TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER AL-AN AM... 3 VERSES 1 to Tafseer Hub-e-Ali asws. 1 out of 68 MERITS... 3 VERSE 1...

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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER AL-AN AM... 3 VERSES 1 to MERITS... 3 VERSE VERSE Creation from the clay... 7 Two types of terms... 8 VERSE Knower of the secrets and the deeds VERSE VERSE VERSE VERSES VERSE VERSES The Signs of Allah azwj VERSE The greatest testimony The warners VERSE VERSES VERSES VERSES 29 & VERSES 31 & VERSES 33 & The patience of Rasool-Allah saww out of 68


3 CHAPTER 6 AL-AN AM (165 VERSES) VERSES 1 to 72 ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم MERITS علي بن إبراهيم قال: حدثين أيب عن احلسني بن خالد عن أيب احلسن الرضا )عليه السالم( قال:»نزلت سورة األنعام مجلة واحدة و شيعها سبعون ألف ملك هلم زجل بالتسبيح و التهليل و التكبري فمن قرأها سبحوا له إىل يوم القيامة«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid, (It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza asws having said: All of the Surah Al-An am was Revealed in one instant, and was accompanied by seventy thousand Angels Praising it with the Glorification (Tasbeeh), and the Extollation of the Holiness Tahleel), and the Exclamation of the Greatness (of Allah azwj ) (Takbeer). So the one who recites it, it would Glorify (Tasbeeh) for him up to the Day of Judgement. 1 )جوامع اجلامع(: للبسرسي قال: ي حدي أيب بن عع عن البي )لل اهل عليه و لله( قال:»أنزلت علي األنعام مجلة واحدة يشيعها سبعون ألف ملك هلم زجل بالتسبيح و التحميد فمن قرأها لل عليه أولئك السبعون ألف ملك بعدد عل لية من األنعام يوما و ليلة«.- (In the book) Jawami e Al Jami e of Al Tabarsy, said, In a Hadeeth of Abayy Bin Ka ab. From the Prophet saww having said: (Surah) Al-Ana am was Revealed in one go. Seventy thousand Angels escorted it, for them was praising with the Glorification, and the Praise. So the one who recites it, those seventy thousand Angels would send Blessings upon him by a number of every from (Surah) Al-Ana am (which he recited), every day and night. 2 العياشي: عن أيب بصري قال: مسعت أبا عبد اهل )عليه السالم( يقول:»إن سورة األنعام نزلت مجلة واحدة و شيعها سبعون ألف ملك حني أنزلت عل رسول اهل )لل اهل عليه و لله( فعظموها و جبلوها فإن اسم اهل تبارك و تعاىل فيها ي سبعني موضعها و لو يعلم الباس ما ي قراتاها من الضلل ما ترعوها«. Al Ayyashi, from Abu Baseer who said, 1 2 تفسير القم ي. 193 :1 جوامع الجامع: out of 68

4 I heard Abu Abdullah asws saying: Surah Al-An am was Revealed as a whole in one instant, and seventy thousand Angels accompanied it when it was Revealed unto Rasool-Allah saww. So he saww revered it, and respected it, for the Name of Allah azwj Blessed and Exalted is in it in seventy places, and had the people known what merits are there in its recitation, they would not leave it. مث قال أبو عبد اهل )عليه السالم(:»من عان له إىل اهل حاجة يريد قلاتها فليصل أربع رععات بضاحتة الكتاب و األنعام و ليقل ي لالته إذا فرغ من القراتة: يا عرمي يا عرمي يا عرمي يا عظيم يا عظيم يا عظيم يا أعظم من عل عظيم يا مسيع الدعات يا من ال تغريه األيام و الليايل لل عل حممد و لل حممد و ارحم ضعضي و فقري و فاقيت و مسكبيت فإنك أعلم هبا مين و أنت أعلم حباجيت Then Abu Abdullah asws said: The one has a need for himself to Allah azwj and wants it to be Fulfilled, so he should Pray four Cycles with the Opening of the Book (Surah Al-Fatiha) and (Surah) Al-An am, and he should say in his Salat, when he is free from its recitation, O Benevolent! O Benevolent! O Benevolent! O Magnificent, O Magnificent, O Magnificent, O the most Magnificent than all the magnificent ones! O Hearer of the supplication! O the One Who is not Changed by the days and the nights, Send Salawat upon Muhammad saww and the Progeny asws of Muhammad saww, and have Mercy upon my weakness, and my poverty, and my lack of food, and my being needy, for You azwj are more Knowing of these than I am, and are more Knowing of my needs. يا من رحم الشيخ يعقوب حني رد عليه يوسف قرة عيبه يا من رحم أيوب بعد حلول بالئه يا من رحم حممدا )عليه و لله السالم( و من اليتم لواه و نصره عل جبابرة قريش و طواغيتها و أمكبه مبهم يا مغي يا مغي يا مغي. O the One Who azwj had Mercy on the old Yaqoub as where You azwj Returned to him as Yusuf as the delight of his as eyes! O the One Who azwj had Mercy on Ayoub as after his as afflictions! O the One Who azwj had Mercy on Muhammad saww, and Looked after him saww when he saww was an orphan, and Helped him saww against the Titans of Quraysh, and its tyrants, and Protected him saww from them! O the Rescuer, O the Rescuer, O the Rescuer! يقوله مرارا فو الذي نضسي بيده لو دعوت ا هل هبا بعد ما تصلي هذه الصالة ي دبر هذه السورة مث سألت ا هل مجيع حوائجك ما خبل عليك و ألعباك ذلك إن شات ا هل«. Say this repeatedly, for, by the One in Whose azwj Hand is my asws soul, were you to supplicate to Allah azwj after having Prayed this Salat at the end of this Chapter (Surah Al-An am), then asked Allah azwj for all of your needs, not being niggardly (regarding asking needs), that would be Given to you, if Allah azwj so Desires it. 3 و ي )مصباح الكضعمي( أيلا: عن البي )لل اهل عليه و لله(:»من قرأها من أوهلا إىل قوله: ت ك س ب ون وعل اهل به أربعني ألف ملك يكتبون له مثل عباداهم إىل يوم القيامة«. 3 تفسير العي اشي 1 /353 :1 4 out of 68

5 And in Misbaah Al Kafamy as well, (It has been narrated) from the Prophet saww having said: The one who recites it (Surah Al-An am) from its beginning up to its Words and He knows what you are earning [6:3], (the first three Verses), Allah azwj Allocates forty Angels for him, writing down for him the like of their worship, up to the Day of Judgement. 4 و روي عن الصادق )عليه السالم( أنه قال:»من عتبها مبسك و زعضران و شرهبا ستة أيام متوالية يرزق خريا عثريا و مل تصبه سودات و عو ي من األوجاع و األمل بإذن ا هل تعاىل«. And it has been reported, Al-Sadiq asws has said: The one who writes it (Surah Al-An am) with musk and saffron, and drinks its (water) for six days consecutively, would be Graced with a lot of good, and would not be touched by sadness, and would be healed from the aches and pains, by the Permission of Allah azwj the Exalted. 5 VERSE 1 احل م د ل ل ه ي ع د ل ون }1{ ال ذ ي خ ل ق الس م او ات و األ ر ض و ج ع ل الظ ل م ات و الب و ر مث ال ذ ين ع ض ر وا ب ر ههب م The Praise is for Allah Who Created the skies and the earth, and Made the darkness and the Light; then (how come) those who are committing Kufr are setting up equals with their Lord [6:1] و ق ال الص اد ق ع: ق ال أ م ري ال م ؤ م ب ني ع ف أ ن ز ل الل ه : احل م د ل ل ه ال ذ ي خ ل ق الس ماوات و األ ر ض- و ج ع ل الظ ل مات و الب ور - مث ال ذ ين ع ض ر وا ب ر ههب م ي ع د ل و ن ف ك ان ي ه ذ ه ا ل ي ة ر د ا ع ل ث ال ث ة أ ل ب اف م ب ه م. And Al-Sadiq asws said: Amir Al-Momineen asws said: So Allah azwj Revealed: The Praise is for Allah Who Created the skies and the earth, and Made the darkness and the Light; then those who are committing Kufr are setting up equals with their Lord [6:1] so there was in this Verse, a rebuttal upon three types of them: - ل م ا ق ال : احل م د ل ل ه ال ذ ي خ ل ق الس ماوات و األ ر ض ف ك ان ر د ا ع ل ال ده ر ي ة ال ذ ين ق ال وا: األ ش ي ات ال ب د ت هل ا و ه ي د ائ م ة. When He azwj Said: The Praise is for Allah Who Created the skies and the earth so there was a rebuttal upon the eternalists, those who were saying, The things, in it is inevitable for these (to exist), and these are perpetual. 4 5 مصباح الكفعمي:. 439 خواص القرآن: 1»مخطوط» 5 out of 68

6 مث ق ال و ج ع ل الظ ل مات و الب ور ف ك ان ر د ا ع ل الث ب و ي ة ال ذ ين ق ال وا: إ ن الب ور و الظ ل م ة ه ا ال م د ب هر ان. Then He azwj Said: and Made the darkness and the Light So there was a rebuttal upon the dualists, those who were saying, The light and the darkness, these two are the governing forces (of the universe). مث ق ال مث ال ذ ين ع ض ر وا ب ر ههب م ي ع د ل و ن ف ك ان ر د ا ع ل م ش ر ع ي ال ع ر ب ال ذ ين ق ال وا: إ ن أ و ث ان ب ا لهل ة. Then He azwj Said: then (how come) those who are committing Kufr are setting up equals with their Lord [6:1] So there was a rebuttal upon the Arab polytheists, those who were saying, Our idols are gods. 6 اب ن حم ب وب ع ن أ يب ج ع ض ر األ ح و ل ع ن س ال م ب ن ال م س ت ب ري ع ن أ يب ج ع ض ر )عليه السالم( ق ال إ ن الل ه ع ز و ج ل خ ل ق اجل ب ة ق ب ل أ ن ي ل ق الب ار و خ ل ق الب اع ة ق ب ل أ ن ي ل ق ال م ع ص ي ة و خ ل ق الر ح ة ق ب ل ال غ ل و خ ل ق ا ل ي ر ق ب ل الش هر و خ ل ق األ ر ض ق ب ل الس م ا ت و خ ل ق احل ي اة ق ب ل ال م و ت و خ ل ق الش م س ق ب ل ال ق م ر و خ ل ق الب ور ق ب ل الظ ل م ة. Ibn Mahboub, from Abu Ja far Al-Howl, from Sallaam Bin Al-Mustaneer, who has narrated the following: Abu Ja far asws said: Allah azwj Created the Paradise before He azwj Created the Fire, and Created the obedience before He azwj Created the disobedience, and Created the Mercy before the Anger, and Created the good before the evil, and Created the earth before the sky, and Created the life before the death, and Created the sun before the moon, and Created the الن ور (the Divine Light) before the darkness. 7 العياشي: عن جعضر بن أ حد عن العمرعي بن علي عن العبيدي عن يونس بن عبد الر حن عن علي بن جعضر عن أيب إبراهيم )عليه السالم( قال:»لكل لالة وقتان و وقت يوم اجلمعة زوال الشمس«مث تال هذه ا لية: احل م د ل ل ه ال ذ ي خ ل ق الس ماوات و األ ر ض و ج ع ل الظ ل مات و الب ور مث ال ذ ين ع ض ر وا ب ر ههب م ي ع د ل ون قال:»يعدلون بني الظلمات و البور و بني اجلور و العدل«. Al Ayyashi, from Ja far Bin Ahmad, from Al Amraky Bin Ali, from Al Abady, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Ali Bin Ja far, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ibrahim asws (7 th Imam asws ) having said: For every Salat there are two timings, and the timing for the day of Friday is the (start of) declining of the sun. Then he asws recited this Verse The Praise is for Allah Who Created the skies and the earth, and Made the darkness and the Light; then those who are committing Kufr are setting up equals with their Lord [6:1]. He asws said: Setting up equals between the darkness and the Light, and between the tyranny and the justice. 8 6 Tafseer Imam Hassan Al-Askari asws S 324 (Extract) 7 Al Kafi H تفسير العي اشي 4 /354 :1 6 out of 68

7 VERSE 2 ه و ال ذ ي خ ل ق ك م م ن ط ني مث ق ل أ ج ال و أ ج ل م س م ع ب د ه مث أ ن ت م ت ت ر ون }2{ He is Who Created you from clay, then He Ordained a term; and there is a Specified term with Him; then (how come) you are doubting [6:2] Creation from the clay ع يس ع ن ر ب ع ه ي ب ن ع ب د الل ه ع ن ر ج ل ع ن ه ع ل ي ب ن احل س ني ( عليه السالم ) ق ال إ ن الل ه ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن ح اد ب ن ع ز و ج ل خ ل ق الب ب يهني م ن ط يب ة ع لهيهني ق ل وب ه م و أ ب د ان ه م و خ ل ق ق ل وب ال م ؤ م ب ني م ن ت ل ك البهيب ة و ج ع ل خ ل ق أ ب د ان ال م ؤ م ب ني م ن د ون ذ ل ك و خ ل ق ال ك ض ار م ن ط يب ة س هجني ق ل وب ه م و أ ب د ان ه م Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Hammad Bin Isa, from Rabie Bin Abdullah, from a man, (It has been narrated) from Ali asws Bin Al-Husayn asws having said: Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Created the Prophets as from the clay of Illiyeen, their as hearts and their as bodies, and Created the hearts of the Momineen from that very clay, and Made the creation of the bodies of the Momineen to be from besides that; and He azwj Created the Kafirs from the clay of Sijjeen - their hearts as well as their bodies. ف خ ل ط ب ني البهيب ت ني ف م ن ه ذ ا ي ل د ال م ؤ م ن ال ك اف ر و ي ل د ال ك اف ر ال م ؤ م ن و م ن ه اه ب ا ي ص ي ال م ؤ م ن الس يهئ ة و م ن ه اه ب ا ي ص ي ال ك اف ر احل س ب ة ف ق ل وب ال م ؤ م ب ني حت ن إ ىل م ا خ ل ق وا م ب ه و ق ل وب ال ك اف ر ين حت ن إ ىل م ا خ ل ق وا م ب ه. Then He azwj Blended between the two clays. Thus, from this the Momin begets the Kafir, and the disbeliever begets the Believer, and from over here the Momin commits the evil and from over here the Kafir does good deeds. So the hearts of the Momineen yearn towards what they had been Created from, and the hearts of the Kafirs yearn towards what they have been Created from. 9 ش ي ت ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن اب ن حم ب وب ع ن ل ال ح ب ن س ه ل ق ال ق ل ت أل يب ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) ج ع ل ت ف د اك م ن أ هي خ ل ق الل ه ع ز و ج ل ط يب ة ال م ؤ م ن ف ق ال م ن ط يب ة األ ن ب ي ات ف ل م ت ب ج س أ ب دا. Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Mahboub, from Salih Bin Sahl who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, May I be sacrificed for you asws! From which thing did Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Create the clay of the Momin? So he asws said: From the clay of the Prophets as, so they would never be unclean, ever! 10 9 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 1 H 1 10 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 1 H 3 7 out of 68

8 Two types of terms علي بن إبراهيم قال: حدثين أيب عن البلر بن سويد عن احللي عن عبد اهل بن مسكان عن أيب عبد اهل )عليه السالم( قال:»األجل املقلي: هو احملتوم الذي قلاه اهل و حتمه و املسم : هو الذي فيه البدات يقدم ما يشات و يؤخر ما يشات و احملتوم ليس فيه تقدمي و ال تأخري«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Al Halby, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: The Pre-destined term It is the inevitable which Allah azwj has Destined it to be and Made it to be inevitable; and the Specified (term) It is the one in which is (subject to) change He azwj Brings forwards what He azwj so Desires to, and Delays what He azwj so Desires to. That which is the Pre-destined is one in which is neither the Bringing forward nor the delaying. 11 عن حران عن أيب عبد اهل )عليه السالم( قال: سألته عن قول اهل: مث ق ل أ ج ال و أ ج ل م س م ع ب د ه. قال:»املسم ما مسي مللك املوت ي تلك الليلة و هو الذي قال اهل: ف إ ذا جات أ ج ل ه م ال ي س ت أ خ ر ون ساع ة و ال ي س ت ق د م ون و هو الذي مسي مللك املوت ي ليلة القدر و ا لخر له فيه املشيئة إن شات قدمه و إن شات أخره«. From Hamran, I asked Abu Abdullah asws about the Words of Allah azwj : then He Decreed a term; and there is a Specified term with Him [6:2]. He asws said: The Specified is what is Specified for the Angel of Death during that night, and it is which Allah azwj Says: so when their term comes they shall neither (be able to) delay (it) for a moment nor bring it forward [16:61], and it is which is Specified for the Angel of Death during the Night of Pre-destination القدر),(ليلة and the delaying for it is (Allah azwj s) Desire if He azwj so Desires it, Brings it forward, and if He azwj so Desires it, Delays it. 12 حممد بن إبراهيم البعماين قال: أخسرنا أ حد بن حممد بن سعيد قال: حدثبا علي بن احلسن عن حممد بن خالد األلم عن عبد ا هل بن بكري عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن زرارة عن حران بن أعني عن أيب جعضر حممد بن علي )عليه السالم( ي قوله عز و جل: ق ل أ ج ال و أ ج ل م س م ع ب د ه قال:»إهنما أجالن: أجل حمتوم و أجل موقوف«. Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Numany said, Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed informed us, from Ali Bin Al Hassan, from Muhammad Bin Khalid Al Asam, from Abdullah Bin Bakeyr, from Sa alba Bin Maymoun, from Zurara, from Humran Bin Ayn, From Abu Ja far Muhammad asws Bin Ali asws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: and there is a Specified term with Him [6:2]. He asws said: But rather there are two terms an Ordained term and a suspended term. فقال له حران: ما احملتوم قال:»الذي هل فيه املشيئة« تفسير القم ي. 194 :1 تفسير العي اشي. 6 /354 :1 8 out of 68

9 So Humran said to him asws, What is the Ordained (term)? He asws said: That in which there is a Desire for Allah azwj. قال حران: إين ألرجو أن يكون أمر السضياين من املوقوف. فقال أبو جعضر )عليه السالم(:»ال و اهل إنه ملن احملتوم«. Humran said, I wish that the matter of Al-Sufyani would happen to be from the suspended ones. So Abu Ja far asws said: No, by Allah azwj! It is from the Ordained ones. 13 و ي رواية حران عبه )عليه السالم(:»أما األجل الذي غري مسم عبده فهو أجل موقوف يقدم فيه ما يشات و يؤخر فيه ما يشات و أما األجل املسم فهو الذي يسم ي ليلة القدر«. And in a report of Humran From him (Abu Ja far asws having said: As for the term which is not Specified with Him azwj, so it is a suspended one. He azwj Brings it forward during it whatever He azwj so Desires to, and He azwj Delays in it whatever He azwj so Desires to. And as for the Specified term, so it is which He azwj Specified during the Night of Pre-determination (Laylat Al-Qadr). 14 عن حصني عن أيب عبد اهل )عليه السالم( ي قوله: ق ل أ ج ال و أ ج ل م س م ع ب د ه. قال )عليه السالم(:»األجل األول هو ما نبذه إىل املالئكة و الرسل و األنبيات و األجل املسم عبده هو الذي سرته ا هل عن ا لالئق«. From Haseyn, From Abu Abdullah asws regarding His azwj Words: a term; and there is a Specified term with Him [6:2]. He asws said: The first term, it is what He azwj Briefs to the Angels, and the Rasools as, and the Prophets as. And the Specified term with Him azwj, it is which He azwj has Veiled from the creatures. 15 VERSE 3 و ه و الل ه ي الس م او ات و ي األ ر ض ي ع ل م س ر ع م و ج ه ر ع م و ي ع ل م م ا ت ك س ب ون }3{ And He is Allah in the skies and in the earth; He Knows your secrets (thoughts) and your open (spoken words), and He knows what you are earning [6:3] الغيبة: 5 /301 تفسير العي اشي. 8 /355 :1 تفسير العي اشي 9 /355 :1 9 out of 68

10 ابن بابويه قال: حدثبا أ حد بن حممد بن حيىي العبار )رضي ا هل عبه( قال: حدثبا سعد بن عبد ا هل عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن احلسن بن علي ا لزاز عن مثىن احلباط عن أيب جعضر- أظبه حممد بن البعمان- قال: سألت أبا عبد اهل )عليه السالم( عن قول ا هل عز و جل: و ه و الل ه ي الس ماوات و ي األ ر ض قال:»عذلك هو يعل مكان«. Ibn babuwayh said, It has been narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Sa ad Bin Abdullah, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed. From Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Khazaz, from Masny Al Hanaat, from Abu Ja far I think it was Muhammad Bin No man who said, I asked Abu Abdullah asws about the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic And He is Allah in the skies and in the earth [6:3], he asws said: It is like that. He azwj is in every place. قلت: بذاته قال:»وحيك إن األماعن أقدار فإذا قلت: ي مكان بذاته لزمك أن تقول: ي أقدار و غري ذلك و لكن هو بائن من خلقه حميط مبا خلق علما و قدرة و إحاطة و سلبانا و ملكا و ليس علمه مبا ي األرض بأقل مما ي السمات و ال يبعد مبه شيت و األشيات له سوات علما و قدرة و سلبانا و ملكا و إحاطة«. I said, By His azwj Self? He asws said: Woe be unto you! If He azwj Occupied a place, He azwj would have been measured. So if you were to say that He azwj is in a particular place by His azwj Self, it would necessitate that you should be saying, In a measured (place), and other things like that. But, He azwj is Separate from His azwj creation, Encompassing what He azwj Created by Knowledge, and Power, and Comprehension, and Authority, and Kingship. And it is not the case that His azwj Knowledge of what is in the earth is less than what is in the sky, nor is anything distant from Him azwj. And the things are equal to Him azwj, in Knowledge, and Power, and Authority, and Kingship, and Comprehension. 16 ش يت ق ل ت ف أ ي ن ش ي ت ق ال ن ع م ع ان و ال ع ل ي ب ن حم م د ر ف ع ه ع ن ز ر ار ة ق ال ق ل ت أل يب ج ع ض ر ( عليه السالم ) أ ع ان الل ه و ال ع ان ي ك ون ق ال و ع ان م ت ك ئا ف اس ت و ى ج ال سا و ق ال أ ح ل ت ي ا ز ر ار ة و س أ ل ت ع ن ال م ك ان إ ذ ال م ك ان. Ali Bin Muhammad, raising it from Zurara who said, I said to Abu Ja far asws, Was Allah azwj (existing) and there was nothing? He asws said: Yes, He azwj was and there was nothing. I said, So where did He azwj happen to be? He asws was leaning, so he asws sat upright and said: You (speak of the) Impossibility, O Zurara, and you ask about the place when there was no place. 17 ع يس ب ن ي ون س ق ال ق ا ل و ع ب ه ع ن حم م د ب ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ن حم م د ب ن إ مس اع يل ع ن د او د ب ن ع ب د الل ه ع ن ع م ر و ب ن حم م د ع ن اب ن أ يب ال ع و ج ات أل يب ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) ي ب ع ض م ا ع ان حي او ر ه ذ ع ر ت الل ه ف أ ح ل ت ع ل غ ائ ف ق ال أ ب و ع ب د الل ه و ي ل ك ع ي ف ي ك ون غ ائ با م ن ه و م ع خ ل ق ه ش اه د و إ ل ي ه م أ ق ر ب م ن ح ب ل ال و ر يد ي س م ع ع ال م ه م و ي ر ى أ ش خ ال ه م و ي ع ل م أ س ر ار ه م And from him, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Dawood Bin Abdullah, from Amro Bin Muhammad, from Isa Bin Yunus who said, 16 التوحيد:. 15 / Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah azwj ) CH 6 H 7 10 out of 68

11 Ibn Abu Al-Awja a said to Abu Abdullah asws in what was one of his dialogues with him asws, You asws mentioned Allah azwj, so you asws referred to a Hidden. So Abu Abdullah asws said: Woe be unto you asws! How can He azwj happen to be hidden, the One azwj Who is with His azwj creatures as a Witness, and is closer to them than the jugular vein? He azwj Hears their speech and Sees their persons, and Knows their secrets? ف ق ال اب ن أ يب ال ع و ج ات أ ه و ي ع هل م ك ان أ ل ي س إ ذ ا ع ان ي الس م ات ع ي ف ي ك ون ي األ ر ض الس م ات و إ ذ ا ع ان ي األ ر ض ع ي ف ي ك ون ي So Ibn Abu Al-Awja a said, Is He azwj is in every place? Is it not so that if He azwj was in the sky, how could He azwj happen to be in the earth, and when He azwj was in the earth, how could He azwj happen to be in the sky? ف ق ال أ ب و ع ب د الل ه ( عليه السالم ) إ ن ا و ل ض ت ال م خ ل وق ال ذ ي إ ذ ا ان ت ق ل ع ن م ك ان اش ت غ ل ب ه م ك ان و خ ال م ب ه م ك ان ف ال ي د ر ي ي ال م ك ان ال ذ ي ل ار إ ل ي ه م ا حي د ث ي ال م ك ان ال ذ ي ع ان ف يه ف أ م ا الل ه ال ع ظ يم الش أ ن ال م ل ك الد ي ان ف ال ي ل و م ب ه م ك ان و ال ي ش ت غ ل ب ه م ك ان و ال ي ك ون إ ىل م ك ان أ ق ر ب م ب ه إ ىل م ك ان. So Abu Abdullah asws said: But rather, you are describing the created being who, when he transfers from a place, a place is occupied by him and a space is emptied from him, so he does not know (when he) is in the place in which he came to be in, what occurs in the place which he used to be in. But, as for Allah azwj, the Magnificent of Glory, the King, the Judge, neither is a place empty from Him azwj nor is a space occupied by Him azwj, nor does He azwj happen to be nearer from a place than to a (another) place. 18 Knower of the secrets and the deeds ع ل ي ب ن حم م د ع ن س ه ل ب ن ز ي اد ع ن ج ع ض ر ب ن حم م د ب ن ح ز ة ق ال ع ت ب ت إ ىل الر ج ل ( عليه السالم ) أ س أ ل ه أ ن م و ال ي ك اخ ت ل ض وا ي ال ع ل م ف ق ال ب ع ل ه م مل ي ز ل الل ه ع ال ما ق ب ل ف ع ل األ ش ي ات و ق ال ب ع ل ه م ال ن ق ول مل ي ز ل الل ه ع ال ما أل ن م ع ىن ي ع ل م ي ض ع ل ف إ ن أ ث ب ت ب ا ال ع ل م ف ق د أ ث ب ت ب ا ي األ ز ل م ع ه ش ي ئا ف إ ن ر أ ي ت ج ع ل ين الل ه ف د اك أ ن ت ع لهم ين م ن ذ ل ك م ا أ ق ف ع ل ي ه و ال أ ج وز ه Ali Bin Muhammad, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Ja far Bin Muhammad Bin Hamza who said, I wrote to the man asws asking him asws, The ones in your asws Wilayah are differing regarding the Knowledge. So, some of them say, Allah azwj did not cease to be a Knower before He azwj Doing (Creating) the things ; and some of them say, We are not saying that He azwj did not cease to be a Knower because the meaning of the knowledge is by a deed. So if we prove the Knowledge (as being eternal), so we have proved in the eternality, the things along with it. So what is your asws view, may I be sacrificed for you asws, if you asws could teach me from that what I could pause upon and not exceed it. 18 Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah azwj ) CH 19 H 3 11 out of 68

12 ف ك ت ( عليه السالم ) خب بهه مل ي ز ل الل ه ع ال ما ت ب ار ك و ت ع اىل ذ ع ر ه. So he asws wrote in his asws own handwriting: Allah azwj did not cease to be a Knower. Blessed and Exalted is His azwj Mention. 19 VERSE 4 و م ا ت أ ت يه م م ن لي ة م ن لي ات ر ههب م إ ال ع ان وا ع ب ه ا م ع ر ض ني }4{ And there does not come to them a Sign from the Signs of their Lord except they were turning away from it [6:4] قال االمام )عليه السالم(: قوله عزوجل: )ان الذين يكتمون ما أنزلبا من البيبات( من لضة حممد ولضة علي وحليته )واهلدى من بعد ما بيباه للباس ي الكتاب( قال: والذى أنزلباه من بعد اهلدى هو ما أظهرناه من االيات عل فللهم وحملهم. Imam Hassan Al-Askari asws said: 'The Words of the Mighty and Majestic [2:159] Surely those who are concealing what We Revealed from the clear Proofs The qualities of Muhammad saww and the qualities of Ali asws and their asws features and the Guidance after having Clarified it for the people in the Book And the guidance that was Revealed after, was Manifested from the Signs on their asws virtues and status'. عالغمامة اليت عانت تظلل رسول ا هل )لل ا هل عليه ولله( ي أسضاره واملياه االجاجة اليت عانت تعذب ي االبار واملوارد ببصاقه واالشجار الىت عانت تتهدل مثارها ببزوله حتتها والعاهات الىت عانت تزول عمن ميسح يده عليه أو يبض بصاقه فيها. 'Like the cloud which shaded Rasool-Allah saww in his saww journeys, and the salty water of the wells which turned sweet by his saww saliva, and the trees which used to lower their fruits when he saww sat by them, and the disabilities which passed away when he saww touched them by his saww hand, or by his saww saliva'. وعااليات اليت ظهرت عل علي )عليه السالم( م ن تس ليم اجلب ال والص خور واالش جار قائل ة: يل ي ا ويل ا هل وي ا خليض ة رس ول ا هل )لل ا هل عليه ولله( يل والسموم القاتلة اليت تباوهلا من مس بامسه عليه ا ومل يص به بالاه ا واالفع ال العظيم ة: م ن ال تالل واجلب ال اليت قلعها ورم خصه ا هل تعاىل به من فلائله. هبا عاحلصاة الصغرية وعالعاهات اليت زالت بدعائه واالفات والباليا ال يت حل ت باالل حات بدعائ ه وس ائرها مم ا 'And like the Signs which were manifested by Ali asws from the salutations of the mountain and the rocks and the trees who said: 'O Guardian from Allah azwj, and O Caliph of Rasool-Allah saww!' And the poison which would have killed the one who had partaken it, did not harm the one who took it by his asws name, and great deeds from the uprooting of the hills and mountains and throwing them like small pebbles, and 19 Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah azwj ) CH 12 H 5 12 out of 68

13 the disabilities which passed away due to his asws supplications, and the difficulties and the afflictions which afflicted healthy people by his asws negative supplications, and the rest of the things that Allah azwj Specialised him asws with from his asws virtues'. للحق فهذا من اهلدى الذي بيبه ا هل للباس ي عتابه مث قال: )اولئك( أي اولئك الكا تون هلذه الصضات من حممد )لل ا هل عليه ولل ه( وم ن عل ي )علي ه الس الم( املخض ون هل ا ع ن طالبيه ا ال ذين يل زمهم اب دااها هل م عب د زوال التقي ة )يلع بهم ا هل( يلع ن الك ا تني )ويلعبهم الالعبون(. فيه وجوه: مبها )يلعبهم الالعبون( أنه ليس أحد حمقا عان أو مببال اال وهو يقول: لعن ا هل الظاملني الكا تني 'This is from the Guidance of Allah azwj Explained to the people in His azwj Book. Then He azwj Said: these it is meaning those who cut off these qualities from Muhammad saww and from Ali asws and concealed them from those who seek them, which they have been necessitated to give in the absence of dissimulation these it is whom Allah shall Curse, Curses on those who conceal (the Just) and the cursing ones shall curse them (too) Firstly, and the cursing ones shall curse them (too) there is not a single one of the true ones or the false ones, but he will say: 'Curse of Allah azwj be on the unjust who concealed the Truth'. ان الظامل الكامت للحق ذلك يقول أيلا لعن ا هل الظاملني الكا تني فهم عل هذا املعىن ي لعن عل الالعبني و ي لعن أنضسهم. The unjust one who concealed that truth will also say "Curse of Allah azwj be on the unjust, the concealers'. They, in this meaning, join all other in sending the curses, and also in sending curse upon themselves'. ومبها: أن االثبني اذا ضجر بعلهما عل بعض وتالعبا ارتضعت اللعبتان فاستأذنتا رهبما ي الوقوع ملن بعثتا عليه. And from this, secondly, if one person is annoyed with another one and they curse each other, the two curses get elevated and they seek permission from their Lord azwj to fall upon the ones who sent them. فقال ا هل عزوجل للمالئكة: انظروا فان عان الالعن أه ال للع ن ول يس املقص ود ب ه أه ال فأنزلو ه ا مجيع ا ب الالعن. وانع ان املش ار اليه أهال وليس الالعن أهال فوجهو ها اليه. وان عانا مجيعا هلا أهال فوجهوا لعن هذا إىل ذلك ووجهوا لعن ذلك إىل هذا. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says to the Angels as : 'Look, if the one who cursed is himself deserving of being cursed, and the other one is not deserving of it, then Send down the curses from both of them upon the one who deserves. And if the one who cursed is not deserving of it, but the other one is, then send both the curses upon that deserving one. And if both of them are deserving of being cursed, then send this curse upon that one and that curse upon this one. وان مل يك ن واح د مبهم ا هل ا أه ال المياهنم ا وان الل جر أحوجهم ا إىل ذل ك فوجه وا اللعبت ني إىل اليه ود الك ا تني نع ت حمم د ولضته )لل ا هل عليه ولله( وذعر علي )عليه السالم( وحليته واىل البوال الكا تني لضلل علي والدافعني لضلله. And if none of them are deserving of being cursed due to their being believers, and they are only doing this due to their annoyance with each other, then divert them 13 out of 68

14 towards the Jews who concealed the qualities of Muhammad saww and the mention of Ali asws and his asws features, and towards the Nasibis who conceal the virtues of Ali asws, and reject his asws (Divine) attributes'. مث قال ا هل عزوجل: )اال الذين تابوا( م ن عتمان ه )وأل لحوا( أعم اهلم وأل لحوا ماع انوا أفس دوه بس وت التأوي ل فجح دوا ب ه فل ل الضاضل واستحقاق احملق )وبيبوا( ما ذعره ا هل تعاىل م ن نع ت حمم د )ل ل ا هل علي ه ولل ه( ول ضته وم ن ذع ر عل ي )علي ه الس الم( وحليته وما ذعره رسول ا هل )لل ا هل عليه ولله( )فاولئك أتوب عليهم( أقبل توبتهم )وأنا التواب الرحيم(. The Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: [2:160] Except those who repent from their concealment and amend their deeds, and make amendments to the mischief that they had created by their evil explanations and fought by it the attributes of the preferable ones and rights of the rightful ones and make manifest (the Truth) what Allah azwj has Mentioned from the characteristics of Muhammad saww and his saww qualities and from the mention of Ali asws and his asws elevated qualities, and what the Messenger of Allah saww has mentioned these it is to whom I Turn (Mercifully) Accept their repentance and I am the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful. مث قال: قيل المري املؤمبني )عليه السالم(: من خري خلق ا هل بعد أئمة اهلدى ومصابيح الدج قال: العلمات إذا للحوا. قيل: فمن شر خلق ا هل بعد إبليس وفرع ون و ن رود وبع د املتس مني بأمس ائكم واملتلقب ني بألق ابكم وا لخ ذين المكب تكم واملت أمرين ي مم الككم ق ال: العلم ات إذا فس دوا ه م املظه رون لالباطي ل الك ا تون للحق ائق وف يهم ق ال ا هل عزوج ل: )اولئ ك يلع بهم ا هل ويلعبهم الالعبون إال الذين تابوا( ا لية. مث قال ا هل عزوجل: يل فويل للذين يكتب ون الكت اب بأي ديهم مث يقول ون ه ذا م ن عب د ا هل ليشرتوا به مثبا قليال يل ا لية. Then Imam Hassan Al-Askari asws said: 'A person asked Amir-ul-Momineen asws : 'Who is better from the creatures of Allah azwj after the Imams asws of Guidance who asws are like torches in darkness?' He asws said: 'The scholars who are righteous'. He asked: 'Who is the most evil from the creatures of Allah azwj after Iblees la and Pharaoh la and Nimrod la and those who adopted your asws names as their names and your asws titles for themselves, who took your asws places, and are issuing orders in your jurisdiction?' He asws said: 'The scholars who get corrupted, who display the invalid orders and hide the Truth and for them Allah azwj Says [2:159] these it is whom Allah shall Curse, and the cursing ones shall curse them (too) [2:160] Except those who repent. The Verse. 20 VERSE 5 ف ق د ع ذ ب وا ب احل هق ل م ا ج ات ه م ف س و ف ي أ ت يه م أ ن ب ات م ا ع ان وا ب ه ي س ت ه ز ئ ون }5{ So they had belied the Truth when it came to them, and soon there would come to them news of what they had been mocking with [6:5] 20 Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askari asws S 333 & out of 68

15 أ ب يه و حم م د ب ن حي ىي ع ن أ ح د ب ن حم م د مج يعا ع ن احل س ن ب ن ع ل ي ع ن ع م ر ب ن أ ب ا ن ي ع ن أ يب ج ع ض ر ع ن إ مس اع يل اجل ع ض ه ع ب ه ع ن )عليه السالم( ق ال إ ن ن وحا )عليه السالم( ل م ا غ ر س الب و ى م ر ع ل ي ه ق و م ه ف ج ع ل وا ي ل ح ك ون و ي س خ ر ون و ي ق ول ون ق د ق ع د غ ر اسا ح ىت إ ذ ا ط ال الب خ ل و ع ان ج ب ارا ط و اال ق ب ع ه مث ن ت ه ف ق ال وا ق د ق ع د ن ارا مث أ ل ض ه ف ج ع ل ه س ض يب ة ف م ر وا ع ل يه ف ج ع ل وا ي ل ح ك ون و ي س خ ر ون و ي ق ول ون ق د ق ع د م ال حا ي ف ال ة م ن األ ر ض ح ىت ف ر غ م ب ه ا. From him, from his father, and Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad together, from Al- Hassan Bin Ali, from Umar Bin Abaan, from Ismail Al-Ju fy, who has narrated the following: Abu Ja far asws has said that: When Noah as planted the seeds, his as people passed by him. They laughed at him as and were mocking him as and were saying, He as has become a planter (farmer), until the trees became tall and mighty, he as cut them, then carved them. So they said, He as has become a carpenter. Then he as composed it into a ship. So they passed by him as laughing, and mocking, and they were saying, He as has become a navigator in the wilderness of the earth, until he as completed it. 21 أ يب ال ع ال ت ا ل ض اف ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه )عليه السالم( ع يس ع ن ع ل ه ي ب ن احل ك م ع ن احل س ني حم م د ب ن حي ىي ع ن أ ح د ب ن حم م د ب ن ق ال ل م ا ان ه ز م الب اس ي و م أ ح د ع ن الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله( ان ص ر ف إ ل ي ه م ب و ج ه ه و ه و ي ق ول أ ن ا حم م د أ ن ا ر س و ل الل ه مل أ ق ت ل و اك ب ن خ ر ش ة أ ب و مل أ م ت ف ال ت ض ت إ ل ي ه ف ال ن و ف ال ن ف ق اال ا ل ن ي س خ ر ب ب ا أ ي لا و ق د ه ز م ب ا و ب ق ي م ع ه ع ل ي )عليه السالم( و مس د ج ان ة ر ح ه الل ه Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al-Hakam, from Al-Husayn Abu Al-A ala Al-Khaffaf, who has narrated the following: Abu Abdullah asws has said: When the people were defeated on the Day of Ohad and fled from the Prophet saww, he saww turned towards them with his saww face and was saying: I saww am Muhammad saww! I saww am the Rasool Allah saww! I saww have neither been killed nor have I saww died. So and so, and so and so (Abu Bakr and Umar) turned towards him saww saying, Now he saww is mocking with us as well and we have been defeated. And there remained with him saww Ali asws and Samaak Bin Kharsha Abu Dujana ar, may Allah azwj have Mercy on him. ف د ع اه الب ي )لل اهل عليه ولله( ف ق ال ي ا أ ب ا د ج ان ة ان ص ر ف و أ ن ت ي ح ل م ن ب ي ع ت ك ف أ م ا ع ل ي ف أ ن ا ه و و ه و أ ن ا ف ت ح و ل و ج ل س ب ني ي د ي الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله( و ب ك و ق ال ال و الل ه و ر ف ع ر أ س ه إ ىل الس م ات و ق ال ال و الل ه ال ج ع ل ت ن ض س ي ي ح ل م ن ب ي ع يت إ هين ب اي ع ت ك ف إ ىل م ن أ ن ص ر ف ي ا ر س ول الل ه إ ىل ز و ج ة ت وت أ و و ل د مي وت أ و د ار ر ب و م ا ل ي ض ىن و أ ج ل ق د اق ت ر ب ف ر ق ل ه الب ي )لل اهل عليه ولله( ف ل م ي ز ل ي ق ات ل ح ىت أ ث خ ب ت ه اجل ر اح ة و ه و ي و ج ه و ع ل ي )عليه السالم( ي و ج ه So the Prophet saww called him ar over and said: O Abu Dujana! Leave, for you ar are free from your pledge of allegiance. As for Ali asws, so I saww am him asws and he asws is me saww. So he came over and sat down in front of the Prophet saww and wept, and said, No, by Allah azwj! And he ar raised his ar head towards the sky and said, No, by Allah azwj! I ar will not make myself free from my pledge of allegiance. I ar gave my ar pledge of allegiance to you saww, so where shall I ar go, to a wife who will die, or a son 21 Al-Kafi, Vol. 8, H out of 68

16 who will die, or a house which will be ruined and wealth which will be destroyed, and a term (death) which comes nearer? So the Prophet saww left him ar, and he ar did not stop fighting until he was weakened by the wounds and he ar was on one side of him saww and Ali asws was on the other side of him saww. ف ل م ا أ س ق ط اح ت م ل ه ع ل ي )عليه السالم( ف ج ات ب ه إ ىل الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله( ف و ض ع ه ع ب د ه ف ق ال ي ا ر س و ل الل ه أ و ف ي ت ب ب ي ع يت ق ال ن ع م و ق ال ل ه الب ي )لل اهل عليه ولله( خ ري ا و ع ان الب اس حي م ل ون ع ل الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله( ال م ي م ب ة ف ي ك ش ض ه م ع ل ي )عليه السالم( ف إ ذ ا ع ش ض ه م أ ق ب ل ت ال م ي س ر ة إ ىل الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله( ف ل م ي ز ل ع ذ ل ك ح ىت ت ق ب ع س ي ض ه ب ث ال ث ق ب ع ف ج ات إ ىل الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله ف ب ر ح ه ب ني ي د ي ه و ق ال ه ذ ا س ي ض ي ق د ت ق ب ع ف ي و م ئ ذ أ ع ب اه الب ي )لل اهل عليه ولله( ذ ا ال ض ق ا ر So when he ar dropped, Ali asws carried him ar to the Prophet saww and placed him ar in his saww presence. So he ar said, O Rasool Allah saww, have I ar been loyal to my ar pledge of allegiance? He saww said: Yes. And the Prophet saww said good things for him ar. And the people were attacking the Prophet saww from the right, so Ali asws defended him saww. So when he asws defended him saww, they attacked the Prophet saww from the left. That situation did not cease until his asws sword broke into three pieces. So he asws came to the Prophet saww. He asws displayed it in front him saww and said: This is my asws sword which has broken. Thus, it was on that day that the Prophet saww gave him asws Za Al-Fiqar (Zulfiqar). و ل م ا ر أ ى الب ي )لل اهل عليه ولله( اخ ت ال ج س اق ي ه م ن ع ث ر ة ال ق ت ال ر ف ع ر أ س ه إ ىل الس م ات و ه و ي ب ك ي و ق ال ي ا ر هب و ع د ت ين أ ن ت ظ ه ر د يب ك و إ ن ش ئ ت مل ي ع ي ك ف أ ق ب ل ع ل ي )عليه السالم( إ ىل الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله( ف ق ال ي ا ر س ول الل ه أ مس ع د و ي ا ش د يدا و أ مس ع أ ق د م ح ي ز وم و م ا أ ه م أ ض ر ب أ ح دا إ ال س ق ط م يهتا ق ب ل أ ن أ ض ر ب ه ف ق ال ه ذ ا ج ب ر ئ يل و م يك ائ يل و إ س ر اف يل ي ال م ال ئ ك ة And when the Prophet saww saw that (Ali asws ) was exhausted due to the frequency of the fighting, he saww raised his saww head towards the sky and he wept and said: O Lord azwj! You azwj Promised me saww that You azwj would be Making Your azwj Religion to prevail, and if You azwj so Desire, it would not Tire You azwj. Ali asws turned towards the Prophet saww and said: O Rasool Allah saww! I asws heard a loud rumble and heard the galloping of Hayzoum (Horse of Jibraeel), and I asws did not attack to strike anyone except that he would fall dead before I asws struck him. So he saww said: This was Jibraeel and Mikaeel, and Israfeel among the Angels. مث ج ات ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ف و ق ف إ ىل ج ب ر س ول الل ه )لل ا هل عليه ولله( ف ق ال ي ا حم م د إ ن ه ذ ه هل ي ال م و اس اة ف ق ال إ ن ع ل ي ا م هين و أ ن ا م ب ه ف ق ال ج ب ر ئ يل و أ ن ا م ب ك م ا مث ان ه ز م الب اس ف ق ال ر س ول الل ه )لل ا هل عليه ولله( ل ع ل ي )عليه السالم( ي ا ع ل ي ام ض ب س ي ض ك ح ىت ت ع ار ض ه م ف إ ن ر أ ي ت ه م ق د ر ع ب وا ال ق ال ص و ج ب ب وا ا ل ي ل ف إ ن ه م ي ر يد ون م ك ة و إ ن ر أ ي ت ه م ق د ر ع ب وا ا ل ي ل و ه م ي ب ب ون ال ق ال ص ف إ ن ه م ي ر يد ون ال م د يب ة Then Jibraeel as went and paused to the side of the Rasool Allah saww. He said: O Muhammad saww, this is the comfort. So he saww said: Ali asws is from me asws, and I saww am from him asws. So Jibraeel said: And I am from both of you asws. Then the people (enemy) were defeated. So the Rasool Allah saww said to Ali asws : O Ali asws! Go with your asws sword until you are opposite to them. If you asws see them riding the camels and the horses are by their side, then they are intending to go to Makkah. And if 16 out of 68

17 you asws see them to be riding the horses and their camels are by their sides, so they are intending to go to Al-Medina. ف أ ت اه م ع ل ي )عليه السالم( ف ك ان وا ع ل ال ق ال ص ف ق ال أ ب و س ض ي ان ل ع ل ي )عليه السالم( ي ا ع ل ي م ا ت ر يد ه و ذ ا ن ن ذ اه ب ون إ ىل م ك ة ف ان ص ر ف إ ىل ل اح ب ك ف أ ت ب ع ه م ج ب ر ئ يل )عليه السالم( ف ك ل م ا مس ع وا و ق ع ح اف ر ف ر س ه ج د وا ي الس ري و ع ان ي ت ل وه م ف إ ذ ا ار حت ل وا ق ال وا ه و ذ ا ع س ك ر حم م د ق د أ ق ب ل ف د خ ل أ ب و س ض ي ان م ك ة ف أ خ ب ر ه م ا ل ب ر و ج ات الر ع اة و احل ب اب ون ف د خ ل وا م كة ف ق ال وا ر أ ي ب ا ع س ك ر حم م د ع ل م ا ر ح ل أ ب و س ض ي ان ن ز ل وا ي ق د م ه م ف ار س ع ل ف ر س أ ش ق ر ي ب ل لث ار ه م ف أ ق ب ل أ ه ل م ك ة ع ل أ يب س ض ي ان ي و هخب ون ه Ali asws came up to them, and they were upon their camels, so Abu Sufyan said to Ali asws, O Ali asws! What do you asws want. That is where we are going, to Makkah. So leave and go to your asws companion saww. Jibraeel followed them, and when they heard the galloping of his horse, they strived to move faster, and he kept following them. So when they moved, they said, It is the army of Muhammad saww which is coming. Abu Sufyan entered Makkah and informed them of the news. The shepherds and the woodcutters came. So they entered Makkah. They said, We saw the army of Muhammad saww! All of them left. Abu Sufyan descended at Makkah and followed their footsteps horse to the horse. The people of Makkah came and addressed Abu Sufyan and reproached him. و ر ح ل الب ي )لل اهل عليه ولله( و الر اي ة م ع ع ل ي )عليه السالم( و ه و ب ني ي د ي ه ف ل م ا أ ن أ ش ر ف ب الر اي ة م ن ال ع ق ب ة و ر له الب ا س ن اد ى ع ل ي )عليه السالم( أ ي ه ا الب اس ه ذ ا حم م د مل مي ت و مل ي ق ت ل ف ق ال ل اح ال ك ال م ال ذ ي ق ال ا ل ن ي س خ ر ب ب ا و ق د ه ز م ب ا ه ذ ا ع ل ي و الر اي ة ب ي د ه ح ىت ه ج م ع ل ي ه م الب ي )لل اهل عليه ولله( و ن س ات األ ن ص ار ي أ ف ب ي ت ه م ع ل أ ب و اب د ور ه م و خ ر ج الهرج ال إ ل ي ه ي ل وذ ون ب ه و ي ث وب ون إ ل ي ه و البهس ات ن س ات األ ن ص ار ق د خ د ش ن ال و ج وه و ن ش ر ن الش ع ور و ج ز ز ن الب و ال ي و خ ر ق ن اجل ي وب و ح ز م ن ال ب ب ون ع ل الب ي ه )لل اهل عليه ولله( ف ل م ا ر أ ي ب ه ق ال هل ن خ ري ا و أ م ر ه ن أ ن ي س ت رت ن و ي د خ ل ن م ب از هل ن و ق ال إ ن الل ه ع ز و ج ل و ع د ين أ ن ي ظ ه ر د يب ه ع ل األ د ي ان ع لهه ا و أ ن ز ل الل ه ع ل حم م د )لل اهل عليه ولله( و ما حم م د إ ال ر س ول ق د خ ل ت م ن ق ب ل ه الر س ل أ ف إ ن مات أ و ق ت ل ان ق ل ب ت م ع ل أ ع قاب ك م و م ن ي ب ق ل ع ل ع ق ب ي ه ف ل ن ي ل ر الل ه ش ي ئا ا ل ي ة. And the Prophet saww moved and the flag was with Ali asws and he asws was in front of him saww. So when he asws came up with the flag while moving in front and when they reached Al-Uqba, and the people saw him asws, Ali asws called out: O you people! This is Muhammad saww. He saww never died and he saww was never killed! So the one who had said, He saww is mocking us and we have been defeated (Abu Bakr or Umar), said, This is Ali asws and flag is in his asws hands, until the Prophet saww moved towards them, and the women of the Helpers were in their courtyards and on the doorways of their houses, and the men came out to him saww returning from their flight and escape. The women of the Helpers had scratched their faces, and spread their hair, and placed dust upon their foreheads, and had torn the sides of their dresses, and tied their abdomens for (the grief for) Prophet saww. So when he saww saw them, he saww said good things for them and told them to cover themselves up and enter their respective houses. And he saww said: Allah azwj Promised me saww that He azwj would Make His azwj Religion to prevail over all the Religions. And Allah azwj Revealed unto Muhammad saww : And Muhammad is not except for a Rasool; the Rasools have already passed away before him; so if he dies or is killed will you turn back 17 out of 68

18 upon your heels? And the one who turns back upon his heels, he will never harm Allah of anything [3:144], the Verse. 22 VERSE 6 أ مل ي ر و ا ع م أ ه ل ك ب ا م ن ق ب ل ه م م ن ق ر ن م ك ب اه م ي األ ر ض م ا مل ن هكن ل ك م و أ ر س ل ب ا الس م ات ع ل ي ه م م د ر ار ا و ج ع ل ب ا األ ن ه ار ت ر ي م ن حت ت ه م ف أ ه ل ك ب اه م ب ذ ن وهب م و أ ن ش أ ن ا م ن ب ع د ه م ق ر ن ا لخ ر ين }6{ Are they not seeing how many generations from before them We have Destroyed? We had Enabled them in the earth with what We did not Enable you, and We Sent the sky upon them (with) torrential rains, and We Made the rivers to flow from beneath them. Then We Destroyed them due to their sins and We Raised from after them, another generation [6:6] ع ب ه ع ن ل ال ح ع ن حم م د ب ن ع ب د الل ه ب ن م ه ر ان ع ن ع ب د ال م ل ك ب ن ب ش ري ع ن ع ث ي م ب ن س ل يم ان ع ن م ع او ي ة ب ن ع م ار ع ن أ يب ع ب د ال ق ائ م الل ه )عليه السالم( ق ال إ ذ ا ت ىن أ ح د ع م ال ق ائ م ف ل ي ت م ب ه ي ع اف ي ة ف إ ن الل ه ب ع حم م دا )لل اهل عليه ولله( ر ح ة و ي ب ع ن ق م ة. From him, from Salih, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Mahraan, from Abdul Malik Bin Basheer, from Usaym Bin Suleyman, from Muawiya Bin Ammaar, who has narrated the following: Abu Abdullah asws has said: If one of you wishes for Al-Qaim asws should do so with regards to عاف ية protection (for everyone), for Allah azwj Sent Muhammad saww as a Mercy and Sent Al-Qaim as a Wrath. 23 ال ض ه ر ه ي ع ن أ يب ع م ر و األ و ز اع ه حم م د ب ن ع ل ه ي ب ن ع ك اي ة الت م يم ه ي ع ن احل س ني ب ن الب ل ر ي ع ن ع م ر و حم م د ب ن ع ل ه ي ب ن م ع م ر ع ن ب ن ش ر ع ن ج اب ر ب ن ي ز يد ق ال د خ ل ت ع ل أ يب ج ع ض ر ( عليه السالم ) ف ق ل ت ي ا اب ن ر س ول الل ه ق د أ ر م ل ين اخ ت ال ف ال هشيع ة ي م ذ اه ب ه ا ف ق ال ي ا ج اب ر أ مل أ ق ض ك ع ل م ع ىن اخ ت ال ف ه م م ن أ ي ن اخ ت ل ض وا و م ن أ هي ج ه ة ت ض ر ق وا ق ل ت ب ل ي ا اب ن ر س ول الل ه Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Ma mar, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Ukaayat Al-Tamimy, from Al-Husayn Bin Al-Nazar Al-Fahry, from Abu Amro Al-Awzaiy, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed who said: I came up to Abu Ja far asws, so I said, O son asws of Rasool-Allah saww, the differing among the Shias in this Doctrine causes me pain. He asws said: O Jabir, shall I asws not suffice you with the meanings of their differences, from where they are differing, and from which perspective they are separating? I said, Yes, O son asws of Rasool- Allah saww. 22 Al-Kafi, Vol. 8, H Al-Kafi, Vol. 8, H out of 68

19 ج اب ر ق ال ف ال ت ل ف إ ذ ا اخ ت ل ض وا ي ا ج اب ر إ ن اجل اح د ل ص اح الز م ان ع اجل اح د ل ر س ول الل ه ( لل اهل عليه ولله ) ي أ ي ام ه ي ا امس ع و ع ق ل ت إ ذ ا ش ئ ت ق ال امس ع و ع و ب لهغ ح ي ان ت ه ت ب ك ر اح ل ت ك إ ن أ م ري ال م ؤ م ب ني ( عليه السالم ) خ ب الب ا س ب ال م د يب ة ب ع د س ب ع ة أ ي ام م ن و ف اة ر س ول الل ه ( لل ا هل عليه ولله ) و ذ ل ك ح ني ف ر غ م ن مج ع ال ق ر لن و ت أ ل يض ه He asws said: So do not differ if they differ, O Jabir. The one who fights against the Master asws of the Era (Imam asws of his time) is like the one who has fought against Rasool-Allah saww in his saww days. O Jabir, listen attentively. I said, As you asws like. He asws said: Listen attentively, and make it reach to wherever your ride takes you, that Amir-ul-Momineen asws preached to the People at Al-Medina, seven days after the passing away of the Messenger saww of Allah azwj, and that was when he asws was free from collecting the Quran and compiling it. He asws said:.... ف ق ال.... و ي ا أ ه ل اال ن ر اف و الص د ود ع ن الل ه ع ز ذ ع ر ه و ر س ول ه و ل ر اط ه و أ ع ال م األ ز م ب ة أ ي ق ب وا ب س و اد و ج وه ك م و غ ل ر بهك م ج ز ات مب ا ع ب ت م ت ع م ل ون و م ا م ن ر س ول س ل ف و ال ن ي م ل إ ال و ق د ع ان م سر ا أ م ت ه ب ال م ر س ل ال و ار د م ن ب ع د ه و م ب هشرا ب ر س ول الل ه ( لل اهل عليه ولله ) و م ول يا ق و م ه ب ات هب اع ه و حم لهي ه ع ب د ق و م ه ل ي ع ر ف وه ب ص ض ت ه و ل ي ت ب ع وه ع ل ش ر يع ت ه و ل ئ ال ي ل ل وا ف يه م ن ب ع د ه ف ي ك و ن م ن ه ل ك أ و ض ل ب ع د و ق وع ا ل ع ذ ار و ا ل ن ذ ار ع ن ب يهب ة و ت ع ي ني ح ج ة And O people of the deviation, and the diverters from Allah azwj, Mighty is His azwj Remembrance, and from His azwj Rasool saww, and from His azwj Path, and the Flags of the eras, be convinced of the blackening of your faces, and the Wrath of your Lord azwj, a Recompense of what you used to do before. And there is none from the Messengers as who preceded and none from the Prophets as of the past except that he as had informed his as community of the Rasool saww to come after him as, and the good news of the Messenger saww of Allah azwj, and bequeathed to his as community, and described him saww to his as community his saww qualities, and that they should follow him saww and be upon his saww Law, so that they would not stray with regards to him saww after him as. So the ones who would face destruction and straying afterwards would only be after the occurrence of the reasons and the warnings, and having been acquainted with the evidence, and the arguments having been established. 24 VERSES 7-10 و ل و ن ز ل ب ا ع ل ي ك ع ت اب ا ي ق ر ط اس ف ل م س وه ب أ ي د يه م ل ق ال ال ذ ين ع ض ر وا إ ن ه ذ ا إ ال س ح ر م ب ني }7{ 24 Al-Kafi, vol 8, H out of 68

20 And had We Sent down upon you writing in a paper, then they would have touched it with their hands, those who committed Kufr would have said, This is nothing except clear sorcery [6:7] و ق ال وا ل و ال أ ن ز ل ع ل ي ه م ل ك و ل و أ ن ز ل ب ا م ل ك ا ل ق ل ي األ م ر مث ال ي ب ظ ر ون }8{ And they are saying, Why has not an Angel Sent down unto him? And had We Sent an Angel, the matter would have been Decided, then they would not be Respited [6:8] و ل و ج ع ل ب اه م ل ك ا جل ع ل ب اه ر ج ال و ل ل ب س ب ا ع ل ي ه م م ا ي ل ب س ون }9{ And had We Made it to be an Angel, We would have Made him a man and We would have Confused upon them what they are already confusing [6:9] و ل ق د اس ت ه ز ئ ب ر س ل م ن ق ب ل ك ف ح اق ب ال ذ ين س خ ر وا م ب ه م م ا ع ان وا ب ه ي س ت ه ز ئ ون }10{ And Rasools before you have been ridiculed with, but those that had been mocking were caught up with what they had been ridiculing with [6:10] ق ال : و ذ ل ك أ ن ر س ول الل ه ص ع ان ق اع دا ذ ات ي و م مب ك ة ب ض ب ات ال ك ع ب ة إ ذ اج ت م ع مج اع ة م ن ر ا س ات ق ر ي ش م ب ه م : ال و ل يد ب ن ال م غ ري ة ال م خ ز وم ي و أ ب و ال ب خ رت هي ب ن ه ش ام و أ ب و ج ه ل ب ن ه ش ام و ال ع اص ب ن و ائ ل الس ه م ي و ع ب د الل ه ب ن أ يب أ م ي ة ال م خ ز وم ي و ع ان م ع ه م مج ع مم ن ي ل يه م ع ث ري و ر س ول الل ه ص ي ن ض ر م ن أ ل ح اب ه- ي ق ر أ ع ل ي ه م ع ت اب الل ه و ي ؤ هدي إ ل ي ه م ع ن الل ه أ م ر ه و He (Imam Hassan Al-Askari asws ) said: And that is, that Rasool-Allah saww was seated one day in Makkah, by the courtyard of the Kabah, when a group of the chiefs of the Quraysh gathered from them were Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira Al-Makhzoumy, and Abu Al-Bakhtary Bin Hisham, and Abu Jahl Bin Hisham, and Al-Aas Bin Wa il Al- Sahmy, and Abdullah Bin Abu Amayya Al-Makhzoumy and with them was a large group of the ones who followed them. And Rasool-Allah saww was among a number of his saww companions reciting to them the Book of Allah azwj, and entrusting to them, on behalf of Allah azwj, His azwj Commands and His azwj Prohibitions. ن ه ي ه. ل أ م ر حم م د و ع ظ م خ ب ب ه ف ت ع ال و ا ن ب د أ ب ت ق ر يع ه و ت ب ك يت ه و ت و ب يخ ه و ا ل ح ت ج ا ج ف ق ال ال م ش ر ع ون ب ع ل ه م ل ب ع ض : ل ق د اس ت ض ح ع ل ي ه و إ ب ب ال م ا ج ات ب ه - ل ي ه ون خ ب ب ه ع ل أ ل ح اب ه و ي ص غ ر ق د ر ه ع ب د ه م ف ل ع ل ه ي ب ز ع ع م ا ه و ف يه م ن غ يهه و ب اط ل ه و ت ر د ه و ط غ ي ان ه ف إ ن ان ت ه و إ ال ع ام ل ب اه ب الس ي ف ال ب ات ر. So the Polytheists said to each other, The matter of Muhammad saww has grown strong, and his sermons (have become) great. Come, let us censure him saww, and reproach him saww, and rebuke him saww, and argue against him saww, and invalidate whatever he saww has come with in order to humiliate his saww sermons upon his saww companions, and belittle his saww worth in their presence. Perhaps he saww would be 20 out of 68

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