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1 the secret to better arm balances? ART CREDIT _armb_208.indd 90 12/7/07 10:27:52 AM

2 by jason crandell photography by katrine naleid think relaxation, not strength ART CREDIT It s easy to get rattled by arm balances. Falling fl at on your face is a metaphor for failure, Paripurna N avasana (Boat Pose) and Ardha build core strength by making poses such as and with these poses it s an all-too-literal de - Navasana (Half Boat Pose) part of your regular scription of what can happen when you get into routine. But if you struggle w ith arm balanc es, shift your e nergies a w ay from bulking trouble. So if you re like most people, you ap - proach arm balances with anxiety, fearing that up those biceps. Try this friendlier, and perhaps your arms may not be strong enough to get you count erintuitive, approach that e m phasiz es airborne and that you might wind up with bruises opening and relaxing. You ll use t w o key preparatory poses to open your joints and get your on your body and ego. To keep from crashing, you tap into some hard-edged determination: body de eply fa miliar with the shape of e ach Your knuckles turn white, your face turns red, of thre e m ain arm balanc es: Bakasana, Par - and you push, push, push. You might sv a Bakasana (Side Crane Pose), and manage to lift off. But it takes more than Bhu ja p i d a s a n a (Sh o u l d e r-pr e ssi n g m uscle po w er and determination to Pose). Perhaps the most important perch comfortably in a pose like Baka - thing is to cultivate a playful, curious, sana (Crane Pose). What often gets overlooked is that arm balances require you w eightlessness and confidenc e that and nonstriving attitude. The feeling of to relax deeply and release many of your joints you can fi nd in these postures (not to mention and muscles. You ne ed a lot of suppleness in their striking beauty) tends to bring up a sense your groins, hamstrings, hips, knees, and torso of attachm e nt. Notic e if you becom e overly just to get into the shape of most of these poses; intense in your desire to perform the poses or, once you develop this, you won t have to work conversely, if you re te mpted to thro w in the so hard. That s not to say you can forget all tow el because they seem too challenging. If about strength. But if your upper body is strong that happens, let go and se arch for the delicate balance bet w e en effort and relaxation. enough to support a healthy Plank Pose or Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose), Use the explor ation of these postures as a w ay you probably don t need any more arm strength to practice m e eting any challenge with understanding, acceptance, and than you already have. True, you may need to resilience _armb_208.indd 91 12/7/07 10:28:01 AM

3 on the way to BAKASANA (crane pose) the plan This pose is a perfect introduction to the subtleties of arm balancing because of its deeply folded, compact shape, as well as the back rounding and the groin and hip opening it requires. The squatting and folding elements of the first prep pose, Marichyasana I (Marichi s Twist I), will help develop the hip flexibility and postural awareness necessary to do Bakasana with less effort and resistance. The second prep pose, Malasana (Garland Pose), will broaden and free your upper back, safely round your spine, and teach you Bakasana s shape. And to release tension in your hips and legs, try practicing Balasana (Child s Pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), and Virasana (Hero Pose). For instruction in these poses, go to If you have the suppleness for Bakasana but not the strength, try this: Lie on your back, reach your arms toward the ceiling, draw your knees toward your chest, and lift your head and chest off the floor. This is Bakasana on your back. Your abdominals may nearly catch fire, but the core strength will come in handy. prep pose 1 M ARICHYASANA I (marichi s t wist I) To start, get in a seated position. Straighten your left leg and bend your right knee until your calf and thigh touch, with the shin perpendicular to the fl oor. Place your right foot in line with your sitting bone. Extend your right arm inside your right thigh and hold the inside of your left foot (use a belt if you need to). Mom entarily open your right thigh to the side as you lift and lengthen your right side. Then squeeze your right thigh against your ribs. Slide your armpit down your shin as far as you can with ease, allowing your back to gently dome. Keep squeezing your knee into your side so there s little or no space betw een your armpit and shin. Wrap your right arm around your shin, sw eep your left hand around your back, and bind the hands together (or use a belt). Gently dra w your low er abdomen toward your spine and deepen the forward bend. Feel the hip opening that will help with Bakasana. Take 5 to 10 long, smooth cycles of breath before you switch sides. Before you start, look at this photo of Malasana and see how clearly the pose s shape resembles Bakasana. The calves and thighs are folded together, the thighs and torso are folded together, and the back is rounded gracefully. Essentially, Malasana is Bakasana, just with a different arm position. Begin in a standing position, then bring the insides of your feet together and bend your knees deeply into a squat. If possible, bring your heels to the fl oor; if not, it s OK for them to lift. Allow your knees to separate slightly wider than your shoulders and low er your torso betw een your legs. Deepen the pose by sliding your armpits down the shins. To maintain the even, graceful arc of your back, situate yourself so that your tailbone and the crown of your head are equidistant from the fl oor. Be aware that you may need to lean fairly far forward to fi nd this balance. Now tuck your arms under the front of your shins and slide them behind your hips, with your palms facing the ceiling. Gently hug your knees into your side ribs, soften the muscles of your back, and settle into your breath. As you re - lax into the pose, allow your body to get used to its shape. MALASANA (garland pose) prep pose 11 MODEL: KATHRYN BUDIG; STYLIST: LYN HEINEKEN; HAIR/MAKEUP: TAMARA /ARTIST UNTIED; TOP: LUCY; PANTS: YOGABELA; MAT: NIKE _armb_208.indd 92 12/7/07 10:28:11 AM

4 the pose BAKASANA (crane pose) Begin by bringing the insides of your feet together and bending the knees into a squat, as in Malasana. Separate your knees slightly wider than your shoulders and low er your torso betw een your thighs. Slide your armpits down your shins as low as they will go and allow your elbows to separate a w ay from each other. Round and broaden your back into an even, graceful arc. Place your hands directly under your shoulders and pause for a breath. Lift your hips up 6 inches and away from your heels, and shift your gaze to your elbows. Draw your elbows in until the upper arms are parallel to each other. Now here s your big moment. But don t try to jump, lift, or fl y. Instead, simply shift your w eight forward onto your hands until your forearms are perpendicular to the fl oor and your feet begin to lift. As you make the transition forward, begin practicing Bakasana by shifting more w eight onto your hands, even if your feet don t lift. If your feet do lift or become light, engage your lower abdominal muscles by drawing your navel toward your spine. As you glide onto your arms, extend them strongly; broaden and round your upper back. Do your best to soften and extend your breath for 5 to 10 cycles. F E B R U A R Y Y O G A J O U R N A L. C O M _armb_208.indd 93 12/7/07 10:28:13 AM

5 on the way to PARSVA BAKASANA (side crane pose) the plan By practicing the deep, wringing twist that Parsva Bakasana requires, you ll cultivate greater strength and awareness in your abdominals particularly your obliques and create a healthy squeezing action in the digestive organs. But, alas, if your hips are tight and your spine doesn t rotate easily, this pose will be a real downer. Tension in these crucial areas will pull you out of it, and you ll fatigue early because you ll be struggling against your body s resistance. So your first prep pose, Marichyasana III, is intended to create greater movement and ease in your hips and back. Regularly practicing additional hip openers such as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose), Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose), and Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose) will also help. And while we don t often think of standing poses as helpful for arm balances, the second prep pose, a variation of Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose), is a great warmup. It twists the torso deeply, opens the outer hips, and gives you an opportunity to focus on balance. Other useful warmups include Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) and Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose). prep pose 1 MARICHYASANA III (marichi s t wist III) Straighten your left leg out in front of you and bend your right knee un - til your calf and thigh touch and your shin is perpendicular to the fl oor. Place your right foot in line with your sitting bone. Wrap your left arm around the front of your right shin and swing your right arm behind you. Elongate the left side of your low er back away from your hips, rotate your spine to the right and gently puff out your chest. Deepen the pose by sliding your left armpit to your outer right knee. Focus on this movement, essential to the elasticity needed for Parsva Bakasana. Close the space betw een your armpit and outer knee as much as you can with ease. Bend your left elbow and open your hand, so the left palm faces right. Bring a smooth quality to your breath. Play with micro movements until your spine rotates evenly and gracefully, like a spiral staircase. After 10 to 15 breaths, change sides. Start in a lunge with your right foot forward betw een your hands and your left knee on the ground, toes tucked under. Place your right knee over your right ankle so your shinbone is vertical, then step your left knee back so you get a moderate stretch in the left thigh. Put your hands on top of your right thigh and straighten your back leg. (Your back heel should be lifted.) Now rotate your trunk to the right and slide your left elbow to the outside of your right knee. Gently deepen the twist by sliding your left elbow further down the outside of your knee and rotating the belly, ribs, and chest. Bring your palms together in front of your chest and press the top hand strongly into the bottom one. Soften and receive the breath moving into your body. Observe how your body s e e ks b a l a n c e a n d h o w your mind reacts. You may fall; practice patience! PARIVRTTA PARSVAKONASANA (revolved side angle pose) prep pose _armb_208.indd 94 12/7/07 10:28:17 AM

6 PARSVA BAKASANA (side crane pose) Wit h your in n e r thighs to gether, begin in a deep squat. Twist your abdomen and upper body to the right and slip your left elbow to the outside of your right knee. As in the prep poses, fold your torso deeply into your legs and slide your left armpit to the outside of your right knee. As your twist deepens, put your hands on the fl oor just in front of your right thigh; they should be turned to the right at a 90-degree angle to your hips. Now engage your lower abdominal muscles and roll your belly to the right. Look at your right hip and lift it higher than your right elbow. Complement this action and set the stage for liftoff by moving your right elbow inward until your elbows are parallel to each other. As you did in Bakasana, shift your w eight onto your hands. You may have to practice for a while by bringing more w eight onto your hands than your feet. If you can, lift your feet off the ground, engage your low er abdominal muscles more strongly, and turn your navel toward your right ribs. As that supports your lift and de epens your t wist, bring your awareness to your breath; it may shorten, but try to keep it smooth. When you ve had your fi ll, release and switch sides. the pose F E B R U A R Y Y O G A J O U R N A L. C O M _armb_208.indd 95 12/7/07 10:28:19 AM

7 on the way to BHUJAPIDASANA (shoulder-pressing pose) the plan Of the three arm balances, Bhujapidasana requires the least strength and the greatest flexibility. So the warmups give you the suppleness to fold deeply and wrap your legs around your upper arms. The first, Happy Baby, will open your groins, round your back safely, and elongate your hamstrings. It s a comforting, accessible posture that helps create opening and awareness. The second, a lunge variation, opens the groin and hip flexors in your back leg and creates length in the hamstrings of your front leg. It also imitates the shape of Bhujapidasana: The front knee goes into a 90-degree angle and the shoulder and torso tuck into the front thigh. If it s hard to get the heels of your hands to the floor in Bhujapidasana, don t blame it on your arms. Try poses that release the groins and support deep hip flexion: Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Adho Mukha Virasana (Downward- Facing Hero Pose), and Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend). prep pose 1 HAPPY BABY POSE Begin by lying on your back. (Don t you love poses that start this way?) Bend both knees and dra w the m to w ard your armpits. Reach your arms around the outside of your legs and hold the outside of your feet. Your shins should be vertical. Gently pull with your arms and release your thighs to w ard the outside of your ribs. Relax your facial muscles and receive the opening that the pose brings. Observe where the greatest resistance is; in Bhujapidasana, that area will feel even tighter. Direct your breath into it, letting the tension slowly dissipate. Continue to saturate your body with breath for 20 to 30 cycles. LUNGE VARIATION prep pose 11 Start in a lunge w ith your right foot between your hands and your left knee on the ground, toes curled under. Place your right knee over your right ankle so the shin is vertical; then step the left knee back so you get a moderate stretch in the left thigh. Step your right foot 2 inches further to the right and put both hands on the fl oor inside your foot. Settling into your breath, nestle your right shoulder inside your right inner thigh. Se e if you can tuck your right shoulder inside and under the right knee. Once you ve hit your edge, slide your right arm under your leg and place your hand on the fl oor outside your right foot. Lift your back knee off the fl oor and extend through your left heel. Deepen the pose by hugging your right knee into your right shoulder an action essential to Bhujapidasana. Breathe smoothly and deeply into the resistance in your right hip and groin. This pose is intense; don t push too hard. After 5 to 15 breaths, release and switch sides _armb_208.indd 96 12/7/07 10:28:23 AM

8 the pose BHUJAPIDASANA (shoulder-pressing pose) Although th e balancing point in this pose is very narrow and you re likely to end up on your bum a fe w times, Bhujapidasana requires less effort to sustain than Bakasana or Parsva Bakasana. Stand in Tadasana with your feet as wide as your mat. Bend your knees deeply and fold your torso betw een your inner thighs. Re m e mber tucking the shoulder under the kne e in the lunging variation of Parivrtta Parsvakonasana? Well, here goes: Tuck your shoulders betw een your inner knees as deeply as you can and put your hands on the fl oor behind your heels. Your fi ngers should point forward, not to the side or backward. Bend your knees and begin to sit on the backs of your upper arms. If it s still diffi cult to bring the heels of your hands to the fl oor, ease off and continue working on the prep poses so you create more fl exibility in the hips and groins and protect your w rists. Sque e z e your thighs strongly against your upper arms, lean back until your feet lift, and cross your right ankle over your left. Draw your navel toward your spine and extend your arms until they re straight. Once you ve found your narrow threshold of balance, your arm bones will absorb much of your w eight and allow your muscles to work less intensely. Let go of any unnecessary tension particularly in the ja w and eyes and settle into your bre ath for as m any rounds as you can. Jason Crandell ( is the yoga director for the San Francisco Bay Club. He lives in San Francisco and teaches at studios around the country. F E B R U A R Y Y O G A J O U R N A L. C O M _armb_208.indd 97 12/7/07 10:28:25 AM

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