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1 THE NATION OF ISLAM Office of The Supreme Captain In The Na me Of Allah (God), The Beneficent, The Merciful. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Who Are My Helpers in the Cause of Islam? Part 7 of 7 Transcribed for Study for FOI Class

2 KEY WORD LIST What does it mean to smite? Smite means to inflict a heavy blow with a hand, tool or weapon; to strike forcefully onto or into something; to attack, destroy or damage by blows. What is the definition of shepherd? To shepherd means to guard, tend or guide in the manner of a shepherd. What is meant by sacred? Sacred is something that has been made or declared holy; worthy of reverence or respect. 2

3 (Beginning at 1:50 of Track 20) Who Are My Helpers in the Cause of Islam? (Part VII) You need a good meal under your belt. Soldiers gotta eat. You need a good woman in the house. Soldier need consoling and comforting. Need a woman to rub your head when you get home. Need a woman to run the bath water. Come on, baby, let me rub you down. And some of you have never had that kind of treatment. When you come in the house, the woman look at you. You ain t bringing in no money and you talking stuff. She ain t giving up nothing. Nigger, get your own food. Well, well, well, uh, baby, uh, you know what I m saying. Damn, baby, don t be so mean. And she say, But, nigger, you been mean all week. Now you want to lay up in the bed talking bout don t you be treating me mean. I want you to go home and help your wife to know that you love her. Don t give her a hundred babies to help her to know that you love her. Some of you don t know when to hang the hose up. I m trying to teach you, brothers. You watering the hell out the garden. Damn flowers dying. They get too much water. So I want you to have time with your families, time for education, time for recreation. There gotta be a time when you put the ball in your hands and play some ball. There gotta be a time when you put the golf club in your hand and hit the ball. There gotta be a time when you make some time for your own development. There gotta be a time when you pump a little iron. There gotta be a time when you get that rubber tire off your stomach. There gotta be a time when you take some time for yourself in quiet reflection, without some lieutenant calling you, You sold your papers? Where the money? Better bring it down here right away! Aww, nigger, please. There gotta be a time. You k now the paper needs to get out there and there s no mystery god to sell it. We the gods. But I want to take you in and build you up. But you have to help me get you in that position, and a subscription drive is the thing that will get you You ll all have your customers. And once a year you just go back and ask them would they re-new their subscription. That s all you gotta do. And then the rest of the year, I m developing you. I want a television ministry, so that you don t have to be out there in the street. I ll be in their house every week. Me and you. They ll see what an FOI looks like on television. As they got foolishness coming in their home, we ll come in the home. I don t want to do this all myself. I want to develop you to do this. I really need your help. So here s what I feel God wants me to do. I want to lay over the Nation until life is back in you. I want to come out for a few weeks, like my father did. Fill the mosques. Fill the gym. Fill the lower musallah. And I want to take you through the science of the teaching of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad so that you will know that you got the best teaching that ever was given to any people on this Earth. I want Minister Ishmael and Minister Jameel by my side. I want all the assistant ministers, because I want to help Minister Ishmael and Captain Mustapha and Secretary Kamal and National Spokesperson Jameel to develop. These are young men. I m a young man to. But I m gonna step back after I get the train rolling again. God has given me strength as you can see. I m back, brother. The devil can go to hell. I m back! 3

4 Will you help me take the FOI off the street and put the FOI in training to be the soldiers of Allah that we may go to the top of civilization? Will you help me? Have not you learned that your word is bond, regardless of whom or what? And what is your answer? Yes, my word is bond and bond is life and I will give my life before my word shall fail. You ready? I m ready. You ready? Have a seat. I want to read two verses from the Holy Quran. It s a chapter in the Quran called Muhammad. But it is also called Qital, War. And the section is called the Opponents will perish in War. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Those who disbelieve and turn men from Allah s way, we will destroy their works. And those who believe and do good, and believe in that which has been revealed to Muhammad and it is the Truth from their Lord He will remove their evil from them and improve their condition. That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, and those who believe follow the Truth from their Lord. Thus does Allah set forth their descriptions for men. So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, smite the necks; then, when you have overcome them, make them prisoners, and afterwards set them free as a favor or for ransom till the war lay down its burdens. That shall be so. And If Allah please, He would certainly exact retribution from them, but that he may try some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will never allow their deeds to perish. He will guide them and improve their condition. And make them enter the Garden, which He has made known to them. O you who believe, if you help Allah, He will help you and make firm your feet. And those who disbelieve, for them is destruction, and He will destroy their works. That is because they hate that which Allah reveals, so He has rendered their deeds fruitless. Have they not traveled in the land and seen what was the end of those before them? Allah destroyed them. And for the disbelievers is the like thereof. That is because Allah is the patron of those who believe, and because the disbelievers have no patron. I thank Allah for this night. I thank Allah for each and every one of you young gods that I have been blessed to see tonight. I thank Allah for those of you on the east coast, who are one hour ahead of us and it is late. And I thank Allah for those of you on the west coast, who are two hours earlier than we. I thank you for listening. I pray that the words that Allah has guided me to speak from my heart to your hearts, from my head to your heads, that it will restore you to life and give you hope again for your Nation and bring you back to the work, that you may earn the salvation that God has brought to you for the suffering of your fathers, who died as a slave, who were hung on trees, burned at stake and drowned in the rivers and lakes of America. Beaten and left in the swamps. Mistreated at every turn. And now God has come to give you the Kingdom. All we gotta do is make straight in the dessert a highway for our God. So as I leave you tonight, I pray that Allah will fill you with His spirit. As I prayed for Minister Ishmael and my son and Brother Kamal, I ask Allah to pour on you His spirit. Because I know that it is His spirit 4

5 alone that gives you the power to do the job. For the scripture says except the Lord build the house, it will not be built. Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit. Don t let Allah take His spirit from us. And don t let any enemy, Black or white, destroy the spirit of life that is budding in you tonight or busting forth in you tonight or rekindled in you tonight. Come on back. I want to see you Sunday. I ll be back. I want to see you Sunday. I ll be back. I want to see you Sunday. Inshallah, I ll be back. I m gonna start where all things should start. I m gonna start with the most precious of all knowledge, the Knowledge of God. And then I ll come again and teach you about the devil from the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, just to let you know that there s so much wisdom hidden in all that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given to us. Let s go back after it now and extract it and go get our people. So my asking you tonight, these mighty men, the gods, I want you to try to bring somebody with you Sunday. If you are happy tonight, you ll be even more happy when you can put a brother or a sister on your arm and bring them out Sunday. I want us to develop a new way of charity. I don t want us haranguing the people no more for their money. I want us to have a dignified way of raising money that is in keeping with the dignity of the teachings. We ll talk about it and we ll work it out, but we re not gon be loud, we re not gon be ignorant. We re gonna show the world what high civilization represents. Now on Sunday, when you bring your guests, I want you to shepherd your guest. That s your man, that s your friend, that s, to use the language of the street, that s your dog. But if you just turn that around, that s god. You may bring him in as a dog, but we gon turn it around. And on Sunday, I want you to come, and before you come, I want you to try to be clean. Let everybody take a shower. Clean up. Get up under them arms. Put a little deodorant under there. And if you don t have any cologne, it s all right. Soap and water do the trick. And I want you to try to clean up your language. And between now and Sunday, I want you to talk to Allah. Just turn your face to the east. Well it really don t make no difference. He s in every direction. So if you don t know where the east is, it s alright. Just stand up. And we ll teach you to bow down, but first, just stand up like a soldier and talk to the lord of creation. Ask him to help you to be the man he created you to be, a man made in the image and the likeness of God, that God can dwell on the earth in human beings. Bring them all out and after it s over, I want you to prepare some food in that kitchen. We ll have dinner here. We can socialize. And some of you that have clean homes, which all of you should have, take your guest home. Say my wife has cooked dinner. Why don t you come and have dinner with us after the meeting. Make your home a place where you show hospitality to your people. Don t be afraid that they gon steal something. When you respect the people, they not gon do that kind of foolishness. And if they do, we ll teach them that we shouldn t do that. Don t steal nothing from your brother. Your brother is sacred to you. These are your brothers. Every Black man that you see that s your brother, potentially, but these that believe like you, this is a sacred brotherhood. You hold on to each other. So when I leave tonight, I know it s late, take your time, brothers. Get to meet each other. And I want you to learn how to love each other. And on Sunday, I want to feel love all in the house. I love you, Gregory. I love him, Gregory. I need my brother. I need 5

6 my brother. I need my brother. Where s Ronald? One of the greatest soldiers we got. Big Ron, I need my brother. The Nation needs each one of us. We cannot afford to lose one. Where s the former Supreme Captain? Sharrief here? Where s Sharrief? Come on down here soldier. Well alright now. They down ain t never out. Down is your express ticket up. We need every one of you. We re not gon lose one of you because you made a mistake. I made em. You made em. I made errors. You made errors. But God has forgiven me. God will forgive you. Forgive each other and let s make the Nation a house of love and a place of refuge for our people. Thank you for listening and may Allah bless you as I greet you in peace. As-Salaam-Alaikum. Questions for Discussion: 1. Why is it necessary to make time in our lives for family, reflection or recreation? How does that keep us from becoming burned out? 2. Why do you think the Minister closed with the section from Surah 47 titled Opponents will perish in War? What does it mean to make firm your feet? 3. The Minister calls the brotherhood of the FOI sacred. How does adherence to the Restrictive Law maintain the sacredness of the brotherhood? 4. What point or points stand out the most to you in studying this lecture? 5. How has this lecture helped you to understand how we can become better helpers the Minister? 6

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