Making the rounds through the Internet is a short video

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1 DID JESUS NAME THE ANTI-CHRIST? Making the rounds through the Internet is a short video sug gest ing that Jesus named the anti-christ through His statement recorded in Luke 18:10: I be held Sa tan as light - ning fall from Heaven. The cryp tic ex planation rests upon the premise that, although re corded Greek, Jesus would have been speaking Aramaic and/or He brew. Therefore, we must look at the Hebrew words that would have been used in Je sus state ment. The nar ra tor then takes us to two He brew texts to sort out what Je sus was saying. The first is Psalms 144:6: Cast forth light ning and scat ter them: shoot out thine ar rows, and de stroy them (KJV). The second is Isa iah 14:14, quoting Lucifer: I will as cend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (KJV). The key words in these two He brew texts are light ning in Psalms 144:6 and the heights or Heaven in Isa iah 14:14. The He brew word for light ning is keyed by Strong s Con cor - dance num ber 1300: baraq. The He brew word for the heights is keyed by Strong s num ber 1116: bawmaw. We are then to use the He brew con junc tion vau which may be trans literated as u or o, and which the nar rator says is com monly used to con nect two con cepts. Putting them together we are told that Je sus said, I be held Satan as Baraq o Bawmaw or, I be held Sa tan as Barack Obama. The nar ra tor con cludes: Did Je sus re veal to us the name of the anti-christ? I re port; you de cide. The re sponses to this video range from shock, to dis belief, to scoff ing. Might many Chris tians take this as a Bi ble Code af - firmation that se cretly con firms Barack Obama as the anti- Christ? Cer tainly the nar rator seems to think so, though he does - n t give a de finitive answer, leav ing it up to the viewer to de cide. So let s take a look at what is sug gested. First, the nar rator is cor rect that Jesus did not speak Greek, but, in all like li hood, He spoke Ar a maic and pos si bly Hebrew. But Ar a maic was not an ancient form of He brew as much as it was a hy brid lan guage that in cor po rated He brew with Phoe nician, a Canaanite lan guage of that era. Its or i gins go back 3,000 years, and it was the com mon language of Is rael dur ing the Sec ond Tem ple Pe riod (539 B.C. to A.D. 70). Ac cord ing to ex perts Ar a maic is the Se mitic subfamily to the Afroasiatic lan guage fam ily. The produc ers of the video cor rected this in an up dated ver sion. If, as sur mised by his torians, Jesus spoke Ar a maic, then it was not pure He brew. But that is just a minor aside to this whole issue. The fact remains that in He brew the words trans lit er ated from Greek in Luke 10:18 could be as stated in this video. However, it would be help ful to look at the KJV syn tax for the statement and com pare it to modern American English syntax. Where the KJV says, I be held Satan as light ning fall ing from heaven, applying modern syntax we would say, I saw Satan falling from Heaven like light ning. So Je sus was n t say ing I saw Satan as lightning or I saw Sa tan as baraq. Rather, He was say ing, I saw Satan fall, just as light ning falls from the heav ens. The word for the heav ens as the at mo sphere, the heav ens as interstellar space, and Heaven as the abode of God, are the same in Greek: ouranos. It is var iously trans lated in the KJV as air, heaven, heav enly, and sky. Light ning falls from the at mo - sphere, but Sa tan fell from Heaven, God s abode. Yet he is now in the heav ens as the prince of the power of the air (Ephe sians 2:2). Je sus was tell ing His dis ciples that He saw Sa tan fall ing from Heaven just as light ning falls from the heav ens. How does light ning fall from the heav ens? It is so quickly that it ap pears as a solid light ning bolt rather than as a shaft of light un fold ing from the sky in steps and trav eling to the earth. Light is pure en ergy, the fast est-traveling el e ment known to man, mov - ing at 186,000 miles per sec ond. The anal ogy sug gests that Sa - tan s sin caused him to fall rap idly from Heaven. Admittedly, the He brew does allow for co in ci dence in us ing the words baraq and bawmaw, particularly if we fol low the in - structions to in sert the con junc tion vau or o be tween the two. But is such co incidence sufficient to draw the con clu sion that Mr. Obama is the proph e sied anti-christ for the last days? Hardly. There is also the ques tion, from where will anti-christ arise? There is noth ing in Scrip ture to de fin i tively state that he will come from any where other than the Mid dle East, spe cif i cally from the na tions that surround Is rael. I am aware that some proph esy teach ers tell us that he will come from Rus sia, or Syria, or will be a false Jew ish mes siah. But there is noth ing clearly stated in Scrip ture to sup port any of these claims. How ever, there are good rea sons to be lieve he will be a Mus lim. But first we must set the stage: DANIEL S PROPHECY Dan iel s proph ecy re gard ing the sev enty weeks or sevenyear pe riods, which re fer to the 490 years of God s deal ing with Israel, de tail the rise and fall of world rul ers dur ing that time. The 490 years are de scribed in seg ments as seven weeks, or 49 years, fol lowed by 62 weeks, or 434 years which will cul minate in Messiah being killed (Dan iel 9:26). Af ter that, the peo ple of the prince that will come (Ro man em peror Vespasian fol lowed by his gen eral Ti tus) shall de stroy the city and the sanc tu ary. and in the mid dle of the (70 th ) week he will cause the sac ri fice and the obla tion to cease (Dan iel 9:27). Having ad dressed the time of the end, this vi sion con cern - ing Is rael leaps ahead in time, ig nor ing for the most part the times of the Gentiles. Dan iel then de scribes a person age that fits the de scription of a com ing anti-christ: Nei ther will he re gard the god [elohiym: gods] of his fa thers, nor the de sire of women, nor re gard any gods, for he shall mag - nify him self above all.

2 But in his es tate he will honor the god of forces, and a god whom his fa thers did not know he will honor with gold, and silver, and with pre cious stones, and pleas ant things. Thus he will do in the most strong for ti fi cations with a strange god whom he will ac knowledge and in crease with glory, and he will rule over many, and will di vide the land for gain. These pas sages de scribe the 16th-century Mus lim Ca liph Osman Ibn Affan, and the rise of the Ot toman Empire which has left its mark on most of the old Ro man Empire. Like his prophet Mu - hammad, Ibn Affan did not honor the gods of his fa thers, but wor - shipped Al lah, a god of forces. And at the time of the end the king of the south [Egypt] will push at him, and the king of the north [Syria] will come against him like a whirl wind, with char iots, and with horse men, and with many ships, and he will en ter into the coun tries, and will over flow and pass over. He will also en ter into the glo rious land, and many countries shall be over thrown, but these shall escape out of his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon [present-day Jordan]. He will stretch forth his hand also upon the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not es cape. But he will have power over the treasures of gold and of sil ver, and over all the precious things of Egypt. And the Lib yans and the Ethi opians shall be at his steps. But news out of the east and out of the north shall trou ble him. Therefore he will go forth with great fury to de stroy, and ut terly to ban many things. And he will plant the ta bernacles of his pal - ace between the seas in the glo rious holy mountain [Zion], yet he shall come to his end, and no one shall help him. The Mus lim Ot toman Em pire at one time ex tended as far as France, and had a strong foot hold in Spain. Today the Otto man Em pire has ceased to ex ist of fi cially, but its Is lamic in flu ences re main. Je ru sa lem was taken by the Ot to mans and re mained in Muslim possession until the six-day war of 1967 when mod ern Is rael took con trol of the city. To day, one of Is lam s most holy sites the ta berna cle called the Dome of the Rock sits upon the an cient tem ple mount (Zion), which is be tween the Med i ter - ra nean Sea and the Dead Sea. While re searching this, I felt there had to be an an swer to the issue of Edom, Moab and Am mon escaping out of this prince s hand. Every map shows the Ot toman Empire controlling the en - tire Middle East. Af ter prayer for un derstanding whether or not I was cor rect in my as sessment, I hap pened upon the Web site for the na tion of Jor dan, and found this in its his tory: The four cen tu ries of Ot toman rule ( CE) were a period ofgeneral stagnation injordan. The Ot tomans were pri mar ily inter ested in Jordan in terms of its im portance to the pil grim age route to Mecca al-mukarrama. They built a series of square fortresses at Qasr al-dab a, Qasr Qatraneh, and Qal at Hasa to pro tect pilgrims from the desert tribes and to pro vide them with sources of food and wa ter. How ever, the Ot toman ad min is tra tion was weak and could not ef fec - tively control the Bed ouin tribes. Over the course of Ottoman rule, many towns and vil lages were aban doned, ag ri cul ture de clined, and fam i lies and tribes moved fre quently from one vil lage to an other. The Bed ouins, however, re mained mas ters of the desert, con tinuing to live much as they had for hun dreds of years. 1 The in fluence of the Ot toman Empire in Edom, Moab and Ammon was mi nor, and the peo ple were never really con quered. I see good rea son to be lieve that the last-days anti-christ will be a Mus lim, possibly Turk ish, for sev eral rea sons: 1) Muslims worship Allah, a god their an cestors did not know. Allah was the god of war (a god of forces or for tifications) of the pagan Arabs in Mecca. He was adopted by Mu ham mad as the only god. Not de sir ing the de sire of women, Mus lims re gard women as chat tel; 2) Is lam is the great est en emy of Jews and Chris tians to day; 3) Turkey is the land of Gog and Magog, which will at tack Jerusalem at the end of the Millen nium; 4) Pergamum in Tur key is called the seat of Sa tan in Rev e - lation 2:13; 5) Tur key was the cap ital of the Ot to man Em pire and to day unites the Is lamic lands of the East with the Chris tian lands of Europe. It is con sidered both Eu ro pean and Asian; 6) Turkey is a mod er ate Is lamic nation that finds fa vor with the West and, at this writ ing, is a strong can didate for in clu - sion in the Eu ro pean Un ion. I re al ize this flies in the face of most the o ries which posit that anti-christ will be a Jew because he would have to be ac - cepted as the Mes siah. But there is noth ing in Scrip ture to sug - gest that he will be regarded as Is rael s mes siah. In view of the Vatican s in terfaith ecumenism, what better coalition for an anti-christ un ion could there be than Is lam and Roman Ca tholicism? The late Pope John Paul II stated that Is lam s Allah is the same God wor shiped by Chris tians. In fact, this is one of the ac cepted max ims of the in terfaith ecumenical move - ment. Many nom inal Chris tians be lieve this lie, and are seek ing unity with Is lam. Ecumenical re li gious ser vices are tak ing place that join Mus lims, Jews, Chris tians, pa gans, and even devil wor - ship pers in com mon prayer. On the po litical side, these same re - ligious lead ers are tak ing an ec u men i cal stance on be half of climate change and en vi ron men tal issues. The anti-christ s king dom will be re ligious. Is lam con trols a large por tion of the old Roman Em pire, and Ro man Catholi - cism is still the pre emi nent religion of West ern Eu rope, which is seeing a strong im migration of Mus lims. With the Church of England mak ing noises that it seeks re uni fi ca tion with Rome, as does Lutheranism and the Eastern Or thodox re ligions, there is lit tle standing in the way of a re vived Ro man-ottoman religiopoliti cal union. Prince Charles, who may one day be the head of the Church of Eng land, has stated that he does not want to be known as the de fender of the faith, but as the de fender of faith all faith, includ ing Islam. He has many ties to Is lam even now. (Con tinued on page 14) 1 (December, 2001). 2 MEDIA SPOTLIGHT VOL NO. 2 PAGE 1

3 Did Je sus Name The Anti-Christ? (Continued from page 9) Islam is the fast est grow ing re li gion in the world. Since the Sep tem ber 11 at tacks on the World Trade Cen ter, who has been made the vic tim by the gov ern ment and the me dia? Islam. We are con stantly fed the lie that Is lam is a re ligion of peace, and that we can co ex ist with it. Well-known pas tors such as Bill Hybels and Rick War ren have sought di alogue with Mus lim leaders. Hybels had a Muslim imam ( holy man ) in his pul pit ex tol ling Is lam s be liefs to the ap plause of his au di ence. By such ac tions these men have de nied the Gos pel of grace through faith in Je sus Christ as the only way to God. With all the propaganda in fa vor of Is lam since the at tacks, more peo ple are look ing into Is lam and are adopt ing it in place of Chris tian ity. As well, fa vor toward Is lam among Americans since the Sep tember 11 attack had risen from 45 per cent to 59 percent as quickly as three months later. In spite of calls for co-existence the Gos pel is forbidden to be pro claimed in Is lamic na tions. Over all, Chris tians and Jews have suf fered more un der Is lam (and Ro man Cathol i cism) than under any other ide ol ogy, even Commu nism and Na zism. And at that time [the very last days] Mi chael shall stand up, the great prince who stands for the chil dren of your peo ple, and there shall be a time of trou ble such as never was since there was a na tion [Israel] even to that same time. And at that time your peo ple shall be de liv ered, every one who shall be found writ ten in the book [Is ra el ite be lievers in Je sus Christ]. This co in cides with Rev e la tion 12:7-17: And there was war in Heaven. Mi chael and his an gels fought against the dragon. And the dragon fought, and his angels, and did not pre vail; neither was their place any lon - ger found in Heaven. And the great dragon was cast out that old ser pent, called the Devil, and Sa tan, who de ceives the whole world. He was cast into the earth, and his an gels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice say ing in Heaven, Sal va tion, and strength, and the King dom of our God, and the power of His Christ have now come, for the ac cuser of our breth - ren is cast down, who ac cused them be foreour God day and night. And they over came him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their tes ti mony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. There fore re joice, you heav ens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil has come down to you, hav ing great wrath, be cause he knows that he has but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast to the earth he persecuted the woman who brought forth the man child. And two wings of a great ea gle were given to the woman so that she might fly into the wil derness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the ser pent. And the ser pent cast out of his mouth wa ter as a flood af - ter the woman so that he might cause her to be car ried away by the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth and swal lowed up the flood that the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war with the rem nant of her seed who keep the com - mandments of God, and have the testi mony of Je sus Christ. If the anti-christ will be a Mus lim from Tur key or Syria or Babylon (Iraq), then can he be the pres ident of the United States? Yet fol low ing is an in ter est ing sce nario that could plau si bly de velop. We must not be dog matic about this, and we should hold fi nal judg ment un til his tory unfolds to re veal that which is sealed up un til the time of the end. As much as a large seg ment of the United States pop u lous loudly ac claimed the as cen sion of Barack Obama to the of fice of pres i dent (a man whose only em ploy ment ex pe ri ence un til be ing elected sen a tor of Il linois was as a com munity ac tivist) his pop u - lar ity has slipped dra mat i cally inthe short time he has been in of - fice. Yet as his pop ularity in the U.S. con tin ues to slide, his popularity among all other na tions con tinues to rise. What can explain his be ing nom i nated for the No bel Peace Prize only two weeks af ter he took of fice, and his be ing elected to re ceive the prize after only nine months? The United Na tions is look ing to Obama to be the world leader in im plementing reforms to ad dress the cri sis of climate change. (This phrase is tak ing the place of global warm ing since it has been shown that the earth has been going through a cooling phase for the past de cade or more in spite of the in crease in so-called greenhouse gases. Now the cri sis is cli mate change, so that no matter which way things go, theglobalists can be right). Accord ing to an Oc to ber 26 Seat tle Times report: Global warm ing will never be reined in un less the United States leads the way, United Na tions Sec retary-general Ban Ki-moon said Sunday at the start of a two-day visit to Se attle. Ban praised the city for set ting an ex am ple with pol i cies to re duce greenhouse-gas emissions, and said such lo cal ini - tia tives help build mo mentum for na tional pol i cies. All the world is now look ing to the leadership of the United States and Pres ident Obama, Ban said in an in terview. Ban s ap peal to Obama to lead the world in fight ing cli mate change com plements a March 1 ar ti cle in The Inspired Economist headlined, Saint Obama: The Green Mes siah of Climate Change. The ar ti cle begins un der a photo of a paint ing (right) titled Saint Obama. San Fran cisco-based artist Feroza Unvala depicts Obama with a crown of thorns hovering over his head. Emblazoned on his chest in large let - ters are the words, Great Expectations. Says the ar ti cle by Reenita Malhotra: Envi ron mental - ists, politicians and eco-minded indivi- 3 PAGE 1 MEDIA SPOTLIGHT VOL NO. 2

4 duals ev erywhere have be gun to view Pres i dent Obama as a new Green Messiah. In just a few weeks the Pres i dent has el e - vated the fight against global warming to higher levels of seriousness. And now the rest of the world is join ing his cause. In its own words The In spired Econ omist (a left-leaning maga - zine devoted to en vironmental change) high lights the in dividuals and com pa nies ap ply ing passion and in novation to eco nomic, so cial, and en vi ron men tal challenges. Climate change will be the ma jor fac tor to bring about total glob al iza tion. In his speech to the United Na tions on Sep tem ber 23, Obama stated that world peace de pends upon environmental ac tion for pres er va tion of our planet. Just about ev ery as pect of our lives is con nected to en vironmen tal ism: jobs, food, cloth ing, shel ter, transportation, rec re - ation, en ter tainment anything that con sumes en ergy can be linked to this cri sis and come un der glob alist control. Every na - tion will sur render its sov ereignty for the sake of cli mate change. It isn t nec es sary for the world s na tions to be melded into a sin - gle na tion. All it takes is co op er a tion on en viron men tal ism to bring about global, cen tralized con trol over ev ery as pect of life. There are many ex am ples of the world s de i fi ca tion of Obama. On his 100 th day in of fice, April 29, there was to be un - veiled in New York s Un ion Square Park a paint ing by Mi chael D Antuono en ti tled, The Truth (be low) de pict ing Obama recent on-line post ing of a Ken yan birth cer tificate (below) for Barack Hussein Obama, list ing his re ligion as Mus lim might seem to prove the birthers cor rect in their as sessment of his not being constitutionally qualified to be pres ident. with a crown of thorns, arms out stretched in a cru cifixion pose. Be hind him is the seal of the Pres i dent of the United States. Due to a great out pouring of dis sent, pri marily by what the art ist calls the irate Chris tian Right who mis in ter preted the art as blas - phemy, he pulled the ex hibit. He now re grets hav ing done so, wishing he had stood firm for his Sec ond Amend ment rights. But this is blas phemy. Jesus said that He is the Truth (John 14:6), and that no one can come to the Fa ther ex cept through Him. We have shown in a pre vi ous issue other pieces of art that ap peared dur ing the pres i den tial campaign depicting Obama as the sav ior of man kind. I have thought for some time that Obama might be a can di - date for the glob al ists choice as leader of the world. Should he fail to win a sec ond term, which the cur rent po lit i cal climate in the United States offers as a dis tinct pos sibility, might the world cleave to him as their choice for Grand Poobah? According to the birthers who in sist that Obama is not a native-born U.S. cit izen, there is also the out side pos sibility that he may be foundout as Pre tender to the Throne, hold ing the of - fice of Pres ident of the United States as a for eign-born alien. The Purported birth cer tificate showing Barack Hussein Obama being born in Mombasa, Brit ish Pro tectorate of Kenya. This cer tif i cate was at tested under pen alty of per jury as a true copy of the original by one Lucas Daniel Smith in U.S. Dis trict Court for the Central Dis trict of Cal i for nia Santa Ana (Southern) Di vi sion. It was not accepted as a valid doc ument by Judge Clay Land, but Smith has not been charged with perjury. Smith also at - tests that he at tained it by brib ing a Ken yan military officer on duty to look the other way, and that this cer tificate is under seal be cause Kenya Prime Min is ter Raela Odinga is Barack Obama s cousin. This doc u ment has been la beled bo gus by Snopes, Truth or Fiction, and FactCheck, and came on the heels of a truly fake Kenya birth cer tificate for Obama. Fol low ing are the rea sons Snopes regards this par tic u lar cer tif i cate as bo gus: A different birth certificate had proven a forgery; The city of Mombasa, then technically a part of Zanzibar, not Kenya proper, was very far away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr. s family lived; In September, 2009, U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land dismissed attorney Orly Taitz s complaint charging that Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen, and threatened to sanction Taitz if she filed any similarly frivolous motions in the future. Taitz had offered the birth certificate shown above as evidence, but it was dismissed out-of-hand. 4 MEDIA SPOTLIGHT VOL NO. 2 PAGE 1

5 Snopes says that Mombasa was tech nically a part of Zan zibar, which bor ders Kenya to the south. The his tory of Mombasa is checkered. During the time of Brit ish control Zan zi bar included the islands of Zan zi bar, Pemba, Latham and sur rounding is lets and theoretically it in cluded the coastal strip of Kenya, where the city of Mombasa lay. A 1960 National Geo graphic map shows Mombasa situated on the coast of Kenya. The Sul tan of Zan zibar controlled Mombasa for a short time, but Mombasa and the coastal strip of Kenya was handed to the newly in de pend ent gov - ernment of Kenya as late as Snopes, which has ev idenced a left-leaning bias, is not nec es - sar ily al ways trust wor thy when it co mes to pol itics. It states in so many words that the Ha waiian Certification of Birth proves that Obama was born in the U.S. Fur ther, Snopes re pro duces a seg - ment from the Au gust 13, 1961 edi tion of Ho nolulu s Sunday Ad - ver tiser an nounc ing a son born on Au gust 4, 1961 to Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama of 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy. The same an - nounce ment was also in Ho no lulu s Star Bul letin. Someone may sug gest that the un named son was taken to Kenya, died, and was re placed with an adopted son who was named Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., but we won t go there. The of fi cial Obama Web site dis plays a Cer tif i ca tion of Birth from Ha waii. It is not an ac tual birth certif i cate because it does not have the doc tor s name and sig nature, or other pertinent information that birth cer tificates normally contain. Yet Obama s Web site calls it Barack Obama s of fi cial birth cer tificate. Ha wai ian gov ern ment of fi cials have stated they ve seen the orig i nal birth cer tif i cate. Still, as long as Obama re fuses to pro - duce his truly offi cial birth cer tif i cate as well as other doc uments re lated to his ed u ca tion at Occidental College, Co lum bia Uni - versity and Har vard, which some claim would show he at tended as a foreign exchange student, the con troversy will con tinue to rage. One thing that could prove the Kenya birth cer tificate either bo gus or gen u ine would be an im print of Obama s right foot. That would be vir tu ally impos si ble for some one to forge. It is not likely that Obama will con clusively be proven a non - na tive-born citizen. Even if it were true, the pow er ful in flu ences of world pol itics would not al low it to be re vealed, cer tainly not through the main stream me dia. But if it were proven that he is not con sti tu tionally qual ified to be pres i dent of the U.S. it could free him up sooner and al low the world to embrace him as its global leader. Here s some thing else to pon der: Barack Obama was born into a Muslim fam ily, but ev i dently decided at some point in his life to change his re li gion to Chris tian. Yet he has strong af fec - tions for Is lam. Some even be lieve he may be a closet Mus lim who will use his of fice to ben e fit Islam s in flu ence in the world, and par tic u larly in the U.S. Obama s gush ing praise for Is lam dur ing his Mid dle East visit was way over the top and ex aggerated Islam s accomplishments. He spoke with nos talgia about hear ing the Mus lim call to prayer in his youth. He even went so far as to say that Is lam was a boon to West ern Europe s prog ress in the past. Praising what he called Is lam s great achievements in ar chitecture, art, lit erature, poetry, and spirituality, as well as its al leged ef forts to establish world peace (!), he even credited Is lam with de veloping the Arabic nu merals we use to day. This lie that Is lam gave us Arabic nu merals is even dis pensed in some text books in the United States. The truth is that what are commonly called Arabic nu merals were not in vented by the Arabs, but by In dian math ematicians. They are prop erly known as Hindu or In dian nu merals (also Hindu-Arabic nu merals). Even the Arabs call them Hindu nu merals. The Indian numerals were adopted by Per sian math ematicians in In dia and passed on to the Arabs who trans mitted them to Eu rope from North Af rica in the 10th cen tury. They were spread around the world through Eu ro - pean trade and co lonialism, and are now the most com mon nu - merical system in the world thanks to European industriousness. As far as Is lam s art, ar chi tec ture and po etry are con cerned there are no orig inal Is lamic contributions in these ar eas. It was by con quest that Is lam en slaved and/or em ployed peo ple of other cul tures to build Is lam s cul ture. Is lam s pres ent architec - ture is a bas tard ized Byzantine model that be speaks a prim i tive attrac tion to gaudy geegaws. I ve di gressed to dem on strate how the truth about Is lam s history of blood shed and bar ba rism is downplayed by world lead ers (and now Barack Obama), and re vi sion ist tactics are used in order to give Is lam cred i bil ity as a be nef i cent and de sirable cultural blessing. Is lam (and, we must admit, Ro man Catholi - cism) has ex hib ited the most inhu mane and vi olent tendencies in the quest for world dom inance. Might a Mus lim anti-christ not be the per fect can didate to unite the Mus lim East with the Chris tian (ecumenical) West for shared world dom inance? Although Obama would have lit tle to do with the National Day of Prayer, 2 which has been pro moted by Chris tian lead ers (applying a largely sec ular tone to his proc lamation), he purposely held a Mus lim day of prayer on the south lawn of the White House. And although he chose not to ap pear in pub lic or to meet with Chris tian or Jew ish lead ers, as had been the cus tom of his pre de ces sor, Obama did pub licly ap pear with Is lamic lead ers at their day of prayer. Obama is not a true be liever in Je sus. He may call him self a Christian (and that is why we must ad dress his words and ac tions), but he be haves more like a Chris tian Mus lim. Obama may not be THE anti-christ, but he cer tainly is AN anti-christ. Although we may not put any real stock in the baraq o bawmaw sug gestion of the afore men tioned Internet video, we do not dis miss the pos si bil ity that Barack Hussein Obama could find him self as the uni fy ing force be tween East and West par tic - u larly the Mid dle East and Eu rope. The cli mate is right for the anti-christ to ar rive on the scene, or for some one to pave the way for his ar rival. At the least Obama s sud den rise to world wide pop u lar ity based on noth ing tangi ble in the way of political ac complishment dem onstrates the will ingness of people around the world to be duped into following in a cult-like man ner a char ismatic leader of obscure begin nings.v 2 I do not endorse the National Day of Prayer. My point is that Obama continually acts in deference to Islam over Christianity. 5 PAGE 1 MEDIA SPOTLIGHT VOL NO. 2

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