بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم. 12 March Jamad Al Awal The Hypocrites. Page 1

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1 The Hypocrites Page 1

2 Introduction Before we begin, it is important to look at yourself and not at anyone when discussing this. Looking at someone else is not a good indication, subhan Allah. And the second advice is not to despair from the mercy of Allah (swt). And the final advice is to deal with people with what they re showing you, don t go into their hearts. The name of this surah tells us exactly what we will be discussing. The hypocrite is a deceiving enemy who is double faced and the reason for having this double-face is his cowardice. Hypocrisy is like a cancer that enters the body without realizing. Hypocrisy becomes apparent in times of affliction you will not be able to distinguish between a believer and hypocrite in good times. In times of afflictions, (يقولون) they talk too much, they want to justify themselves all the time, they don t want others to know what s inside their heart. The first part of the Surah from Ayat 1 to 8 it is talking about the hypocrites and their description. And from Ayat 9 to 11 is the salvation, solution and precaution. ) إ ذ ا ج ا ء ك ٱل م ن ف ق و ن ق ال وا ن شہ د إ ن ك ل ر س ول ٱ لل و ٱ لل ي ع ل م إ ن ك ل ر س ول ه ۥ و ٱ لل ي شہ د إ ن ٱل م ن ف ق ي ن ل ك ذ ب و ن ( 1 Ayah (When the hypocrites come to you (O Muhammad,(ﷺ they say: "We bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of Allâh." Allâh knows that you are indeed His Messenger and Allâh bears witness that the hypocrites are liars indeed) (When the hypocrites come to you): they begin as troublemakers, coming to the (إ ذ ا ج ا ء ك ٱل م ن ف ق ون (.(ﷺ) leader, to the Prophet o ( ن ش ہ د إ ن ك ل ر س ول ٱ لل (ق ال وا (they say: "We bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of Allâh): they are always saying something, what are they saying? They bear witness that the Prophet (ﷺ) is a Messenger of Allah (swt). There is no reason to say this the Prophet (ﷺ) never asked them to bear witness. They want to justify themselves before anything happens, subhan Allah. ي ع ل م إ ن ك ل ر س ول ه ۥ) (Allâh knows that you are indeed His Messenger): it means their news and (و ٱ لل testimony doesn t add anything. In Surah Al Baqarah 204 we find the same description they bear witness to whatever is in their heart. All of the actions of the heart your sincerity, love, tawakul, taqwa, etc is just between you and Allah (swt). You don t need to say something about your heart ق ل ( 16: to the people. The hypocrites want to show that they have pure hearts. In Surah Al Hujurat (Say: "Will you inform Allâh of your ) أ ت ع ل م ون ٱ لل ب د ين ڪ م و ٱ لل ي عل م م ا ف ى ٱلس م و ٲ ت و م ا ف ى ٱ ل ر ض و ٱ لل ب ك ل ش ىء ع ل يم religion While Allâh knows all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and Allâh is All-Aware of everything). They are just saying statements that add to their wickedness, subhan Allah. ي ش ہ د إ ن ٱل م ن ف ق ين ل ك ذ ب ون ( (and Allâh bears witness that the hypocrites are liars indeed): there is a (و ٱ لل big difference between the hypocrites bearing witness and Allah (swt) bearing witness, subhan Allah. Allah (swt) affirms and bears witness that the hypocrites are liars. Lying is to show something contrary to the reality, his actions and speech contradict what s in his heart. Whatever he discloses ع ن ع ب د للا رضى للا عنه ع ن الن ب ي ( Hadith: is contrary to what is concealed in his heart, subhan Allah. صلى للا عليه وسلم ق ا ل " إ ن الص د ق ي هد ي إ ل ى الب ر و إ ن الب ر ي هد ي إ ل ى الج ن ة و إ ن الر ج ل ل ي صد ق ح ت ى ي ك و ن ص د يق ا و إ ن الك ذ ب Page 2

3 (Narrated `Abdullah: The ) ي هد ي إ ل ى الف ج ور و إ ن الف ج و ر ي هد ي إ ل ى الن ار و إ ن الر ج ل ل ي كذ ب ح ت ى ي كت ب ع ن د للا ك ذ اب ا Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person. Falsehood leads to Al-Fajur (i.e. wickedness, evil-doing), and Al-Fajur (wickedness) leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is written before Allah, a liar.") - Sahih al-bukhari One of the traits of the hypocrites is lying. Never think that by lying you will be saved. They are lying because they re scared about their position and what people think about them. One of the greatest sicknesses of hypocrites is their concern of the people. People are dominating them, what do people think, etc. Ayah 2 ( ٱت خ ذ و ا أ ي م ن ہ م ج ن ة ف ص د وا ع ن س ب ي ل ٱ لل إ ن ہ م س ا ء م ا ك ان وا ي ع م ل و ن ) (They have made their oaths a screen (for their hypocrisy). Thus they hinder (men) from the Path of Allâh. Verily, evil is what they used to do) (They have made their oaths a screen (for their hypocrisy).): Out of their cowardice (ٱت خ ذ و ا أ ي م ن ہ م ج ن ة ( and fear, they take refuge in their oaths in order people do not think bad about them or question them. The hypocrites swear too much by Allah (swt) to make the people believe in them, subhan Allah. When you swear, you will use it for something great, but not all the time. Anyone who swears too much shows that he s a liar and he is swearing so that his image is not shaken in front of the people, subhan Allah. Don t make people your desires if they love you they praise you and if they hate you they accuse you their hearts can change. Don t make your concern the people because that is one of the characteristics of the hypocrites. They take their oaths as a ( (ج ن ة a shield. When you have a problem don t worry about the people, the hypocrites have the trait of improving their image in front of the people, and we need to worry about improving our image in front of Allah (swt). What do they do afterwards? shelter, (Thus they hinder (men) from the Path of Allâh): after they have taken (ف ص د وا ع ن س ب يل ٱ لل ( they attack. They bring negativity to the people, they will spread rumors and affect your faith. They will make the believers to despair. We ask Allah (swt) to make us keys of good. Ameen. When you are on the way of Allah (swt), you are positive because any situation you go through you will attach to Allah (swt). The hypocrites want to stop the people from the way of Allah (swt) by bringing doubts, discouraging others from doing good deeds. If someone is doing well, they will tell them you re doing too much, subhan Allah. Don t be a source of spreading rumors and stopping people from doing good because that is the characteristic of the hypocrites. At the time of the Prophet the hypocrites were discouraging others from giving charity. There was a man who gave a,(ﷺ) large amount and they told him you are showing-off in front of the Prophet.(ﷺ) And another man gave a date and they told him Allah (swt) doesn t need this, subhan Allah. So they are attacking someone giving too much and they are attacking someone giving little, subhan Allah. If someone is discouraging you from doing good deeds, don t listen to them, make your concern Allah (swt). (Verily, evil is what they used to do): nothing is worse than stopping people (إ ن ہ م س ا ء م ا ك ان وا ي ع م ل ون ( from doing good. For example, someone wants to go to umrah and they will say there s so many people, it s too crowded, subhan Allah. Or you want to learn Arabic or the Quran, they will say it s too hard. Don t discourage others. Remember the advice in the beginning, don t judge anyone but Page 3

4 yourself, and if you find yourself with a trait, then alhamdulliah you re alive, and quietly ask for forgiveness from Allah (swt) the mercy of Allah (swt) is vast. Ayah 3 ( ذ ٲل ك ب أ ن ہ م ء ام ن وا ث م ك ف ر وا ف ط ب ع ع ل ى ق ل وب ہ م ف ه م ل ي فق ه و ن ) (That is because they believed, then disbelieved, therefore their hearts are sealed, so they understand not) (That is because they believed, then disbelieved): What is the reason for (ذ ٲل ك ب أ ن ہ م ء ام ن وا ث م ك ف ر وا ( their hypocrisy? What makes people lie, take oaths, and stop people from doing good? They believed, meaning faith entered their hearts, but they didn t appreciate it, subhan Allah. Then they disbelieved. When you taste the sweetness of faith, don t relax, you need to ask Allah (swt) to keep your heart firm. ( مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك (يا (O Changer of the Hearts, keep our hearts firm on Your deen) and Surah Al Imran :8 ( ر ب ن ا ل ت ز غ ق ل وب ن ا ب ع د إ ذ ه د يت ن ا و ه ب ل ن ا م ن ل دن ك ر حم ة إ ن ك أ ن ت ٱل و ه ا ب ) ((They say): "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower). When you taste faith then that is a great blessing and favor from Allah (swt), so what is your responsibility? You need to make dua a and be grateful. Don t say before my life was easier and now with Islam it s more rules, subhan Allah. There is the other interpretation that they believed in order to blend in with society, they didn t want to disbelieve to be left out. After they believed, what happened to them? They disbelieved. Belief and disbelief are actions of the heart. Someone who tastes faith and doesn t appreciate it and is ungrateful, then that faith will go out, may Allah (swt) protect us. Ameen. Nifaq comes from (نفق) which is a tunnel. They enter from one side and leave to another side, subhan Allah. (نفق) also means to die, when the soul exits the body, subhan Allah. The hypocrites are dead, they had the soul of faith but they didn t و م ن ( 8: appreciate it so it was taken out. They show people that they re believers, Surah Al Baqarah say: (And of mankind, there are some (hypocrites) who ) ٱلن اس م ن ي ق و ل ء ام ن ا ب ٱ لل و ب ٱلي و م ٱ ل خ ر و م ا ه م ب م ؤم ن ي ن "We believe in Allâh and the Last Day" while in fact they believe not.). How will Allah (swt) deal with someone who was given the most precious of gifts belief and doesn t appreciate it? o ( ع ل ى ق ل وب ہ م (ف ط ب ع (therefore their hearts are sealed): a seal is placed on their heart and it s closed, no one can open it, no one change it. What happens if the heart is sealed? Faith cannot penetrate, even if he sees the biggest signs and he hears strong ayat, his heart won t move. Even if he sees death in front of him, he s the same, subhan Allah. May Allah (swt) protect us. Ameen. When you hear about hypocrisy and you are afraid, then you re not a hypocrite. But when you hear about hypocrisy and you re not afraid, then you are a hypocrite. The Prophet (ﷺ) said no one is afraid of it (hypocrisy) but is a believer and no one is secure of it (hypocrisy) but is a hypocrite. o ( ل ي ف ق ه ون (ف ه م (so they understand not): they don t have deep understanding of the deen. Don t you want to be saved from hypocrisy? You need to have (فقه) of the deen, detailed and deep understanding of the Quran and deen. That s why they fall into this trap of hypocrisy, they don t know what is good and what will reform them in their life. From this ayah we learn that we need to take care of our faith, it s the most precious thing you have. And then take the means to increase in faith because faith either goes up or down. How do you increase your faith? Learn about Allah (swt), the Quran, and do good deeds. Good deeds will remove the sins. We are supposed to increase our faith all the time, not season to season or Page 4

5 Ramadan to Ramadan. And we need to make dua a to Allah (swt) to keep our hearts firm on the deen. Ameen. و إ ذ ا ر أ ي ت ه م ت ع ج ب ك أ ج س ام ه م و إ ن ي ق ول وا ت س م ع ل ق و ل ه م ك أ ن ہ م خ ش ب م س ن د ة ي ح س ب ون ك ل ص ي ح ة ع ل ي ہ م ه م ٱل ع د و ( 4 Ayah (And when you look at them, their bodies please you; and when ) ف ٱح ذ ر ه م ق ت ل ه م ٱ لل أ ن ى ي ؤ ف ك و ن they speak, you listen to their words. They are as blocks of wood propped up. They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies, so beware of them. May Allâh curse them! How are they denying (or deviating from) the Right Path?) Imagine when this Surah was revealed and they hypocrites were exposed, they still didn t change. The ayat didn t impact them, may Allah (swt) protect us. Ameen. Now let s see how do people view them? Keep in mind the hypocrites worry about how people view them. (And when you look at them, their bodies please you): you will be amazed (و إ ذ ا ر أ ي ت ه م ت ع ج ب ك أ ج س ام ه م ( with their appearance, they dress to impress others. (and when they speak, you listen to their words.): if they speak in a (و إ ن ي ق ول وا ت س م ع ل ق و ل ه م ( gathering, everybody will listen to them. They want to get attention in any gathering they attend, family, friends, whether it s about the duniya or deen. If you have an intention to talk about the deen just to impress someone, then don t talk about it. Or sometimes people talk about the deen so that people will respect them more or think they re religion, and this is a wrong intention, this is desire. They are taking care of their looks and their eloquency in order for the people to be pleased with them. Does that mean we don t take care of ourselves or not speak well? No but do it for Allah (swt), you want Allah (swt) to be pleased with you, not because of the people. Don t make a person dominating in your life, you need to make Allah dominating, muhaymin in your life He overpowers your thoughts, you wake up thinking about Allah (swt), you sleep thinking about Allah (swt). We ask Allah Al Baar i to purify our hearts. Ameen. We are being taught to look good and talk good so that you make a good impression on the people, subhan Allah. Rather do this, wear this so that Allah (swt) is pleased with you. Don t use the word people in your nurturing and advice, say Allah we don t want to be a means of hypocrisy in society. Don t tell your son go learn Quran so that people will say I m a good mother, subhan Allah. The head of the hypocrites was Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Saylool and his son was also called Abdullah and he was the best of the companions, subhan Allah. And the son was the most obedient to his parents. Sometimes you talk to someone, and they give you so much energy to do good. And sometimes you talk to someone and they drain you and discourage you to do good. How do the hypocrites hear things? (They are as blocks of wood propped up): they are like a solid piece of wood (ك أ ن ہ م خ ش ب م س ن د ة ( leaning on the wall, like decoration. When they would listen to the Prophet,(ﷺ) they are there but they don t want to listen. Meaning their heart is solid, words and reminders are of no use for ي أ ي ہ ا ٱل ذ ي ن ء ام ن وا ٱست ج يب وا لل و ل لر س و ل إ ذ ا ( 24: them. The Quran and the Sunnah give you life. Surah Al Anfal (O you who believe! Answer Allâh (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he ) د ع اك م ل م ا ي حي يڪ م calls you to that which will give you life). If someone is telling us about the Quran and (ﷺ) Sunnah, we need to listen attentively because that s your life. But for the hypocrites, they re there for the sake of being there, not because they want to learn or understand. They don t want people Page 5

6 to blame them, they re scared of their reputation in front of people. When you come to listen and attend, your heart should be present. After the gatherings with the Prophet,(ﷺ) they say what did the Prophet (ﷺ) say? Subhan Allah. It means nothing entered their heart. When you listen to something, you will feel everything is being addressed to you, this is a good sign. Anything that goes to your heart will be in your mind. But they re like buckets with holes, the water enters only to be drained out, this is how it is with knowledge. (They think that every cry is against them): they re scared of their reputation (ي ح س ب ون ك ل ص ي ح ة ع ل ي ہ م ( in front of people. If someone is a thief and he s at the house, if he hears the bell ring, he ll think he s caught. Surah At Tawbah is (الفاضحة) it completely exposes the hypocrites. The hypocrites are always scared that people will expose them. If they see people gathered, they ll think I m sure people are talking about me, subhan Allah. What does Allah (swt) say afterwards? (They are the enemies, so beware of them): the hypocrites are greater enemies (ه م ٱل ع د و ف ٱح ذ ر ه م ( than the disbelievers because the disbelievers are clearly disbelieving. But the hypocrites are grey, they will stab you from the back. They show you that they re your friends and they are with the believers, but they want to decrease you in faith. An enemy is anyone who takes you far from Allah (swt). Anyone who takes you near to Allah (swt), then that s a friend. Food, money, children, etc can be friends or enemies, subhan Allah. (May Allâh curse them! How are they denying (or deviating from) the Right (ق ت ل ه م ٱ لل أ ن ى ي ؤ ف ك ون ( Path?): Allah (swt) has cursed them, they have fabricated lies though the truth is very clear, subhan Allah. After describing them, Allah (swt) is still giving them a chance. Ayah 5 ( و إ ذ ا ق يل ل ه م ت ع ال و ا ي س ت غف ر ل ك م ر س ول ٱ لل ل و و ا ر ء وس ه م و ر أ ي ت ه م ي ص د و ن و ه م م س ت كب ر و ن ) (And when it is said to them: "Come, so that the Messenger of Allâh may ask forgiveness from Allâh for you", they twist their heads, and you would see them turning away their faces in pride) (And when it is said to them: "Come, so that the Messenger of (و إ ذ ا ق يل ل ه م ت ع ال و ا ي س ت غ ف ر ل ك م ر س ول ٱ لل ( Allâh may ask forgiveness from Allâh for you"): the believers are coming to them and telling them to come and be elevated, how? With istighfar, subhan Allah. They can t seek forgiveness for themselves because their hearts are sealed, they don t feel like they re doing anything wrong. Look at how the believer is encouraging, subhan Allah. But what was their reaction? (they twist their heads,): they tilt their heads, they don t want to listen or go to the (ل و و ا ر ء وس ه م ( Prophet (ﷺ) this shows so much arrogance. (and you would see them turning away their faces in pride): they turn away in (ي ص د ون و ه م م س ت كب ر ون ( what kind of condition? With pride. They make themselves greater and higher than the truth, subhan Allah. If someone brings you the truth, you need to accept it even if it s against you. In this ayah, it shows you the purity and goodness of the believers they have so much hope, they are motivating, they don t judge others even if they re hypocrites, subhan Allah. Ayah 6 ( س و ا ء ع ل ي ه م أ س ت غ ف ر ت ل ه م أ م ل م ت س ت غف ر ل ه م ل ن ي غف ر ٱ لل ل ه م إ ن ٱ لل ل ي ہ د ى ٱل ق و م ٱل ف س ق ي ن ) (It is equal to them whether you (Muhammad (ﷺ ask forgiveness or ask not forgiveness for them. Allah Page 6

7 will not forgive them. Verily, Allâh guides not the people who are the Fâsiqîn (the rebellious, the disobedient to Allâh)) same. (It is equal to them): it will be the (س و ا ء ع ل ي ه م ( ask forgiveness or ask not forgiveness (ﷺ (whether you (Muhammad (أ س ت غ ف ر ت ل ه م أ م ل م ت س ت غف ر ل ه م ( for them.): whether you seek forgiveness for them or not it s the same. They won t change. ل ه م ( (Allah will not forgive them): Allah (swt) will not and will never forgive them. This is (ل ن ي غف ر ٱ لل very scary. They find themselves good, and even if they re given chances they refuse and reject them. So what should we do? Seek forgiveness all the time. The hypocrite can t even say istaghfar Allah. May Allah (swt) protect us. Ameen. What is the reason for not being forgiven? ل ي ہ د ى ٱل ق و م ٱل ف س ق ين ( rebellious, (Verily, Allâh guides not the people who are the Fâsiqîn (the (إ ن ٱ لل the disobedient to Allâh): Allah (swt) will not guide the fasiqeen. So this is another title, munafiqoon, liars, enemy, blocks of wood, arrogant, and fasiqoon. What does fasiqeen mean? Rebellious, he takes himself out of the obligations, out of Islam. They are wicked. If Allah (swt) is not guiding them then who can guide them? Subhan Allah. May Allah (swt) guide us to the Straight Path. Ameen. ه م ٱل ذ ي ن ي ق ول و ن ل ت نف ق وا ع ل ى م ن ع ن د ر س و ل ٱ لل ح ت ى ي نف ض وا و لل خ ز ا ٮ ن ٱلس م و ٲ ت و ٱ ل ر ض و ل ك ن ( 7 Ayah (They are the ones who say: "Spend not on those who are with Allâh's ) ٱل م ن ف ق ين ل ي فق ه و ن Messenger, until they desert him." And to Allâh belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites comprehend not) These two ayat were revealed saying exactly what the head of hypocrites said, Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salool. Notice Allah (swt) did not reveal the name of Abdullah in the Quran whereas with Abu Lahab, his name was revealed. Abu Lahab was a disbeliever, but the hypocrites are Muslims from the outside, so we cannot deal with them as if we know what s in their hearts. We deal with them with what they re showing us. In these ayat, we see how the hypocrites socialize with the believers. (They are the ones who say): the hypocrites are always talking and objecting. The (ه م ٱل ذ ين ي ق ول ون ( munafiqeen are later reverts, they joined at the time when Islam was established, otherwise it would have been difficult previous to that. The munafiqeen are always attacking the early reverts, though they are the ones who supported the Prophet (ﷺ) from the start. Their position is different, subhan Allah. There are also those who reverted later the Ansar but they supported the early reverts and they protected their hearts from feeling greedy. The hypocrites think they have a favor upon the Prophet (ﷺ) and the early reverts. When they see others supporting the Prophet hearts. and the early reverts are with him, they don t like it. There is insecurity in their (ﷺ) ("Spend not on those who are with Allâh's Messenger, until (ل ت نف ق وا ع ل ى م ن ع ند ر س ول ٱ لل ح ت ى ي نف ض وا ( they desert him."): this shows the jealousy and hatred in their heart. The hypocrites want closeness to the leader, they feel others are a competition to them. The Ansar s hearts are so pure, they don t feel jealous of the early reverts. The hypocrites are accusing the early reverts of being close to the Prophet (ﷺ) so that they get a position. Some of the characteristics of the hypocrites are feeling jealous, wanting a position, and wanting to make divisions between people to say those are early Page 7

8 reverts and those are later reverts. Everyone is welcome to Islam, whether new or old. The Muhajireen and Ansar have good hearts towards each other, but not the hypocrites. What did Allah (swt) answer them? o ( لل خ ز ا ٮ ن ٱلس م و ٲت و ٱ ل ر ض (و (And to Allâh belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth): it s not your money or support that will make anyone love you. Everything is from Allah (swt) the entire rizq is in the hands of Allah (swt) He gives and takes, honors and humiliates. o ( ل ك ن ٱل م ن ف ق ين ل ي ف ق ه ون (و (but the hypocrites comprehend not): this is the second time it s being mentioned that they don t understand deeply. They don t understand that all of the provision and treasures are in the hands of Allah (swt). What is the opposite of this ayah? Spend for the sake of Allah (swt). Abu Bakr (ra) was spending on a hypocrite even though he slandered his daughter Aisha (ra), subhan Allah. ي ق ول ون ل ٮ ن ر ج ع ن ا إ ل ى ٱل م د ين ة ل ي خ ر ج ن ٱ ل ع ز م نہ ا ٱ ل ذ ل و لل ٱل ع ز ة و ل ر س ول ه ۦ و ل ل م ؤ م ن ي ن و ل ك ن ٱل م ن ف ق ي ن ل ( 8 Ayah (They (hypocrites) say: "If we return to Al-Madinah, indeed the more honourable (ي ع ل م ون ('Abdûllah bin Ubai bin Salul, the chief of hypocrites at Al Madinah) will expel therefrom the meaner (i.e. Allâh's Messenger ".(ﷺ But honour, power and glory belong to Allâh, and to His Messenger (Muhammad,(ﷺ and to the believers, but the hypocrites know not.) (They (hypocrites) say): notice again they re talking and objecting. We don t want to be a (ي ق ول ون ( source of conflict in a society. We are in times of facing fitna, the shaitan wants people to separate and sins separate as well, subhan Allah. It s important to be united together, loving each other for the sake of Allah (swt). ("If we return to Al-Madinah, indeed the more honourable (ل ٮ ن ر ج ع ن ا إ ل ى ٱل م د ين ة ل ي خ ر ج ن ٱ ل ع ز م نہ ا ٱ ل ذ ل ( will expel therefrom the meaner."): After the Battle of Mustaleq, they were outside of Medina. They said when they return, then surely someone will be kicked out. The one who is most honorable will drive out the one with the most humiliation. They say the most honorable was referring to 'Abdûllah bin Ubai bin Salul, the chief of hyprocrites at Al-Madinah and his people, so they re talking about themselves, that they will come back and be leaders and they will take out the early reverts the Muhajiroon, subhan Allah. This shows so much jealousy and on top of that, they are broadcasting this statement and they are trying to spread it among the believers. The news was spreading quickly and it can weaken the society, so the Prophet (ﷺ) commanded them all together to pack and go and they walked and walked, until they were tired and slept, subhan Allah. So when arguments are happening, just occupy them with something else. To be busy is better than to be free and idle. What did Allah (swt) answer them? o ( لل ٱل ع ز ة و ل ر س ول ه ۦ و ل ل م ؤ م ن ين (و (But honour, power and glory belong to Allâh, and to His Messenger (Muhammad,(ﷺ and to the believers): you want to talk about honor, Allah (swt) will tell you who is honored. The honor belongs to Allah (swt), His messenger (ﷺ) and the believers. So the more you belief, the more honor you will have. And Allah (swt) did not say honor is for the early or late reverts the honor is not if you are far or close, Arab or not, but the honor is based on your belief. Page 8

9 o (but the hypocrites know not): even knowledge they don t ((و ل ك ن ٱل م ن ف ق ين ل ي ع ل م ون ( have. Honor is to Allah (swt), His messenger (ﷺ) and the believers, this is straightforward, but they don t know this. ر ٱ لل و م ن ي فع ل ذ ٲل ك ف أ ول ٮ ك ه م ٱل خ س ر و ن ( 9 Ayah O) ) ي أ ي ہ ا ٱل ذ ي ن ء ام ن وا ل ت له ك م أ م و ٲل ك م و ل أ و ل د ڪ م ع ن ذ ڪ you who believe! Let not your properties or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allâh. And whosoever does that, then they are the losers) From ayat 9 to 11 is a salvation and protection from hypocrisy. Don t deal with hypocrisy as if it s far away, it s close to anyone. Maybe we are falling into it, or close to it, may Allah (swt) protect us. Ameen. We need to take an action. The time of sleeping is over, you need to work. Before the Day of Judgement so many trials will come that a person is a believer in the morning and disbeliever in the evening. May Allah (swt) protect us. Ameen. The following are divine advices these are advices from Allah (swt). There are so many descriptions to hypocrisy and it feels overwhelming as if you fall into all of them, but there are two things which Allah (swt) is telling you to do which will protect you from hypocrisy. The first safeguard from hypocrisy is: O) you who believe! Let not your properties (ي أ ي ہ ا ٱل ذ ين ء ام ن وا ل ت ل ه ك م أ م و ٲل ك م و ل أ و ل د ڪ م ع ن ذ ڪ ر ٱ لل ) or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allâh.): people think it s normal to be busy with your wealth and children, but it doesn t mean to be busy with the limbs, but busy with the heart. You go out and you re busy, but your heart is not busy with them, it is busy with Allah (swt). Don t let your wealth and children occupy your heart from the remembrance of Allah (swt). The hypocrites remember Allah (swt) but little. They might make dua a, pray, but the believer should remember Allah (swt) more. When the hypocrites pray, they pray lazily and for showing the people. When you pray, you want to pray for Allah (swt), not because you re being dragged. The believer doesn t worry because he trusts Allah (swt). When you re occupied with your wealth and children, then of course you re drained so you ll come to the prayer lazily, subhan Allah. Allah (swt) created us to worship Him, when your heart is remembering Allah (swt) then you will never feel restless or worried because your heart is doing what it s made for. If not, then you ll have a miserable life. Life can never be perfect, you will only get what Allah (swt) has decreed for you, so don t be occupied with it. Surah Al Kahf :46 ( و ٱلب ن و ن ز ين ة ٱلح ي و ة ٱلد ني ا و ٱل ب ق ي ت ٱلص ل ح ت خ ير ع ن د ر ب ك ث و اب ا وخ ير أ م ل (ٱلم ال (Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world. But the good righteous deeds, that last, are better with your Lord for rewards and better in respect of hope) it means your wealth and children will leave you, but only your deeds will remain. The heart is the house of loving and magnifying Allah (swt) you need to keep it for that purpose, any other purpose will only make you sad. (And whosoever does that, then they are the losers): anyone who (و م ن ي ف ع ل ذ ٲل ك ف أ ول ٮ ك ه م ٱل خ س ر ون ( is occupied in the heart with wealth and children then he will be of the losers. What have they lost? The duniya and akhira. Why have they lost the duniya as well? Because worrying just makes you weak, sick and it s a loss of time. So the successful ones are the ones who busy their heart with the remembrance of Allah (swt) they have won the duniya and akhira. Page 9

10 ي أت ى أ ح د ك م ٱل م و ت ف ي ق ول ر ب ل و ل أ خ ر ت ن ى إ ل ى أ ج ل ق ر يب ف أ ص د ق و أ ك ن م ن ( 10 Ayah و أ نف ق وا م ن ما ر ز ق ن ك م م ن ق ب ل أ ن (And spend (in charity) of that with which We have provided you, before death (ٱلص ل ح ين comes to one of you and he says: "My Lord! If only You would give me respite for a little while (i.e. return to the worldly life), then I should give Sadaqah (i.e. Zakât) of my wealth, and be among the righteous [i.e. perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah)] and other good deeds) The second safeguard from hypocrisy is spending in the sake of Allah (swt), why? Because the more you spend, the more purification it is for you. The command was not to pray or fast, but to spend, be productive in society, subhan Allah. A smile can even be sadaqah. And the word sadaqah comes from sidq truth. Charity for the sake of Allah (swt) is a proof of your truthfulness, subhan Allah. in this worldly,(ﷺ (there is he whose speech may please you (O Muhammad (و أ نف ق وا م ن م ا ر ز ق ن ك م) life): ( (أ نف ق وا to spend also comes from the root,(نفق) which is to come out from one place to another, to spend is to take something of yourself and give it. And whatever Allah (swt) has given you, you need to spend whether wealth, knowledge, advice, etc. (before death comes to one of you): you need to spend before it s too (م ن ق ب ل أ ن ي أت ى أ ح د ك م ٱل م و ت ( late before death. We need to do good now, don t say tomorrow, don t say in the evening, subhan Allah. What will the person say when death comes? o o (and he says: "My Lord! If only You would give me (ف ي ق ول ر ب ل و ل أ خ ر ت ن ى إ ل ى أ ج ل ق ر يب ( respite for a little while): he will ask for more time, give me one hour, one minute can make a difference, subhan Allah. That s why your time is your capital. Allah (swt) gave you time to go to paradise. Surah Al Asr 1-2: () ٢( و ٱل ع صر )١( إ ن ٱ ل نس ن ل ف ى خ سر ) (By Al- 'Asr (the time). (1) Verily, man is in loss, (2)). What will he wish to do? (then I should give Sadaqah (i.e. Zakât) of my wealth, and be (ف أ ص د ق و أ ك ن م ن ٱلص ل ح ين ( among the righteous): he will wish to spend in the sake of Allah (swt) and be of the good-doers. But that s just a wish, so what do we need to do now? We need to give and do good deeds now while we re alive. Ayah 11 ( و ل ن ي ؤ خ ر ٱ لل ن فسا إ ذ ا ج ا ء أ ج ل ه ا و ٱ لل خ ب ي ر ب م ا ت ع م ل و ن ) (And Allâh grants respite to none when his appointed time (death) comes. And Allâh is All-Aware of what you do) ن فسا إ ذ ا ج ا ء أ ج ل ه ا ( (death) (And Allâh grants respite to none when his appointed time (و ل ن ي ؤ خ ر ٱ لل comes.): Allah (swt) will not delay the moment of death for anyone when it comes, it comes. Allah (swt) will not give you more time because He knows if you re given more time then you will do the same thing, subhan Allah. That s why people deserve to have eternal life in paradise or hell, subhan Allah. Allah (swt) knows if you had an eternal life in this duniya, then you will be a believer or disbeliever forever, but out of Allah s mercy it s only a temporary time in this life, subhan Allah. So hasten to good deeds, don t delay it. خ ب ير ب م ا ت ع م ل ون ( (And Allâh is All-Aware of what you do): the names of Allah (swt) that are (و ٱ لل mentioned in this Surah are Allah the most, and Rabb, and Khabeer. Allah (swt) is All-Aware of what you re doing. He knows what is your concern, what your intention and He will recompense you accordingly. Page 10

11 Titles given to hypocrites in this Surah Hypocrites Liars Do not understand deeply Blocks of wood Enemy Arrogant Rebellious Do not understand ٱل م ن ف ق ون ل ك ذ ب ون ل ي فق ه و ن خ ش ب م س ن د ة ٱل ع د و م ست كب ر ون ٱل ف س ق ين ل ي عل م و ن Actions of the hypocrites They say We bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah (swt) They take their oaths as shield They stop others on the way to Allah (swt) Believed then disbelieved *Amazed by appearance *Listening to their speech They think every cry is against them Denying, lying Tilt their heads Turn away (from istighfar) Do not spend in cause of Allah (swt) ي ق ول ون. ق ال وا ن ش ہ د إ ن ك ل ر س و ل ٱ لل ٱت خ ذ و ا أ يم ن ہ م ج ن ة ف ص د وا ع ن س ب ي ل ٱ لل ء ام ن وا ث م ك ف ر وا ت عج ب ك أ جس ام ه م ت سم ع ل ق ول ه م ي حس ب ون ك ل ص يح ة ع ل يہ م ي ؤف ك ون ل و وا ر ء وس ه م ي ص د ون ل ت نف ق وا Names of Allah (swt) mentioned in this Surah Allah 13 times Lord once All Aware - once ٱ لل ر ب خ ب ير Actions of Allah (swt) mentioned in this Surah Knows ي عل م Bears witness ي ش ہ د Sealed their hearts ف ط ب ع ع ل ى ق ل وب ہ م Cursed them ق ت ل ه م Will not forgive (hypocrites) ل ن ي غف ر Will not guide (fasiqeen) ل ي ہد ى We have provided you ر ز ق ن ك م Does not give respite (for death) و ل ن ي ؤ خ ر May Allah (swt) purify our hearts and protect us from hypocrisy. Ameen. Page 11

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