SUNDAY MORNINGS June 18, 2017, Week 3 Grade: 5

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1 The Namer Bible Truth: The Namer (Adam s First Job) Genesis 2:19-20 Bottom Line: God made you to imagine. Memory Verse: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. Psalm 139:14, NIV Life App: Creativity imagining what you could do because you re made in God s image. Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what. Social: Setting the Tone for the Experience (9:00, 10:15, 11:30) Double Digit Jobs Blank index cards Pens A prize of Lifesavers for the winner Bible: Communicating God s Truth in Engaging Ways (9:15, 10:30, 11:45) Bible Presentation in Large Group Prayer (9:50, 11:05, 12:20) Bibles Index cards Pens Dismiss (10:00, 11:15, 12:30) 1

2 The Namer Bible Truth: The Namer (Adam s First Job) Genesis 2:19-20 Bottom Line: God made you to imagine. Memory Verse: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. Psalm 139:14, NIV Life App: Creativity imagining what you could do because you re made in God s image. Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what. Social: Providing Time for Fun Interaction (Small Groups, 15 minutes) Welcome kids and spend time engaging in conversation and catching up. Get ready to experience today s Bible Truth. Before kids arrive, pray for each regular attendee by name. Pray for those who might visit your group for the first time. Ask God to open up kids (and your!) imaginations as to what s possible through what He has gifted them to do. Pray that today would inspire them to discover what they are good at and learn to use their imaginations for God s glory. Double Digit Jobs What You Need: Blank index cards, pens, prizes (Lifesavers) What You Do: As students arrive, hand them an index card and a pen. Challenge them to write down any jobs they ve had since turning 10 that they ve gotten paid for. (It could be anything from helping entertain a neighbor mom s kids to chores around the house to tutoring younger kids.) Encourage them to keep their jobs secret (fold the card in half), as you re going to play a game after everyone arrives and has a chance to write down their jobs. As students are still arriving and writing, you could start a conversation about their parents first jobs. Did they ever say what they did when they were young? What do they do now for a living? Once everyone is finished writing, tell them that they will get points for every job they ve been paid for that someone else in the group has also done and gotten paid for. Call on one person to start and share what jobs they ve been paid for. If anyone else in the group has done the same job and gotten paid, they should let the person sharing know so they can both circle or star the job on their index card. After everyone has shared their jobs, instruct students to count up their circled jobs. Give a prize to the person with the highest number of points. What You Say: You guys have done a lot of different things to earn money! If you don t know what your parents or grandparents first jobs were, that would be a great question to ask them on the way home or over a meal. Everyone has to start somewhere. There are things that need to be done in the world. [Transition] Today s Bible Truth talks about the first man s first job. Let s head to Large Group to hear more. Lead your group to the Large Group area. 2

3 The Namer Bible Truth: The Namer (Adam s First Job) Genesis 2:19-20 Bottom Line: God made you to imagine. Memory Verse: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. Psalm 139:14, NIV Life App: Creativity imagining what you could do because you re made in God s image. Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what. Bible: Communicating God s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) 1. Opener/Closer What You Need: Host 6 kid volunteers GETTING READY Trashcan (or other large container) full of the following props: o Pool noodle o Funnel o Watering kettle o Dryer vent hose o Water hose o Boxing gloves o Other random props for tinkering 2. Bible Truth What You Need: Historyteller Host Microphone Bible 2 tree branches Fake mustache 3. Worship What You Need: Power Praise Team Music and Sound Effects (SFX): Oh So Beautiful Know You Better Good, Good Father 3

4 The Namer Bible Truth: The Namer (Adam s First Job) Genesis 2:19-20 Bottom Line: God made you to imagine. Memory Verse: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. Psalm 139:14, NIV Life App: Creativity imagining what you could do because you re made in God s image. Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what. Bible: Communicating God s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible Truth, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting. SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter. CG: Gadgets and Gizmos Theme Slide Host enters. He is dramatically dragging a huge trashcan full of props for the game. He is acting downcast. Opener HOST: It s all gone. Every last ounce of it has left me. Last week, it was literally dripping off my essence by the bucketful BUCKETFUL! Now I am but a bleak skeleton of what I once was! How do I get it back? (Whisper) I have no idea. Let me back up a second. Where you are sitting is the location of my tinker lab. All month long, I have worked tirelessly to create gadgets never before seen in the hopes of it becoming the next big thing. If I m being honest, I am a lover of all doodads, gizmos, and thingamabobs. In fact, last week I introduced the world to my latest prototype, the Couch Marker It will revolutionize the way we mark on calendars and complete homework. However, everything is different now. Maybe it was the brainpower I burned to create the thing. Maybe it was the immense amount of energy needed to present it from this very stage. Whatever the reason, all of my creativity is gone. (Slowly realize the gravity of the situation.) What will I do if I can t create another gadget?! This is unfortunate also because it s what we are talking about all month: creativity. CG: Creativity Slide Creativity is imagining what you... (trail off, pause, and take a deep breath). I can t even finish the definition. I need all of you to say the definition FOR me. KIDS: Creativity is imagining what you could do because you re made in God s image. HOST: Thanks, guys! I really appreciate the boost. Maybe praise and worship will help. Help me get the Power Praise team in here. Power Praise enters as Host joins the audience. 4

5 Worship POWER PRAISE: Hey, everybody. Stand up on your feet and get ready to sing. How many of you are thankful for the beautiful world God has made? (Pause for response.) How many of you are thankful for how God created you? (Pause for response.) Oh yeah, me too! We have some amazing people here at Parkway Fellowship. Let s give God thanks for His creativity and all His creations. Everybody sing this out. SFX: Oh So Beautiful I love that our God is a God of creativity. He created amazing things. The best part is that we have only scratched the surface of how amazing He is.. C mon! SFX: Know You Better Yeah, we can dream big and trust God wants to do big things through us. It s all possible with our God. He is such a good, good God. He is our Good, good Father. Sing with us. SFX: Good, Good Father Thanks for singing with us and we will see you again next week. Power Praise exits as Host retakes the stage. HOST: That did lift my spirits but I m still finding it incredibly difficult to talk about or even demonstrate creativity when I have none in the tank! But then again, maybe I don t have to! What if I get some of you to help me on stage this morning? Using some of my gadget pieces and prototype leftovers, I need some help thinking way outside of the mechanical box. Anyone want to help? Select six volunteers, bring them onstage, and split them into two teams. Also split the crowd into two teams. Awesome! Thanks for your help. We will be playing a game called DooDAD s Duties. Why on earth is the game called DooDAD s Duties? Well, today is a very special day dedicated to the ultimate collectors of gadgets and gizmos, screwdrivers and hammers, to the johnny-on-the-spot handyman who can fix it all with a little bit of time and a whole lot of duct tape! Today is Father s Day! Of course not every father we know is good with a hammer, BUT let s imagine that they are and have some fun! Our volunteers will have to use their creativity to act out jobs you might find a dad doing using just these props. Each person will be given a card with a dad duty on it and everyone will get a random doodad that MUST be used to act out the job. Each individual will have approximately 15 seconds to act out the job. None of our brave volunteers will be able to make any noises, talk, or mouth words. Guesses must be based on their actions and ONLY their actions. Any questions? (Pause for responses.) Great! Let s begin. Pass out random props to each volunteer and a dad duty card. Each team takes turns acting out what s on their cards while their team guesses. 5

6 Wow! That was fantastic. Who needs to have any creativity when I have all of you around? Give it up for all our volunteers truly masterminds of DooDAD s Duties! Dismiss volunteers. In today s Bible Truth, we ll be exploring the duties God gave Adam, the world s first dad. And let s just say: It s a good thing Adam still had some creativity left in the tank because he really, really needed it. Let s get to it. SETTING UP THE BIBLE TRUTH HISTORYTELLER: In the beginning, there was nothing except God. LIGHTS: Fade stage lights almost all the way down Historyteller stands backstage or off to the side, speaks into the microphone, and reads the script. Host dramatically folds himself into a ball. But God decided to do something about that. First, He created light. LIGHTS: Full stage lights Host stands and claps twice. Then God created plants: flowers, grass, moss even trees! Host holds up a pair of tree branches and does a silly hipwiggle dance. Eh, not to stifle your creativity or anything, [Host s name], but I don t think trees did much dancing, even back then. That s... better. Host nods in understanding. He then does the same dance but more subdued. Host gives a thumbs up. Then God created animals to populate the land. He created toucans and lions and hyenas and inchworms and elephants and monkeys and rabbits. Oh, sorry! Was that too much? Host scrambles to imitate all the listed animals as Historyteller rattles them off. He glares, out of breath, at Historyteller when done. 6

7 God created all of this, and it was good. Host does a dismissive hand gesture. Host gives a double thumbs up. But with a world this huge and diverse and expansive, God needed someone to tend to things. That s why God made man specifically, a man named Adam! Host slaps on false mustache and strikes a masculine pose. TENDING THE GARDEN HISTORYTELLER: Adam was placed in a perfect garden in Eden. In the Garden of Eden, Adam was sort of a jack-of-all-trades where God had him farm the land and care for it. He watered all the flowers. He pruned all the trees. Host does the water sprinkler dance. Host reaches up with some giant, invisible loppers to trim branches. Adam took care of all these things, and he did them well, so God decided to give Adam a very important task: Adam was to name ALL the animals of the land. NAMING THE ANIMALS HISTORYTELLER (O.S.): Genesis 2:19 says: The LORD God had formed all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He had made all of them out of the ground. He brought them to the man to see what names he would give them. And the name the man gave each living creature became its name (NIrV). Host takes a step back as if to allow animals onto the stage and looks around as if big and small animals are walking past him. So Adam took his place in the garden while all the animals filed in. There were so many! He saw a pretty creature flutter by and he named it a butterfly. Adam raced with some big cats. Host points at the imaginary animals as if counting them all. Host runs around the stage on his tippy toes and flutters his arms. 7

8 But he lost handily,... Host runs furiously in place. Host throws his hands up in disgust.... so he declared the big cat a cheetah. He pranced with some antlered woodland creatures and was so taken by the little dears... Host skips and cavorts around the stage.... that he called them just that: deer. He went out for a hike... Host claps hands together by face and rocks, as if charmed. Host mimes a difficult hike.... and came across a HUGE animal that was bigger than a compact car! Adam shook his head and said AAAAAAAAAAH-lephant! Host is silently shocked and regards a large, invisible object. Host rolls eyes. Okay, sorry, that one was pretty bad. But you get the idea! Adam spent time with each and every animal he could spot. And before long, he had named the whole lot of them! I can only imagine how long this took him. THE JOB CONTINUES HISTORYTELLER: However, the job is not done. (Clear throat.) I said the job is not done. Host plops down on stage in exhaustion. Host looks up but does not get up. Host looks incredulous and reluctantly gets up. We are discovering new animals and critters everyday. They, too, need names. In fact, the land around us still needs our care. Stewardship of what God has made did not end with Adam in the Garden of Eden. We can continue by watering plants and... Host does the water sprinkler dance. 8

9 ... pruning our grandmother s rosebushes. Host reaches up with some invisible loppers to trim bushes and smells the roses. Host then exits as Historyteller comes to center stage to wrap up the Bible Truth. WRAPPING UP THE BIBLE TRUTH HISTORYTELLER: Now, God gave Adam a job, and Adam did that job. The garden was tended and the animals were named. The job required a dash of determination and a whole lot of creativity. Adam needed to use his imagination to name the butterfly and the cheetah and the deer and the elephant. This creativity was passed to all of us as well! God calls us to join Him in taking care of His creation and to use our creativity to serve Him. He gave us jobs and work and the ability to problem solve so we can take care of His creation and help to make it even grander. As we brainstorm ways to share the food and resources with others that God has blessed us with, it is using the same creativity Adam used. When we think of ways to help the animals we love most, we are using our God-given imaginations. Our imaginations were intended to be used to care for all God has made. In fact, that s what we want you all to remember today. CG: Bottom Line Slide [Bottom Line] God made you to imagine. What will you dream up today to help God s creation? You are capable of so much because you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, Himself. Hear me when I say, and know it in your heart; You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and His works are wonderful. Read it with me. CG: Memory Verse Slide I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. (Ps. 139:14) Know it friends because it is true! I am so glad you joined us today because we will talk more about this in our prayer groups. Let s pray. Pray HISTORYTELLER: Dear God, we are all uniquely wired and wonderfully made by You. We are all different with varying interests and passions. However, You made us all to create and imagine. Please help all these students to use their imaginations for Your glory and to help Your creation. Help us to follow Adam s use of his creativity. We love You and ask all these things in Jesus name, amen. If you have an offering or a tithe with you today, you can bring that on up to the offering bucket. Host enters as Historyteller exits. 9

10 Closer HOST: Gang, you re not going to believe this, but I think I got my groove back. Thanks in small part to [Historyteller s name] and in LARGE part to my incredible mime skills, my creative juices are flowing once more! And this is what I ve concluded: God has the most amazing imagination. How else would He have come up with so many animals like the pig, the naked mole rat, and the panda? And then there is Adam! That dude was able to name the animals like tons of them! Talk about creativity. And you know what? I m convinced we have crazy good creativity as well. God used His creativity to make us, and since we re made in His image, we got some of that creativity passed down. AND I m going to make the most of it! It s like our Bottom Line for this week says. CG: Bottom Line Slide [Bottom Line] God created you to imagine. God gave us all this boundless creativity because He wants us to USE it! We can use all this imagination we ve been gifted with for God s glory. You might one day use your imagination to write a story that changes the way people see the world. You might invent some gadget or tool that helps clean water for others around the world. You might come up with solutions to really hard scientific or math problems. You could cure diseases, improve technology, or do something as simple as making people laugh. I don t know about you, but I want to dream big. If Adam was able to name ALL THOSE animals, I can SURELY find it in myself to imagine. Maybe I can imagine a gadget even more brilliant than the Couch Marker 3000! Host stumbles backward and slaps his forehead as if a brilliant idea just hit him in the head. WOW! IT JUST HIT ME! Did y all see it? It was a brilliant prototype idea. I ll call it my Kinetically Powered Twirl-o-Matic Emotion Generator. Come back next week to see it. I ve got to go work on it! CG: Prayer Group Slide Dismiss children to their Prayer Groups. 10

11 Pray and Dismiss (10 minutes) What You Need: Bibles, index cards, pens What You Do: Give each kid an index card and pen. Have Bibles available for kids who want to look up today s Bible Truth or memory verse. Ask kids to think of something they learned today about God and then turn it into a Facebook post or a text. Let them write it out on an index card. For example, they might write: Loving the way God made me, or, Just learned a great way to use my imagination to serve God. When finished, have the kids read their posts as short prayers to God. After each one, let kids like the post by high-fiving the kid who was speaking. Close in prayer or let a volunteer pray aloud for the group. What You Say: Dear God, thank You for the way You have created us. Every kid here is Your handiwork, created to do good things. I pray that You will help them to discover the plans You have for them and put them into motion. Help them to use the imagination You ve given them to do what You made them to do. In Jesus name, amen. Pass out Parent CUE cards and God Time cards as adults arrive for pick-up. 11

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