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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER AL SAFFAAT... 3 (182 VERSES)... 3 VERSES MERITS... 3 VERSES VERSE VERSES The Exalted Assembly of Amir Al-Momineen asws... 8 VERSE VERSES VERSES VERSES 22 & VERSE The first and main subject matter of the Questioning The four main matters to be Questioned about The Detailed scenario on the Day of Judgment Requirement of the written authorisation at the Bridge (Archway) The Questioning would be at the first Bridge (Archway) VERSES VERSES VERSES VERSES VERSES Background report VERSE VERSES out of 40

2 VERSES Ibrahim as a Shia of Amir Al-Momineen asws The claim of being a Shia Congratulations for being named as a Shia The unblemished heart The purpose of the Creation of Hell out of 40

3 CHAPTER 37 AL SAFFAAT (182 VERSES) VERSES 1 84 ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم MERITS ابن بابويه: عن أبيه قال: حدثين أمحد بن إدريس قال: حدثين حممد بن أمحد بن حيىي عن حممد بن حسان عن إمساعيل بن مهران عن احلسن بن علي عن احلسني بن أيب العالء عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»من قرأ سورة الصافات يف كل مجعة مل يزل حمفوظا من كل آفة مدفوعا عنه كل بلية يف احلياة الدنيا مرزوقا يف الدنيا يف أوسع ما يكون من الرزق و مل يصبه يف ماله و ولده و ال بدنه بسوء من شيطان رجيم و ال من جبار عنيد Ibn Babuwayh, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Hasaan, from Ismail Bin Mahran, from Al-Hassan Bin Ali, from Al-Husayn Bin Abu Al- A ala, Abu Abdullah asws has said: The one who recites Surah Al-Saffaat every Friday, will not cease to be Protected from every illness. Every affliction would be driven away from him in the life of the world. His future sustenance in the world would be expanded. He would neither be hit regarding his wealth, and his sons, or his body, with the evil from the Accursed Satan la, nor from a mighty tyrant. و إن مات يف يومه أو يف ليلته بعثه اهلل شهيدا و أماته شهيدا و أدخله اجلنة مع الشهداء يف أعلى درجة من اجلنة«. And if he were to die during its day, or during its night, Allah azwj would Resurrect him as a martyr, and his death would be that of a martyr, and he would enter the Paradise along with the martyrs in the lofty Level in the Paradise. 1 و قال الصادق )عليه السالم(:»من كتبها يف إناء زجاج ضيق الرأس و جعلها يف منزله رأى اجلن يف منزله يذهبون و يأتون أفواجا أفواجا و ال يضرون أحدا بشيء And Al-Sadiq asws said: The one who writes it in a glass container with a narrow head, and makes it to be in his house, would see the Jinn in his house going and coming in droves and droves, and not one would be hurting him with anything. و يستحم مبائها الوهلان و الرجفان ليسكن ما به إن شاء اهلل تعاىل«. 1 ثواب األعمال: out of 40

4 And if bathed/showered with, the confusion and the trembling would settle down, if Allah azwj the Exalted so Desires it. 2 حممد بن يعقوب: عن حممد بن حيىي عن موسى بن احلسن عن سليمان اجلعفري قال: رأيت أبا احلسن )عليه السالم( يقول البنه القاسم:»قم- يا بين- فاقرأ عند رأس أخيك و الص اف ات ص ف ا حىت تستتمها«فقرأ فلما بلغ: أ ه م أ ش د خ ل قا أ م م ن خ ل ق نا قضى الفىت Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Musa Bin Al-Hassan, from Suleyman Al- Ja fary who said, I saw Abu Al-Hassan asws saying to his asws son Al-Qasim: Arise, O my asws son, arise and recite at the head of your (deceased) brother: By the ones lined out in rows [37:1] - until you complete it. So he started reciting it. When he reached: So ask them, are they stronger as a creation or (other) ones We Created? We Created them from sticky clay [37:11], the youth expired. فلما سجي و خرجوا أقبل عليه يعقوب ابن جعفر فقال له: كنا نعهد امليت إذا نزل به املوت يقرأ عنده يس و ال ق ر آن احل ك يم فصرت تأمرنا بالصافات فقال:»يا بين مل تقرأ عند مكروب من موت قط إال عجل اهلل راحته«. So when he was covered, and we went out, Yaqoub Ibn Ja far met him asws, and said to him asws, Whenever death descends upon one of us, we used to recite: Ya Seen [36:1] By the Wise Quran [36:2], so are you asws (now) ordering us (to recite) Al- Saffaat (Chapter 37 instead)? So he asws said: O my asws son! It does not get recited during the distress of death at all except that Allah azwj Hastens on his rest. 3 VERSES 1-4 By the ones lined out in rows [37:1] و الص اف ات ص ف ا }1{ ف الز اج ر ات ز ج ر ا }2{ And the rebuking (Angels) rebuking [37:2] ف الت ال ي ات ذ ك ر ا }3{ And the reciters of the Zikr [37:3] 2 Tafseer Al Burhan H الكافي. 5 /126 :3 4 out of 40

5 إ ن إ ه هل ك م ل و اح د }4{ Surely, your God is One [37:4] يف ن ه ج ال ب ال غ ة و اع ل م ي ا ب ين إ ن ه ل و ك ان ل ر ب ك ش ر يك ل ت ت ك ر س ل ه و ل ر أ ي ت ل ك ن ه إ ل ه و اح د ك م ا و ص ف ن ف س ه ال ي ض اد ه يف م ل ك ه أ ح د و ال ي ز ول أ ب دا. آث ار م ل ك ه و س ل ط ان ه و ل ع ر ف ت أ ف ع ال ه و ص ف ات ه و In Nahj Al Balagah (Amir Al-Momineen asws said to one of his asws sons): And know, O my asws son! If there was an associate for your Lord azwj, his messengers would have come to you and you would have seen the traces of his kingdom, and his authority, and you would have recognised his work and his attributes. But God is One just as He azwj has Described Himself azwj. There is no adversary of His azwj in His azwj Kingdom, nor would He azwj ever be non-existent. 4 VERSE 5 ر ب الس م او ات و ا ل ر ض و م ا ب ي ن ه م ا و ر ب ال م ش ار ق }5{ Lord of the skies and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the Easts [37:5] الطربسي يف )االحتجاج(: عن ا لصبغ بن نباتة قال: خطبنا أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( على منرب الكوفة فحمد اهلل و أثىن عليه مث قال:»أيها الناس سلوين فإن بني جواحني علما«فقام إليه ابن الكواء فقال: يا أمري املؤمنني وجدتكتاب اهلل ينقض بعضه بعضا Al-Tabarsy, in Al-Ihtijaj, from Al- Asbagh Bin Nabata who said: Amir-Al-Momineen asws preached to us upon the Pulpit of Al-Kufa. So he asws Praised Allah azwj and Extolled Him azwj, then said: O you people! Ask me asws, for between my asws ribs is the (Divine) Knowledge. So Ibn Al-Kawa stood up and said, O Amir-al- Momineen asws, I have found in the Book of Allah azwj (Verses) which invalidate each other. قال:»ثكلتك أمك يا بن الكواء كتاب اهلل يصدق بعضه بعضا و ال ينقض بعضه بعضا فسل عما بدا لك «He asws said: May your mother be bereft of you, O Ibn Al-Kawa! The Book of Allah azwj, (Verses) ratify each other, and do not invalidate each other, so ask whatever comes to you. 4 Nahj Al Balagah Letter 31 Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn H 36 5 out of 40

6 قال: يا أمري املؤمنني مسعته يقول: ب ر ب ال م شار ق و ال م غار ب و قال يف آية أخرى: ر ب ال م ش ر ق ني و ر ب ال م غ ر ب ني و قال يف آية اخرى: ر ب ال م ش ر ق و ال م غ ر ب. He said, O Amir-Al-Momineen asws! I heard Him azwj Saying: I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests [70:40]. And in another Verse: Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests [55:17]. And in another Verse: Lord of the east and the west [26:28]. قال:»ثكلتك أمك يا بن الكواء هذا املشرق و هذا املغرب ]و أما[ قوله: ر ب ال م ش ر ق ني و ر ب ال م غ ر ب ني فإن مشرق الشتاء على حدة و مشرق الصيف على حدة أما تعرف ذلك من قرب الشمس و بعدها He asws said: May your mother be bereft of you, O Ibn Al- Kawa! This is the east and this is the west. And as for His azwj Words: Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests [55:17], so it is the east of the winter upon a limit, and east of the summer upon a limit. But do you not recognise that from the nearness of the sun and its remoteness? و أما قوله: ب ر ب ال م شار ق و ال م غار ب فإن هلا ثالث مائة و ستني برجا تطلع كل يوم من برج و تغرب يف آخر فال تعود إليه إال من قابل يف ذلك اليوم«. And as for His azwj Words: I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests [70:40], so it has for it three hundred and sixty constellations, (the sun is) emerging from each constellation and setting in another. So it does not return to it except from the following year in that particular day. 5 VERSES 6-10 إ ن ا ز ي ن ا الس م اء الد ن ي ا ب ز ين ة ال ك و اك ب }6{ Surely, We Adorned the sky of the world with an adornment of the planets [37:6] و ح ف ظ ا م ن ك ل ش ي ط ان م ار د }7{ And a protection from every rebellious Satan [37:7] ال ي س م ع ون إ ىل ال م ل ا ل ع ل ه ى و ي ق ذ ف ون م ن ك ل ج ان ب }8{ Extract (االحتجاج: ( out of 40

7 They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are being pelted at from every side [37:8] د ح ور ا و هل م ع ذ اب و اص ب }9{ Being repelled, and for them is an eternal Punishment [37:9] إ ال م ن خ ط ف ا ل ط ف ة ف أ ت ب ع ه ش ه اب ث اق ب }10{ Except (for the) one who violates the caution, so there pursues him a shooting star [37:10] مث قال علي بن إبراهيم: حدثين أيب و يعقوب بن يزيد عن ابن أيب عمري عن بعض أصحابنا عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»قال أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(: هلذه النجوم اليت يف السماء مدائن مثل املدائن اليت يف ا لرض مربوطة كل مدينة إىل عمود من نور طول ذلك العمود يف السماء مسرية مائتني و مخسني سنة«. Then Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, one of our companions, Abu Abdullah asws having said: Amir-Al-Momineen asws said: For these stars which are in the sky are cities as there are cities in the earth. Each city is linked to a column of Light. The length of that column in the sky is a travel distance of two hundred and fifty years. قوله: و ح ف ظا م ن ك ل ش ي طان مار د قال: املارد: ا لبيث His azwj Words: And a protection from every rebellious Satan [37:7], he asws said: The rebellious the wicked. ال ي س م ع ون إ ىل ال م ل ا ل ع لى و ي ق ذ ف ون م ن ك ل جان ب د ح ورا يعين الكواكب اليت يرمون هبا They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are being pelted at from every side [37:8] Being repelled [37:9] - meaning the planets which they pass by. و هل م ع ذاب واص ب أي واجب And for them is a perpetual Punishment [37:9] - i.e., obligated. و قوله: إ ال م ن خ ط ف ا ل ط ف ة يعين يسمعون الكلمة فيحفظوهنا ف أ ت ب ع ه ش هاب ثاق ب و هو ما يرمون به فيحرتقون. 7 out of 40

8 And His azwj Words: Except one who violates the caution [37:10] - meaning he overhears the speech, and remembers it, so there pursues him a shooting star [37:10], and it is what they are being pelted with, so they get incinerated. 6 قال: و يف رواية أيب اجلارود عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( قال: ع ذاب واص ب أي دائم موجع قد خلص إىل قلوهبم و قوله: ش هاب ثاق ب أي مضيء إذا أضاء فهو ثقوبه«. (Ali Bin Ibrahim) said, And in a report of Abu Al-Jaroud, Abu Ja far asws having said: and for them is an eternal Punishment [37:9], i.e., permanent, painful, ending up to their hearts. And His azwj Words: a shooting star [37:10], i.e., illuminated, when it is lit, so it is its fire. 7 علي بن إبراهيم قال: حكى أيب عن حممد بن أيب عمري عن هشام بن سامل عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(- و ذكر حديث معراج النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( إىل أن قال )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(:»فصعد جربئيل و صعدت معه إىل السماء الدنيا و عليها ملك يقال له إمساعيل و هو صاحب ا لطفة اليت قال اهلل عز و جل: إ ال م ن خ ط ف ا ل ط ف ة ف أ ت ب ع ه ش هاب ثاق ب و حتته سبعون ألف ملك حتتكل ملك سبعون ألف ملك«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father told me, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws and mentioned a Hadeeth of the Ascension of the Prophet saww, until he saww said: So Jibraeel as ascended, and I saww ascended along with him as to the sky of the world, and allocated to it was an Angel called Ismaeel as, and he was in charge of the protection which Allah azwj the Mighty and Majestic Speaks about: Except one who violates the caution, so there pursues him a shooting star [37:10], and underneath it were seventy thousand Angels, under each of the Angels were seventy thousand Angels. 8 The Exalted Assembly of Amir Al-Momineen asws شرف الدين النجفي: مما نقل من خط الشيخ أيب جعفر الطوسي )رمحه اهلل( من كتاب )مسائل البلدان( رواه بإسناده عن أيب حممد الفضل بن شاذان يرفعه إىل جابر بن يزيد اجلعفي عن رجل من أصحاب أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( قال: دخل سلمان الفارسي )رضي اهلل عنه( على أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( فسأله عن نفسه فقال:»يا سلمان أنا الذي دعيت ا لمم كلها إىل طاعيت فكفرت فعذبت بالنار و أنا خازهنا عليهم حقا أقول- يا سلمان- أنه ال يعرفين أحد حق معرفيت إالكان معي يف املأل ا لعلى«. Sharaf Al-Deen Al-Najafi, from what had been copied from the writing of the Sheykh Abu Ja far Al- Toosi, from the book Al-Masa il Al-Bildaan, reporting by his chain, from Abu Muhammad Al-FazAl-Bin Shazaan, raising it to Jabir Bin Yazeed Al-Ju fy, تفسير القم ي 218 2: تفسير القم ي 221 2: تفسير القمي. 4 :2 8 out of 40

9 A man from the companions of Amir-Al-Momineen asws, said, Salman Al-Farsy ra came up to Amir-Al-Momineen asws, and he ar asked him asws about himself asws, so he asws said: O Salman ra! I asws am the one who invited all the nations to my asws obedience, but they denied, therefore they were Punished by the Fire, and I asws am a Keeper over them, truly. I asws am saying O Salman ar no one has understood me asws with the true understanding of mine except the one who was with me asws in the: exalted 9. (المأل األعلى) [37:8] assembly VERSE 11 ف اس ت ف ت ه م أ ه م أ ش د خ ل ق ا أ م م ن خ ل ق ن ا إ ن ا خ ل ق ن اه م م ن ط ني ال ز ب }11{ So ask them, are they stronger as a creation or (other) ones We Created? We Created them from sticky clay [37:11] علي بن إبراهيم: قوله: ف اس ت ف ت ه م أ ه م أ ش د خ ل قا أ م م ن خ ل ق نا إ ن ا خ ل ق ناه م م ن ط ني الز ب يعين يلصق باليد. Ali Bin Ibrahim His azwj Words: So ask them, are they stronger as a creation or (other) ones We Created? We Created them from sticky clay [37:11] - meaning, Pasted by the Hand. 10 حممد بن يعقوب: عن حممد بن حيىي عن حممد بن احلسن عن النضر بن شعيب عن عبد الغفار اجلازي عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»إن اهلل عز و جل خلق املؤمن من طينة اجلنة و خلق الكافر من طينة النار«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan, from Al-Nazar Bin Shuayb, from Abdul Ghaffar Al-Jazy, Abu Abdullah asws having said: Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Created the Momin from the clay of the Paradise, and Crated the Kafir from the clay of the Fire. و قال:»إذا أراد اهلل عز و جل بعبد خريا طيب روحه و جسده فال يسمع شيئا من ا لري إال عرفه و ال يسمع شيئا من املنكر إال أنكره«. And he asws said: When Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Intends good for a servant, He azwj Makes goodly his spirit, and his body, so he does not hear anything from the good except that he recognises it as such, and does not hear anything evil except that he rejects it تأويل اآليات 4 /504 :2 تفسير القمي. 221 :2 9 out of 40

10 قال: و مسعته يقول:»الطينات ثالث: طينة ا لنبياء و املؤمن من تلك الطينة إال أن ا لنبياء هم من صفوهتا هم ا لصل و هلم فضلهم و املؤمنون الفرع من طني الزب كذلك ال يفرق اهلل عز و جل بينهم و بني شيعتهم«. He (the narrator) said, And I heard him asws saying: The clays are of three types Clay of the Prophets as, and the Momin is from that clay, except that the Prophets as are from its essence, and they as are its origin and for them as is the preference. And the Momineen are the branch from the: sticky clay [37:11], and thus Allah azwj does not Differentiate between them as and their as Shias. و قال: هلل املشيئة فيهم«.»طينة الناصب من محأ مسنون و أما املستضعفون فمن تراب ال يتحول مؤمن عن إميانه و ال ناصب عن نصبه و And he asws said: The clay of the Hostile One (Nasibi) is from black mud. And as for the weak ones, so they are from the dust. Neither does the Momin does not change from his belief, nor does the Hostile One (Nasibi) from his hostility, for Allah azwj is the Will with regards to them. 11 VERSES ب ل ع ج ب ت و ي س خ ر ون }12{ But, you wonder, while they are mocking [37:12] و إ ذ ا ذ ك ر وا ال ي ذ ك ر ون }13{ And when they are reminded, they are not heeding [37:13] و إ ذ ا ر أ و ا آي ة ي س ت س خ ر ون }14{ And when they see a Sign, they incite one another to mock [37:14] و ق ال وا إ ن ه ذ ا إ ال س ح ر م ب ني }15{ And they say, This is only clear sorcery [37:15] أ إ ذ ا م ت ن ا و ك ن ا ت ر اب ا و ع ظ ام ا أ إ ن ا ل م ب ع وث ون }16{ الكافي /2 :2 10 out of 40

11 What! When we are dead and have become dust and bones, would we be revived? [37:16] Or our forefathers, the former ones? [37:17] أ و آب اؤ ن ا ا ل و ل ون }17{ حممد بن يعقوب: عن علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أيب عمري عن هشام بن سامل عن أيب محزة قال: مسعت علي بن احلسني )عليهما السالم( يقول: عجب كل العجب ملن أنكر املوت و هو يرى من ميوت كل يوم و ليلة و العجب كل العجب ملن أنكر النشأة االخرى و هو يرى النشأة االوىل«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Saalim, from Abu Hamza who said: I heard Ali asws Bin Al-Husayn asws say; Wonder of all wonders to the one who denies the death and he sees one dies every day and night, and wonder of all wonders to the one who denies the next resurrection and he see the first resurrection (growth). 12 الشيخ يف )أماليه( قال: أخربنا حممد بن حممد قال: أخربين أبو حممد بن عبد اهلل بن أيب شيخ إجازة قال: أخربنا أبو عبد اهلل حممد بن أمحد احلكيمي قال: أخربنا عبد الرمحن بن عبد اهلل أبو سعيد البصري قال: حدثنا وهب بن جرير عن أبيه قال: حدثنا حممد بن إسحاق بن يسار املدين قال: حدثنا سعيد بن ميناء عن غري واحد من أصحابنا: أن نفرا من قريش اعرتضوا رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( منهم عتبة بن ربيعة و أيب بن خلف و الوليد بن املغرية و العاص بن سعيد Al-Sheykh in his Amaali said that it has been narrated to him from Muhammad Bin Muhammad, from Abu Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abu Sheykh Ijaza, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al- Hakimy, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abdullah Abu Saeed Al-Basry, from Wahab Bin Jareer, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Is haq Bin Yasaar Al-Madany, from Saeed Bin Mina, from another one from his companions that, A number of the Quraysh raised objections to Rasool-Allah saww, among them were Utba Bin Rabi e, and Abayy Bin Khalaf, and Walid Bin Mugheira, and Al-Aas Bin Saeed. فمشى إليه أيب بن خلف بعظم رميم ففته يف يده مث نفخه و قال: أ تزعم أن ربك حييي هذا بعد ما ترى! فأنزل اهلل تعاىل: و م ر ة و هو ن س ي خ ل ق ه قال م ن حي ي ال ع ظام و ه ي ر م يم ق ل حي ي يه ا ال ذ ي أ ن ش أ ها أ و ل ب ك ل خ ل ق ع ل يم إىل آخر ض ر ب ل نا م ث ال و السورة. Abayy Bin Khalaf walked towards him saww and he had a large bone in his hand, opened his hand, then blew it away and said, You saww are claiming that your saww Lord azwj will give life to this after what you saww see? الكافي. 28 /258 :3 (Extract) األمالي. 18 :1 11 out of 40

12 من ال حيضره الفقيه حديث طويل وفيه قالوا وقد رممت يا رسول اهلل يعنون صرت رميما فقال: كال ان اهلل عزوجل حرم حلومنا على االرض أن تطعم منها شيئا In Man La Yahzur Al-Faqih is a lengthy Hadeeth and in it they said, And you saww will (also) decay, O Rasool-Allah saww, meaning the decaying of your saww bones? He saww said: No way! Surely, Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic has Prohibited our saww flesh upon the earth, for it to consume anything from it. 14 VERSES Say: Yes! And you shall be humiliated [37:18] ق ل ن ع م و أ ن ت م د اخ ر ون }18{ ف إ ن ا ه ي ز ج ر ة و اح د ة ف إ ذ ا ه م ي ن ظ ر ون }19{ But rather, it would only be a single scream, and then they will be looking on [37:19] و ق ال وا ي ا و ي ل ن ا ه ذ ا ي و م الد ين }20{ And they shall say, O woe be unto us! This is the Day of Religion! (Reckoning) [37:20] ه ذ ا ي و م ال ف ص ل ال ذ ي ك ن ت م ب ه ت ك ذ ب ون } 21 { This is the Day of Decision which you were belying with [37:21] علي بن إبراهيم قال: حدثين أيب عن حممد بن أيب عمري عن النضر بن سويد عن أيب بصري عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( يف قوله: و قال وا يا و ي ل نا هذا ي و م الد ين :»يعين يوم احلساب«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Al-Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Abu Baseer, who has narrated: Abu Abdullah asws regarding His azwj Words: [37:20] O woe unto us! This is the Day of Religion, he asws said: Meaning the Day of the Reckoning Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn Ch 36 H تفسير القم ي. 28 :1 12 out of 40

13 VERSES 22 & 23 اح ش ر وا ال ذ ين ظ ل م وا و أ ز و اج ه م و م ا ك ان وا ي ع ب د ون م ن د ون الل ه ف اه د وه م إ ىل ه ص ر اط اجل ح ي م }22-23{ They will be Gathered together, those who were unjust and their wives, and whatever they were worshipping Besides Allah. So lead them to the path of the Blazing Fire [37:22-23] قال علي بن مث»ادعوهم إىل طريق اجلحيم«. إبراهيم: و يف رواية أيب اجلارود عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( يف قوله: ف اه د وه م إ ىل ص راط اجل ح يم يقول: Then Ali Bin Ibrahim said, And in a report of Abu Al-Jaroud, Abu Ja far asws regarding His azwj Words: [37:23] so lead them to the path of the Blazing Fire, He azwj is Saying: Call them to the Path of the Blazing Fire. 16 حممد بن العباس قال: حدثنا حممد بن مهام عن حممد بن إمساعيل العلوي عن عيسى بن داود عن اإلمام موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه )عليهما السالم( قال: «و الذين سعوا يف قطع مودة آل حممد )عليهم السالم( معاجزين أولئك أصحاب اجلحيم- قال- هم ا لربعة نفر: التيمي و العدوي و ا لمويان«. Muhammad Bin Al Abbas, from Muhammad Bin Hamam, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Alawy, from Isa Bin Dawood, (It has been narrated) from the Imam Musa asws Bin Ja far asws, he asws said: Those who are striving to cut-off the cordiality of the Progeny asws of Muhammad saww in order to frustrate them asws, they are the inmates of the Blazing Fire [37:23]. They are four in number the Taymi (clan of Abu Bakr), the Adwayy (clan of Umar), and the Umayyad s (clan of Umayya). 17 VERSE 24 And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24] و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ئ ول ون }24{ تفسير القم ي. 222 :2 تأويل اآليات 29 /345 :1 13 out of 40

14 The first and main subject matter of the Questioning ع ن الش ع يب ع ن اب ن ع ب اس : يف ق و ل ه ت ع ا ىل و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل و ن ق ال ع ن و ال ي ة ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب ع. From Al Shaby, from Ibn Abbas, Regarding the Words of the Exalted: And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24]. He said, About the Wilayah of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. 18 ي ص اح ب الص ال ة ب س ام ر اء ق ال : ح د ث ين أ يب و هب ذ ا اإل س ن اد ع ن أ يب حم م د ال ف ح ام ق ال : ح د ث ن ا أ ب و ال ف ض ل حم م د ب ن ه اش م اهل ا ش ي ص اح ب الص ال ة ب س ر م ن ر أ ى ق ال : ح د ث ن ا أ ب و ه اش م ب ن ال ق اس م ق ال : ح د ث ن ا حم م د ب ن ز ك ر ي ا ب ن ع ب د الل ه اجل و ه ر ي ه اش م اهل ا ش ال ب ص ر ي ع ن ع ب د الل ه ب ن ال م ث ىن ب ن ت ام ة ب ن ع ب د الل ه ب ن أ ن س ب ن م ال ك ع ن أ ب يه ع ن ج د ه And by this chain, from Abu Muhammad Al Fahham, from Abu Al Fazl Muhammad Bin Hashim Al Hashimy, the prayer at Samarrah, from Abu Hashim Al Hashimy the prayer leader at Sur Man Rayy, from Abu Hashim Bin Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Bin Abdullah Al Jowhary Al Basry, from Abdullah Bin Al Musna Bin Tumama Bin Abdullah Bin Anas Bin Malik, from his father, from his grandfather, ع ن الن يب ص ق ال : إ ذ ا ك ان ي و م ال ق ي ام ة و ن ص ب الص ر اط ع ل ى ج ه ن م مل ي ز ع ل ي ه إ ال م ن ك ان م ع ه ج و از ف يه ب و ال ي ة ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب ع و ذ ل ك ق و ل ه ت ع اىل و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل و ن ي ع ين ع ن و ال ي ة أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ني ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب ع ل ي ه و ع ل ى ذ ر ي ت ه أ ف ض ل الص ال ة و الس ال م. From the Prophet saww having said: When it will be the Day of Judgment and the Bridge is set up upon Hell, none would be allowed to cross over it except the one who had with him a permit wherein is the Wilayah of Ali Bin Abu Talib asws, and these are the Words of Allah azwj the Exalted: And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24], Meaning about the Wilayah of Amir Al Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib asws, may the most superior of the Salawaat and the greetings be upon him asws and upon his asws offspring. 19 أ خ ب ر ن ا ع ط اء ب ن الس ائ ب ع ن س ع يد ب ن ج ب ري ع ن اب ن ع ب اس ق ال : ح د ث ن ا إ مس اع يل ب ن ال غ ز ا ل ح د ث ن ا حم م د ب ن ف ض ي ل ع ن غ ز و ان It was narrated to us by Ismail Bin Al Ghazaly, from Muhammad Bin Fuzayl, from Gazwan, from Ata a Bin Al Saib, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said, ق ال ر س ول الل ه ص: إ ذ ا ك ان ي و م ال ق ي ام ة أ ق ف أ ن ا و ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب ع ل ى الص ر اط ب ي د ك ل و اح د م ن ا س يف ف م ا مي ر أ ح د إ ال س أ ل ن اه ع ن و ال ي ة ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب Rasool-Allah saww said: When it will be the Day of Judgment, I saww and Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws would pause upon the Bridge. In the hand of each one of us asws would be a sword, so no one would pass except we asws will ask him about the Wilayah of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. 18 Bashaarat Al Mustafa saww Li Shia Al Murtaza asws - P 8 H Bashaarat Al Mustafa saww Li Shia Al Murtaza asws - P 3 H out of 40

15 ف م ن ك ان ت م ع ه و إ ال ض ر ب ن ا ع ن ق ه و أ ل ق ي ن اه يف الن ار و ذ ل ك ق و ل ه ت ع اىل و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل و ن. So the one who would have it (fine), or else we asws would strike his neck and cast him into the Fire, and that is the Speech of the Exalted: And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24]. 20 وعنه: عن حممد بن عمر احلافظ اجلعايب قال: حدثين عبد اهلل بن حممد بن سعيد بن زياد من أصلكتابه قال: حدثنا أيب قال: حدثنا حفص بن عمر العمري قال: حدثنا عصام بن طليق عن أيب هارون عن أيب سعيد عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( يف قول اهلل عز و جل: و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل ون قال:»عن والية علي ما صنعوا يف أمره و قد أعلمهم اهلل عز و جل أنه ا لليفة من بعد رسوله«. And from him, from Muhammad Bin Umar Al-Hafiz Al-Ja any, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Bin Ziyad from the original-of his book, from his father, from Hafs Bin Umar Al-Amary, from Asaam Bin Taleyq, from Abu Haroun, from Abu Saeed, The Prophet saww regarding the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24], said: About the Wilayah of Ali asws, what they did regarding his asws matter, and Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic had Made it Known to them that he asws was the Caliph (immediately) after His azwj Rasool saww. 21 The four main matters to be Questioned about موفق بن أمحد يف كتاب )املناقب( بإسناده عن أيب برزة قال: قال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(:»ال تزول قدم عبد يوم القيامة حىت يسأله اهلل تبارك و تعاىل عن أربع: عن عمره فيما أفناه و عن جسده فيما أباله و عن ماله مما كسبه و فيما أنفقه و عن حبنا أهل البيت«. Mowfaq Bin Ahmad in the book Al Manaqib, by his chain, from Abu Barzat, said, Rasool-Allah saww said: The feet of a servant would not move on the Day of Judgment until Allah azwj Blessed and Exalted Questions him about four (matters) About his life-time, in what he spent it, and about his body, in what did he indulge it in, and about his wealth, from what did he earn it, and in what did he spend it, and about our asws love of the People asws of the Household. فقال عمر بن ا لطاب: فما آية حبكم من بعدك Umar Bin Khattab said, So what is the sign of (having) your asws love from after you saww? 20 Bashaarat Al Mustafa saww Li Shia Al Murtaza asws - P 5 H 7 (Extract) 21 معاني األخبار:. 7 /67 15 out of 40

16 فوضع يده على رأس علي )عليه السالم(- و هو إىل جانبه- فقال:»إن آية حيب من بعدي: حب هذا و طاعته طاعيت و خمالفته خمالفيت«. He saww placed his saww hand upon the head of Ali asws and he asws was by his saww side and he saww said: The sign of (having) my saww loved from after me saww is (having) the love of this one asws, and obeying him asws is obeying me saww, and opposing him asws is opposing me saww. 22 The Detailed scenario on the Day of Judgment ق ال ر س ول أ خ ب ر الل ه ت ع اىل أ ن م ن ال ي ؤ م ن الل ه ص ب ال ق ر آن ف م ا آم ن ب الت و ر اة ل ن الل ه ت ع اىل أ خ ذ ع ل ي ه م اإل مي ان هب م ا ال ي ق ب ل ا إ ال م ع اإل مي ان ب ا ل خ ر. اإل مي ان ب أ ح د مه (Imam Hassan Al-Askari asws said): Rasool-Allah saww said: Allah azwj the Exalted Informed that the one who does not believe in the Quran, so he did not believe in the Torah, because Allah azwj the Exalted Took upon them (an oath) of the Eman in both these. The Eman is not Accepted in one of the two except with the Eman in the other. ف ك ذ ل ك ف ر ض الل ه اإل مي ان ب و ال ي ة ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب ع ك م ا ف ر ض اإل مي ان مب ح م د ف م ن ق ال : آم ن ت ب ن ب و ة حم م د و ك ف ر ت ب و ال ي ة ع ل ي ع ف م ا آم ن ب ن ب و ة حم م د. Similar to that, Allah azwj Necessitated the Eman in the Wilayah of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws, just as He azwj Necessitated the Eman in Muhammad saww. So the one who said, I believe in the Prophet-hood and disbelieves in the Wilayah of Ali asws, so he did not believe in the Prophet-hood of Muhammad saww. إ ن الل ه ت ع اىل إ ذ ا ب ع ث ا ل ال ئ ق ي و م ال ق ي ام ة ن اد ى م ن اد ي ر ب ن ا- ن د اء ت ع ر يف ا ل ال ئ ق أ ك ب ر«و م ن اد آخ ر ي ن اد ي:»م ع اش ر ا ل ال ئ ق س اع د وه ع ل ى ه ذ ه ال م ق ال ة-«: يف إ مي اهن م و ك ف ر ه م ف ق ال :»الل ه أ ك ب ر الل ه Allah azwj the Exalted, when He azwj Resurrects the creatures on the Day of Judgment, a caller of our saww Lord azwj would call out with a call which would introduce the creatures with regards to their Eman and their Kufr, and he would say: Allah azwj is the Greatest! Allah azwj is the Greatest! And another caller would call out: Community of people! Support him upon this speech! ف أ م ا الد ه ر ي ة و ال م ع ط ل ة ف ي خ ر س ون ع ن ذ ل ك - ال م ع ط ل ة [ م ن س ائ ر الن اس ب ا ل ر س. و ال ت ن ط ل ق أ ل س ن ت ه م و ي ق وهل ا س ائ ر الن اس م ن ا ل ال ئ ق ف ي م ت از الد ه ر ي ة ] و So as for the eternalists and the atheists would be muted from that, and their tongues will not speak, and the rest of the people from the creatures would be saying 22 مناقب الخوارزمي: out of 40

17 it. Thus the eternalists and the atheists would be differentiated from the rest of the people by the muteness. مث ي ق ول ال م ن اد ي:»أ ش ه د أ ن ال إ ل ه إ ال الل ه «ف ي ق ول ا ل ال ئ ق ك ل ه م ذ ل ك- إ ال م ن ك ان ي ش ر ك ب الل ه ت ع اىل م ن ال م ج وس و الن ص ار ى و ع ب د ة ا ل و ث ان ف إ ن ه م ي ر س ون ف ي ب ين ون ب ذ ل ك م ن س ائ ر ا ل ال ئ ق. Then the caller would be saying: I testify that there is no god except Allah azwj! So the creatures, all of them would be saying that except for the one who was associating with Allah azwj the Exalted, from the Magians, and the Christians, and the worshippers of the idols. Thus they would be muted, and they would be clarified with that from the rest of the creatures. مث ي ق ول ال م ن اد ي:»أ ش ه د أ ن حم م دا ر س ول الل ه «ف ي ق وهل ا ال م س ل م ون أ مج ع ون و ي ر س ع ن ه ا ال ي ه ود و الن ص ار ى و س ائ ر ال م ش ر ك ني. Then the caller would be saying: I testify that Muhammad saww is Rasool saww of Allah azwj. So the Muslims would be saying that in their entirety, and there would be muted from it, the Jews and the Christians, and the rest of the polytheists. مث ي ن اد ى م ن آخ ر ع ر ص ات ال ق ي ام ة : أ ال ف س وق وه م إ ىل ]اجل ن ة ل ش ه اد هت م ل م ح م د ص ب الن ب و ة [ ف إ ذ ا الن د اء م ن ق ب ل الل ه ت ع اىل : ]ال ب ل [ و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل و ن ي ق ول ال م ال ئ ك ة ال ذ ين ق ال وا»س وق وه م إ ىل اجل ن ة ل ش ه اد هت م ل م ح م د ص ب الن ب و ة «: ل م ا ذ ا ي وق ف ون ي ا ر ب ن ا Then another caller would call out in the plains of the (Day of) Judgment: Indeed! Usher them to the Paradise due to their testifying with the Prophet-hood! And there would be a call from Allah azwj the Exalted: No! But, And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24]. The Angels, those who said, Usher them to the Paradise due to their testifying with the Prophet-hood! would be saying, Due to what are they being paused? ف إ ذ ا الن د اء م ن ق ب ل الل ه ت ع اىل : ]ق ف وه م[ إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل و ن ع ن و ال ي ة ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب و آل حم م د ي ا ع ب اد ي و إ م ائ ي- إ ين أ م ر ت ه م م ع الش ه اد ة مب ح م د ب ش ه اد ة أ خ ر ى ف إ ن ج اء وا هب ا ف ع ظ م وا ث و اب ه م و أ ك ر م وا م آب ه م و إ ن مل ي أ ت وا هب ا مل ت ن ف ع ه م الش ه اد ة ل م ح م د ص ب الن ب و ة - و ال ل ب الر ب وب ي ة ف م ن ج اء هب ا ف ه و م ن ال ف ائ ز ين و م ن مل ي أ ت هب ا ف ه و م ن اهل ال ك ني. So there would be a call from Allah azwj the Exalted: And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24] - about the Wilayah of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws, and the Progeny asws of Muhammad saww. O My azwj servants and My azwj maids! I azwj Commanded them along with the testimony with Muhammad saww, another testimony. So if they have come with it, then magnify their Rewards and honour their return. And if they have not come with it, the testimony of Muhammad saww with the Prophethood will not benefit them, nor (their testimony for Me azwj with the Lordship. Therefore, the one who has come with it, so he would be from the successful ones, and the one who did not come with it, so he would be from the destroyed ones! 17 out of 40

18 ق ال : ف م ن ه م م ن ي ق ول : ق د ك ن ت ل ع ل ي ب ن أ يب ط ال ب ب ال و ال ي ة ش اه دا و ل ل حم م د حم ب ا. و ه و يف ذ ل ك ك اذ ب ي ظ ن أ ن ك ذ ب ه ي ن ج يه ف ي ق ال ل ه : س و ف ن س ت ش ه د ع ل ى ذ ل ك ع ل ي ا. - ف ت ش ه د أ ن ت ي ا أ ب ا احل س ن ف ت ق ول : اجل ن ة ل و ل ي ائ ي ش اه د ة و الن ار ع ل ى أ ع د ائ ي ش اه د ة. He asws said: So from them would be one saying, I used to testify with the Wilayah for Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws, and was one who loved the Progeny asws of Muhammad saww, and he would be a liar in that, thinking that his lie would rescue him. But, it would be said to him, Soon you would be testified upon that by Ali asws (in verification or otherwise). So you asws will be testifying, O Abu Al-Hassan asws, and you asws would be saying: The Paradise will testify for my asws friends, and the Fire would testify against my asws enemies. ف م ن ك ان م ن ه م ص اد قا - خ ر ج ت إ ل ي ه ر ي اح اجل ن ة و ن س يم ه ا- ف اح ت م ل ت ه ف أ و ر د ت ه ع ال ل اجل ن ة و غ ر ف ه ا- و أ ح ل ت ه د ار ال م ق ام ة م ن ف ض ل ر ب ه ال مي س ه ف يه ا ن ص ب و ال مي س ه ف يه ا ل غ و ب So the one who was truthful from them winds of Paradise would come out to him and its breezes, and carry him to the lofty gardens and its rooms and free him in the house of staying from the Grace of his Lord azwj. Neither will he be touched by the difficulties nor the weariness. و م ن ك ان م ن ه م ك اذ با - ج اء ت ه مس وم الن ار و مح يم ه ا- و ظ ل ه ا ال ذ ي ه و ث ال ث ش ع ب ف ت ر ف ع ه يف اهل و اء و ت ور د ه يف ن ار ج ه ن م. ال ظ ل ي ل- و ال ي غ ين م ن الل ه ب ف ت ح م ل ه And the one from them who was a liar the toxins of the Fire and its boiling waters would come, a shade of which would be three-pronged, Neither having the coolness of the shade nor availing against the flame [77:31]. So it would carry him and raise him in the air, and place him in the Fire of Hell. ق ال ر س ول الل ه ص: ف ل ذ ل ك أ ن ت ق س يم ]اجل ن ة و [ الن ار ت ق ول هل ا: ه ذ ا ل و ه ذ ا ل ك. Rasool-Allah saww said: Thus, due to that, you asws are the distributor of the Paradise and the Fire. You asws would be saying to it: This one is for me asws, and this one is for you. 23 Requirement of the written authorisation at the Bridge (Archway) أبو احلسن الشاذاين: عن أيب سعيد ا لدري قال: مسعت رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( يقول:»إذا كان يوم القيامة أمر اهلل تعاىل ملكني يقعدان على الصراط فال يوز أحد إال برباءة علي بن أيب طالب و من مل تكن له براءة أمري املؤمنني أكبه اهلل على منخريه يف النار و ذلك قوله تعاىل: و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل ون «. 23 Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askari asws S out of 40

19 Abu Al-Hassan Al-Shazany, from Abu Saeed Al-Khudry who said, I heard Rasool-Allah saww saying: When it will be the Day of Judgement, Allah azwj the High would Command two Angels to be seated upon the Bridge.(الصراط) So they would not allow anyone (to pass) except with an approval of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. And the one who does not have an approval of Amir-Al-Momineen asws, Allah azwj would Have him to be grabbed by his nostrils and flung into the Fire, and these are the Words of the Exalted: And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24]. قلت: فداك أيب و أمي- يا رسول اهلل- ما معىن الرباءة اليت أعطاها علي فقال:»مكتوب: ال إله إال اهلل حممد رسول اهلل و أمري املؤمنني علي بن أيب طالب وصي رسول اهلل«. I said, May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you saww, O Rasool-Allah saww! What is the meaning of the approval which Ali asws would be giving out? So he saww said: A written (permit) There is no god except for Allah azwj, Muhammad saww is Rasool-Allah saww, and Amir-Al-Momineen asws Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws is the successor asws of Rasool-Allah saww. 24 الشيخ يف )أماليه(: عن أيب حممد الفحام قال: حدثنا أبو الفضل حممد بن هاشم اهلا شي صاحب الصالة بسر من رأى قال: حدثنا أيب هاشم بن القاسم قال: حدثنا حممد بن زكريا بن عبد اهلل اجلوهري البصري عن عبد اهلل بن املثىن عن مثامة بن عبد اهلل بن أنس بن مالك عن أبيه عن جده عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( قال:»إذاكان يوم القيامة و نصب الصراط على جهنم مل يز عليه إال من معه جواز فيه والية علي بن أيب طالب و ذلك قوله تعاىل: و ق ف وه م إ ن ه م م س ؤ ل ون يعين عن والية علي بن أيب طالب«. Al-Sheykh in his Amaali, from Abu Muhammad Al-Faham, from Abu Al-Fazal Muhammad Bin Hashim bin Hisham Al-Hasimy the Prayer leader at Sur Man Rayy, from Abu hashim Bin Al-Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Bin Abdullah Al-Jowhary Al-Basry, from Abdullah Bin Al-Masny, from Samamat Bin Abdullah Bin Anas Bin Malik, from his father, from his grandfather, (It has been narrated) from the Prophet saww having said: When it will be the Day of Judgement, and the Bridge would be Established over Hell, no one would be permitted to cross over it except the one with whom would be a permit in which is (mentioned) the Wilayah of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws, and these are the Words of the Exalted: And stop them! They have to be Questioned [37:24], meaning about the Wilayah of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws. 25 The Questioning would be at the first Bridge (Archway) ويعضده: ما رواه حممد بن مؤمن الشريازي رمحه اهلل: يف كتابه حديثا يرفعه باسناده إىل ابن عباس قال: قال رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وآله: إذا كان يوم القيامة أمر اهلل مالكا أن يسعر النريان السبع ويأمر رضوان أن يزخرف اجلنان الثمان ويقول: يا ميكائيل مد الصراط على منت جهنم ويقول: يا جربئيل أنصب ميزان العدل حتت العرش ويقول: يا حممد قرب امتك للحساب مائة منقبة: 16 36/ األمالي. 296 :1 19 out of 40

20 And it is supported by what has been reported by Muhammad Bin Mo min Al-Sheyrazi, in his book, narrating by an unbroken chain going up to Ibn Abbas who said, Rasool-Allah saww said: When it will be the Day of Judgement, Allah azwj would Command An Angel to Inflame the seven Fires, and Command Rizwaan that he should decorate the eight Gardens, and He azwj Would be Saying: O Mikaeel as! Extend the Bridge over the Hell! and He azwj would be Saying: O Jibraeel as! Establish the Scale of Justice underneath the Throne! and He azwj would be Saying: O Muhammad saww! Bring your saww community near for the Reckoning! مث يأمر اهلل تعاىل أن يعقد على الصراط سبع قناطر طول كل قنطرة سبعة عشر ألف فرسخ وعلى كل قنطرة سبعون ألف ملك يسألون هذه االمة نساءهم ورجاهلم على القنطرة االوىل عن والية أمري املؤمنني وحب أهل بيت حممد صلى اهلل عليه وآله. Then Allah azwj the Exalted would Command that he saww should hold seven arches upon the Bridge, the length of each arch being of ten thousand Farsakhs, and upon each of the arch would be seven thousand Angels questioning this community, their women and their men, upon the first archway, about the Wilayah of Amir-Al- Momineen asws and the love for the People asws of the Household of Muhammad saww. فمن أتى به جاز القنطرة كالربق ا لاطف ومن ال حيب أهل بيته سقط على أم رأسه يف قعر جهنم ولو كان معه من أعمال الرب عمل سبعني صديقا. So the one who comes with it, would pass over the arch like a streak of lightning, and the one who does not love the People asws of his saww Household would be flung headlong into the bottom of the Hell, even if he had with him the righteous deeds performed by seventy truthful ones. 26 VERSES م ا ل ك م ال ت ن اص ر ون }25{ What is the matter with you that you are not helping each other? [37:25] ب ل ه م ال ي و م م س ت س ل م ون }26{ But they, on the Day, would be submissive [37:26] و أ ق ب ل ب ع ض ه م ع ل ه ى ب ع ض ي ت س اء ل ون }27{ And some of them would advance towards others, questioning [37:27] 26 Taweel Al Ayaat Al Zaahira CH 37 H 4 20 out of 40

21 ق ال وا إ ن ك م ك ن ت م ت أ ت ون ن ا ع ن ال ي م ني }28{ They would say, You used to come to us from the right [37:28] They would say, But you did not become Momineen [37:29] ق ال وا ب ل مل ت ك ون وا م ؤ م ن ني }29{ و م ا ك ان ل ن ا ع ل ي ك م م ن س ل ط ان ب ل ك ن ت م ق و م ا ط اغ ني }30{ And there wasn t any authority for us upon you, but you were a transgressing people [37:30] ف ح ق ع ل ي ن ا ق و ل ر ب ن ا إ ن ا ل ذ ائ ق ون }31{ So the Word of our Lord proved True upon us. We shall be tasting (the Punishment as well) [37:31] ف أ غ و ي ن اك م إ ن ا ك ن ا غ او ين }32{ So we led you astray, as we happened to have strayed (ourselves) [37:32] ف إ ن ه م ي و م ئ ذ يف ال ع ذ اب م ش رت ك ون }33{ Thus, they would be sharing in the Punishment on that Day [37:33] Surely, like that do We Deal with the Criminals [37:34] إ ن ا ك ه ذل ك ن ف ع ل ب ال م ج ر م ني }34{ يف تفسري على بن ابراهيم: قالوا انكم كنتم تأتوننا عن اليمني يعىن فالنا وفالنا قالوا بل مل تكونوا مؤمنني. In Tafseer of Ali Bin Ibrahim (Qummi) They would say, You used to come to us from the right [37:28] - Meaning so and so and so and so (Abu Bakr and Umar). They would say, But you did not become Momineen [37:29] (By following Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws ) Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn CH 37 H out of 40

22 و عنه قال: حدثنا أمحد بن حممد بن موسى النوفلي عن حممد بن عبد اهلل عن أبيه عن احلسن بن حمبوب عن زكريا املوصلي عن جابر اجلعفي عن أيب جعفر عن أبيه عن جده )عليهم السالم(:»أن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( قال لعلي )عليه السالم(: يا علي و اجملرمون هم املنكرون لواليتك. And he said, It was narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Musa Al-Nowfaly, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from his father, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Zakariya Al-Mowsaly, from Jabir Al- Ju fy, who has narrated the following: Abu Ja far asws, from his asws father asws, from his asws grandfather asws that: The Prophet saww said to Ali asws : O Ali asws! And the criminals, they are the deniers of your asws Wilayah. 28 VERSES إ ن ه م ك ان وا إ ذ ا ق يل هل م ال إ ه له إ ال الل ه ي س ت ك رب ون }35{ They, when it was said to them, There is no god except Allah, were being arrogant [37:35] و ي ق ول ون أ ئ ن ا ل ت ار ك و آهل ت ن ا ل ش اع ر م ن ون }36{ And they were saying, Should we leave our gods for an insane poet? [37:36] ب ل ج اء ب احل ق و ص د ق ال م ر س ل ني }37{ But, he came with the Truth and ratified the (former) Rasools [37:37] You will be tasting the painful Punishment [37:38] إ ن ك م ل ذ ائ ق و ال ع ذ اب ا ل ل يم }38{ و م ا ت ز و ن إ ال م ا ك ن ت م ت ع م ل ون }39{ And you will not be Recompensed except for what you had been doing [37:39] Except for the sincere servants of Allah [37:40] إ ال ع ب اد الل ه ال م خ ل ص ني }40{ 28 (Extract) تفسير القم ي. 395 :2 22 out of 40

23 أ و ه لئ ك هل م ر ز ق م ع ل وم }41{ They, for them is a known sustenance [37:41] ف و اك ه و ه م م ك ر م ون }42{ Fruits, and they shall be Honoured [37:42] حممد بن يعقوب: عن علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن حمبوب عن حممد بن إسحاق املدين عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( قال: قوله: أ ولئ ك هل م ر ز ق م ع ل وم ف واك ه و ه م م ك ر م ون قال:»يعلمه ا لدام فيأتون به إىل أولياء اهلل قبل أن يسألوهم إياه«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Is haq Al-Madany, Abu Ja far asws having said: His azwj Words: They, for them is a known sustenance [37:41], he asws said: The servants know of it, so they bring it to the friend of Allah azwj before he even asks them for it. و أما قوله عز و جل: ف واك ه و ه م م ك ر م ون قال:»فإهنم ال يشتهون شيئا يف اجلنة إال أكرموا به«. And as for the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: Fruits, and they shall be Honoured [37:42], he asws said: They will not desire anything in the Paradise, except that they will be honoured with it. 29 VERSES يف ج ن ات الن ع يم }43{ In the Blissful Gardens [37:43] ع ل ه ى س ر ر م ت ق اب ل ني }44{ Facing each other upon thrones [37:44] ي ط اف ع ل ي ه م ب ك أ س م ن م ع ني }45{ A bowl of spring water shall be made to go round them [37:45] الكافي /95 :8 23 out of 40

24 ب ي ض اء ل ذ ة ل لش ار ب ني }46{ White, delicious for the drinkers [37:46] ال ف يه ا غ و ل و ال ه م ع ن ه ا ي ن ز ف ون }47{ There being neither any adverse effects in it nor would they be intoxicated from it [37:47] و ع ن د ه م ق اص ر ات الط ر ف ع ني }48{ And in their presence would be the hosts of the lovely eyes [37:48] As if they were concealed eggs (pure white) [37:49] ك أ ن ه ن ب ي ض م ك ن ون }49{ ف أ ق ب ل ب ع ض ه م ع ل ه ى ب ع ض ي ت س اء ل ون }50{ Then some of them shall advance to others, questioning. [37:50] ق ال ق ائ ل م ن ه م إ ين ك ان ل ق ر ين }51{ A speaker from among them shall say, Surely there was a comrade of mine [37:51] ي ق ول أ إ ن ك ل م ن ال م ص د ق ني }52{ Who was saying, What! Are you (from among) authenticated ones? [37:52] أ إ ذ ا م ت ن ا و ك ن ا ت ر اب ا و ع ظ ام ا أ إ ن ا ل م د ين ون }53{ What! When we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we then be brought to Judgment? [37:53] He shall say, Do you not notice? [37:54] ق ال ه ل أ ن ت م م ط ل ع ون }54{ 24 out of 40

25 ف اط ل ع ف ر آه يف س و اء اجل ح يم }55{ So he would look down and would see him in the evenness of the Blazing Fire [37:55] ق ال ت الل ه إ ن ك د ت ل ت ر د ين }56{ He shall say, By Allah! You almost ruined me, [37:56] و ل و ال ن ع م ة ر يب ل ك ن ت م ن ال م ح ض ر ين }57{ And had it not been for the Favour of my Lord, I would have been from the ones present (in Hell) [37:57] مث قال علي بن إبراهيم: و يف رواية أيب اجلارود عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( يف قوله: ف اط ل ع ف ر آه يف س واء اجل ح يم يقول:»يف وسط اجلحيم«. Then Ali Bin Ibrahim said, And in a report of Abu Al-Jaroud, Abu Ja far asws regarding His azwj Words: He shall say, Do you not notice? [37:54] So he would look down and would see him in the evenness of the Blazing Fire [37:55], said: In the midst of the Blazing Fire. 30 VERSES أ ف م ا حن ن مب ي ت ني }58{ Is it so we would not be dying [37:58] إ ال م و ت ت ن ا ا ل وىل ه و م ا حن ن مب ع ذ ب ني }59{ Except our first death, and we shall not be Punished? [37:59] إ ن ه ذ ا هل و ال ف و ز ال ع ظ يم }60{ Surely, this is the mighty success [37:60] 30 تفسير القم ي 222 2: 25 out of 40

26 For the like of this, so let the workers be working [37:61] ل م ث ل ه ذ ا ف ل ي ع م ل ال ع ام ل ون }61{ احلسني بن سعيد يفكتاب )الزهد(: عن النضر بن سويد عن درست عن أيب املغرا عن أيب بصري قال: ال أعلمه ذكره إال عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( قال:»إذا أدخل اهلل أهل اجلنة اجلنة و أهل النار النار جيء باملوت يف صورة كبش حىت يوقف بني اجلنة و النار. قال: مث ينادي مناد يسمع أهل الدارين مجيعا: يا أهل اجلنة يا أهل النار. Al-Husayn Bin Saeed in the book Al-Zohad, from Al-Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Darast, from Abu Al- Magra, from Abu Baseer who said, I do know that it has been mentioned except from Abu Ja far asws having said: When the people of the Paradise enter the Paradise, and the people of the Fire enter the Fire, the death would be brought in an image of a ram until it is paused to be in between the Paradise and the Fire. Then a Caller would Call out which all the dwellers would hear: O people of the Paradise! O people of the Fire! فإذا مسعوا الصوت أقبلوا: قال فيقال هلم: أ تدرون ما هذا هذا هو املوت الذي كنتم ختافون منه يف الدنيا. قال: فيقول أهل اجلنة: اللهم ال تدخل املوت علينا. قال: و يقول أهل النار: اللهم أدخل املوت علينا. So when they hear the voice, they would respond to it, and it would be said to them: Do you all know what this is? This is the death, which you used to fear from in the world! So the people of the Paradise would say, Our Allah azwj! Do not let the death to enter to be with us. And the people of the Fire would be saying, Our Allah azwj! Enter the death to be with us. قال: مث يذبحكما تذبح الشاة«. قال:»مث ينادي مناد: ال موت أبدا أيقنوا با للود. Then it would be slaughtered the like slaughtering of the sheep. Then the Caller would Call out: There no death any more, forever, so be certain of the immortality. قال: فيفرح أهل اجلنة فرحا لوكان أحد يومئذ ميوت من فرح ملاتوا قال: مث قرأ هذه ا لية: أ ف ما حن ن مب ي ت ني إ ال م و ت ت ن ا ا ل وىل و ما حن ن مب ع ذ ب ني إ ن هذا هل و ال ف و ز ال ع ظ يم ل م ث ل هذا ف ل ي ع م ل ال عام ل ون He asws said: So the people of the Paradise would be so overjoyed, that if one of them could have died of happiness, he would have. Then he asws recited these Verses: Is it so that we would not be dying [37:58] Except our first death? And we shall not be Punished? [37:59] Surely this is the mighty success [37:60] For the like of this, so let the workers be working [37:61]. ق ض ي قال: و يشهق أهل النار شهقة لو كان أحد ميتا من شهيق ملاتوا و هو قول اهلل عز و جل: و أ ن ذ ر ه م ي و م احل س ر ة إ ذ ا ل م ر«. 26 out of 40

27 He asws said: And the people of the Fire would gasp. If one of them could have died from the gasping, he would have. And these are the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: And warn them of the Day of Regret, when the matter would have been Decided; and they are (now) in negligence and they are not believing [19:39]. 31 VERSES Is that better as a lodging or the tree of Zaqqum? [37:62] We Made it a fitna for the unjust [37:63] أ ه ذل ك خ ي ر ن ز ال أ م ش ج ر ة الز ق وم }62{ إ ن ا ج ع ل ن اه ا ف ت ن ة ل لظ ال م ني }63{ إ ن ه ا ش ج ر ة خت ر ج يف أ ص ل اجل ح يم }64{ It is a tree which comes out in the roots of the Blazing Fire [37:64] Its emerging fruit is like the heads of the satans [37:65] ط ل ع ه ا ك أ ن ه ر ء وس الش ي اط ني }65{ ف إ ن ه م ل ك ل ون م ن ه ا ف م ال ئ ون م ن ه ا ال ب ط ون }66{ So they would be eating from it, and they would be filling their bellies from it [37:66] مث إ ن هل م ع ل ي ه ا ل ش و ب ا م ن مح يم }67{ Then indeed, for them upon it would be a mixture from scalding water [37:67] Then indeed, their return shall be to the Blazing Fire [37:68] مث إ ن م ر ج ع ه م إل ىل اجل ح يم }68{ 31 الزهد:. 273 / out of 40

28 إ ن ه م أ ل ف و ا آب اء ه م ض ال ني }69{ They found their fathers straying [37:69] ف ه م ع ل ه ى آث ار ه م ي ه ر ع ون }70{ But, they still rushed upon their tracks [37:70] And most of the former ones before had gone astray [37:71] And We Sent warners among them [37:72] Then look, how was the end result of the warned ones [37:73] Except the sincere servants of Allah [37:74] و ل ق د ض ل ق ب ل ه م أ ك ث ر ا ل و ل ني }71{ و ل ق د أ ر س ل ن ا ف يه م م ن ذ ر ين }72{ ف ان ظ ر ك ي ف ك ان ع اق ب ة ال م ن ذ ر ين }73{ إ ال ع ب اد الل ه ال م خ ل ص ني }74{ ع ل ي[ أ ض م ن ل ص م ائ ه ت ع و يض ه م ع ن ظ ال م اهت م ق ب ل ه. ف ي ق ول الل ه ع ز و ج ل : ]ي ا (Imam Hassan Al Askari asws said): Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic would be Saying (on the Day of Judgment): O Ali asws! Guarantee to his disputants that you asws would be compensating them for his wrongdoings upon them. ف ي ض م ن هل م ع ل ي ع ذ ل ك و ي ق ول هل م : اق رت ح وا ع ل ي م ا ش ئ ت م- أ ع ط ك م وه ع و ضا ع ن ظ ال م ات ك م ق ب ل ه. So Ali asws would be guaranteeing that to them and he asws would be saying to them: Suggest to me asws whatever you so desire to, I asws shall give it to you instead for the wrongdoings from him. ف ي ق ول ون : ي ا أ خ ا ر س ول الل ه ت ع ل ل ن ا ب إ ز اء ظ ال م ات ن ا ق ب ل ه ث و اب ن ف س م ن أ ن ف اس ك ل ي ل ة ب ي ت وت ت ك ع ل ى ف ر اش حم م د ر س ول الل ه ص. They would be saying, O brother asws of Rasool-Allah saww! (We want) you asws to make it to be for us, as a compensation of his wrongdoings to us, the Rewards of one 28 out of 40

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