Adventurers with Jesus 2 ND Quarter 2018

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1 Adventurers with Jesus 2 ND Quarter 2018 Lesson 1 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 6. Bible Quiz: Multiple Choice Underline the word that makes the sentence true. 1. The stone had been (rolled, taken, blown) away. 2. The women became (happy, sad, terrified) when they first saw the angels in the tomb. 3. Peter (ran, walked, crawled) to Jesus tomb to see what had happened. 4. Jesus appeared to, talked with, and walked with (twelve, four, two) of His followers. 5. Jesus appeared to (Paul, Timothy, Peter). When Jesus came to Earth and died for our sins, He didn t only do it because He wanted to forgive our sins. He had a greater motive than that. Jesus died so that we could inherit eternal life. Eternal life means just what it sounds like, living forever. So, does this mean we will live forever in this life? No. But it does mean that we will be allowed to live forever in heaven with God. In a few sentences below, explain why you believe that God wants to give us eternal life: Everyone either goes to heaven or hell when they die. We have the opportunity to follow Jesus and believe that He was the Son of God who rose from the dead to save us from our sins. If we do not believe this, then we take on the burden of paying for our sins forever in a terrible place instead of enjoying peace with God in heaven. The decision is yours. What will you choose?

2 Lesson 2 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 10. Bible Quiz: Crossword Across 3. What the disciples were doing 5. The Man on the shore Down 1. What Jesus cooked for the disciples 2. The disciple whom Jesus loved 4. The disciple who swam to Jesus Jesus taught in many different ways. He was very wise because He taught different people with different methods that matched their individual learning styles. For instance, Jesus taught many times using parables, which are like stories that didn t actually happen but that help give an example of the point of His teaching. The disciples even asked Jesus, in Matthew 13, why He taught using parables. Jesus also taught by using the Old Testament Scriptures, helping those to whom He was preaching to understand the meaning of some of the passages. In the space below, write your reasons for why you think Jesus taught in parables. Look in Matthew 13 for Jesus answer!

3 Lesson 3 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 14. Bible Quiz: Short Answer Questions Answer the following questions: 1. What did Jesus mean when He told Peter, Feed my sheep? 2. Why did Jesus ask Peter three times whether or not he loved Him? 3. What did Jesus say about Peter s future ministry? 4. Which disciple did Peter ask about regarding his loyalty to Jesus? 5. What did John have to say about the things that Jesus did while He was here on Earth? Peter was one of the most influential disciples that Jesus called. Matthew 4:18 is the first encounter we have with Peter in the Bible. Peter was a passionate man who loved Jesus very much. When Jesus was being arrested, Peter tried to defend Jesus by cutting off one of the guard s ears, which would certainly mean death. But Jesus healed the man s ear and reprimanded Peter for his actions. But Peter wasn t without his flaws. That same weekend that Jesus was arrested, Peter was asked three different times whether or not he knew Jesus. All three times, he denied having any association with Jesus because he would have been in big trouble. After Jesus resurrection and ascension into heaven, Peter helped advance the ministry that Jesus had left behind. Look through the New Testament and find some things that Peter did for God s Kingdom. In the space below, write down ways that you could model your life and ministry to others like Peter did. In other words, how can you live out what you believe so others can see and do the same?

4 Lesson 4 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 18. Bible Quiz: True or False Circle the letter T if the statement is true or the letter F if the statement is false. T F 1. Matthew was the one who received God s vision. T F 2. Around God s throne is a rainbow that looks like an emerald. T F 3. The throne was silent and nothing came from it. T F 4. In front of the throne, there is something like a sea of pearls. T F 5. There are twenty-four other thrones for elders. The John who wrote Revelation was the same John who wrote the book of John. He was a disciple of Jesus. After Jesus death, John was sentenced by Rome to be exiled on an island called Patmos because of his faith. It was on this island that John received this vision. The book of Revelation sounds nothing short of a sci-fi movie in many places. John writes about things that even he has a hard time describing because of their beauty and holiness. In this book, John writes about heaven and about the end of time and all things to come. Based on what you read today, why do you think the book of Revelation is important? Use the space below to write your answer.

5 Lesson 5 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 22. Bible Quiz: Word Search Find the following words in the word search puzzle: ANGELS, KINGDOM, LAMB, SAINTS, WORSHIP. F D W F S Z P A G Y L I M X E J W O R S H I P N A Q G E L H T Q I W J U G H M G Y C N C W M H M Y N M D B O E E F J C K D O L O L C C H N A A L O O K J F Y U W Z Y W V E V I S S E U C J A T Y T D T E V Y O A B G Q V R K L S J S N X M R I H Q G C C I Z N Z K V O T D N O X G W D D A N K T D C S X T G W T B J Z G D L G G I I X S B O D I Q O B F N E P L P K S R M J S N O K I U U O J D D J K Y L S E O K W V Q Y V V L M Q S H S S D A U D G B U Z Q L J You can probably tell from today s lesson that worship is a very important part of having a relationship with the Lord. There is not one right or wrong way to worship God. As long as what we are doing to honor Him gives Him glory, then we shouldn t worry about what others think about our worship. Maybe you worship best when you are by yourself or singing in the car. Maybe you worship best by praying out loud when you are walking to class. Whatever it is that we do to worship, we should remember that worship is what we will be doing forever and ever in heaven with the rest of God s people. In the space below, write down ways that you like to worship. Are there any unique ways that you can think of to give God glory?

6 Lesson 6 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 26. Bible Quiz: Multiple Choice Underline the word that makes the sentence true. 1. The Israelites gave with a (hateful, willing, remorseful) heart. 2. The Israelites brought their (least, cool, best) possessions to give. 3. The (tabernacle, synagogue, church) was being decorated. 4. We should not give (reluctantly, generously, lovingly) back to God. 5. The one who sows (foolishly, angrily, bountifully) will be blessed. The tabernacle very sacred to the people. The tabernacle was the first thing that the people put together to worship God after He rescued and freed them from the Egyptians. When the people were wandering in the desert after their escape, they needed a place where they could worship God and make offerings and sacrifices to Him. So, God gave them instructions for how to build a place where His presence would always be. There were different rooms for different things. The interesting thing about the tabernacle is that it could be taken down and reassembled anywhere. The people needed this because they were nomadic, which means that they never stayed in the same place for a long time. Once the construction was complete, we see the people giving back to God to decorate His tabernacle. In the space below, briefly describe ways that you could help your church, and give back to it, without giving actual money.

7 Lesson 7 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 30. Bible Quiz: Crossword Across 2. The One we should give back to 3. Where giving to God ranks for us 5. The animal God wanted to be sacrificed Down 1. The leader of the Israelites 4. God's people It may seem easy to discredit this story as being too old because it talks about Israel giving back to God actual animals or a part of their harvest. But you should also know that it is your responsibility as a Christian to be able to apply these types of lessons and commands to today s world. Back when this was written, the only type of income that most of these people had was their harvest. A harvest is a time when all of the plants and crops have fully grown and are ready to be collected. This can be a strange concept to us, but we have a harvest, too. Every time you get paid, or someone gives you money, this is your harvest. You are collecting something that God has given you. So, it is your responsibility to give back to God, just as the Israelites did. When do you think your next harvest will be? In the space below, write out ways that you can give back to God some of the things that He has given you.

8 Lesson 8 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 34. Bible Quiz: Short Answer Questions Answer the following questions: 1. How many days were the people supposed to work? 2. What was the Year of Jubilee? 3. After the sixth year, what were the people supposed to do? 4. During the Year of Jubilee, where were the people supposed to go? 5. Why was the Year of Jubilee important to God? God has given us every single thing that we have, even the air that we breathe. He wants us to be the caretakers of His creation. He gives us things, and depending on how responsible we are with them, He will give us more. Because God knows His creation, He also knows how to take care of it. When God gives us something, He doesn t want us to overuse it, whether that be a job, money, or land. Some people work more than they should, and some spend more than they should. Regardless, everything we have should be used in moderation or it will get ruined. Conserving what we have, like saving money or using our time wisely, means that we are being good stewards with God s things. How can you be better at conserving your money or time? What are some things you need to work on? Are you too busy? Do you spend all of your money as soon as you get it? In the space below, write down your thoughts.

9 Lesson 9 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 38. Bible Quiz: Word Search Find the following words in the word search puzzle: BLESS, FAITHFUL, MERCIFUL, SAVED, SOUL. R X F M R Y M D W C Z W B B P L T V H R L B C F F R L L R K H T K G O T S D C W F E U D P B U E L X H Z M L W S U P O O W Z Z C H X O U E S B Z G W S M H D C O V F B F R L Z D X Z F Z T Y S K U A Y L C P W X N A U C V W Q Q O F L X I W C M I T P D X I T L Z F U P F U Y T J U T T E Y U K C M N P U Q H Z X C M L U V L M D M O Z L F E Z P W Y R N E C J N L U X U B H D T J D N C Z K N V S U L D E V A S X H S V U Q Y V H E S T D C R R W N Z L X N M H Proverbs 9:10 says that to fear the Lord is to be wise. But what does it mean to fear the Lord? Should we walk around scared that God is going to hurt or attack us? Of course not. In fact, it means quite the opposite. When we fear the Lord, we fear that if we step outside of what He wants for us and His rules, then we are putting ourselves in a bad place that will eventually lead to failure. God only wants what is best for us, so we should fear Him because He is powerful. It is similar to obeying your parents because you are scared of the punishment of doing wrong against them. What are some ways that you can fear the Lord? How might you change your daily routine to do His will over your own? In the space below, write out your ideas.

10 Lesson 10 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 42. Bible Quiz: True or False Circle the letter T if the statement is true or the letter F if the statement is false. T F 1. The Pharisees were accusing Jesus of sinning. T F 2. The disciples plucked the grain because they were hungry. T F 3. God only wants us to follow the rules and not care for others needs. T F 4. Jesus says that we are valued more than possessions. T F 5. The Pharisees loved Jesus. It is interesting to think about where mercy comes from. Mercy was created by God after man sinned for the first time. There was a need for mercy because without it, all would be lost. The story of the Bible is about Jesus. Every book points toward His life. The story of Jesus is about mercy and grace for us. So, that means that the whole Bible is a book of mercy. But what does real mercy look like? At its core, mercy is giving someone forgiveness and grace, even if he or she does not deserve it. To give mercy is to give something that the other person receiving it can t give themselves. Because we have been given mercy, we should give it to others. When others do wrong against us, it is natural to react in selfdefense and want to get back at them. But if we have mercy on them, then we are showing them forgiveness. Why do you think it is important to have mercy on others? In the space below, write down ways that you can show mercy to people in your life.

11 Lesson 11 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 46. Bible Quiz: Multiple Choice Underline the word that makes the sentence true. 1. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is like someone who sowed (bad, good, small) seeds in a field. 2. The good wheat represents (Christians, non-christians, the devil). 3. The (seeds, weeds, wheat) will be saved. 4. The (weeds, servants, farmers) represent non-christians. 5. The master represents (us, God, Matthew). 1 Thessalonians chapter 1 gives us a great understanding of God s place as Judge and how He gives out justice. In our story today, we see that God doesn t care about what someone looks like on the outside; it is what is in the heart that matters. One day, God will right all wrongs, and He will judge all people according to their heart and faith. In our world, there is a lot of corrupt justice and people who do not get the punishments that they deserve. But God sees these, and He handles each of them according to what He knows is right. Look up the first chapter in 1 Thessalonians. In the space below, write down some of the ways God gives justice and mercy.

12 Lesson 12 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 50. Bible Quiz: Short Answer Questions Answer the following questions: 1. Why did the Pharisees not like Jesus? 2. What did the Pharisees accuse Jesus of? 3. Which prophet did Jesus say had prophesied about the Pharisees? 4. What commandment were the Pharisees breaking? 5. Why are forgiveness and mercy more important than tradition? During the time of Jesus, there were two groups of religious leaders, the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They were both Jewish religious leaders, but they had differing beliefs when it came to understanding the Torah, which is the first five books of the Bible. Both hated Jesus because He was taking away many of their Jewish followers. The Pharisees believed that tradition was just as important as God s Law. With this understanding, they were able to impose their own traditions on the people and make a lot of money. Jesus taking their followers meant they were losing money. The Pharisees and Jesus are seen throughout His ministry disagreeing. They believed that by making their own rules, they could be successful. You may know some Pharisees in your own life. In the space below, write down some ways that you can pray for them and talk to them about having a true love for the Lord.

13 Lesson 13 The quiz and NET Check are based on topics found in Today s Lesson Story on page 54. Bible Quiz: True or False Circle the letter T if the statement is true or the letter F if the statement is false. T F 1. The rich man cared about others. T F 2. The poor man was sick with sores. T F 3. After the rich man died, there was no chance for forgiveness. T F 4. Abraham helped the rich man s brothers. T F 5. God cares about how much money we have. When you were younger, you probably learned nursery rhymes or fantasy stories that you loved to read. While these stories seemed just fun for you at the time, they were also helping you learn simple, valuable life lessons. Of course, none of these were true. But you were still able to learn from them. Jesus knew that this method of teaching was effective. So, this is the way that He taught more often than not. These stories are called parables. All throughout Jesus ministry, we see that people came to know Him through this method of teaching. What is your favorite parable? Look through the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke to find them. When you find your favorite, write down in the space below the main lesson of that parable and how you can apply it.

14 Bible Quiz Answer Sheet Lesson rolled 2. terrified 3. ran 4. two 5. Peter Lesson 2. Across: 3. fishing 5. Jesus Down: 1. breakfast 2. John 4. Peter Lesson F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T Lesson willing 2. best 3. tabernacle 4. reluctantly 5. bountifully Lesson 7. Across: 2. God 3. first 5. lamb Down: 1. Moses 4. Israelites Lesson F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.F Lesson good 2. Christians 3. wheat 4. weeds 5. God Lesson F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

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