will give the second in the series on Comparative Religion THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: ITS SOCIAL OUTLOOK

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1 EUCLID A VENUE TEMPLE BULLETIN CLEVELAND, OHIO FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE DECEMBER 17th, 8:15 P. M. RABBI BRICKNER will give the second in the series on Comparative Religion THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: ITS SOCIAL OUTLOOK A DISCUSSION OF THE POSITION OF CATHOLICISM ON: MAR.RIAGE AND INTERMARRIAGE, DIVORCE, EDUCATION, BIRTH CONTROL, INTERFAITH ACIIV.IIIES, THE STATE. OF ISRAEL, ETC The Series on "Other Religions in Relation to Your Own" Continues Next Friday with a Lecture on "Protestantism." December 31: "Judaism." Assisted with the Torah Last Week: Dr. Simon Fuerst and Myron Stanford THE Mo.tIuu.-~al4r;Jtie", SISTERHOOD'S ~fui BelWi.ce.,ad PatjeaHi SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 11:00 A. M. and Presentation of Cook Book Mathe,. and Daughters in the Service: Mr.. Sydney Klein and Patsy, Mrs. Julius Matz and Cynthia; Mrs. Max Broth and Mari!yn, Mrs. Harry Levitt, Alice and Diane (Torah Reader). In the Pageant, " Light the Way of Life," by Brilliant-Braverman: Mesdames Nelson Stern, Jerome Blonder, Harry Shuler, William Behrens, Rudy Miller, Sanford Simon, Arthur Simon, Bernard Krohn and Lloyd Hollander; Gail Simon, Donald Stephen Stern, Karen Blonder, Kahy Krohn, Kenneth Krohn, Roger Miller, Susan Kaufman, Roger Gilbert, Nancy Gilford, Gerald Praver, William Weinberger, and Marilyn Marsh. Mrs. Donald Palay, Direclor Co-Chairmen: Mrs. Louis Cart and Mrs. Harald Kahn Vol. XXVIII Cleveland, Ohio, December 17, Kislev IS, 5709 No.8

2 Page Two THE EUCLID AVENUE TEMPLE EUCLID AVENUE TEMPLE BULLETIN Published Week~ from Oct. to May at S. E. Cor. Euclid Ave. and E. 82nd St. Cleveland 3. Ohio CEdar Subscription SOC per Annum. Affiliated with the Union of American R.br... Congregation. SARNm R. BRICKNER, Rabbi SAMUEL M. SILVER, Assistant Rabbi and Editor LIB.IE L. BRAVERMAN, Educational Director BERNARD I. PINCUS, Executive Secretary Residence: RA Entered as second class matter. April 9th. 19U at the P ost O ffice. Cleveland. Ohio under the Act of Ma rch 3rd SUGGESTED BOOK GIFTS FOR CHANUKAH ("Chanukah" means dedication. It also means "education". That is why Jewish Book Month takes place during this month when the festival occurs. No better Chanukah gift could be given than one of the excellent Jewish books which have recently appeared. Herewith is a list of some of the Jewish books in English which have been published during This annotated list was compiled by the Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education, to whom thanks is extended fa r permission to reprint.) BIBLE Goldman, Solomon. "The Book of Books." $3.50. New York, Harper Brothers, This volume evaluates the Hebrew Bible, the impress it has made on the mind of Western man, and the extent to which it has affected our entire civilization. BIOGRAPHY Mann, Thomas. "Joseph and His Brothers." Translated by H. T. Lowe-Porter. $5.00. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, Based on the familiar Bible story of Jacob, Esau, Isaac, Rachel, and Joseph,. elaborated and enriched by details that present the culture and primitive life of Biblical times, and by vivid characterization of the leading figures. A new onevolumv edition of the four books in the "Joseph Series." Roth, Cecil. "The House of Nasi." (Nona Gracia) $3.00. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society, The first full length biography of one of the greatest Jewish personalities of the 16th century. JUDAISM Agnon, S. Y. " Days of Awe." $3.50. New York, Schocken Books Inc., A treasury of traditions, legends, and commentaries concerning Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom Kippur and the Days of Penitence. Baeck, Leo. "The Essence of Judaism." $3.75. New York. Schocken Books Inc., Revised edition. A standard work on Jewish religious philosophy. Cohon, Samuel S. "Judaism- A Way of Life." $2.75. Cincinnati, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Describes Judaism in its many phases, as religious living, ethical experience, social justice, prayer, love and learning, worship, self-discipline, repentance and atonement. Kaplan, Mordecai M. "The Future of the American Jew." $6.00. Chicago, Ill., MacMillan Co., A deeply searching interpretation of modern American Judaism. Parkes, James. "Judaism and Christianity." $3.50. Chicago, Ill., University of Chicago Press, An appeal to understanding of the fact that both religions offer a relevant answer to the miseries of our times. MISCELLANEOUS Buber, Martin. "Tales of the Hasidim." $3.75. New York, Schock en Books Inc., The Later Masters. Ribalow, Harold U. "The Jew in American Sports." $3.00. New York, Bloch Publishing Co., The first detailed account of Jewish "highlights" in the <field of all American sports. With an introduction by Barney Ross. Szyk, Arthur. "Ten Commandments." $5.00. New York, J. C. Winston Co., '1948. The "Ten Commandments" beautifully illustrated in color. PALESTINE AND ZIONISM Eliot, George Fielding. "Hate, Hope, and High Explosives." $2.75. Indianapolis, Indiana, Bobbs-Merrill Co., A report of the Middle East. Garcia-Granados, Jorge. "The Birth of Israel." $3.00. New York, Alfred A. Knopf Co., The exciting narrative of what happened behind the scenes in Palestine and at Lake Success. Gruber, Ruth. "Destination Palestine." $2.50. New York, A. A. Wyn Publishers, The story of the Haganah Ship, Exodus Illustrated. "Palestine Land of Israe1." $5.00. Chicago, Ill., Ziff-Davis Co., A collection of 150 superb photographs by Herbert S. Sonnenfeld, a noted camera artist, with an introduction by Pierre van Paassen. (Continued on Page 6)

3 THE EUCLID A VENUE TEMPLE Page Three!1n JOiffuL Gommemoration of LIs [fortietk 0 nniversarlj The Euclid Avenue Temple Sisl:erhood Announces the Publication of a COOK BOOK * A 224-Page Cloth Bound Volume with Hundreds of Signed Recipes Submitted by, Its Members. With Dozens of Beautiful, Hand-Drawn Illustrations. * Arne.d can. Djshes.and Jewish Delicacies. * A Special Section of Sabbath and Holyday Dishes, Including Texts of Prayers and Instructions for Home Observances. * A Foreword by Rabbi Brickner. You Owe it to Your Shelf to Acquire this Valuable Book An Ideal Chanukah. Wedding. Birthday or Anniversary Gift Price: $2.50 ' Publication Date: MOTHER-DAUGHTER DAY Saturday, December 18, 1948 Order Your Copy Now at the Office of the EUCLID AVENUE TEMPLE 8206 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio -- *-- Mo.thelz, -~ aur;jdelz,.f1utcit.eoh In addition to the service. and pageant described on the front page of this bulletin. Mother-Daughter Day this Saturday, Dec. 18th includes a very elegant luncheon in Alumni Hall and will be followed by entertainment in the Auditorium. Every girl will receive a free souvenir and special awards will also be given. Mrs. Wililam Weinberger is in charge of the entertainment program. Tickets at $2.15 each, including tip. are still available through the temple office. but since the attendance must be limited. you are advised to hurry to make your reservation.

4 Page Four THE EUCLID AVENUE ~ TEMPLE Chanukah Comes to the Euclid Avenue Temple CONFIRMATION DEPT. CHANUKAK CANTEEN Dancing, entertainment, a floor show, group singing, and a hot supper, are the attractions of the Chanukah Canteen staged by the Confirmation Department this SUNDAY, DEC. 19th from 3 to E) P. M. in Alumni Hall. All of "Saturday's Children", that is the upper grades, ar~ invited to this festive event, says Phyllis Asquith, head of the Confirmation Council. Mrs. Nathan Wang and Mr. H. Gelfand are the faculty advisors, and the party is supported by the PTA. The committee includes Ruth Landy, Audrey Hinds, Sheldon Sofer, Alice Levitt, Mae Ellen Spilka, Sharon Klein, and Beverly Burk. PTA PROMOTES CHANUKAH SPIRIT The Chanukah Gift Shop, sponsored by the PTA, has on sale holiday articles and books which,are most appropriate for this festival season. The gift shop is open on all temple occasions. The PTA Classroom Mothers are also helping with homeroom Chanukah part.ies. BRICKNERS ENTERTAIN COLLEGE SUDENTS Rabbi and Mrs. Brickner cordially invite college students to the annual tea in their honor TUESDAY, DEC_ 28th, 3 p. m. at Parkland Drive. Parents are asked to phone the temple office, so invitations may be sent directly to the students. MEN'S CLUB GIVE MENORAHS Every first grade pupil of the Religious School will receive a beautiful Menorah as the Chanukah gift of our Men's Club. A committee, under the direction of President Sol Battler, will make distribution this Sunday. YPC PARTY FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN Even pre-school children will celebrate Chanukah this year. A committee of the Young People's Congregation, headed by Mrs. Eugene Bondy, is preparing a party for children from 3 to 5 to be held in Alumni Hall Sunday, January 2nd, 1949, 3:30 p. m. Members of the Young People's Congregation who desire to bring their youngsters to this party MUST notify Mrs. Bondy or the Temple Office before Dec. 29th. CANDLES AND DRA YDLACH ARE SISTERHOOD GIFTS For many years the Sisterhood has given a box of Chanukah candles to every family represented in the school. This year, the good ladies have added a plastic draydel as their gift to every student. Many thanks! Through its Tuesday sewing sessions, the Sisterhood has provided lovely articles which will make suitable Chanukah gifts. Be sure to see the Sisterhood display for your gifts. ALUMNI HOMECOMING DANCE, - DECEMBER 29th On the Fourth Night of Chanukah, Wednesday, December 2~th, 8:30 p. m., the Alumni Association presents a Homecoming Dance and Holiday Celebration. The affair will be gratis to members; non-members are invited for a nominal fee. RABBI BRICKNER CONTINUES RELIGION--SERIES A large congregation last Friday night heard Rabbi Brickner give the first of a series of sermons on Compar.ative Religion. Because of the extensiveness of the subject, the discussion of "Roman Catholicism" will be continued this Friday night, with a treatment of the Church's attitude toward social relationships, Church and State, the State of Israel, etc. Subsequent talks will deal with "Protestantism" (Dec.. 24), and "Judaism" (Dec. 31). CONGRATULATIONS To Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wodicka on the birth of a grandson, Ronald Edmond Israel in Akron, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen on the marriage of their daughter, RoseIin to Paul Klein. To Nathan Loeser on the birth of a grandson Kenneth Paul Freiberg in San Francisco. To L. B. Spanner on the birth of a granddaughter, Cathy Siegelman. To Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Rose on the birth of a grandson, Howard Mark Kesselman, in Milwaukee. AVOID CARNEGIE Here is a suggestion for those who motor to the Temple from the Heights: A void Carnegie A venue. Try Cedar or Woodland instead.

5 c- THE EUCLID AVENUE TEMPLE Page l"ive IT'S A HOLIDAY! IT'S A BIRTHDAY! (!)UII. IO:l.n.J.,(/n.n.ual MeeiiHfj ;0.1...the eo.~9'le9aiton and on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 8:15 P. M. The ~ntire Family Will Enjoy the Lighting of the First Candle; the Chanukah Pageant-Concert by the Choir; the Reception in Honor of Our New Members. Marvin Laronge, Chairman QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT CHANUKAH Q. What does the word Chanukah mean? A. Dedication. Q. Why was the holiday given this name? A. Because it commemorates the rededication of the Temple after its pollution by the Syrians. Q. Which Syrians? A. The forces of King Antiochu& Epiphanes. Q. Who was he? A. He was the heir to one-third of the kingdom of Alexander the Great. Q. What was the reason for his hostility to the Jews? A. Their refusal to adopt the Greek religion and way of life. Q. Why did a Syrian insist upon the impostion of a Greek way of life? A. Although Syrian by nationality, Antiochus had been Grecianized. Greek culture in his day had descended from its lofty Platonic idealism and had become deeade.nt, and what Antiochus demanded of the Jews was an abandonment of monotheism in favor of idolatry. Q. Were the Jews able to resist the forces of Antiochus? A. Miracuously enough, yes. But only after a long period of guerilla warfare. Q. Who led the Jewish resistance? A. The insipration came from a religious group known as the Chasidim. Q. Who were they? A. They were ardent devotees of Judaism who were the forerunners of the Talmudic Pharisees. Q. Did they carryon the warfare? A. No. The military leaders were five brothers known as the Maccabees and their father, Mattathias the Hasmonean. Q. What does Maccabee mean? A. The origin of the word is not certain. Some believe it means "hammer"; others believe that the word is made up of the initials of the prayer: Mi Chaw-mo-chaw Bawaylim Adonoy, "Who is like unto Thee, 0 Lord, among the mighty?" Q. What were the names of these brothers? A. The best known of them was Judah. The others were: Simon, Eliezer, Jonathan and Jochanan. Q. Where are these events recorded? A. In the Books of the Maccabees of the Apocrypha. Q. What is that? A. The Apocrypha is a collection of religious books assembled or written after the Bible was completed. Q. When did these events take place? A. About 170 years before the Christian era. Q. Why is Chanukah such an important holiday? A. Because it commemorates the first struggle on behalf of religious freedom. It enshrined the doctrine of national independence, w\tich later ins pired the Greeks themselves when they fought for freedom from Turkish rule. The Chanukah story certainly set the pattern for the American revolt against British tryranny. (Continued on Page 6)

6 Page Six THE EUCLID AVENUE TEMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT CHANUKAH (Continued from Page 5) Q. How long is the Chanukah holiday? A. It lasts 8 days. Q. Why? A. Because of a legend that at the rededication of the Temple, a cruse of oil for the eternal light, seemingly sufficient for one day, lasted for eight. Q. Do you believe this? A. Whether it happened or not, there is no doubt that the resources of the Judeans, seemingly sufficient for a short period, endured for years, because of the courageous idealism of the Maccabees. That is the real Chanukah miracle. Q. And how is the holiday celebrated? A. By the lighting of the candles, beginning with one candle on the first night and an additional one on each successive night; the recitation of s pecial blessings ; the singing of "Rock of Ages"; and the exchange of gifts. Q. Why is an additional light lit each night? A. To signify the growing strength that a good cause attracts when it is courageously defended. Q. Is Chanukah correctly termed " The Jewish Christmas"? A. The two holidays have different historical backgrounds. But they may be related pre-historically, since it seems that festivals associated with light prevailed amongst most ancient peoples during the winter season. Q. When does Chanukah begin this year? A. The first light is lit Sunday night, December 26th, corresponding to the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev. Q. Is there any food associated with Chanukah? A. Yes. The Latke (potato pancake). Q: Why? A. Nobody knows. Q. Is there any other practice connected with Chanukah? A. Yes-the playing of the Draydel, a top which is a sort of "put and take" device. Q. How do you play it? A. Ask your nearest rabbi. Q. Why is a game of chance played on a Jewish holiday? A. To recall the fact that those who fight for freedom take many chances. Witness the mooern Maccabean struggle in Palestine. SUGGESTED BOOK GIFTS FOR CHANUKAH (Continued from Page 2) HISTORY Friedman, Lee M. '''Pilgrims in a New Land." New York, Farrar and Straus Inc., Describes what the Jews have done for America and what America has done for the Jews. Roth, Cecil. "A Short History of the Jewish People." $5.00. New York, East and West Library, Covering the three thousand years from Abraham's time to Hitler's war. Revised illustrated edition. Sachar, Abraham Leon. "A History of the Jews." $5.00. New York, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., Revised and enlarged edition. LITERATURE AND POETRY Bialik, H. N. "Complete Poetic Works," Vol. I. $4.00. New York, Histadruth Ivrith of America, Translated from the Hebrew:. Edited with an introduction by Israel Efros. Illustrations by Lionel S. Reiss. Eisenberg, Azriel. "Modern Jewish Life in Literature." $2.50. New York, United Synagogue of America, An integration of modern Jewish history with literature through selections. Samuel, Maurice. "The Prince of the Ghetto." $3.00. New York, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., A distillation into English of the genius of Yitshak Leibush Peretz who,vas one of the topmost Yiddish writers of yesterday's European Jewry. Ausubel, Nathan-Editor. "Treasury of Jewish Folklore." $4.00. New York, Crown Publishers, Containing the best treasures from the Talmud, The Midrash, the Agada as well as current stories of Jewish life the world over. Stone, I. F. "This is Israel." $3.00. New York, Boni and Gaer Co., An account of the author's visit to Palestine from his arrival one week before the declaration of statehood until t he armistice. IN MEMORIAM Our heartf.elt sympathy to Mrs. Maurice Bernon and to Mrs. Aaron Straus on the death of their sister, Idabelle Reis Levy..

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