Friends and Friendship

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1 Friends and Friendship 1 out of 58

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FRIENDS AND FRIENDSHIP 1 Introduction: 4 How to Find Loyal Friends: 7 The Reward for Loving the Followers of Ahl Al-Bayt asws : 10 Don t be Critical to your Friends: 10 A Momin Should not be Faithful to Unfaithful: 11 Defending a Friend in his Absence: 12 Treating People with Justice: 12 The Rights of Believers on Each Other: 12 Seeking Help from Momineen: 18 One Must Inform his Brethren before Going on Journey: 18 Rights of Neighbours: 19 One should be Generous in His Dealings: 22 Rights of an Accompanying Traveller: 22 The Rights of a Companion: 22 Calling Brethren by his Kunyah and Establishing Friendship: 23 Say to Others what You Like for Yourself: 24 Giving a Helping Hand to a Brethren: 24 Extending Brotherhood to Brethren: 29 Visiting Brothers in Eman: 32 Upon Meeting Momin Should Offer Salam and Shake Hands: 35 Rewards of Shaking Hands with Believers: 36 Drinking from the Left-Over of a Momin is Cure Diseases: 37 Rewards of Holding Majalis (Meetings): 38 Believers Should Narrate Ahadith in their Meetings: 39 The Gatherings which should be Avoided: 40 2 out of 58

3 Never Slam Doors on Friends: 41 Never Associate with Persistent Sinners: 43 Don t Stay in Company of Those who Create Mischief: 43 Imam asws Tells Either Associate with a Ghali or with us asws : 44 Do Not Associate with the People of Bidah (Heretics): 45 The Company One Must Avoid: 45 One Must Not Sit Where Masomeen asws are Not Respected : 47 An Unfaithful Friend: 50 Don t Harm Yourself in Doing Favours: 52 APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL AHADITH 56 3 out of 58

4 بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم الحمد هلل رب العالمين وصلى اهلل على سيدنا محمد وآله الطاهرين وسلم تسليما. In the Name of Allah azwj the Beneficent, the Merciful. The Praise is for Allah azwj Lord azwj of the Worlds, and Blessing be upon our Chief Muhammad saww and his saww Purified Progeny asws, and greetings with abundant greetings. ا لل ه م ص ل ع لى م م د و آل م م د و ع ج ل ف ر ج ه م و ال ع ن أ ع د ائ ه م ا ج ع ي Introduction: Good friends are an asset. Amir-ul-Momineen asws says: Unfortunate is the one who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them (by not paying attention and ending up annoying them). 1 The friends are a source of joy in this world and also (the pious ones) will be a means to dodge the Eternal Punishment. For example, in this world: عن ع مر بن يزيد قال: مسعت أبا عبد اهلل عليه السالم يقول: لكل شيء شيء يسرتيح إليه وإن املؤمن يسرتيح إىل أخيه كما يسرتيح الطري إىل شكله. Umar ibn Yazeed narrated that Imam Sadiq asws said: "There is a means of comfort for everything. The birds get their rest from being with other birds. Likewise Momineen (believers) relax when they associate with other Momineen." 2.وعن أمري املؤمني عليه السالم قال: عليكم باإلخوان فإ ن م عد ة للدنيا وعد ة لآلخرة أال تسمع إىل قول أهل النار: [ف ما ل ن ا م ن شاف ع ي * و ال ص د ي ق ح ي م. Imam Ali asws said: "Pay attention to your brothers as they will be useful for you in this world and the Hereafter. Have you not heard Allah azwj Quote the residents of Hell: "Now, then, we have none to intercede (for us), nor a single friend to feel (for us)." [The Holy Quran: Shu'araa 26: ]. 3 Allah azwj Says in Holy Quran on the scarcity of friends (for non-believers) in the Hereafter: 1 Nahjul Balagha, Saying no Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H out of 58

5 ف م ا ل ن ا م ن ش اف ع ي }100{ So, there is none for us from the intercessors [26:100] و ال ص د يق ح يم }101{ Nor an intimate friend [26:101] ف ل و أ ن ل ن ا ك ر ة ف ن ك ون م ن ال م ؤ م ن ي }102{ If only there was one more chance for us, we would be from the Momineen [26:102] إ ن ف ذ ل ك ل ي ة م ؤ م ن ي }103{ و م ا ك ان أ ك ث ر ه م Surely, in that there is a Sign, and most of them were not Momineen [26:103] Some Ahadith are presented in the interpretation of the above verses (a detailed Hadith is given in an Appendix): ممد بن العباس قال: حدثنا ممد بن عثمان بن أيب شيبة عن ممد بن احلسي اخلثعمي عن عباد بن يعقوب عن عبد اهلل بن يزيد عن احلسن بن ممد عن أيب عاصم عن جعفر بن ممد )عليهما السالم( قال:»نزلت هذه ا لية فينا و ف شيعتنا و ذلك أن اهلل سبحانه يفضلنا و يفضل شيعتنا حىت أنا لنشفع و يشفعون فإذا رأى ذلك من ليس منهم قالوا: ف ما ل نا م ن شاف ع ي و ال ص د يق ح يم «. Muhammad Bin Al Abbas, from Muhammad Bin Usman Bin Abu Shayba, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Al Khash amy, from Abad Bin Yaqoub, from Abdullah Bin Yazeed, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad, from Abu Aasim, From Ja far asws Bin Muhammad asws having said: These Verses were Revealed regarding us asws and regarding our asws Shias, and that is Allah azwj, Preferred us asws and Preferred our asws Shias, until we asws would intercede and they would be interceding. So when that is seen by the ones who aren t from them, they would be saying, So there is none for us from the intercessors [26:100] Nor an intimate friend [26:101]. 4.عنه عليه السالم قال: ي قال للمؤمن يوم القيامة: تصف ح وجوه الناس فم ن سقاك ش ربة أو أطعمك أكلة أو فعل بك كذا وكذا خ ذ بيده فأدخله اجلن ة فأخذ بيده فأدخله اجلن ة تأويل اآليات 9 /389 :1 شواهد التنزيل /418 :1 5 out of 58

6 Imam Sadiq asws said: "On the Resurrection Day a believer will be asked to watch the people, and find out whoever has somehow helped him by feeding him, or giving him something to drink, etc. He will then be allowed to take the hands of all the people who somehow helped him and take them all to Heaven." 5 الشيخ ف )جمالسه( قال: أخربنا جاعة عن أيب املفضل قال: حدثنا إسحاق بن ممد بن مروان الغزال قال: حدثنا أيب قال: حدثنا أبو حفص األعشى قال: مسعت احلسن بن صاحل بن حي قال: مسعت جعفر بن ممد )عليهما السالم( يقول:»لقد عظمت منزلة الصديق حىت أن أهل النار يستغيثون به و يدعونه قبل القريب احلميم قال اهلل سبحانه خمربا عنهم: ف ما ل نا م ن شاف ع ي و ال ص د يق ح يم «. Al-Sheykh in his (book) Majaalis, said, A group informed us, from Abu Al Mufazzal, from Is haq Bin Muhammad Bin Marwan Al Gazaal, from his father, from Abu Hafs Al Saha from Al Hassan Bin Salih Bin Hayy who said, I heard Ja far asws Bin Muhammad asws saying: The status of the friend has been magnified, to the extent that the inhabitants of the Fire would be seeking help with him, and they would be calling him before going near the Fire. Allah azwj, Glorious is He azwj, Informs about them: So there is none for us from the intercessors [26:100] Nor an intimate friend [26:101]. 6 وروى الربقي عن ابن سيف عن أخيه عن أبيه عن عبد الكرمي بن عمرو عن سليمان بن خالد قال: كنا عند أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: فقرأ: ف ما ل نا م ن شاف ع ي و ال ص د يق ح يم و قال:»و اهلل لنشفعن- ثالثا- و لتشفعن شيعتنا- ثالثا- حىت يقول عدونا: ف ما ل نا م ن شاف ع ي و ال ص د يق ح ي م«. And Al-Barqy has reported, from Ibn Sayf, from his brother, from his father, from Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, from Sulayman Bin Khalid who said, We were in the presence of Abu Abdullah asws, and he asws recited So there is none for us from the intercessors [26:100] Nor an intimate friend [26:101], and said: By Allah azwj, we asws would be interceding (three times) and you (Shias) would be interceding (saying it three times) until our asws enemies would be saying, So there is none for us from the intercessors [26:100] Nor an intimate friend [26:101]. 7 أ حد بن ممد بن خالد الربقي: عن عمر بن عبد العزيز عن مفضل أو غريه عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( ف قول اهلل تعاىل: ف ما ل نا م ن شاف ع ي و ال ص د يق ح يم قال:»الشافعون: األئمة و الصديق من املؤمني«. Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid Al-Barqy, from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from Mufazzal, or someone else, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj the Exalted: So there is none for us from the intercessors [26:100] Nor an intimate 5 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H األمالي 222 :2 7 تأويل اآليات. 11 /390 :1 :1 6 out of 58

7 friend [26:101], he asws said: The intercessors The Imams asws, and the friend, from the Momineen. 8 الزخمشري ف )ربيع األبرار(: عن علي )عليه السالم(:»من كان له صديق حيم فإنه ال يعذب أال ترى كيف أخرب اهلل عن أهل النار: ف ما ل نا م ن شاف ع ي و ال ص د يق ح يم «. Al Zamakshary, in (the book) Rabi e Al Abrar, From Ali asws (having said): One who would have a friend for him (on the Day of Judgment) would not be Punished. Do you not see how Allah azwj Informs about the inhabitants of the Fire: So there is none for us from the intercessors [26:100] Nor an intimate friend [26:101]? 9 قال رسول اهلل صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم وال ذي نفسي بيده ال تدخلوا اجلن ة حىت تؤمنوا وال تؤمنوا حىت حتاب وا أو ال أدل كم على شيء إن فعلتموه حتاببتم أفشوا السالم بينكم.وقال صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم إذا الناس أظهروا العلم وضي عوا العمل وحتاب وا باأللسن وتباغضوا بالقلوب وتقاطعوا ف األرحام لعنهم اهلل عند ذلك وأصم هم وأعمى أبصارهم. Rasool Allah saww said: "I swear by the Lord azwj who has Control over my saww life that you shall not enter Heaven unless you believe. You will not believe unless you love each other. Do you want me to tell you what to do to help you love each other? Establish saying: "Salam" (peace) as the way to greet each other." He saww added: "Allah azwj will Damn the people whenever they do not apply their knowledge, and just pay superficial attention to knowledge, and just like each other when speaking- and hate each other in their hearts, and break up family ties. Then Allah azwj will Make them deaf and blind." 10 How to Find Loyal Friends: ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن س ه ل ب ن ز ي اد ع ن ع م ر و ب ن ع ث م ان ع ن م م د ب ن ع ذ اف ر ع ن ب ع ض أ ص ح اب ه ع ن م م د ب ن م س ل م أ و أ يب ح ز ة ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ن أ ب يه ع ق ال ق ال ل ع ل ي ب ن احل س ي ص ي ا ب ن ان ظ ر خ س ة ف ال ت ص اح ب ه م و ال حت اد ث ه م و ال ت ر اف ق ه م ف ط ر يق ف ق ل ت ي ا أ ب ه م ن ه م ق ال إ ي اك و م ص اح ب ة ال ك ذ اب ف إ ن ه ب ن ز ل ة الس ر اب ي ق ر ب ل ك ال ب ع يد و ي ب اع د ل ك ال ق ر يب و إ ي اك و م ص اح ب ة ال ف اس ق ف إ ن ه ب ائ ع ك ب أ ك ل ة أ و أ ق ل م ن ذ ل ك و إ ي اك و م ص اح ب ة ال ب خ يل ف إ ن ه ي ذ ل ك ف م ال ه أ ح و م ا ت ك ون إ ل ي ه و إ ي اك و م ص اح ب ة األ ح ق ف إ ن ه ي ر يد أ ن ي ن ف ع ك ف ي ض ر ك و إ ي اك و م ص اح ب ة ال ق اط ع ل ر ح ه ف إ ن و ج د ت ه م ل ع ونا ف ك ت اب الل ه ع ز و ج ل ف ث ال ث ة م و اض ع ق ال الل ه ع ز و ج ل ف ه ل ع س ي ت م إ ن ت و ل ي ت م أ ن ت ف س د وا ف األ ر ض و ت ق ط ع وا أ ر حام ك م أ ولئ ك ال ذ ين ل ع ن ه م الل ه ف أ ص م ه م و أ ع مى أ ب صار ه م و ق ال ال ذ ين ي ن ق ض ون ع ه د الل ه م ن ب ع د م يثاق ه و ي ق ط ع ون ما أ م ر الل ه ب ه أ ن ي وص ل و ي ف س دون ف 8 9 المحاسن:. 187 /184 ربيع األبرار. 428 :1 10 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H out of 58

8 األ ر ض أ ولئ ك ل م الل ع ن ة و ل م س وء الد ار و ق ال ف ال ب ق ر ة ال ذ ين ي ن ق ض ون ع ه د الل ه ي وص ل و ي ف س د ون ف األ ر ض أ ولئ ك ه م اخل اس ر و ن م ن ب ع د م يثاق ه و ي ق ط ع ون ما أ م ر الل ه ب ه أ ن A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Amr ibn Uthman from Muhammad ibn Adhafir from certain individuals of his people from Muhammad ibn Muslim or Abu Hamza who has narrated the following from Abu Abdullah asws, who from his father asws : Once Ali asws Ibn Al-Hussain asws said to me asws : My asws son asws, beware of five kinds of people and do not associate with, speak to and accompany them on the road. I asws then asked: Who are they O father asws? He asws then said: You must not accompany a lying person; he is like a phantom. He tells you of what, in fact, is faraway to be very near and what, in fact, is near to be very far; You must not associate with a sinful person; he may sell you for a single loaf or even less to this or that person; You must not associate with a stingy person; he leaves you out in the cold in financial matters in your desperate conditions; You must not associate with a silly person; he may want to benefit you instead he causes you harm; You must not associate one who has failed to maintain good relations with relatives; I asws have found him being condemned in three places of the book of Allah azwj : If you ignore the commands of Allah, would you then also spread evil in the land and sever the ties of kinship? (47:22). Allah has condemned these people and made them deaf, dumb, and blind. (47:23) Those who disregard their covenant with Allah after He has taken such a pledge from them, who sever the proper relations that Allah has commanded them to establish, and those who spread evil in the land will have Allah s condemnation instead of reward and will face the most terrible end. (13 :25) The evil doers (2:26) who break their established covenant with Him and the relations He has commanded to be kept and who spread evil in the land; these are the ones who lose a great deal. (2:27). 11.قال الباقر عليه السالم ال ت قارن وال ت ؤاخ أربعة : األ حق والبخيل واجل بان والك ذ اب أم ا األ حق فإن ه ي ريد أن ي نفعك في ض ر ك وأم ا البخيل فإن ه ي أخذ منك وال يعطيك وأم ا اجل بان فإن ه ي هرب عنك وعن والديه وأم ا الكذ اب فإن ه ي ص د ق وال ي ص د ق. Imam Baqir asws said: "Do not approach or make friends with the fools, the misers, the cowards, or the liars. Fools will harm you instead of benefiting you. Misers will take : 377 ص : 2 ج يفاكلا h, 7 11 Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 2817, Ch. 159, 8 out of 58

9 things from you and not give you anything in return. Cowards will run away from you and their parents. Liars will testify but will not tell the truth." 12 وقال عليه السالم الصداقة مدودة فم ن مل تكن فيه تلك احلدود فال تنسبه إىلكمال الصداقة وم ن مل يكن فيه شيء م ن تلك احلدود ال تنسبه إىل شيء م ن الصداقة: Imam Sadiq asws said: "There are certain limits to friendship. Whoever does not fall within those limits should not be considered to be as a true friend, and whoever does not have anything that falls within those limits should not be ascribed anything related to friendship. The conditions for friendship are: أو لا أن تكون سريرته وعالنيته لك واحدة والثانية أن يرى زينك زينه وشينك شينه والثالثة أن ال ي غري ه مال وال والية والرابعة أ ن ال مينعك شيئا مم ا تصل إليه مقدرته واخلامسة أن ال يسل مك عند النكبات. Firstly, a friend should not hide anything from you, and be the same person to you in private than he is in public; Secondly, he should consider your beauty as his own, and your ugliness as his own; Thirdly, Wealth and position should not change him; Fourthly, He should not withhold from you what he has power over, and Fifthly, He should not abandon you during times of hardship." 13 ع م ر م م د ب ن ي ي ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ع ن ع م ر ب ن ع ب د ال ع ز يز ع ن م ع ل ى ب ن خ ن ي س و ع ث م ان ب ن س ل ي م ان الن خ اس ع ن م ف ض ل ب ن و ي ون س ب ن ظ ب ي ان ق اال ق ال أ ب و ع ب د الل ه ع اخ ت رب وا إ خ و ان ك م ب ص ل ت ي ف إ ن ك ان ت ا ف يه م و إ ال ف اع ز ب ث اع ز ب ث اع ز ب م اف ظ ة ع ل ى الص ل و ات ف م و اق يت ه ا و ال رب ب اإل خ و ان ف ال ع س ر و ال ي س ر Mohammed ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammed from 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-aziz from Mu'alla' ibn Khunays and 'Uthman ibn Sulayman al- Nakhkhas from Mufaddal ibn 'Umar and Yunus ibn Zabyan who have said the following: Abu Abdullah asws has said: Try your brothers (friends) in two things - if not found (in them) then keep away from them, keep away, keep away from them. The two qualities are the preservation of their prayers on time and kindness to their brethren in good and bad times Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3768, Ch. 28, h 7 9 out of 58

10 The Reward for Loving the Followers of Ahl Al-Bayt asws : ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن اب ن أ يب ع م ري ع ن ه ش ام ب ن س امل و ح ف ص ب ن ال ب خ رت ي ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ال إ ن الر ج ل ل ي ح ب ك م و م ا ي ع ر ف م ا أ ن ت م ع ل ي ه ف ي د خ ل ه الل ه اجل ن ة ب ب ك م و إ ن الر ج ل ل ي ب غ ض ك م و م ا ي ع ر ف م ا أ ن ت م ع ل ي ه ف ي د خ ل ه الل ه ب ب غ ض ك م الن ا ر Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu Umayr from Hisham ibn Salim and from Hafs ibn al-bakhtari who narrates the following from Abu Abdullah asws : A person who loves you (being the followers of the Ahl al-bayt asws ) without knowing your belief Allah azwj will Admit him to Paradise because he loves you. A person who hates you without knowing what your belief is, Allah azwj will Through him into the fire for hating you. 15.عنه عليه السالم قال: م ن أغاث ل فانا أو كشف ك ربة مؤمن كتب اهلل له ثالثا وسبعي ر حة اد خر له اثنتي وسبعي ر حة وعج ل له واحدة. Imam Sadiq asws said: "Allah azwj will Grant seventy-three rewards to whomever eliminates the cause of a Muslim's sorrow or a believer s sadness. He azwj will Save seventy-two of those rewards for him, and Grant him one reward immediately." 16 Don t be Critical to your Friends: قال رسول اهلل صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم ال تظهر الشماتة ألخيك فري حه اهلل ويبتليك. Rasool Allah saww said: "Do not blame your believing brother during times of hardship. Allah azwj might have Mercy upon him, and send down hardships upon you." 17.وقال صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم: ال ت شريوا إىل املطر باألصابع وال إىل ا ل الل باألصابع. Rasool Allah saww said: "Do not point at your friends with your finger. Also do not point at the new moon with your finger." 18.وقال عليه السالم ال ينفك املؤمن م ن خصال أربع : م ن جار يؤذيه وشيطان ي غويه ومنافق يقفو إثره ومؤمن يسده. قال مساعة: قلت : جعلت فداك مؤمن يسده! قال: يا مساعة أما أن ه أشهدهم عليه قلت : وكيف ذلك قال: ألن ه يقول القول فيصدق عليه. Imam Sadiq asws said: There are always four problems that a believer faces: (1) A neighbour to bother him; (2) A Satan to try to deviate him; (3) A hypocrite to always 15 Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, H 1874, Ch. 56, h Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H out of 58

11 follow him, and (4) A jealous believer. The Imam asws was asked: A jealous believer? He asws replied: A jealous believer is the worst problem he is faced with. He was asked how. Imam Sadiq asws said: Because a jealous believer will say bad things about him, and others will believe him. 19.وقال عليه السالم أيضا: املؤمن أعظم حرمة م ن الكعبة. Imam Sadiq asws said: "A believer's respect and honour is much more than that of the (Holy House of) Ka'bah." 20.وقال صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم ال ت ستخف وا بف قراء شيعة علي وع رتته م ن بعده فإن الرجل منهم ل يشفع ف مثل ربيعة ومضر. Rasool Allah saww said: "Do not disrespect the poor followers of Ali asws and his asws children, since each one of them can intercede on behalf of two large tribes such as the Rabia and the Mezr tribes." 21 A Momin Should not be Faithful to Unfaithful: و ق ال ع ال و ف اء أل ه ل ال غ د ر غ د ر ع ن د الل ه و ال غ د ر ب أ ه ل ال غ د ر و ف اء ع ن د الل ه In one of sayings of Amir-ul-Momineen asws it is narrated: To be faithful to unfaithful is unfaithfulness by Allah azwj and be unfaithful to unfaithful is considered faithfulness by Allah azwj. 22 و ب إ س ن اد ه ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ب ن ع يس ى ع ن ع ل ي ب ن إ مس اع يل ع ن ع ب د الل ه ب ن ال و ل يد ع ن أ يب ب ص ري ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ال ص اد ق د م ن ال ي ش ك ر ه و ع ل م ي ع ل م م م د ع ق ال أ ر ب ع ت ذ ه ب ض ي اعا م و د ة ت ن ح م ن ال و ف اء ل ه و م ع ر وف ي وض ع ع ن م ن ال ج ع ف ر ب ن ي س ت م ع ل ه و س ر )ي وض ع ع ن د م ن ال ح ض ان ة ل ه ( I heard it from my father, who from ibn Abi Youmar, who from Jamil ibn Daraj, who from Zirarah the following: Aba Abdullah asws said: Four things go to waste; (1) to love a disloyal person; (2) to favour an unthankful person; (3) teaching a less keen person; (4) telling a secret to an unreliable person. 23.قال أبو عبد اهلل عليه السالم الشيعة ثالثة : مب واد فهو من ا ومتزي ن بنا وحنن زين ل م ن تزي ن بنا ومستأكل بنا الناس وم ن استأكل بنا افتقر. 19 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H نهجالبالغة ص : 513 وسائل الشيعة ج : 16 ص : 299 H Wasail ul Shia, 11 out of 58

12 Imam Sadiq asws said: Our Shiites are three groups of people: real friends of ours asws who are really from us asws ; those who use us and their association with us to preserve their honour; and those who use us to earn a living. Whoever uses us asws to earn a living shall become poor. 24 Defending a Friend in his Absence:.عن أيب جعفر عليه السالم قال: م ن اغتيب عنده أخوه املؤمن فنصره وأعانه نصره اهلل ف الدنيا وا لخرة وم ن اغتيب عنده املؤمن فلم ينصره ومل يدفع عنه وهو يقدر على ن صرته وعونه خو فه اهلل ف الدنيا وا لخرة. Imam Baqir asws said: "Whoever hears gossip about another believer and defends him, Allah azwj will help him in this world and the Hereafter. But whoever hears gossip about another believer and can defend him but does not do so, Allah azwj will scare him in this world and the Hereafter." 25 Treating People with Justice:.عن الصادق عليه السالم صان ع املناف ق بلسانك وأخل ص و د ك للمؤمني وإن جالسك يهودي فأحس ن جمالسته. Imam Sadiq asws said: "Treat the hypocrites by verbally advising them. (However) Be truly sincere with the believers. If you are in the company of a Jew, be a good companion for him." 26 قال رسول اهلل صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم ح سن احمل ضر م ن طيب املولد. Rasool Allah saww legitimately." 27 said: "Properly associating with people is a sign of being born The Rights of Believers on Each Other:.قال رسول اهلل صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم للمؤمن على املؤمن سبعة حقوق واجبة من اهلل تعاىل: اإلجالل له ف عينه والود له ف صدره واملواساة له ف ماله وأن يرم غيبته وأن يعوده ف مرضه وأن يشي ع جنازته وأن ال يقول فيه بعد موته إال خريا. Rasool Allah saww said: Allah azwj the Almighty has Made seven rights for each believer incumbent upon any other believer: (1) He must honour him in his view. (2) 24 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H out of 58

13 He must love him wholeheartedly. (3) He must help him. (4) He should consider gossiping behind him to be divinely forbidden. (5) He should visit him when he gets ill. (6) He should attend and escort his funeral procession. (7) He should only speak good of him after his death. 28.عن الباقر عليه السالم قال: يق على املؤمن للمؤمن النصيحة. Imam Baqir asws advice." 29 said: "A believer's right over other believers is to be given sincere.س ئل أبو عبد اهلل عليه السالم ما أدىن حق املؤمن على أخيه قال: أن ال يستأثر عليه با أحو إليه منه. Imam Sadiq asws was asked: "What are the minimum rights of one believer over his (believing) brother?" He said: "He should give a higher priority to his brother's urgent needs than his own needs." 30.عن جعفر بن مم د بن مالك رفعه إىل أيب عبد اهلل عليه السالم عن بعض أصحابنا قال: قلت أليب عبد اهلل عليه السالم إخواننا ي تول ون عمل الس لطان أفندعو لم فقال أبو عبد اهلل عليه السالم هل ي نفعونكم قلت : ال فقال: ابرؤا منهم برئ اهلل منهم. Ja'far ibn Muhammad ibn Malik narrated that one of the companions of Imam Sadiq asws asked him if they should pray for their brothers who work for the government. The Imam asws asked him if there is any use in what they do for him. When he replied no, Imam Sadiq asws said: "I have broken off from them, so you should break off from them too." 31 ر ع ن ج اب ر ع ن أ يب ج ع ف ر م م د ب ن ي ي ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ب ن ع يس ى ع ن ع ل ي ب ن احل ك م ع ن س ي ف ب ن ع م ري ة ع ن ع م ر و ب ن ع ق ال م ن ح ق ال م ؤ م ن ع ل ى أ خ يه ال م ؤ م ن أ ن ي ش ب ع ج و ع ت ه و ي و ار ي ع و ر ت ه و ي ف ر ع ن ه ك ر ب ت ه و ي ق ض ي د ي ن ه ف إ ذ ا م ات خ ل ف ه ف أ ه ل ه و و ل د ه Mohammed ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammed ibn 'Isa from Ali ibn al-hakam from Sayf ibn 'Amirah from' Amr ibn Shamir from Jabir who narrated the following from Abu Jafar asws : Of the rights of the believer on his believing brother (in belief) is to satisfy his hunger, provide covering for his privacy, provide help in his hardships and payoff his debts. When he dies, look after his family and children. 32 ع ن ه ع ن ع ل ي ب ن احل ك م ع ن ع ب د الل ه ب ن ب ك ري ا ل ج ر ي ع ن م ع ل ى ب ن خ ن ي س ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ال ق ل ت ل ه م ا ح ق ال م س ل م ع ل ى ال م س ل م ق ال ل ه س ب ع ح ق وق و اج ب ات م ا م ن ه ن ح ق إ ال و ه و ع ل ي ه و اج ب إ ن ض ي ع م ن ه ا ش ي ئا خ ر م ن و ال ي ة الل ه و ط اع ت ه و مل 28 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2044, Ch. 71, h 1 13 out of 58

14 ي ك ن ل ل ه ف يه م ن ن ص يب ق ل ت ل ه ج ع ل ت ف د اك و م ا ه ي ق ال ي ا م ع ل ى إ ن ع ل ي ك ش ف يق أ خ اف أ ن ت ض ي ع و ال حت ف ظ و ت ع ل م و ال ت ع م ل ق ال ق ل ت ل ه ال ق و ة إ ال ب الل ه ق ال أ ي س ر ح ق م ن ه ا أ ن حت ب ل ه م ا حت ب ل ن ف س ك و ت ك ر ه ل ه م ا ت ك ر ه ل ن ف س ك و احل ق الث ا ن أ ن ت ت ن ب س خ ط ه و ت ت ب ع م ر ض ات ه و ت ط يع أ م ر ه و احل ق الث ال ث أ ن ت ع ين ه ب ن ف س ك و م ال ك و ل س ان ك و ي د ك و ر ج ل ك و احل ق الر اب ع أ ن ت ك ون ع ي ن ه و د ل يل ه و م ر آت ه و احل ق اخل ام س أ ن ال ت ش ب ع و ي وع و ال ت ر و ى و ي ظ م أ و ال ت ل ب س و ي ع ر ى و احل ق الس اد س أ ن ي ك ون ل ك خ اد م و ل ي س أل خ يك خ اد م ف و اج ب أ ن ت ب ع ث خ اد م ك ف ي غ س ل ث ي اب ه و ي ص ن ع ط ع ام ه و مي ه د ف ر اش ه و احل ق الس اب ع أ ن ت رب ق س م ه و ت يب د ع و ت ه و ت ع ود م ر يض ه و ت ش ه د ج ن از ت ه و إ ذ ا ع ل م ت أ ن ل ه ح اج ة ت ب اد ره إ ىل ق ض ائ ه ا و ال ت ل ج ئ ه أ ن ي س أ ل ك ه ا و ل ك ن ت ب اد ر ه م ب اد ر ة ف إ ذ ا ف ع ل ت ذ ل ك و ص ل ت و ال ي ت ك ب و ال ي ت ه و و ال ي ت ه ب و ال ي ت ك It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ali ibn al-hakam from 'Abd Allah ibn Bukayr al-hajari from Mu'alla ibn Khunays who reported the following from Abu Abdullah asws : Once I asked the Imam: What are the rights of the Muslim on the Muslim? The Imam asws said: He has seven categories of rights that are obligatory, each of which is compulsory. If he jeopardises a single one of them he is out of the domain of guardianship (Walayah) of Allah azwj and obedience to Him azwj. There will be no share for Allah azwj in him. I then said: May Allah azwj keep my soul in service for your cause, what are these rights?' The Imam asws said: 'O Mu'alla, I am afraid you may jeopardise them and may not protect them. You learn them but do not act up on them. I (the narrator) then said: There is no power without the power of Allah azwj. The Imam asws said: Of those rights the easiest to fulfil is to love for him what you love for yourself and dislike for him what you dislike for yourself. The second right is to avoid (stirring) his anger, follow his wishes and obey his commands. The third right is to support him with your soul, property, tongue, hands and legs. The fourth right is to be his eyes, his guide and his mirror. The fifth right is that you must not be satisfied with food while he is hungry, with drinks while he is thirsty, and that you dress up in good cloths while he does not have any clothes. The sixth right is not to allow yourself to have a servant while your brother in belief does not have any servant. It then is necessary to send your servant to wash his clothes, prepare food and his bed for him. The seventh right is to keep his share handsomely, accept his invitations, visit him when he is ill, attend his funeral and if he needs something, initiate to fulfil it and do not delay until he asks you for help. You must hurry quickly and when you do so you have connected your guardianship with his guardianship and vice versa. 33 ع ن ه ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ب ن ع يس ى ع ن ع ل ي ب ن س ي ف ع ن أ ب يه س ي ف ع ن ع ب د األ ع ل ى ب ن أ ع ي ق ال ك ت ب ب عض أ ص ح اب ن ا ي س أ ل و ن أ ب ا ع ب د الل ه ع ع ن أ ش ي اء و أ م ر و ن أ ن أ س أ ل ه ع ن ح ق ال م س ل م ع ل ى أ خ يه ف س أ ل ت ه ف ل م ي ب ن ف ل م ا ج ئ ت أل و د ع ه ف ق ل ت س أ ل ت ك ف ل م ت ب ن ف ق ال إ ن أ خ اف أ ن ت ك ف ر وا إ ن م ن أ ش د م ا اف ت ر ض الل ه ع ل ى خ ل ق ه ث ال ثا إ ن ص اف ال م ر ء م ن ن ف س ه ح ىت ال ي ر ضى أل خ يه م ن ل ي س س ب ح ان الل ه و احل م د ل ل ه و ل ك ن ع ن د م ا ن ف س ه إ ال ب ا ي ر ض ى ل ن ف س ه م ن ه و م و اس اة األ خ ف ال م ال و ذ ك ر الل ه ع ل ى ك ل ح ال ح ر م الل ه ع ل ي ه ف ي د ع ه It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ahmad ibn Mohammed ibn 'Isa from Ali ibn Sayf from his father, Sayf from 'Abd al-r Ala ibn. A'yun who has said: 33 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2045, Ch. 71, h 2 14 out of 58

15 Once a certain individual of our people wrote to Abu Abdullah asws asking him about certain issues and they ordered me to ask the Imam asws about the rights of the Muslim on his Muslim brother and I asked the Imam asws but he did not answer me. When I went to say farewell to him asws, I said: I asked you that question but you did not answer me. The Imam asws said: I am afraid you may disregard them. Of the obligations most pressing that Allah azwj has Made obligatory upon His creature are three things: A man's yielding to justice against his own soul so as not to accept for his brother (in belief) what he does not accept for his own self, to assist his brother with his property and speak of Allah azwj in all conditions. I do not mean here to just say, 'Glory belongs to Allah azwj and all praise belongs to Allah azwj (but as a matter of fact) truly speaking of and remembering Allah azwj is to stay away from whatever He azwj has prohibited. 34 ع ن ه ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ع ن احل س ن ب ن م ب وب ع ن ج يل ع ن م ر از م ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ا ل م ا ع ب د الل ه ب ش يء أ ف ض ل م ن أ داء ح ق ال م ؤ م ن It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Ahmad ibn Mohammed from al-hassan ibn Mahbub from Jamil from Murazim who narrated the following from Abu Abdullah asws : The best way to worship Allah azwj is to fulfil (protect) the rights of the believer. 35.وقال عليه السالم أيضا: تقر بوا إىل اهلل بواساة إخوانكم. Imam Sadiq asws said: "Seek nearness to Allah azwj by sympathizing with your brothers. 36 " ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن ح اد ب ن ع يس ى ع ن إ ب ر اه يم ب ن ع م ر ال ي م ا ن ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ال ح ق ال م س ل م ع ل ى ال م س ل م أ ن ال ي ش ب ع و ي وع أ خ وه و ال ي ر و ى و ي ع ط ش أ خ وه و ال ي ك ت س ي و ي ع ر ى أ خ وه ف م ا أ ع ظ م ح ق ال م س ل م ع ل ى أ خ يه ال م س ل م و ق ا ل أ ح ب أل خ يك ال م س ل م م ا حت ب ل ن ف س ك و إ ذ ا اح ت ج ت ف س ل ه و إ ن س أ ل ك ف أ ع ط ه ال ت ل ه خ ري ا و ال مي ل ه ل ك ك ن ل ه ظ ه را ف إ ن ه ل ك ظ ه ر إ ذ ا غ اب ف اح ف ظ ه ف غ ي ب ت ه و إ ذ ا ش ه د ف ز ر ه و أ ج ل ه و أ ك ر م ه ف إ ن ه م ن ك و أ ن ت م ن ه ف إ ن ك ان ع ل ي ك ع ات با ف ال ت ف ار ق ه ح ىت ت ح ل ل ه ف أ ع ن ه و إ ذ ا ق ال الر ج ل أل خ يه أ ف ان ق ط ع م ا ت س أ ل مس يح ت ه و إ ن أ ص اب ه خ ي ر ف ا ح د الل ه و إ ن اب ت ل ي ف اع ض د ه و إ ن ب ي ن ه م ا م ن ال و ال ي ة و إ ذ ا ق ال أ ن ت ع د و ي ك ف ر أ ح د ه ا ف إ ذ ا ات ه م ه ا ن اث اإل مي ان ف ق ل ب ه ك م ا ي ن م اث ال م ل ح ف ال م اء و ق ال ب ل غ ن ل ي ز ه ر أ ن ه ق ال إ ن ال م ؤ م ن ن ور ه أل ه ل الس م اء ك م ا ت ز ه ر ن وم الس م اء أل ه ل األ ر ض و ق ال إ ن ال م ؤ م ن و ل الل ه ي ع ين ه و ي ص ن ع ل ه و ال ي ق ول ع ل ي ه إ ال احل ق و ال ي اف غ ي ر ه Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from Hammad ibn 'Isa from Ibrahim ibn 'Umar al-yamani who has reported the following from Abu Abdullah asws : 34 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2046, Ch. 71, h 3 35 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2047, Ch. 71, h 4 36 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H out of 58

16 Of the rights of the Muslim on the Muslim is that he must not satisfy himself with food while his Muslim brother is hungry. One must not satisfy himself with water while one's Muslim brother is thirsty, and one must not dress up in finery while his Muslim brother is in need of clothes. How great is the right of the Muslim on his Muslim brother. The Imam asws then said: Love for your Muslim brother what you love for yourself. Ask him when you need him and when he needs you, you must help him and do not frustrate him, but be his supporter; he is your supporter. When he is absent protect his interests in his absence and when he is present visit, honour and respect him; you are from him and he is from you. If he is disappointed with you do not keep away from him before asking him to forgive you and if he gains something, thank Allah azwj for it. If he suffers from something then support him. If he is subjected to a plot, assist him. If a man says to his brother, fie upon you, the relation of guardianship between them remains no longer. If he says: You are my enemy; one of them will become an unbeliever. If he accuses him, belief in his heart melts like salt melts in water. The narrator has said that it is reported to me that the Imam asws said: The light of the believer shines to the inhabitants of the heavens like the stars shine to the inhabitants of earth. And he asws said: The believer is the friend of Allah azwj Who helps him and grants him favours. He does not say about Him azwj but the truth and he is not afraid of anyone other than Him azwj. 37 م م د ب ن ي ي ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ب ن ع يس ى ع ن اب ن أ يب ع م ري ع ن أ يب ع ل ي ص اح ب ال ك ل ل م ع أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ف ع ر ض ل ر ج ل م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ك ان س أ ل ن ع ن أ ب ان ب ن ت غ ل ب ق ال ك ن ت أ ط و ف الذ ه اب م ع ه ف ح اج ة ف أ ش ار إ ل ف ك ر ه ت أ ن أ د ع أ ب ا ع ب د الل ه ع و أ ذ ه ب إ ل ي ه ف ب ي ن ا أ ن ا أ ط وف إ ذ أ ش ار إ ل أ ي ضا ف ر آه أ ب و ع ب د الل ه ع ف ق ال ي ا أ ب ان إ ي اك ي ر يد ه ذ ا ق ل ت ن ع م ق ال ف م ن ه و ق ل ت ر ج ل م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ق ال ه و ع ل ى م ث ل م ا أ ن ت ع ل ي ه ق ل ت ن ع م ق ال ف اذ ه ب إ ل ي ه ق ل ت ف أ ق ط ع الط و اف ق ال ن ع م ق ل ت و إ ن ك ان ط و ا ف ال ف ر يض ة ق ال ن ع م ق ال ف ذ ه ب ت م ع ه ث د خ ل ت ع ل ي ه ب ع د ف س أ ل ت ه ف ق ل ت أ خ رب ن ع ن ح ق ال م ؤ م ن ع ل ى ال م ؤ م ن ف ق ال ي ا أ ب ان دع ه ال ه ش ط ر م ال ك ث ن ظ ر إ ل ف ر أ ى م ا د خ ل ن ف ق ال ي ا أ ب ان أ م ا ت ر د ه ق ل ت ب ل ى ج ع ل ت ف د اك ف ل م أ ز ل أ ر د د ع ل ي ه ف ق ال ي ا أ ب ان ت ق امس ت ع ل م أ ن الل ه ع ز و ج ل ق د ذ ك ر ال م ؤ ث ر ين ع ل ى أ ن ف س ه م ق ل ت ب ل ى ج ع ل ت ف د اك ف ق ال أ م ا إ ذ ا أ ن ت ق امس ت ه ف ل م ت ؤ ث ر ه ب ع د إ ن ا أ ن ت و ه و س و اء إ ن ا ت ؤ ث ر ه إ ذ ا أ ن ت أ ع ط ي ت ه م ن الن ص ف ا ل خ ر Mohammed ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammed ibn 'Isa from ibn abu 'Umayr from abu Ali Sahib al-kalal from Aban ibn Taghlib who has said: Once I was performing Tawaf 38 along with Abu Abdullah asws when a man from our people came up asking me to go with him for a certain need and hinted to me for that purpose, but I did not like to leave Abu Abdullah asws and go with him. I was still performing Tawaf when he made a gesture for the same purpose and Abu Abdullah asws saw him and said to me: O Aban, does he want you? I said: Yes, he does so. The Imam asws asked: Who is he? I said: He is a man from our people. The Imam asws asked: Is he of the (same) belief that you are? I said: Yes, he is. The الكافي ج : 2 ص : Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2048, Ch. 71, h 5 38 Circumambulating the Ka'ba 16 out of 58

17 Imam asws said: Then go to him. I asked: Should I discontinue Tawaf? The Imam asws said: Yes, do so. I asked: Even if it is a compulsory Tawaf? The Imam asws said: Yes, even if it is such. I (the narrator) then went with him. Later, I went to meet the Imam asws and I said to him: Please tell me about the rights of the believer on the believer. The Imam asws asked: O Aban, ignore it and do not repeat. I said: Yes, may Allah azwj Keep my soul in service for your cause, but I still like to bring up the question. The Imam asws said: 'O Aban, are you ready to share with him parts of your property? He then looked at me and found out what was going on in my mind and he asked: O Aban do you know what Allah azwj has said about the self-abnegating people?' I said, 'Yes, may Allah azwj keep my soul in service for your asws cause, I know about it. The Imam asws said: If you share with him you have not practiced self-abnegation, but you both are equal. You give him preference only if you give him from the other half also. 39 أ ب و ع ل ي األ ش ع ر ي ع ن م م د ب ن س امل ع ن أ ح د ب ن الن ض ر ع ن أ يب إ مس اع يل ق ال ق ل ت أل يب ج ع ف ر ع ج ع ل ت ف د اك إ ن الش يع ة ع ن د ن ا ك ث ري ف ق ال ف ه ل ي ع ط ف ال غ ن ع ل ى ال ف ق ري و ه ل ي ت ج او ز ال م ح س ن ع ن ال م س يء و ي ت و اس و ن ف ق ل ت ال ف ق ال ل ي س ه ؤ ال ء ش يع ة الش يع ة م ن ي ف ع ل ه ذ ا Abu Ali al-ash'ari has narrated from Mohammed ibn Salim from Ahmad ibn al-adr from abu Isma'il who has said: Once I said to Abu Jafar asws 'May Allah azwj keep my soul in service for your cause, there is a great number of Shia in our area. The Imam asws asked: Are their rich ones kind to their poor ones? Do their virtuous ones forgive their sinful ones? Do they assist each other financially?' I said, 'No, they do not do so. The Imam asws said: They are not Shia. (Our) Shia are those who do these things. 40 أ ب و ع ل ي األ ش ع ر ي ع ن م م د ب ن ع ب د اجل ب ار ع ن اب ن ف ض ال ع ن ع م ر ب ن أ ب ان ع ن س ع يد ب ن احل س ن ق ال ق ال أ ب و ج ع ف ر ع أ ي يء ش يء إ ذا ق ل ت أ ح د ك م إ ىل أ خ يه ف ي د خ ل ي د ه ف ك يس ه ف ي أ خ ذ ح اج ت ه ف ال ي د ف ع ه ف ق ل ت م ا أ ع ر ف ذ ل ك ف ين ا ف ق ال أ ب و ج ع ف ر ع ف ال ف ا ل ال ك إ ذا ف ق ال إ ن ال ق و م مل ي ع ط و ا أ ح ال م ه م ب ع د Abu Ali al-ash'ari has narrated from Mohammed ibn 'Abd al-jabbar from ibn Faddal from 'Amr ibn Aban from Sa'id ibn al-hassan who has said: Abu Jafar asws once asked me: Do your brother (in belief) come to you, stretch his hand in your pocket and take what he needs and you do not push him aside? I replied: I am unaware of such things happen among us. Abu Jafar asws then said: 'There is nothing then. I said: It is destruction then? The Imam asws said: The people have not yet received their power of reason. 41 الكافي ج : 2 ص : Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2051, Ch. 71, h 8 40 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2054, Ch. 71, h 11 الكافي ج : 2 ص : Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2056, Ch. 71, h out of 58

18 Seeking Help from Momineen:.عن أيب عبد اهلل عليه السالم قال: إذا ضاق أحدكم فلي علم أخاه وال يعي على نفسه. Imam Sadiq asws said: "You should inform your religious brothers whenever life gets hard for you. You should not rely solely on yourself as you may get overpowered." 42 One Must Inform his Brethren before Going on Journey: ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن الن و ف ل ي ع ن الس ك و ن ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ال ق ال ر س ول ي ع ل م إ خ و ان ه و ح ق ع ل ى إ خ و ان ه إ ذ ا ق د م أ ن ي أ ت وه الل ه ص ح ق ع ل ى ال م س ل م إ ذ ا أ ر اد س ف را أ ن Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-nawfali from al-sakuni who has reported the following from Abu Abdullah asws : Rasool Allah saww has said: It is a right upon a Muslim to inform his brothers (in belief) of his decision to go on a journey. It is a right upon his Muslim brothers to visit him when he returns from the journey. 43 ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ب ن خ ال د ع ن احل س ن ب ن م ب وب ع ن ش ع ي ب ال ع ق ر ق و ف ق ال مس ع ت أ ب ا ع ب د الل ه ع ي ق و ل أل ص ح اب ه ات ق وا الل ه و ك ون وا إ خ و ة ب ر ر ة م ت ح اب ي ف الل ه م ت و اص ل ي م ت ر ا ح ي ت ز او ر وا و ت ال ق و ا و ت ذ اك ر وا أ م ر ن ا و أ ح ي وه A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammed ibn Khalid from al-hassan ibn Mahbub from Shu'ayb al-aqar Qufi who has said: I heard Abu Abdullah asws saying to his companions: Be pious before Allah azwj and be virtuous brothers who love each other for the sake of Allah azwj, and maintain good relations leniently, Visit one another, meet and speak of our cause and preserve it. 44.قال الباقر عليه السالم أحبب أخاك املسلم وأحبب له ما حت ب لنفسك واكره له ما ت كره لنفسك إذا احتجت فاسأله وإذا سألك فأعطه وال تد خر عنه خريا فإن ه ال يد خره عنك ك ن له ظهرا فإن ه لك ظهر إن غاب فاحفظه ف غيبته وإن شهد فز ره وأج ل ه وأكرمه فإن ه منك وأنت منه وإن كان عليك عاتبا فال ت فارقه حىت ت سل سخيمته وما ف نفسه وإذا أصابه خري فا حد اللهسبحانه و تعاليعليه وإن ابت لي فاعضده و تح ل له. Imam Baqir asws said: "Love your Muslim brother, and like for him what you like for yourself, and dislike for him what you dislike for yourself. Ask him for help if you need anything, and fulfil his needs if he ever asks you for help. Do not hide from him any good things, as he does not do likewise. Be his supporter just as he is your supporter. When he is not present, support him in his absence until he returns, then 42 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2059, Ch. 71, h 16 الكافي ج : 2 ص : Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2060, Ch. 72, h 1 18 out of 58

19 go to see him when he returns. Honour him and respect him since you are from him and he is from you. If he blames you do not leave him, and let him express what bothers him, and he gets relieved. Praise Allah azwj the Almighty when he receives some good things, and help and support him when he suffers from a calamity." 45 Rights of Neighbours: ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن اب ن أ يب ع م ري و م م د ب ن ي ي ع ن احل س ي ب ن إ س ح اق ع ن ع ل ي ب ن م ه ز ي ار ع ن ع ل ي ب ن ف ض ال ع ن ف ض ال ة ب ن أ ي وب ج يعا ع ن م ع او ي ة ب ن ع م ار ع ن ع م ر و ب ن ع ك ر م ة ق ال د خ ل ت ع ل ى أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ف ق ل ت ل ه ل ج ار ي ؤ ذ ي ن ف ق ا ل ار ح ه ف ق ل ت ال ر ح ه الل ه ف ص ر ف و ج ه ه ع ن ق ال ف ك ر ه ت أ ن أ د ع ه ف ق ل ت ي ف ع ل يب ك ذ ا و ك ذ ا و ي ف ع ل يب و ي ؤ ذ ي ن ف ق ال أ ر أ ي ت إ ن ك اش ف ت ه ان ت ص ف ت م ن ه ف ق ل ت ب ل ى أ ر يب ع ل ي ه ف ق ال إ ن ذ ا مم ن ي س د الن اس ع ل ى م ا آت اه م الل ه م ن ف ض ل ه ف إ ذ ا ر أ ى ن ع م ة ع ل ى أ ح د ف ك ان ل ه أ ه ل ج ع ل ب ال ء ه ع ل ي ه م و إ ن مل ي ك ن ل ه أ ه ل ج ع ل ه ع ل ى خ اد م ه ف إ ن مل ي ك ن ل ه خ اد م أ سه ر ل ي ل ه و أ غ اظ ن ه ار ه إ ن ر س و ل الل ه ص أ ت اه ر ج ل م ن األ ن ص ار ف ق ال إ ن اش ت ر ي ت د ارا ف ب ن ف ال ن و إ ن أ ق ر ب ج ري ا ن م ن ج و ارا م ن ال أ ر ج و خ ي ر ه و ال آم ن ش ر ه ق ال ف أ م ر ر س ول الل ه ص ع ل ي ا ع و س ل م ان و أ ب ا ذ ر و ن س يت آخ ر و أ ظ ن ه ال م ق د اد أ ن ي ن اد وا ف ال م س ج د ب أ ع ل ى أ ص و ا ت م ب أ ن ه ال ال ه إ مي ان ل م ن مل ي أ م ن ج ار ه ب و ائ ق ه ف ن اد و ا ب ا ث ال ثا ث أ و م أ ب ي د ه إ ىل ك ل أ ر ب ع ي د ارا م ن ب ي ي د ي ه و م ن خ ل ف ه و ع ن مي ين ه و ع ن Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu 'Umayr and Mohammed ibn Yahya from al- Hussain ibn lshaq from Ali ibn Mahziyar from Ali ibn Faddal from Fadalah ibn Ayyub all from Mu'awiyah ibn 'Ammar from 'Amr ibn 'Akramah who has said: Once I went in the presence of Abu Abdullah asws and said to him: My neighbour causes me suffering. The Imam asws said: Be kind to him. I said: I wish Allah azwj would not Grant him any kindness. The Imam asws turned away from me and I did not like to leave him and I said: He does this and that to me and keeps causing me to suffer. The Imam asws said: Had you come openly against him, could you defend yourself sufficiently? I said: Yes, I could certainly have the upper hand. The Imam asws said: This is one of those who envy people for what Allah azwj has Granted them through His azwj generosity. If he finds one enjoying bounties, he then turns his anguish against that person s family, and if he did not have family, he turns against his servants, and if he did not have any servant he then remains sleepless for the whole night and spends the day in anguish and anger. Once a man from Ansaar came to Rasool Allah saww and said: I have purchased a house in the neighbourhood of such and such tribe. The nearest neighbour is as such that not only do I not have any hope for receiving any good from him, I do not feel safe from him either. The Imam asws said that Rasool Allah saww asked Ali asws, Salman, abu Dharr and, (the narrator says) I forgot the other one, I think he asws mentioned Miqdad, to announce in the Masjid at the top of their voices, One from whose hands his neighbours are not safe has no belief and faith. They announced it 45 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H out of 58

20 three times, He saww then pointed out that each of the forty houses in front back, right and left are neighbours. 46 إ ب ر اه يم ب ن أ يب ر ج اء ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ال ح س ن ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ب ن خ ال د ع ن إ مس اع يل ب ن م ه ر ان ع ن اجل و ار ي ز يد ف الر ز ق A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammed ibn Khalid from Isma'il ibn Mehran from Ibrahim ibn Abu Raja' who has narrated the following from Abu Abdullah asws : Maintaining good neighbourly relations increases one's sustenance. 47 ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن س ه ل ب ن ز ي اد ع ن ع ل ي ب ن أ س ب اط ع ن ع م ه ي ع ق وب ب ن س امل ع ن إ س ح اق ب ن ع م ار ع ن ال ك اه ل ي ق ا ل مس ع ت أ ب ا ع ب د الل ه ع ي ق ول إ ن ي ع ق وب ع ل م ا ذ ه ب م ن ه ب ن ي ام ي ن اد ى ي ا ر ب أ م ا ت ر ح ن أ ذ ه ب ت ع ي ن و أ ذ ه ب ت اب ن ف أ و ح ى الل ه ت ب ار ك و ت ع اىل ل و أ م ت ه م ا أل ح ي ي ت ه م ا ل ك ح ىت أ ج ع ب ي ن ك و ب ي ن ه م ا و ل ك ن ت ذ ك ر الش اة ال ت ذ ب ت ه ا و ش و ي ت ه ا و أ ك ل ت و ف ال ن و ف ال ن إ ىل ج ان ب ك ص ائ م مل ت ن ل ه م ن ه ا ش ي ئا A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Ali ibn Asbat from his uncle Ya'qub ibn Salim from Ishaq ibn 'Ammar who has said: I heard Abu Abdullah asws saying: When Benjamin also was taken away from Jacob, he pleaded before Allah azwj for help, saying: Have mercy on me. You azwj have taken away my eyesight and my son. Allah azwj Sent him inspiration: Even if I will cause them to die I will give them life again for you so you will live with them, however, remember the sheep that you slaughtered, you and so and so used it for food while so and so in your neighbourhood was fasting but he receive nothing from it. 48 و ف ر و اي ة أ خ ر ى ق ال ف ك ان ب ع د ذ ل ك ي ع ق وب ع ي ن اد ي م ن اد يه ك ل غ د اة م ن م ن ز ل ه ع ل ى ف ر س خ أ ال م ن أ ر اد ال غ د اء ف ل ي أ ت إ ىل ي ع ق وب و إ ذ ا أ م س ى ن اد ى أ ال م ن أ ر اد ال ع ش اء ف ل ي أ ت إ ىل ي ع ق و ب In another Hadith it is said that Jacob thereafter would announce around his home up to a distance of three miles every morning, Whoever needs food, come to the house of Jacob and in the evening also would announce, Whoever needs dinner come to the house of Jacob. 49 ع ن ه ع ن ب ع ض أ ص ح اب ه ع ن ص ال ح ب ن ح ز ة ع ن احل س ن ب ن ع ب د الل ه ع ن ع ب د ص ال ح ع ق ال ق ال ل ك ن ح س ن اجل و ار ص ب ر ك ع ل ى األ ذ ى ل ي س ح س ن اجل و ار ك ف األ ذ ى و It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from certain individuals of his people from Salih ibn Hamza who from al-hassan ibn 'Abd Allah who from narrates the following from Abd Salih asws : : 666 ص : 2 ج الكافي h, 1 46 Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3737, Ch. 24, 47 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3739, Ch. 24, h 3 الكافي ج : 2 ص : Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3740, Ch. 24, h 4 49 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3741, Ch. 24, h 5 20 out of 58

21 Just harmless to neighbours is not a good neighbourly relation, instead, to be a good neighbour and to exercise patience in suffering (caused by the neighbours) is a good neighbourly relations. 50 ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن أ ح د ب ن م م د ع ن اب ن ف ض ال ع ن أ يب ج يل ة ع ن س ع د ب ن ط ر يف ع ن أ يب ج ع ف ر ع ق ال م ن ال ق و اص م ال ف و اق ر ال ت ت ق ص م الظ ه ر ج ار الس و ء إ ن ر أ ى ح س ن ة أ خ ف اه ا و إ ن ر أ ى س ي ئ ة أ ف ش اه ا A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammed from ibn Faddal from abu Jamilah from Sa'd ibn Tarif who reports the following from Abu Jafar asws : Of the back-breaking misfortunes, one is a bad neighbour who hides all good things about his neighbour and publicizes all the bad things about him. 51 ع ن ه ع ن م م د ب ن ع ل ي ع ن م م د ب ن ال ف ض ي ل ع ن إ س ح اق ب ن ع م ار ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ال ق ال ر س ول الل ه ص أ ع وذ ب الل ه م ن ج ار الس و ء ف د ار إ ق ام ة ت ر اك ع ي ن اه و ي ر ع اك ق ل ب ه إ ن ر آك ب ري س اء ه و إ ن ر آك ب ش ر س ر ه It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from Mohammed ibn Ali from Mohammed ibn al- Fudayl from Ishaq ibn 'Ammar who reports the following from Abu 'Abdullah asws : Abu Abdullah asws said: Rasool Allah saww has said: I seek protection from Allah azwj against a bad neighbour of a residence. The neighbour whose eye sees you and whose heart are against you. When he observes a good thing it disappoints him and if he sees a bad thing he becomes happy. 52.من كتاب روضة الواعظي: قال رسول اهلل صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم هل ت درون ما حق اجلار ما ت درون م ن حق اجلار إال قليال أال ال ي ؤمن باهلل واليوم ا لخر م ن ال يأم ن جار ه ب وائقه وإذا استقرضه أن يقرضه وإذا أصابه خري هن اه وإذا أصابه ش ر عز اه وال يستطيل عليه ف البناء يجب عنه الريح إال بإذنه وإذا اشتهى فاكهة فليهد له فإن مل يهد له فلي دخ لها سر ا وال يعطي صبيانه منها شيئا يغايظون صبيانه. ث قال رسول اهلل صلي اهلل عليه و اله و سلم اجلريان ثالثة فمنهم م ن له ثالثة حقوق : حق اإلسالم وحق اجل وار وحق الق رابة ومنهم ]م ن[ له حق ان: حق اإلسالم وحق اجلوار ومنهم م ن له حق واحد : الكافر له ح ق اجلوار. In Rauzat al-vaezeen it is narrated that Rasool Allah saww said: "Do you know what the rights of the neighbours are? Beware, you only know a little about the rights of the neighbours. One whose neighbour is not secure from him, has not believed in God and the Hereafter. He should give him a loan whenever he requests one. He should congratulate him whenever something good happens to him, and he should condole him whenever something bad happens to him. He should not build his house so high that his neighbour s house cannot get any fresh air, unless he gets permission. He should give him fruit whenever he needs any. If he does not give it in public, he should send it in private. He should not give his kids any toys with which they might bother the neighbour." 50 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3745, Ch. 24, h 9 : 669 ص : 2 ج الكافي 51 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3751, Ch. 24, h Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3752, Ch. 24, h out of 58

22 Then the Rasool Allah saww added: "Neighbours are divided into three groups. Some have three rights: Islam, being neighbours and being relatives. Some have two rights: Islam, and being neighbours. But some have only one right. They are infidels who only have the right of being neighbours." 53 One should be Generous in His Dealings: ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن ح اد ع ن ح ر يز ع ن م م د ب ن م س ل م ع ن أ يب ج ع ف ر ع ق ال م ن خ ال ط ت ف إ ن اس ت ط ع ت أ ن ت ك ون ي د ك ال ع ل ي ا ع ل ي ه ف اف ع ل Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from Hammad from Hariz from Mohammed ibn Muslim who reports the following from abu Jafar asws : In dealing with people if you can maintain an upper hand, you should do so. 54 Rights of an Accompanying Traveller: ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن أ ح د ب ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ن ي ع ق وب ب ن ي ز يد ع ن ع د ة م ن أ ص ح اب ن ا ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ق ال ق ال ر س و ل الل ه ص ح ق ال م س اف ر أ ن ي ق يم ع ل ي ه أ ص ح اب ه إ ذ ا م ر ض ث ال ثا A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn abu. Abd Allah from Ya'qub ibn Yazid from A number of our people who have narrated the following from Abu Abdullah asws : Rasool Allah saww has said: It is of the rights of a traveller on his companions to look after him for three days if he gets ill. 55 The Rights of a Companion: ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن ه ار ون ب ن م س ل م ع ن م س ع د ة ب ن ص د ق ة ع ن أ يب ع ب د الل ه ع ن آب ائ ه ع أ ن أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ي ع ص اح ب ر ج ال ذ م ي ا ف ق ال ل ه الذ م ي أ ي ن ت ر يد ي ا ع ب د الل ه ف ق ال أ ر يد ال ك وف ة ف ل م ا ع د ل الط ر يق ب الذ م ي ع د ل م ع ه أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ي ع ف ق ال ل ه الذ م ي أ ل س ت ز ع م ت أ ن ك ت ر يد ال ك وف ة ف ق ال ل ه ب ل ى ف ق ال ل ه الذ م ي ف ق د ت ر ك ت الط ر يق ف ق ال ل ه ق د ع ل م ت ق ال ف ل م ع د ل ت م ع ي و ق د ع ل م ت ذ ل ك ف ق ال ل ه أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ي ع ه ذ ا م ن ت ام ح س ن الص ح ب ة أ ن ي ش ي ع الر ج ل ص اح ب ه ه ن ي ئ ة إ ذ ا ف ار ق ه و ك ذ ل ك أ م ر ن ا ن ب ي ن ا ص ف ق ال ل ه الذ م ي ه ك ذ ا ق ال ق ال ن ع م ق ال الذ م ي ال ج ر م أ ن ا ت ب ع ه م ن ت ب ع ه أل ف ع ال ه ال ك ر مي ة ف أ ن ا أ ش ه د ك أ ن ع ل ى د ين ك و ر ج ع أ س ل م الذ م ي م ع أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ي ع ف ل م ا ع ر ف ه 53 Mishkat ul-anwar Fi Ghurar al-akhbar, H Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3756, Ch. 26, h 2 55 Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3758, Ch. 26, h 4 22 out of 58

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