Oé-Cusse. Things to do & see in Oé-Cusse Buat ne'ebé atu haree no halo iha Oé-Cusse

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1 Oé-Cusse Things to do & see in Oé-Cusse Buat ne'ebé atu haree no halo iha Oé-Cusse

2 This is a creation of the Regional Secretariat for Community Tourism, RAEOA- ZEESM TL. Pante Macassar, Oé-Cusse Ambeno, Timor-Leste Sekretaria Rejionál husi Turizmu Komunidade, RAEOA - ZEESM-TL mak halo matadalan ne'e Pante Makassar, Oé-Cusse, Timor-Leste 2017 Inácia da Conceição Teixeira Regional Secretary of Community Tourism Secretária Regional para o Turismo Comunitário Welcome! On behalf of the Regional Secretariat for Community Tourism, I would like to welcome you to the pristine island of Timor-Leste and the Oé-Cusse region. Next to a bounty of unspoiled natural beauty and kaleidoscopic coral reefs right off its coasts, the still developing Oé-Cusse welcomes visitors with its rich cultural heritage. We invite you to indulge in discovering the culture and lifestyle of the Oé-Cusse (Atoni) community by visiting the town of Pante Macassar, but also by exploring the inland area of the region and meeting the Fonte Sagrada and Oé-Silo communities. While exploring we invite you to enjoy the experience and act as a responsible traveller. Thank you for being an essential part of community tourism development at this early stage. Enjoy your stay and your journey! Tkoenok tem! Tuir Sekretaria Rejionál husi Turizmu Komunidade, Ha'u hakarak simu Ita ho laran-di'ak ba illa Timor-Leste no rejiaun Oé-Cusse nian mak seidauk estraga. Hela sorin furak naturál mak seidauk estraga no ahu-ruin ho kór barak ne'ebé hela iha ninia tasi-ibun sira, Oé-Cusse mak sei dezenvolve simu baiñaka sira ho laran-di'ak no hatudu ninia patrimóniu kulturál. Ami fó konvite ba Ita atu deskobre kultura no tipu moris husi Oé-Cusse nia komunidade (Atoni) liuhusi vizita ba kota Pante Makassar, no mós esplora sorin dook husi tasi no hatene komunidade Fonte Sagrada no Oé-Silo nian. Enkuantu esplora, Ami fó konvite ba Ita atu aproveita esperiénsia ne'e no hala'o nu'udar makdalan ho responsabilidade. Obrigada atu sai nu'udar parte importante tebes husi dezenvolvimentu ba turizmu komunidade iha faze saan ne'e. Aproveita atu mai ne'e no Ita-nia viajen! #travelenjoyrespect #visitoecusse 3

3 About Oé-Cusse Oé-Cusse is a coastal enclave in the western part of the island of Timor, separated from the rest of Timor-Leste by Indonesia. Ambeno (Father Beno) is the name of the original kingdom that existed before the colonial period. Oé-Cusse was among the first parts of the island of Timor on which the Portuguese established themselves (in approximately 1556), and is thus usually considered the cradle of East Timor. With a total population of 68,913 people and a land mass of 814 km 2, this small tropical region has been a territory of dispute throughout its history due to its strategic position. In the 18th century it was a territory of dispute between the Portuguese and the Dutch forces and during World War II it was invaded by Japanese troops. After gaining the independence from Portugal, on 28 November 1975, Indonesian forces invaded Oé-Cusse and stayed there until All this, added to the geographical isolation in which the district of Oé-Cusse is within Timor-Leste, has made this region develop a rich and unique cultural heritage in the world. Kona-bá Oé-Cusse Oé-Cusse sai nu'udar enklave mak hela iha tasi-ibun husi parte osidentál illa Timor-Leste nian, hafahe husi Timor-Leste seluk tanba Indonézia hela iha klaran. Ambeno (Apá Beno) hanesan naran husi reinu originál ne'ebé iha uluk Malai mutin nia tempu. Oé-Cusse halo parte husi fatin dahuluk husi illa Timor-Leste nian ne'ebé ema Portugés hela (maizumenus 1556), nune'e konsidera nu'udar bersu Timor-Leste nian. Ho populasaun tomak hanesan no territóriu hanesan 814 km 2, rejiaun ki'ikoan tropikál ne'e sai nu'udar fatin ne'ebé halo ema sira haksesuk malu liuhusi istória tanba ninia pozisaun estratéjiku. Iha sékulu da-18, ema Portugués no Olandés haksesuk malu no, durante Funu Boot Rua, ema Japaun halo invazaun. Tuir mai manán ukun rasik-an husi Portugál, iha loron 28 fulan Novembru tinan 1975, ema husi Indonézia invade Oé-Cusse no hela ne'e to'o Hatutan ba ne'e katak Oé-Cusse hela mesamesak ein-relasaun ba Timor-Leste, rejiaun ne'e dezenvolve patrimóniu kulturál mak riku no ida-de'it iha mundu. 4 5

4 Essential information about Oé-Cusse Informasaun importante tebes kona-bá Oé-Cusse How to reach Oé-Cusse Reaching Oé-Cusse from Dili, capital of Timor-Leste, is possible in three ways: by land, sea or air. The plane is the best way to reach Oé-Cusse. Every day at am (except Sunday) a light aircraft travels along the Dili - Oé-Cusse - Dili route. It is just a 35-minute flight where you can enjoy a spectacular view and if lucky, see some whales in their migratory season. On the other hand, there are two ferries coming from Dili that arrive in Mahata port in Oé-Cusse four days a week: Laju Laju and Nakroma. This is the main route through which the goods arrive to the region and although it is a long journey, the price of transport is affordable. Finally, the road trip across Indonesian territory can be a good opportunity to explore both sides of Timor island but be careful with the timing of your travel: the Indonesian border closes at (Indonesian local time) and Timor-Leste border at 17.00, so it is recommended to arrive there one hour beforehand to make sure you have time to fill up all the paperwork. More info is available at the last page of the brochure. Languages: Oé-Cusse has an immense linguistic heritage due to the number of influences it has received throughout its history. As in the rest of the country, Tetum and Portuguese are the official languages. However, not everyone speaks the Portuguese and the local language most spoken in Oé-Cusse is Lais Meto (Baiqueno). There is also a fourth language spoken fluently by locals: Indonesian (Bahasa). For its part, English is an active new comer. Sometimes business meetings can be conducted in English to accommodate foreigners, but few people speak it outside of Pante Macassar, the main town in Oé- Cusse. Transport: Although there is still no public transportation network, there are several options for getting around the region. The famous 'moto-taxis', known by the name of O'Jack, are continuously traveling the roads of Pante Macassar. You can also take a Microlet, small vans that act like a bus, that drives along established routes daily for a modest price and can take you to any point in the region. However, if you want to explore the highlands of Oé-Cusse, the best option is to book a 4WD tour. More info is available at the last page of the brochure. Internet/mobile phones Three companies cover the mobile and internet network in Oé-Cusse. Timor Telecom and Telemor are the national companies most used by the local population. This second stands out for having better access in the mountain areas. Finally, there is a third Indonesian company: Telkomcel. For any of them, the payment method is the same: you can buy pulsa (a card with a code to recharge your SIM card balance) in most of the shops in Oé- Cusse. Oinsá mak bá Oé-Cusse Bele mai husi Dili, Timor-Leste nia kapitál, to'o Oé-Cusse liuhusi rai, tasi ka ár. Atu uza aviaun sai nu'udar dalan di'ak liu atu mai Oé-Cusse. Loron-loron, tuku 10 dadeer (menus Domingu), aviaun mai husi Dili to'o Oé-Cusse. Ne'e sai nu'udar viajen ho minutu 35 de'it maibé Ita bele haree vista di'ak tebes no, karik hetan sorte, haree baleia ruma enkuantu halo migrasaun. Tuir dalan seluk, iha ró rua ne'ebé mai husi Dili to'o portu Mahata iha Oé-Cusse loron haat semana ida: Laju Laju no Nakroman. Ne'e sai nu'udar dalan prinsipál liuhusi sasán sira mai rejiaun ne'e no, maske viajen sai naruk, folin husi transporte bele selu. Ikusmai, viajen ho kareta liuhusi Indonézia bele sai oportunidade di'ak atu haree sorin rua husi illa Timor-Leste maibé hetan kuidadu ho momentu ne'ebé halo viajen: fronteira husi Indonézia taka tuku 16 (óras husi Indonézia) no fronteira husi Timor-Leste taka tuku 17, nune'e favór mai óras ida uluk atu garante katak Ita hetan tempu atu prienxe surat sira. Bele hetan informasaun liu iha pájina ikus husi folletu. Lian sira: Oé-Cusse hetan patrimóniu lian nian boot tebes tanba hetan influénsia barak liuhusi istória. Konforme Timor-Leste seluk, lian Tétum no Portugés sai nu'udar lian ofisiál sira. Maske, la'ós ema hotu ko'alia Portugés no lian lokál mak ko'alia liu sai nu'udar Lais Meto (Baikeno). Ema lokál mós ko'alia didi'ak lian dahaat: Lian Bahasa. Lian Inglés sai nu'udar lian foun maske aktivu. Dala balu, reuniaun sira hala'o ho lian Inglés hodi inklui ema raiseluk sira, maske ema oituan de'it ko'alia lian Inglés li'ur Pante Makassar, sidade prinsipál husi Oé-Cusse. Transporte: Maske rede transporte públiku laiha, iha opsaun barak atu halo viajen liuhusi rejiaun ne'e. Taksi motor nian, mak bolu nu'udar O'Jack, halo viajen sira liuhusi dalan sira Pante Makassar nian. Mós bele uza Mikrolet, kamioneta ki'ikoan mak sai nu'udar autokarru, ne'ebé uza loron-loron iha dalan sira, fatin ruma husi rejiaun ne'e, no folin sai de'it 25 sentavu. Maske, karik hakarak esplora foho sira husi Oé-Cusse, opsaun di'ak liu sai atu halo rezerva ba tour 4WD. Bele hetan informasaun liu iha pájina ikus husi folletu. Internet/telemóvel sira Kompañia tolu halo kobertura ba telemóvel no Internet iha Oé-Cusse. Timor Telecom no Telemor sai nu'udar kompañia nasionál sira mak populasaun lokál uza liu. Telemor hatudu asesu di'ak liu iha fatin foho sira. Ikusmai, bele hetan kompañia datoluk husi Indonézia: Telkomcel. Ba kompañia ruma, métodu pagamentu sai hanesan: Ita hola "pulsa" (kartaun ho kódigu ne'ebé halo rekarga ba osan ne'ebé hela iha Ita-nia SIM card) liuhusi toko sira barakliu husi Oé-Cusse. 6 7

5 Sunset walks and hiking Oé-Cusse is known in Timor-Leste for its stunning sunsets. Here we propose two short trails to watch the nightfall from the heights: Via Sacra: is located near the monument Lifau, where the Portuguese first landed in The route wanders through the fourteen crosses allowing beautiful views to be enjoyed over the rice fields that cover the western part of Pante Macassar town. Fatu-Suba prison: Located on the hills above Pante Macassar, the ruins of the old Fatu-Suba prison remain as a reminder of what was one of the most emblematic buildings of the town during Portuguese colonization. Later reconverted into the residence for the colony administrator, this short trail constitutes one of the best spots to see the sunset and the stars in Oé-Cusse. If you prefer a more relaxing sunset experience, Sakato and Mahata beach or Noefefan bridge will always be a good option. Haree loro-monu no pasiar iha foho Ema hotu iha Timor-Leste hatene Oé-Cusse tanba ninia loro-monu furak lahalimar. Iha ne'e, Ami propoin ain-fatin badak rua atu haree loro-monu husi foho: Via Sakra: hela besik monumentu Lifau, ne'ebé ema Portugés mai dahuluk iha Dalan ne'e pasiar entre kruz sanulu resin haat no husik vista di'ak tebes liuhusi to'os sira hare nian ne'ebé hela iha sorin loromonu husi Pante Makassar. Kadeia Fatu-Suba: Hela iha foho Pante Makassar nia aas, ruina sira husi kadeia tuan Fatu-Suba sai nu'udar hanoin husi edifísiu sira mak importante liu husi sidade ne'e durante Malai mutin nia tempu. Foin troka ba uma administradór koloniál, ain-fatin ne'e halo parte husi fatin ruma ne'ebé di'ak liu atu haree loro-monu no fitun sira iha Oé-Cusse. Karik hakarak esperiénsia ida mak laran-kmaan liu atu haree loro-monu, tasi-ibun Sakato no Mahata ka ponte Noefefan sai beibeik nu'udar opsaun di'ak. Hiking in Oé-Cusse Nu u ba u - Fonte Sagrada Trail: known before the Portuguese colonization as Nu uba u, is a stunning waterfall, located deep in the jungle about two hours walking from the village of Oé-foko. Be prepared to get your feet wet and please ask permission from locals before entering the area. Waterfalls of Kutete trail: Following the river stream, this trail progresses through a rich and complex ecosystem where visitors can enjoy the flora and fauna of the region. The hike covers the first portion of the complete path to Kutete, ending at an impressive waterfall. Very fit and ambitious hikers can continue all the way to the village of Kutete, where much of the population that fled in 1998 continues to live. Pais-Bisae Sunaf Trail: The Pais (country) Mountain Trail is located in the Oé-Cusse highlands, one hour drive away from Pante Macassar. The hike takes approximately one and a half hours to the summit, where hikers are rewarded with a panoramic view over Timor-Leste and across the Indonesian border. It is an excellent location to enjoy the sunrise. Pasiar iha foho iha Oé-Cusse Nu u ba u Ain-fatin Fonte Sagrada: uluk Malai mutin nia tempu, hatene nu'udar "Nu'u ba'u", hanesan bee-tudak furak lahalimar, ne'ebé hela iha ai-laran duni no tenke la'o óras rua husi knua Oé-foko. Tenke prepara atu halo ain sira bokon no favór husu autorizasaun husi ema lokál sira uluk hatama área ne'e. Bee-Tudak iha ain-fatin Kutete: Tanba haktuir mota, ain-fatin ne'e hela iha ekosistema ida mak riku no kompleksu ne'ebé bainaka sira bele haree animál no ai-funan husi rejiaun ne'e. Ain-fatin ne'e inklui parte dahuluk husi ain-fatin tomak to'o Kutete, ne'ebé remata iha bee-tudak mak impresionante. Ema sira mak treina maka'as no ambisaun iha bele la'o ain-fatin hotu to'o Kutete, ne'ebé ema barak mak halai iha 1998 sei hela. Ain-fatin Pais-Bisae Sunaf: Ain-fatin Foho Pais hela iha foho sira Oé-Cusse nian, óras ida kareta nian husi Pante Makassar. Ain-fatin ne'e presiza óras ida ho balu atu bá tutun, ne'ebé ema mak bá pasiar bele hetan vista liuhusi Timor-Leste no aleinde fronteira Indonézia nian. Ne'e sai nu'udar fatin di'ak tebes atu haree loro-sa e. 8 9

6 Cultural Heritage UMA LULIK Throughout the Southeast Asia region, the house as a place of residence represents the nucleus of the family lineage. The same is true in the case of Timor-Leste, where the feeling of community is especially powerful. Within this small tropical island, the traditional houses (Uma Lulik in Tetum) built in wood and covered by dry palm leaves are an authentic symbol of the Maubere (people from Timor-Leste) identity. Every family in the country possesses a traditional house where the different generations that form a community gather to speak and perform rituals together. The building characteristics of every Uma Lulik change depending on the district, but for all the Maubere society the Uma Lulik is understood as a sacred space of encounter, debate and transfer of knowledge and local culture to the youngest members of the community. These sacred houses also represent a way of direct contact with the ancestors, the relationship between the world of the living and the world of the dead. In Oé-Cusse district, two types of Uma Lulik s exist: the one in the mountains called Uma Suba, and the second one in located in coastal areas known as Ume Haltuna. Patrimóniu Kulturál UMA LULIK Liuhusi rejiaun Sudeste Ázia, uma hanesan hela-fatin sai nu'udar núkleu husi maluk sira. Ne'e sai lo'os iha Timor-Leste, ne'ebé sentimentu komunidade nian maka'as tebes. Iha illa tropikál ki'ikoan ne'e, uma lulik sira harii ho ai no uza ai-tali maran hanesan uma-kakuluk, nu'udar símbolu husi identidade povu Maubere nian. Família ida-ida liuhusi rai ne'e hetan uma lulik ida ne'ebé jerasaun oioin mak forma komunidade ida hasoru malu atu ko'alia no halo adat sira. Karakterístika sira husi Uma Lulik ida-ida troka konforme distritu, maibé ba sosiedade Maubere hotu Uma Lulik sai nu'udar fatin lulik atu hasoru, ko'alia no hafahe matenek no kultura lokál ho ema klosan sira husi komunidade. Uma lulik sira ne'e mós sai nu'udar dalan ba kontaktu diretu ho bei'ala sira, relasaun entre ema ne'ebé sei moris no ema mak mate ona. Iha distritu Oé-Cusse, bele hetan tipu Uma Lulik rua: ida mak hela iha foho no bolu Uma Suba no ida seluk mak hela iha tasi-ibun no bolu Ume Haltuna. TRADITIONAL ATONI COSTUME In Baiqueno language, Bso ot is the name that refers to the traditional Atoni costume. It is a very colorful regional costume that includes several complements made of silver. The costume versions for men and women are similar. Every element of the costume displays a great cultural and historic importance for the Atoni community. Sabalu noni: shirt made out of silver coins worn by both men and women. Beti/Tais: traditional skirts that the Atoni people also wear in their daily life. There is a difference in design patterns between Tais for women and men. Women s Tais possesses smaller symbols, while the men s Tais (known as Beti) usually incorporates bigger motives that represent frightening animals. Sobe noni: traditional hat made of silver used both by men and women. Sometimes they can include feathers and beads as decoration. Aulok noni: bag made of silver coins which men and women usually use for storing and carrying Mamat (a local plant that Atoni inhabitants usually chew as a cultural habit), tobacco and other personal belongings. Suni (benas): traditional sword used in Oé-Cusse. It shows that the Timorese have always been farmers and but that they also have the strength of those going to fight. Inuh (morten marriage necklace): traditional necklace made of orange coral stones used both by men and women. It is a traditional symbol of mature womanhood and marriage exchanged. Buku-sbeta: ornamental silver band worn on the arm. Pente: comb made of silver that men and women wear to arrange the hair. Sometimes it is decorated with traditional motifs. Bano: ankle bells used in the traditional dance. ROPA TRADISIONÁL HUSI ATONI Iha lian Baikenu, Bso'ot sai nu'udar ropa tradisionál Atoni nian. Ne'e sai nu'udar ropa ho kór barak ne'ebé inklui asesóriu barak ho osan-mutin. Ropa ba mane no ropa ba feto sai atu hanesan. Elementu ida-ida husi ropa hatudu importánsia kulturál no istóriku ba komunidade Atoni. Sabalu noni: faru mak uza osan-mutin no mane no feto mak uza. Beti/Tais: saia tradisionál ne'ebé ema Atoni sira uza loron-loron. Dezeñu husi Tais ba mane no feto sai lahanesan. Tais ba feto hetan símbolu ki'ik liu, enkuantu Tais mane nian (bolu Beti) inklui símbolu boot liu ne'ebé hatudu animál hakfodak sira. Sobe noni: Xapéu tradisionál mak uza osan-mutin no mane no feto mak uza. Dala balu bele inklui manu-fulun no musan nu'udar dekorasaun. Aulok noni: saku mak uza osan-mutin no mane no feto uza baibain atu rai Mamat (ai-horis ema Atoni sira nata baibain nu'udar lisan), tabaku no sasán pesoál sira seluk. Suni (benas): tudik tradisionál mak uza iha Oé- Cusse. Ne'e hatudu katak ema Timor-oan sira sempre sai nu'udar agrikultór maibé sira mós iha forsa atu bá funu. Inuh (kolár kaben nian): kolár tradisionál mak uza fatuk kór sabraka ahu-ruin nian, mane no feto mak uza. Ne'e sai símbolu tradisionál husi ferik sira no ema ne'ebé kaben ona. Buku-sbeta: buti-liman ho osan-mutin. Pente: sasuit ho osan-mutin mak mane no feto uza atu sasuit fuuk. Dala balu uza símbolu tradisionál sira. Bano: Brinkeiros uja iha ain ba dansa tradisionál

7 Food that you can find in Oé-Cusse Vegetables: broccoli, white cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, chicory, eggplant, long beans, green beans, celery, banana flowers, papaya flower, spinach, carrot, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato, onion, tomato, peas, garden asparagus, local chili and mint. Taste the local rice organically grown in the region called Mumbramu! Fish: Langosta, samaá, cocu, sardine, garota, lalosi, ikan terbang (fly fish), tongkol, liruk ou kakatua, garopa ou good fish, gasparia, garing kiki, boek, kadiuk and kombo Fruits: mango, orange, banana, avocado, pineapple, coconut, papaya, jambolan fruit, jamun, palm fruit, pomegranate, watermelon, durian and guava. Drinks that you can find in Oé-Cusse: Tua Sabu: is the local alcoholic beverage created from the sap of the palm tree. It is usually served during family celebrations such as weddings, christenings or kore metan (a traditional ceremony done after a year of the death of one family member). Tropical fruit juices: made of natural tropical fruits from Oé- Cusse, you can savor and get refreshed with mango, orange, banana, avocado or pineapple juices. Hahán Ita bele hetan iha Oé-Cusse Modo sira: brókulus, kouve mutin, pepinu, kouveflór, xikória, berinjela, fore naruk, fore modok, aipu, hudi-funan, aidila-funan, kankun, senoura, lakeru, feruk-ropa, talas, liis-bombai, tomate, ervilla, espargu, ai-manas no ortelaun. Koko etu lokál organiku mak kuda iha rejiaun bolu Mumbramu! Ikan: Langosta, samaá, cocu, sardiña, garota, lalosi, ikan terbang, tongkol, liruk ka kakatua, garopa, gasparia, garing kiki, boek, kadiuk no kombo Ai-fuan sira: haas, sabraka, hudi, abakate, ai-nanas, nuu, ai-dila, jambulaun, jamun, ai-tali-fuan, román, pateka, duriaun no goiabas. Hemun Ita bele hetan iha Oé-Cusse Tua Sabu: hemun ho alkól lokál ne'ebé halo ho ai-tali nia been. Baibain ne'e fó durante festa família nian hanesan kaben, sarani ka "kore metan" (festa tradisionál mak halo tinan ida tuir mai maluk ida mate). Ai-fuan tropikál been: halo ho ai-fuan tropikál sira husi Oé-Cusse, Ita bele koko no hamata ho haas, sabraka, hudi, abakate no ai-nanas been. Traditional dishes Katupa: local rice (Mumbramu) cooked in coconut palm leaf. The preparation process starts with scraping the coconut and draining the coconut meat in order to get coconut milk. Then, the rice is tempered with pepper, onion and salt. Finally, the coconut palm leaves cases are stuffed with the rice and the rest of ingredients and cooked in a pan with coconut milk. Utobe: traditional Atoni dessert usually served at family gatherings. It is a paste made with cassava and coconut meat, to which you can add sugar and water for a sweeter taste. The special thing about this recipe is that the paste is cooked with bain-marie process (a container holding hot water into which a pan is placed for slow cooking) using traditional pottery. Ai-manas: traditional chili sauce from Timor-Leste. There are different ways to prepare the Oé-Cusse s ai-manas because each family cooks it to their liking, but the standard recipe usually includes chili, onion, garlic and lemon. The locals use ai-manas to accompany meals. Pratu tradisionál sira Katupa: etu lokál (Mumbramu) mak te'in iha ai-tahan nuu nian. Prosesu preparasaun hahú tanba hasai nuu naan nian hodi hetan nuu been. Tuir mai, tempera etu ho pimenta, liis-bombai no masi. Ikusmai, ai-tahan nuu sira nian sena ho etu no buat seluk no da'an ho nuu been. Utobe: dose tradisionál Atoni mak fó baibain iha festa família sira. Sai nu'udar masa ho ai-farina no nuu nia naan, mak bele hatutan masi-midar no bee atu hela midar liu. Buat ne'ebé espesiál liu ho reseita ne'e mak masa uza prosesu bañu-maria (fatin ho bee manas ne'ebé tau taxu atu da'an neineik) no uza serámika tradisionál. Ai-manas: mollu tradisionál husi Timor-Leste. Bele prepara ai-manas Oé-Cusse nian tuir maneira barak tanba família ida-ida te'in konforme sira-nia hakaran, maibé reseita normál uza ai-manas, liis-bombai, liis-asu no derok. Ema lokál sira uza ai-manas hamutuk ho refeisaun sira

8 Points of interest in Pante Macassar Fatin ho interese Pante Macassar 1. Korean Memorial: on 6th of March 2003, five UN peacekeepers from Republic of Korea were swept away by a strong river stream and lost their lives in Oé- Cusse. Today, a memorial located in the center of Pante Macassar honors the soldiers who lost their lives, while working for a better Timor-Leste. 2. Colégio Femenino das Madres Missionárias Dominicanas: It was one of the first catholic female schools that opened in Oé-Cusse at the time of the Portuguese colonization. Nowadays this building, located at the center of town, represents one of the most pleasant and harmonious spaces in Pante Macassar. 3. Kumando: This is a building located at the seafront of Pante Macassar that served as a second administration building at the time of Portuguese colonization. Now, this building is envisioned as future cultural center of the city in its regional rehabilitation plan. 4. Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário: Located at the seafront of Pante Macassar, the church was built by the Portuguese in 1965 as a residence for the Dominican Order. The parish has a special relevance during Easter season, when a massive procession takes place to honor the statue of Senhor Morto. 5. Ruins of King s Palace of Oé-Cusse: Throughout history, the kings of Oé-Cusse had a fundamental role within the social hierarchy of the region. Today, you can visit the ruins of the residence of the kingdom of Oé-Cusse, that was constructed during the early 1900 s, located at the seafront of Pante Macassar. 6. Chapel of Santo António Nispeno: The statue of Saint Anthony is currently located at this chapel. It is the second most important chapel for Catholics in Oé-Cusse, where the special celebration is held every year on June 13th, to venerate the saint. 1. Memoriál Koreia nian: iha loron 6 fulan Marsu 2003, ema nain lima nu'udar forsa dame Nasoins Unidas nian husi Koreia hamate iha mota husi Oé-Cusse. Ohin, memoriál ne'ebé hela iha Pante Makassar nia sentru hana'i ba ema soldadu sira mak hamate enkuantu serbisu atu hadi'ak Timor-Leste. 2. Kolégiu Feto nian husi Madres Missionárias Dominicanas: Ne'e sai nu'udar eskola katóliku ida ba feto sira mak loke dahuluk iha Oé-Cusse durante Malai mutin nia tempu. Ohin, fatin ne'e, mak hela iha Pante Makassar nia sentru, sai nu'udar fatin furak no laran-kmaan liu husi sidade ne'e. 3. Kumando: Fatin ne'e hela iha Pante Makassar nia tasi-ibun no uza nu'udar edifísiu administrasaun daruak durante Malai mutin nia tempu. Foin daudaun, edifísiu ne'e atu sai nu'udar sentru kulturál husi Pante Makassar konforme ninia planu reabilitasaun nian. 4. Igreja husi Nossa Senhora Rosário: Fatin ne'e hela iha Pante Makassar nia tasi-ibun no ema Portugés mak harii iha tinan 1965 hanesan hela-fatin ba ordén Dominicana. Igreja ne'e sai importante tebes durante Páskoa tanba halo prosisaun boot tebes atu hana'i ba estátua husi Senhor Morto. 5. Ruína sira husi Palásiu Liurai Oé-Cusse nian: Liuhusi istória, liurai sira Oé-Cusse nian hetan papél importante tebes iha ierarkia sosiál rejiaun nian. Foin daudaun, Ita bele vizita ruina sira husi hela-fatin ba liurai Oé-Cusse nian, mak harii bainhira sékulu da-20 hahú iha Pante Makassar nia tasi-ibun. 6. Kapela husi Santo António Nispeno: Estátua Santo António foin daudaun hela iha kapela ne'e. Ne'e kapela mak daruak importante liu ba ema Katóliku sira iha Oé-Cusse, ne'ebé halo festa tinan-tinan iha loron 13 Juñu, hodi hana'i ba santu. 7. Cave of Santo António Polsiba: Located at the foot of the hill, this small parish represents a place where the first appearance of Saint Anthony occurred. Even today it is considered the most important and sacred location for Catholics in Oé-Cusse. 8. Old Cemetery in Santa Rosa: The Atoni population accepts death in a much more natural and festive way than many western civilizations do. This special and unique relationship with the dead and spirits is reflected in the powerful colors of the old Pante Macassar cemetery in the Santa Rosa area. 9. Fatu-Suba: At the time of Portuguese colonization of Timor-Leste, the Old Fatu-Suba prison was one of the most emblematic buildings in Oé-Cusse. Today, you can visit the ruins of these facilities located at the top of a hill above central Pante Macassar and enjoy a stunning sunset with a view over the town. 10. Lifau Monument: Lifau marks a very important event in the history of Timor-Leste. It was in this old beach where the Portuguese landed in 1515 and began more than 450 years of colonization. It was also set up as the islands Portuguese capital. 11. Social Center of Nossa Senhora de Fatima: it was created in October 2003 with the objective of supporting the children whose families did not have the resources and to teach them Portuguese. Today, better known as Community Center of Padiae, the institution has expanded its services and children receive IT and sewing lessons. It also has an agricultural project and a project to reconstruct houses for people without resources. 7. Fatuk-kuak husi Santo António Polsiba: Fatin ne'e hela iha foho-oan nia hun, kapela ki'ikoan ne'e sai nu'udar fatin ne'ebé Santo António hamosu dahuluk. Ohin mós, konsidera nu'udar fatin importante no lulik liu ba ema Katóliku sira iha Oé-Cusse. 8. Rate tuan iha Santa Rosa: Populasaun Atoni nian simu mate tuir dalan naturál no haksolok liu duke povu sira seluk husi mundu osidentál. Relasaun espesiál no idade'it ne'e ho ema mate no klamar sira bele haree iha kór maka'as sira iha rate tuan iha Santa Rosa, Pante Makassar. 9. Fatu-Suba: Iha Malai mutin nia tempu, komarka tuan Fatu-Suba sai nu'udar edifísiu ida ne'ebé boot liu iha Oé-Cusse. Ohin, bele vizita ruina sira husi fatin ne'e ne'ebé hela iha foho nia tutun iha sentru Pante Makassar nia aas no haree loro-monu furak lahalimar aleinde sidade ne'e. 10. Monumentu Lifau: Lifau sai nu'udar eventu importante husi istória Timor-Leste nian. Ne'e hanesan tasi-ibun ne'ebé ema Portugés mai iha 1515 no hahú liu duke tinan 450 husi kolonizasaun. Ne'e mós sai nu'udar kapitál durante Malai mutin nia tempu. 11. Sentru Sosiál husi Nossa Senhora de Fátima: nia hahú serbisu iha fulan Outubru tinan 2003 ho objetivu atu fó apoiu ba labarik sira ne'ebé família sira osan laiha no hanorin lian Portugés ba sira. Foin daudaun, hatene di'ak liu nu'udar Sentru Komunidade husi Padiae, instituisaun ne'e habelar ninia serbisu sira no labarik sira simu klase IT no kostura. Mós iha projetu agrikultura nian no projetu atu harii fali uma sira ba ema sira mak osan laiha

9 1 Points of Interest 9 View of Pante Macassar Regional Secretary of Community Tourism - RAEOA & ZEESM-TL Pante Macassar Oé-Cusse Ambeno Timor-Leste - T: (+670) Korean Memorial 7 Cave of Santo António Polsiba 2 Dominican Nun s Boarding School 8 Old Cemetery at Santa Rosa Kumando - Old Portuguese Base Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário Ruins of Kings Palace of Oé-cusse 9 Old Fatu-Suba Prison 10 Lifau Monument 11 Social Center of Ns. Sra de Fátima 8 Trail to Fatu-Suba 11 6 Chapel of Santo António Nispeno 12 Noefefan Bridge 8km 7 Sakato border to Indonesia 15km Port / Ferry 3km 6 SAKATO-TONO Rd Rice fields SAKATO-TONO Rd Rice fields Mahata beach 2.3km 1 MARGINAL MARGINAL Magrove forest Catholic statue 12 Oé-Cusse Tourist Map Pante-Macassar Savu Sea Airport Bank Mahata Beach Port / Ferry Sports Grounds Police Dept. Regional Secretary of Community Tourism Office Viewpoint / Photo op. 6km 10 Fire Dept. Gas Station Hospital Numbei Market Clínica do Coração (Clinic) Youth Center 5km Noefefan Bridge Pharmacy Sakato Border ATM m ZEESM-TL

10 Points of interest in Oé-Cusse Noefefan bridge Mud Geysers Leolbatan 1. Fonte Sagrada: For the community of Oé-Foko, Fonte Sagrada (Sacred Fountain, in Portuguese language) is a sacred place where important community rituals and ceremonies take place. When visiting, locals ask the ancestors for permission to enter and see the exotic waterfall. 2. Mud Geysers: A landscape of boiling mud awaits you in Oé- Cusse s central highlands of Oé-Silo explore the geothermal land and see how it has shaped the surrounding land today. You ll see a landscape bathed in grey mud, with geysers pouring the steam in the air, as you explore the Oé-Silo mud area. 3. Citrana: Explore the pristine beaches of the most virgin coastline of Oé-Cusse, Citrana. On the way to Citrana make sure to stop at a good viewpoint for whale watching. Migratory season of the Baleen Whales is from October to December. In Citrana visit the Mythical Church. The Citrana inhabitants are proud of their skilled traditional fisherman and good fish, if the opportunity allows try out traditional fishing and tropical fish with locals. 4. Tumin: In 1999, during the violent aftermath of the popular consultation that led to Timor-Leste s independence, members of the Sakunar militia murdered more than sixty inhabitants of Tumin, Quibeselo and Nibin. Every September each year, locals remember those who lost their lives in one of the bloodiest episodes of Timor-Leste's history by visiting the commemorative plaque located in the cemetery of the village. 5. Leolbatan: This place represents the highest point of Oé-Cusse with spectacular views over the region. It is in Leolbatan that you can visit the statue of Nossa Senhora da Pregrinasaun, a duplicate of the statue located on Ramelau Mountain, the highest point of Timor-Leste. Both statues were created in 1965 in Italy and transported to Timor-Leste in However, the Leolbatan statue needed to wait for twenty-one years to find the ideal location to rest. Renamed by the Bishop of Dili as the Queen of Oé-Cusse in its inauguration last October 2017, this mountain represents an important pilgrim site in the region

11 Oé-Cusse Tourist Map Points of Interest Lifau Monument Pontu interese sira iha Oé-Cusse 1. Fonte Sagrada: Ba komunidade husi Oé- Foko, Fonte Sagrada sai nu'udar fatin lulik ne'ebé hala'o adat no serimónia sira ne'ebé importante ba komunidade. Bainhira mai vizita, ema lokál sira husu ba bei'ala sira hodi hatama no haree bee-tudak labaibain. 2. Geiser Tahu nian: Paisajen ho tahu mak nakali hein Ita iha foho sentrál Oé-cusse nian naran Oé-Silo - esplora fatin jeotermál ne'e no haree oinsá mak forma rai ne'ebé hale'u. Ita haree paisajen mak taka ho tahu malahuk, ho geiser sira mak hasai bee-suar, konforme Ita esplora área tahu nian husi Oé-Silo. 3. Citrana: Esplora tasi-ibun sira mak seidauk estraga naran Citrana, Oé- Cusse. Bainhira bá Citrana garante katak bele haree didi'ak baleia sira ne'ebé ba-mai. Estasaun ba-mai husi Baleia sira entre fulan Outubru no fulan Dezembru. Iha Citrana vizita Igreja Mítika. Ema sira mak hela iha Citrana sente orgullu ba sira-nia peskadór tradisionál sira ho kbiit no ikan di'ak, karik iha oportunidade koko atu bá peska husi ikan tropikál sira ho ema lokál sira. 4. Tumin: Iha 1999, tuir mai violénsia mak rezulta husi konsulta populár ne'ebé fó ukun rasik-an ba Timor-Leste, membru sira husi milísia Sakunar oho liu duke ema nain neen-nulu husi Tumin, Quibeselo no Nibin. Fulan Setembru tinan-tinan, ema lokál sira hanoin kona-bá ema sira ne'ebé hamate durante epizódiu ida mak violentu liu husi istória Timor-Leste nian tanba vizita plaka komemorativu ne'ebé hela iha knua nia rate. 5. Leolbatan: Fatin ne'e sai nu'udar fatin ne'ebé aas liu husi Oé-Cusse no bele hetan vista di'ak tebes ba rejiaun ne'e. Iha Leolbotan bele vizita estátua husi Nossa Senhora Peregrinasaun, kópia husi estátua mak hela iha Foho Ramelau, fatin aas liu husi Timor-Leste. Estátua rua halo iha Itália iha tinan 1965 no mai Timor-Leste iha tinan Maske estátua iha Leolbotan presiza hein tinan ruanulu resin ida atu hetan fatin di'ak hodi hela. Amu bispu husi Díli bolu nia fali nu'udar "Liurai-feto husi Oé-Cusse" bainhira halo inaugurasaun iha fulan Outubru tinan 2017, foho ne'e sai nu'udar fatin importante atu halo peregrinasaun iha rejiaun ne'e to Atambua (Indonesia) Indonesia Timor-Leste 16 to Kefemanu (Indonesia) Pante-Macassar 13 Oé-Silo Timor-Leste Savu Sea Indonesia Social Center Ns. Sra. de Fátima Noefefan Bridge Fonte-Sagrada (Cave/Waterfall) Wooden Chapel (Citrana) Mud geyers Leolbatan Tumin Citrana Protected Area Baocnana Citrana New Airport Mahata Beach Border Crossing Port / Ferry Traditional Market 14 18

12 Local crafts and products Serbisu-liman no produtu sira lokál TAIS It is a textile cloth that represent a form of traditional weaving crafted by women of Timor-Leste. Tais weaving is embedded in the cultural heritage of the people of Timor-Leste, where each region crafts a different style of Tais, and Oé-Cusse takes pride in its special textile cloth called "bet bose" in the local Baiqueno language. Bet bose was once made only for kings to wear during special ceremonies, but now it is often used by the President during significant cultural events. Tais are used by locals as part of their ceremonial adornment, worn in the form of a skirt by both men and women, along with silver or gold jewelry, feathers and corals. In the past, and even today in remote areas of Oé-Cusse, this special cloth is used as a unit of exchange for livestock or other valuables, to show appreciation towards guests or as home decor. The catholic church has also adopted the use of Tais during its ceremonies in Timor-Leste. Designs The design and patterns of Tais differ from region to region, in Oé-Cusse floral and religious imagery predominate with shades of black, orange, and yellow. Men will wear Tais mane (or "man's cloth"), a single large wrap around the waist usually finished with tassels. Tais mane in Oé-Cusse will often have bigger design imagery such as big shape of a flower. Women will wear Tais feto ("women's cloth"), a similar cloth in a shape of tube, accompanied with smaller design patterns. How is it made? The original Tais is made of cotton threads. Some of this cotton is grown in the highlands of Oé-Cusse. Natural cotton is dyed by using a tea of local plants and soaking the material in the tea that turns its color to orange, while the shades of black are achieved by soaking the material in clay mud. The process of coloring the cotton takes two weeks. Next to organically grown cotton, locals also tend to purchase material from neighboring countries and use artificial coloring, which creates very colorful Tais. Using the cotton threads, the Tais is made almost entirely by hand, by a special technique transferred orally from generation to generation. A single Tais can take from a couple of days to a year to complete, depending on the complexity of the design and the variety of colors used. Try it out While in Oé-Cusse we suggest you try out your weaving skills and learn together with locals how to make a Tais. Visit the women s groups such as the Fitun Frontera group with a local guide in Oé-Silo and the Bertais Bobola group based in Fonte Sagrada and try on one of our traditional skirts. TAIS Ne'e sai nu'udar hena ne'ebé feto sira Timor-oan nian soru ho tradisionál. Atu soru tais sai nu'udar parte husi patrimóniu kulturál husi ema sira Timor-Leste nian, ho rejiaun ida-ida ne'ebé soru tipu lahanesan tais ida, no Oé-Cusse sente laran-kmanek ba ninia hena espesiál bolu "bet bose" iha lian Baikenu lokál. "Bet bose" uluk halo de'it ba liurai sira hatais durante serimónia espesiál sira maibé agora Prezidente uza baibain durante eventu kulturál importante sira. Ema lokál uza tais hanesan parte husi serimónia sira, sai nu'udar saia ne'ebé mane no feto uza, hamutuk ho murak osan-mutin no osan-mean nian, manu-falun no ahu-ruin sira. Uluk, maske sei hamosu iha fatin dook liu husi Oé-Cusse, hena espesiál ne'e uza nu'udar unidade troka ba animál sira ka sasán folin sira, hodi hatudu mak gosta ema bainaka sira ka nu'udar dekorasaun uma nian. Igreja katólika mós uza Tais enkuantu halo serimónia relijioza sira iha Timor-Leste. Dezeñu sira Dezeñu no padraun sira Tais nian sai oioin konforme rejiaun, iha Oé-Cusse uza liuliu imajen ai-funan no relijiozu sira ho kór metan, sabraka no kinur. Mane sei uza Tais mane (ka "hena mane"), hena boot ida mak hale'u knotak no remata ho borla sira. Tais mane iha Oé-Cusse dala barak uza imajen boot liu hanesan ai-funan boot. Feto sira sei uza Tais feto ("hena feto"), hena hanesan tubu ho dezeñu ki'ikoan liu. Oinsá mak halo ne'e? Tais orijinál uza fiu algodaun sira. Algodaun ruma kuda iha foho sira Oé- Cusse nian. Algodaun naturál hetan kór tanba uza xá ho ai-horis lokál sira no hoban iha xá atu hetan kór sabraka, enkuantu kór metan biban tanba hoban materiál ne'e iha tahu. Prosesu atu fó kór ba algodaun hala'o durante semana rua. Hamutuk ho algodaun orgániku mak kuda, ema lokál sira mós sosa materiál husi rai viziñu sira no uza kór artifisiál sira, ne'ebé hamosu Tais ho kór maka'as. Uza fiu algodaun sira, Tais halo kuaze hotu nu'udar serbisu-liman, téknika espesiál mak pasa jerasaun ba jerasaun. Tais ida bele presiza loron balu durante tinan ida atu remata, depende ba kompleksidade husi dezeñu no kór oioin mak uza. Koko ne'e Enkuantu hela iha Oé-Cusse, Ami sujere katak Ita koko atu soru ho Ami no aprende hamutuk ho ema lokál sira oinsá mak halo Tais ida. Vizita lubun feto sira hanesan lubun Fitun Frontera ho matadalan lokál iha Oé-Silo no lubun Bertais Bobola mak bazeia iha Fonte Sagrada no koko saia tradisionál ida Ami mak halo

13 PALM WEAVING Palm weaving plays a significant role in everyday life of locals here. Most of the Atoni people in the Oé-Cusse region are subsistence farmers living in traditional houses, and using palm weaving produce such as baskets in their everyday use. The age-old tradition of palm leaves weaving, locally called Hamon, is usually passed over from grandmother to granddaughter. The process of making it helps preserve Atoni s culture since the elderly share the knowledge and stories with the younger generations, as they weave together. Designs Using the palm weaving technique artisans make mats, hats, bigger baskets, small jar-like baskets and envelope style documents and money holders. The color used is most often the natural beige, and designs tend to be very simple. However sometimes strong colors are used to make smaller diamond shaped jars and baskets of significant importance. How is it made? Palm leaves are collected, pulled into strips and then hung to dry. The palm fronds have a natural waxy coating which makes it a good material for weaving tight baskets. The weaving starts from one side of the palm leaf. The artisan then folds the palm stripes in a crisscross style and begins to weave by interlocking the leaves. Each leaf is bent one by one and adjusted. Envelope style small money holder can be made in couple of hours, while more complicated baskets can take up to 30 days to weave. Try it out Pay a visit to the Fonte Sagrada area with a local guide and see how the women s group called Amsila in Fonte Sagrada crafts produce from palm leaves. Learn a new skill palm weaving- and come back home with your own woven souvenir. HOMAN AI-TALI Atu homan ai-tali sai nu'udar parte importante husi moris ema lokál nian. Ema Atoni barakliu iha rejiaun Oé-Cusse sai nu'udar agrikultór subsisténsia sira ne'ebé hela iha uma tradisionál sira no homan naha sira atu uza loron-loron. Tradisaun tuan atu homan ai-tali, mak bolu Hamon, pasa ein-jerál husi bei-feto ba bei-oan. Prosesu atu halo ne'e ajuda atu rai kultura Atoni nian tanba ema katuas sira hafahe koñesimentu no istória sira ho ema klosan sira enkuantu sira homan hamutuk. Dezeñu sira Enkuantu homan ai-tali, ema sira halo biti, xapéu, naha boot sira, naha ki'ikoan tipu frasku, envelope ba dokumentu sira no osan-fatin. Kór mak uza dala barak liu hanesan kór akar-been no dezeñu sira sai simples. Maske dala balu kór maka'as uza atu halo forma frasku ki'ikoan ka naha ho importánsia. Oinsá mak halo ne'e? Halibur ai-tali, halo tiras no tara atu hamaran. Ai-tali sempre parese kose ho lilin, buat ne'ebé sai nu'udar materiál didi'ak atu homan naha metin. Hahú atu homan sorin ida husi ai-tali. Badain tuir mai hikar ai-tali hanesan krús no hahú atu homan tanba liga ai-tahan sira. Ai-tahan ida-ida hakle'uk no ajusta. Osan-fatin ki'ikoan ho forma envelope bele halo durante óras ruma enkuantu naha sira komplikadu liu bele presiza loron 30 atu homan. Koko ne'e Bá área Fonte Sagrada ho matadalan lokál no haree oinsá mak lubun feto sira bolu Amsila iha Fonte Sagrada halo serbisu-liman husi ai-tali. Aprende kbiit foun - homan ai-tali - no mai uma ho rekordasaun ida Ita mak halo. REFINED COCONUT OIL Atoni people use coconut tree in various ways: the leaves are used to make baskets, the water and milk to drink, the meat is used as food and the shells serve as bowls and musical instruments. Over time locals learned how to make the oil on their own by boiling the coconut milk and getting the refined coconut oil, which is mainly used for body massage purposes. Refined Coconut Oil skin benefits The skin is the largest organ of human body, and it relies on pores, sweat, and oil glands to stay cool, hydrated, and clean. Coconut oil has been used by the Atoni people as an oil that naturally clears away dirt and dead skin cells. It is also believed to have antibacterial properties, killing off harmful bacteria. Therefore, Atoni s use the locally processed refined coconut oil for cleansing skin massages. How is it made? Refined coconut oil in Oé- Cusse is made from coconut meat and coconut milk. The coconut meat is grinded together with milk, afterwards the mixture will be filtered. Then the boiling process starts. The filtered coconut milk is boiled until the water evaporates, which is followed by draining and getting the pure coconut oil of a very often darker yellow color. Try it out When visiting area of Oé-Silo, ask your local guide to take you to the Fatu Metan women group, located near the border with Indonesia. Here the group of women make refined coconut oil, by using traditional methods. NUU BEEN REFINADU Ema sira Atoni nian uza ainuu konforme dalan barak: uza ai-tahan atu halo naha sira, bee no been atu hemu, naan atu hán no kakut hanesan manko no instrumentu muzikál sira. Ho tempu, ema aprende atu halo mina tanba da'an nuu been no hetan nuu mina refinadu, mak uza liu atu kumu. Nuu Mina Refinadu - benefísiu sira ba kulit Kulit sai nu'udar órgaun boot liu husi ema sira no bazeia ba kulit-kuak, kosar-been no glandula sira mina nian atu hela malirin, idratadu no moos. Ema Atoni nian uza nuu mina hanesan mina mak hamoos kulit mak fo'er no sélula sira kulit nian mate ona. Mós fiar atu hetan kbiit hasoru baktéria sira, nune'e hamate baktéria ladi'ak sira. Nune'e, ema Atoni sira uza nuu mina mak prosesa iha lokál atu kumu no hamoos kulit. Oinsá mak halo ne'e? Nuu mina refinadu iha Oé- Cusse halo ho nuu naan no nuu been. Nuu naan kahur malu ho nuu been, orsida sei ta'es. Tuir mai, halo prosesu da'an nian. Nuu been mak ta'es ona da'an to'o bee sai suar, foin hasuli no hetan nuu mina mak puru ne'ebé sai dala barak kór kinur nakukun. Koko ne'e Bainhira mai área Oé-Silo nian, husu ba Ita-nia matadalan lokál atu vizita lubun feto Fatu Metan, ne'ebé hela besik fronteira ho Indonézia. Iha ne'e, lubun feto sira halo nuu mina refinadu liuhusi métodu tradisionál sira

14 Things to do and see in one day Buat ne'ebé atu halo no haree iha loron ida One day in Pante Macassar Loron ida iha Pante Makassar TRADITIONAL POTTERY Traditional pottery making in Oé-Cusse is relatively common even today, and is mainly done by women. Clay pots are used by Atoni people to cook food, store water, and very often to store local palm wine Tua Sabu. Design The most common clay pot seen in Oé-Cusse is a big shaped ball in tera cota shade, commonly used for storing Tua Sabu. The design of this pot is simple and clean. However, there are also vases made of clay, which are often decorated with small printing patterns similar to designs seen on Tais cloths and colored in black, green and orange shades. How is it made? Clay is used to shape and develop the desired form of a pot. The process is done entirely by hand. After the pot is shaped in the desired form, the drying process starts. Very often drying is done on open fire, during this process the pots are baked. Most of the pots developed after baking remain in beautiful natural terra cota color, but some are decorated afterwards. Try it out Visit a local women group Sanan Rai near Fonte Sagrada and see what kind of produce they make and try creating one with them. SERÁMIKA TRADISIONÁL Serámika tradisionál mak halo iha Oé-Cusse sai maizumenus normál to'o ohin no feto liuliu mak halo. Ema sira Atoni nian uza sanan arjila nian atu te'in hahán, rai bee no dala barak rai Tua Sabu. Dezeñu Sanan arjila normál liu mak haree iha Oé-Cusse hanesan sanan kabuar boot kór terrakota, baibain uza atu rai Tua Sabu. Dezeñu husi sanan ne'e sai simples no moos. Maske mós hetan vazu sira mak uza arjila, dala barak dekora ho símbolu ki'ikoan sira hanesan haree iha tais no uza kór-metan, modok no sabraka. Oinsá mak halo ne'e? Arjila uza atu forma no dezenvolve sanan sira. Uza liman de'it durante prosesu ne'e. Tuir mai forma sanan, hahú prosesu atu hamaran. Dala barak hamaran liuhusi ahi no tunu sanan sira. Sanan barakliu tuir mai prosesu tunu nian sei hela ho kór-terrakota maibé sanan balu dekora tuir mai. Koko ne'e Vizita lubun feto lokál Sanan Rai besik Fonte Sagrada no haree buat ne'ebé sira halo no koko atu halo ida hamutuk ho sira. Whale watching Whale watching season in Oé-Cusse usually lasts from October to December. Start your day at a beach front cafe bar in central Pante Macassar and enjoy whale spotting experience or simply immerse yourself in the calmness and beauty of the sea and beaches that surround you. Sightseeing Continue the day by visiting the historical sites of Pante Macassar. For a guided tour please contact tour guide in Pante Macassar listed at the end of the brochure. Paddleboarding If you fancy a day at the beach, paddleboard can be rented at a beach bar in central Pante Macassar: Moxito. Kayaking For kayak enthusiasts rent out kayaks at: Oé-Cusse Amasat (Mahata beach area) Café del Mar (central Pante Macassar) Snorkeling Explore the rich marine life of coral reefs of Pante Macassar. It is a marine oasis with numerous species of fish, sea turtles, reef sharks and manta rays. Since a very small number of people visit Pante Macassar, snorkeling here means largely having the place to yourself. Snorkel gear can be rented at Oé-Cusse Amasat (Mahata beach area). Haree baleia Estasaun baleia bamai iha Oé-Cusse baibain la'o entre Outubru no Dezembru. Hahú Ita-nia loron iha kafé mak hela iha tasi-ibun iha Pante Makassar aproveita atu haree baleia sira ka sente de'it laran-kmaan no haree vista furak lahalimar husi tasi no tasi-ibun sira. Pasiar Kontinua loron no vizita fatin istóriku sira iha Pante Makassar. Atu hetan tour ida, kontakta matadalan iha Pante Makassar ne'ebé temi iha folletu ne'e nia ikus. Paddleboarding Karik Ita hakarak bá tasi-ibun, bele husu paddleboard iha bar husi tasi-ibun mak hela iha Pante Makassar nia sentru: Moxito. Kayaking Ba ema ne'ebé gosta kayak aluga kayak iha: Oé-Cusse Amasat (área tasi-ibun Mahata) Café del Mar (Pante Makassar nia sentru) Snorkeling Esplora moris iha ahu-ruin sira husi Pante Makassar. Ne'e hanesan oasis ho ikan oioin, tasi lenuk sira, tubaraun no hai sira. Tanba ema oituan de'it mak vizita Pante Makassar, atu halo snorkeling signifika atu hela mesak de'it. Bele aluga materiál snorkeling iha Oé- Cusse Amasat (área tasi-ibun Mahata). Korean Memorial / Memoriál Koreia GPS: , Colégio Femenino das Madres Missionárias Dominicanas / Kolégiu Feto nian husi Madres Missionárias Dominicanas GPS: , Kumando / Kumando GPS: , Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário / Igreja husi Nossa Senhora do Rosário GPS: , Ruins of King s Palace of Oé-Cusse / Ruína sira husi Palásiu Liurai Oé-Cusse nian GPS: , Chapel of Santo António Nispeno / Kapela husi Santo António Nispeno GPS: , Cave of Santo António Polsiba / Fatuk-kuak husi Santo António Polsiba GPS: , Old Cemetery in Santa Rosa / Rate tuan iha Santa Rosa GPS: , Fatu-Suba / Fatu-Suba GPS: , Lifau Monument / Monumentu Lifau GPS: , Social Center of Nossa Senhora de Fatima / Sentru Sosiál husi Nosa Senhora de Fátima GPS: ,

15 One day in Oé-Silo Loron ida iha Oé-Silo One day in Fonte Sagrada For visits and guided tours in Fonte Sagrada area please contact a local guide: Crecencia Colo Tel: (+670) Joao Tabes Tel: (+670) Hiking Go for a half a day hike along a river that ends with a stunning waterfall called Fonte Sagrada and find out what purposes the locals use the river for and what kind of cultural events and rituals are performed there. More information in page 9! Palm weaving Visit a palm weaving artisan group called Amsila and learn how to make a souvenir out of a palm leaves Tais weaving See what kind of Tais are made in the Fonte Sagrada community and try out some of their traditional skirts with the womens group Bertais Boboloa Traditional pottery Check out how traditional pottery is made by the womens group Sanan Rai and test your pottery making skills Loron ida iha Fonte Sagrada Atu halo vizita no tour sira iha área Fonte Sagrada favór kontakta matadalan lokál: Crecencia Colo Tel: (+670) Joao Tabes Tel: (+670) Pasiar iha foho Bá loron balun pasiar tuir mota ne'ebé remata ho bee-tudan furak lahalimar bolu Fonte Sagrada no hetan ba buat ne'ebé ema lokál uza mota ba no tipu eventu kulturál no adat sira mak hala'o iha ne'e. Hetan informasaun liu iha pájina 9! Homan ai-tali Vizita lubun ne'ebé homan ai-tali bolu Amsila no aprende atu halo rekordasaun ho ai-tali Soru Tais Haree tipu tais sira mak halo iha komunidade Fonte Sagrada no koko saia tradisionál ruma lubun feto Bertais Boboloa mak halo Serámika Tradisionál Haree serámika tradisionál ne'ebé lubun feto Sanan Rai mak halo no koko Ita-nia kbiit atu halo serámika. For visits and guided tours in Oé-Silo area please contact local guide: Antonio Ribeiro Tel: (+670) Hiking Hike the 45 min Pais Mountain Trial, and enjoy the views over Timor-Leste and Indonesia. The Pais mountain marks and important location in the history of Oé-Silo community. It was part of the land over which Indonesian and Timorese soldier fought over, with a positive outcome for Timor-Leste side. Nowadays, this trail serves as a pilgrimage site especially on Eater Friday when locals walk the trail and perform animist rituals at the top. More information in page 9! Sightseeing Mud Geysers A landscape of boiling mud awaits you in Oé-Cusse s central highlands of Oé-Silo explore the geothermal land and see how it has shaped the surrounding today. Cultural Heritage Traditional House Uma Lulik The most exquisite experience a traveller can have, of going back in past and learning how cultures have existed for centuries in harmony with nature, is visiting a traditional house in Oé-Silo. Visit an Uma Lulik and learn about the practices and rituals that take place there even today. Tais Weaving See where and how the king s Tais are made by visiting the women s group Fitun Frontera. Refined Coconut Oil Ask your local guide to take you to the Fatu Metan women s group, located near the border with Indonesia. Here a group of women make refined coconut oil, by using traditional methods. Atu halo vizita no tour sira iha área Oé-Silo favór kontakta matadalan lokál: Antonio Ribeiro Tel: (+670) Pasiar iha foho Pasiar minutu 45 iha Ain-fatin Foho Pais no haree vista ba Timor-Leste no Indonézia. Foho Pais sai nu'udar fatin importante iha istória husi komunidade Oé-Silo nian. Ne'e sai parte husi rai ne'ebé ema Indonézia no ema Timor-oan sira hadau malu no Timor-Leste mak manán. Foin daudaun, ain-fatin ne'e sai nu'udar fatin peregrinasaun, liuliu durante Sesta-Feira Páskoa bainhira ema lokál sira la'o ain-fatin ne'e no halo adat animista sira iha foho nia tutun. Hetan informasaun liu iha pájina 9! Pasiar - Geiser Tahu sira Paisajen ho tahu mak nakali hein Ita iha foho sentrál Oécusse nian naran Oé-Silo - esplora fatin jeotermál ne'e no haree oinsá mak forma rai ne'ebé hale'u. Patrimóniu Kulturál - Uma Lulik nu'udar Uma Tradisionál Esperiénsia lotuk liu ne'ebé makdalan bele hetan atu vizita tempu liubá no aprende oinsá mak kultura sira han malu ho natureza durante sékulu sira hanesan vizita ba uma lulik iha Oé-Silo. Vizita Uma Lulik no aprende kona-bá prátika no adat sira ne'ebé hala'o ohin mós. Soru Tais Haree ne'ebé no oinsá mak halo Tais ba Liurai liuhusi vizita ba lubun feto Fitun Frontera. Nuu Been Refinadu Husu ba Ita-nia matadalan lokál atu vizita lubun feto Fatu Metan, ne'ebé hela besik fronteira ho Indonézia. Iha ne'e, lubun feto sira halo nuu mina refinadu liuhusi métodu tradisionál sira

16 Tips for a Responsible Traveller HONOUR YOUR HOSTS AND OUR COMMON HERITAGE Research your destination to learn about local customs, traditions and social conditions. It s a great way to build understanding of the local community and excitement for your adventure ahead. Learn to speak a few words in the local language. This can help you connect with the local community and its people in a more meaningful way. Experience and respect all that makes an international destination different and unique, from its history, architecture, religion, dress and communication codes, to its music, art and cuisine. Always ask before taking photographs of other people as their privacy matter as much as yours. PROTECT OUR PLANET Reduce your environmental impact by being a guardian of natural resources, especially forests and wetlands. Respect wildlife and their natural habitats. Purchase products that aren t made using endangered plants or animals. In protected areas, access only the places open to visitors. Reduce your water and energy consumption whenever possible. Leave only a minimum footprint and a good impression behind. Dika sira ba Makdalan Responsável HANA'I BA ITA-NIA UMA-NA'IN SIRA NO KULTURA KOMÚN Halo peskiza kona-bá Ita-nia destinu atu aprende kona-bá lisan, tradisaun no kondisaun sosiál sira. Sai dalan di'ak tebes atu aumenta koñesimentu husi komunidade lokál no halo fuan tuku tanba bá aventura. Aprende liafuan ruma husi lian lokál. Ne'e bele fó tulun atu halo kontaktu ho komunidade lokál no ema sira konforme maneira ho sentidu liu. Esperimenta no respeita hotu ne'ebé halo destinu internasionál oin-seluk no ida-de'it, hanesan istória, arkitetura, relijiaun, kódigu hatais no komunikasaun nian, to'o múzika, arte no koziña. Sempre husu uluk hasai foto husi ema seluk tanba sira-nia privasidade sai hanesan Ita-nia privasidade. PROTEJE ITA-NIA MUNDU Hamenus impaktu ba ambiente tanba rai rekursu naturál sira, liuliu ai-laran no bee-moris sira. Respeita animál sira no sira-nia hela-fatin sira. Sosa produtu sira mak la uza ai-horis ka animál sira ne'ebé iha perigu. Iha área protejidu sira, bá fatin sira de'it ne'ebé loke ba ema bainaka sira. Hamenus konsumu bee no enerjia nian bainhira bele. Husik de'it marka oituan no impresaun didi'ak. BE AN INFORMED TRAVELLER Take appropriate health and safety precautions prior and during your trip. Know how to access medical care or contact your embassy in case of an emergency. Research well before engaging into volunteerism. Choose tourism operators with environmental policies and community projects in place. BE A RESPECTFUL TRAVELLER Observe national laws and regulations. Respect human rights and protect children from exploitation. Abusing children is a crime. Refrain from giving money to begging children and support community projects instead. Take photos instead of protected cultural artefacts as mementos of your trip. Provide honest travel reviews upon your return and promote your positive experiences. The Tips for a Responsible Traveller were developed by the World Committee on Tourism Ethics and are based on the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. The UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is a fundamental frame of reference for responsible and sustainable tourism. SAI MAKDALAN HO INFORMASAUN Foti prekausaun adekuadu ein-termus saúde no seguransa uluk no durante viajen. Hatene oinsá atu hetan asesu ba kuidadu saúde ka kontakta Ita-nia embaixada karik emerjénsia hamosu. Peskiza didi'ak uluk halo voluntariadu. Hili operadór turístiku sira ho polítika ne'ebé proteje ambiente no projetu sira ho komunidade. SAI NU'UDAR MAKDALAN NE'EBÉ RESPEITA Halo tuir lei no regulamentu nasionál sira Respeita direitus umanus no proteje labarik sira husi esplorasaun. Abuzu husi labarik sira sai krime. La fó osan ba labarik sira mak husu ezmola, envés fó apoiu ba projetu sira komunidade nian. Envés, hasai foto husi objetu kulturál sira mak proteje hanesan rekordasaun husi Ita-nia viajen. Fó opiniaun laran-moos bainhira fila no promove Ita-nia esperiénsia pozitivu. Dika sira ba Makdalan Responsável World Committee on Tourism Ethics mak dezenvolve no bazeia ba UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism sai nu'udar referénsia importante tebes ba turizmu responsável no sustentável. SUPPORT THE LOCAL ECONOMY Buy locally-made handcrafts and products. Respect livelihoods of local vendors and artisans by paying a fair price. Do not buy counterfeit products or items that are prohibited by national/international regulations. Hire local guides with in-depth knowledge of the area. FÓ APOIU BA EKONOMIA LOKÁL Sosa serbisu-liman no produtu sira lokál. Respeita moris husi makfa'an no badain sira tanba selu folin mak justu. La sosa produtu sira mak kópia ka item sira mak regulamentu nasionál/internasionál sira bandu. Kontrata matadalan lokál sira ne'ebé hatene área didi'ak

17 Services & Accommodation / Serbisu no Fatin atu Hela sira Tour Guides/ Matadalan sira Tour Guide Coordinator / Koordenadór Matadalan Area / Área Phone number / Númeru Telefone Accommodation / Fatin atu hela Marcos Elo Pante Macassar (+670) Crecencia Colo Fonte Sagrada (+670) Antonio Ribeiro Oé-Silo (+670) Restaurants & bars / Restaurante no bar sira Name of restaurants & bars Naran husi retsaurante no bar sira Phone number Númeru Telefone GPS location Lokalizasaun GPS Moxito Nia Fatin (+670) , Maubere Restaurant (+670) , Dominican Café (+670) , Alegria cocktail bar (+670) , Oé-Cusse Amasat (+670) , Café del Mar (+670) , Restorante Lacmeta One (+670) , Nidela (+670) , Restorante Cifian (+670) , Name of Accommodation Naran husi Fatin atu hela Price Folin Phone number Númeru Telefone GPS location Lokalizasaun GPS Basic Services / Serbisu Báziku sira: Oé-Cusse Amasat 35-55$ (+670) (+670) , Alegria Homestay 25$ (+670) , Hotel Inur Sakato 35-55$ (+670) , Hotel Rao 15-45$ (+670) , Jemia Homestay 25$ (+670) , Enclave Guest House 40$ (+670) , Janisa Guest House 25-45$ (+670) , Irmaos Timor Hotel 35-40$ (+670) , Basic services Serbisu Báziku sira Police / Polísia Hospital / Ospitál Phone number Númeru Telefone (+670) (+670) (+670) (+670) GPS location Lokalizasaun GPS , , Fire Department / Bombeiru sira (+670) , Red Cross / Krús Mean (+670) , BNU Bank (ATM) / Banku BNU (ATM) (+670) , Banco Nacional de Comércio de Timor-Leste BNCTL (ATM) / Banku Nasionál Komérsiu husi Timor-Leste (ATM) (+670) , Ferry / Ferry (+670) , Airport/ Aeroportu (+670) , Regional Secretary of Community Tourism/ Sekretaria Rejionál husi Turizmu Komunidade (+670) ,

18 Basic vocabulary English/Tetum Vocabulario básico Inglés/Tetum Hello Goodbye Yes No Excuse me (for interrupting) Sorry (it s my fault) Please Thank you (very much) You re welcome Olá/Haló Adeus Sin/Diak/Los Lae Kolisensa Diskulpa Favór ida/halo favór/por favór Obrigadu/a (barak) La (iha) buat ida Greetings - Kumprimentos Goodbyes - Despede Malu Good morning Good afternoon Bondia Boatardi See you son/later See you tomorrow Atelogu Atemanhá Good evening/night Boanoiti Making conversation - Dada Lia What s your name? Ita nia naran sa/saida? My name is Hau nia naran I m pleased to meet you Prazér konhese ita How are you? Diak ka lae? Fine, thanks. And you? Diak, obrigadu/a. Ita diak ka lae? - Where are you going? - Going home - To the market - Ba nebé? - Ba uma - Ba merkadu 34

19 Regional Secretary of Community Tourism RAEOA & ZEESM TL Pante Macassar Oé-Cusse Ambeno Timor-Leste T: (+670)


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