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1 BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 17 - GEMATRIA The main warning in this chapter means 567 ABOVE ALL ANGELS is against rulers who govern without 163 WORD HID IN HEART attention to the laws and due process or 81 HOLY ANGELS pertaining to their office. Rulers who 1141 NEW LAWS FOR THE NEW COVENANT OF NEW PRIEST view their own wisdom "above all angels" risk severe discipline, death. No ruler is above the law... for long. 5 WEAKNESS: Life Verse = ALL FLESH WILL SEE THE LORD IN ZION v1 Words = 18 Letters = not לא 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 448 WISDOM OF MAN sacrifice תזבח 417 MOCKING AND INSULTS unto the LORD ליהוה 56 HARD HEART 122 CITY OF PEACE thy God אלהיך 66 IDOL WORSHIP a bullock שור 506 CRY FOR MERCY HEARD 817 BOW TO GODS OF FIRE AND YOU WILL BE FUEL FOR FIRE or sheep ושה 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS wherein אשר 501 RELIGIOUS CONTROL 531 CORRUPT MEN EXPOSED is יהיה 30 BLOOD: children in it בו 8 HOLY MAN / NEW MAN 94 PROUD HUMBLED is blemish מום 86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD any כל 50 FIRE: Purify 256 FAMILY OF GOD SPLIT spot of דבר 206 LOSS OF TRIBES evilfavouredness רע 270 PEACEMAKER 300 GOD APPEARS for כי 30 BLOOD: children an abomination תועבת 878 HEARTS FILLED WITH GLORY TO GOD 904 WILD DOGS EAT UP THE EARTH unto the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL thy God אלהיך 66 IDOL WORSHIP 78 MIRACULOUS SIGNS that is הוא 12 GOVERNMENT

2 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord Verse = SURRENDER EVERYTHING HOLY v2 Words = 22 Letters = if כי 30 BLOOD: children 171 OCCULT PRACTICES If there be found ימצא 141 TEACHABLE among you בקרבך 324 ROYAL PRINCES DESTROYED 339 LINE OF FAITH SURVIVES in any באחד 15 COVENANT of thy gates שעריך 600 ARMED FORCE 1101 MAKE ANY SACRIFICE FOR PEACE the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL 92 WICKED DESTROYED thy God אלהיך 66 IDOL WORSHIP gives נתן 500 ANOINTED ONE 550 MILLENNIAL KING REIGNS to you לך 50 FIRE: Purify man איש 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS 318 SELF SERVING SERVANT or או 7 THE END: Time, Sword woman אשה 306 MONEY IS WORSHIPED 807 FATHER EATS THE CHILDREN has worked יעשה 385 LYING PROPHETS MULTIPLY 786 LAWLESS REBELLION wickedness הרע 275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED 417 MOCKING AND INSULTS in the sight בעיני 142 RASH DECISION of the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL 92 WICKED DESTROYED thy God אלהיך 66 IDOL WORSHIP by transgressing לעבר 302 ADVERSARY RAISED UP 920 RICH KINGS WILL DIE WE WILL REST IN PEACE his covenant בריתו 618 SCHEMERS PLOT MY DOWNFALL

3 2 DIVISION Verse = FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM v3 Words = 16 Letters = And hath gone וילך 66 IDOL WORSHIP 158 FEAR OF DEATH and served ויעבד 92 WICKED DESTROYED gods אלהים 86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD 345 SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN other אחרים 259 BELIEVERS HUNTED DOWN and worshipped וישתחו 730 ZION SHALL RETURN WITH SINGING 805 MOUTH OF THE LORD them להם 75 MISSIONARIES either the sun ולשמש 676 INTIMATE FRIEND 683 BRANCH OF THE LORD or או 7 THE END: Time, Sword the moon לירח 248 DOOMED TO DIE 255 PROPHET SHAMEFULLY NAKED or או 7 THE END: Time, Sword any לכל 80 PRAYER: Son of Man 173 GREAT BATTLE of the host צבא 93 MIGHT OF GOD of heaven השמים 395 PRISONERS SET FREE 896 SHEEP EATEN BY THEIR SHEPHERDS not לא 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 547 MARTYR CALLS FOR WRATH have I commanded צויתי 516 NO HEALTH IN MY BODY Verse = 5369 [659] [POOR & WEAK REFRESHED] v4 Words = 13 Letters = And it be told והגד 18 BONDAGE to you לך 50 FIRE: Purify 884 LAMENT: LAND OF ISRAEL IS LOST and you have heard ושמעת 816 FACE OF LORD AGAINST IDOLATORS and enquired ודרשת 910 HEARTS MOVED BY FEAR OF GOD 936 JUDGE OF ALL IS HIDDEN FROM SIGHT diligently היטב 26 GOSPEL behold והנה 66 IDOL WORSHIP 507 THE LORD IS GLORIOUS it is truth אמת 441 CRY TO GOD IS NOT HEARD for sure נכון 126 SAVED FROM WRATH 337 BACKSLIDERS SWALLOWED the thing הדבר 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF is worked נעשתה 825 PROSTITUTE CUT OFF HER NOSE FOR SPITE 1313 THIS DAY GIVE ACCOUNT OF YOUR LIFE TO GOD abomination התועבה 488 CRYING OF VICTIMS HEARD like it הזאת 413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY 956 CONDEMN JESUS TO DEATH in Israel בישראל 543 I TURN MY BACK ON EVIL MEN

4 Verse = 5370 [903] [STRIPPED NAKED] v5 Words = 24 Letters = Then you shalt bring forth והוצאת 508 THE LORD LIFTS ME UP 909 SHE OBEYS NO ONE ACCEPTS NO CORRECTION man האיש 316 PEOPLE REJOICE 333 SIGN OF GOD the same ההוא 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord or או 7 THE END: Time, Sword 408 REPORT OF PRAISES TO THE KING woman האשה 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS 328 CONSPIRATORS ASSASSINATE KING the same ההוא 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord 877 MAN'S POSSESSIONS DEVOURED has committed עשו 376 FLATTERY OF THE KING 612 SERVANT OF THE LORD matter הדבר 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF wicked הרע 275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED 292 KING OF KINGS that one הזה 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord to אל 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 631 LONG LIFE your gates שעריך 600 ARMED FORCE 717 DYING MAN HEALED MIRACULOUSLY very man האיש 316 PEOPLE REJOICE or או 7 THE END: Time, Sword 408 REPORT OF PRAISES TO THE KING very woman האשה 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS 947 ROCK OF STUMBLING CAST INTO SEA and shalt stone וסקלתם 636 LOVE WISDOM them with stones באבנים 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT till they die ומתו 452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE 5 WEAKNESS: Life Verse = WISE MAN VICTORIOUS v6 Words = 15 Letters = At על 100 HOLY FLOCK At the mouth פי 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED 590 WEALTH IS SECURE of two שנים 400 PRAY FOR DELIVERANCE witnesses עדים 124 DEADLY TRAP ESCAPED or או 7 THE END: Time, Sword 766 EVIL MEN SHOW NO MERCY three שלשה 635 SIMPLETON IS VICTIMIZED witnesses עדים 124 DEADLY TRAP ESCAPED shall he that is worthy of death יומת 456 WICKED WILL PERISH FOREVER 1025 IF YOU SEE AN ANGEL LEAVE THE CITY be put to death המת 445 NO WAY TO PLEAD YOUR CASE TO GOD not לא 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD shall not be put to death יומת 456 WICKED WILL PERISH FOREVER 587 GOD'S CURSES at על 100 HOLY FLOCK but at the mouth פי 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED witness עד 74 THE BEAST 177 TRAMPLE POOR of one אחד 13 REBELLION

5 2 DIVISION Verse = MY BROTHER WHO EATS MY BREAD BETRAYS ME v7 Words = 13 Letters = The hands יד 14 RIGHTEOUS 143 FACTIONS of the witnesses העדים 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER shall be תהיה 420 RULE OF MAN 428 QUEEN CROWNED in it בו 8 HOLY MAN / NEW MAN first ones בראשנה 558 GOD WATCHES OVER ME 1049 RIGHTEOUSNESS COMES BY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST against him to death להמיתו 491 SAINTS SUFFER IN SILENCE the hands ויד 20 DISTRESS 70 ELDER(S) all כל 50 FIRE: Purify the people העם 115 DEATHLY SILENCE 381 TOWER OF STRENGTH (IS GOD) afterward באחרנה 266 INEQUITY IN THE FLOCK away ובערת 678 LOVED FOREVER the evil הרע 275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED 1315 YOUR LIFE IS SAFE IF YOU PAY TAX TO THE RULER from among your midst מקרבך 362 PRIESTHOOD DIVIDED (AS KING WISHES) 5 WEAKNESS: Life Verse = THE GREAT FALLING AWAY v8 Words = 26 Letters = if כי 30 BLOOD: children 151 MAN'S POSSESSIONS If there arise a matter יפלא 121 WATCHMAN for you ממך 100 HOLY FLOCK 306 MONEY IS WORSHIPED too hard דבר 206 LOSS OF TRIBES to judge למשפט 459 AGONY ALONE IN DARKNESS 521 UNGODLY NATION OPPRESSES between בין 62 JERUSALEM ROYAL CITY blood דם 44 MURDERERS: Secret Plots 118 JEWS FOLLOW JESUS and blood לדם 74 THE BEAST between בין 62 JERUSALEM ROYAL CITY 126 SAVED FROM WRATH plea דין 64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN and plea לדין 94 PROUD HUMBLED 162 IDOL and between ובין 68 VICTORIOUS DISCIPLES stroke נגע 123 DEVOTED TO THE LORD 276 INHERITANCES RE-ALLOCATED and stroke לנגע 153 TRIBE OF BELIEVERS being matters דברי 216 BROTHERLY LOVE GONE 828 SEA SHIP SINKS: TREASURE LOST of controversy ריבת 612 SERVANT OF THE LORD in thy gates בשעריך 602 SAVED BY THE LORD 1148 JUSTIFICATION BY WORKS ACCORDING TO THE LAW an uproar וקמת 546 WARLIKE NATIONS SCATTERED get thee up ועלית 516 NO HEALTH IN MY BODY 547 MARTYR CALLS FOR WRATH to אל 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD the place המקום 191 AWE OF GOD 692 ARMY OF THE LORD shall choose יבחר 220 THIRST FOR VENGEANCE 246 FALSE MESSIAH RULES the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL thy God אלהיך 66 IDOL WORSHIP 74 THE BEAST it בו 8 HOLY MAN / NEW MAN

6 3 BINDING Verse = POOR MAN IS HELPLESS TREMBLES BEFORE GOD v9 Words = 16 Letters = And you shall come ובאת 409 PROMISE TO SUPPLY ALL NEEDS 440 HOLY LIFE GAINS NOTHING to אל 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD the priests הכהנים 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE 221 GOD FORSAKES THEM the Levites הלוים 91 WICKED JUDGED and to ואל 37 CHOSEN SERVANT 431 EVIL MAN GLOATS the judge השפט 394 RENTS COLLECTED FROM TENANTS 531 CORRUPT MEN EXPOSED shall be יהיה 30 BLOOD: children days בימים 102 DESTITUTE & ABANDONED 152 THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD those ההם 50 FIRE: Purify and enquire ודרשת 910 HEARTS MOVED BY FEAR OF GOD 944 I FEED SHEEP TEACHERS OF THE LAW REJECT and they shall show והגידו 34 MAN'S RELIGION to you לך 50 FIRE: Purify 451 HOLY MEN SUFFER IN THIS LIFE sentence דבר 206 LOSS OF TRIBES 640 LOVE CORRECTION of judgment המשפט 434 MEN OF FAITH OUT OF HIDING Verse = 5375 [709] [DOG RETURNS TO HIS VOMIT] v10 Words = 18 Letters = And you shall do ועשית 786 LAWLESS REBELLION 886 SEND PROPHET AWAY: GOD WILL SPEW YOU OUT according על 100 HOLY FLOCK to the terms פי 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED 301 KING PILES UP WEALTH of the sentence הדבר 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF 534 RIGHTEOUS MAN SLANDERED shall show יגידו 33 SCATTERED REMNANT to you לך 50 FIRE: Purify 140 EVIL SCHEMES them of מן 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED that place המקום 191 AWE OF GOD 208 LOSS OF FAITH all that ההוא 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord which אשר 501 RELIGIOUS CONTROL 721 JOSEPH THROWN INTO A PIT shall choose יבחר 220 THIRST FOR VENGEANCE the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL 972 SON OF GOD FORSAKEN you shall pay attention ושמרת 946 HOLY ONE HUMILIATED to follow לעשות 806 JERUSALEM SUFFERS UNDER SIEGE 876 GREEN PINE TREE according to all ככל 70 ELDER(S) 743 LUCIFER GOD OF THIS WORLD they inform you יורוך 242 SAINTS GO TO HEAVEN

7 Verse = 5376 [755] [WORTHLESS IDOLS SENSELESS WARS] v11 Words = 20 Letters = According to על 100 HOLY FLOCK 190 KINGDOM COMES the sentence פי 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED of the law התורה 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD 1117 SUFFERING FOR THE GOSPEL which they shall teach יורוך 242 SAINTS GO TO HEAVEN 348 DESTROY THE BEAST and according to ועל 106 FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED the judgment המשפט 434 MEN OF FAITH OUT OF HIDING 935 SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS they shall tell יאמרו 257 WORSHIP IS AN ABOMINATION 307 PALACE ON FIRE to you לך 50 FIRE: Purify you shall do תעשה 775 LORD DESTROYS ALL NATIONS JACOB RESTORED 806 JERUSALEM SUFFERS UNDER SIEGE not לא 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD shall you decline תסור 666 HANDS IN CHAINS 756 CURSED IS HE WHO BREAKS COVENANT from מן 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED the sentence הדבר 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF 712 LAND DRIES UP they shall show יגידו 33 SCATTERED REMNANT 83 NATIONS WHO HATE GOD to לך 50 FIRE: Purify the right hand ימין 110 DAY OF WRATH 487 THOSE WHO FORGET GOD FALL nor to the left ושמאל 377 HEART RESENTS KING 19 FAITH Verse = MINISTERS UNDER KING'S THUMB v12 Words = 23 Letters = and the same man והאיש 322 SLAVES DESTROY MASTER 823 SWORD OF THE LORD AGAINST EVERYONE will do יעשה 385 LYING PROPHETS MULTIPLY 454 FIRMLY HELD IN A TRAP presumptuously בזדון 69 KILLING BELIEVERS he will לבלתי 472 THE LORD HEARS 882 LORD DECREES DISASTER not hearken שמע 410 HAND OF GOD ON A TEACHER to אל 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD the priest הכהן 80 PRAYER: Son of Man 230 DISGRACEFUL ACTS that stands העמד 119 LOVE THE LAW to minister לשרת 930 OLD THINGS ARE PAST, NEW COMES there שם 340 LINE OF FAITH MULTIPLIES 1671 I HAVE DONE NO WRONG BUT ALL DAY I AM ACCUSED the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL 92 WICKED DESTROYED thy God אלהיך 66 IDOL WORSHIP or או 7 THE END: Time, Sword to אל 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 432 KING HONORS FAITHFUL SERVANT the judge השפט 394 RENTS COLLECTED FROM TENANTS shall die ומת 446 GOD IS PLEASED WHEN WE SUFFER the man האיש 316 PEOPLE REJOICE 779 CUT IN TWO PIECES WHO CHAINS A FREE MAN same ההוא 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord you shall put away ובערת 678 LOVED FOREVER the evil הרע 275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED 1534 SAINTS POSSESSED BY A MAN from Israel מישראל 581 ALL SIN FORGIVEN

8 Verse = 5378 v13 Words = 7 Letters = CLERGY AND LAITY SPLIT and all וכל 56 HARD HEART 171 OCCULT PRACTICES the people העם 115 DEATHLY SILENCE shall hear ישמעו 426 SERVANT'S DEEDS RECALLED 649 ILL-GOTTEN GAIN IS CURSED and fear ויראו 223 BROTHER HATERS and not ולא 37 CHOSEN SERVANT 37 CHOSEN SERVANT do presumptuously יזידון 87 SAINTS ASSEMBLY any more עוד 80 PRAYER: Son of Man 167 MARK OF THE BEAST 13 REBELLION Verse = PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE v14 Words = 20 Letters = when כי 30 BLOOD: children 433 KING HANGS VILE ENEMY you have come תבא 403 EXILE TO BABYLON into אל 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 327 WEAK BECOME STRONG the land הארץ 296 PEOPLE TOIL 527 WATCH AS RICH MAN PERISHES the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL thy God אלהיך 66 IDOL WORSHIP 566 DEATH IS NEAR gives נתן 500 ANOINTED ONE to you לך 50 FIRE: Purify 971 ONE WILL BETRAY: ALL WILL FALL AWAY and shall possess it וירשתה 921 LORD TENDS HIS FLOCK THE HOUSE OF JUDAH and shall dwell וישבתה 723 FOUNDATION OF THE TEMPLE 730 ZION SHALL RETURN WITH SINGING in it בה 7 THE END: Time, Sword and shall say ואמרת 647 FRIEND OF THE POOR 1003 HE WHO EATS MY FLESH DRINKS MY BLOOD HAS LIFE I will set אשימה 356 NATIONS DEFEATED IN BATTLE over me עלי 110 DAY OF WRATH 200 MOUTH OF LION a king מלך 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED like all ככל 70 ELDER(S) 134 MISTRUST GOD'S MAN the nations הגוים 64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN that are אשר 501 RELIGIOUS CONTROL 985 DO NOT WORRY FOR THIS LIFE, THE LORD IS COMING about me סביבתי 484 TORMENT THE RIGHTEOUS


10 5 WEAKNESS: Life Verse = RICH KINGS WILL DIE WE WILL REST IN PEACE v16 Words = 22 Letters = but רק 300 GOD APPEARS 331 THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH not לא 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD shall he multiply ירבה 217 MEN OF FAITH IN HIDING 253 SPIRITUAL BATTLE to himself לו 36 EXALTED MAN horses סוסים 176 ILLEGITIMATE BIRTH 213 GOD'S DEEDS FORGOTTEN nor ולא 37 CHOSEN SERVANT to return ישיב 322 SLAVES DESTROY MASTER 723 FOUNDATION OF THE TEMPLE people העם 115 DEATHLY SILENCE 500 ANOINTED ONE to Egypt מצרימה 385 LYING PROPHETS MULTIPLY to the end that למען 190 KINGDOM COMES 803 KING OF THE UNIVERSE he should multiply הרבות 613 SERVANTS INHERIT THE LAND horses סוס 126 SAVED FROM WRATH 158 FEAR OF DEATH for the LORD ויהוה 32 FELLOWSHIP has said אמר 241 SAINTS IN PRISON 331 THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH to you לכם 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED not לא 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 627 SAINTS ARE HONORED henceforth תספון 596 GOD'S RIGHT HAND return לשוב 338 SINFUL CITY FALLS 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD way בדרך 226 ENDLESS STRIFE this הזה 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord 97 FIRE BURNS ENEMIES again עוד 80 PRAYER: Son of Man Verse = 5382 v17 Words = 13 Letters = RICH GET RICHER, POOR GET POORER Neither ולא 37 CHOSEN SERVANT 254 DEMON POSSESSION shall he multiply ירבה 217 MEN OF FAITH IN HIDING to himself לו 36 EXALTED MAN 436 EXTRACT PROTECTION MONEY wives נשים 400 PRAY FOR DELIVERANCE and not ולא 37 CHOSEN SERVANT that will turn יסור 276 INHERITANCES RE-ALLOCATED 353 DESPISE THE PROPHETS his heart לבבו 40 SEVERE TEST to silver וכסף 166 DETEST IDOL WORSHIP 186 NEW GLORY DAWNS and gold וזהב 20 DISTRESS neither לא 31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD 248 DOOMED TO DIE multiply ירבה 217 MEN OF FAITH IN HIDING to himself לו 36 EXALTED MAN 81 HOLY ANGELS greatly מאד 45 PRESERVED LIFE

11 11 MYSTERY: Darkness Verse = RULE OF LAW v18 Words = 16 Letters = and it shall be והיה 26 GOSPEL 754 DECEIVING BROTHERS when he sits כשבתו 728 NATIONS BOW BEFORE YOU on על 100 HOLY FLOCK 181 ALIEN RULER the throne כסא 81 HOLY ANGELS of his kingdom ממלכתו 536 RULERS ARE VENOMOUS SNAKES 964 TRADITIONS OF MEN POWERLESS OVER SIN he shall write וכתב 428 QUEEN CROWNED to himself לו 36 EXALTED MAN 437 WEALTHY LIVESTOCK OWNER copy משנה 395 PRISONERS SET FREE 1011 I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS law התורה 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD of this הזאת 413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY 513 THE LORD FIGHTS FOR ME in על 100 HOLY FLOCK the book ספר 340 LINE OF FAITH MULTIPLIES 550 MILLENNIAL KING REIGNS which is before מלפני 210 LOSS OF LEADER the priests הכהנים 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE 221 GOD FORSAKES THEM the Levites הלוים 91 WICKED JUDGED Verse = 5384 [753] [KINGS OF JUDAH DEAD BONES LITTER GROUND] v19 Words = 23 Letters = and it shall be והיתה 426 SERVANT'S DEEDS RECALLED 542 I WASH MY HANDS IN INNOCENCE with him עמו 116 PRAYER OF CONFESSION he shall read וקרא 307 PALACE ON FIRE 315 WEEPING & MOURNING in it בו 8 HOLY MAN / NEW MAN all כל 50 FIRE: Purify the days ימי 60 EARTHLY KING 144 GOVERNMENT OF ALL POWER of his life חייו 34 MAN'S RELIGION to the end that למען 190 KINGDOM COMES he may learn ילמד 84 COURT OF THE LORD 520 MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD to fear ליראה 246 FALSE MESSIAH RULES the LORD יהוה 26 GOSPEL 479 CLUELESS: EASILY LED ASTRAY his God אלהיו 52 GOSPEL WORKER to keep לשמר 570 ENEMY DESTROYED FOREVER 971 ONE WILL BETRAY: ALL WILL FALL AWAY all כל 50 FIRE: Purify 266 INEQUITY IN THE FLOCK the words דברי 216 BROTHERLY LOVE GONE of law התורה 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD this הזאת 413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY 1436 VISITOR IN THE HOUSE OF A STRANGER and ואת 407 REBUILDING STOPPED statutes החקים 163 WORD HID IN HEART these האלה 41 MAN'S RULE(S) 1044 I SAW A LIGHT FROM HEAVEN BRIGHTER THAN SUN carefully לעשתם 840 ATTACK PEACEFUL ISRAEL SEE ANGRY GOD

12 2 DIVISION Verse = SERVE THE LORD GLADLY COME BEFORE HIM WITH SINGING v20 Words = 19 Letters = Be not לבלתי 472 THE LORD HEARS 718 HOUSE FULL OF STRANGERS lifted up רום 246 FALSE MESSIAH RULES his heart לבבו 40 SEVERE TEST 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING above his brothers מאחיו 65 APOSTASY not will he ולבלתי 478 POOR: CONTRITE SPIRIT 744 HUMBLE SERVANTS WILL FEAST ON REWARDS turn סור 266 INEQUITY IN THE FLOCK from מן 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED 236 HIGH PRIEST ABANDONS FLOCK the commandment המצוה 146 FREE OF ALL BONDS to the right hand ימין 110 DAY OF WRATH 493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE or to the left ושמאול 383 TRUE PROPHETS IN PRISON to the end that למען 190 KINGDOM COMES he may prolong יאריך 241 SAINTS IN PRISON 531 CORRUPT MEN EXPOSED his days ימים 100 HOLY FLOCK in על 100 HOLY FLOCK his kingdom ממלכתו 536 RULERS ARE VENOMOUS SNAKES 648 LAMP OF THE LORD he הוא 12 GOVERNMENT and his children ובניו 74 THE BEAST in the midst בקרב 304 PAGAN ALTAR 919 I AM JEALOUS FOR ZION of Israel ישראל 541 I WILL SEE THE WICKED FALL

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