and protect us with those whom You have protected. Bless for us all that You have given us; and save us and keep away from us any evil that You have d

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1 A Ramadhaan Gift Presenting a beautiful Ramadhaan Du`aa with English Translation By Shaykh Muhammad Jebril Translated by Shazia Ahmed Edited by YasSarNal QuR an Download the audio from this link: Many of us spend a good portion of our Ramadhaan nights with our hands raised in du`a listening to the heart-felt words of our imam or shaykh calling on Allah in the witr prayer. For those of us who don t speak Arabic, it is a time when we often long to understand the meaning of the words being said with such evident intensity and feeling. It is for this reason that we would like to present a beautiful du`aa of Sh. Muhammad Jebril of Cairo, Egypt - said at the completion of his recitation of the Qur an in Ramadhaan in the year 1990/91 (hijri 1410) at Masjid Amr ibn al Aas - accompanied by an English translation. Please remember us in your du`aas as Ramadhaan draws to a close. May Allah help us make the most of these last few precious days and nights of this blessed month. Ameen. PS: While we understand that du aa is a personal affair between Allah and His slave, this du aa is presented here just as an inspiration, and also for the content and the way it is being said. Mashaa Allah. Indeed, Allah speaks the truth. Indeed Allah speaks the truth, the One who is unique in His majesty by the perfection of His beauty, glorified and exalted. He who sent down the clear Criterion (the Qur'an) to His servant ﷺ (peace be upon him) in order to make him a warner to the worlds; He who sent His noble messenger to the two mighty races of jinn and mankind to give glad tidings and to warn; and we are to this (truth) from among those who bear witness. O Allah, guide us along with those whom You have guided arightand grant us wellbeing along with those whom You have granted well-being صدق هللا العظيم صدق هللا العظيم المتوحد في الجالل بكمال الجمال تعظيما وتكبيرا الذي نزل الفرقان على عبده ليكون للعالمين نذيرا وبلغ رسوله الكريم الذي أرسلته إلى الثقلين الجن واإلنس بشيرا ونذيرا ونحن على ذلك من الشاهدين اللهم اهدنا فيمن هديت وعافنا فيمن عافيت.. Page 1 of 14

2 and protect us with those whom You have protected. Bless for us all that You have given us; and save us and keep away from us any evil that You have decreed. O Allah, save us and keep away from us any evil that You have decreed. O Allah, save us and keep away from us any evil that You have decreed, for verily You decree in truth, and none can decree over You. And none is abased whom You befriend, and none is honored whom You oppose. Blessed are You, our Lord, Exalted. To You, O Allah, all praise is due for what You have decreed, and to You, O Allah, is due all thanks for Your blessings and bounty. We seek forgiveness from (You) Allah, and we repent to You. We seek forgiveness from Allah, and we repent to You. We seek forgiveness from You, O Allah, for every sin and every mis-step (we have taken), and we turn to You in repentance. We believe in You and rely on You. You are the Rich, the Self-Sufficient and Free of Needs (al-ghaniyy), and we are poor and bereft before You. You are the Strong (al-qawiyy), and we are weak and vulnerable before You. You are the Rich, the Self-Sufficient and Free of Needs (al- Ghaniyy), and we are poor and bereft before You. You are the Strong (al-qawiyy), and we are weak and vulnerable before You. You are the Rich, the Self-Sufficient and Free of Needs (al-ghaniyy), and we are poor and bereft before You. You are the Strong (al-qawiyy), and we are weak and vulnerable before You. O Allah - You who connects with those who are cut off (from hope) - connect us to You. O Allah, gift us with righteous action from You that will bring us closer to You. وتولنا فيمن توليت وبارك لنا فيما أعطيت وقنا واصرف عنا شر ما قضيت اللهم قنا واصرف عنا شر ما قضيت اللهم قنا واصرف عنا شر ما قضيت فإنك تقضى بالحق وال ي قضى عليك وإنه ال يذل من واليت وال يعز من عاديت تباركت ربنا وتعاليت فلك الحمد يا هللا على ما قضيت ولك الشكر يا هللا على ما أنعمت به و أوليت نستغفرك ونتوب إليك نستغفرك ونتوب إليك نستغفرك اللهم من كل ذنب وخطيئة ونتوب إليك ونؤمن بك ونتوكل عليك أنت الغنى ونحن الفقراء إليك أنت القوى ونحن الضعفاء إليك أنت الغنى ونحن الفقراء إليك أنت القوى ونحن الضعفاء إليك أنت الغنى ونحن الفقراء إليك أنت القوى ونحن الضعفاء إليك اللهم يا واصل المنقطعين أوصلنا إليك اللهم هب لنا منك عمال صالحا يقربنا إليك Page 2 of 14

3 O Allah, conceal (our faults) and protect us while we are on Earth, and when we are beneath the Earth, and on the Day when our deeds are presented to You. (Repeat 3) O Allah, beautify our standing before You. O Allah, do not disappoint us on the Day we are presented before You to be judged. [Repeated three times] O Allah, accept our prayers, our fasting, our standing in worship, our bowing and our prostration. O Allah, accept our prayers. O Allah, accept our fasting. O Allah, accept our standing in worship. O Allah, accept our bowing. O Allah, accept our prostration. [Repeated twice] O Allah, make us among those who are freed from the Fire this Ramadan. [Repeated thrice] O Allah, save us from the Fire. O Allah, save us from the Fire. O Allah, save us from the Fire. O Allah, protect us from the shame and disgrace of the Fire. O Allah, protect us from any deed that draws us closer to the Fire. O Allah, enter us into Paradise with the righteous, by Your mercy, O You Who is Most Noble (al-`azeez), Oft- Forgiving (al-ghaffar). O Allah, make us, our Lord, in this month of ours, on this day of ours, on this very night, from those who are freed from the Fire, and make us from those who are accepted by You, the successful. By Your mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy By Your mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy اللهم استرنا فوق األرض وتحت األرض ويوم العرض عليك اللهم أحسن وقوفنا بين يديك اللهم ال تخزنا يوم العرض عليك اللهم تقبل صالتنا وصيامنا وقيامنا وركوعناوسجودنا اللهم تقبل صالتنا اللهم تقبل صيامنا اللهم تقبل وقيامنا اللهم تقبل وركوعنا اللهم تقبل وسجودنا اللهم اجعلنا من عتقاء شهر رمضان اللهم أجرنا من النار اللهم أجرنا من النار اللهم أجرنا من النار اللهم أجرنا من خزي النار اللهم أجرنا من كل عمل يقربنا إلى النار اللهم أدخلنا الجنة مع األبرار برحمتك يا عزيز يا غفار اللهم اجعلنا يا موالنا في شهرنا هذا وفى يومنا هذا وفى ليلتنا هذه من عتقائك من النار واجعلنا من المقبولين الفائزين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين Page 3 of 14

4 By Your mercy, O O Master and King (al-malik), O O You Who is Sanctified and Pure (al- Quddus), O O Source and Giver of Peace (as-salaam), O O Inspirer of Faith (al-mu min), O O Guardian of All Things (al-muhaymin), O O Honorable and Mighty (al-`azeez), O O You Who Compels His Servants and Mends the Broken (al-jabbar), O Allah O Grand and Majestic (al-mutakabbir), O O Creator of All (al-khaliq), O O Creator of All, O O Maker of Order (al-baari ), O O Shaper of Forms (al-musawwir), O Allah O Oft-Forgiving (al-ghaffar), O O You Who Subdues His Servants (al- Qahhar), O برحمتك يا هللا يا ملك يا هللا يا قدوس يا هللا يا سالم يا هللا يا مؤمن يا هللا يا مهيمن يا هللا يا عزيز يا هللا يا جبار يا هللا يا متكبر يا هللا يا خالق يا هللا يا بارىء يا هللا يا مصور يا هللا يا غفار يا هللا يا قهار يا هللا O Giver of All (al-wahhab), O O Sustainer (ar-razzaq), O O Opener (al-fattah), O O All-Knowing One (al-`aleem), O O You Who Restricts (al-qaabidh), O O You Who Expands and Relieves (al- Baasit), O O You Who Abases (al-khaafidh), O O You Who Exalts (ar-raafi`), O O Bestower of Honor (al-mu`izz), O O You Who Lowers (al-mudhill), O O You Who Hears All (as-sami`), O يا وهاب يا هللا يا رزاق يا هللا يا فتاح يا هللا يا عليم يا هللا يا قابض يا هللا يا باسط يا هللا يا خافض يا هللا يا رافع يا هللا يا معز يا هللا يا مذل يا هللا يا سميع يا هللا Page 4 of 14

5 O You Who Sees All (al-baseer), O O You Who is the Absolute Judge (al- Hakam), O O You Who is Absolutely Just (al- Adl), O O Gentle and Subtly Kind (al-lateef), O O All-Aware (al-khabeer), O O Most Forbearing (al-haleem), O O Magnificent (al-`adheem), O O You Who Forgives and Conceals (al- Ghafur), O O You Who Appreciates and Rewards Thankfulness (al-shakur), O O Knower of All Things (al- Aleem), O O Great One (al-kabeer), O Allah O Preserver (al-hafeedh), O Allah.. يا بصير يا هللا يا حكم يا هللا يا عدل يا هللا يا لطيف يا هللا يا خبير يا هللا يا حليم يا هللا يا عظيم يا هللا يا غفور يا هللا يا شكور يا هللا يا عليم يا هللا يا كبير يا هللا يا حفيظ يا هللا O Nourisher of All Things (al-muqeet), O O You Who Calls to Account (al-haseeb) O O Mighty and Majestic (al-jaleel), O O Most Generous (al-kareem), O O Most Generous, O O Ever-Watchful (al-raqeeb), O O You Who Responds and Answers (al- Mujeeb), O O Vast and Omnipotent One (al-wasi`), O O Glorious One (al-majeed), O O You Who Perceives and Finds (al- Waajid), O O Unique One (al-waahid), O O You Who is Self-Sufficient and Free of Want (as-samad), O O You Who is Capable and Strong (al- Qadir), O يا مقيت يا هللا يا حسيب يا هللا يا جليل يا هللا يا كريم يا هللا يا رقيب يا هللا يا مجيب يا هللا يا واسع يا هللا يا مجيد يا هللا يا واجد يا هللا يا واحد يا هللا يا صمد يا هللا يا قادر يا هللا Page 5 of 14

6 O Creator of All Power (al-muqtadir), O O You Who Brings Forward (al- Muqaddim), O O You Who Delays (al-mu akhir), O O You Who is the First (al-awwal), O O You Who is the First, O O You Who is the Last (al-aakhir), O O You Who is Manifest (adh- Dhahir), O O You Who is Hidden (al-batin), O O Close Protecting Guardian (al-waaliy), O O Most High (al-muta`aliy), O O Living, Eternal One (al-hayy), O O Self-Subsisting One (al-qayyum), O O Self-Subsisting One, O O Nourisher (al-muqeet), O O You Who Gives Death (al-mumeet), O O Most Gentle and Gracious Bestower (al- Barr), O O Ever-Relenting One (at- Tawwab), O O Avenger (al-muntaqim), O O You Who Pardons (al-`affuw), O O Most Kind (ar-ra uf), O O Most Kind, O O Owner of All Sovereignty (Maliku l Mulk), Lord of Majesty and Honor (Dhu l Jalali wa likram), O O Just and Equitable One (al-muqsit), O O Gatherer (al-jaami`), O O You Who is Rich and Free of Needs (al- Ghaniy), O O Enricher (al- Mughni), O O Witholder (al- Mani`), O O Distressor (ad-daar), O O Guide (al-haadi), O يا مقتدر يا هللا يا مقدم يا هللا يا مؤخر يا هللا يا أول يا هللا يا آخر يا هللا يا ظاهر يا هللا يا باطن يا هللا يا والى يا هللا يا متعالي يا هللا يا حي يا هللا يا قيوم يا هللا يا مقيت يا هللا يا مميت يا هللا يا بر يا هللا يا تو اب يا هللا يا منتقم يا هللا يا عفو يا هللا يا رء وف ياهللا يا ذا الجالل واإلكرام يا هللا يا مقسط يا هللا يا جامع يا هللا يا غنى يا هللا يا مغنى يا هللا يا مانع يا هللا يا ضار يا هللا يا هادى يا هللا Page 6 of 14

7 O Light (of the heavens and the Earth) (al- Nur), O O Originator of All Things (al-badi`), O O Infinite and Everlasting (al-baaqi), O O Inheritor of All (al-waarith), O O Guide to the Right Path (ar- Rasheed), O O Most Patient (as- Sabur), O O O O O O O O O You Whom there is nothing like - the Hearing (al-sami`), the Seeing (al-baseer), O Allah. O You who are the best of protectors and the best of those who give help. Glory be to You. We cannot account for the praises that are due to You; You are as You praise Yourself. Sublime is Your Countenance; Exalted is Your position. You do as You will by Your Power and Ability, and You decree as You want by Your Honor. O Living, Self-Subsisting One (al-hayy al- Qayum); O Originator of the heavens and the Earth (badee us samaawati wal ardh); O Possessor of Majesty and Honor (Dhu l- Jalali wa l-ikram). O Allah, beautify us with the beauty of the Qur'an. O Allah, enter us into Paradise by the intercession of the Qur'an. O Allah, ennoble us by the nobility of the Qur'an. O Allah, dress us with the honorable mantle (khil`ah) of the Qur'an. O Allah, dress us with the honorable mantle of the Qur'an. O Allah, honor us with the honor of the Qur'an. يا نور يا هللا يا بديع يا هللا يا باقي يا هللا يا وارث يا هللا يا رشيد يا هللا يا صبور يا هللا يا هللا.. يا هللا.. يا هللا يا هللا.. يا هللا.. يا هللا يا هللا. يا من ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصير يا هلل يا نعم المولى ويا نعم النصير يا هللا سبحانك ال نحصى ثناء عليك أنت كما أثنيت على نفسك.. جل وجهك.. وعز جاهك.. تفعل ما تشاء بقدرتك.. وتحكم ما تريد بعزتك يا حي يا قيوم يا بديع السماوات واألرض يا ذا الجالل واإلكرام للهم زينا بزينة القرآن اللهم أدخلنا الجنة بشفاعة القرآن اللهم أكرمنا بكرامة القرآن اللهم ألبسنا بخلعة القرآن اللهم ألبسنا بخلعة القرآن اللهم شرفنا بشرف القرآن Page 7 of 14

8 O Allah, have mercy on the entire community of Muhammad,ﷺ by the sanctity of the Qur'an, O Most Merciful (al- Raheem), Loving One (al-rahman). O Allah, guide us and lead us to the truth and to the straight path, by the blessings of the magnificent Qur'an; and by the sanctity of the one You have sent as a mercy to all the worlds.ﷺ And forgive us, O Most Generous (al-kareem), and grant us well being, O Most Merciful (al-raheem). (thrice) O Allah, make the Qu'ran the blossoming spring of our hearts, and the light of our chests, and the dispeller of our sadness and grief. اللهم ارحم جميع أمة محمد بحرمة القرآن.. يا رحيم يا رحمن اللهم اهدنا ووفقنا إلى الحق وإلى الطريق المستقيم.. ببركة القرآن العظيم.. وبحرمة من أرسلته رحمة للعالمين.. واعف عنا يا كريم.. وعافنا يا رحيم اللهم اجعل القرآن ربيع قلوبنا ونور صدورنا وجالء أحزاننا O Allah, make the Qur'an a proof for us, and not a proof against us. اللهم اجعل القرآن حجة لنا وال تجعله حجة علينا O Allah, make us those who read the Qur'an and become elevated and do not make us those who read it and become wretched and humiliated. O Allah, bestow on us, by every letter of the Qur'an (that we have read) a sweetness, and by every word (from its pages) magnanimity and generosity, and by every verse happiness and joy, and by every chapter peace and security, and by every section reward. O Allah, bless us with contentment, and make beloved to us prayer in congregation, and help us to remember death, Our Lord, in every moment (of our lives). O Resurrect us, Our Lord, with the Prophet,ﷺ the Chosen (al-mustafa), the one to whom you have granted the right of intercession. اللهم اجعلنا ممن يقرؤه فيرقى وال تجعلنا ممن يقرؤه فيزل ويشقى اللهم ارزقنا بكل حرف من القرآن حالوة وبكل كلمة كرامة وبكل أية سعادة وبكل سورة سالمة وبكل جزء جزاء اللهم ارزقنا القناعة اللهم حببنا في صالة الجماعة اللهم ذكرنا يا موالنا بالموت كل ساعة اللهم احشرنا يا ربنا مع النبي المصطفى صاحب الشفاعة Page 8 of 14

9 O Allah, we seek refuge in You from knowledge that does not benefit; and from a heart that is not humbled in devotion to You; and from an eye that does not weep (out of love and awe of You); (thrice) and from an ego that is never satisfied; and from a supplication that is not heard. (thrice repeated) O Allah, we ask you for knowledge that benefits; and for a heart that is humbled in devotion to You; and for a tongue busy with remembering You and expressing gratitude to You; and for actions that are righteous and accepted by You; and for a certainty (in You) that is genuine and true. O Allah, we seek refuge in You from death and its agonies; and the grave and its distress; and the Sirat and its perils; and the Day of Rising and its terrors. [Repeated 3) O Allah, make us fearful and conscious of You as if we see You; and grant us happiness through reverence of You (taqwa); and grant us the pleasure of seeing You (in Paradise); and gather us in the company of Your Prophet and Chosen One times] (al-mustafa). [Repeated three ﷺ O Allah, grant victory to Islam and honor the Muslims. O Allah raise high, with Your Grace, the two words of truth and religion. O Allah, destroy the disbelievers who show hostile enmity to You and Your religion. O Allah, bring the Muslims back to Your religion in a beautiful return (in repentance). [Repeated three times] O Allah, grant success and victory to those striving in Your cause, wherever they may be. [Repeated three times] اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من علم ال ينفع ومن قلب ال يخشع ومن عين ال تدمع ومن نفس ال تشبع ومن دعاء ال يسمع اللهم إنا نسألك علما نافعا وقلبا خاشعا ولسانا ذاكرا شاكرا وعمال صالحا متقبال ويقينا صادقا اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من الموت وكربته والقبر و وغمته والصراط وذلته ويوم القيامة وروعته اللهم اجعلنا نخشاك كأنا نراك وأسعدنا بتقواك ومتعنا برؤياك واجمعنا مع نبيك ومصطفاك اللهم انصر اإلسالم واعز المسلمين اللهم أعل بفضلك كلمتي الحق والدين اللهم أهلك الكفرة والمشركين أعداءك أعداء الدين اللهم رد المسلمين إلى دينك ردا جميال اللهم انصر المجاهدين في كل مكان Page 9 of 14

10 O Allah, grant us success and victory over (the weaknesses of) of our own selves. [Repeated three times] O Allah, respond to our du`a, and heal our sick, and have mercy on our dead, and defeat our enemies. Do not disappoint us in our hope (in You); and let the last of our deeds be the best of them. O Allah, fulfill from our hopes whichever please You; grant authority over our affairs to those who are the best of us, and not to those who are the worst of us. O Allah, lift Your displeasure and anger from us. (thrice) and do not call us to account for what we have done; and do not hold us accountable for what the foolish among us do; and do not place upon us, due to our sins, an authority who does not fear or revere You and who will not have mercy on us. O Allah, purify our hearts; divest us of our faults; relieve our worries and troubles; protect us in the best way; and gather for us the best of the hereafter and the best of this life. اللهم انصرنا على أنفسنا اللهم استجب دعاءنا واشف مرضانا وارحم موتانا وأهلك أعداءنا وال تخيب رجاءنا وأختم بالباقيات الصالحات أعمالنا اللهم بلغنا ممن يرضيك آمالنا اللهم ول أمورنا خيارنا وال تول أمورنا شرارنا اللهم ارفع مقتك وغضبك عنا وال تؤاخذنا بما فعلنا وال تؤاخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا وال تسلط علينا بذنوبنا من ال يخافك وال يخشاك وال يرحمنا اللهم طه ر قلوبنا وأزل عيوبنا وأكشف كروبنا وتولنا بالحسنى وأجمع لنا خير اآلخرة واألولى O Allah, rectify our condition. O Allah, join together and unite our hearts. O Allah, allow our end to be concluded with righteous deeds. O Allah, encompass us in the vastness of Your mercy. اللهم أصلح أحوالنا اللهم ألف بين قلوبنا اللهم أختم بالباقيات الصالحات أعمالنا اللهم برحمتك الواسعة عمنا Page 10 of 14

11 O Allah, avert the harms and evils that concern and trouble us. O Allah, allow us to pass away with sound faith, (faithful to) the Book and the Sunnah, and in a state in which You are pleased with us, O You Who is the Most Generous (al-kareem). O Allah, allow the Qur'an to be our close companion in this life; and in our graves a comforting friend; and a light on the Sirat; and an intercession at the time of resurrection; and our companion in Paradise; and make it a protection and barricade between us and the Hellfire; and a guide and leader to all good works, by Your Grace, O Most Generous of those who show generosity. O Allah, distance us from our mistakes as You have distanced the East from the West. O Allah, purge our sins from us the way a white cloth is purified from filth; O Allah cleanse us from our sins with the (purity of) water, snow, and hail. O Allah, You are the Forgiving (al-`affuw), and You love to forgive, so please forgive us. O Allah, You are the Forgiving (al- `Affuw), the Generous (al-kareem), the Forbearing (al-haleem), the Great (al- `Adheem), and You love to forgive, so please forgive us. O Allah, grant us well being and safety; pardon us; accept our deeds; accept us; accept our repentance, and excuse us, by Your loving Grace, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Our Lord, accept from us (our deeds), You are the All-Hearing (as-sami`), the All- Knowing (al-`aleem). اللهم اكفنا شر ما أهمنا وغمنا اللهم على اإليمان الكامل والكتاب والسنة جمعا توفنا وأنت راض عنا يا كريم اللهم اجعل القرآن الكريم لنا في الدنيا قرينا وفى القبر مؤنسا وعلى الصراط نورا وفى القيامة شفيعا وإلى الجنة رفيقا ومن النار سترا وحجابا.. وإلى الخيرات كلها دليال وإماما بفضلك وجودك يا أكرم األكرمين اللهم باعد بيننا وبين خطايانا كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقنا من خطايانا كما ينقى الثوب األبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلنا من خطايانا بالماء والثلج والبرد اللهم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنا اللهم إنك عفو كريم حليم عظيم تحب العفو فاعف عنا اللهم عافنا.. واعف عنا.. وتقبل منا.. واقبلنا.. وتب علينا.. وسامحنا.. بفضلك يا أرحم الراحمين ربنا تقبل منا انك أنت السميع العليم Page 11 of 14

12 Accept our repentance, Our Lord, You are the Oft-relenting (at-tawwab), The Merciful (ar-raheem). Forgive us and have mercy upon us, Our Lord, You are the Forgiving (al-ghafur), the Merciful (ar-raheem). Save us from sorrow and worry and the greatest distress (of punishment in the Hereafter). Save us from sorrow and worry and the greatest distress (of punishment in the Hereafter). O Allah, bestow on us the gift of seeing Your Noble Countenance. [Repeated three times] O Allah, make us from among those who have running beneath them the rivers of Paradise "Their prayer therein will be, Glory be to You, O Allah ; and their greeting (to one another) therein is, Peace. And the conclusion of their prayer will be, Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. (Qur'an, 10:10) "Our Lord, condemn us not if we forget or fall into error. Our Lord, lay not on us a burden like that which you laid on those before us. Our Lord, lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us, and grant us forgiveness, and have mercy on us. You are our Protector. Help us against those who stand against faith." (Qur'an, 2:286) "Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You; for You art the Grantor of bounties without measure. Our Lord, surely it is You Who will gather mankind together on the Day about which there is no doubt, for verily, Allah never fails in His promise." (Qur'an, 3:8-9) "Our Lord, forgive us our sins and anything we may have done that transgressed our duty. تب علينا يا موالنا انك أنت التواب الرحيم واغفر لنا وارحمنا يا موالنا انك أنت الغفور الرحيم.. ونجنا من الغم والكرب العظيم ونجنا من الهم والغم والكرب العظيم اللهم متعنا بالنظر إلى وجهك الكريم اللهم اجعلنا من الذين تجرى من تحتهم األنهار في جنات النعيم دعواهم فيها سبحانك اللهم وتحيتهم فيها سالم.. وآخر دعواهم أن الحمد هلل رب العالمين ر ب ن ا ال ت ؤ اخ ذ ن ا إ ن ن س ين ا أ و أ خ ط أ ن ا ر ب ن ا و ال ت ح م ل ع ل ي ن ا إ ص را ك م ا ح م ل ت ه ع ل ى ال ذ ين م ن ق ب ل ن ا ر ب ن ا و ال ت ح م ل ن ا م ا ال ط اق ة ل ن ا ب ه و اع ف ع ن ا و اغ ف ر ل ن ا وارحمنا أ نت م و ال ن ا ف انص ر ن ا ع ل ى ال ق و م ال ك اف ر ين ر ب ن ا ال ت ز غ ق ل وب ن ا ب ع د إ ذ ه د ي ت ن ا و ه ب ل ن ا م ن ل د نك ر ح م ة إ ن ك أ نت ال و ه اب ر ب ن ا إ ن ك ج ام ع الن اس ل ي و م ال ر ي ب ف يه إ ن هللا ال ي خ ل ف ال م يع اد رب ن ا اغ ف ر ل ن ا ذ ن وب ن ا و إ س ر اف ن ا ف ي أ م ر ن ا Page 12 of 14

13 Establish our feet firmly, and help us against those that resist Faith." (Qur'an, 3:147) "Our Lord, indeed whoever You admit to the Fire - You have disgraced him, and for the unjust wrongdoers there are no helpers. Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller calling to faith, [saying], 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed. Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous. Our Lord, and grant us what You promised us through Your messengers and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, You do not fail in [Your] promise." (Qur'an, 3: ) "In Allah do we put out trust. Our Lord, make us not a trial for those who practice oppression; and save us, by Your mercy, from those who reject You." (Qur'an, 10:85, 86) "Our Lord, In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final return. Our Lord, make us not a test and a trial for the disbelievers, but forgive us, our Lord, for You are the Exalted in might, the Wise." (Qur'an, 60:4-5) "Our Lord, forgive us and our brethren who came before us into the faith, and leave not, in our hearts, ill feeling against those who have believed. Our Lord, You are indeed full of kindness, most merciful." (Qur'an, 59:10) O Allah, to You we lovingly submit; and in You we believe; and upon You do we rely. To You we turn (in repentance), and by You we argue (and advocate). Forgive us for what we have sent forth (in deeds) and for what we have held back; for what we have made known, & for what we have hidden; and for (our deeds) which You have more knowledge of than we ourselves. و ث ب ت أ ق د ام ن ا وانص ر ن ا ع ل ى ال ق و م ال ك اف ر ين ر ب ن ا إ ن ك م ن ت د خ ل الن ار ف ق د أ خ ز ي ت ه و م ا ل لظ ال م ين م ن أ نص ار ر ب ن ا إ ن ن ا س م ع ن ا م ن اد يا ي ن اد ي ل إل يم ان أ ن آم ن وا ب ر ب ك م ف آم ن ا ر ب ن ا ف اغ ف ر ل ن ا ذ ن وب ن ا و ك ف ر ع ن ا س ي ئ ات ن ا و ت و ف ن ا م ع األب ر ار ر ب ن ا و آت ن ا م ا و ع دت ن ا ع ل ى ر س ل ك و ال ت خ ز ن ا ي و م ال ق ي ام ة إ ن ك ال ت خ ل ف ال م يع اد ر ب ن ا ال ت ج ع ل ن ا ف ت ن ة ل ل ق و م الظ ال م ين و ن ج ن ا ب ر ح م ت ك م ن ال ق و م ال ك اف ر ين ر ب ن ا ع ل ي ك ت و ك ل ن ا و إ ل ي ك أ ن ب ن ا و إ ل ي ك ال م ص ير ر ب ن ا ال ت ج ع ل ن ا ف ت ن ة ل ل ذ ين ك ف ر وا و اغ ف ر ل ن ا ر ب ن ا إ ن ك أ نت ال ع ز يز ال ح ك يم ر ب ن ا اغ ف ر ل ن ا و إل خ و ان ن ا ال ذ ين س ب ق ون ا ب اإل يم ان و ال ت ج ع ل ف ي ق ل وب ن ا غ ال ل ل ذ ين آم ن وا ر ب ن ا إ ن ك رءوف ر ح يم اللهم لك أسلمنا.. وبك آمنا.. وعليك توكلنا.. وإليك أنبنا وبك خاصمنا فاغفر لنا ما قدمنا وما أخرنا وما أعلنا وما أسررنا وما أنت أعلم به منا Page 13 of 14

14 O Allah, be compassionate with us, for You are the One who shows us mercy. Do not punish us for our sins, for You are the Powerful over us. Be gracious and kind to us, Our Lord, for what has come to pass in our time and place; and (we ask You, O Allah) to conclude our lives for us with a beautiful and joyful ending. "Exalted is Your Lord, the Lord of Might and Honor, above what they describe; and praise be on the messengers (of God); and all praise is due to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds." (Qur'an, 37: ) (Send peace and blessings, O Allah, on our master Muhammad, and upon his blessed family and noble companions. Ameen.) اللهم أرحمنا فإنك بنا راحم وال تعذبنا بذنوبنا فأنت علينا قادر وألطف بنا يا موالنا فيما جرت به المقادير وأختم لنا منك بخيرأجمين وأختم لنا منك بخاتمة السعادة أجمعين س ب ح ان ر ب ك ر ب ال ع ز ة ع م ا ي ص ف ون و س ال م ع ل ى ال م ر س ل ين و ال ح م د هلل ر ب ال ع ال م ين وصل اللهم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم Acknowledgement: 1. Alhamdulil-laahi Rabbil Aalameen 2. Shaykh Muhammad Jebril for the beautiful du aa for the Arabic Text and the audio link. 4. Sr. Shazia Ahmed for burning her midnight oil to translate the 34Min.55Sec. long du aa through this blog I got to know about the translation. 6. Br. T K T Sheikh Abdullah for giving me the audio file way back in 2005, and since then I have been listening/making this du aa. May Allah reward all of them. May Allah accept the effort of all brothers and sisters who participate in the spread of khayr. May Allah accept our sincere deeds and forgive us of our sins. Aameen. Sharjah, 25 th Ramadhaan 1434 Page 14 of 14

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