Bible Study Guide. A Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for Kindergarten Children GraceLink Sabbath School Curriculum

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1 Bible Study Guide A Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for Kindergarten Children GraceLink Sabbath School Curriculum Year A, Third Quarter EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT WORLD SABBATH SCHOOL DIRECTORS SABBATH SCHOOL CURRICULM SPECIALIST GENERAL CONFERENCE ADVISOR CONSULTING EDITOR ART DIRECTION/DESIGNER DESIGNER DESKTOP TECHNICIAN SUBSCRIBER SERVICES ILLUSTRATOR FALVO FOWLER LINDA SCHOMBURG JONATHAN KUNTARAF, GARY SWANSON LYNDELLE BROWER CHIOMENTI MARK A. FINLEY ANGEL M. RODRÍGUEZ TRENT TRUMAN MADELYN GATZ FRED WUERSTLIN JULIE HAINES DAN SHARP A Publication of the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD , U.S.A. Scriptures credited to ICB are quoted from the International Children s Bible, New Century Version, copyright 1983, 1986, 1988 by Word Publishing, Dallas, Texas, Used by permission. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Kindergarten Bible Study Guide (ISSN X). Vol. 34, No. 3, Third Quarter Published four times per year, mailed quarterly spring, summer, fall, and winter by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740, U.S.A. Text copyrighted 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 by the General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists, Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland , U.S.A. Art copyrighted 2002 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association. Postmaster: Send address changes to Kindergarten Bible Study Guide, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD Periodicals postage paid at Hagerstown, Maryland. Single copy, US$9.00 plus postage. One year, United States: US$24.00; Canada and foreign: US$ Prices subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 1

2 The Kindergarten Writers Audrey Boyle Andersson...Sweden Jackie Bishop...California DeeAnn Bragaw...Georgia Linda Porter Carlyle...Oregon Helga Eiteneir...Germany René Alexenko Evans...Tennessee Adriana Itin Femopase...Argentina Rene Garrigues-Goodwin...Washington Feryl Harris...West Virginia Donna Meador...Washington Vikki Montgomery...Maryland Rebecca Gibbs O Ffill...Maryland Evelyn Omaña...Venezuela Denise Pereyra...California Dawn Reynolds...Maryland Janet Rieger...Australia Judi Rogers...Maryland Denise Ropka-Kasischke...California Eileen Dahl Vermeer...Canada Special thanks to... Special thanks to Bailey Gillespie and Stuart Tyner of the John Hancock Center for Youth Ministry at La Sierra University for initial work in planning the GraceLink curriculum, and to Patricia A. Habada for coordinating the GraceLink project and seeing it to completion. 2

3 Contents SERVICE Service means helping others. 1. Hannah s Special Baby (July 3-9) 2. Hannah s Gift to God (July 10-16) 3. Ears to Hear (July 17-23) 4. Samuel s Service (July 24-30) GRACE Grace means belonging to God. 5. Birds to the Rescue (July 31-August 6) 6. Miracle Oil (August 7-13) 7. The Boy Is Alive! (August 14-20) 8. Up, Up, and Away! (August 21-27) COMMUNITY Community means caring for one another. 9. Never-ending Oil (August 28-September 3) 10. Alive Again (September 4-10) 11. Poison in the Pot (September 11-17) 12. The Floating Axhead (September 18-24) 13. Angels All Around (September 25-October 1) 3

4 Basic Needs of Children* All children have certain basic needs as well as needs that are specific to their age and stage of development. The basic needs of children are: Physical Food Warmth Shelter Mental Power to make choices and follow plans Emotional A sense of belonging Approval and recognition Expressions of unconditional love and acceptance Freedom within defined boundaries Humor a chance to laugh Spiritual An all-knowing, loving, caring God Forgiveness of wrongs and a chance to start over Assurance of acceptance with God Experience in prayer, answers to prayer A chance to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God 4

5 The Kindergarten Child In the Seventh-day Adventist Church we advocate kindergarten for children ages 3-5. However, the development of children varies from child to child. Therefore a knowledge of each child in your Sabbath School is important. Generally, the description below is true of children ages 3-5. Physical Start developing large muscle coordination Lack a sure sense of balance Are extremely active Tire easily, but soon revive after resting Lack fine muscle coordination Are curious and like to explore their environment Learn by exploring Mental Are capable of limited listening and understanding without the help of a visual cue, such as seeing the object being discussed Have quick memory Memorize things they don t understand Emotional Cry easily Are capable of verbalizing emotional responses Learn to delay gratification of needs without losing equilibrium Experience the full spectrum of negative emotions Learn ways to express negative emotions Social/Relational Are self-centered the world revolves around them Play alone in the presence of their friends, rather than playing with their friends Like to make friends and be with friends 5

6 Developmental Needs In addition to the basic needs mentioned earlier, kindergarten children need: Freedom to choose and to explore within limits Power to have some autonomy in learning situations Limits safe boundaries that are set by parents and teachers Fun learning through play, enjoying success Discipline and training to provide safety and structure in their lives Spiritual Needs Kindergarten children need to know: God loves them and cares for them How to show respect for God God made them, knows them, and values them The difference between right and wrong How to choose the right with God s help General Rules A child s attention span, in minutes, is their age plus one. Thus, an average 3-year-old has a potential attention span of four minutes, provided they are interested in what is happening. Kindergarten Children: Enjoy repetition provided they don t tire Are beginning to reason from simple cause to effect Make some generalizations often incorrectly Learn best by active participation Have a short attention span 3 to 6 minutes *Children s Ministries: Ideas and Techniques That Work, ed. Ann Calkins (Lincoln, Nebr.: AdventSource, 1997). 6

7 A Letter to Parents Dear Friends, Welcome to this edition of the GraceLink Kindergarten Bible Study Guide. Have you noticed the heavy paper used for the cover? Do you like the colorful illustrations? Are you and your child enjoying the Do and Say suggestions at the end of each lesson? This is a book to keep and use again and again. Encourage your child to read the pictures often. Ask him or her questions about what is illustrated, the colors of objects, how many people and who they are. Count the animals or the people. Take time now and then to review the memory verses and fingerplays located at the end of the book. Using the motions will help your child recall those verses later on. If you haven t already seen the songbook Little Voices Praise Him, you may want to get a copy from your Adventist Book Center. More than 300 songs old and new are finally together in one volume. And many of the songs are being taught in your Sabbath School. Remember, these lessons are introduced in Sabbath School. This book is intended for use as daily reinforcement. Share the story with your child each day. Review the memory verse and do the motions. Have fun with the Do and Say activities. And encourage your child in careful handling of God s Word as you read from the Bible together. Pray with your child often. And when you do, include us in those prayers. Let us pray for one another as together we seek to lead our children to Christ. Cordially, The Editors 7

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9 LESSON 1 REFERENCES: 1 SAMUEL 1:1-18; PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS, PP. 569, 570. Hannah s Special Baby Have you ever felt really sad about something? So sad that you cried? That s how Hannah felt. TI t s time to get ready for our trip to the tabernacle at Shiloh, Elkanah said to his wife Hannah one morning. It s almost time for the feast. Hannah smiled. I ll pack everything we will need, she said. Each year Hannah and Elkanah traveled to Shiloh to worship at the tabernacle there. But every time they went to Shiloh, Hannah felt a bit sad. Hannah thought back to the early days of their marriage. But years had gone by and Hannah had not had any babies. Oh, how much she and Elkanah would love to have a baby. Finally Elkanah and Hannah began their journey. The road was crowded with other families. And it seemed as if every family had children. How Hannah wished she had a child. Memory Verse May... God... grant you what you have asked of him. 1 SAMUEL 1:17, NIV. The Message We serve God when we help others. 9

10 At Shiloh they worshiped in the tabernacle. When it was time for the special feast meal, Elkanah gave Hannah an extra serving. He wanted to make up for the child she didn t have. Hannah closed her eyes tightly, but little tears leaked out. Hannah, Elkanah said, don t be sad because you have no children. Isn t having me better than having 10 sons? he teased. After the meal Hannah slipped away to the tabernacle. O Lord, she prayed, if You gave me a son, I would give him back to You. He would serve You all his life! Eli, an old priest, watched Hannah closely. She hugged herself tightly and rocked back and forth. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. The old priest was sure she had been drinking wine. What are you doing coming in here drunk? he demanded. Hannah was shocked. I m not drunk! she exclaimed. I was just pouring out my problem to the Lord. Eli s frown disappeared. In that case, cheer up! He smiled. God has heard your prayer. May the God of Israel give you what you asked for. Hannah suddenly felt her great cloud of sadness disappear. Oh, thank you! Thank you! she said to Eli. Hannah walked slowly back to Elkanah. Hannah just knew God was going to answer her prayer for a son! She couldn t wait to tell Elkanah about her visit with the old priest. Eli had given her hope. 10

11 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story together and use the following to review the memory verse: May... God... Point upward. grant you Hands out in front with palms up as if giving. what you Hands folded in have asked..... prayer. of him Point upward. 1 Samuel 1:17... Palms together, then open. SUNDAY Read portions of 1 Samuel 1:1-18 together. Ask: How can you help others to be happy? Remind your child to share Jesus love by giving the J made in Sabbath School to someone. MONDAY Act out the story with your family. Help your child draw a happy face for each family member and give it to them while telling how they make him or her happy. Sing a happy song. TUESDAY Ask: What can our family do to bring happiness to someone? Plan to do something today with your family, such as baking something for a neighbor. Before prayer, sing a song about helping. WEDNESDAY Tell about a time you were sad; you prayed, and Jesus helped you to be happy again. Let your child hold a baby doll and sing a lullaby. Thank Jesus for babies. THURSDAY Together, point to baby toys in a catalog or magazine and ask: Would that make you happy forever? Say: When you were a baby this made you happy. Why not now? Only Jesus makes us happy for always. Sing If You re Happy and You Know It. Ask Jesus to make your child happy. FRIDAY During worship tonight, read about Hannah and Samuel in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 570 (three paragraphs). Show your child his or her baby pictures. Talk about how you looked forward to having a child. Sing songs about happiness; then thank God for blessings this week. 11

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13 LESSON 2 REFERENCES: 1 SAMUEL 1:20-28; 2:18-21; PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS, PP Hannah s Gift to God Have you ever wondered about people who help at church? You can help too. annah and her husband, H Elkanah, had been to the tabernacle at Shiloh to worship the Lord. And Hannah had prayed for a baby. Old Priest Eli had asked God to give her what she had prayed for. Back home at last, Hannah watched the children chase each other, playing games. Hannah smiled at the noisy, out-of-breath children. She smiled at their mothers. She was finally going to be a mother too! And then one day Hannah s baby boy was born. Hannah looked at her beautiful baby s dark curly hair and his cute little ears. She touched his soft skin and counted his tiny toes. Hannah named her baby Samuel because that name means heard of God. She had asked God for a son, and He had heard her. Memory Verse For his whole life he will be given... to the Lord. 1 SAMUEL 1:28, NIV. The Message We serve God when we help God s leaders. 13

14 The next year when it was time to go to worship the Lord at Shiloh again, Elkanah went, but Hannah stayed home. I will wait until the baby can feed himself, she said to her husband. Then I will take him to the tabernacle. And he will stay there and serve the Lord. So when Samuel grew old enough to eat regular food, Hannah took him to the tabernacle, just as she had promised. Do you remember me? she asked Eli. I stood here and prayed to the Lord for a son. He gave me this beautiful boy, and now I am giving him back to the Lord. My boy will belong to the Lord all his life. He will help you in many ways. Little Samuel looked up at Priest Eli. He was not afraid to stay at the tabernacle with him. Even though he was still a little boy, he could help God s leader, Priest Eli. He would do all he could to help the old priest. Hannah missed her boy very much! Now she looked forward all year to going to worship at the tabernacle. Every year Hannah took a new coat to Samuel. And every year Priest Eli would bless Hannah and Elkanah. May the Lord give you more children, Eli said. God did bless Hannah and her husband. In the years that followed, God gave them more than she had asked for three more sons and two daughters. They lived at home with their mother and father. But little Samuel lived at the tabernacle and helped Priest Eli. Hannah missed little Samuel. But she kept her promise to God. She had given her son to the Lord, to be Priest Eli s helper. She would see him only once a year, when the family went to Shiloh again. But that was all right, because she loved the Lord and she was happy to have Samuel serve Him. Samuel was so special. And Hannah always loved him. 14

15 Do and Say SABBATH Find a quiet place and read the lesson story. To review the memory verse each day this week, ask your child to squat down; then stand taller as you say each word together. Remind them that Samuel started serving God when he was little and continued to serve Him as he grew bigger. SUNDAY Together find and read 1 Samuel 1:20-28, paraphrasing as necessary. Ask: What did Samuel s name mean? When did Hannah take Samuel to Priest Eli? Make a growth chart. Mark every one inch or one centimeter. Write: (child s name) will serve Jesus all the days of his/her life. Mark your child s height. Say: You can serve Jesus as you grow, just as Samuel did. MONDAY Read the lesson story together. Ask: What did Hannah take to Samuel every year? How many more children did God bless Hannah with? Show your child their baby pictures. Talk about how your child could help as a baby compared to now. Sing a song about helping. TUESDAY Together find and read 1 Samuel 2:18-21, paraphrasing as necessary. Ask: What do you think Samuel did to help Priest Eli? Which can you do to help at home? Have your child help you with one chore right now. WEDNESDAY Find a coat, jacket, or bathrobe for your child to wear as your family acts out the story. Sing a song about helping; then ask Jesus to help your child be His helper. Say the memory verse together before prayer. THURSDAY Ask: What can you do to help our pastor? (sit quietly in church, help collect the offering, give special music, etc.) Do one of those things this Sabbath. Sing a favorite helping song. Ask Jesus to help your family be His helpers every day. FRIDAY During worship, read selected paragraphs about Samuel in Patriarchs and Prophets, pages Ask: What did Hannah teach Samuel? How did Samuel treat Eli? How did Eli treat Samuel? How should we treat each other? Say the memory verse together. If it applies, tell your child about their baby dedication (show pictures if you have them). Discuss what it means to be dedicated to God. 15

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17 LESSON 3 REFERENCES: 1 SAMUEL 3:1-10; PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS, PP. 581, 582. Ears to Hear When someone calls you to come, do you go quickly? Or do you move slowly, or not at all? Little Samuel heard someone calling him. What do you think he did? E Memory Verse Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. 1 SAMUEL 3:9, NIV. The Message We serve God when we listen to His voice. li, the old priest, snored peacefully in his bed. The boy Samuel slept soundly nearby. The Lord looked lovingly at the sleeping Samuel. Samuel! Samuel! the Lord spoke. Samuel opened his eyes. Had someone called him? He hurried to Eli s bedside. Here I am! Samuel said, entering Eli s darkened room. You called me. Eli opened his eyes. I didn t call you, he said sleepily. Go back to bed. Samuel did as he was told and quickly fell asleep again. Again the Lord looked lovingly at the sleeping Samuel. Samuel! Samuel! the Lord called again. Samuel s eyes popped open. He hopped out of bed. That surely 17

18 must be Eli calling him. He hurried to Eli s room. Here I am, he said. How may I help you? Eli opened his eyes again. I didn t call, he whispered. Go back to bed. Samuel walked slowly out of Eli s room. Someone had called him. If it wasn t Eli, who could it be? Samuel did not recognize the Lord s voice, because he had never heard it before. Samuel lay back down. Very soon he was sound asleep again. Once more the Lord looked lovingly at the sleeping Samuel. Samuel! Samuel! the Lord said a third time. Samuel opened his eyes. Once more he hurried to Eli. Here I am, he said. Suddenly Eli knew who was calling the boy. Go back to bed, Eli said. If He calls you again, say, Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Samuel s heart beat fast. Could it really be the Lord speaking to him? Why? Why would the Lord call his name? Samuel went back to bed. But this time he lay there with his eyes wide open. He waited. He listened. The Lord looked lovingly at the wide-awake Samuel. Samuel! Samuel! He said in a gentle voice. And Samuel answered, Speak, for your servant is listening. The Lord smiled. He knew that Samuel, even though he was still a child, would listen to Him. Samuel truly wanted to be His helper. And God wants you to listen to Him today. He wants you to be His helper too. You listen to Him when you listen to His Bible words. You listen to Him when you learn your memory verse. Listen carefully for God s words when you read His Bible. They will help you to be His helper every day. 18

19 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story and review the memory verse. Call Samuel, Samuel. Your child does the following: Speak, Point to mouth. Lord, Point upward. for your servant. Point to self. is listening Point to ears. 1 Samuel 3:9.... Palms together; then open. SUNDAY Encourage your child to put on their listening ears (made in Sabbath School) while you read 1 Samuel 3:1-10. Ask: Why didn t Samuel know God was calling him? Go for a walk and listen for sounds in nature that tell about God s love. MONDAY Read the lesson story together. Ask: How many times did God call Samuel? Say: Put on your listening ears and do what I tell you (jump up and down; sing a song; hug me; etc.). Praise your child for listening well. TUESDAY Show the story in the Bible (1 Samuel 3:1-10) and read it. Ask: Whom did Samuel think was calling him? What did Eli tell Samuel to do? Play Mommy Says (or Daddy Says ). Have your child follow directions you give after you say Mommy Says (touch your toes; smile; etc.). Talk about reasons for listening to parents. WEDNESDAY Act out the lesson story together. Who will be Samuel? Eli? God s voice? Sing the song, When a Mother Calls (see page 64). Have your child hide and come when the song calls them. THURSDAY Use water to teach about our five senses. Have your child listen to the sound of running water, touch the water, look at it, taste it, and smell it. Ask: Who gave us these ways of knowing about things? FRIDAY During worship, read Patriarchs and Prophets, page 581 (second and third paragraphs). Ask: How did Samuel feel when God talked to him? In what other ways does God talk to us today? How will God speak to us in church tomorrow? Use your ears to listen to some pretty music about Jesus. Thank Jesus for ears that can hear. 19

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21 LESSON 4 REFERENCES: 1 SAMUEL 7; PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS, PP Samuel s Service What will you be when you grow up? Will you be a leader like Samuel? od s people, the Israelites, had started worshiping the idols of their neighbors, the Philistines. One of these idols was Baal, the Philistine god of thunder and rain. Many Israelites had little idols of Baal in their houses. God sent Samuel to talk to the people. Remember, the name Israel means ruled by God, he began. Turn back to God with all your hearts! Throw away your idols. Give yourselves to God and serve Him. The people of Israel listened to Samuel. They broke all their idols and began to worship God again. Come meet at Mizpah, Samuel told the people. I will pray to the Lord for you there. Memory Verse Samuel continued as judge... all the days of his life. 1 SAMUEL 7:15, NIV. The Message I will serve Jesus all my life. 21

22 So the people gathered at Mizpah. We have sinned against the Lord! they admitted. We are sorry. We are really, really sorry. The Philistines heard that the Israelites had gone to Mizpah. Let s go attack them! they said. So the Philistine rulers gathered their soldiers and marched toward Mizpah. The Philistines are coming! The Philistines are coming! a young man shouted as he ran up the road. The Israelites looked at each other with wide eyes. Ask the Lord to save us from the Philistines! they begged Samuel. Of course, Samuel did what the people asked. And the Lord s mighty voice thundered from heaven. It echoed from the mountains. It shook the air. It rumbled, and rolled, and boomed. The Philistines were frightened! They dropped their swords and spears. And they ran away as fast as they could go. The Philistines thought their god Baal was the god of thunder. So the true God used thunder to show that He was more powerful than any idol. Samuel put a large rock for a monument on the road to Mizpah. He wanted the people of Israel to always remember how the true God had saved them. For years to come children would ask, Why is that big rock there? And the parents would tell their children the wonderful story. Samuel was a ruler in Israel for the rest of his life. He served the Lord all of his days. Do you want to serve the Lord too? How can you serve Him today? 22

23 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story. Using a gift box, place a cutout of a child inside. On the cutout write the words to the memory verse from head to toe. As your child slowly pulls the cutout from the box, say the verse together. Repeat it each day. SUNDAY Together, read 1 Samuel 7:1-11, paraphrasing as necessary. Ask: Were the Israelites sorry? How did Samuel help them? What did God use to scare the Philistines away? Look at pictures of different professions and talk about them. Say: Whatever you do when you grow up, you can serve God while doing it. MONDAY Ask: What were the Israelites to tell their children about the stone monument? Help your child find two rocks (or use the rock brought home from Sabbath School). Take one to a friend and tell them about Samuel s service. Keep the other to remind them to serve Jesus always. Sing Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (Little Voices Praise Him, No. 202). TUESDAY Read 1 Samuel 7: Ask: What did Samuel name the monument he built? How long did Samuel serve God? Help your child count how many years old they are and explain how many days that is. Say: You may have been serving God all those days! WEDNESDAY Act out the Bible story. Let your child make noise with a pan and spoon for the thunder. Ask: Did the Philistines thunder god, Baal, help them? Who helps us during storms? THURSDAY Help your child make an I Serve Jesus doorknob hanger. (See picture.) Hang it on their bedroom door. Sing Serve Him, Serve Him, All You Little Children (tune: Praise Him, Praise Him ). FRIDAY During worship tonight, read about Samuel s service in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 590 (first paragraph) and page 591 (last paragraph). Say the memory verse together. Sing songs that tell how Jesus takes care of us. 23

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25 LESSON 5 REFERENCES: 1 KINGS 17:1-6; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP Birds to the Rescue When you re hungry, who feeds you? God fed Elijah in a special way. ing Ahab, the king of God s own special K people, was worshiping idols! God watched King Ahab bow his head in front of the idol Baal. Bring us lots of rain, O Baal! King Ahab prayed to the idol. Give us rain so our food will grow in the fields, and we will have plenty to eat. King Ahab prayed to the idol Baal every day. He even built a temple for the idol Baal so everybody could worship him. And many people did. Was there anyone left who wasn t worshiping Baal? Was there anyone left who really loved God? Was there anyone God could use to tell His special people to return to worshiping the true God? Yes, there was! Elijah! Memory Verse My God will meet all your needs. PHILIPPIANS 4:19, NIV. The Message God loves us and gives us everything we need. 25

26 So God spoke to Elijah. God gave Elijah a very important message for King Ahab. Elijah walked quickly into King Ahab s palace. Elijah spoke loudly, My God, the God of Israel, says there will be no rain for the next few years unless I say so. Your idol Baal cannot give you rain. King Ahab couldn t believe his ears! His mouth hung open in surprise. Before King Ahab could think of anything to say, Elijah hurried out of the palace. Where should I go now? Elijah thought. King Ahab is going to be very angry! God spoke to Elijah again. Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, He said. God knew that King Ahab would try to kill Elijah. Drink fresh water from the brook, God continued, and I will send ravens to feed you. Elijah hurried to Kerith Brook. He sat on the ground and thought about all that had happened. Just as the sun began to disappear behind the mountains, Elijah heard birds calling. Caw! Caw! Caw! Big black birds swooped down. The ravens dropped the food they were carrying on a rock near Elijah. Then they quickly flew away. Elijah watched the birds disappear. Amazing! he thought. When God said He was going to send ravens to take care of me, He meant it! Elijah bowed his head and thanked God. He sat on the rock and picked up his supper. Then he looked at the sky in the direction the ravens had flown. God had kept His promise. God always keeps His promises. 26

27 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story together and review the memory verse. Write each word of the memory verse on individual pieces of paper. Let your child pretend to be a raven flying to pick up each paper. As each is retrieved, read each word, completing the verse. Ask the child to repeat it. Use the papers each day. On a rainy day or night set out a cup to catch the rain. Then measure how much rain fell. Ask: Why do we need the rain? SUNDAY Read 1 Kings 17:1-6 together. Ask: What message did Elijah give to King Ahab? What did God tell Elijah to do? Help your child use two paper cups with dirt in them to plant a few fast-growing seeds. Ask: What do seeds need to grow? Have your child water only one, but place both cups by a window. Throughout the week, remind your child to water only the one plant. MONDAY Read the lesson story together. Ask: What did God give Elijah besides food? (safe place to live, water) Encourage your child to share the story with someone. TUESDAY Help your child act out the lesson story, using props such as toy birds, water, and bread. Help your child count some things God has given your family. Thank God for His care. WEDNESDAY Feed birds some bread or cracker pieces. Ask: How would you feel if birds fed you today? To thank God that He gives us what we need, sing a thank-you song. Or sing The Blackbird Song on page 63. THURSDAY Talk about caring for pets. List the things pets need (food, water, love, etc.). Discuss how God gives us what we need. Sing a song about God s care. FRIDAY During family worship, read about Elijah in Prophets and Kings, page 121 (first and second paragraphs). Look at the seeds you planted Sunday. What is happening to those you watered? to those you didn t water? Explain that no water causes a drought, and that is what happened in Elijah s time. Sing songs of thanks for God s care. Say the memory verse together. 27

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29 LESSON 6 REFERENCES: 1 KINGS 17:7-16; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP Miracle Oil Paige sat on the porch, ready to bite into her last cookie. Her friend Julie came running over. Uh-oh. What should Paige do? When Elijah was hungry, someone shared with him. lijah had been camping E at the little brook for a long time. But the water no longer splashed merrily along. There had been no rain. And the water in the little brook was almost gone. Elijah studied the clear blue sky. Not a rain cloud in sight. Elijah knew why. God s special people were still praying to Baal for rain. But God wanted them to understand that He was the one who sent rain not an idol. It would not rain until God said so. PSALM 95:7, NIV. Suddenly God spoke to Elijah. Go to the village of Zarephath, He said. A widow woman there will feed you. (A widow is a woman whose husband has died.) Elijah quickly started down the dusty road to Zarephath. Memory Verse He is our God and we are... under his care. The Message God uses others to love and care for us. 29

30 When Elijah reached the village gates, he saw a woman gathering small sticks. Elijah was hot and thirsty from his long, long walk. Would you please bring me a cup of water? he asked the woman. And please bring me a little bread, too. The woman turned to Elijah. With tears in her eyes she said, I don t have any bread in my house. I have only a handful of flour and a little oil. I am going home to make a fire with these few sticks. I will cook one last meal for my son and me. Then we will die, because we will have nothing left to eat. Elijah smiled at the woman. Don t be afraid, he said. Go ahead and cook the meal, but first make me a little loaf of bread. God promises that there will always be plenty of flour and oil in your containers, and you will not run out of food until He sends the rain again and new food begins to grow. The widow woman believed the words of the Lord. So she did as Elijah asked. She went home and began to cook. Elijah sat and sipped his water as the woman made a little loaf of bread for him. He watched as she measured the right amount of oil and flour. He saw her mix them together to make bread dough. Soon he could smell the bread as it slowly baked. What a treat it was to have good fresh bread again. For more than three years there was no rain, and nothing could grow. But the widow s flour and oil never ran out. God had provided food and water in the past. And He would provide it now for Elijah and for the kind widow and her son. 30

31 Do and Say SABBATH Read the lesson story and review the memory verse each day this week. Say: He is our God ; your child responds and we are under his care. Say Psalm 95:7 together. SUNDAY Together, find and read 1 Kings 17:7-16, paraphrasing as necessary. Ask: Why did God tell Elijah to leave the brook? Why was the widow gathering sticks? What two things would the widow use to make bread? Make or share some bread together. MONDAY Read the lesson story. Ask: Why do you think the widow did what Elijah asked? How do you think she felt as they were eating her last bit of food? Encourage your child to share their thank-you card with the person they chose in Sabbath School. (Or help them make one for someone God uses to love and care for them.) TUESDAY Sing a sharing song and act it out with two toys. Ask: What would you do if you had only one toy? Who shared with Elijah? Thank Jesus that you have something to share. WEDNESDAY Ask your child to think of all the people God uses to love and care for them. Make a list and count the people. Thank Jesus for each one. THURSDAY Have your child help you make bread or muffins. Together, share the results with someone (neighbor, friend, etc.). Save some for tomorrow night. FRIDAY During worship tonight, read about the widow s faith in Prophets and Kings, page 129 (second paragraph) and page 131 (first paragraph). Ask: Why didn t the flour and oil run out? Start a family prayer journal. Have each person draw a picture of a specific need; then pray together about each one. Leave a place to record answers to these prayers. Sing a prayer song; then thank God for taking care of your family. Share the bread or muffins made yesterday with your family. Say the memory verse together. 31

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33 LESSON 7 REFERENCES: 1 KINGS 17:17-24; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP. 131, 132. The Boy Is Alive! Do you remember ever being really, really sick? So sick that you thought you might never get well? That happened to the widow s son.. E lijah stayed in Zarephath where God had sent him. God had not sent rain for a long, long time because the people still worshiped the idol Baal. Without rain the crops did not grow, and people everywhere were very hungry. But there was always food in the widow s house, just as the Lord had promised. Every day when the widow looked into her jar, she found NAHUM 1:7, NIV. enough flour to make bread. Every day when she looked into her jug, she found enough oil, too. Every day God kept His promise. One morning the widow s son whispered to his mother, I don t feel good, Mother. I hurt all over. Memory Verse The Lord... cares for those who trust in him. The Message God will always answer our prayers. 33

34 The mother held her son and rocked him. She gave him cool water to drink. She sang soft songs to him. But her son didn t get well. He got worse. And then he died. The widow woman cried and cried. Tears ran down her face as she told Elijah what had happened. Give me your son, Elijah said. He carried the boy upstairs to the room the widow had given Elijah. He laid the boy on the bed. Then Elijah cried to the Lord. Why has this happened to the kind woman who is sharing her home with me? O Lord my God, let this boy s life return to him! Three times Elijah prayed this prayer. The Lord did not answer Elijah with words. He did not answer Elijah s question about why the widow woman s son had died. But after the third prayer the boy began to breathe again. He came back to life! Elijah shouted with joy. He picked up the boy and rushed down the stairs. Your son is alive! he shouted. Your son is alive! The widow grabbed her boy in a big hug. She was so happy she laughed and cried at the same time. Then she looked up at Elijah through her tears. Now I know that you are a man of God, she said. God loves us very much! I know He will always answer our prayers. God loves you very much too. He will always be with you and and will always love you. Say, I love You, Jesus each day when you pray. 34

35 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story together and review the memory verse by using the following motions: The Lord Point upward. cares arms together as if rocking a doll. for those who...point to others. trust in him.....point upward. Nahum 1:7.....Palms together, then open. SUNDAY Together, read 1 Kings 17: Count the number of times Elijah prayed. Draw five large circles to represent Elijah, the widow when her son died, the widow when her son was restored to life, the son when sick, and the son when restored to life. Help add to the circles faces each would have had. MONDAY Read the story together. Ask: How do you think his mother felt after the boy was healed? What do you think the boy did? Sing about Jesus love. Thank Him for His care. TUESDAY Help your child send or deliver the get-well card made in Sabbath School. Together, pray for that person. (Or help your child make a card.) WEDNESDAY Help your child name five things Jesus gave them to keep them healthy (food, water, etc.). Thank Jesus for each. Say the memory verse and sing a thank-you song together. THURSDAY Ask your child to think about a time when they were very sick. Ask: Who helped you get well? (mother, doctor, Jesus) Talk about exercise as something Jesus gave us to keep us healthy. See how many times your child can jump in place. FRIDAY During worship, read Prophets and Kings, page 131 (second, third, and fourth paragraphs). Then act out the Bible story. Let your child be the sick boy. Have each person draw two faces one sad, the other happy and hold up the appropriate one as the story unfolds. Say the memory verse. Then sing thank- You songs. 35

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37 LESSON 8 REFERENCES: 2 KINGS 2:1-18; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP Up, Up, and Away! Do you want to go to heaven? What do you want to see there? What do you want to do? Elijah wanted to go too. lijah woke up. A beautiful E smile spread over his face. Today was the day! Today was his last day on earth. God had told him so. Today God would take him home to heaven! Elijah and his special helper Elisha talked. I am going to Bethel to visit the school of the prophets, Elijah said. You stay here. But Elisha also knew that this was Elijah s last day on earth. I will never leave you! Elisha exclaimed. I will go with you. Elijah and Elisha started on their journey. Elijah visited PSALM 68:35, NIV. many of his friends that day. He told them goodbye. Late that afternoon God told Elijah to cross over the Jordan River. The river was deep, and there was no bridge. Elijah stopped on the riverbank and took off his cloak. He rolled it up and hit the Memory Verse God... gives power and strength to his people. The Message God gives us power. 37

38 water with it. The water divided, and there was a dry path for Elijah and Elisha to walk across! What can I do for you before the Lord takes me away? Elijah asked his friend. I want to carry on your work, Elisha said. I want help from the Lord. I want Him to give me His power like He gave it to you. If you see me when I am taken away, you will have what you are asking for, Elijah answered. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a chariot of fire appeared, pulled by horses of fire. The chariot drove right between the two men. And then Elijah was lifted up into the chariot and quickly carried to heaven by a strong wind called a whirlwind. Elijah dropped his cloak as the chariot took him up. Elisha picked it up and held it close. He looked up into the sky. He looked as hard as he could, but the chariot of fire and the horses of fire and his friend Elijah had all disappeared. Elisha walked back to the Jordan River. He stopped and rolled up Elijah s cloak, just as Elijah had, and he struck the water with it. The water of the river divided! Elisha walked back across the Jordan River on dry land. Now he was sure that he would carry on Elijah s work. Elisha knew that God had given him power. He would serve God just as Elijah had. For all of his days he was God s servant, and he used the power God gave him to help others. God will give you power too power to obey Him and to do good all the days of your life. 38

39 Do and Say SABBATH Read the lesson story together every day this week and use the motions to review the memory verse. (See page 61.) SUNDAY Read 2 Kings 2:1-18. Ask: How would you feel if you knew you were going to heaven today? Help your child share the chariot made in Sabbath School with someone today. Encourage your child to tell about Elijah s trip to heaven when giving the chariot away. Sing a song about heaven. MONDAY Ask: Where did God take Elijah? How do you think it felt to ride in God s chariot? Hold a toy pinwheel in a breeze. Use a fan to blow things away (paper, leaves, etc.); then try to blow pebbles or rocks. TUESDAY Play the double game. Have your child ask you for a certain amount of coins. Give them double. Explain that double is twice as much. Help them understand that Elisha wanted double the power God had given Elijah. Ask God for His power to do what is right; then thank Him for it. WEDNESDAY Compare God s power to electric power. Let your child turn a flashlight off and on. Then remove the batteries. Compare this to the connection we need to Jesus so we can receive His power to do good. THURSDAY Choose a distance about six or eight feet away. Ask your child to attempt to jump to that point. After several unsuccessful attempts, lift them up and carry them to the chosen point. Explain that we cannot do some things for ourselves and we need help. Ask: Whom will you ask when you need power to do good? What do you need God to help you do today? Talk and pray with your child about one thing for which they need God s power (obeying, being kind, not hitting, etc.). FRIDAY During family worship, read Prophets and Kings, page 226 (second paragraph), page 227 (first paragraph), and page 228 (last paragraph). Ask: What did Elisha ask for? Did he receive it? Use props as you act out the story together. Sing God Is So Good or another praise song; then thank God for all He does for your family. 39

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41 LESSON 9 REFERENCES: 2 KINGS 4:1-7; COUNSELS ON STEWARDSHIP, P Never-ending Oil Has your family ever asked to borrow something from a neighbor? Some flour, or perhaps a tool? A poor widow once borrowed some unusual things. poor widow came to Elisha with tear stains on her face. My husband was a good man who loved the Lord, the woman cried. But now he is dead. The man my husband owed money to says if I don t pay him, he will take away my two sons to be his slaves! How can I help you? Elisha asked gently. Tell me, what do you have in your house? 2 KINGS 4:2, NIV. Nothing! the widow answered. I have nothing except a little oil. Elisha thought about her need. Go to all your friends and neighbors, he spoke kindly, and borrow as many empty jars as Memory Verse Elisha replied,... How can I help you? The Message God s people care for one another. 41

42 you can. Then go home and shut the door. Pour the oil from your jar into all the borrowed jars. So the widow borrowed her neighbors empty jars. She and her sons filled their house with empty jars. Then the woman shut the door. She began to pour oil from her jar into a borrowed jar. The oil kept flowing, and soon the first borrowed jar was full. The woman poured and poured, and the oil kept flowing. She filled the second borrowed jar. She filled the third borrowed jar. Then she filled the fourth. Soon she lost count. She just kept pouring until all the jars were full. Bring me another jar! she said happily. There aren t any more empty jars left, Mother, her boys exclaimed. You filled them all! The woman s eyes sparkled. She hurried out of the house and ran to find Elisha. I did exactly what you said! she spoke breathlessly. I borrowed as many jars as I could, and now they are all filled with oil! And I still have oil in my jar! Elisha smiled. Go and sell the oil, he said. Pay back what your husband owed. And you will have money left over for you and your sons to live on. The widow woman praised the Lord for the miracle of the oil. She thanked God for taking care of her. And she thanked Him for Elisha and her neighbors. That day the widow and her sons learned that they could trust the Lord to take care of them. We can trust God to send the right people to care for us too. And God wants us to be good neighbors also. How can you be a good neighbor? How can you help others today? 42

43 Do and Say SABBATH Read the lesson story each day this week and review the memory verse as follows: Have your child (the widow ) kneel in front of Elisha (you) with hands held up as if begging. Elisha says the memory verse to the widow. Switch roles and repeat several times. SUNDAY Together, read 2 Kings 4:1-7. Ask: How do you think the widow felt when she thought the man might take her boys away? What did the woman do with the oil? Show your child oils you use (olive oil, corn oil, etc.). Let them smell or taste each. Ask: What do you think the widow used her oil for? Let your child help you use the cooking oil to prepare food today. Thank God for food. MONDAY Your child s Sabbath School class has chosen a community service project. Together, make a plan for helping with that project. (Or plan one your family can do.) Talk about how you can be a good neighbor to others. Sing Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (Little Voices Praise Him, No. 202). TUESDAY Have your child help you pour and count how many cups of water are in two or three of your largest pitchers. Ask: Do you think the widow s neighbors lent more or less jars than these? Why did God give the widow enough oil to fill all the jars? WEDNESDAY Act out the Bible story with your family. Talk about ways church friends have helped your family. Ask: What would you have shared with the widow if she had been our neighbor? Why? Sing a caring song before prayer. THURSDAY Ask your child to tell the lesson story. Count the ways God can use your family to help others. Try to do one today. Sing a helping song before you pray. FRIDAY Read about God s care for us in Counsels on Stewardship, page 227 (second paragraph). Ask: What will God give us? What do we need to do? Should we worry? Let your child point out things in your home for which to thank God. Sing a thank-you song. 43


45 LESSON 1 0 REFERENCES: 2 KINGS 4:8-37; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP Alive Again Have you ever visited a friend s house and been given good food to eat and a comfortable place to sleep? A woman did that for Elisha. hank you for inviting me T to dinner, Elisha spoke kindly to the Shunammite woman. I always enjoy your home when I come to Shunem. But now I must be on my way. Elisha waved as he went down the road. The man of God needs a place to stay when he travels through our town, the woman said to her husband. Let s build a little room for him up on the roof. Her husband agreed. Soon some men were working to add a room to the top of the house. When Elisha came again, the room was ready. It was so good to have a place to stay! One day while resting in his new room, Elisha sent his servant, Gehazi, to the woman. Ask her what I can do to thank her, Elisha said. But the woman said she had everything she needed. Memory Verse If one falls down, his friend can help him up. ECCLESIASTES 4:10, NIV. The Message God s people are kind to one another. 45

46 I would still like to do something for her, Elisha said to his servant. She has no son, Gehazi reminded his master. And every woman in Israel wants to have children. Elisha sent for the kind woman. This time next year you will be holding a son in your arms, he told her with a smile. And the next year the woman and her husband had a new baby boy! The little boy grew and grew. One hot summer day he went to the fields where his father was working. Suddenly he cried out, My head hurts! My head hurts! His father called to a servant, My son is sick. Quickly, take him to his mother. The servant carried the boy to the house. His mother held him on her lap and tried to help and comfort him. But he died. Her heart was broken. She went upstairs and put him on Elisha s bed. Then she hurried to find Elisha. Elisha went back home with the woman. Elisha prayed and prayed. And God answered his prayer. God put life back into the boy! The little boy sneezed. Then he sneezed again and again! Altogether the little boy sneezed seven times, one right after another! Then he opened his eyes and sat up. Go get his mother, Elisha called to Gehazi. Gehazi hurried away and called the boy s mother. The little boy s mother came running. She saw her boy sitting up. She picked him up. She hugged him, and kissed him, and hugged him some more. She thanked the Lord for blessing her so. The Shunammite woman had been a blessing to Elisha. But the Lord had blessed her more He had given her the same son twice! 46

47 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story together and review the memory verse as follows: Your child falls down and says: If one falls down. You take their hand and help them up while saying: His friend can help him up. Switch roles and repeat. SUNDAY Use the Hands of Blessings made in Sabbath School to help your child be a blessing to someone. (Or make a Hands of Blessings by tracing around your child s hands. Print on one hand the name of the person to whom they want to be kind. On the other hand print how they will show kindness.) Your child gives the Hands of Blessings to that person while being kind. MONDAY List ways to be helpful to others. Each day select one thing and do it together. Read 2 Kings 4:8-16 together. Ask: Why did Elisha want to do something for the woman? How do you feel when others are kind to you? TUESDAY Read 2 Kings 4:17-22 together. Ask: Who helped the boy get to his mother? Help your child list things you and others do to help him or her; then count the things. Thank Jesus for all who help us. WEDNESDAY Act out the story with your family. Have your child pretend to sneeze seven times when appropriate in the story. Ask: How do you think the little boy felt when he opened his eyes? How did his mother feel? THURSDAY Have your child say the memory verse. Sing a helping song before prayer. Talk to your child about how they are a blessing to your family. Be specific. FRIDAY During worship tonight, read about the boy who was brought back to life in Prophets and Kings, page 237 (third paragraph), page 238 (first paragraph), and page 239 (first paragraph). Talk about how your family can be a blessing at church tomorrow. Sing a helping song and say the memory verse together before prayer. 47


49 LESSON 1 1 REFERENCES: 2 KINGS 4:38-41; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP. 240, 241. Poison in the Pot Do you complain about what s for supper? I hope not! But I think if you were a student at the school Elisha visited, you might have a good reason to complain about the stew. he students of the Gilgal School of the Prophets T were excited. Elisha was coming to visit! Good things always happened when the prophet came. Elisha always had time to listen to them. He gave them good counsel and encouraged them in their studies. Yes, the prophet was coming, and the students were excited. But they also thought about something more than their studies. Would Elisha hear their stomachs growling? What? Stomachs growling? Yes. Another 2 SAMUEL 9:7, NIV. drought in the land meant no rain, which meant little food growing, which meant stomachs growling with hunger. Everyone greeted Elisha excitedly. It was easy to see that the students looked forward to his visit. Elisha smiled as he listened to Memory Verse For I will surely show you kindness. The Message God helps us see and supply others needs. 49

50 their chatter. But he also noticed that the students looked thin and a little pale. They haven t had much food to eat, Elisha thought. He knew they needed food so they could think clearly. Elisha called to his servant, Bring a big pot and make some stew for the students. The servant went into the field near the school. He found some things growing on a vine. He wasn t quite sure, but thought they would do. Elisha s servant boiled some water in the big pot. He cut up the things he had found and added them to the water, threw in some herbs, and let them cook. The smell drifted to the students. Now their stomachs were really growling! They didn t know what the servant had put in the stew, but it smelled wonderful. They hurried to wash their hands and get their bowls. Soon they gathered around the big pot. They held their bowls, eagerly waiting to be served. They gulped down the first bites. Something was wrong! Stop! they shouted. There is poison in the pot! The servant was shocked. Poison? The plants must have been bad. What have I done? he worried. But God was watching and He told Elisha what to do. Bring me some flour, Elisha insisted. His servant hurried away and soon returned with a sack of flour. Quickly Elisha added the flour to the pot and stirred it. He tasted the stew, then told his servant to offer it to the students again. The servant must have hesitated. The students probably hesitated too. Does flour normally take away poison? No, but they trusted God, and they trusted God s servant, Elisha. The stew tasted delicious! So they eagerly emptied their bowls. Elisha realized the students need of food, and he did what he could. With God s help, he cared for the students. God will take care of you, too. Just ask Him to every day. 50

51 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story together and review the memory verse as follows: Cup hands together; then outstretch your arms as if giving while saying, For I will surely show you kindness. Repeat several times. SUNDAY Read 2 Kings 4: Ask: How do you think the servant felt about the poison stew? Did the flour take the poison away? Who did? Help your child share the gourd made in Sabbath School. (Or draw a gourd, write the memory verse on it, color, cut out, and share it.) MONDAY Show your child the symbol for poison (skull and crossbones). Ask: What does this mean? Look for poisonous household items (cleaners, etc.). Ask: What should you do about these? Sing a song about God s care; then thank Him for watching over your child. TUESDAY Together, taste different things (bitter, sour, salty, and sweet). Ask: Do poisonous things always taste bad? (no) Should you eat something you find if you are not sure it s safe? Thank Jesus for safe plants to eat. WEDNESDAY Act out the Bible story. Have your child put on a pair of play glasses and look around the house for ways they can help (play with baby sister, pick up their toys, etc.). Talk about looking for chances to help people. Thank Jesus for eyes to see. THURSDAY Find pictures of hungry people in newspapers or magazines. Ask: What can we do to help people like these? Sing He s Able together; then thank Jesus for His loving care. FRIDAY During worship tonight, read about the poisonous stew in Prophets and Kings, page 240 (third paragraph) through page 241 (second paragraph). Ask: How can we help people who are hungry? Plan to do something specific. Talk about ways God has helped your family this week. Say the memory verse together. Sing thank-you songs; then praise God as you pray. 51


53 LESSON 1 2 REFERENCES: 2 KINGS 6:1-7; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP. 260, 261. The Floating Axhead Do you think God knows about the tiniest ant crawling along? He does. He cares about little things. A long time ago God showed someone how much He cared about a little thing. lisha was visiting the school of the E prophets at Gilgal. Another new student is starting today, someone told him. But there is hardly any room for him. This school needs more space. The students liked the prophet s visits. He answered their questions and listened to them. So they told him about the space problem. Prophet Elisha, a Memory Verse Serve each other with love. GALATIANS 5:13, ICB. The Message We can help others, even in small ways. student began, we like it when you come. And we like to have new students. But we have a big problem. We need more room. Prophet Elisha thought about it. The school really was too small. Yes, he agreed. This place is too small. Let s go to the Jordan River. We can build a place there where there is plenty of room, someone suggested. And there are plenty of trees to cut down for a larger building. 53

54 A bigger place was needed so more students could come and learn about God so they could tell others. Yes, Elisha encouraged. That s a good idea. Go and get started. Then one of the students said, Won t you please come with us? You can help us find the right place. I will, Elisha replied. And he went with them. So they all met at the river and started working. Lots of trees had to be cut down to build a larger school. Everyone worked hard, chopping and cutting with axes. Suddenly one of the students cried out, Oh, no! No! No! Everyone heard a big splash and turned to look. His ax! The axhead was gone! No wonder the student was upset. An ax was an expensive tool. The axhead was made of iron, and it would be hard to replace. It wasn t mine, the student moaned. I borrowed it! What will I do? How can I replace it? Elisha hurried to the young man s side. Where did the axhead fall into the river? he asked. The student pointed to the exact spot. There, he said. It just flew into the river right there. Then Elisha did the strangest thing. He picked up a stick and threw it into the water, right where the axhead fell in. And up came the axhead, floating on the water! Lift it out, Elisha said to the young man. So the young man entered the water and waded to the axhead. He grabbed it and returned to shore where he fixed it to the ax handle. Now, everyone knows that things made of iron can t float. So how did this axhead float? A miracle! God used Elisha to perform another miracle! Yes, God cares about the little things. He cares if we lose a borrowed tool or a favorite toy. He cares about all your needs! 54

55 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story together and use the motions to review the memory verse as follows: Serve With palms up, arms at waist level, move arms forward. each other...point to others. with love.....cross arms over chest. Galatians 5:13 Put palms together, then open. SUNDAY Help your child share the ax made in Sabbath School with someone who is sick or sad. Pray for that person. Help your child gather small things to look at with a magnifying glass. Include a piece of hair. Read Matthew 10:30. Ask: Do you know how many hairs are on your head? Remind them that God knows and He cares about the small things. MONDAY Read 2 Kings 6:1-7 together. Ask: Why did the students go to the river? Take a walk by a river, pond, or lake. Toss a few things in the water. (But don t pollute.) What sinks? What floats? TUESDAY Review the lesson. Ask: Why did the axhead float? Show your child a real ax (or a picture). Point out the axhead. Talk about ax safety. Ask: What do people use axes for today? WEDNESDAY In the bathtub or sink, experiment with things that float and sink. Remind your child of the heavy axhead that God made float. Help your child do something small for someone. (Put a love note in Daddy s lunch, sweep a neighbor s porch, etc.) Sing a song about caring or helping. THURSDAY Find little things in nature (ant, blade of grass, pebble). Ask: Does God care about these little things? Does God care about you and me? Sing about Jesus care; then thank Him. FRIDAY During worship tonight, read about the floating axhead in Prophets and Kings, page 260 (third paragraph) and top of page 261. Ask: Who really worked the miracle? Act out the Bible story with your family. Sing songs of praise and thank God for His care. 55

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57 LESSON 1 3 REFERENCES: 2 KINGS 6:8-17; PROPHETS AND KINGS, PP Angels All Around Have you ever been scared of something, like a loud thunderstorm or a big dog? Elisha s servant was afraid. But Elisha knew what to do. he king of Aram shook T his fist at his army officers. I want to know who is telling the king of Israel all my secret plans! he shouted. Every time we go to attack Israel, their king knows about it! One of the officers took a deep breath and spoke up. It is not one of us, sir. The prophet Elisha JAMES 5:16, NIV. tells the king of Israel everything you say, even the words you speak in your bedroom. Then find out where Elisha is! the king shouted. The officers hurried to send spies to look for Elisha. Soon they knew. Elisha is in the city of Dothan, they told the king. Memory Verse Pray for each other. The Message We help others when we pray for them. 57

58 Go capture him! the king commanded. Go tonight, and surround the city. Early the next morning Elisha s servant walked down the street. He smiled until he looked outside the city and saw the army from Aram. The servant s heart pounded with fear. He turned around and ran back to the house. Elisha, Elisha! he cried. The army of Aram has surrounded the city! What are we going to do? Don t be afraid, Elisha said. Come with me. The two men climbed up high so they could look over the city walls. Many horses and chariots, and many, many soldiers surrounded the city. Do not be afraid, Elisha said again. The army that is on our side is bigger than that army. Then Elisha prayed, Lord, open my servant s eyes. Let him see. The Lord did open the servant s eyes. What an amazing sight! The hills were covered with horses and chariots of fire! God s army of angels surrounded the enemy. As the enemy came toward the city, Elisha prayed again. Strike these men with blindness, he asked. Immediately, the enemy soldiers could not see. They fell over one another. Elisha spoke to the enemy soldiers. Follow me, he told them. I will lead you. And he led them away to Samaria. There Elisha prayed again. Lord, open the eyes of these men and let them see where they are. The enemy soldiers were surprised to find themselves facing the king and soldiers of Samaria. The king of Samaria asked Elisha, What shall I do with these men? Give them food and water, then send them back to their master, Elisha answered. So the king did. When the enemy soldiers told their king what had happened, he decided to stop attacking God s people. And what about Elisha s servant? That day he learned that God s angels are always ready to help His children. God always hears our prayers. And He knows what needs to be done. 58

59 Do and Say SABBATH Each day this week read the lesson story and use the following to review the memory verse. Pray Fold hands as if praying. for each other... Point to self, then to others. James 5: Palms together; then open. SUNDAY Read 2 Kings 6:8-17 together. Ask: Why could Elisha s servant see the angel army? Blindfold your child and lead them around the room. Remove the blindfold. Ask: Why couldn t you see? Can you see now? Why? Help your child understand that just as you removed the blindfold, God helped Elisha s servant to see the angels. MONDAY Ask: What did Elisha s servant see before God helped him? After? Whose army was bigger? Help your child share the praying hands made in Sab bath School. Or write a note to tell someone that God s angels are always with them. Pray a special prayer for them. TUESDAY Make an angel mobile. Draw several angels, cut them out, and use varying lengths of thread to attach them to a coat hanger. Thank God for angels. WEDNESDAY Ask: Is your angel taking care of you today? Why do you think so? Help your child draw a picture of their angel watching over them. Sing songs about angels and thank Jesus for your child s guardian angel. THURSDAY Look for things in your home that protect your family (helmet, shoes, raincoat, umbrella, knee pads, smoke alarm). Ask: How do these things protect us? How does God protect us and keep us safe? Act out the Bible story with your family. Sing about angels before prayer. FRIDAY During worship tonight, read about Elisha and his servant in Prophets and Kings, pages 256 and 257 (three paragraphs). Ask: Why did Elisha ask God to open his servant s eyes? How did his servant feel when he saw God s army? Sing Angels Are Watching Over Me. Use family names instead of the word me. Thank Jesus for angels that care for your family. 59

60 The memory verse activities described here are recommended as teaching and review activities. These activities were suggested for use in Sabbath School. LESSO N 1 Do the following actions while repeating the memory verse: May... God.....Point upward. grant you hands out in front with palms up as if giving. what you hands folded in have asked prayer. of him point upward. 1 Samuel 1:17....Palms together, then open as if reading a book. LESSO N 2 For his whole life he will be given... to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:28, NIV). Teach the memory verse by writing one word of the verse on each of 12 pieces of paper and tape them together accordion-style. As you lift the top sheet the other sheets should unfold as you recite the verse. LESSO N 3 Use the suggested motions as you say the memory verse. Speak, Point to mouth. Lord, Point upward. for your servant...point to self. is listening point to ears. 1 Samuel 3:9.....Palms together; then open as if opening a book. LESSO N 4 Samuel continued as judge... all the days of his life (1 Samuel 7:15, NIV). Inside a gift-wrapped box, place a large cutout in the shape of a child. Print the memory verse on the cutout, writing from the head down to the feet. As you slowly pull the child from the box, say the memory verse. 60

61 LESSO N 5 My God will meet all your needs (Philippians 4:19, NIV). Write each word of the memory verse and text on a separate sheet of paper. Place the eight pieces of paper in the proper order on a table. Your child can use a clothespin or finger puppet to pretend to be a raven and fly to pick up one piece of paper and return the paper to you. When they do, read each word and return it to its place in order. LESSO N 6 He is our God and we are... under his care (Psalm 95:7, NIV). Stand with your child, facing one another. Point upward and say: He is our God. Your child can offer you a piece of bread as he or she says: and we are under his care. Together say: Psalm 95:7. LESSO N 7 Use the suggested motions as you say the memory verse. The Lord Point upward. cares arms together as if rocking a doll. for those who....point to others. trust in him......point upward. Nahum 1: Palms together, then open as if opening a book. LESSO N 8 Use the suggested motions as you say the memory verse. God Point upward. gives hands extended, then pull toward chest. power both hands as fists, move from chest outward. and strength.....fist extended; arm tightened and pulled upward to show arm strength or muscle. to his people......point outward to others. Psalm 68: Palms together; then apart as if opening a book. 61

62 LESSO N 9 Elisha replied,... How can I help you? (2 Kings 4:2, NIV). Decide with your child who will pretend to be the widow and who will be Elisha. Have the widow kneel down in front of Elisha with hands held up as if begging for help. Elisha then repeats the memory verse to the widow. Switch roles and repeat. LESSON 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up (Ecclesiastes 4:10, NIV). Have your child gently fall down and say: If one falls down. Take his hand and say his friend can help him up. Together say Ecclesiastes 4:10. Reverse roles and repeat. LESSON 11 For I will surely show you kindness (2 Samuel 9:7, NIV). Have your child cup hands together and outstretch arms as if giving while saying the memory verse. Repeat a few times. LESSON 12 Use the suggested motions as you say the memory verse. Serve With palms up, arms at waist level, move arms forward. each other point to others. with love cross arms over chest. Galatians 5:13....Put palms together, then open. LESSON 13 Use the suggested motions as you say the memory verse. Pray Fold hands as if praying. for each other.....point to self, then to others. James 5: Palms together; then open as if opening a book. 62

63 The Blackbird Song JANET SAGE JANET SAGE 1990 by Janet Sage. Assigned to the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Used by permission. 63

64 When a Mother Calls KATHRYN B. MYERS KATHRYN B. MYERS Copyright 1958 Kathryn B. Myers. 64

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