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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER AL-NAHL... 3 (128 VERSES)... 3 VERSES VERSES VERSES 68 & The esoteric explanation... 5 The apparent explanation... 7 The apparent cure of licking honey... 7 Drinking water, honey, or milk... 8 The Emir of the bees... 9 VERSE VERSES 71 & VERSES 73 & VERSE VERSE VERSES VERSES 82 & VERSE VERSES VERSE The esoteric interpretation The Apparent interpretation The Altered Verse For the Friday sermon VERSES VERSES out of 64

2 VERSES VERSE VERSE VERSE VERSES 104 & The Signs of Allah azwj VERSES VERSES 112 & VERSES 114 & VERSE 116 & The Forbiddance of issuing Fatwas VERSES VERSE Punishment of the violators of the Sabbath VERSE VERSE VERSES 127 & out of 64

3 CHAPTER 16 AL-NAHL (128 VERSES) VERSES ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم VERSES و الل ه أ ن ز ل م ن الس م اء م اء ف أ ح ي ا ب ه ا ل ر ض ب ع د م و ت ا إ ن ف ذ ل ك ل ي ة ل ق و م ي س م ع ون }65{ And Allah Sends down water from the sky, so He Revives the earth by it after its death. Surely in that is a Sign for a people who listen [16:65] و إ ن ل ك م ف ا ل ن ع ام ل ع ب ر ة ن س ق يك م م ا ف ب ط ون ه م ن ب ي ف ر ث و د م ل ب ن ا خ ال ص ا س ائ غ ا ل لش ار ب ي }66{ And surely there is a lesson for you in the cattle. We Quench you from what is in their bellies from what is between dung and blood pure milk, palatable for the drinkers [16:66] و م ن ث ر ات الن خ يل و ا ل ع ن اب ت ت خ ذ ون م ن ه س ك ر ا و ر ز ق ا ح س ن ا إ ن ف ذ ل ك ل ي ة ل ق و م ي ع ق ل ون }67{ And from fruits of the palms and the grapes, you are taking intoxicants from it and a goodly sustenance. Surely in that there is a Sign for people using their intellects [16:67] ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن الن و ف ل ي ع ن الس ك و ن ع ن أ ب ع ب د الل ه ) عليه السالم ( ق ال ق ال ر س ول الل ه ) صلى اهلل عليه وآله ( ل ي س أ ح د ي غ ص ب ش ر ب الل ب ل ن الل ه ع ز و ج ل ي ق ول ل ب نا خال صا سائ غا ل لش ار ب ي. Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny, 3 out of 64

4 ىلإ Tafseer Hub-e-Ali asws (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Rasool-Allah saww said: There is no one who chokes by drinking the milk because Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying: pure milk, palatable for the drinkers [16:66]. 1 العياشي: عن سعيد بن يسار عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»إن اهلل أمر نوحا )عليه السالم( أن حيمل ف السفينة من كل زوج ي اثن ي. فحمل الفحل و العجوة فكانا زوجا فلما نضب املاء أمر اهلل نوحا أن يغرس احلبلة و هي الكرم فأتاه إبليس فمنعه من غرسها و أ ب نوح )عليه السالم( إال أن يغرسها و أ ب إبليس أن يدعه يغرسها و قال: ليست لك و ال لصحابك إمنا هي يل و لصحا ب فتنازعا ما شاء اهلل. Al Ayyashi, from Saeed Bin Yasaar, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Allah azwj Commanded Noah as that he as should carry in the ship, two from every pair. So he as carried the palm (tree) and Al-Ajwa (dates of the finest quality), which were a pair. So when the water subsided, Allah azwj Commanded Noah as that he as should plant it. So Iblees la came to him as and prevented him as from planting it, and Noah as refused except that he as would (definitely) plant it, and Iblees la refused to let him as plant it, and said, This is not for you as, nor for your as companions. But rather, it is for me la and my la companions. So there was a conflict for as long as Allah azwj so Desired it. مث إهنما اصطلحا على أن جعل نوح )عليه السالم( إلبليس ثلثيها و لنوح )عليه السالم( ثلثها و قد أنزل اهلل لنبيه )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( ف كتابه ما قد قرأمتوه: بذلك و م ن ث رات الن خ يل و ا ل ع ناب ت ت خ ذ ون م ن ه س ك را و ر ز قا ح س نا فكان املسلمون ]يشربون [ Then they both reconciled upon that Noah as would make two thirds of it to be for Iblees la, and a third to be for Noah as. And Allah azwj has Revealed to His azwj Prophet saww in His azwj Book what had you have read it: And from the fruits of the palms and the grapes - you obtain from them intoxicants and goodly provision [16:67]. So the Muslims were drinking that. مث أنزل اهلل آية التحرمي هذه ا لية: إ من ا ا ل م ر و ال م ي س ر و ا ل ن صاب و ا ل ز الم - نسخت ا لية االخرى«. - م ن ت ه ون يا سعيد فهذه آية التحرمي و هي Then Allah azwj Revealed the Verse of the Prohibition, this Verse: O you who believe! But rather, the wine, and the gambling, and the monuments (for idols), and the arrows (for dividing) [5:90] up to So will you (not) be abstaining? [5:91]. O Saeed! So this is the Verse of the Prohibition, and it Abrogates the other Verse. 2 1 Al Kafi V 6 The Book of Foodstuffs Ch 84 H 5 2 تفسير العي اشي 40 /262 :2 4 out of 64

5 VERSES 68 & 69 و أ و ح ى ر ب ك إ ىل الن ح ل أ ن ا ت ذ ي م ن ا ل ب ال ب ي وت ا و م ن الش ج ر و م ا ي ع ر ش ون }68{ And your Lord Revealed unto the bee saying: Take houses from the mountains and from the trees and from what they are constructing [16:68] مث ك ل ي م ن ك ل الث م ر ات ف اس ل ك ي س ب ل ر ب ك ذ ل ال ي ر ج م ن ب ط وهن ا ش ر اب م ت ل ف أ ل و ان ه ف يه ش ف اء ل لن اس إ ن ف ذ ل ك ل ي ة ل ق و م ي ت ف ك ر ون }69{ Then eat from all the fruits and travel the Way of your Lord submissively. There comes out from their bellies a drink of different colours wherein is healing for the people. Surely in that there is a Sign for a thinking people [16:69] The esoteric explanation علي بن إبراهيم قال: حدثين أ ب عن احلسن بن علي الوشاء عن رجل عن حريز بن عبد اهلل عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( ف قوله: و أ و حى ر ب ك إ ىل الن ح ل. قال:»حنن النحل الذي أوحى اهلل إليها: أ ن ا ت ذ ي م ن ا ل بال ب ي وتا أمرنا أن نتخذ من العرب شيعة و م ن الش ج ر يقول: من العجم و م ا ي ع ر ش ون من املوايل و الذي ي ر ج م ن ب ط وهن ا ش راب م ت ل ف أ ل وان ه العلم الذي يرج منا إليكم«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws regarding His azwj Words: And your Lord Revealed unto the bee [16:68]. He asws said: We asws are the bees whom Allah azwj has Revealed unto, Take houses from the mountains - Commanded that we asws should take Shias from the Arabs, and from the trees - and from the non- Arabs, and from what they are constructing [16:68] - from the slaves. There comes out from their bellies a drink of different colours [16:69]. Its colours, it is the Knowledge which comes out from us asws to you all. 3 العياشي: عن مسعدة بن صدقة عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( ف قوله: و أ و حى ر ب ك إ ىل الن ح ل أ ن ا ت ذ ي م ن ا ل بال ب ي وتا و م ن الش ج ر و م ا ي ع ر ش ون إىل إ ن ف ذل ك ل ي ة ل ق و م ي ت ف ك ر ون : Al Ayyashi, from Mas adat Bin Sadaqa, 3 تفسير القم ي. 387 :1 5 out of 64

6 (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws regarding His azwj Words: And your Lord Revealed unto the bee saying: Take houses from the mountains and from the trees and from what they are constructing [16:68] - up to: Surely in that there is a Sign for a thinking people [16:69].»فالنحل: ا لئمة و ا لبال: العرب و الشجر: املوايل عتاقة و ما يعرشون: يعين ا لوالد و العبيد من مل يعتق و هو يتوىل اهلل و رسوله و ا لئمة. (He asws said): So, the bee the Imams asws ; and the mountains the Arabs; and the trees the freed slaves; and what they are constructing Means the children and the slaves from the ones who have not been freed, and they are befriending Allah azwj, and His azwj Rasool saww, and the Imams asws. و ش ر اب املختلف ألواهنا: فنون العلم الذي قد يعلم ا لئمة شيعتهم: ف يه ش فاء ل لن اس يقول: ف العلم شفاء للناس و الشيعة هم الناس و غريهم اهلل أعلم هبم ما هم«. And: a drink of different colours [16:69] skill of the Knowledge which the Imams asws have taught their asws Shias, wherein is healing for the people. And the Shias, they are the people, and as for the others, Allah azwj is more Knowing what they are. قال:»و لو كان كما يزعم أنه العسل الذي يأكله الناس إذن ما أكل منه و ال شرب ذو عاهة إال برئ لقول اهلل: ل لن اس و ال خلف لقول اهلل ف يه ش فاء He asws : And if it was as they are claiming it to be, that it is the honey which the people are eating, then no one with a handicap would eat from it, except that he would be free from it, as per the Words of Allah azwj : wherein is healing for the people, and it is not opposing the Words of Allah azwj. و إمنا الشفاء ف علم القرآن لقوله: و ن ن ز ل م ن ال ق ر آن ما ه و ش فاء و ر ح ة ل ل م ؤ م ن ين فهو شفاء و ر حة لهله ال شك فيه و ال مرية و أهله: أئمة اهلدى الذين قال اهلل: مث أ و ر ث ن ا ال ك تاب ال ذ ين اص ط ف ي نا م ن ع باد نا«. But rather, the healing is the Knowledge of the Quran, as per His azwj Words: And We Reveal from the Quran what is a healing and a mercy for the Momineen [17:82]. So it is a Healing and a Mercy for its people, there is no doubt in it whatsoever. And its people are the Imams asws of Guidance about whom Allah azwj Says: Then We Gave the Book as an inheritance to those We Chose from among Our servants [35:32]. 4 احلسن بن أ ب احلسن الديلمي بإسناده عن أ ب بصري عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( ف قوله عز و جل: و أ و حى ر ب ك إ ىل الن ح ل أ ن ا ت ذ ي م ن ا ل بال ب ي وتا و م ن الش ج ر و م ا ي ع ر ش ون. قال:»ما بلغ بالنحل أن يوحى إليها بل فينا نزلت و حنن النحل و حنن املقيمون هلل ف أرضه بأمره و ا لبال: شيعتنا و الشجر: النساء املؤمنات«. 4 تفسير العي اشي 43 /263 :2 6 out of 64

7 Al Hassan Bin Abu Al Hassan Al Daylami, by his chain from Abu Baseer, From Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: And your Lord Revealed unto the bee saying: Take houses from the mountains and from the trees and from what they are constructing [16:68]. He asws said: What can reach by the bee if it is Revealed to it? But, it was Revealed regarding us asws, and we asws are the bee, and we asws are the establishers for Allah azwj in His azwj earth by His azwj Command. And the mountains are our asws Shias, and the trees are the believing women (Mominaat). 5 و ف رواية أ ب الربيع الشامي عنه )عليه السالم( ف قول اهلل: و أ و حى ر ب ك إ ىل الن ح ل فقال:»رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(«أ ن ا ت ذ ي م ن ا ل بال ب ي وتا قال:»تزوج من قريش«و م ن الش ج ر قال:»ف العرب«و م ا ي ع ر ش ون قال:»ف املوايل«ي ر ج م ن ب ط وهن ا ش راب م ت ل ف أ ل وان ه قال:»أنواع العلم فيه شفاء للناس«. And in a report of Abu Al Rabie Al Shamy, From him asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj : And your Lord Revealed unto the bee, so he asws said: Rasool-Allah saww, Take houses from the mountains Marry from Quraysh, and from the trees, he asws said: Among the Arabs, and from what they are constructing [16:68], he asws said: Among the slaves. There comes out from their bellies a drink of different colours [16:69], he asws said: Variety of knowledge wherein is healing for the people [16:69]. 6 The apparent explanation العياشي: عن حممد بن يوسف عن أبيه قال: سألت أبا جعفر )عليه السالم( عن قول اهلل: و أ و حى ر ب ك إ ىل الن ح ل قال:»إهلام«. Al Ayyashi, from Muhammad Bin Yusuf, from his father who said, I asked Abu Ja far asws about the Words of Allah azwj : And your Lord Revealed unto the bee [16:68]. He asws said: Inspiration. 7 The apparent cure of licking honey عن أ ب بصري عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»لعقة العسل فيها شفاء قال: م ت ل ف أ ل وان ه ف يه ش فاء ل لن اس «. From Abu Baseer, تأويل اآليات / 1: عن الديلمي في تفسيره. تفسير العي اشي. 44 /264 :2 تفسير العي اشي. 41 /263 :2 7 out of 64

8 (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Lick the honey, for there is a healing therein. He azwj Said: There comes out from their bellies a drink of different colours wherein is healing for the people [16:69]. 8 حم م د ب ن حي ي ع ن أ ح د ب ن حم مد ع ن ال ق اس م ب ن حي ي ع ن ج د ه احل س ن ب ن ر اش د ع ن حم م د ب ن م س ل م ع ن أ ب ع ب د الل ه ) عليه السالم ( ق ال ق ال أ م ري ال م ؤ م ن ي ) عليه السالم ( ل ع ق ال ع س ل ش ف اء م ن ك ل د اء ق ال الل ه ع ز و ج ل ي ر ج م ن ب ط وهن ا ش راب م ت ل ف أ ل وان ه ف يه ش فاء ل لن اس و ه و م ع ق ر اء ة ال ق ر آن و م ض غ الل ب ان ي ذ يب ال ب ل غ م. Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Muhammad Bin Muslim, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Amir Al-Momineen asws said: Licking the honey is a healing from every illness. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says: There comes out from their bellies a drink of different colours wherein is healing for the people [16:69], and it is with the recitation of the Quran and chewing frankincense melting the phlegm. 9 Drinking water, honey, or milk عن سيف بن عمرية عن شيخ من أصحابنا عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: كنا عنده فسأله شيخ فقال: ب وجع و أنا أشرب له النبيذ و وصفه يل الشيخ فقال له:»ما مينعك من املاء الذي جعل اهلل منه كل شي ء حي «قال: ال يوافقين. From Sayf Bin Umeyra, from a Sheykh from our companions, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I was in his asws presence, so an old man asked him asws, I have pain, and I drink intoxicant (النبيذ) for it, and it has been prescribed for me by the Sheykh (as medicine)? So he asws said to him: What prevents you from (drinking) the water which Allah azwj has Made every living thing? He said, It does not agree with me. قال له أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(:»فما مينعك من العسل قال اهلل: ف يه ش فاء ل لن اس قال: ال أجده. قال:»فما مينعك من الل ب الذي نبت منه حلمك و اشتد عظمك«. قال: ال يوافقين. فقال له أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(:»أ تريد أن آمرك بشرب ا لمر! ال و اهلل ال آمرك«. Abu Abdullah asws said to him: So what prevents you from the honey? Allah azwj Says wherein is healing for the people [16:69]? He said, I cannot find it. He asws said: So what is preventing you from the milk by which your flesh grows, and your bones get stronger? He said, It does not agree with me. So Abu Abdullah asws said: Do you 8 تفسير العي اشي. 42 /263 :2 9 Al Kafi V 6 The Book of Foodstuffs Ch 81 H 2 8 out of 64

9 want me asws that I asws should order you to drink the intoxicant? No, by Allah azwj, I asws will not order it. 10 The Emir of the bees ابن شهر آشوب: عن الرضا )عليه السالم( ف هذه ا لية:»قال النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(: علي أمري بين هاشم فسمي أمري النحل«. Ibn Shehr Ashub, (It has been narrated) from Al-Reza asws regarding this Verse (16:68) having said: The Prophet saww said: Ali asws is the Emir of the Clan of Hashim as, so is called Emir of 11. (أمير النحل) the bees VERSE 70 و الل ه خ ل ق ك م مث ي ت و ف اك م و م ن ك م م ن ي ر د إ ىل أ ر ذ ل ال ع م ر ل ك ي ال ي ع ل م ب ع د ع ل م ش ي ئ ا إ ن الل ه ع ل يم ق د ير }70{ And Allah Created you, then He Causes you to die, and from you is one who is returned to the worst age so that he does not know anything, after knowing. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, Powerful [16:70] علي بن إبراهيم قال: حدثنا حممد بن جعفر قال : حدثنا حممد بن أ حد عن العباس عن ابن أ ب جنران عن حممد بن القاسم عن علي بن املغرية عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»إذا بلغ العبد مائة سنة فذلك أرذل العمر«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, Muhammad Bin Ja far narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Abbas, from Ibn Abu Najran, from Muhammad Bin Al Qasim, from Ali Bin Al Mugheira, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: When the servant reaches 12. (أرذل العمر) [16:70] age the age of one hundred years, so that is: the worst ذلك. الطربسي: روي عن علي )عليه السالم(:»إن أرذل العمر مخس و سبعون سنة«. و روي عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( مثل تفسير العي اشي. 45 /264 :2 المناقب 315 :2 تفسير القم ي 78 2: 9 out of 64

10 Al-Tabarsy It has been reported from Ali asws having said: the worst age [16:70] is the age of seventy five years. And it is reported from the Prophet saww (أرذل العمر) similar to that. 13 حدثنا عمران بن موسى بن جعفر عن على بن معبد عن عبد اهلل بن عبد اهلل الواسطي عن درست بن اىب منصور عمن ذكره عن جابر قال سألت ابا جعفر عليه السالم عن الروح قال يا جابر It has been narrated to us by Umran Bin Musa Bin Ja far, from Ali Bin Ma bad, from Abdullah asws bin Abdullah Al-Wasity, from Darsat Bin Abu Mansour, from Jabir who said: I asked Abu Ja far asws about the Spirit. He asws said:.o Jabir!... واما ما ذكرت من اصحاب امليمنة فهم املؤمنون حقا جعل فيهم اربعة ار واح روح االميان وروح القوة وروح الشهوة وروح البدن وال يزال العبد مستعمال هبذه االرواح االربعة حىت يهم با لطيئة فإذا هم با لطيئة زين له روح الشهوة وشجعه روح القوة وقاده روح البدن حىت يوقعه ف تلك ا لطيئة فإذا المس ا لطيئة انتقص من االميان وانتقص االميان منه And as for what has been Mentioned of the companions of the right hand, they are the true Momineen. He azwj has Made four Spirits to be in them Spirit of the Faith, and Spirit of the Strength, and Spirit of the Desire, and Spirit of the Body. The servant does not cease to make use of these four Spirits until he commits sins. If he is with sin, the Spirit of Desire adorns it for him, and the Spirit of Strength encourages him until he indulges in that sin. When the sin has been committed he gets taken away from the Eman and Eman gets taken away from him. فان تاب تاب اهلل عليه وقد يأيت على العبد تارات ينقص منه بعض هذه االربعة وذلك قول اهلل تعاىل ومنكم من يرد إىل ارذل العمر لكيال يعلم بعد علم شيئا If he repents to Allah azwj, Allah azwj Forgives him, and Reduces from the servant one of these four, and these are the Words of Allah azwj ; And Allah Created you, then He Causes you to die, and from you is one who is returned to the worst age so that he does not know anything, after knowing [16:70]. فتنتقص روح القوة وال يستطيع جماهدة العدو وال معا لة املعيشة وينتقص منه روح الشهوة فلو مرت به احسن بنات آدم مل حين إليها وتبقى فيه روح االميان ورح البدن فربوح االميان يعبد اهلل وبروح البدن ويدب ويدرج حىت تأتية ملك املوت So the reduction is of the Spirit of the Strength, he would not have the ability to struggle against the enemy, nor look after the livelihood; and if the reduction from it is of the Spirit of the Desire, he would pass by the best of the daughters of Adam as, not coming to them; and there would remain in him the Spirit of the Eman and Spirit of the Body. With the Spirit of the Eman, he worships Allah azwj, and with the Spirit of the Body, he conducts (his actions) and intermingles (with the people) until there comes to him the Angel of Death مجمع البيان 574 5: 14 Basaair Al Darajaat P 9 Ch 14 H 5 (Extract) 10 out of 64

11 VERSES 71 & 72 و الل ه ف ض ل ب ع ض ك م ع ل ى ب ع ض ف الر ز ق ف م ا ال ذ ين ف ض ل وا ب ر اد ي ر ز ق ه م ع ل ى م ا م ل ك ت أ مي ان ه م ف ه م ف يه س و اء أ ف ب ن ع م ة الل ه ي ح د ون }71{ And Allah has Preferred some of you over the others regarding the Sustenance, but those who have been Preferred will not hand over their sustenance to what their right hands possess so they would be equal in it. Is it the Favour of Allah they are denying? [16:71] و الل ه ج ع ل ل ك م م ن أ ن ف س ك م أ ز و اج ا و ج ع ل ل ك م م ن أ ز و اج ك م ب ن ي و ح ف د ة و ر ز ق ك م م ن الط ي ب ات أ ف ب ال ب اط ل ي ؤ م ن ون و ب ن ع م ت الل ه ه م ي ك ف ر ون }72{ And Allah Made wives for you from yourselves and Made sons to be for you from your wives, and grandsons, and Graced you from the good things. Is it the falsehood they are believing in and with the Favour of Allah they are committing Kufr? [16:72] العياشي: عن عبد الر حن ا لشل قال: قال أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( عن قول اهلل: و ج ع ل ل ك م م ن أ ز واج ك م ب ن ي و ح ف د ة. قال:»احلفدة: بنو البنت و حنن حفدة رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(«. Al Ayyashi, from Abdul Rahman Al A shal who said, Abu Abdullah asws said about the Words of Allah azwj : and Made sons to be for you from your wives, and grandsons [16:72]: احلفدة (Grandsons) are the sons of the daughter, and we asws are the grandsons (احلفدة) of Rasool-Allah saww. 15 VERSES 73 & 74 و ي ع ب د ون م ن د ون الل ه م ا ال مي ل ك هل م ر ز ق ا م ن الس م او ات و ا ل ر ض ش ي ئ ا و ال ي س ت ط يع ون }73{ And they are worshipping from besides Allah what neither controls for them any sustenance from the skies and the earth by anything nor are they able to [16:73] 15 تفسير العي اشي. 46 /264 :2 11 out of 64

12 ف ال ت ض ر ب وا ل ل ه ا ل م ث ال إ ن الل ه ي ع ل م و أ ن ت م ال ت ع ل م ون }74{ Therefore, do not strike resemblances for Allah; surely Allah Knows and you do not know [16:74] علي بن إبراهيم قال: حدثنا حيد بن زياد عن حممد بن احلس ي عن حممد بن حي ي عن طلحة بن زيد عن جعفر بن حممد عن أبيه )عليهما السالم( ف حديث تفسري قوله تعاىل: الل ه ن ور الس ماوات و ا ل ر ض م ث ل ن ور ه ك م ش كاة ف يها م ص باح ال م ص باح ا لية و ف آخر احلديث: قلت لعفر بن حممد: جعلت فداك- يا سيدي- إهنم يقولون: مثل نور الرب قال:»سبحان اهلل! ليس هلل مثل قال اهلل: ف ال ت ض ر ب وا ل ل ه ا ل م ثال «. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, Humeyd Bin Ziyad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Talha bin Zayd, (It has been narrated) from Ja far Bin Muhammad asws from his asws father asws in a Hadeeth of Tafseer of the Words of the Exalted: Allah is Light of the skies and the earth. An example of His Light is like a niche wherein is a lamp, the lamp [24:35] the Verse, and in another Hadeeth, (the narrator said), I said to Ja far asws Bin Muhammad asws, May I be sacrificed for you asws, O my Master asws! They (people) are saying, The Lord azwj is like light? He asws said: Glorious is He azwj! There is no example for Allah azwj. Allah azwj Says: Therefore do not strike resemblances for Allah [16:74]. 16 VERSE 75 ض ر ب الل ه م ث ال ع ب د ا م ل وك ا ال ي ق د ر ع ل ى ش ي ء و م ن ر ز ق ن اه م نا ر ز ق ا ح س ن ا ف ه و ي ن ف ق م ن ه س ر ا و ج ه ر ا ه ل ي س ت و ون احل م د ل ل ه ب ل أ ك ث ر ه م ال ي ع ل م ون }75{ Allah Strikes an example of an owned slave, not being able upon anything; and one We Graced from Us a googly sustenance, so he spends from it secretly and openly, are they equal? The Praise is for Allah! But, most of them do not know [16:75] الشيخ ف )التهذيب(: بإسناده عن احلس ي بن سعيد عن حاد بن عيسى عن حريز عن حممد بن مسلم قال: سألت أبا عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( عن رجل ينكح أمته من رجل أ يفرق بينهما إذا شاء فقال:»إن كان ملوكه فليفرق بينهما إذا شاء إن اهلل ء فليس للعبد شي ء من ا لمر و إن كان زوجها حرا فإن طالقها عتقها«. تعاىل يقول: ع ب دا م ل وكا ال ي ق د ر ع لى ش ي Al Sheykh in Al Tehzeeb, by his chain from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said, 16 تفسير القم ي. 103 :2 12 out of 64

13 I asked Abu Abdullah asws about a man who marries off his bondmaid to a man, can he effect a separation between the two of them if he so desires to? So he asws said: If he was in his possession, so he can affect separation between the two of them if he so desires to. Allah azwj is saying: an owned slave, not being able upon anything [16:75]. Thus there is nothing from the commands for the slave. And if he marries her, then she is free. So if he were to divorce her, so she is a freed slave. 17 و عنه: بإسناده عن أ حد بن حممد بن عيسى عن علي بن احلكم عن أبان بن عثمان عن شعيب بن يعقوب العقرقوف عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: سئل- و أنا عنده أمسع- عن طالق العبد. قال:»ليس له طالق و ال نكاح أما تسمع اهلل ء «قال:»ال يقدر على طالق و ال على نكاح إال بإذن مواله«. تعاىل يقول: ع ب دا م ل وكا ال ي ق د ر ع لى ش ي And from him, by his chain from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Abaan Bin Usman, from Shuayb Bin Yaqoub Al Aqarqufy, Abu Abdullah asws was asked, and I was in his asws presence, about the divorce of the slave. He said: There is no divorce for him, nor a marriage. Have you not heard Allah azwj the Exalted Saying: an owned slave, not being able upon anything [16:75]? He asws said: He neither has the power upon the divorce, nor upon the marriage except by the permission of his master. 18 حم م د ع ن أ ح د ع ن اب ن ف ض ال ع ن م ف ض ل ب ن ص ال ح ع ن ل ي ث ال م ر اد ي ق ال س أ ل ت أ ب ا ع ب د الل ه ) عليه السالم ( ع ن ال ع ب د ه ل ء و إ ن ك ان ت أ م ة ق و م آخ ر ين أ و ح ر ة ي وز ط ال ق ه ف ق ال إ ن ك ان ت أ م ت ك ف ال إ ن الل ه ع ز و ج ل ي ق ول ع ب دا م ل وكا ال ي ق د ر ع لى ش ي ج از ط ال ق ه. Muhammad, from Ahmad, from Ibn Fazzal Bin Salih, from Lays Al Murady who said, I asked Abu Abdullah asws about the slave, is his divorce allowed? So he asws said: If she was a bondmaid, so no. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying: an owned slave, not being able upon anything [16:75]. If she was a bondmaid of another people, or a free woman, his divorce is allowed. 19 VERSE 76 و ض ر ب الل ه م ث ال ر ج ل ي أ ح د ه ا أ ب ك م ال ي ق د ر ع ل ى ش ي ء و ه و ك ل ع ل ى م و ال ه أ ي ن م ا ي و ج ه ه ال ي أ ت ب ري ه ل ي س ت و ي ه و و م ن ي أ م ر ب ال ع د ل و ه و ع ل ى ص ر اط م س ت ق يم } 76 { And Allah Strikes an example of two men one of them being dumb, not being able upon anything, and he is a burden upon his master. Wherever he sends التهذيب /340 :7 التهذيب /347 :7 19 Al Kafi V 7 The Book of Divorce Ch 75 H 2 13 out of 64

14 him, he does not come with any good. Are they equal, him and the one who orders with the justice, and he is upon the Straight Path? [16:76] ابن شهر آشوب: عن حزة بن عطاء عن أ ب جعفر )عليه السالم( ف قوله تعاىل: ه ل ي س ت و ي ه و و م ن ي أ م ر ب ال ع د ل.»هو علي بن أ ب طالب )عليه السالم( يأمر بالعدل و هو على صراط مستقيم«. قال: Ibn Shehr Ashub, from Hamza Bin Ata a, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws regarding the Words of the Exalted: Are they equal, him and the one who orders with the justice [16:76], he asws said: He asws is Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws, ordering by the justice, and he is upon the Straight Path? [16:76]. 20 و عن ه قال: حدثنا أ ب )ر حه اهلل( قال: حدثنا حممد بن أ حد بن علي بن الصلت عن عبداهلل بن الصلت عن يونس بن عبد الر حن عمن ذكره عن عبيد اهلل احلليب عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»الصراط املستقيم أمري املؤمن ي علي )عليه السالم(«. And from him, his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Bin Al-Salt, from Abdullah Bin Al-Salt, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from the one who mentioned it, from Ubeydullah Al-Halby, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: The Straight Path is Amir- Al-Momineen Ali asws. 21 ف كتاب كمال الدين ومتام النعمة باسناده إىل خيثمة ا لعفي عن أىب جعفر عليه السالم حديث طويل وفيه يقول عليه السالم: وحنن الطريق الواضح والصراط املستقيم إىل اهلل عزوجل وحنن من نعمة اهلل على خلقه. In the book Kamaal-Al-deen Wa Tamaam Al-Ne ma, by its chain going up to Khaysama Al-Ju fi (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws in a lengthy Hadeeth and in it he asws said: And we asws are the Clear Way and the Straight Path to Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic, and we asws are the Favour of Allah azwj upon His azwj creation. 22 VERSES و ل ل ه غ ي ب الس م او ات و ا ل ر ض و م ا أ م ر الس اع ة إ ال ك ل م ح ال ب ص ر أ و ه و أ ق ر ب إ ن الل ه ع ل ى ك ل ش ي ء ق د ير }77{ 20 المناقب 107 :2 (معاني األخبار: 2 /32 شواهد التنزيل ( 96 /61 : Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn CH 1 H out of 64

15 And for Allah is the unseen of the skies and the earth. And what is the matter of the Hour except like a blink of the eye or it is nearer. Surely, Allah is Able upon all things [16:77] و الل ه أ خ ر ج ك م م ن ب ط ون أ م ه ات ك م ال ت ع ل م ون ش ي ئ ا و ج ع ل ل ك م الس م ع و ا ل ب ص ار و ا ل ف ئ د ة ل ع ل ك م ت ش ك ر ون }78{ And Allah Extracted you from the bellies of your mothers, you were not knowing anything, and Made for you the hearing, and the sight, and the heart, perhaps you would be grateful [16:78] أ مل ي ر و ا إ ىل الط ري م س خ ر ات ف ج و الس م اء م ا مي س ك ه ن إ ال الل ه إ ن ف ذ ل ك ل ي ات ل ق و م ي ؤ م ن ون }79{ Are they not looking at the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? What is withholding them except Allah? Surely in that are Signs for a believing people [16:79] و الل ه ج ع ل ل ك م م ن ب ي وت ك م س ك ن ا و ج ع ل ل ك م م ن ج ل ود ا ل ن ع ام ب ي وت ا ت س ت خ ف ون ه ا ي و م ظ ع ن ك م و ي و م إ ق ام ت ك م و م ن أ ص و اف ه ا و أ و ب ار ه ا و أ ش ع ار ه ا أ ث اث ا و م ت اع ا إ ىل ح ي }80{ And Allah Made dwellings to be for you from your houses and Made houses to be for you from the skins of the cattle. You find these light on the day of your departing and the day of your staying; and from their wool, and their fur, and their hair (you make) furnishings and a provision for a while [16:80] و الل ه ج ع ل ل ك م م ا خ ل ق ظ ال ال و ج ع ل ل ك م م ن ا ل ب ال أ ك ن ان ا و ج ع ل ل ك م س ر اب يل ت ق يك م احل ر و س ر اب يل ت ق يك م ب أ س ك م ك ذ ل ك ي ت م ن ع م ت ه ع ل ي ك م ل ع ل ك م ت س ل م ون }81{ And Allah Made shades for you from what He Created, and Made shelters for you from the mountains, and Made garments for you to save you from the heat and garments to save you from your fighting. Like that He Completes His Favours upon you, perhaps you would be submitting [16:81] قال علي بن إبراهيم: و ف رواية أ ب ا لارود ف قوله: أ ثاثا قال:»املال«و م تاعا قال:»املنافع«إ ىل ح ي :»أي إىل ح ي بالغها«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, And in a report of Abu Al Jaroud, 15 out of 64

16 (It has been narrated) regarding His azwj Words: furnishings [16:80] (,(أ ثاثا he asws (5 th Imam asws ) said: The wealth. and a provision, he asws said: The benefits, for a while, he asws said: Until it reaches it (its term). 23 ع ل ي ب ن إ ب ر اه يم ع ن أ ب يه ع ن اب ن حم ب وب ع ن م ال ك ب ن ع ط ي ة ع ن س ل ي م ان ب ن خ ال د ق ال س أ ل ت أ ب ا ع ب د الل ه )عليه السالم( ع ن احل ر و ال ب ر د م ا ي ك ون ان ف ق ال يل ي ا أ ب ا أ ي وب إ ن ال م ر يخ ك و ك ب ح ار و ز ح ل ك و ك ب ب ار د ف إ ذ ا ب د أ ال م ر يخ ف اال ر ت ف اع احن ط ز ح ل و ذ ل ك ف الر ب يع ف ال ي ز اال ن ك ذ ل ك ك ل م ا ار ت ف ع ال م ر يخ د ر ج ة احن ط ز ح ل د ر ج ة ث ال ث ة أ ش ه ر ح ىت ي ن ت ه ي ال م ر يخ ف اال ر ت ف اع و ي ن ت ه ي ز ح ل ف اهل ب وط Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Mahboub, from Malik Bin Atiyya, from Suleyman Bin Khalid who said: I asked Abu Abdullah asws about the heat and the cold, from what do they emanate? O Abu Ayyub! Mars is a hot planet and Saturn is a cold planet. So if Mars begins to rise, the Saturn goes lower, and that is in the spring. So they do not stop being like that. Every time Mars rises a level, Saturn falls for three months until the Mars ends up high and Saturn ends up in the decline. ف ي ج ل و ال م ر يخ ف ل ذ ل ك ي ش ت د احل ر ف إ ذ ا ك ان ف آخ ر الص ي ف و أ و ل ا ل ر يف ب د أ ز ح ل ف اال ر ت ف اع و ب د أ ال م ر يخ ف اهل ب وط ف ال ي ز اال ن ك ذ ل ك ك ل م ا ار ت ف ع ز ح ل د ر ج ة احن ط ال م ر يخ د ر ج ة ح ىت ي ن ت ه ي ال م ر يخ ف اهل ب وط و ي ن ت ه ي ز ح ل ف اال ر ت ف اع ف ي ج ل و ز ح ل و ذ ل ك ف أ و ل الش ت اء و آخ ر ا ل ر يف ف ل ذ ل ك ي ش ت د ال ب ر د For the Mars that is its hottest time. So when it is at the end of the summer and the beginning of the autumn, Saturn begins to ascend and the Mars begins to descend. So these two do not stop being like that. Every time Saturn rises a level, Mars declines a level, and that is at the beginning of the winter and at the end of the summer. So that is its coldest time. و ك ل م ا ار ت ف ع ه ذ ا ه ب ط ه ذ ا و ك ل م ا ه ب ط ه ذ ا ار ت ف ع ه ذ ا ف إ ذ ا ك ان ف الص ي ف ي و م ب ار د ف ال ف ع ل ف ذ ل ك ل ل ق م ر و إ ذ ا ك ان ف الش ت اء ي و م ح ار ف ال ف ع ل ف ذ ل ك ل لش م س ه ذ ا ت ق د ير ال ع ز يز ال ع ل يم و أ ن ا ع ب د ر ب ال ع ال م ي. Every time this one rises, this one comes down, and every time this one comes down, this one rises. So if there is a cold day in the summer, so that is the action of the Moon, and if there is a hot day in the winter, so that action is due to the Sun. 24 VERSES 82 & 83 ف إ ن ت و ل و ا ف إ من ا ع ل ي ك ال ب ال غ ال م ب ي }82{ تفسير القم ي. 388 :1 (Extract) الكافي 474 /306 :8 16 out of 64

17 So if they turn back, then rather upon you is the clear delivery (of the Message) [16:82] ي ع ر ف ون ن ع م ت الل ه مث ي ن ك ر ون ه ا و أ ك ث ر ه م ال ك اف ر ون }83{ They are recognising the Favour of Allah, then they are denying it, and most of them are Kafirs [16:83] احل س ي ب ن حم مد ع ن م ع لى ب ن حم مد ع ن أ ح د ب ن حم مد ع ن احل س ن ب ن حم مد اهل ا ش ي ق ال ح د ث ين أ ب ع ن أ ح د ب ن ع يس ى ق ال ح د ث ين ج ع ف ر ب ن حم م د ع ن أ ب يه ع ن ج د ه ) عليه السالم ( ف ق و ل ه ع ز و ج ل ي ع ر ف ون ن ع م ت الل ه مث ي ن ك ر وهن ا ق ال ل م ا ن ز ل ت إ من ا و ل ي ك م الل ه و ر س ول ه و ال ذ ين آم ن وا ال ذ ين ي ق يم ون الص الة و ي ؤ ت ون الزكاة و ه م راك ع ون اج ت م ع ن ف ر م ن أ ص ح اب ر س ول الل ه ) صلى اهلل عليه وآله ( ف م س ج د ال م د ين ة Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Moalla Bin Muhammad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Hashimy who said, My father narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Isa who said, Ja far asws Bin Muhammad asws narrated to me, from his asws father asws, from his asws grandfather asws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic They are recognising the Favour of Allah, then they are denying it [16:83]. He asws said: When it was Revealed: But rather, your Guardian is Allah, and His Rasool, and those who are believing, those who are establishing the Salat and are giving the Zakat while they are performing Ruku [5:55], a number of the companions of Rasool-Allah saww gathered in the Masjid of Al-Medina. ف ق ال ب ع ض ه م ل ب ع ض م ا ت ق ول ون ف ه ذ ه ا ل ي ة ف ق ال ب ع ض ه م إ ن ك ف ر ن ا هب ذ ه ا ل ي ة ن ك ف ر ب س ائ ر ه ا و إ ن آم ن ا ف إ ن ه ذ ا ذ ل ح ي ي س ل ط ع ل ي ن ا اب ن أ ب ط ال ب ف ق ال وا ق د ع ل م ن ا أ ن حم م دا ص اد ق ف يم ا ي ق ول و ل ك ن ا ن ت و ال ه و ال ن ط يع ع ل ي ا ا ف يم ا أ م ر ن ا So some of them said to the others, What are you saying regarding this Verse? Some of them said, If we were to disbelieve in this Verse, we would be disbelieving with the rest of it, and if we believe, so this would be a humiliation when the son asws of Abu Talib asws would be empowered upon us. So they said, We have known that Muhammad saww is truthful in whatever he saww is saying, but we shall turn back on him saww and we will not obey Ali asws in what he saww is commanding us. ق ال ف ن ز ل ت ه ذ ه ا ل ي ة ي ع ر ف ون ن ع م ت الل ه مث ي ن ك ر وهن ا ي ع ر ف ون ي ع ين و ال ي ة ع ل ي ب ن أ ب ط ال ب و أ ك ث ر ه م ال ك اف ر ون ب ال و ال ي ة. He asws said: Thus, this Verse was Revealed: They are recognising the Favour of Allah, then they are denying it [16:83] Meaning the Wilayah of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws, and most of them are Kafirs with the Wilayah. 25 ابن شهر آشوب: عن الباقر )عليه السالم( ف قوله تعاىل: ي ع ر ف ون ن ع م ت الل ه ا لية. أمرهم بواليته مث أنكروا بعد وفاته«. قال:»عرفهم والية علي )عليه السالم( و 25 Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Divine Authority CH 108 H out of 64

18 Ibn Shehr Ashub, (It has been narrated) from Al-Baqir asws regarding the Words of the Exalted: They are recognising the Favour of Allah [16:83] the Verse. He asws said: He saww made them to recognise the Wilayah of Ali asws, and ordered them for his asws Wilayah, then they denied it after his saww passing away. 26 ابن شهر آشوب: عن الباقر )عليه السالم( ف قوله تعاىل: ي ع ر ف ون ن ع م ت الل ه ا لية. أمرهم بواليته مث أنكروا بعد وفاته«. قال:»عرفهم والية علي )عليه السالم( و Ibn Shehr Ashub, From Al-Baqir asws regarding the Words of the Exalted: They are recognising the Favour of Allah [16:83] the Verse: And he saww ordered them with his asws Wilayah, then they denied after his saww expiry. 27 العياشي: عن جعفر بن أ حد عن العمركي النيسابوري عن علي بن جعفر بن حممد عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر )عليهما السالم( أنه سئل عن هذه ا لية ي ع ر ف ون ن ع م ت الل ه ا لية فقال:»عرفوه مث أنكروه«. Al Ayyashi, from Ja far Bin Ahmad, from Al Amraky Al Neyshapouri, From Ali son of Ja far Bin Muhammad asws, from his brother asws Musa asws Bin Ja far asws having been asked about this Verse: They are recognising the Favour of Allah [16:83] the Verse, so he asws said: They recognised it, then they denied it. 28 VERSE 84 و ي و م ن ب ع ث م ن ك ل أ م ة ش ه يد ا مث ال ي ؤ ذ ن ل ل ذ ين ك ف ر وا و ال ه م ي س ت ع ت ب ون }84{ And on the Day when We will Send a witness from every community, then those who are committing Kufr will neither be Permitted (excuses) nor would they be (Permitted) to make amends [16:84] ] ابن شهرآشوب [ أبو حزة الثمايل عن أ ب جعفر )عليه السالم( ف قوله تعاىل: * )ويوم نبعث من كل أمة شهيدا( * قال: حنن الشهود على هذه االمة. Ibn Shehr Ashub, Abu Hamza Al Sumaly, المناقب. 99 :3 المناقب. 99 :3 تفسير العي اشي. 55 /266 :2 18 out of 64

19 (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws regarding the Words of the Exalted: And on the Day when We will Send a witness from every community [16:84], said: We asws are the witnesses upon this community. 29 الطربسي: عن الصادق )عليه السالم( قال:»لكل زمان و أمة إمام تبعث كل امة مع إمامها«. Al Tabarsy, From Al-Sadiq asws having said: For every era and community there is an Imam asws. Every community would be Resurrected with its Imam asws. 30 حدثنا احلس ي بن حممد عن معلى بن حممد قال حدثىن أبو الفضل املدايين عن اىب مرمي االنصاري عن منهال بن عمرو عن رزين بن حبيش قال مسعت عليا عليه السالم يقول ان العبد إذا دخل حفرته اتاه ملكان امسهما منكر ونكري فاول من يسئالنه عن ربه مث عن نبيه مث عن وليه فان اجاب جنا وان عجز عذباه It has been narrated to us by Al-Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Moala Bin Muhammad, from Abu Al- Fazal-Al-Madainy, from Abu Maram Al-Ansar, from MinhaAl-Bin Amro, from Razeyn Bin Habeysh who said: I heard Ali asws say that: When the servant enters his grave, two Angels come up to him, called Munkar and Nakeer. Firstly, they will question him about his Lord azwj, then about his Prophet saww, then about his Wali asws (Guardian). If he answers (correctly) he achieves salvation, and if he is unable to do so, he gets Punished. فقال له رجل ملن عرف ربه ونبيه ومل يعرف وليه فقال مذبذب ال إىل هؤالء وال إىل هؤالء ومن يضلل اهلل فلن جتد له سبيال ذلك السبيل له A man said to him asws, For the one who recognises his Lord azwj, and his Prophet saww, and does not recognise his Guardian asws? He asws said: Not to these, and not to those, and the one whom Allah azwj Let s to stray, that way will not be found for him, there will be no way for him. وقد قيل للنىب صلى اهلل عليه وآله من الوىل يا نىب اهلل قال وليكم ف هذا الزمان على عليه السالم ومن بعده وصيه ولكل زمان عامل حيتج اهلل به لئال يكون كما قال الضالل قبلهم ح ي فارقتهم انبيائهم ربنا لوال ارسلت الينا رسوال نتبع آياتك من قبل ان نذل وخنزى متام ضاللتهم جهالتهم بااليات وهم االوصياء And it was said to the Prophet saww, Who is the Guardian asws O Prophet saww? He saww said: Your Guardian in this era is Ali asws, and the one asws after him asws, his asws successor asws ; and for every era there is a knowledgeable one asws that Allah azwj Argues by, lest that they would say similar to what the former ones said when they were separated from their Prophets as, Our Lord azwj, If only You azwj had Sent to us a Rasool as so that we could have follow Your azwj Signs before we become disgraced 29 Tafseer Abu Hamza Al Sumaly - H مجمع البيان. 584 :6 19 out of 64

20 and discredited. They were completely misguided and ignorant from the Signs, as were (established) for the successors as (of their Prophets as ). هم الشهداء على اوليائهم والنىب الشهيد عليهم اخذ هلم مواثيق العباد بالطاعة واخذ النيب صلى اهلل عليه وآله عليهم املواثيق بالطاعة They asws are witnesses over their asws friends, and the Prophet saww is the witness over them asws, having taken a Covenant for them asws over the servants of their obedience to them asws, and the Prophet saww took a Covenant to them asws for their asws obedience to him saww. 31 VERSES و إ ذ ا ر أ ى ال ذ ين ظ ل م وا ال ع ذ اب ف ال ي ف ف ع ن ه م و ال ه م ي ن ظ ر ون }85{ And when those who are unjust see the Punishment, then it would neither be Lightened from them nor would they be Respited [16:85] و إ ذ ا ر أ ى ال ذ ين أ ش ر ك وا ش ر ك اء ه م ق ال وا ر ب ن ا ه ؤ ال ء ش ر ك اؤ ن ا ال ذ ين ك ن ا ن د ع و م ن د ون ك ف أ ل ق و ا إ ل ي ه م ال ق و ل إ نك م ل ك اذ ب ون }86{ And when those who associated see their associates, they shall say, Our Lord! These are our associates, those we were supplicating to from besides you. But the words would be thrown back to them: You are liars! [16:86] و أ ل ق و ا إ ىل الل ه ي و م ئ ذ الس ل م و ض ل ع ن ه م م ا ك ان وا ي ف ت ر ون }87{ And they shall cast the submission to Allah on that Day, and it would be lost from them, whatever they had been fabricating [16:87] ال ذ ين ك ف ر وا و ص د وا ع ن س ب يل الل ه ز د ن اه م ع ذ اب ا ف و ق ال ع ذ اب ب ا ك ان وا ي ف س د ون }88{ Those who are committing Kufr and are hindering from the Way of Allah, We shall Increase them in Punishment above the Punishment due to what they had been corrupting [16:88] 31 Basaair Al Darajaat P10 Ch 16 H 9 (Extract) 20 out of 64

21 و ي و م ن ب ع ث ف ك ل أ م ة ش ه يد ا ع ل ي ه م م ن أ ن ف س ه م و ج ئ ن ا ب ك ش ه يد ا ع ل ى ه ؤ ال ء و ن ز ل ن ا ع ل ي ك ال ك ت اب ت ب ي ان ا ل ك ل ش ي ء و ه د ى و ر ح ة و ب ش ر ى ل ل م س ل م ي }89{ And on the Day We will Send into every community a witness upon them from themselves, and We shall Come with you as a witness upon these (witnesses). And We Revealed the Book unto you as a clarification of all things, and Guidance and Mercy and glad tidings for the submitters [16:89] ويؤيد هذا التأويل: ما رواه صاحب كتاب االحتجاج بإسناده إىل عبد اهلل بن جعفر احلمريي ذكر حديثا مسندا يرفعه إىل حاد اللحام قال: قال أبو عبد اهلل عليه السالم: حنن واهلل نعلم ما ف السماوات واالرض وما ف ا لنة وما ف النار وما ب ي ذلك. قال حاد: فنهنهت إليه النظر. فقال: يا حاد إن ذلك ف كتاب اهلل يقوهلا ثالثا And what supports this explanation, is what has been reported by the author of the book Al-Ihtijaj (Al Tabarsee) by his chain to Abdullah Bin Ja far Al-Humeyri with a chain going up to Hamaad Al-Haam who said, Abu Abdullah asws said: We asws, by Allah azwj, know what is in the skies and the earth, and what is in Paradise and what is in Hell, and what there is in between that. Hamaad said, I ended up looking at him asws. He asws said: O Hamaad, that is in the Book of Allah azwj. He as said it three times. مث تال هذه ا لية )ويوم نبعث ف كل امة شهيدا عليهم من أنفسهم وجئنا بك شهيدا على هؤالء ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شئ وهدى ور حة وبشرى للمسلم ي(. إنه من كتاب اهلل الذي فيه تبيان كل شئ. The he asws recited this Verse: And on the Day We will Send into every community a witness upon them from themselves, and We shall Come with you as a witness upon these (witnesses). And We Revealed the Book unto you as a clarification of all things, and a Guidance and a Mercy and a glad tiding for the submitters [16:89]. This is from the Book of Allah azwj wherein is an explanation of all things. 32 حدثنا ا حد بن حممد عن عبد الر حن بن اىب جنران عن يونس بن يعقوب عن احلسن بن املغريه عن عبد االعلى وعبيده بن بشري قال قال أبو عبد اهلل عليه السالم ابتداء منه واهلل ان العلم ماىف السموات وما ف االرض وما ف ا لنة وما ف النار وما كان وما يكون إىل ان تقوم السا عة مث قال اعلمه من كتاب انظر إليه هكذا مث بسط كفيه مث قال ان اهلل يقول انا انزلنا اليك الكتاب فيه تبيان كل شئ. It has been narrated to us Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub, from Al-Hassan Bin Al-Mugheira, from Abdul A la and Ubeyda Bin Bashir who said: Abu Abdullah asws said: From the beginning, by Allah azwj, I know what is in the skies, and what is in the Earth, and what is in the Paradise, and what is in the Fire, and what has happened, and what will be happening up to the Establishment of the 32 Taweel Al Ayaat CH 55 H 3 21 out of 64

22 Hour. Then said: I asws know all this from looking at the Book. Then he asws extended his asws hand, then said: Allah azwj has Said: And We Revealed the Book unto you in it is a clarification of all things [16:89]. 33 حم م د ب ن حي ي ع ن حم م د ب ن احل س ي ع ن حم م د ب ن ع يس ى ع ن أ ب ع ب د الل ه ال م ؤ م ن ع ن ع ب د ا ل ع ل ى م و ىل آل س ام ق ال مس ع ت أ ب ا ع ب د الل ه ) عليه السالم ( ي ق ول و الل ه إ ن ل ع ل م ك ت اب الل ه م ن أ و ل ه إ ىل آخ ر ه ك أ نه ف ك ف ي ف يه خ ب ر الس م اء و خ ب ر ا ل ر ض و ء. خ ب ر م ا ك ان و خ ب ر م ا ه و ك ائ ن ق ال الل ه ع ز و ج ل ف يه ت ب ي ان ك ل ش ي Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abu Abdullah Al Momin, from Abdul A ala, a slave of the family of Saam who said, I heard Abu Abdullah asws saying: By Allah azwj! I asws am more knowing of the Book of Allah azwj, from its beginning to its end, as if it was in my asws palm. Therein is news of the sky and news of the earth, and news of what has occurred, and news of what is going to occur. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: in it is a clarification of all things [16:89]. 34 و عنه: عن إبراهيم بن إسحاق عن عبد اهلل بن حاد عن سيف التمار قال: كنا عند أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( و حنن مجاعة ف احلجر فقال:»و رب هذه البنية و رب هذه الكعبة- ثالث مرات- لو كنت ب ي موسى و ا لضر لخرب تما أ ن أعلم منهما و لنبأ تما با ليس ف أيديهما«. And from him, from Ibrahim Bin Is haq, from Abdullah Bin Hamad, from Sayf Al Tamar who said, We were in the presence of Abu Abdullah asws and we were a group at the (Black) Stone, and he asws said: By the Lord azwj of this construction, and Lord azwj of this Kabah! three times - : If I asws was between Musa as and Al Khizr as, I asws would inform them I asws am more knowledgeable than both of them as, and inform them with what (knowledge) wasn t in their as hands. 35 و عنه: عن علي بن حممد بن سعد عن حدان بن سليمان النيسابوري عن عبد اهلل بن حممد اليما ن عن مسلم بن احلجاج عن يونس عن احلس ي بن علوان عن أ ب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»إن اهلل خلق اويل العزم من الرسل و فضلهم بالعلم و أورثنا علمهم و فضلهم و فضلنا عليهم ف علمهم و علم رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( ما مل يعلموا و علمنا علم الرسول و علمهم«. And from him, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed, from Hamdan Bin Suleyman Al Neshapuri, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Yamani, from Muslim Bin Al Hajaaj, from Yunus, from Al Husayn Bin Alwaan, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Surely Allah azwj Created the Determined Ones العزم) (اولي from the Prophets as, and Graced them with the Knowledge, and Made us asws to inherit their as Knowledge and their as merits, and Preferred us asws above them as with regards to their as Knowledge, and Taught Rasool- 33 Basaair Al Darajaat P 3 Ch 6 H 2 34 Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Divine Authority CH 35 H 4 35 بصائر الدرجات: 3 250/ 22 out of 64

23 Allah saww what He azwj did not Teach them as, and Taught us asws the Knowledge of the Rasool saww and their as Knowledge (as well). 36 عن عبد امللك بن سليمان: أنه وجد ف دف ي الزمازي رق مكتوب فيه تأريه ألف و مائتا سنة بط السريانية و تفسريه بالعربية قال: ملا وقعت املشاجرة ب ي موسى بن عمران و ا لضر )عليهما السالم( ف قوله عز و جل ف سورة الكهف ف قصة السفينة و الغالم و ا لدار و رجع إىل قومه فسأله أخوه هارون عما استعمله من ا لضر فقال له: علم ما مل يضر جهله و لكن كان ما هو أعجب من ذلك. قال: و ما هو From Abdul Malik Bin Sulayman, who found in a buried parchment, in which was written the history of one thousand two hundred years, in Assyrian writing, and its explanation in Arabic. He said, When the disagreement occurred between Musa as Bin Imran as and Al- Khizr as regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic in Surah Al-Kahf (Chapter 18) in the story of the boat, and the young boy, and the wall, and when he as returned to his as people, his as brother as Haroun as asked him as about what transpired with Al- Khizr as. So he as said to him as : He as taught me as that which did not harm his as ignorance, but there was something which was even stranger than that. He as said: What was it? قال: بينما حنن على شاطئ البحر وقوف إذ أقبل طائر على هيئة ا لطاف فنزل على البحر فأخذ ف منقاره ماء فرمى به إىل املشرق مث أخذ ثانية و رمى به إىل املغرب مث أخذ ثالثة فرمى به ]إىل ا لنوب مث أخذ رابعة فرمى به إىل الشمال مث أخذ فرمى به [ إىل السماء مث أخذ فرمى به إىل ا لرض مث أخذ مرة أخرى فرمى به إىل البحر مث جعل يرفرف و طار فبقينا مبهوت ي ال نعلم ما أراد الطائر بفعله. He as said: We as were paused upon the sea shore when a bird came and descended upon the sea. So it took in its beak a drop of water and threw it to towards the east. Then it took a second drop and threw it towards the west. Then it took a third drop, so it threw it towards the south. Then it took a fourth drop and threw it towards the north. Then it took a fifth drop and threw it towards the sky. Then it took a drop and threw it towards the earth. Then it took it again and threw in into the sea. Then it fluttered and flew away. So we as remained in astonishment, not knowing what the bird intended by its actions. فبينما حنن كذلك إذ بعث اهلل علينا ملكا ف صورة آدمي فقال: ما يل أراكما مبهوت ي قلنا: فيما أراد الطائر بفعله قال: أو ما تعلمان ما أراد قلنا له: اهلل أعلم. قال: إنه يقول: ليبعثن اهلل ف آخر الزمان نبيا امسه حممد )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( له وصي امسه علي )عليه السالم( و علمكما مجيعا ف علمهما مثل هذه القطرة ف هذا البحر. So we as were in the midst of that, when Allah azwj Sent unto us as and Angel in the image of a human, so he said: What is the matter that I see the two of you as in astonishment? We as said: It is regarding what the bird intended by its actions. He said: So what do you as two know about what it intended? We as said: Allah azwj Knows. He said: Allah azwj would be Sending, at the end of the times, a Prophet saww whose name would be Muhammad saww, and there would be a successor asws for 36 بصائر الدرجات: 2 247/ 23 out of 64

24 him saww whose name would be Ali asws, and all of the Knowledge of the both of you as compared to their asws Knowledge is like this drop in this sea. 37 VERSE 90 إ ن الل ه ي أ م ر ب ال ع د ل و اإل ح س ان و إ يت اء ذ ي ال ق ر ىب و ي ن ه ى ع ن ال ف ح ش اء و ال م ن ك ر و ال ب غ ي ي ع ظ ك م ل ع ل ك م ت ذ ك ر ون } 90 { Surely Allah Commands with the justice, and the kindness, and giving to the near of kin, and Forbids from the immoralities, and the evil, and the tyranny. He Advises you, perhaps you would be mindful [16:90] The esoteric interpretation العياشي: عن سعد عن أ ب جعفر )عليه السالم(: إ ن الل ه ي أ م ر ب ال ع د ل و اإل ح سان قال:»يا سعد إن اهلل يأمر بالعدل و هو حممد )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و اإلحسان و هو علي )عليه السالم( و إيتاء ذي القرىب و هو قرابتنا أمر اهلل العباد بودتنا و إيتائنا و هناهم عن الفحشاء و املنكر من بغى على أهل البيت و دعا إىل غرينا«. Al Ayyashi, from Sa ad, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws regarding: Surely Allah Commands with the justice [16:90]. He asws said: O Sa ad! Surely Allah azwj Commanded for the justice and he saww is Muhammad saww, and the good, so he asws is Ali asws, and the giving to the near of kin, so they are our asws near of kin. Allah azwj has Commanded the servants to be cordial to us asws and to be obedient to us asws, and Forbidden them from the immoralities, and the evil, the ones who rebelled against the People asws of the Household, and called to other than us asws. 38 عن عامر بن كثري و كان داعية احلس ي بن علي عن موسى بن أ ب الغدير عن عطاء اهلمدا ن عن أ ب جعفر )عليه السالم( ف قول اهلل: إ ن الل ه ي أ م ر ب ال ع د ل و اإل ح سان و إ يتاء ذ ي ال ق ر ىب. قال:»العدل: شهادة أن ال إله إال اهلل و اإلحسان: والية أمري املؤمن ي )عليه السالم( و ينهى عن الفحشاء: ا لول و املنكر: الثا ن و البغي: الثالث«. From Aamir Bin Kaseer, and he was an advocate for Al Husayn Bin Ali, from Muhas Bin Abu Al Ghadeer, from Ata a Al Hamdany, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj : Surely Allah Commands with the justice, and the kindness, and giving to the near of kin [16:90]. He asws said: the justice Testimony that there is no god except for الروضة البن شاذان: 26 عنه البحار / 40: تفسير العياشي. 59 /267 :2 24 out of 64

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