But who do you say that I am? Peter replied, You are the Christ!

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1 Sunday, 13 Septemr 2015 * Twentyfourth Sunday of Year * But who do say that I am? Peter replied, You are Christ!

2 TwentyFourth Sunday Ordary Time Septemr 13, 2015 Homily Next Week: Far Glen Butterworth, S.J. Readgs for Septemr 20, 2015 First Readg: Wisdom 2:12, 1720 Second Readg: James 3:164:3 Gospel: Mark 9:3037 Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5 pm Sunday 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 5:30 pm Weekday Mass Schedule Monday Friday, 7 am, Parish Center Reconciliation Saturday 3:304:15 pm Church or by appotment Parish Center 73218th Ave E, Seattle, WA Monday Friday 8 am 4:30 pm Saturday 9 am1 pm Parish Receptionist (206) Pastor Rev. John D. Whitney, S.J. x107 whitney@stosephparish.org Parochial Vicar Rev. Glen Butterworth, S. J. x103 gbutterworth@stosephparish.org Deacon/Pastoral Associate Steve Wodzanowski x106 stevew@stosephparish.org Pastoral Staff: Dottie Farewell, Dir. Religious Ed. x112 dfarewell@stosephparish.org Recca Friso, Busess Mgr x108 reccaf@stosephparish.org Ta O Brien, Stewardship x114 tao@stosephparish.org Jack Hilovsky, Communications Mgr x113 ackh@stosephparish.org Renée Leet, Adm Assistant x100 rleet@stosephparish.org Bob McCafferyLent, Liturgy & Music x109 rmclent@stosephparish.org Caprice Sauter, Admistration x102 caprices@stosephparish.org Yuri Kondratyuk, Facilities x110 St. Joseph School (206) Ma Office Patrick Fennessy, Prcipal Mary Helen Bever, Middle School Dir Lillian Zadra, Primary School Dir x210 x218 x215 x219 God Builds No Walls Then Lord asked Ca, Where is r bror, Al? He answered, I do not know. Am I my bror s keeper? Genesis 4:9 The image haunts me. Every day sce I first saw photograph of ng Aylan Kurdi (did know that was his name?) lyg dead on Turkish ach, I have thought of him. I have imaged how much his parents must have loved him loved his laugh, loved his hugs, loved his still nocent smile. It was love that led his mor to take him on that boat with his bror, led to both of m dyg, as well. It was love that sent his far ahead, hopg to fd a place for m where y could safe toger, away from carnage of Syria threat of death at hs of ISIS or Assad, Westernbacked rels or Russianbacked government troops. This was not negligence nor ideology, but a mor s love. In face of an unendurable situation of violence war, Aylan s mor did a desperate calculation, concludg that only way for her family to alive toger was to flee to Europe illicitly sce governments of West remaed largely unwillg to help, violence Syria made it too dangerous to rema. Aylan s family was not only one to perish, of course, y were not even first this most recent round of displacements. Thouss have drowned off coast of Europe Middle East; millions more sit hungry idle refugee camps around borders of Syria, waitg for a chance, tryg to keep alive both ir children ir hopes se are fortunate ones, who have not died as victims of poison gas or Russian ordance, airstrikes or ISIS cursions. Today re are an estimated 6.5 million displaced Syrian people, of whom approximately 3 million are on move or exile as refugees across world. A relatively few have en given refugee status Germany or France, although on way to apply for such status, many have died if not at sea, n asphyxiated back of unventilated trucks, aboned on side of road by callous smugglers. Yet, still y have come, carryg ir children longgs with m, at

3 times, pushg ir weak elderly wheelchairs or carts for miles. What is one small child agast such a backdrop of horror loss; one more death a sea of national bloodlettg ternational apathy? Is he not ust anor momentary image, soon forgotten, as we move our cursor down to next post on Kim Davis or next article professg outrage at this or that politician? On his first pastoral visit office, Pope Francis traveled to ty isl of Lampedusa, where countless migrants refugees first reach l on European content where thouss have died tryg. At water s edge, dressed penitential purple, Francis condemned policies by which gates of entry were closed to virtually all sufferg peoples. He spoke out agast silence of West, where fate of migrants refugees was largely visible. He spoke out agast culture of consumption, which has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion. There, amid exiled unwanted, Vicar of Christ spoke to those who would promote border walls fear of anchor babies, lamentg: We have come used to sufferg of ors. It doesn t affect us. It doesn t terest us. It s not our busess. And n, as he has done so many times sce, he prayed for us to given sight, prayed that we might see crucifixion our midst, prayed that God might grant pardon for those who are complacent closed amid comforts which have deadened ir hearts. And through his prayer his presence, his humility his summons, we have gun to see sufferg Christ, enfleshed dispossessed, callg to us now. Ayl Kurdi was a little boy who loved to play laugh, whose grmor spoiled him who was pride of his far s heart. He is not a symbol, nor an angel, nor a meme, nor a metaphor. And we reduce him when we make him that. He was our bror, our complacency we allowed him to drown, as we have allowed so many ors. He drowned not cause God allowed it, but cause we allowed it. We allowed it when we vaded Iraq, heedless of tens of thouss of nocents who would suffer. We allowed it when we funded weapons stead of schools; border guards stead of refugee services; regimes who serve our will, stead of will of ir own people. We allowed it when we our allies refused to open door to those need cause we fear... (sert any numr of thgs here). We allowed it when we cultivated xenophobic tendencies our own hearts grumbled, like Ca, about how ungrateful annoyg is call of our bror. We allowed it with our difference we allowed it with our actions. And now simply to weep at a photograph is not enough. This weekend, Pope Francis called on every religious community parish, every monastery diocese Europe to welcome make a home for refugees streamg to content from Syria receivg two families to Vatican itself. And though few from Syria may come to United States, we must ask ourselves, what can we at St. Joseph do to st with m? What can we do to make our love more than ust weepg: to make it resurrection? I want r thoughts proposals, vite r comments. Please write me at whitney@stosephparish.org Let us discern with courage call of Francis, hold fast, this discernment, to heart md of Christ. St. Joseph Community extends its prayers hopes for followg tentions: For people who are seekg safe refuge a l of opportunity... For Francis her upcomg surgery... For John s leg to heal well... For Changthou s h to okay... For wellg of Patricia, Recca, Betty, Michael, Scott... For blessgs upon Carol her children. Share with God s people who are need. Practice hospitality. ~Romans 12:13 If have petitions would like cluded prayer tree, cludg birth announcements, illnesses deaths, please call Parish Office at ext 100 or rleet@stosephparish.org

4 Order of Celebration Twenty Fourth Sunday Ordary Time This worship aid is for all Masses, cludg 5:30 contemplative liturgy. All are vited to o quiet prayer with prelude from 5:005:30 PM. Prelude Prayer Of Peace #729 (5, 9 & 11) Instrumental (5:30) Entrance Songs & # # c 1. Let 2. Let 3. Let us us us & # # va ren see Glory Cross (5, 9 & 11) ev er glo ry cross of Christ, our sal make our our ney to cross of Christ, who sur st to geth er at cross of Christ where we tion dered glo ry our hope. Let us bow hom age grace to come a ser vant God's bound less love. We are sats s ners & # # Lord great oed of by Life, small, faith who that here & # #. no birth wom was all on n bro peo earth great er love, as bless was di ve, he knelt an nor man, nor ser & # 3 # lay wash one down one's com mon life dust eyes for from of & # # cross of Christ a our to of who are ken to make us whole. There is ple may know God's face. Though his heav'n a bove. Nei r J friend. feet. Lord. n. ed as vant as a or Let us tri umph of God's great this: slave, free, to to but ev er glory w love. Schutte & b 4 3 & b Prayer Of Peace #729 (5:30) 1, 6. Peace fore us, peace hd us, peace under our 2. Love fore us, love hd us, love under our 3. Light fore us, light hd us, light under our 4. Christ fore us, Christ hd us, Christ under our 5. Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu Peace with us, peace o ver us, let all a round us Love with us, love o ver us, let all a round us Light with us, light o ver us, let all a round us Christ with us, Christ o ver us, let all a round us Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu. feet. feet. feet. feet. ia,. peace. love. light. Christ. ia. DAKOTA/Haas..

5 Gloria Glo ry to God high est, on Haugen earth peace to peo ple of good To verses will. 1.We praise, we bless, we adore, we glorify, we give thanks for r great glory, Lord God, heavenly Kg, O God, almighty Far. 2. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of Far, take away ss of world, have mercy on us; First Readg Last time will. A The Lord GOD opens my ear that I may hear; I have not relled, have not turned back. I gave my back to those who at me, my cheeks to those who plucked my ard; my face I did not shield from buffets spittg. men, a men, a men. take away ss of world, receive our prayer; are seated at right h of Far, have mercy on us. 3. For alone are Holy One, alone are Lord, alone are Most High, Jesus Christ, with Holy Spirit, glory of God Far. Amen. The Lord GOD is my help, refore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flt, knowg that I shall not put to shame. He is near who upholds my right; if anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear toger. Who disputes my right? Let that man confront me. See, Lord GOD is my help; who will prove me wrong? Isaiah 50:4c9a Responsorial Psalm & # 4 4 I will walk Psalm 116 (5, 9 & 11).. presence of Lord; I will walk l of livg. Psallite

6 In L of Livg (5:30) Haas & bb c ΠIn l of liv g I will. walk with. God all my w days. Second Readg James 2:1418 What good is it, my brors sisters, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a bror or sister has nothg to wear has no food for day, one of says to m, Go peace, keep warm, eat well, but do not give m necessities of body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Indeed someone might say, You have faith I have works. Demonstrate r faith to me without works, I will demonstrate my faith to from my works. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia O Carroll/Walker & # Al le lu ia, al le lu & # Al le lu ia, al le lu Gospel Mark 8:2735 Jesus his disciples set out for villages of Caesarea Philippi. Along way he asked his disciples, Who do people say that I am? They said reply, John Baptist, ors Eliah, still ors one of prophets. And he asked m, But who do say that I am? Peter said to him reply, You are Christ. Then he warned m not to tell anyone about him. He gan to teach m that Son of Man must suffer greatly reected by elders, chief priests, scris, killed, rise after three days. He spoke this openly. Then Peter took him aside gan to rebuke him. At this he turned around, lookg at his disciples, rebuked Peter said, Get hd me, Satan. You are thkg not as God does, but as human gs do. He summoned crowd with his disciples said to m, Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake that of gospel will save it.. ia! ia! Homily Far John D. Whitney, S.J.

7 The Nicene Creed I lieve one God, Far almighty, maker of heaven earth, of all thgs visible visible. I lieve one Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son of God, born of Far fore all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, gotten, not made, consubstantial with Far; through him all thgs were made. For us (men) for our salvation he came down from heaven, At words that follow, up to cludg came man, all bow. by Holy Spirit was carnate of Virg Mary, came man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death was buried, rose aga on third day accordance with Scriptures. He ascended to heaven is seated at right h of Far. He will come aga glory to udge livg dead his kgdom will have no end. I lieve Holy Spirit, Lord, giver of life, who proceeds from Far Son, who with Far Son is adored glorified, who has spoken through prophets. I lieve one, holy, catholic apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for forgiveness of ss I look forward to resurrection of dead life of world to come. Amen. Offertory Songs Anm: There Is A Love (5, 9 & 11) Janco There is a love that reaches out to all, that loves loveless unloveable, And never fails to hear us when we call. There is a love that reaches out to all. There is a love that wants to make us whole, a love that searches out one lost soul. has world s salvation as its goal: There is a love that wants to make us whole. There is a love that counts all humans k that gars outcasts siders, knows where peace ustice must g: There is a love that counts all humans k. This love of God Jesus crucified, as he foreshadowed may at first divide. But, oh, how high deep it is wide: This love of God Jesus crucified. Instrumental (5:30) Prayer over Offergs Priest: Pray, brors sisters, that my sacrifice rs may acceptable to God, almighty Far. Preface Dialogue Priest: The Lord with. Priest: Lift up r hearts. Priest: Let us give thanks to Lord our God. Assembly: May Lord accept sacrifice at r hs for praise glory of his name, for our good good of all his holy Church. Assembly: And with r spirit. Assembly: We lift m up to Lord. Assembly: It is right ust.

8 Holy, Holy, Holy & # # 4 4 & # # full, Ho. 3 ly, Ho ly, Ho ly Lord God of hosts. Heaven earth are Î are & # # & # # full of r glo ä ä ä ry. Ho san na! Hosan na! Ho 3 sanna high est. Blessed is he who comes, who comes name of Lord. Mystery of Faith ä Ho Mass of Christ Savior ä Î ä san na! Hosan na! Hosanna high est. Schutte Schutte & # # & # #. When we eat claim r death O this Œ bread, drk this cup, Lord, un til come a w ga. we pro Great Amen Schutte & # # 4 A men. A men. A w men. All Are Invited To Come Forward Durg communion, we vite all to come forward. If do not ordarily receive Eucharist, or choose not to, come for a blessg, dicatg r desire by puttg r h on r heart. If have a gluten allergy, & need of a gluten free host, please come to Presider & dicate this. All GIA Publications reprted under OneLicense.net # A All OCP Publications reprted with permission under LicenSg.net # All WLP Publications reprted with permission under license # Texts for Eucharistic Acclamations are excerpts from English translation of Roman Missal copyright 2010 by ICEL. Mass of Christ Savior music by Daniel L. Schutte 2010 GIA Publications. Inc. Lamb of God from Holy Cross Mass music by David Clark Isele 1979 GIA Publications. Inc. Psalm verses from The Revised Grail Psalms 2010, Conception Aby The Grail, Admistered by GIA Publications. Inc. Storrgton Mass music by Marty Haugen 2010 GIA Publications. Inc. Psalm 116 music by Collegeville Composers Group 2002 by Liturgical Press Publications. Inc. In L of Livg music by David Haas 1985 by GIA Publications. Inc. Glory In Cross words music by Daniel L. Schutte 1998 by OCP Publications. Inc. The Summons words music by John Bell 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. David Haas 1985, 2005 by GIA Publications. Inc. Gusten Y Vean words music by Tony Alonso 2002 GIA Publications, Inc. There Is A Love words music by Steven Janco 2007 WLP Publications, Inc.

9 Lamb of God & # # Lamb. of God, & # # w. mer cy on & # # take a way us. 3. ss of world, take a way Lamb Î 3. ss of world, grant. have of God, us w peace. Isele Priest: Behold Lamb of God... Assembly: Lord, I am not worthy that should enter under my roof, but only say word my soul shall healed. Communion Gusten Y Vean Alonso Refra & # # # # 4 4. J J Gusten y vean, gusten y ve an qué bueno es el Se ñor, qué & # # # # Verses. J.. bueno es el Señor. Taste see, taste see goodness of Lord. Cantor & # # # # & # # # # All J. Gusten y ve an! 4 2 Cantor All goodness of Lord, qué bueno es el Se.. Î Taste see 4. ñor. Î

10 Song of Praise & b 4 3 & b. call call call call & b & b 1. Will 2. Will 3. Will 4. Lord, know kd side let risk use com & b name tract world foot & b grown pray'r sound grow The Summons #700 (5, 9 & 11). r r r r my my pa or a steps nev nev nev nev love hos faith ny. come leave love sum. name? name? name? name. known, scare? round, show. er er er er r tile 've I'll. r mons fol self '' ech. shown, stare found go Will Will Will Let. will Will through Thus. me my I'll low oes go care quell turn me hd hide true. same? same? same? same. will should to where let let sight move. where for r re r my me if if if when I I I cruel fear fol but but but but don't low Will Will Will In let life shape love life an touch live. me? me? me? me. r my at swer Bell Recessional This Week At St. Joseph Sunday 9:30 AM Mass 10:30 AM Coffee & Donuts Jo Us! 5:30 PM Mass BBQ Followg Instrumental Wednesday 7:00 AM Mass 7:00 AM Yoga Body In Prayer 7:00 PM The VOICE Youth Group Monday 7:00 AM Mass 7:00 AM Yoga Body In Prayer 7:00 PM Sacred Silence Prayer 7:00 PM Rosary Prayer Goup Tuesday 7:00 AM Mass Thursday 7:00 AM Mass 12:00 PM Senior Potluck Luncheon Friday 7:00 AM Mass Saturday 3:30 PM Weekly Reconciliation 5:00 PM Vigil Mass

11 Parish Life Parishioner Book Readg Are ust wild about Harry Potter? Crazy for Katniss Everdeen? Here s r chance to meet ir new sister literature: Astra Fairwear. Longtime St. Josephy parishoner Brian Jaybush, coauthor of The Summer Apprentice, Astra s first story, will read selections from that novel Parish Center on Monday, Septemr 21at 7 pm. The readg is free open to everyone ust like novel is appropriate for readers from fourth grade through adult! Furr formation about Astra is available on Brian s website: www. Psiwriters.fo, along with lks to those merchants who can give a head start to Astra s world! St. Joseph Men's Home Mass & Potluck Dner Friday, Septemr 25th, 6:00 pm McAteer home, 2109 E. Crescent Dr. Seattle Ma Dish provided. Please brg an item to share. Questions or for more formation contact Deacon Steve at stevew@stosephparish.org or Parish Picnic 2015 Jo r neighbors, friends, & fellow parishioners on Sunday, Septemr 20th from 1 to 4 pm for our Annual Parish Picnic. Enoy a funfilled afternoon with rides for kids along with cotton cy, snowcones popcorn with live music er garden for adults. The parish provides hot dogs, er, we rooter. Everyone s vited to brg a side, salad or dessert to share. If would like to volunteer, please contact our parish office at If are new to St. Joseph Parish, please come o fun troduce rself to us! Safe Environment Trag Thursday, Septemr 17th 6:00 pm, School Auditorium Women s Mistry Retreat 2015 St. Joseph Women's Fall Retreat "We Are One Spirit", Septemr 2527, 2015 at Camp Casey on Whidy Isl. Eileen Flanagan, a spiritual writer, speaker, activist, will our facilitator. A former Peace Corps Volunteer, a graduate of Duke Yale, a wife, a mor, Eileen's new book Renewable: One Woman s Search for Simplicity, Faithfulness, Hope is story of a woman who, while tryg to change world, unexpectedly fds courage to change her life. Won't take a break, meet Eileen, reconnect with women of St. Joseph's on this weekend away? To reserve r spot, contact Deacon Steve at stevew@ stosephparish.org To ask a question, contact Sheila Marie Sifferman at smarie49@comast.net Seniors On The Go Thursday, Septemr 17th Please o us for FALL POTLUCK LUNCHEON on Thursday Septemr 17th. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Parish Center. Beverages are provided. Please brg a dish or lunch item to share (salad, casserole, dessert, soup, fruit etc.) There will designated parkg on playground hd parish center. Any questions, please contact Mary Ott at or Dolores Dorn at Friday, Octor 2nd Healg Mass at 11:30 am followed by Seniors Luncheon Parish Center. Prayer Shawl Mistry Callg all knitters crocheters of all abilities even gners. We would love for anyone terested to o Sat Joseph Prayer Shawl Mistry help us contue our mistry of providg shawls blankets to those need of healg prayer. Our next garg will Thursday, Octor 1st from 7 to 8:30 pm. Please o us. If are a new knitter or crocheter we are happy to teach. If have any questions or would like help gettg started, please contact Jennifer Rothmeyer at enniferrothmeyer@hotmail.com

12 Faith Justice Peace for Streets by Kids from Streets (PSKS) When I gan volunteerg at PSKS, I experienced some life changg events which greatly altered my we y vocabulary. For first time I was on or side needed to learn to receive. Overwhelmed by Pentecostallike agape that swirls around PSKS, my soul is well filled. ~ PSKS Volunteer & St. Joseph parishioner Susan Bannon Volunteerg as a tutor a memr of various committees at PSKS has en a satisfyg eye openg experience. It's allowed me to work with a uniquely challenged community while g supported by a positive high energy staff, an environment of much need yet great possibility. It has really exped my world. ~ PSKS Volunteer & St. Joseph Parishioner Dorothy Crean Celebratg 20 years this year, PSKS is a grass roots organization that serves over 500 homeless th ng adults a year, ages 1329 on Capitol Hill. Located across from Mt. Zion Baptist Church on corner of 19th Pe, our staff of 14 provides basic services cludg food, year round shelter, basic survival supplies, laundry, soon, showers to complement our case management, education employment programs. PSKS values gifts talents of every dividual treats m with respect dignity that every person deserves. Many of th we serve have aged out of or mastream th services or have difficulty accessg or mastream services due to gender identity, havg pet companions, or mental health crisis. We are net low safety net. Volunteers are tegral to our success wher it s g a GED tutor, servg food, assistg with our community clothg closet, or takg lead on donation drives for toiletries, etc. We encourage to lend a h! Towel Drive for our New Showers! Durg week of Septemr 14 we will collectg new, white bath towels (white only please) at Parish Center, after all masses weekend of Septemr 19th 20th, bs church vestibule! PSKS volunteers will also at formation tables after each mass. Please stop by! To learn more about PSKS volunteer opportunities or to schedule a tour please visit or call Susan Fox, Executive Director at x105 or susan.fox@psks.org. Thank!

13 Faith Justice Thank, St. Joseph Parish! Wow! I will never able to adequately reflect my feelgs after last weekend. When Fr. John offered to acknowledge Shirts Across America its work front of Parish I never could have imaged response. Thank St. Joseph for seeg value an organization created by high school students. Thank for supportg us as we poise ourselves to work harder than ever, 10 years after Hurricane Katra. Thank for stg with thouss of families who are still tryg to get home. Thank for r generosity this weekend. Most importantly, thank for ignitg flame with 1,800 SAA volunteers who have loved served ors along Gulf Coast. Please follow our progress this year visit shirtsacrossamerica.org, it will well worth r time! Scerely, Ry Novak Exec. Director, Shirts Across America Volunteer Chore Services We have opportunities to make a difference Capitol Hill, Central District & Downtown Neighborhoods. Our mission is to assist lowcome elders adults with chronic illnesses or disabilities rema dependent ir own home. We match volunteers with clients need, who provide companionship, light housework, or simple chores. Opportunities to help are available all over county. Volunteer Chore Services, a program of Catholic Community Services, is a "safety net" for elders adults livg with disabilities who are unable to afford chore help or are eligible for state/paid chore services. All recipients are lowcome, have health problems or difficulty with mobility, most live alone. We carefully match volunteers to opportunities based on ir personalities, neighborhood, preferences. For more formation on how can help, please call Jesuit Refugee Services We Must Act: European Refugee Crisis The images say it all. Overcrowded camps cities filled with refugees. Boats holdg more than y should carry over Mediterranean waters. Families carryg children across railroad tracks transit throughout Europe. Bodies washed ashore. anythg for future of ir families. Sce current conflict Syria gan 2011, almost four million Syrians have fled search of peace, safety security. As prospects for peace dimish region, people are strugglg to fd hope are willg to do Jesuit Refugee Service/USA is workg with Syria, neighborg countries, along transit routes with Europe to provide safe spaces for refugees assist m with food water, clothg, ddg medice, counselg education programs. Many of us are askg ourselves, what can we do? We can pray. We can learn. And we must act. To conquer our fear we must extend h of friendship to people need. Toger with policymakers we can learn from local itiatives of welcome, says JeanMarie Carrière of JRS. Please take a moment today to urge U.S. Government to demonstrate leadership at this critical time. Only by rallyg voices of citizens can we demonstrate that we will not st by while this crisis unfolds fore our eyes. We must ensure that refugees are offered dignity, compassion opportunity y deserve. Thank for r support. For more formation visit

14 Faith Formation Come See What Catholic Faith has to Offer Tuesday, Septemr 22nd 7:00 pm 8:30 St. Joseph s Parish Center Are, r spouse, a friend, or an acquatance a memr of anor faith tradition but worship regularly here at St. Joseph s? Are experiencg God s call r life seekg Baptism or full communion or Confirmation with Catholic Church? If are, please consider participatg Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The RCIA is an opportunity to explore with ors what Catholic Church has to offer. It is an opportunity, through a process of discernment gradual conversion to come a full memr of Catholic Church. If are terested contact Deacon Steve at or stevew@stosephparish.org All are welcome this ourney of faith! Children s Faith Formation registration is open now! To register, visit our website Questions? Please contact Dottie Farewell at dfarewell@stosephparish.org or Deadle to register is Septemr 30th! Course Offergs Sunday Morng Childcare Children's Faith Formation PreKdergarten Children's Faith Formation K (CFF K) Children's Faith Formation 1 (CFF 1) Children's Faith Formation 2 (CFF 2) Children's Faith Formation Year 3 & 4 (CFF 3/4) Children's Faith Formation Year 5 & 6 (CFF 5/6) Children's Faith Formation Year Junior High High School Confirmation Liturgy Worship Liturgical Mistries Now is time parish life when parishioners are vited to consider servg one of various liturgical mistries at St. Joseph. If have a knack for welcomg people enoy helpg to create a hospitable environment, perhaps may called to serve as an usher. If love to read pray with scripture, have a good strong, clear voice re may a place for as a part of team of parish lectors. Eucharistic misters always talk of very special oy that y experience servg body blood of Christ to "Body of Christ. And, of course, if love sgg usg r voice to help spirits soar song, perhaps choir is for. If so, please speak with music director Rort McCafferyLent after mass, or contact him at parish center or visit website to schedule an audition. For mistries of lector, eucharistic mister usher Open Enrollment period is Sept 15th to Oct. 15th. Please visit liturgy section of parish website for more formation to sign up or contact one of mistry captas for consultation. Or, simply talk with one of misters after mass who will happy to speak with about mistry. Fally can always contact Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy Rort McCafferyLent at rmclent@stosephparish.org or

15 HAVE DINNER WITH THE POPE! On Thursday, 24 Septemr 2015, Pope Francis will address U.S. Congress. Sce it will broadcast at 6:30 am Seattle, St. Joseph Parish will rebroadcast address at 6:30 pm, we will provide a simple Italian dner, as well. Jo us to watch Pope & eat toger, n discuss what hear. 6:30 PM, 24 Septemr Parish Center

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