On the road...: Stepping Out week 1

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1 meet with God

2 On the road...: Abraham had a good, settled life in Ur with his friends and family. Then the Lord God called and Abraham listened. He not only listened, he acted based on God s promise, packing up his family and leaving his comfy home. That s the life of faith faith in the character of God. Abraham took the Lord at His word and spent the rest of his life traveling by faith. We, too, are called to live and walk by faith in God, trusting His promises. As you travel with Abraham, you ll be challenged to follow his example. You ll see the good and the bad, the success and the failures, the miracles and the missteps that are common to all of us. And, like Abraham, you ll discover you can lean on God s promises and trust Him to provide. By the way, Abraham started out as Abram and Sarah was Sarai. Along the road (Genesis 17), God changed their names when He reaffirmed His covenant promises. Abram (Exalted Father) became Abraham (Father of Many People) and Sarai (Princess) became Sarah (Princess of God). You ll find both names used in this study, to reflect life before and after the covenant. Well, let s go on the road of faith with Abraham... P.S. The icon marks activities useful for group discussion or assignments. The alerts you to promises God makes. Stepping Out week 1 It was early and the sun was just rising as Abraham gave the cords one last pull securing the firewood to the donkey. He looked north towards the land of Moriah. Of all the journeys he had taken, this one was going to be the hardest. Abraham heard a sound behind him and a moment later Isaac stood at his side, I m ready. Abraham took a long look at his only son, born to him and his wife, Sarah, at an impossibly old age. Abraham put his arm around Isaac s shoulders. Then let s be off. Gesturing to his servants, Abraham started towards the distant mountains, remembering a time long ago when God had called him to make another difficult journey. meet with God 3

3 Genesis 12 records one of those great moments in the history of faith. Called by God, Abraham leaves his homeland to go to an unknown country. God blesses Abraham and later promises, To your offspring I will give this land (Genesis 12:7, esv). So often we look at this story and marvel at Abraham s faith in the face of the unknown. But this time, let s focus on what Abraham did know instead of what he didn t know. Now the Lord said to Abram (Genesis 12:1, esv). Here s the first thing Abraham knew: It was God who called him. When other people ask us to do something, we can have valid reasons to doubt depending on who s doing the asking. But not when God calls. Standing behind His requests are all the promises He s ever made to love us and to guide us as a Father. Go from your country and your kindred and your father s house to the land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1, esv). Abraham also knew that God was going to guide him. Though he didn t know the country he was going to, Abraham had God s promise that when he got there, he d know. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing (Genesis 12:2, esv). Finally, Abraham knew that God had a purpose and a reason for calling him. God also has a reason and a purpose for calling us today. He may not fill in all the blanks for us but as you begin your journey of faith into the unknown future, focus on what you do know focus on who God is and walk forward with confidence. renew yourself in God s Word! DAY 1: A Thousand Miles Read Genesis 12:1 9 As Abram steps out in faith, what are the things he knew and did not know when he started his journey? List the four promises God gives to Abram. What has God asked you to do that you re unsure about? If you need a promise from His Word to help you move forward, start with Psalm 32:8 and Matthew 17:20. DAY 2: A Misstep Read Genesis 12:10 20 Abram s first misstep was a lie. Why did he lie and how did it backfire? What did Abram s actions say about his faith in God at this point? 4 meet with God

4 DAY 3: A Fork in the Road Read Genesis 13:1 18 Why did Abram and Lot need to split up? What does God promise Abram in these verses? Every traveler needs a map! When Abram started out in faith, God told him only one part of the journey at a time. But you can plot Abram s course as you go through this study. Use the map in the back of your Bible as a reference. Or print off the one we ve posted on the Meet with God site (backtothebible.org/mwg). We put in Abram s starting point (Ur). You can add the rest as places are mentioned in this study and your readings. DAY 4: Ride to the Rescue Read Genesis 14:1 16 Lot s choice to settle in the Jordan Valley proved to be a poor choice. Why? fun zone for kids or the kid in you... DAY 5: Priest and King Read Genesis 14:17 24; Hebrews 7:1 28 What did Abram give to Melchizedek? What was Abram s response when he heard Lot had been captured? Why would Abram take nothing from the king of Sodom? How do you respond when a member of your family is in trouble? Why does the writer of Hebrews compare Jesus with Melchizedek?

5 Covenant? A covenant is an agreement between two parties; in this case between God and Abram. The Hebrew root word for covenant meant cutting just as Abram does with the animals in Genesis 15. This symbolic cutting underscored the serious nature of the covenant. In Basic Theology, Charles C. Ryrie writes: The ratification ceremony described in Genesis 15:9 17 when compared with Near Eastern custom indicates that God alone obligated Himself to fulfill the terms of the covenant since only He walked between the pieces of the sacrificial animals. The significance of that is striking: it means that God swore fidelity to His promises and placed the obligation of their fulfillment on Himself alone... The Abrahamic Covenant was not conditioned on anything Abraham would or would not do; its fulfillment in all its parts depends only on God s doings. WEEKEND: The Covenant Read Genesis 15:1 21; Romans 4:1 5 God makes an enormous promise to Abram. What are some of Abram s reservations? According to Romans 4:1 5, why is Genesis 15:6 such an important verse? What does it tell us about our relationship with God? The sun was high overhead when Abraham, Isaac and their servants stopped at a ravine cutting across their path. They d left Beersheba the morning before and, if they continued at this pace, they should reach the mountain God indicated the following night. Abraham still couldn t fathom why God had given him this task. After everything God had promised, was it to end like this? Not for the first time Abraham considered turning back, but just as quickly dismissed the thought. God knew what He was doing He had to know. One of the young men approached Abraham. We can attempt to cross the ravine here, he said, but it ll be risky. Or we could look for a better crossing, but that could take us miles out of our way. As Abraham considered, he looked at Isaac. There was Bumps in the Road week 2 meet with God 9

6 a time not all that long ago when Abraham and his wife Sarah had tried to take a shortcut that left them wishing they had been patient instead. We ll go the long way, he said. We are impatient people; we don t like to wait. And if we have to wait too long, we tend to take matters into our own hands. Abraham and Sarah did that very thing. Genesis 15 ends with this wonderful promise from God to Abraham: To your offspring I give this land (Genesis 15:18, esv). Abraham and Sarah didn t have any children at the time, so they knew they d have to wait. The problem was that Abraham was 86 years old and Sarah was about 76. So, Sarah decided to take a shortcut. She took matters into her own hands. God had promised Abraham a child, but He didn t necessarily promise a child to Sarah. So, Sarah gave Hagar, her handmaiden, to Abraham to serve as a surrogate mother. But the results were less than perfect. Hagar boasted about the fact she could have children and Sarah couldn t. Sarah became jealous and retaliated by mistreating Hagar until Hagar ran away. Trying to force the fulfillment of God s promises by human effort was a miserable failure. Abraham and Sarah would wait another 14 years until their son, Isaac, was born. And when he arrived, it was perfectly clear that God provided the child His way and not through the scheming of Sarah and Abraham. On our own journey of faith, it s easy to get impatient. We see our friends and family members experiencing God s blessing. We don t think we re being blessed, so we look for shortcuts. This week, let God remind you that His timing is perfect. renew yourself in God s Word! DAY 1: Shortcuts and Long Delays Read Genesis 16:1 6 What is Sarai s proposed solution to their lack of a son and heir? What makes Abram and Sarai s doubt in God understandable? What assurances had God given that He could be trusted? Have you ever felt you knew the way to fulfill God s plan better than He did? What happened? 10 meet with God

7 DAY 2: A God Who Hears Read Genesis 16:7 15 How does God look after Hagar? DAY 4: Sign of the Covenant Read Genesis 17:9 14 What was the original purpose of circumcision here? What promises, both good and bad, does God make to Hagar about her child? What does the name Ishmael mean? (If you don t have footnotes in your Bible, the meaning of a name can usually be guessed by the reason for the name. Check out 16:11). Up until the days of the early church, circumcision was a distinctly Jewish custom. It became a contentious issue as the Gospel began spreading to non-jewish (Gentile) people. Many Jews believed that it was this custom that made them acceptable to God. But Paul argues in Romans 4 that God accepts us based on our faith in Him alone and not because of any works we do. Paul points to Genesis 15:6 as proof of this point: God accepted Abraham because of his faith long before the custom of circumcision was instituted. DAY 3: A New Name Read Genesis 17:1 8 Names are very important in the Bible. Not only do they identify a person, they frequently have meanings related to personality or purpose. Several times, God changed a person s name to reflect what He wanted to do in and through him or her. As we noted earlier, God changed Abram to Abraham and Sarai became Sarah. What is the significance of the name Abraham (17:5)? DAY 5: More Details Read Genesis 17:15 27 What details about His promise does God fill in here? Why does Abraham laugh at the promise? Why do you think God keeps reminding Abraham of this promise? Have you ever felt God was promising the impossible?

8 WEEKEND: He Laughs Read Genesis 18:1 15 This time Sarah is the one laughing. Why? Laughing at a Promise Do some sleuthing: How much time has passed since God promised Abraham an heir in chapter 15? Have you ever had to wait a long time for God to fulfill a promise? What helped you through that time? Both Abraham and Sarah laughed when God promised them a son: Then Abraham... laughed to himself in disbelief. How could I become a father at the age of 100? he thought. And how can Sarah have a baby when she is ninety years old? Sarah... laughed silently to herself and said, How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure? Any family who s experienced infertility knows the pain of not being able to have children. It was especially poignant during that time period in Jewish culture. It is likely that Abraham and Sarah had hoped year after year that they would soon become parents. Yet, again and again they were disappointed. Now, they re old and have accepted the fact they won t have sons and daughters. It was at this time God came with the promise of a son. Both Abraham and Sarah laughed at the impossibility of its fulfillment. But with God nothing is impossible. However, God doesn t promise children for every infertile couple; He doesn t promise healing to everyone who s ill. However, there are some promises God has made to every person who follows Him. You looked at two of those promises in Week 1. Look for more promises with a Bible commentary or Google Bible promises and make a list. Which of the promises are most precious to you? Which is most difficult for you to accept? Which do you cling to most often? meet with God 15

9 week 3 Doubts and Dark Days The sun had set long ago; yet Abraham couldn t sleep. How could he, knowing what tomorrow would bring? Abraham wondered if he d ever have a peaceful night s sleep again. Abraham tossed and turned and finally rolled to his back and took in the starry sky above. He could still hear God s promise from years ago. Number the stars, if you are able. So shall your offspring be. He remembered God s assurance when that future seemed in doubt: I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you. But Abraham also remembered God s command from only three days ago. Take your son Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering. Abraham rolled to his side and looked across at Isaac sleeping. It didn t make any sense. Sacrifice his son? The son God promised would give birth to a nation? Abraham wanted to cry out, What promises can a dead son fulfill? Deep down, he knew he had to trust God, even in this. As he drifted into a fitful sleep, he found himself thinking of Sodom and his nephew, Lot s, narrow escape. Walking by faith is never the easy way a fact Abraham could attest to. There are many hardships along the way, and some downright difficult days. The other way, the way of unbelief, promises to be fun and easy but actually turns out to be harder than the life of faith. Abraham s nephew, Lot, could tell you that. When Abraham and Lot parted ways in Genesis 13, Lot chose the rich and fertile Jordan Valley near the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Soon after, Lot found himself captured by an invading army. Abraham rescued him, but Lot remained in Sodom. The next time we see Lot in chapter 19, he is sitting in the gates of Sodom apparently a man of some importance in the city. But by the end of this chapter, we see just how far he and his family had fallen morally and spiritually. That is why we turn to Abraham for an example of faith and not Lot. Though Abraham was far from perfect, when God spoke, Abraham listened. When God called, Abraham followed. Whether the calling was easy or difficult is irrelevant. What is important is that Abraham had faith in the One who called him. As we continue our journey of faith, we can be confident that our way has been made possible by Christ. Any obstacle we encounter can be overcome. That was Jesus promise to the disciples (John 16:33, I have overcome the world. ) on the night before He was crucified. And it s His promise to you too. As we continue looking at the life of Abraham, ask yourself, What kept him going even on the dark days? 16 meet with God meet with God 17

10 renew yourself in God s Word! For the Sake of Ten DAY 1: Sodom Read Genesis 18:16 33 God considered destroying Sodom because of the terrible evil going on there. On what basis does Abraham expect God to show mercy? What do we learn about God s heart from this passage? Abraham stood on the hillside, watching his recent visitors make their way down to Sodom. He knew about the evil of that city, and what God was about to do. Yet he stands before the Lord; he draws near and begins the first intercessory prayer in the Bible. Intercession involves asking God on behalf of another, like an advocate pleads the case of the one in need. In this case, Abraham is pleading for mercy for any righteous person in the city of Sodom. For us, it may involve pleading for a needy friend, a wayward child, a community or country which needs God s mercy but may deserve divine judgment. Abraham shows us four things to keep in mind when we intercede for others: DAY 2: The Heart of Darkness Read Genesis 19:1 11 What similarities do you see between Lot and Abraham? What differences? Genesis 19 may not be appropriate for young children. Though this passage ends with the men of Sodom becoming physically blind, it s clear that they had been spiritually blind for a long time. How do you think keeping company with these spiritually-impaired people affected Lot? Be sure to speak respectfully. You are talking to God; treat Him like God. Appeal to His character and proclaim His justice (Genesis 18:25). Call on God to show His mercy for the person, people or country you re praying about. Persevere; ask again and again. Abraham did and Jesus encourages us to do the same (Matthew 7:7). Read 1 Timothy 2:1 4. Who needs your intercession today?

11 challenge: List three spiritual virtues or qualities you wish you had. DAY 3: Escape Read Genesis 19:12 22 Why did Lot s sons-in-law refuse to go with him? Name a friend who has one of those qualities. Write down a time you demonstrated that quality. Was your friend s influence any help to you in growing that virtue or quality in your life? If you want to be a Christ-follower, how important is it that you have other Christians as friends? Why doesn t Lot want to escape to the hills? What similarities can you see between Lot s attempt to save his family and our attempts to share the Gospel with our families? DAY 4: Fire from Heaven Read Genesis 19:23 29 Why do you suppose Lot s wife was punished for looking back? Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:20 How do you think Lot s wife reflects the spiritual state of many people today?

12 DAY 5: Life at the Bottom Read Genesis 19:30 38 Why was Lot afraid of living in the city? What is the one option Lot s daughters never considered? Weekend: Lies and Mercy Read Genesis 20:1 18 Genesis 19 may not be appropriate for young children. What does this say about the moral and spiritual condition of Lot s family? These were dark days for Abraham. He had been promised a son, but he d also witnessed the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and saw Lot s family broken and twisted. And now, in the land of King Abimelech, Abraham finds himself falling into old patterns of doubt and sin. How does God show mercy to Abimelech? What effects did Abraham s half-truth have on Abimelech and his people? God Will Provide week 4 The sun rose up over the mountains and shone in Abraham s face as he laid Isaac on the altar. His old bones ached from the long trek and climbing the mountain, but his soul was in agony. Over and over in his head and under his breath he repeated, God will provide. God will provide. God will provide. Abraham knew it as fact. Isaac himself was proof that God kept His promises. And God would find a way to keep His promises about Isaac too. If God could give a child to him and Sarah in their old age, Abraham reasoned, perhaps He could raise his son from the dead as well. Maybe... Perhaps... If... There was so much Abraham didn t know, but of one thing he was certain: God will provide. God will provide. Turning to look at Isaac, his only son, Abraham pulled the knife back and prepared to strike. Then the angel of the Lord called out, Abraham, stop. meet with God 23

13 Jehovah Jireh! If you had been on the mountain that day with Abraham and Isaac, you would have heard Abraham proclaim those words. In Hebrew it means God will see or God will provide. It s one of the central messages of the entire Bible. From the very beginning when God provided a wife for Adam, to the very end when God will provide a new heaven and a new earth to those who give their lives to Him, nearly every page of the Bible speaks of God s provision. We are asked only to believe believe that God will keep His promises believe that God actually sees us and hears us when we call believe He loves us and believe that His love compelled Him to die on the cross to provide for us a means of salvation. Our belief and God s provision work together; both are necessary for our journey of faith. If we do not believe that God loves us and will provide for us, we ll settle for a life of trying to provide for ourselves and, ultimately, we ll fail. We can t provide the one thing we really need a Savior. And though God longs to be our Provider and Sustainer, He will not force anyone to believe. As Abraham experienced, traveling by faith isn t always easy. And often, God doesn t fill us in on all His plans before He calls us to action. In those times we re left to our faith in God s provision. But as Hebrews 11:1 points out, Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Faith in the promises of God will always be more certain than assurance in the promises of man. Hebrews 11 recounts the lives of men and women of faith as encouragement for us in our own journey. Like us, they had doubts and dark days. But they also had faith. They knew deep down that God would provide. As we finish our journey with Abraham, consider your own journey. Look for the ways God has been Jehovah Jireh in your life, and then move forward confident in the promises of God. renew yourself in God s Word! DAY 1: A Child Is Born! Read Genesis 21:1 7 The name Isaac means he laughs. How has laughter played a part in the story of Isaac? What is its role here? What has God done in your life that produced laughter, joy or mirth for you? How have you shared that joy with others?

14 fun zone for kids or the kid in you... Comedy Night! 26 Here s your chance to be a comedian. Let an event in Abraham s or Sarah s life prompt you to create a comedy sketch. Either dress like Abraham or Sarah and perform your act or just tell a story about a potentially funny moment in one of their lives. If you don t choose to perform your skit, simply write it down. You can submit your written sketch to us at mwg@backtothebible.org, and we ll post it on our site, so Meet with God readers can enjoy your sense of humor and creativity. Here are a few of Abraham s life events that might have some possibilities for comic creation: Abraham explaining to his family that God has called him to leave Haran, but he doesn t know where he s going. Abraham learning he ll become a father at an age when most men learn they ll become great-grandfathers or Sarah learning she ll become a mother at an advanced age. Abraham or Sarah adapting to parenthood at 100 and 90 years of age. Use one of these or come up with your own idea and start writing. meet with God DAY 2: Into the Wilderness Read Genesis 21:8 20 While we ve focused on Abraham and Isaac, it s easy to forget about the others in Abraham s family. Hagar and Ishmael have been part of the picture all along, but that s about to change now. Why did Hagar leave this time? What promise does God make to Hagar and why? DAY 3: A Treaty Read Genesis 21:22 34 Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his army said to Abraham, God is with you in all that you do. Abraham was evidently a strong influence on those around him. Ask God if you are living in a way that influences others to believe in Him. Ask for His help to make your life an example of His power and to help you point others to him.

15 DAY 4: A Test Read Genesis 22:1 8 What do you think it means that God tested Abraham? What was God testing? What is the most precious thing in your life? Abraham s travels have taken him a long way from where he started. How has your map filled in? Here are some locations you may have added: Shechem, Egypt, the Negeb (Negev), Jordan Valley, Sodom, Canaan, Hebron, Kadesh, Gerar, Beersheba, Moriah, Machpelah. If you d like to see more, click on Fun Zone at backtothebible.org/mwg. How do you keep your relationship with God the most important thing? fun zone for kids or the kid in you... DAY 5: God Will Provide Read Genesis 22:9 24 In what way did God provide? Weekend: Cloud of Witnesses Read Hebrews 11:1 2,8 19; 12:1 2 How has looking at the life of Abraham helped you understand your own journey of faith? When God restates His promise to Abraham, what details are new? What promises from God will you cling to in the days ahead?

16 extra: As you finish this study, take a few minutes to sketch a bio of Abraham. Pick out 5 or 6 big moments and what they teach you specifically about living by faith in your own life. Do a similar sketch of what you learn about God from this study. Do your findings affect the way you relate to God? Meet with God, an official publication of Back to the Bible Woodrow Kroll, President Copyright 2011 The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Printed in the U.S.A. sticking points renew your memory No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Scripture quotations are taken from the English Standard Version, unless where otherwise noted. Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. When God called, Abraham followed. How does your trust in the Lord enable you to move forward in faith? Living by faith means living on God s schedule. How does your faith in Him influence your patience? The road of faith can be rough and rugged. How will you handle the difficult days with confidence in the Lord and not with fear and doubt? Editor: Ben Zuehlke Project Staff: Allen Bean, Ben Zuehlke, Barbara Gerhart, Brandy Griffin, Kathy Thorne, Leisa Larson Design: Brandy Griffin Page 8: Excerpt from Basic Theology by Charles C. Ryrie, page 528. Copyright Cover and Interior Photos: Back to the Bible P.O. Box Lincoln, NE Faith like Abraham s trusts in the great God who promises and provides. How does Abraham s model encourage you to move forward by faith?

17 Abraham: Making Your Faith Work Does life seem an unending challenge and your faith not strong enough to help you overcome the difficulties you re facing? Learn how to live out your faith in the daily challenges of life from one of the great patriarchs. Order Abraham: Making Your Faith Work. 20 studies on CD. #92862 Shipping and Handling not included Product cost and availability subject to change. $27.50 Canada $25 U.S. Call us, visit our online store or use the enclosed bind-in to place an order or to help offset the cost of Meet with God. With a broadcast and Internet reach to millions, Back to the Bible teaches the Word and touches the world. For questions, contact: Back to the Bible P.O. Box 82808, Lincoln, NE back to the bible - Canada P.O. Box 700 Chatham, ON N7M 5K

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