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1 Name: Date: Period: APWH Practice Test: Period 1, 2, and 3 1. The eastern half of the Roman Empire was renamed the A) Holy Roman Empire. B) Byzantine Empire. C) Visigoth Kingdom. D) Kingdom of the Vandals. 2. What was the importance of Timbuktu to western Africa by the 1300s and 1400s? A) It was the Mali Empire's chief commercial outpost along the caravan routes. B) It was a major political, economic, and cultural center of the Mali Empire. C) It was the Islamic spiritual center of western Africa D) It remained the only city to maintain its allegiance to the Roman Empire. 3. A notable feature of Han government was the A) selection of officials on the basis of merit. B) rejection of the provincial government system. C) separation of religion and the state. D) denouncement of Confucian philosophy. 4. Which of the following individuals was a key player in the Crusades? A) Richard I the Lion-Hearted B) Genghis Khan C) William the Conqueror D) Ibn Battuta 5. Which of the following was prominent in the economies of the West African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai? A) Trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt B) Advanced financial institutions C) Trading expeditions to the Indian Ocean D) The sale of firearms to European merchants 6. The Rig Veda is a sacred text to which of these religions? A) Paganism B) Zoroastrianism C) Hinduism D) Islam 7. The Mongols were most responsible for the collapse of which of the following empires? A) Islamic Empire B) The Byzantine Empire C) The Ghana Kingdom D) The Carolingian Dynasty 8. Which of the following best describes the development of agriculture during the Neolithic Revolution? A) It was a gradual process, developing independently in different parts of the world. B) It occurred rapidly, spreading from the Americas to Asia and Europe. C) It was limited to Africa until the 2nd millennium B.C.E. D) It was practiced only in coastal environments until the Roman aqueducts were built. 9. Which of the following accurately describes the state of Christianity in the Roman Empire before 313 C.E.? A) Christians had to practice their religion in hiding to avoid persecution. B) Nearly all Roman legislators were Christians. C) From the very beginning, Christians were given legal status in the empire. D) As long as Christians proclaimed their loyalty to the emperor, they could practice their religion. 10. Which of the following became a leading commercial center during the Middle Ages as a result of maritime trade routes? A) Italian city-states B) Britain C) Norway and Sweden D) The kingdoms of sub-saharan Africa 11. Both the Mauryan ruler Ashoka and the Babylonian king Hammurabi used which of the following to enforce good citizenship and behavior? A) Carving stone pillars that listed moral principles and laws B) Laws based on Buddhist doctrine C) An overbearing military that used threats and punishment D) Short proverbs that appeared on the currency 12. How was the collapse of the Gupta Empire similar to that of the Roman Empire? A) Invasions of foreign tribal groups triggered the downfall. B) Economic depression led to widespread peasant revolts. C) Military leaders usurped the throne. D) Disease severely decimated the population. 13. What did the emperor Diocletian do to prevent the fall of the Roman Empire? A) Established Christianity as the official religion B) Divided the empire in two and appointed co-emperors C) Reduced the size of the army in order to reduce the economic burden D) Discontinued trade along the Silk Roads

2 14. The empires established by Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan were similar in all of the following respects EXCEPT that both A) facilitated the spread of the conquerors' religious beliefs into Asia. B) relied on innovative military tactics to defeat their enemies. C) splintered into successor states after the death of the founder. D) eventually extended as far as the Middle East. 15. The Hanseatic League was composed of A) German principalities united in opposition to the Holy Roman Emperor. B) Viking chieftains who banded together to attack Charlemagne's empire. C) Baltic cities that dominated commercial traffic in Northern Europe. D) Italian guilds that established trading posts throughout the Byzantine Empire. 16. Which of these civilizations was located in the Indus River Valley? A) Harappa B) Egypt C) Mesopotamia D) Olmec 17. During the Middle Ages, the greatest unifying force of Western Europe was which of the following? A) The Holy Roman Empire B) The Hanseatic League C) The Catholic Church D) The Cyrillic alphabet 18. Which of the following was an famous piece of Mesopotamian literature? A) Song of Roland B) The Bhagavad-Gita C) The Epic of Gilgamesh D) Papyrus of Ani 19. Which of the following is not associated with Islam? A) The Qur'an (Koran) B) The five pillars C) Mohammad D) The Eightfold Path 20. Which of the following nomadic groups is correctly paired with its primary means of transportation? A) Vikings...longship B) Mongols...camels C) Berbers...horses D) Huns...llamas 21. Alexander the Great successfully invaded all of the following EXCEPT A) Persia. B) Mongolia. C) Egypt. D) Anatolia. 22. Which of the following, under the leadership of St. Thomas of Aquinas, attempted to reconcile Greco-Roman learning with Christian theology? A) Scholasticism B) Ecumenism C) Manichaeism D) Anabaptism 23. All of the following occurred while Mansa Musa was the ruler of Mali EXCEPT A) the kingdom extended into Northern Africa via military conquests. B) Timbuktu became an important trading post. C) the Islamic-African slave trade ended. D) Islam was given a more dominant role in the kingdom. 24. During the thirteenth century, the biggest test to the power of the shogun and his bakufu organization occurred when A) peasants led a violent insurrection that weakened the central army. B) the Mongols under Kublai Khan attempted to invade the island of Kyushu. C) the daimyo tried to conquer the capital in a surprise attack. D) the Buddhist priests led a revivalist movement on the island of Shikoku. 25. Which of the following is true about the Roman trade routes? A) Most of them were based along the Mediterranean Sea. B) The majority of the routes extended north into western Europe. C) The Silk Road was the chief trade route of Rome. D) Rome failed to make connections with the Cushite and Han Empires of Asia. 26. Which of the following was the first step to the creation of the Ming Dynasty? A) Chinese rebels overthrew the last of the Mongol leaders of the Yuan Empire. B) Chinese peasants revolted against the regional warlords. C) Buddhism was banned from Chinese territory. D) Neo-Confucianism was made the official state religion of China. 27. The Upanishads, the Puranas, and the Bhagavad Gita are most closely associated with A) Hinduism. B) Jainism. C) Buddhism. D) Zoroastrianism. 28. Which of the following was an important effect of the Crusades on Mediterranean seaports like Genoa, Pisa, and Venice? A) They grew economically as a result of increasing international trade. B) It became a stronghold for Islam in the Byzantine Empire. C) Numerous Muslim merchants reached Europe for the first time. D) They grew economically as a result of new taxes levied by their Muslim conquerors.

3 29. What did the practice of foot-binding encouraged by neo-confucianism reflect about gender attitudes during the Song period? A) Female subjugation was a common feature of Chinese society. B) Women had to participate in certain rituals in order to maintain their superior religious status. C) It maintained gender equality since it was practiced by both sexes. D) It was a way of preserving the sanctity of marriage. 30. The golden age of Islam, in which significant cultural and intellectual achievements were made, occurred during the A) Abbasid Caliphate when the capital was at Baghdad. B) Umayyad Caliphate when the capital was at Damascus. C) Yuan Dynasty in China. D) fall of the Seljuk Turks. 31. The Confucian concept of filial piety means A) obedience to the government B) respect for one's parents and ancestors C) respect for religious customs D) respect for teachers 32. Which of these best describes how the Code of Hammurabi addressed differences in social status? A) Punishments were scaled depending on social status. People of lower social standing received harsher B) Punishments were scaled depending on social status. People of higher social standing received harsher C) Punishments were applied equally regardless of social status. D) Slaves were not subject to the Code of Hammurabi. 33. Which of the following explains why the reign of the Mauryan ruler, Ashoka, is described as being enlightened? A) The caste system was reintroduced in India. B) Hinduism was established as the state religion. C) Ashoka attempted to improve his empire through benevolent rule and social reforms. D) India enforced an isolationist policy. 34. At the time of the Spaniards' arrival in the New World, Aztec society was A) greatly fragmented due to mounting tensions between the nobles and the ruler. B) primarily agricultural with small farming villages scattered throughout the region. C) highly centralized and militaristic with complex cities throughout its territory. D) ethnically diverse due to the arrival of Quechua-speaking Inca in their territory. 35. After emerging victorious in a long civil war, the Minamoto clan established what kind of government at the capital city of Kamakura? A) An aristocracy under the control of the daimyo B) A military government under the control of a shogun C) An absolute monarchy that was led by the Minamoto patriarch D) A meritocracy similar to the one used in Song China 36. Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire during the reign of which emperor? A) Constantine the Great B) Philip the Arab C) Caligula D) Nero 37. Which of the following dynasties was a high point of cultural diffusion between China and Japan? A) Tang Dynasty B) Shang Dynasty C) Yuan Dynasty D) Qin Dynasty 38. Which of the following was one of the greatest contributions of Muslim culture to Western civilization? A) Muslim scholars preserved ancient Greek and Roman texts in their libraries. B) Muslim mathematicians invented the concept of zero. C) Muslim civil engineers created a system of aqueducts. D) Muslim architecture was the first to use the column. 39. The Persian Wars were important because they A) led to the destruction of Athens. B) led to the destruction of the Persian Empire. C) united the Greek city-states. D) allowed the Macedonians to gain a foothold in Sparta. 40. How did the Aryan social structure have a major impact on later developments in India? A) It formed the basis of the caste system. B) It introduced the four different branches of Hinduism. C) It established the absolute power of the priest. D) It placed greater importance on merchants than warriors. 41. Intellectual achievements thrived during the Song Dynasty mainly because of which of the following? A) Confucian principles of education and the scholar-gentry were revived. B) Agricultural surpluses gave the social classes more free time to pursue other activities. C) The first mandatory education laws were enforced by the empire. D) Earlier Buddhist priests had ordered the construction of schools and universities. 42. Which of the following statements best describes Ashoka Maurya? A) He was the founder of the Gupta Empire. B) He spread Hinduism across Asia. C) After a few years as a Buddhist, he converted to Jainism. D) Towards the end of his reign as emperor, he preached nonviolence.

4 43. In contrast to Buddhism, Confucianism and Legalism would be described as A) polytheistic religions that were deeply concerned with the afterlife. B) social belief systems intended to lead to an orderly society. C) political systems that fostered strict laws and harsh D) monotheistic religions that were deeply concerned with the afterlife. 44. Islam initially spread from the Arabian peninsula because of A) trade contacts with Bedouin nomads. B) missionaries who had traveled great distances to expand Islam. C) exiled peasants who sought refuge to practice their religion. D) the defeat of the Christians during the Crusades. 45. The term "dhimmi," as used in the early Islamic caliphates, referred to A) non-muslims permitted to live freely under Muslim rulers. B) direct linear descendants of the prophet Muhammad. C) the pilgrimage to Mecca each Muslim must undertake. D) high-ranking civilian advisers to secular leaders. 46. What was quipu? A) A method of Incan sacrifice B) A math system of knotted strings C) A process of mummification D) An Incan variation on feudalism 47. Compared to agriculturalists, pastoralists tended to be A) less mobile B) more mobile C) more socially stratified D) less reliant on the use of domesticated animals 48. Which of the following cities were the capitals of, respectively, the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates? A) Samarkand and Aleppo B) Mosul and Cordoba C) Damascus and Baghdad D) Antioch and Beirut 49. In order to maintain its borders, the Roman Empire A) built a far-reaching road network and enlarged its navy. B) appointed Roman generals known as satraps to govern each of the conquered regions. C) disposed of the triumvirate form of government. D) allowed foreign rulers known as nomarchs to rule their respective territories. 50. The rule of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT A) massive public works projects. B) the unification of China. C) state support for Confucianism. D) cruel punishments for lawbreakers. 51. Which of the following accurately shows the diffusion of Indian knowledge to other empires? A) Use of the abacus in China B) Adoption of a number writing system by the Islamic Empire C) Use of the column in Greek architecture D) Greek writings about atoms 52. According to Daoism, A) men and women have great control over the course of events in the world. B) individuality is less important than society's collective finding of the Dao. C) Buddhism and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible with Daoist faith. D) the Dao can be found in nature, in poetry, and in spontaneous behavior. 53. Which of the following is the name of a collection of Baltic and North Sea city-states that established common trade practices in 1241? A) The Silk Road B) The East European Union C) The Hanseatic League D) The Eastern Orthodoxy 54. Justinian's Code can be described as A) an adaptation of the feudal code of chivalry. B) a codification of Roman law. C) the first written form of government in Western civilization. D) an attempt by the emperor Justinian to form a political alliance with the Persians. 55. On a social level, Buddhism was different from Hinduism in India in that A) it recognized social distinctions based on castes. B) it expanded the authority of the priests. C) its principles strongly appealed to members of the lower castes. D) it professed the exemption of the upper classes from the reincarnation cycle. 56. Sunni Muslims believe which of the following? A) Non-Muslims should not be converted. B) Jesus was the son of God. C) Only Arabs should become sultans. D) Caliphs do not need to be direct descendants of the prophet Mohammad. 57. The rise of Muscovy, or Moscow, to predominance among Russian cities was facilitated most directly by its A) leadership role in Russian opposition to rule by the Mongol Golden Horde. B) proximity to the Western world, from which it imported new technologies. C) possession of the sole warm-water port in European Russia. D) mutual-protection agreement with the Byzantine Empire.

5 58. All of the following contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire EXCEPT A) increased infiltration of Germanic Barbarian tribes. B) economic challenges and burdensome government measures in order to support warfare. C) problems of imperial succession. D) growing tensions between the Christian sects. 59. All of the following were effects of the Black Death that ravaged Europe in the fourteenth century EXCEPT A) higher wages due to the devastation of the labor supply. B) persecution of Jews blamed for spreading the epidemic. C) the appearance of penitent monks known as flagellants. D) the strengthening of feudal ties between lord and serf. 60. A central political tenet of Confucianism was A) power should rest in a small, powerful elite. B) the ends justify the means. C) the best government is one that rules through peoples' natural morality and ethics. D) all people have a right to life, liberty, and property. 61. Which of the following was a Muslim ruler who posed a significant challenge to the Crusader kingdoms established in the Middle East? A) Averroes B) Saladin C) Mansa Musa D) Abu Bakr 62. Between 1500 and 1000 B.C.E. as the Aryans arrived in India, what notable aspect of their culture did they bring with them? A) A rigid class system based on a ruling warrior class B) An elaborate writing system C) A long agricultural tradition D) A monotheistic religion 63. The introduction of the Taika reforms around 646 C.E. was an attempt by the Japanese emperor to A) implement a bureaucratic form of government similar to that in China. B) resolve the tensions that existed between aristocrats and peasants. C) establish Daoism as the official religion of Japan. D) defend the royal family with a class of noble warriors. 64. One feature of the social structure that remained constant throughout Japan's medieval period was A) the merit-based bureaucracy. B) the conscripted army had greater political support than the samurai warriors. C) the ceremonial status of the emperor. D) the equal political privileges awarded to the samurai and the daimyo. 65. The arrival of the Bantu-speaking peoples in East Africa around the first millennium B.C.E. led to which of the following? A) The spread of Iron Age agriculture throughout the region B) The spread of Islam to the eastern African kingdoms C) The development of the African slave trade D) The first appearance of a writing system in Africa 66. The Peloponnesian War was fought between A) Greece and Rome. B) Greece and Macedonia. C) Greece and Persia. D) Athens and Sparta. 67. The collapse of the Han Dynasty differed from that of the Roman Empire in that A) incursions by northern tribes contributed only to the collapse of the Han. B) Han culture remained largely intact after the fall of the government. C) later Han emperors split China into two administrative divisions. D) a new religion gained currency only towards the end of the Roman Empire. 68. An important contribution of the medieval craft guilds was that they A) increased competition. B) set standards of quality for manufactured goods. C) encouraged trade between nations. D) united the workers against the aristocracy. 69. Which group was responsible for expanding cultural diffusion of Mayan thought, religion, and art following the decline of that civilization? A) Toltecs B) Olmecs C) Aztecs D) Incas 70. Through what means did the Incas develop a powerful empire in the rugged environment of the Andes Mountains? I. They built a complex road system. II. Their economy depended on large animals for working the fields. III. They had a strong, well-trained army. A) I only B) II only C) II and III only D) I and III only


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