Jesus Transforms Ruined People Mark 4:35-5:20 Abe Stratton, Pastor Morning Worship, November 29, 2016

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1 Jesus Transforms Ruined People Mark 4:35-5:20 Abe Stratton, Pastor Morning Worship, November 29, 2016 Introduction: What would you consider to be a hopeless situation a situation in which there could be no resolution or hope for change? Is there a person you consider to be hopeless, someone beyond the reach of any help? Are you that person do you believe that your life is hopeless? Mark 4:35-5:20 Mark narrates a vivid encounter between Jesus and a man whom many considered beyond help a demon-possessed man. In the previous chapter, Jesus demonstrated His divine authority over nature as He effortlessly calmed the raging storm with His word. Now He and his disciples land on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee a Gentile region; it seems odd that Jesus would come to a place like this when nearly the entirety of His ministry was among the Jewish people. However, it is clear from the Scriptures that He never does anything haphazardly or incidentally; He has a purpose for coming here. He plans to demonstrate that as the Son of God, He possesses all power to transform ruined people. Transition: While Jesus power over the storm was awe-inspiring, let s look at His power to rescue a hopeless man. I. Enslavement to evil results in a hopeless condition [Mark 5:1-5]. Commentators agree that the description of the demoniac in vv. 2-5 is one of the most lamentable stories of human wretchedness in the Bible. He is a terror to himself and to others (James Edwards, 154). Right away we see the root problem the man had an unclean spirit; he was possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. But the man was not just possessed by this spirit; Mark s description of him reveals that he was enslaved to it. It identified him and dominated his existence. What were the results? A. The demoniac was isolated (5:2-3, 5). Explanation: See where this poor man lived. Mark repeats the word tombs 3 times in order to emphasize his dwelling place. Not only was he on the mountains, exposed and unsheltered, but he also lived among the dead. In essence, the man was as good as dead. The tombs also reveal the preferred place for the demonic spirits who possessed him. No other person would want to approach the demoniac in such places. Isolation, whether self chosen (Lk. viii.29) or enforced by others (as in the case of lepers, too), only meant that the destructive force of evil, instead of turning outwards in outbreaks of violence, vented itself on the wretched man himself, in acts of senseless self-torture (R. Alan Cole, TNTC, 97). B. The demoniac was self-destructive (5:5). The man would cut himself with stones. Whether this was a demon-controlled behavior or whether it was a sign of anguish and venting, we do not know. In any case, the man was mutilating himself, and his body must have evidenced the numerous scars. For Night and day he was always The phrases show how repetitive this self-mutilation was. It was habitual and continual. Along with the cutting, the man was always crying out. This word (κράζω) is related to the croaking of ravens, and it communicates a shriek or a scream; it s a loud cry without words which rips from the body of someone in great pain or despair. Illustration: Later in Mark s narrative (9:22), Jesus encounters a demon-possessed boy, whose father describes how the demon casts the boy into water or fire in order to destroy him. How vicious and cruel and destructive are Satan and his demonic forces. They delight in bringing pain and anguish and death. Such is the true character of Satan. It is the bent of his nature to do harm, to kill, and to destroy. No wonder that he is called Apollyon, the destroyer (J. C. Ryle, 90-91). C. The demoniac was beyond all help (5:3-4). Explanation: As if to hammer home the hopelessness of the man s condition, Mark repeats the fact that no one could do anything for him. People had tried to restrain him with various forms of chains. This was probably more for their own protection than it was for his well-being. Imagine being a parent of small children in the nearby town! But the superhuman strength of the demoniac rendered any restraint 1

2 impossible; he would shatter the chains and shackles. Every external means of help had been tried, but it had come to this: no one could bind him any more no one. How much more hopeless and helpless can a person be? Transition: To everyone who knew him and even to himself, the demoniac was a lost cause; but he had never met a man like the one who had just arrived on his shore. II. Jesus brings deliverance through His divine power and authority [Mark 5:6-13]. A. Jesus possesses divine authority He is the Son of God (5:6-12). As soon as Jesus stepped out of the boat, the demoniac saw him from a distance and ran toward Him. The sight of this naked maniac rushing down upon them must have been a terrifying experience for the disciples, but Jesus calmly awaited his arrival (D. Edmond Hiebert, 130). Why did the demoniac run to Jesus when he saw Him? (1) Maybe the man recognized help in Jesus. (2) Maybe the demon recognized his arch-enemy and ran to attack. Either way, when he gets to Jesus, he falls at His feet. 1. The demoniac bows at Jesus feet (5:6-8). Was this worship? Was it forced submission? What is the demoniac doing? Argumentation: The verb used here (προσκυνέω) does not always mean worship (contra KJV, NKJV) but can also mean bow down, do obeisance to, fall prostrate before. [Illustration: kneeling leper (Matt. 8:2); pleading mother (Matt. 15:25); imploring servant (Matt. 18:26)] Since Jesus demonstrates complete mastery over the demons throughout this scene, the sense here seems to be fell on his face. Though rushing out to challenge Jesus, the demoniac instead collapses in a heap of submission before him (Mark L. Strauss, 217). The demoniac shrieks (same word used earlier of his horrible cries), and he affirms Jesus identity Son of the Most High God. It is interesting that he answers the question which the disciples asked at the end of chapter 4 ( Who is this? ). However, James (2:19) makes it clear that demons believe in God s identity, but they shudder. Adjure a strong word which means to put someone under an oath; to demand that they swear to do something. The demon says this in response to Jesus initial statement that the demon should come out of the man. It s almost as if the demon is trying to seize the position of authority in this relationship and exercise power over Jesus. Do not torment me The demon seems to have thought that Jesus would send him to his appointed eternal judgment if he was cast out. Luke 8:31 says that the demon begged not to be sent into the abyss. 2. The demoniac begs Jesus for permission. Explanation: After Jesus command to the demons to come out of the man, they beg Him twice (vv. 10, 12) for permission to do a specific activity (remain in the region, go into the pigs). It is clear that the authority in this relationship resides, not in the demons, but in the man standing over the superhuman demoniac. B. Jesus possesses divine power He casts out the demons (5:13). In verse 9, Jesus asks the demon what its name is. Why would He do this? Explanation: Legion can describe 4,000-6,000 soldiers, so it is clear that this man is possessed by many more demons than one. By asking for their name, Jesus not only contrasts His own name (Son of the Most High God) with theirs, but He is also setting the stage for His power to be on display (13). If one man has more power than thousands of supernatural beings, then He is powerful indeed! Illustration: When the demons go out of the man and enter the nearby pigs, their destructive nature is again on display. Just as the man would harm himself, so the pigs stampede to their own destruction. Argumentation: It could be easy at this point to ask what in the world is Jesus doing. Does He have no regard for other people s property? A herd of 2,000 pigs would have been a significant amount of wealth. And does Jesus not care about the creatures that He himself made? If He really is the creator and He tells us that godly people take care even of their animals, is He disregarding His own rules? Couldn t Jesus have told the demons to go somewhere else, even to hell? Yes, He could have, but He s making a powerful 2

3 statement. (1) He s saying that He holds the power over these supernatural beings; they have to obey Him. (2) He s showing the immense value of a human soul. If 2,000 pigs can be exterminated so that one man can be delivered, that one man is pretty valuable to Jesus. (3) Jesus is creating an amazing visual of the deliverance this man experienced. The demoniac and those who saw the exorcism would be talking about it for the rest of their lives! Application: Jesus steps into this man s world. He comes to his country; he lands near the very place where he lives; he comes to him, and He is there for him. Jesus steps into lives which seem hopeless; He enters the picture because He cares about individuals; He doesn t wait for helpless and despairing people to come to Him; He seeks them out. He cares about you. He holds the power to deliver, no matter the bondage you are in. What in your life seems beyond all help? What in your life has caused you to give up any hope of change? Jesus possesses the authority and power to transform you. Transition: After such an incredible display of power and authority, it would seem that submission to Jesus and worshiping Him would be the only possible responses; but that is not the case. III. Jesus authority and power always evoke divergent responses [Mark 5:14-20]. A. Those who do not know Jesus fear and reject Him (5:14-17). The herdsmen, who saw what took place, fled; they clearly saw Jesus as a threat; He was out of their control and had caused chaos in their world. They ran into the nearby village and surrounding area and told everyone. The curious crowds came to see if the report was true. In verses 15-16, the demoniac s previous identity is emphasized. They saw the demon-possessed man, and (in case you missed it) he was the one with the legion who terrorized their countryside. Again, he s called the demon-possessed man. This was his identity. His new condition was exactly opposite from his former condition. Sitting used to wander the mountains and the tombs Clothed wore no clothes (Luke 8:27) In his right mind crying out, cutting himself, out of control, supernaturally powerful When the people saw this, they were struck with fear. Argumentation: Why would they be fearful? Commentators offer different ideas. It is possible that they were fearful because of the massive loss of property, and they didn t want to lose any more of their comfort or wealth because of this man s unpredictable behavior. Another possibility is that this man s power obviously was greater than the demoniac s. If the demoniac had inflicted such destruction on himself and others, what might this new fellow bring? If we had to keep our kids away from the crazy man, what are we going to do with a man who sends 2,000 pigs stampeding around? Unfortunately, the crowd s response is to beg Jesus to leave their country. They want nothing to do with Him. Explanation: Just like the demons begged Jesus for permission, this crowd of people begs him to depart (17). Mark s emphasis again points out Jesus authority and power; He is in control of this situation, and they have to ask His permission. The saddest thing in the whole story is that the Lord listened to their request, and left them: there are times when the worst possible thing for us is that the Lord grants our prayer (R. Alan Cole, TNTC, 99). Jesus never forces people to accept Him; He woos and draws, but He never forces. B. Those who have experienced Jesus saving power love and serve Him (5:18-20). 1. The restored man loves Jesus. Explanation: While the townspeople beg Jesus to leave, the restored demoniac begs for permission to come with Jesus. Again Mark emphasizes Jesus authority. Every character in this narrative is subservient to Jesus. The restored demoniac wants to be in Jesus company; he wants to be with Him. Mark uses this phrase earlier in the Gospel (3:14) to describe what Jesus wanted for his disciples; He chose them so that they would be with Him and so that He might send them out. Of the three requests made of Jesus in this story (vv. 10, 17-18), only the delivered demoniac s request for continued personal fellowship with Jesus was denied! (D. Edmond Hiebert, 137) 2. The restored man serves Jesus. But Jesus refuses the man s request for a particular reason. He sends him out with a message. a. Tell how much the Lord has done for you (shows God s power to rescue). 3

4 b. Tell how He has had mercy on you (shows God s love for needy people). Jesus says, You ve got a story to tell; you ve got Good News to spread. Argumentation: Jesus response to the man seems to make no sense; the one person that Jesus should give permission to is refused. (1) Why would Jesus do this? Didn t He tell Martha that Mary had chosen the better thing by spending time with Him and listening to Him? (2) Why would Jesus tell this man to spread the word about his deliverance when Jesus told almost everyone else not to tell? Now He is not only refusing this man s good request, but He is also telling him to go out and spread the word. Jesus response to this man s request seems very odd. First, if we step back from this narrative and consider the broader sweep of redemptive history, we will realize that Jesus is leaving himself a witness in an area where He will not minister personally. The region of Decapolis is a Gentile region, and Jesus primary ministry during His life was to Jews. Since Jesus was not ministering in Decapolis personally, He would not be impeded by the huge crowds who might flock to Him (as happened in Galilee). Second, this narrative foreshadows the greater Gospel ministry to the Gentiles. After Jesus resurrection and ascension, the evangelization of the nations would begin in earnest. This is just a foretaste. The man responds by spreading Good News, not merely to his family and friends, but throughout the region of Decapolis. Conclusion/Gospel Application Mark s narrative about the demoniac provides clear insight into the desperate condition of every human. This man was enslaved to evil, and he was beyond all help. Does that not describe every person apart from Jesus? Enslavement to evil takes many forms. For some, it is very obvious. Enslavement to anger: It wrecks your relationships; it leads you to violent outbursts or out-of-control, irrational decisions. Enslavement to substances: Prescription drugs, alcohol, or other substances just have a grip on you, and you feel like you can t escape. For others, the enslavement is less visible and more subtle, but it is no less binding. John 8:33-34 They answered him, We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, You will become free? 34 Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. And the apostle Paul, who was one of the strictest rule-keepers in his day said, Titus 3:3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. Enslavement to bitterness: It springs up silently and pervasively, and it poisons every thought, every interaction, every plan. Enslavement to food: It dominates your thinking; it captivates every waking moment; it motivates you; it compels you; it never satisfies you. You eat too much, or you don t eat enough. You want to be in control of your body, so you starve yourself or you purge. Enslavement to self-righteousness: You constantly compare yourself with other people, and you try to outperform them. You try to rest in your own performance, but you cry out for peace because you can never perform enough. Enslavement to an ideal body type: Every time I pass a mirror I look at myself, and I can t get weight loss out of my mind. I have to keep working out. No matter what your specific struggle may be, God s point here is clear; humanity apart from Jesus is enslaved to sin and is hopelessly lost. You cannot free or fix yourself, and no one else has the power to restrain or change you. But in this passage, God is also showing us the glorious truth that Jesus is the One who meets ruined and hopeless people right where they are; He comes to them and shows mercy to them. He also has all authority over your sin, and He has all power to conquer your sin and transform you. Have you lost hope? Do you think that your struggle is beyond all help? Do you believe that you are doomed to remain in your nets and traps? Jesus revealed 4

5 His power over a legion of demons, so your past, your sin, your bondage is powerless before Him. He can conquer your sin and transform you into a new person. So what is your response to Jesus? (1) Some of you have never met Jesus; you ve never begun a relationship with Him. Encounters with Jesus are never neutral. People are either turned off by Him or drawn to Him. People are either fearful of Him or transformed by Him. You cannot be noncommittal when it comes to Jesus; there is no middle ground. What is your response to Him? Are you scared of what He might ask you to do? Are you too concerned about your own comfort to follow Him? Or do you see Him as your Rescuer and Deliverer? (2) Believers, do you see how much Jesus has done for you? Do you realize the darkness and loneliness and despair from which He s delivered you? Do you recognize the depth of your sin which He s cleansed? Have you experienced His life-transforming and sin-crushing power? Have you seen and experienced how much He loves you? Apart from Jesus, I would be enslaved to sexual sin, bound in my lust and the relationship-wrecking results of it. Apart from Jesus, I would be a violent and abusive man, maybe even in jail because of my angry outbursts. But Jesus has shown mercy to me; He came and sought me when I was not looking for Him. He had pity upon me in my desperate condition, and He exercised His power to transform me! He is transforming me. If you have encountered Jesus and believed on Him, then you have a story to tell. Tell your story. Tell how Jesus had compassion on you in your desperate condition; tell how He pitied you and had mercy on you. Tell how He transformed you by His mighty power so that you re forever changed. Tell your story. Tell the Good News so that others might believe that Jesus, the Son of God, has all authority and power to transform ruined people. Benediction The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. (2 Cor. 13:14) 5

Jesus: Mighty to Save


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