director, War RefugeeBoard Treasury Department Washington, D. o. Honorable Sir: A.tt: Miss f. Rodell We would greatly appreciate if the War Refugee Board would racili tate the dispatch of the enclosed messages pertinent to possible rescue action in the spheres designated. n reference to the cable in Tangiers, may we inquire whether it will be possible for us to - cable to Mrs. Reichman a list of several hundred in to whom parcels could be sent and whose addresses she may not_ have. With our devoted appreciation, Lithuania very re spect tully yours, VAA.D HA.H.ATZALA ~MERGENCY COMMTTEE ~- AK:r ~~74>- Rabbi Ab~ham Kalmanowit~ --

56 TZfiLfl (Emergency Committee lor Refugee Scholars, Yeshivoth, Rabbis atld Communal Leaders) 132 NASSAU STREET (ROOM 819) '--:,> NEW YORK 7, N.Y. PHONE RECTOR ,Message to: Renee Reichman' 25 Rue Moliere Tangiers, Morocco Greenwald rec_eived your letter detailing possibilities send food' parcels to Jews' inighettos.stop we guarantee payment send immediately parcels to all possible in ghettos of Slovakia, Poland, Lithuani~. elsewhere stop l. Will send additional funds necessary expansion such -work. Our committee anxious know full details how many parcels can be sent and monthly sum necessary also if you have addresses. Contact American Legation ~anglers consult send reply via Legation Vaad Hahatzla Enargenoy Committee Rabbi Abraham Kalmanowitz Stephen Klein -~....-~. --~---J


58 .. For attachment to: FFC Letter No: - ~ Date: Se,ttsllu Project No.: TO: FRC!!: Liaison Offi(ler, Foreign Funds Control War Refugee Board S'Ul>ject: Belt~ to lewiqh retugeq ~ Qai0h0slolak1a tnd ~ ~. '.. THere is transmitted herewith a copy of a SiU!iJ\iiidt cable ~~- ~ 4a:~ell Sept«~$ ~~ ~ ~J. dealing with. dellv&l.'l ot :to~d parcels to J'f!WS 1.11 ocmoentht1on CeiJ.Pil 111 ~. :.j ' Vaal BabatRla ba8 advised tbat thtv have not "l.ll yet been able to l!lllm the radttanoe euthql'lssed by»t The War Refugee Board recommends that appropriate Treasur,y licenses and other necessary documents be issued permitting the execution of the project contemplated in the letter described above, '/'. ~' Remarks: (1) E&tond wr 64764'' (2) aund n to snctut H~ 1n addimon to azechos~a.... -~ Fo1 tf~- Refugee Boord Action: Basic license No. W- issued -!- Remittance license No. ~ NY issued Oo~. Other: f Dates October 5, 1944 f'.~

59 OGT liy 64?643 Ple&Be renov for ona month lljld amond Uoanse issued pursuant to ourte1 September 1, 1944, to include also Jewish refugees in oonoontration onmps in liungary. Stipulation No. C l l Orvio A. Sohmldt Aoting Dlreotor.....xxxxx '101 " SOhurohajth 10 3~44...

60 P \ q.~: H"l. :_fo.w C:f L l..c.gt :;,: -q_;c;,;v ;D / i'.mericon Lecation-" Tangier fiecretary of StAte,. :ashington September 11, 1G44 ~~ 284 '( :!following 1s for.iur nefugce Board. ' ColiTPnt., dj -ll "OP-Y. ( t 10 now stbted by eteichmann that food parcels cannot be sent for Hungary through France ond Switzerland, but she is / attempting to ship through the nternational Red Cross from ~>weden. She will aga1n attenpt to send to Bfrkenau and Theresienstadt but is of the opinion that.tews have been deported frorn ~~atoraljaujhily. 'l'he forcgolr:g hns reference to the Department's cable of - ~ l,..ur;ust 31, :o CHLDS J.'ara}'lhfflse: '\.- \ DGR:V,G~LJ;t.' fj/12/44 DECLASSFED Stnto Dept. Letter, 1-l~ll By R. H. Par'ke Date~

61 SEPJ 1!JH H 'W'suant to application filod d.trectly 1flth this l,_paritaent you are lmroby aut!y.lr11lod to Hume lioonoo to 'iaad Hahntll4ln litnwgenoy 0011\rd.tt.eo, 132 Ua81JAU Street, h"'olf York GS.t1/, p&l'l'3it.tsrla it'to pay to J~tcob S. CQhGn; 366 Broadway, How Y~k City, for acuount of Aarons. ool\qk, Cnlle 'letu.un T~iar, Uorocoo, the Ulllll ot $.5,000 1 «&a1net whiab 1~nt Jnaob 5. Cohan ' to 11aonaed 1 notwitbbtandins Oentll'al. tulit)g Uo. 11, to 1netruot Aaron s. Cohen in fangte.r to l!llllw tho lou!tl otwroouq equivalent availablft to ltonee./ - -,',/ He1oh!san, is Roo &Olior'o, Tanaler, to's' t!w purobllao of food package~ \o bu sent to.joulnh rutugeea tn conc6dt.)."ation OAfi\P8 tn OaeOboelo'fDki& (1Dit1a1e4) o.t.~l _.,...

62 MEMORANDuM For attachment to: TO: Liaison Officer, Foreign Funds Control FROM: War Refugee Board Subject: BeUet to Jft18h ntu&eel a O.eabell.eYalda!" There is transmitted herewith a copy ~dated Auguat fronaq U.ta JJo4el v:::. dealing with ' U.. \l'mlit61' o1 *''' to fibe YM4 Balaa'ula.-epnaentaUq ll,..._ tv ::,r:-o::.:.=,~ to be eat to Ja1a...,..._ a eouea\aticd The War Refugee Board recommends that appropriate Treasury licenses and other necessary documents be issued permitting the execution of the project contemplated in the letter described above. Remarks: Salle tefts8 u H 61"1116. A:::tion: Basic license No. W- issued Remittance license No. NY Other: For the War Refugee Board issued Sept. Date: S P i. '

63 HfiH(-1 (EMERGENCY COMMTTEE) 132 NASSAU STREET!ROOM -819) NEW YORK 7, N. Yr-)- PHONE RECTOR War Refugee Board 'J?rea sury BUilding Washington, JJ, U, Dear ir.i as Ho d3ll, August 25, 1944 Att: :Oiiss F. Rodell -_ We are enclosing a copy of the letter which we received from Mrs. neooe iteichman, our representative in Tangiers. From the contents of this letter, you can see the humane and holy work being done, and we respectfully ask you to expedite the license for $5,000 in stead of $3,000 originally asked for, With deepest appreciation, Very respectfully yours, AKar V AAD HAHATZALA E!,lE:SGENCY C0111!'J?'J?EE._A-,-1( ~- ~ Rabbi Abr~am Kalmanowitz c_~ PlS.- ;1e are also enclosing copy of cable received from Tangiers, To resctle, save a11d preserve from 1Var dfstructio11 tbe Torab values (Yeshivoth, Rabbis, Scbolars at1d Conmumal Leaders) To 11tllize the posslbjlilles f~r resc1le of Buropeatl Jewr; where the.., V a a d H a h a z a a program s especially tueded. --

64 ~ofsmvzce Thfs is a fuj--rate Telegtam oi- Cab1~ rer:d d:~~ct!~ls t: dlcat~.d by a suitable symbol above or preceding the address. f. BY DRECT WlRE FR()M WES_T-ER~ UN : ro,n 1223 _---.- NEWco_MB:_~cARL,.. fon...1. C. WLLEV~R \,CHARMAN of THE SOARD FRST VCE PRESDENT. -. t... LC~pcr~~.Cal!ie-~. ~.,.. NLT":'a.bl~N~t~ Sb!P~ ~m :: The filing time shown "in the date line on telegrams and dax letters is ST~D~~. T_~ at P~?t of ~rigin. Ti:~: of receipt is ~~~~~D ~~~:Eat point of destin~tio_n NS 312 NTL PZNY TANGD V4 CDMMERCAL 110/105 1/50 Aug 4 _ ~ ~lli...., SULLVAN PLACE BROOKLYN N Y ;:::N 3::::S S::E:~:T:E::E~,::N::::S:V:::S T,:::N;~::E::~:A:O:;: ~.... '. - ' VENE NTERREDCRf'SS GENM STOP FNANCLLsrt,;W:~ ~'tknshed }JEE STOP NTERREDC]:'\O_SS \.. ::""''.''..... '.....' ~ ' ' ' -t_. NFORMED BY ADMRAl;. HORTY 1ST CHLDREN tmder ELEVEN YEARS CAN LJl:AVE. 2ND: JEWS OF EVERY AGE OBrAN PERMSSON TO LEAVE H' N P6SSESSON. 0.1!' PALEJSTNECERTili'lCATE... THE - ALREADY..- '.'f N OONCENTRATONCAMPS WLL BE OONSDER~- a~jj REDCROSS WLL BE l'd~t~d TO lllillp~jmvs ~, ". :. '>,. ' ~..' -.., ;" L'.~-.-~ ~: N CONCENTRATONCAMPS STOP REQUEST VAADHAHATZALA 'O PA.'Y LARGE SUPPLY PARCELS FOR',,;..:;...--:,.::-!',.., ~,./ ~. - \.... HUNGARY EXCEPTLY BU,DAPEST EVERY ln CONCENTRATONOAMl?S 'RliDN~; fllij OHMAN..,_. - ;.. -, :. --

65 Tanger, July 27, 1944 am seno.1ng you the bill covering the,expenditures made for the r.:onths of June and July for the packa5es which nere sen:t away. did not send you the entire bill as do not think it is re cessary. 1i1oreover d.o not have.all the postal rece il)t s as we do riot pay postc;ge on many packages, however the :::led Gross does get t re se receipts. have also ex9lained this to the American Consul. am sorry that. only have 1305 addresses of Theresiendstadt and burkenau because the censor would not pass the other addresses, but hope thie will soon be rectifiea. Those who are very "choscilolv" sent twice as much, so th,.'rt 1400 p'ackages per month are sent away. '.-Ee also send package~s to those Jews who are in hidi!le; in Belgium, Holland and France. Because these packe.ges do not go throu15h the l1e6. Cross have to pay ti1e postage for them. The ~1ount is not large, it averages 60 to 70 kilograms. have some money left over, as previously told you. send you several recei,.ts covering paid postage. You will note there is one receipt covering 448 packages wi1ich are over two l~iloe::ram, fer which we paid postage~ For one kilogram matzohs we paid 10 peseta, of which seven people divided it into six parts, two of them paid one sixth. ;:onday the American Consul caljred for me ana. told me he had a telegrum from r.ashington requesting information about tl:e packages going to Hungary. told him that we want to send one packc.c;e of good chocolate, because it would not pay to send cheap chocolate sin,e it cost 18 peseta to send one kile besides postage etc. t cost ap~roximately one peseta to send out the package and have received a special rate for this. The post office does not charge me for the v1rappings. only pay for the net weight. They have asked me if we are sure that the packages do not come into strange hgnds. tolo. him that cabled Gyori and Szombathelyi and asked them to ~istribute the packages. Today calbed the same thing to the nternational Red Cross at Geneva. hear that tb.e -Budanest organization distributes tile packages wonderfully.,. n the afternoon the Consul called me again that he had received a c!bl.,e from the \;ar Refucee Board in V/e;.Srlington about the 500 Children They said they woulci do their best. However you people willhave to push it from your side. Returning to the subject of the Hungarian packages, 'iii th the excep.., tion of Budapest almost all the cities in Hungary are isdlated. When we do not have enough money we have to send less. f we had more money we coulci hire a little ship to sail up the Danube. Aaron Cohen gave us the chocols.:t;;e at less than cost. He changed the money at a very high rc..te of exc.1ange. Anyway he contributes.ever_y montt1 a fortune for poor people in Tanger. Always-give him the money. The smallest ship which could leave would be seven tons (Waggon). would naturally work-out with the largest importer. That i -; -~

66 -~ - ~ 0 The last small bill of 455 Kilogram chocolate received Friday. froni Jv:r. Co he. He charged it for l?. He says he does not have 1 f.; much chocolate now. ho;,:je to be able to obtain permission to seni away sar~in~s, dough, a~onds andhalf kilof?ram_packages.of \:utter.} '3ecause 1t 1s very nourlshint? _,.a_nt to seno. thrs.theres~~nstadt md\' Burkenau. hope to send thl s 1n August. rece1 ve saro.lije s from. Lisbon. Renee Reichmann.f

67 :t: V.H.E. C. 132 NASSAU STREET Suite NEW YOR~ 7; N: Y, u:. "' \0 "" q: r'vj or ::'\!( -. -:_') =>.,.. "'1" b..., f'r\1 ~ spec' A L 0 E.ll v E RV~,SP!i.:!.l='EO~AL~DEf,~.!.!O!!VERY~ Att a Miss :F. Hodell Wsr Refugee ~osrd - Tr~asur.r Buitding :::washington, D;. O/::-:-'. -- ;.; '..... \... '-~- :~~--~- -":... (.._;,:_~,,,_ " - ~ - -- ~-~-~ =----~-'-'---...:...~---" --~~"''~:.:..,:_;,;.. fri:~~1... ~-.

68 132.NASSAU STREET (ROOM 81~)---:,. NEW YORK 7, N: Y; PHoNE REcToR 2-423!1 August 18, 1944 war Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington, D. C, Dear Miss Hodell, Att 1 Miss l!', RODELL We herewith respectfully apply for a Federal License permitting us to pay the sum of $3000 to Jacob 5, Cohen, 366 Broadway, New York City for the account_of Aaron 5, Oohen, Calle Tetuan 17, Tangiers Morocoo, against which payment Aaron s. Oohen is to make the equivalent available to Mrs, Renee heichman, 25 Rue Moliere, Tangiers MoroQoo, to -be used by her for the purchase of food parcels to be sent to Jews in concentration camps in Uzeohoslovakia fsuw. HungaryV Very res:r:ectfully yours, VAAD HAHATZALA EMERGENCY OOMMTTEE AK:r A.-;Vdn~ U-,/-~ Rabbi.Ab\aham Kaibmanowi tz c/.f i r- To rescue, save anj preserve jro111 war destructiou the Torah values (YesiJ/votiJ, Rabbf!, Scbolars and Communal Leadm) 1To utilize tbe PoSbl/11/es for rescue of EttropeatJ Jewry wbere tbe V o o d H a h a z a a program s especially 11eedeJ....

69 ---: ~ ' V.H.E.C. 132 NASSAU STREET Suite NEW YORK 7, N.Y. ~ 0 ' ('.., ~ 0'1, "'1: "<t' m "0 "" ~ ~ War Refugee.lloard Treasur,r Building SPECAL DELVERY... _. wash~n_gton, V. Q ---~~---

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