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1 FRESHMEN FINAL REVIEW SHEET Introduction History is the study of written records. Before there was writing is called pre-history. Archaeologists, anthropologists and even historians study artifacts to learn about the past. The Neolithic Age is the first agricultural revolution. Man started to plant crops, domesticate animals, use copper for tools, and build permanent settlements. Egypt Ancient Egypt was on the Nile River. Egyptians were polytheistic. They worshipped gods of nature, Amon-Ra (Sun god), Osiris (Nile god). They mummified their dead to preserve them for the afterlife. Scribes in Egypt recorded important events using hieroglyphics. They built huge tombs called pyramids. The three basic periods of Egyptian history are: The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, The New Kingdom. Ancient Middle East Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilization. There are two rivers in Mesopotamia: the Tigris and the Euphrates. Sumerians were the first civilized peoples. They built stepped pyramids called Ziggurats to worship their many gods. Hammurabi was the Babylonian king who made the first written law code. The Assyrians were cruel and used iron weapons. They had a great library at Ninevah. The Persians conquered a large Empire. Cyrus the Great, the Persian Emperor, treated conquered peoples with TOLERANCE. The Persians used the Great Royal Road. The Phoenicians were great sailors and traders (purple dye). They are known as the "Carriers of Civilization" because of their alphabet. Phonetics. The Hebrews were monotheistic. Moses gave them the Ten Commandments. India India is a large peninsula. There are three regions of India: the Coastal Plains, the Northern Plains and the Deccan Plateau. The rainy season is called the Monsoon season. Indian civilization begins in the Indus river valley( Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro). They were conquered by the Aryans in 1500 B.C. The Caste System develops as Hinduism develops. The Caste System had strict rules about interaction between the different castes. Perform your Dharma, get good Kharma be reborn into a higher Caste! Buddhism (founded by Siddhartha Guatama) also comes from India. The basic ideas of Buddhism are found in the 4 Noble Truths. During the Moghul Empire, started by Tamerlane, Akbar the Great was known for his religious tolerance. China and Japan Chinese civilization begins in the Yellow River Valley. They worshiped their ancestors who could influence the gods. The Zhou Dynasty was ruled with the Feudal System. Wu Wang justified his seizure of the power by using the idea "the Mandate of Heaven". Confucianism begins during the Zhou Dynasty. Confucian beliefs include, respect for your elders (filial piety) and the Five relationships. Confucianism becomes the "Heart of chinese traditions". The Qin Dynasty ruled through the ideas of Legalism. Shi Huang Di (Qin Emperor) builds the Great Wall of China to protect China from Nomadic invaders. Japan is an archipelago. The Tokugawa Shoguns ruled Japan from The emperor lived in Kyoto, he had no real power. Greece Greece is a mountainous peninsula. The Greeks developed city-states (small independent cities) because of the mountains. Minoan civilization was on Crete. Myceneaens fought the Trojan War. The story of the Trojan War is told in the Iliad and the Odyssey orally retold by the blind poet Homer. Sparta was a military state. Athens was a democracy where only the adult men could vote. Sparta was a city state where their lives were devoted to military training. The Greeks fought the Persians and beat them twice. Greece begins it's Golden Age. Herodotus wrote his history during this time. Pericles rules Athens and the Delian League and they fight the Peloponnessian League. Sparta wins. Alexander the Great conquers the Persian Empire and spreads Greek culture which begins the Hellenistic Age. 1 P a g e

2 Rome Rome was located on the Tiber River in Italy. Romans owe much to the Latins and the Etruscans. The Romans establish a Republic in 509 B.C. A republic is when citizens elect their leaders who represent them. There are 300 Senators in the Roman Senate. Rome fought Carthage in the Punic Wars and gained control of the Western Mediterranean. Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus ruled in the 1st Triumvirate. Caesar set the foundations for the Roman Empire. Augustus is the first emperor. During his reign the Pax Romana, a 200 year period of peace and prosperity, begins. Rome becomes corrupt and is invaded by Germanic tribes. Constantine is the first Christian Emperor. He builds Constantinople in modern day Turkey. Christ is born during the Roman Empire. Peter, His apostle, brings Christianity to Rome. Roman Law says, " innocent till proven guilty". Rome collapses in 476 A.D. The Eastern half flourishes under the name Byzantine Empire. Golden Ages outside Europe. The Byzantine Empire flourishes from They are Orthodox Christians. The highest Orthodox Church office is Patriarch. Icons and the Pope s authority caused the schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church in Justinian wrote down the laws in Justinian s Code, which preserved Roman Law. Islam begins with Mohammed in Mecca. He flees Mecca to Medina. This is called the Hejira. There are 5 Pillars of Islam. Islam spread rapidly through conquest. Vladimir brought Christianity to Kiev and Russia. The Mongols conquered Russia and isolated it from the rest of Europe. The Mongols were known as "the Golden Horde". Ivan IV (the Terrible) was the Czar in Moscow. He ruled using secret police and terrorism. The Medieval Age Western Europe enters the "Dark Ages" after Rome s collapse. The first kingdom to emerge is the Kingdom of the Franks under King Clovis. Charlemagne is its greatest king. He supported the church and began the Tithe. He also supported education. Feudalism grows out of German customs and Roman traditions. Feudalism means "land for service". Service could be in the form of military service or serving the lord on Holidays. It was arranged through the Feudal Contract. The land a vassal received is known as a fief. The basic economic unit of Medieval Europe was the Manor. This was a self-sufficient community, the workers were known as serfs. The Catholic Church was the strongest institution in medieval times. Monasteries provided places where people could contemplate apart from the world. The corrupt practice of buying and selling church offices is known as Simony. Towns began to grow as trade revived. Towns were controlled by Guilds. To start in a guild you were first an apprentice, then a journeyman, then a master craftsman. In 1066 William of Normandy crossed the English Channel, fought the Battle of Hastings and declared himself the King of England. King John signed the Magna Carta in This limits the power of the king in England. Edward the First had the 1st Parliament (the Model Parliament). The plague (Black Death) led to walled towns, thousand of deaths, and economic decline. The Church tried Heretics in special courts known as the Inquisition. People in these courts had very little rights. In England people had common law which had Grand Juries and Jury trials to protect their rights. England and France fought the Hundred Year s War. England had the Longbow and cannons. France was saved by Joan of Arc. There were four major Crusades to recapture the Holy Land. The Crusades will increase contact between Europe and the civilizations of the middle east. The Middle Ages is also famous for conflicts between the Popes and Emperors. Much of this conflict was about lay investiture (appointing of Bishops and Abbotts). 2 P a g e

3 Africa and the Americas. In West Africa the Ghana, Mali, and the Songhai traded Gold and Salt in a silent trade. The greatest king of Mali was Mansa Musa, who is known for his pilgrimage to Mecca. In East Africa they spoke Swahili and traded across the Indian Ocean. The first people came to the Americas from Asia across the Bering Land Bridge. The Iroquois lived in the Northeast of North America. Pueblo Indians lived in the southwest. The Olmecs were the first civilization in the Americas. The Aztecs had human sacrifice, sun gods, corn gods and a strong army. The Incas had an extensive civilization in the Andes connected by an amazing system of roads. The civilizations of central and South America were conquered by the Conquistadores from Spain. North America was settled by French, trading furs, and the English. The Renaissance and the Reformation The Renaissance begins in Italian City-states like Florence, Venice, Genoa, Pisa. The wealth created by rising trade led to the explosion of creative energy. There were writers such as Machiavelli, who said, "the ends justifies the means," in his book The Prince. Renaissance artists were influenced heavily by Greek and Roman art. The printing press was invented in 1455 by Johann Gutenberg, forever changing the world. The first book he prints is the Bible. This leads to the rapid spread of ideas and greater literacy. The church was being criticized for its worldliness, expensive fees, and the sale of indulgences. Martin Luther posts the 95 Theses in 1517 in Wittenberg and begins the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant religions spread across Europe weakening the powers of the Catholic Church. Age of Exploration The European nations began exploring the world by the end of the Renaissance. They needed to find a trade route to the wealth of India that avoided the Muslims in the Middle East. Portugal began first and sailed to India. The Spanish were second and they (with Columbus) discovered the Americas. The Spanish were looking for Gold and Glory. The civilizations in the Americas were destroyed by the Spanish, leading to serious declines in Native American populations. To labor in the Plantations of the New World the Europeans imported African slaves. Spain and Portugal divided the world at the Treaty of Tordesillas. That's how Portugal got Brazil. France had Quebec in Canada, England had the east coast of North America (Virginia), the Dutch had New Amsterdam (New York). They followed the economic Philosophy of Mercantilism which stresses a nation should export more than it imports because they want to collect more gold. Know the Basic Ideas of these Religions (be able to write an essay on one in particular) Islam Hinduism Buddhism Christianity Know these famous people (be able to write an essay on one in particular) Alexander the Great Confucius Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Caesar Mohammed Martin Luther 3 P a g e

4 Know your geography Study the Geography of each civilization. Learn the main features, why is its geography important? Be able to find the location of the events in each chapter on a blank map of the world. TO STUDY USING THIS FINAL REVIEW SHEET BELOW WRITE AT LEAST A SENTENCE OR TWO ABOUT EACH TOPIC. Chapter 1 Toward Civilization Paleolithic Era life style, tools, beliefs Neolithic Agricultural Revolution Artifacts Historians Chapter 2 First Civilizations: Africa and Asia River valley civilizations Nile River Pharaohs Hieroglyphics Pyramids Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Cuneiform writing Hammurabi Ziggurats 4 P a g e

5 Carriers of Civilization Hittites Hebrews Chapter 3 Early Civilizations and Empires In India and China Mandate of Heaven Yellow River Confucianism Buddhism Taoism Legalism Hinduism Great Wall Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Caste system Civil Service Exam Silk Road Chapter 4 Ancient Greece City states Geography 5 P a g e

6 Alexander the Great Democracy/ direct democracy Common Culture Athens Sparta Age of Pericles Chapter 5 Ancient Rome and Christianity Roman law Republic Herodotus Punic Wars Christianity Pax Romana Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire Chapter 6 Civilizations of the Americas Bering Strait Land Bridge Aztec Maya Inca 6 P a g e

7 Spanish conquest (see chapter 15 also) Chapter 7 The Rise of Europe Feudalism Manor economy Vassals Knights Merchant guilds Chapter 8 The High Middle Ages Magna Carta Black Death Crusades Chapter 9 The Byzantine Empire and Russia Byzantine Empire influence on Russia Ivan the Terrible Eastern Orthodox Church Mongols Justinian Roman law preserved 7 P a g e

8 Chapter 10 The Muslim World Five Pillars of Islam Koran Hejira Muhammad Sunnis Shiites Chapter 11 Africa Cultural diffusion Ghana Gold-salt trade Mansa Musa Chapter 12 Spread of Civilization in East Asia Marco Polo Kublai Khan Korea and cultural diffusion Ethnocentrism Samurai Bushido 8 P a g e

9 Shogun Chapter 13 The Renaissance and Reformation Italian city-states Humanism Classicism Johann Gutenberg Abuses in the church John Calvin Martin Luther Henry VIII Nicolaus Copernicus Galileo Chapter 14 The First Global Age: Asia New technology Treaty of Tordesillas Treatment of the Indians European countries which encouraged exploration 9 P a g e

10 Chapter 15 The First Global Age: Europe, the Americas, Africa Slavery Disease Ferdinand Magellan Spanish Colonies in South America Mercantilism 10 P a g e


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