not a fan. COMPLETELY. COMMITTED. FOLLOWER. the journal

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1 not a fan. COMPLETELY. COMMITTED. FOLLOWER. the journal


3 introduction Throughout scripture God has used normal people in radical ways. Their stories are included in scripture to guide us, guard us, and grow us. During these next six weeks we have prepared for you a short devotional journal that will walk you through portions of the lives of these normal people who followed God with tremendous faith. are you a fan? or are you a follower?


5 the story of... Abraham


7 week one Day 1 Genesis 11:27-32 In verse 31 it says that Abram s father Terah set out to go to Canaan but when he arrived at Haran he settled. Terah had a goal in mind but settled along the way. In what ways have you settled for in your relationship with God? This morning Lord I read about a man who settled. Forgive me for how I have already settled in my relationship with you today. Fill me with your Spirit right now. Help me to seek out living for you the rest of this day. Move me closer to you. Amen At thebridge we believe everyone is on a journey. This journey is full next steps and goals. Take some time and list out a few goals in each of the following areas that you can be working towards these next six weeks: Spiritual, Physical, Financial and Relational.

8 week one Day 2 Genesis 12:1-5 Abram is promised that he would be a blessing but first God required something of him. He required that Abram Go. Today is a day that is full of potential for you to be a blessing if we are obedient to God. Ask God to make it clear as to where you are suppose to go today. He might direct you to a physical location, a person, or something entirely different. Quiet yourself right now and ask God to speak to you. Lord you know all things. You are gracious and kind and you never waste a hurt. Use me this day to be a blessing. Help me not to go where you are not calling me to go and to see clearly the opportunities before me. Grant me the words to say that will bring you glory. During the day did you see any opportunities to go and be a blessing? Take some time and journal on either an opportunity you capitalized on or missed today. Share with God your desire to be a blessing.

9 week one Day 3 Genesis 14:18-20 This reading takes place just after Abram has rescued his nephew and others from an enemy. On his return he is greeted by the priest of God Most High, Melchizedek king of Salem who greets Abram with a blessing. Abram responds by giving him a tenth of everything. By this Abram models giving to God in faith. (For more scripture reflection on this see Hebrews 7) Take some time and reflect on how you give to God. Do you give to God? Is it faithful giving? Are you tipping God or giving sacrificially? Lord help me to be a good steward. Not just with my money but with my whole life. Help me to honor you first with my time. May I faithfully trust you in every situation and every circumstance. Grow Christ in me. We believe God is clear that we are to financially give and support the work of God through the local church. But there are numerous other ways we can give and serve in the kingdom. This morning we read about Abram rescuing his nephew. This took time, talent, and treasure. Right now thebridge is supporting some people in Cambodia who are currently rescuing young girls out of prostitution. This takes time, talent, and treasure. Other people from our church support a child through Compassion International. Are you or have you ever thought about sponsoring a child or mission agency? If you currently are supporting or sponsoring someone take some time and write a prayer to the Lord on their behalf. If you aren t currently involved in this, what do you think motivates others to do so? How might God be asking you to play a role in the rescuing of others? If you currently aren t in a financial position to give but would like to or if you would like some financial coaching contact us at or if you would like information on how you can sponsor a child or support our work in Cambodia contact us at or

10 week one Day 4 Genesis 15:1-3 The Lord comes to Abram with a description of who He is. Start your morning by making a list of who God is. If you have trouble thinking up specific names maybe list out some of his attributes or character. For fun you could think of descriptive word that starts with each letter of the alphabet. God, thank you for being my shield. Thank you for protecting me from all of the things I cannot see. Help me to trust you more. Amen. This morning we read how the Lord came to Abram with a description of who He was but Abram responded in disappointment. In what ways have you been disappointed with God. Take some time and write out your hurt. Ask God to remove the hurt and to increase your faith to trust in Him even when things don t make sense.

11 week one Day 5 Genesis 18:20-33 In this reading we learn about a conversation Abraham has with God. It is a very unique exchange in which Abraham is in a sense bartering with God for his mercy on a city and every time God concedes. As follower of Jesus all of us should be concerned about those who have not yet put their trust in Jesus. This morning spend some time praying for those family, friends, and coworkers whom you know have not put their trust in Christ as their Savior. Ask God to give you divine opportunities to invite them to church or share your story with them. To hear a sermon on this story, visit May 30, 2010 Unstoppable Priesthood If you don t know how to share your story, let us help. Contact Cy McMahon at If you haven t put your trust in Jesus yet, let us pray for you. Contact Kerry Van Hemert at Lord thank you for the mercy you have shown me through your Son Jesus. Help me never to take it for granted or think that I somehow deserved it. May you continue to be at work in me. Throughout scripture we have accounts of God have grace on His enemies and forgiving those who oppose him. Spend some time reflecting on those individuals who are hardest for you to love. Why are they so hard for you to love? How would Christ desire you to respond to them? What might God be asking you to do right now?

12 week one Day 6 Genesis 22:1-18 This account is a true story that is also telling the great story. Abraham s near sacrifice of his son is a picture into God the Father s real sacrifice of His Son on our behalf. Take some time this morning pondering this great sacrifice. How might God be calling you to respond today? Lord there is still time left in this day for me to say thanks. Help me to not lose sight of what you have done for me. Give me courage to live boldly for you and your kingdom. Amen. This morning we read how Abraham was tested by God. How have you been tested by God? Did you pass? Did you fail? What test does God currently have in front of you now? Who could you ask to pray for you to help pass this test?

13 the story of... Moses


15 week two Day 1 Exodus 2:1-10 In a just a few verses we see how God was actively preserving the life of Moses. He had plans for Moses and used various people to play a role in the shaping and upbringing of Moses. What experiences and people has God put in your life to shape you? As you start your day thank God for the different people that have played a role in your journey of knowing Christ. God, you have put numerous people in my life to help me come to know you. Now I ask that you use me in a similar fashion. Let me play a role in others lives. Set me up for a divine appointment to share about your love and kindness. Amen. God preserved the life of Moses and went on to use him greatly. Think of a time in your life where things should have ended far worse than what they really did. Maybe it was accident or near accident, maybe it was health related or relationship related. How can you see God s hand in that situation? Why do you think He did/allowed to happen or not happen? How might God be wanting to use you?

16 week two Day 2 Exodus 2:11-15 This morning we learn that Moses was a murderer. He screwed up big time before God ever used him. Often times we fall into the trap of believing the lie that God could never use someone like us because of what we have done. Spend some time sharing with God your past, your fears, and ways you have believed the lie that God can t use you. God, I thank you that you are always at work. Even in those moments when I am not faithful you are faithful. You are the one who can bring life out of death. I pray that you awaken me to the full life you have for me. Amen In verse 12 it says that Moses glanced this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. This is something we are all familiar with. Our sinful flesh loves to not get caught. When we do something wrong, we try to cover it up or in Moses case, hide it in the sand. Take some time and confess to God some hidden sins. Perhaps God is inviting you to go even further and confess to another believer. When we bring what is hidden into the light, it is then that we create room for God to work his healing in us.

17 week two Day 3 Exodus 3:1-6 Moses is out tending the flock and he observes something unusual. He easily could have ignored what was going on, but Moses drew near to see what it was. It was then that God spoke. Moses didn t know he was drawing near to God but that is exactly what he was doing. James 4:8 says, Come near to God and he will come near to you. How can you do this right now? This morning, God, I read how Moses saw you at work without even knowing it was you. I desire that to be true for me. Help me to not just observe where you are at work but how I can participate in that work. Often times we miss the opportunities that are before us. We get stuck in doing the same thing over and over again and fail to see the unique things God may be inviting us into. Look back over your day. Where did you intentionally take time to seek God out and draw near to him? Were there any times that you intentionally drew away from God? Spend some time talking to God about this. Ask him to continue to work in you.

18 week two Day 4 Exodus 3:10-3:14 & 4:1-14 Over and over again this morning we read that Moses had questions, fear, and insecurity in following God. God was inviting Moses into being the leader and deliver of His people, but Moses was not desiring to go. Can you relate to Moses? What questions do you have for God? What might God be inviting you into? Does this make you fearful? Talk to God about your questions and insecurities. Lord I thank you that you are the maker of heaven and earth. I thank you that you hold all things in your hand. Help me to see you for who you are so that I might not live in doubt or fear. May I have peace knowing that you are a God of love. Full of power and full of compassion. The Exodus story is about God hearing the cry of his people and saving them. How has God heard your cry? How has he saved you? In what ways do you feel like God is at work in your life right now?

19 week two Day 5 Exodus 5:1-21 Moses does what God asks of him and the result is things get worse. Can you think of a time when you felt like you were obeying God and doing what he asked of you and life got harder as a result? Why do you think God allows this to happen? What do you think he is trying to teach you in those harder moments? When it gets harder are you tempted to quit being obedient? What do you think the result of that would be? Afternoon Reflection Lord, you never said following you would be easy. In fact you said that to follow you would require us to pick up our cross daily. Grant me strength this day to be obedient. Help me to not compromise in integrity and faith. Protect me from the lies of the enemy and give me the perseverance to follow you. When was the last time you were tempted to throw in the towel? When was the last time you questioned your faith because of the circumstances of life? How can you see God at work even in those hard times? Take some time and write how God was faithful to you even in those hard moments. Reflect back on what you write in future hard times.

20 week two Day 6 Reading & Question Exodus 5:22-6:7 Moses returns to God after what seems like a failed attempt to do what God told him to do. And God is not hiding or apologetic but rather full of confidence and promise-making. God promises to deliver them in four ways in Exodus 6: Bring them out 2. Free them 3. Redeem them 4. Make them his own How have you experienced any of the above promises? How has God brought you out of sin? How has God freed you from sin? How has God redeemed you from sin? How has God made you his? There is no way I can do this on my own, God. I need your help more than I realize. Guard my life and grant me wisdom. Keep me on the straight and narrow path. When we choose to follow God, he asks us to leave things behind. It could be a relationship, an addiction, or hobby. What has God asked you to leave behind? Have you ever been tempted to return back to what God has asked you to give up? Why do you think we are so tempted to return to the very thing or person that keeps us from knowing God more? Spend some time in prayer talking this over with God. Ask him to reveal what the next thing is that you are to leave behind and to grant you the strength to do so.

21 the story of... Noah


23 week three Day 1 Genesis 6:9 In one verse Noah is described as righteous, blameless, and faithful. What do each of those words mean? Do you see yourself as any of those? Why or why not? Spend some time in prayer asking God to grow each of these qualities in you. As you go through your day use these words as filters before you act or speak. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Surround me with friends who will make me more righteous, blameless, and faithful. This morning our verse started by saying, This is the account of Noah and his family. Have you ever wondered what you account is? Take some time and reflect on the account of your family. What story were you born into? How did you story begin? What were some high and low points? How has God been faithful in your story? How would you like your story to end? Take some time and write out your account.

24 week three Day 2 Genesis 6:11-13 & When you read a section of scripture like this what is your view of God? Does this make God mean or loving? Why do you think that? What is the different result for those who follow God and those who don t? Is that fair? Spend some time today identifying God in creation. Don t let me become weary in doing good. Let me know that at the proper time I will reap a harvest if I don t give up. Help me to serve others in love. This morning s passage ended with, Noah did everything just as God commanded him. Noah was asked to do something that ultimately made no sense yet he obeyed. In life we seem to struggle obeying even when it does make sense. Why do you think that is? How can you become more resolved in being obedient to God not because you are fearful of him but because you love him?

25 week three Day 3 Exodus 7:1-5 In verse 1 it says that God found righteousness in this generation. What do you think that means? Do you find that to be a surprising statement since everyone else was seen as unrighteous? Where do you observe righteousness in your generation? Do you see it as something that is increasing or decreasing? Why? Thank you for loving me so much that you gave your one and only Son, that when I believe in him I will not perish but have eternal life. Show me that your way is perfect and your word is flawless. Be my shield as I take refuge in you. This morning we talked about God finding righteousness in a generation. Where do you think God finds you? Why? Take some time and read Psalm 103. Does this change your answer? Take a moment and read the first few verses of Psalm 103 again as a prayer to God.

26 week three Day 4 Genesis 7:17-8:1 We read that the flood comes and just keeps coming. Noah is on the boat for a very long time. What do you think he was thinking about during that time? Think to an experience where it seemed like you were drowning in life. How did you get through it? What would you have done differently? Before you start your day think of someone who is going through a difficult time. How could God use you to bless them? Let me be kind and compassionate to others. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I might bear the Spirit s fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The first verse of chapter 8 says God remembered. Do you think this means God forgot or something different? How can a verse like this be helpful to you in a time of need? Take some time and write ways you have seen God remember you in a hard situations.

27 week three Day 5 Exodus 8:18-22 What do you think those first moments were like for Noah? Clearly things had changed. Nothing was the same anymore. In life there are times when things end. Sometimes this happens suddenly and sometimes it is a slow process. When things end whether it is a relationship, life stage, or something else we get changed in the process as well. We are no longer the same. In what ways do you think Noah would have changed because of an experience like this? How has a time of loss impacted you? Let my light shine before others, that they may see my good deeds and praise you, my Father in heaven. I pray that I would always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks me to give the reason for the hope I have in you. Noah built an alter at the end of his long experience with the flood. Think to a time when God has been faithful even through a rough time. What could it look like for you as a follower of God to build an alter of thanks to him. Consider finding or purchasing some rocks and placing them in a pile as a symbolic memory of God s faithfulness.

28 week three Day 6 Exodus 9:1-7 After the long storm, God gives instructions that come with it blessings and curses. Why do you think God sets things up like this? Is God trying to be hard on us or gracious with us? In what ways have you experienced blessing in obeying God and curses by being disobedient to God? How could you have this impact your day today? Let me keep your words and store up your commands so that I will live. Cause me to guard your teachings in my life. Make your word a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Noah is encouraged to be fruitful. What do you think that means? How has your life been fruitful? In what ways have you hindered God from producing more fruit in your life? Take a moment and write out a few things you could do tomorrow that would make you fruitful for the kingdom of God.

29 the story of... Joshua


31 week four Day 1 Exodus 33:7-11 In this passage we read that the Lord would speak to Moses face to face as one speaks to a friend. When you meet with God, does it feel like you are meeting with a friend? Why or why not? Often when we meet with God we get called away or interrupted. Notice Moses returns to the camp but Joshua did not leave the tent. In what way can you not leave the presence of God today? I thank you that you are not only my Lord and my Savior but you are also my friend. Work inside me. Help me to become a better friend to you and to others. Some scholars believe that Joshua stayed by the tent because he was guarding it. What has God called you to guard? Is it possible that God has put you in a position to guard the faith of someone else. Who has God called you to guard? Do you have someone who is guarding your faith?

32 week four Day 2 Numbers 13:16 & 25-14:10 Joshua is chosen to go scout the Promised Land with eleven other men. For forty days they saw and experienced the same things, yet Joshua and Caleb came to drastically different ideas as to what the people should do. Ten of the men moved to hopelessness where as Joshua and Caleb moved to a trust in God. Where are you tempted to move to hopelessness right now? How can you move to trusting in God in this situation? Lord I am weak. I so easily deceive myself into thinking I can do it all on my own but I can t. Come alongside me today. Help me to depend on you. Protect me from myself and allow me to be an example to others. Reread Numbers 14:10. Here we read about the entire community turning on Joshua and Caleb. So much so that they were ready to stone them. When is the last time someone turned on you? The verse continues and states that the glorious presence of the Lord appeared. What do you think this moment was like? Have you ever experienced anything like this?

33 week four Day 3 Joshua 1:1-9 God is a promise maker. This morning you read that God promised to give Joshua every place where he set his foot. What promises has God given you? Even after Joshua received the promise he still needed God to speak boldly into him. Where do you need to be strong and courageous today? God I need your help. I have a tendency to be weak and doubt you. I crumble when I should be courageous. I am faithless when you are full of promises. Remind of who you are and that you are for me. This morning, the passage mentioned prosperous and successful as well terrified and discouraged. Which set of words do you relate with more right now? Why is that? The passage also said be careful to obey all that God commanded. How does this have a baring on the two sets of words?

34 week four Day 4 Joshua 5:13-15 In this morning's reading Joshua asks a man Are you for us or for our enemies? and the response is neither. Joshua clearly identifies the man as being from the Lord. How does a passage like this influence you in your relationship with God? Notice Joshua moved quickly beyond the question of who are you for to what message do you have for me. Spend some time asking God what message he has for you today. Lord you spoke and life was created. Speak to my heart this afternoon. Let me come more alive. Make me more aware of who you are and where you are this day. Joshua is commanded to take off his sandals because he was standing in a holy place. Have you ever had an experience where you felt like you were in a holy moment or place? What was that like? Do you have a place you can go and encounter God like a tent of meeting or specific place in you house where God could meet with you? What would it look like to create one?

35 week four Day 5 Joshua 6 What is your Jericho? Where is God calling you to go? What is God calling you to do? Joshua was persistent and stuck to the plan God gave him. What plans has God given you? If you have deviated from them how can you get back on track? Lord I believe you walk with me. Every step you are right there. You are the one who can give me confidence when I have none. You are the one who gives me perseverance to keep going when I don t want to. Thank you Lord. This morning you read about the fall of Jericho. In this story Joshua was not alone. He was accompanied by all the people. Different people had different roles. Who has God put in your life? What role do they play? In whose life has God put you? What role are you called to play in their lives?

36 week four Day 6 Joshua 24:14-15 What does it mean to serve the Lord with all faithfulness? How are you struggling at that right now? Directions are given to throw stuff away. What might God be calling you to throw away? Why is that hard for you? Who can you call to help you follow through on this? Delayed obedience is disobedience - what does that mean to you and how does it apply? God you are who I want to surrender to. You are the one I want to be obedient to yet I easily get tripped up and let sin ensnare me. Free me God from this and let me fully follow you. Joshua is a follower of God. He also demands others decide. There is no middle ground. You are either for him or against him. In verse 15 Joshua says choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. In what ways have you done this with Jesus? In what ways have you not chosen him? How is Jesus impacting your house?

37 the story of... Elijah


39 week five Day 1 1 Kings 17:1-6 Elijah was a follower of God. In this morning s reading, we find that Elijah said what God told him to say, received what God gave him, and did what God told him to do. What are some things you know God would have you say? Many would answer they have no idea what God would have them say, but this question isn t about some divine revelation or supernatural understanding of exact words. What are things that you know you should say without ever hearing an audible word from God? What are the words of kindness and blessing you can offer to others today? You are sovereign, Lord, and I look to you to be my help. Out of you comes all goodness, and it is your love that delivers me. I know that I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me. Help me, Lord my God; save me according to your unfailing love. One of the things that is true about a follower of Jesus is that they are confident in whom they serve and to whom they belong. In this morning s reading when facing the King, Elijah was bold in declaring whom he serves. What do your words and actions say about you and who you serve? If someone observed your life, who would they identify as the one you serve?

40 week five Day 2 Morning Reading and Question 1 Kings 17:7-24 One of the things that trips up many followers is fear. Fear has the potential to crush our faith. In this morning s reading we find that Zarephath, a widow, is down to her last meal and that her and her son have nothing left and basically have lost all hope. Yet, Elijah s words to her are, Don t be afraid. What are your current circumstances that are causing you to lose faith? Where are you afraid? Take some time and share with the Lord your heart. I praise you, O Lord. Help me to not forget what you have done for me. How you have forgiven all of my sins and redeemed me. In this morning s reading the widow was faced with a resource shortage. And God came through. Then her son died. And God came through. Where are you sensing a shortage in life right now? Is it time? Resources? A friendship? Where have you written something off as dead? Is it still possible for God to bring it back to life?

41 week five Day 3 1 Kings 18:1-15 In this morning s reading, we are introduced to a man named Obadiah, and it is said of him that he was a devout believer in the Lord. What do you think a devout believer in the Lord looks like? What are practices and postures of a devout believer? Which of these characteristics do you currently have and which would you like to develop? Rise up, and help me Lord. I am daunted at every turn and feel as if I am coming undone. I need you to increase in me that I might have renewed hope and peace. Be my Savior, oh God. This morning we read about Obadiah and one of the things mentioned of him was that he hid many of the Lord s prophets in caves. In some ways it could be said that he hid what was God s so that he could not be taken. What is a scripture you could memorize? Spend some time learning a scripture right now and hide it in your heart.

42 week five Day 4 s 1 Kings 18:16-39 The question to ponder this morning is taken from verse 21, How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him. What or who is your Baal? Where are you tempted to waver? What might God be calling you to give? This afternoons prayer is taken from the hymn Come thou Fount O to grace how great a debtor daily I m constrained to be! Let that grace now like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love; here s my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above. Often times we want God to show up big on our behalf for our glory and our benefit. We look to the story of Elijah and the fire coming down as one for inspiration of God doing something big in our life. But notice the end result was not worship of Elijah but worship of God. The result was people found God. Take some time and examine your prayers. Are they for you or are they so people will find God. What might you need to change in your prayers?

43 week five Day 5 1 Kings 18:40-46 & James 5:17-18 What we learn in this morning s reading is that it didn t rain until Elijah prayed. We also learned that he had to pray more than once. How often do you pray? What are your prayers like? How persistent are you in prayer? Spend some time examining your prayer life. Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise. Help me Lord to have a soft heart that is open to you. There are many who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior. There are many who are not following Jesus. Who are three people you know that you could be praying for? Write their names down and persistently pray for three people to come to know Jesus. Start right now and pray!

44 week five Day 6 1 Kings 19:9-18 There are times as we follow Jesus that we get worn out. That we get depressed. That we feel hopeless. Elijah just saw fire fall from heaven and his prayers for rain answered and yet he is crushed. How can you relate to Elijah? How have things not gone your way? In what ways are you needing to hear a whisper of hope from God? Spend some time and tell him that right now. I will praise you with all my heart. You have provided for me. You have remembered me. You are working for me. Thank you Lord for how you have called me to be yours. May I praise you with how I live the rest of this day. This morning we read about Elijah and how God showed up in his darkest moment. Not only did God show up but God went on to provide a support for Elijah. He told Elijah that there were thousands who were still faithful to God. That same is true for you. God has placed you in a community of believers. Who are they? How are you reaching out to get connected with others so that you might get support? Spend some time thanking Jesus for who he has placed in your life.

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