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2 Study Course Instructions This study course is designed to be done both in a course room, mosque, study-group or self-paced at home. Certain parts of this course (Key Word Study) will be done with a partner. Other parts will be done independently (by yourself). When its time to partner, you and your partner (twin) are to follow the steps provided in this guide. The study course is laid out in the order you do them. It is important not to skip any steps of the guide. THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED IN OUR CLASSES. Purpose of this Study Course Guide: The purpose of this study course guide is to guide you through this course of study. Time to Complete: Although the hour and a half that we have for study this evening will hopefully allow you to progress through most of this study, however it is strongly recommend that you continue to work on this study course at home at your own pace. Important Note: During the study course session, if you have any questions raise your hand for assistance. Each believer (student) should have a copy of this handout and its instructions to take home and continue studying on their own. All steps may not be completed in the class sessions in its entirety. Study Course Steps Step 1: Key Word Clearing Key words are important words related to key concepts found in the reading. Having a good understanding of the meanings of these words will help each student better understand the important concepts and ideas of the study, as well as eliminate misunderstandings that come with misunderstood words. Use the key word list and definitions found in this packet to do the drill (exercise) a and b. 1.) Select a partner (closest to you) and study the Key Words together, through reviewing the questions and answers to master. (If done in course room or mosque/study group the time allotted is minutes) 2.) First time through: The student has the questions and answers in front of him or her. The partner asks the student the question, and the student answers it. He/She can look at the answer if needed. The answer does not have to be word-for-word or memorized; just the concept must be correct. 3.) Second time through: Once finished with the drill the first time, you start again from the beginning, this time without the answers in front of you. Your partner asks the question and you answers. If the answer is incorrect, your partner shows you the answer. Look at the answer again and repeat until you have grasped the concept, then continue to the next one. Step 2: Independent Reading After completing step one, you may begin to read the selected reading materials. Step 3: Check Your Understanding Questions: Time Frame: 30 min Review the lists of questions. Each question is formulated to check your understanding of the key concepts and ideas found in the reading. Answer each question on a sheet of paper and be prepared to discuss your answers at the conclusion of this session. Sufficient time may not be given during class session to answer all of the questions. If you do not finish in class, please continue this step at home. 2

3 KEY WORD CLEARING What is a ladder? A ladder is a structure consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright lengths of wood, metal, or rope, used for climbing up or down something. It is a series of ascending stages by which someone or something may advance or progress: employees on their way up the career ladder. What is a law? Law is a rule, particularly an established or permanent rule, prescribed by the supreme power of a state to its subjects, for regulating their actions, particularly their social actions. Laws are imperative or mandatory, commanding what shall be done; prohibitory, restraining from what is to be forborn; or permissive, declaring what may be done without incurring a penalty. The laws which enjoin the duties of piety and morality, are prescribed by God and found in the Scriptures. What is a principle? A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. It is a rule or belief governing one's personal behavior What is morality? Morality is a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society. It is the extent to which an action is right or wrong. What is a savage? A savage is (of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled; cruel and vicious; aggressively hostile. A savage is a person that has lost the knowledge of himself and is living a beast life. What does misapplication mean? Misapplication means to use (something) for the wrong purpose or in the wrong way. What is a transformation? A transformation is a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. What does ultimate mean? Ultimate means being or happening at the end of a process; final. It means being the best or most extreme example of its kind. What does it mean to be unwilling? Unwilling means not ready, eager, or prepared to do something. What is cronyism? Cronyism is the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications. What does it meant to leave someone in the lurch? It means to leave an associate or friend abruptly and without assistance or support in a difficult situation. What does it mean to prepare someone? To prepare someone means to make (something) ready for use or consideration. It means to make (someone) ready or able to do or deal with something. What is a magnet? A magnet is a person or thing that has a powerful attraction. A magnet is a piece of iron (or an ore, alloy, or other material) that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, such as attracting other ironcontaining objects or aligning itself in an external magnetic field. What is a beneficiary? Beneficiary a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy. 3

4 Minister Louis Farrakhan NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD AND THE NATION OF ISLAM IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE BENEFICENT, THE MERCIFUL. I BEAR WITNESS THAT THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH AND I BEAR WITNESS THAT MUHAMMAD IS HIS SERVENT. As Salaam Alaikum Dear Believers and Students: God. I am writing this letter to introduce Study Guide Number 16, which I have entitled The Law of Master Fard Muhammad, The Great Mahdi, to Whom praise is due forever, came to North America on July 4, 1930, nearly 60 years ago, to declare our independence. He set up classes and gave instructions that would bring into reality a new kind of human being; a human being that would become like a magnet, so unalike this world that he or she would attract the people of this world to him or her. Master Fard Muhammad knew that at a certain time there would be a level of dissatisfaction in the country so great that it would demand a change. He also knew that out of dissatisfaction would come a leadership unalike what the people were dissatisfied with. He and His Messenger would be at the forefront of that change and those wise enough to submit to Their Guidance would be the beneficiaries of that change. The Mosque to us is as a home is to a family. It is the nurturing ground for virtue, character, the implantation of proper values and the molding of a righteous character. For what purpose? That we might break forth from the Mosque at the proper time, to take advantage of what had been created by Allah (God) of total dissatisfaction with the kind and quality of present day leadership. The first words I have written in Study Guide 16 are, The Law of Allah (God) is the Ladder by which we climb up into Oneness with Him, becoming possessors of his Spirit. I do not say that we will be able to climb up the Ladder without difficulty. It is in our attempt to submit to the Restrictive Law of Islam that hardship and/or trial is produced. It is difficult to be right. Many of us get tired of this apparently eternal struggle and we would rather leave the Mosque (struggle). Those who leave fall backwards almost immediately, for no matter what excuse they give for leaving, they leave because they no longer wish to endure the pain and hardship of struggling to make themselves better persons. The Scripture says that the race is not to the swift, but to those who endure to the end. There are those, however, who are not struggling to make themselves better persons, but do not wish to leave the Mosque. This class of persons attempt to bring every mental device available to justify breaking the those, 4

5 however, who are not struggling to make themselves better persons, but do not wish to leave the Mosque. This class of persons attempts to bring every mental device available to justify breaking the Law. Every time this is done, it erodes character development and make us, in the process, totally dishonest. Then we are classified as hypocrites. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that a hypocrite is a liar and is the worst kind of human being. It is this secret forming of mental devices against God s Law and against the Man of God who teaches the Law that causes us to fall. This is why we are warned in the Holy Qur an to shun secret counsels for sin and disobedience, not only with other persons, but those secret counsels for sin and disobedience that take place within Self. These secret counsels, taking place within the heart of the person, causes the person who accepts sin and disobedience to begin to become blind and this blindness produces the stumble and the fall. I have given you Surah 58 as part of your reading assignment. It contains a Warning from Allah against secret counsels for sin and disobedience. It should be read very carefully and taken seriously. before a fall. In the Book of Proverbs 16:18, we read, Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit A fall can take place from an exalted position, but evidence of the fall is not manifested to the eyes of the people until we reach a certain point in the fall. Malcolm said, I saw myself falling for a long time, but I could not help myself. We can, however, reverse a fall, but only with the Help of Allah (God). The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that prophets are sent into the world to check (stop or break) the fall of man by calling the falling or fallen one to obedience to Allah (God). It is a sincere repentance coupled with a willing spirit to obey God that checks the fall and reverses the trend. Malcolm could not help himself because his anger at his Teacher for sitting him down at the height of his career; his pride in his popularity with the people; the evil thoughts he harbored in his heart against his Teacher and his inordinate desire for his Teacher s place, would not allow him to submit himself to his Teacher in order to save himself. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad often inflicted pain on me. He did this, not to show me that He was the Master, but rather, because he wanted me to become a Master. Teaching was and is my gift, and each of you has been given a Gift by Allah (God), however, unless we allow ourselves to be made better persons, we will never be qualified to be used by Allah in satisfaction of the growing desire of people of all races and nationalities for proper (Divine) leadership. This is why the Restrictive Law is our success. Master Fard Muhammad came to us with a Promise of money, luxury, good homes and friendships in all walk of life. He promised us that if we followed Him and endured the hardship and suffering necessary to be remolded and remade, the result would be luxury. But He warned, If you do not clean up, you are out of luck with us. This showed His unwillingness to tolerate us in the class if we do not make a sincere effort to clean ourselves up. Present day leadership in the world, both spiritual and political, consists primarily of persons who desire and place in positions of authority and power, people who are loyal to themselves (personality) and not necessarily to principles. This is totally wrong. In the Nation of Islam, proper leadership is that which teaches loyalty to Allah (God), His Messenger, the Law and myself. When we break the loyalty to the Law we break the Code of Friendship 5

6 between us and, more importantly, we do not deserve friendship with those who strive to live by the Law, unless and until we are punished and begin striving again. Why is this? Master Fard Muhammad was teaching us away from cronyism and keeping friendship with persons, whose character is not good. Is this not the reason why there is a growing dissatisfaction with present day leadership? Again, each victor, politically or spiritually, wants to put his or her cronies, who are loyal to personality, but not to principles of law, in positions of power. We are taught not to even show sympathy for the wrongdoer. This is so that when you and I come into positions of authority, we will be strong enough and righteous enough to punish even our mother, father, sister, brother or dearest friend, if he or she disrespects the code or rule of law. This is what will insure the perpetual motion or the success of the Nation. Anything else by those in authority will ultimately bring the Nation to its death. This is the kind of person Allah and His Messenger are trying to make of me, that I may make a Nation of people worthy of His Name. In my recent teachings on the Law, you may have heard me say that the reason Allah (God) is so hard on individuals who commit the crime of adultery (His Law requires that they be put to death) is because that individual is like a termite eating away at the foundation of Home (marriage and family) and Nation. Although the penalty seems harsh, Allah is saying that the Nation is more important than the individual. So, the Nation of Islam makes examples of individuals for the preservation of the Nation, for Allah is not necessarily bound to individuals, but to the preservation of a species. All that we have done and are doing up to this time was to have been in preparation for this Reality (Execution of the Restrictive Law), so that when this Reality shall become an actual fact, we will not feel left in the lurch. Jesus was once informed that his mother and brothers were waiting outside to speak with him. He answered, My mother and my brother are in the temple with me. Another time, he said, My brother is he who does the Will of my Father. This means there is no friendship outside the Will of God. This is a Brotherhood based upon Divine Law and obedience to Allah. May Allah (God) bless you to take this entire course of study seriously. Your Brother and Servant, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Servant to the Lost Found Nation of Islam in the West LF/am 6

7 Reading Assignment: THE LAW OF GOD by THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN Surah 58: The Pleading Woman (Read entire surah) Surah 45: The Kneeling (Read entire surah) Surah 6: The Cattle, Section 19: Guiding Rules of Life INTRODUCTION The Law of Allah (God) is the Ladder by which we climb up into Oneness with Him, becoming possessors of His Spirit. La ilaha illa Allah : There is no god but Allah This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. 1 John 5:3 You are the best nation raised up for men: you enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah. Holy Qur an 3:109 And know that this is My path, the right one, so follow it and follow not other ways, for they will lead you away from His way. This He enjoins on you that you may keep your duty... Again, We gave the Book to Moses to complete Our blessings on him who would do good and making plain all things and a Guidance and a Mercy, so that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord. Holy Qur an 6:154, 155 Why did Allah (God) give us Law? QUESTION GLOSSARY The Arabic word for Divine Law is al Shari ah. By al Shari ah is meant everything legislated by Allah (God) for ordering man s life; it includes principles of belief, principles of administration and justice, principles of morality and human relationships and principles of knowledge. The root meaning of the word Islam is to enter into peace and a Muslim is one who makes his peace with God through complete submission to His Will and makes peace with his fellow man by refraining from evil or injury to another and also by doing good to him. I. LAW OF GOD 1. The body of commandments which express the Will of God with regard to the conduct of His intelligent creatures. Also, any of His specific commandments. 7

8 2. The Will of God as expressed through Revelation, including the Scriptures, Messengers, and Prophets. 3. The Will of God as implanted by nature in the human mind, or as capable of being demonstrated by Reason. 4. A system of Divine commands and the penalties imposed for disobedience. A religious system, including Christian, Jewish or Islamic faith. 5. That which the Deity (God) imposed upon matter. E.g., the Law of Motion: (1) A body at rest will remain at rest or, if in motion, will continue in the direction it started in, unless acted upon by some external force; (2) A change of motion takes place in the direction of the impressed force and is proportional to it; (3) Action and reaction are equal and in contrary directions. II. LAW OF MEN 1. That which is established and has binding force. 2. What is considered just, right, or proper. 3. A rule of action or procedure. 4. A manner of life. [Sources of preceding definitions include Milestones, by Sayed Qutb, The Religion of Islam, by Maulana Muhammad Ali, The Oxford Dictionary and Blacks Law Dictionary] DISCUSSION I. WHY ALLAH (GOD) GAVE US LAW I Will write My Law in their hearts. I will put My Fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from Me. (Jeremiah 31:33) Allah spoke to the angels, I am going to place a ruler in the Earth. The angels asked, That will create mischief and cause the shedding of blood? He replied, I know what you know not. Allah (God) knew that placing a certain type of ruler in the Earth would result in disorder. He knew that His Divine Presence would not be felt as much under such a ruler, because the people would obey that ruler by His Permission. Allah s Rule is based upon the Spirit, while this ruler would base his world on the flesh, the carnal (material). Out of His Mercy, Allah (God) determined to send prophets who would be examples of His Law and they would give His Law to those who still wished to obey Allah (God). Those who obeyed God, even while the world was under the rule of the carnal, would receive the Fruit of the Spirit. There is no way a savage who has lost the way of civilization can be civilized, except by law and just and equitable law enforcement. There is no way we can produce Love for one another in our present condition, except by law and just and equitable law enforcement. The nature of Law is such that it must be applied with equity and fairness; otherwise, in its misapplication, it produces rebellion. When the Law is given and a reason for the Law is given with it, there is more longevity in the obedience of the people to the Law because they understand it. Understanding gives the people the Will to obey, the Power to obey, because they are informed why they should do what they are ordered to do. 8

9 II. HISTORY OF THE USE OF DIVINE LAW Let the history of Israel serve as an example for us. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad I spake not unto your fathers concerning sacrifices: but this thing I commanded them, saying, Obey My voice and I will be your God Jeremiah 7:22,23 There is no way for a savage people to learn love until that people sees Love demonstrated through the proper administration of the Law. This is consistent in the history of His methods in dealing with those who have deviated from His path. In the Bible, as early as Genesis 2:16, there is Divine Law and obedience to that Law in order for Adam (man) to remain in the Garden of Eden (state of peace). It is disobedience to the Will of Allah (God) that causes Adam to fall. At the close of the Bible, in Revelations 22, we read, Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life. In the Old Testament, Israel is made an exalted nation through obedience to Divine Law and ultimately destroyed through rebellion to Divine Law. All communications to the people of Israel are in the form of Divine Commands. If you will obey My voice indeed... you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people. Exodus 19:5 In the last 3 chapters of Exodus, the following expression appears 19 times: According to all the Lord commanded Moses, so did he. Exodus 40 I set before you blessing, if you obey, and a curse if you will not obey. Deut. 11:26 There is no way that Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) could have brought about such a complete change in the lives and conduct of a whole people within his own lifetime without the revelation of Divine Law (contained in the Holy Qur an) and obedience to that which was revealed. In less than 25 years, a people who were ignorant, immoral, worshipers of idols had been transformed from the lowest depths to the highest pinnacle of civilization. The transformation of the people of Arabia 1400 years ago was a sign of the force and power of Divine Law, which has the ultimate goal of bringing man to perfection through submission to the Will of Allah (God). Yakub set up a Law. The reason for his success and the success of his followers was obedience to his law. Obedience to his law facilitated the process of grafting the brown, yellow and white out of Black. Obedience to the Restrictive Laws of Islam will facilitate the process of grafting us back to ourselves. III. THE ULTIMATE GOAL The Essence of Divine Law is Love. The goal to which the Law leads, if properly applied, is Love. The apparent harshness of the Law is actually the greater Love for the preservation of peace in the community rather than to secure the individual in wrong. Individuals are never greater than the Nation and individuals sacrifice their lives for the preservation and defense of their Nation. The execution of Just Law is 9

10 for the preservation of the Nation. Jesus appeared to be at variance with Moses, but he was not. Jesus was the Fulfiller of the Law and the Fulfillment of the Law is Love. When one gains love for Allah (God), and for His Creation, then in that Love is contained the Law. One willingly obeys Divine Law out of Love. We need Love, but not without Law. Again, we need to see Love demonstrated through the proper administration of the Law. A savage can only be restrained from savage actions by good law and good law enforcement. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us a Law that forbid us from even quarreling with each other (Holy Qur an). He taught us we should not break our word; we should not invade our brother's home; we should not disturb our brother's property; our brother s life is sacred. Once we learn to respect the Law and carry it into practice, this will cause us to grow into love for one another. We have not yet grown sufficiently to act in the Spirit of Love, therefore we must walk up the Ladder of Law to reach that goal. Many Muslims, under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, felt oppressed; but what they felt was not oppression. What they felt was the pain of the struggle to restrict the low desires by means of the Law. Oppression does not emanate from Law; it emanates from improper administration of the Law. When the Honorable Elijah Muhammad departed, Imam Warith Deen Muhammad literally cast the Law aside and Love went with it, because without the Law, we lost the Power of Unity essential to the life of the Nation. Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost its savor, with what shall it be salted? It is thereafter good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matthew 5:13 In our fall, many of us thought it was the Law that was our enemy, while in reality, the Law was our best friend. Our enemy was in fact our unwillingness to live by the Law and our rebelliousness against the Law. In my effort to rebuild the Nation of Islam, I had to come to the people in a way that would attract and not frighten them by holding the Law in front of them. I gradually taught the people and to a degree we have done well. From teaching alone, most people straightened up to a degree. However, teaching is not enough. Along with teaching, there must be the Ladder of Law to reach the Love that will produce the Unity and the Power to liberate ourselves and our people completely from the grip of our enemies. When we grow up in the Law, then we will no longer need the ladder of the Law, as it is written, Love God with all of your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. On these two (2) commandants hang the Law and the Prophets; on these two (2) commandments we are above Law and have Power in the Spirit to bring about a New World Order. The Spirit of God is Love. When we are in the Spirit of Love, we will no longer have any use for the ladder we had to climb up to reach the goal. There will be no more need for Law or Prophets, for Love has answered it all. There is a song, Love lift us up where we belong... It is His Law that will lift us up where we belong and it is Love that will keep us there that we will never fall from Grace. And now abideth Faith, Hope, Love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love. 1Corinthians 13:13 10

11 STEP 3: Check Your Understanding The following questions are for discussion at the conclusion of the study session. The remaining questions can be completed at your own pace as you continue your study at home. You can use your book if you need help answering the questions. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. Questions For Discussion: 1. Why did Master Fard Muhammad set up classes for us? 2. What is the purpose of the mosque? 3. According to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, why do people leave the mosque and what is the result after leaving? 4. What is a secret counsel? What is produced within secret counsels? 5. What are some of the impediments that can cause one to fall? 6. Why is Allah so hard on individuals who commit the crime of adultery? 7. What is real friendship based upon? 8. How do a savage people learn love? 9. What causes rebellion to law? 10. How should law be given or taught to produce obedience? 11. What is the essence and ultimate goal of Divine Law? Questions For Further Study: 1. How do we become like magnets? Why is this necessary? 2. How is the mosque to us like a home is to a family? 3. What erodes our character? 4. Why is it often difficult for one to see their fall from an exalted position? 5. What is the current state of leadership in the world? 6. Why is no sympathy shown for the wrong doer? 7. What is the way that we can produce love for one another? 8. Explain examples from history that illustrate the power of law to change or transform human life. Muhammad University of Islam


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