SAVED BY GOD S SON SESSION 3. The Point. The Bible Meets Life. The Passage. The Setting GET INTO THE STUDY. 10 minutes

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1 GET INTO THE STUDY 10 minutes GUIDE: Direct the group to look at the picture (PSG, p. 32). DISCUSS: Question #1 (PSG, p. 32): When have you felt captivated by a rescue mission? GUIDE: Direct attention to The Bible Meets Life (PSG, p. 33). Note the author s emphasis on that small part having its purpose. When we need rescuing, we want our rescuers to know their purpose. Introduce The Point (PSG, p. 33): Jesus came to earth to rescue us. SAY: At Christmas we are reminded that Jesus came to save us from our sins. GUIDE: Note we remain in the Gospel of John in this session as we see Jesus introduced as both the eternal, preexistent Word of God and the incarnate Word become flesh. SESSION 3 SAVED BY GOD S SON The Point Jesus came to earth to rescue us. The Bible Meets Life During the Christmas season, our attention turns to Jesus as a baby. Even non-christians might display a manger scene in their homes; in the midst of their gifts, parties, and emphasis on Santa Claus, they may still acknowledge the birth of Jesus is the reason for Christmas. Unfortunately, we often forget the reason why Jesus came to earth. The Gospel of John begins with the focus on Jesus as God who came to earth for our salvation. The Passage John 1:1-5,9-14 The Setting The Prologue to the Gospel of John introduces Jesus Christ as both the eternal, preexistent Word of God and the incarnate Word become flesh. The apostle John bears witness to the fact that he and others were eyewitnesses to the events surrounding the revelation of the incarnate Son of God, who revealed God the Father and accomplished salvation for those who believe in Him. 40 Session 3

2 John 1:1-5 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created. 4 Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men. 5 That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it. KEY WORDS: The Word (v. 1) Logos is the Greek term translated into English as Word. In the first-century world, the Jews used logos to refer to the authoritative word of God, especially as He spoke through the Old Testament. For the Greek philosophers, logos was the principle that guided the order of the world. John used this term to refer to Jesus as the One who brought both God s power and light to those in the darkness of sin and separation from God. Jesus is God who created us and gave us life. All four of the Gospel accounts have much in common. They all give an accurate record of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. They all clearly portray Him as the unique Son of God while at the same time showing Him to be the Son of Man, a human being of flesh and blood. Each Gospel is unique in its style and approach in its account about Jesus. However, the first three have obvious similarities, not only in their specific content but also often in their wording. For example, note the account of the rich, young ruler found in Matthew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-22; and Luke 18: But when you examine John s Gospel, you will not find this account. This is one of the many differences between the first three Gospels (usually called the Synoptic Gospels) and the Gospel of John. Scholars have determined John wrote his Gospel many years later than the other Gospels. Since the first three Gospels focused on covering the basic life and teachings of Jesus, John was free to be more selective. Verses 1-2. One of the primary contrasts between the Synoptic Gospels and John s Gospel is the manner in which they begin. Matthew and Luke include many details about STUDY THE BIBLE John 1: minutes READ: Invite a volunteer to read John 1:1-5. SUMMARIZE: Note in the PSG (pp ) what John s words in this passage reveal about Jesus. 1. Eternal: Before the world was created, God the Son existed. He did not come into existence in the virgin s womb. He had no beginning and He has no end. The Son of God is not dependent on anyone or anything outside Himself for existence. 2. Divine: As God the Son, everything is dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ for its existence. He is unlimited by time, space, knowledge, or power. Jesus is the God-man: 100 percent God and 100 percent man at the same time. 3. Life: Jesus wants to restore life to us. We find no life in religion, baptism, sacraments, or good works. Life is found only in Jesus. SUGGESTED USE WEEK OF DECEMBER 20 41

3 THE POINT Jesus came to earth to rescue us. 4. Light: God s Son left the glories of heaven to bring light into a dark world so that we would no longer walk in the darkness of sin. DISCUSS: Question #2 (PSG, p. 36): Where do you see the light of Christ overcoming darkness in today s world? (Alternate: What does the imagery in these verses teach us about Jesus?) DO: Direct attention to the activity, Qualified to Rescue (PSG, p. 37). Invite volunteers to share their responses. TRANSITION: Jesus brings us life and light not simply to rescue us, but to make us God s children. 42 Session 3 Jesus birth. John, however, begins with the phrase In the beginning. Look at Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Clearly, John wanted his readers to connect what he was about to say with God s creation of the world. In the Genesis account God created everything by speaking it into existence through the simple power and authority of His word. John began his Gospel linking the Genesis account to his Gospel, referring to the Word. (See KEY WORDS, p. 41.) John noted several unique facts about this Word. (1) He was In the beginning (v. 1), and He was with God in the beginning (v. 2). This Word, this Person we know as Jesus Christ, existed before God created the universe. In other words, He is eternal with no beginning or end. (2) He is divine. Not only was He with God but He was God (v. 1). Jesus and many of the New Testament writers refer to God as Father (Matt. 6:9; Eph. 1:2; 1 Pet. 1:2) and to Jesus as His unique Son (Heb. 1:2; 1 John 1:3). Though Jesus is distinct from God the Father, He is of the same nature (or essence) as God the Father. Both are God, yet they are distinct Persons there is one God in three Persons (Father, Son, and Spirit). Verse 3. (3) John described a third trait in terms of what Jesus did: All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created. God the Father worked through Jesus the Son in creating the universe. The apostle Paul echoed this same teaching in Colossians 1:15 16a: He is the image of the invisible God, and the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by Him. Verse 4. (4) Not only did Jesus participate in creating all the inanimate objects that exist, He also gave life to human beings. We know from Genesis 1:27 that the life in human beings is unique because only human beings were created in the image of God. That s why human beings have a special capacity to relate to God, who loves them and created them. Unfortunately, all people are separated from God due to sin. However, God shines His spiritual light into the world to show us the way to Himself and to His salvation. For centuries His light came through great spiritual leaders like Abraham and Moses and through great prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah. But finally the day came when God gave the world the perfect light, His unique Son.

4 Verse 5. Though Satan tried to use the spiritual darkness of the world to destroy Jesus, he failed. The light shines in the darkness, yet darkness did not overcome it. The light that Jesus brought continues to shine. STUDY THE BIBLE John 1: minutes John 1: The true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was created through Him, yet the world did not recognize Him. 11 He came to His own, and His own people did not receive Him. 12 But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, not of blood, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God. KEY WORDS: His own (v. 11) Jesus was born to Mary, who was married to Joseph, a man whose lineage included Abraham, King David, and King Josiah (Matt. 1:1 16). Jesus came as the Messiah God promised in Old Testament prophecies to send to His people. Jesus came to earth to make us God s children. Verse 9. Many false leaders had come through the centuries, all claiming to be sent by God to tell people who God is and how to please Him. God s prophets had warned against these false teachers (Ezek. 11:1 4; Mal. 2:1 9). Jesus, on the other hand, is the true light. Jesus referred to the false leaders of His day as blind guides (Matt. 23:16) while He described Himself as the light of the world (John 8:12). Jesus is the true light because He alone is qualified to show us the way to the Father. Of course, He Himself is that way (14:6). Anyone who opens his mind and heart to Jesus will find the Father. Jesus light is available to all who will come to Him (3:16 17). John was an eyewitness to Jesus life, death, and resurrection; and he wrote his Gospel so everyone could know the truth about Jesus and come to Him and be saved. READ: Invite a volunteer to read verses GUIDE: Explain the central story of the Bible is how God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to rescue us from sin. The Old Testament points to our need for a Savior, the promised Messiah. Call attention to the Scripture quotation from Isaiah 7:14 (PSG, p. 38): Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel. He is Immanuel: God with us (Matt. 1:23). God has revealed Himself through His Word, Jesus Christ. 43

5 THE POINT Jesus came to earth to rescue us. GUIDE: Note the themes of rejection and acceptance in the passage. Emphasize we must choose between the two. Rejection: The Word is light and life; consequently, to reject Jesus as the Word is to continue to live in darkness and spend eternity separated from God. Acceptance: John used two words to describe the process of accepting Jesus: receive and believe. To receive Jesus is to believe on His name. Receiving Jesus is more than intellectual agreement; it is submitting to His Lordship over your life and believing in your heart. DISCUSS: Question #3 (PSG, p. 39): What do these verses teach us about salvation? (Alternate: What s the difference between following Jesus and believing in God?) TRANSITION: In bringing us life and light, and making us His children, Jesus also brings us God s glory and His grace. 44 Session 3 Verse 10. Today when great world leaders come to our country, all the media outlets cover their arrival and report all they say. Often these individuals are guests at special dinners and given great honors. Try to imagine the reception that should have been waiting for the Creator of the universe, the One who not only created everything but who continued to provide all that was needed for His creation to survive and thrive. However, there were no great banquets or honors for Jesus. Instead, the world did not recognize Him. Though many benefited from His mercy and power as He healed and fed and taught them, at best they saw only a great prophet (Matt. 16:13 14), not the divine Son of God. Verse 11. We might understand that those living in the Greco-Roman culture of the first century would have had difficulty recognizing this itinerant rabbi from Israel as the divine Son of God, but surely His own people, the Jews, should have realized who He was. His birth fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah (Matt. 1:1,22 23; 2:5 6,15,17-18). The crowds quickly realized that Jesus taught with a unique kind of authority (7:28 29). The many miracles He did were signs of His divinity and authority (John 14:11). Jesus was born to Mary, a Jewish mother who was married to Joseph, a man from a line of ancestors that included such heroes as Abraham, King David, and King Josiah (Matt. 1:1 16). Jesus came as the Messiah God promised (through Old Testament prophecies) to send to His people. Truly, He came in the flesh to His own, to His own people. Despite all the evidence, His own people did not receive Him. Even the people of His hometown of Nazareth could see Him only as the carpenter, the son of Mary (Mark 6:3). Almost all of the Jewish people rejected Jesus and refused to believe that He was the divine Son of God sent to be the Savior of the world. Verse 12. Though most of the Jewish people rejected Jesus, some believed. John wrote that they believe in His name. John was not referring to Jesus name in a literal way but in a figurative sense. In Jewish thought, the name of a person was a symbol of the person s total identity and character. Often people were given new names that better described their personality and character, such as Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel (Gen. 32:28) or Joseph in the Book of

6 Acts, who was called Barnabas (Acts 4:36 37). To say that someone believes in the name of Jesus means much more than merely giving mental assent to the truth about Jesus identity as Lord and Savior. When a person believes in Jesus name, they not only accept Him as the person He claimed to be but commit to following and obeying Him (Luke 9:23). John also said that they receive Jesus. This word conveys at least two key concepts. First is the sense that someone gave Jesus to people who believed. God gave Jesus as a gift to those who believed in His name. Of course, that s exactly what John wrote in John 3:16. God offered His Son as a gift to all who would receive Him. Someone gives and someone receives. Both involve choices, decisions of the will. God chose to give Jesus to those who would believe. Those who believed chose to receive God s gift. They exercised their faith and were able to see Jesus for who He truly is, not merely a carpenter from Nazareth but the true Light (John 1:9). Verse 13. John then described what happened to those who believed. He said the change they experienced was radical because they were born of God. He stressed that this birth was totally different from normal physical birth. This birth was not of blood. There are differing views as to exactly what John meant. Perhaps he was describing the ancient view that the blood of the parents united in the mother s womb to form the child, or perhaps John was emphasizing that becoming God s spiritual child was not a result of one s heritage, as Jews often claimed (Matt. 3:9; John 8:33). Neither did this new birth come merely through the sexual desires of the parents or because of their desire for children. Since both the second and third conditions relate to human will, perhaps together they stress a similar contrast: not by the will of the flesh but by the will of the Holy Spirit (John 3:6), not by the will of man but by the will of God. John was not talking about a second physical birth (v. 4) or some kind of reincarnation. Jesus told Nicodemus that in order to have an eternal relationship with God each person must be born again (v. 3) and born of the Spirit (v. 5). Paul wrote that God saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). When we put our faith in Jesus as God s unique Son and receive Him as our Lord and Savior, God s Spirit creates a new person (2 Cor. 5:17) and makes His home in us (1 Cor. 3:16). This change is miraculous and can only happen through the power of God s Spirit. We are truly born of God. OPTION: Focus on the truth in verse 12 that God desires to be in relationship with us as His children. Tell about an article entitled, Seniors want presence, not presents, this holiday season. * Several seniors who live at Llanfair Retirement Community in College Hill, Ohio, discussed the types of gifts they do and don t appreciate receiving at Christmas. One woman said, I told my kids, don t buy me anything I have to dust. Another lady said she likes to get outings or certificates for massages or manicures. She added, It s even better when (the gift giver) plans to go with me. The time (with the other person) makes it so much more pleasant than doing it on your own. According to the article family companionship is at the top of the survey s wish list. Emphasize God has given us many good gifts, but He gave us the best gift of all when He came and dwelt among us, so He could have a relationship with us. There is no better gift. *Tana Weingartner, Seniors want presence, not presents, this holiday season, WVXU [online], 18 December 2014 [cited 11 May 2015]. Available from the Internet: www. 45

7 THE POINT Jesus came to earth to rescue us. STUDY THE BIBLE John 1:14 READ: Invite a volunteer to read verse minutes GUIDE: Emphasize The Word became flesh. Explain that this is the miracle of the virgin birth: God became flesh. God, the One who lives in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16) became visible. Call attention to the statement, We observed His glory. DISCUSS: Question #4 (PSG, p. 39): How did Jesus earthly life reveal God s glory? 46 Session 3 John 1:14 14 The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Jesus came to earth to bring God s glory and grace to us. Verse 14. John deliberately said that the Word became flesh. We might think this statement is unnecessary. If Jesus was born as the child of Mary, then certainly He must have had a physical body. However, at the time John wrote his Gospel some false teachers were claiming that Jesus only appeared to have a body. These false teachers believed that all matter was evil and created by some being less than God. Therefore, they assumed that Jesus could not have actually existed in a body but rather only appeared to have one. John stressed that God came to earth to live in a body of flesh and blood. John was even more emphatic in his first letter: What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have observed, and have touched with our hands, concerning the Word of life (1 John 1:1). Over and over John clearly stated that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. John said that Jesus not only came in a body but took up residence among us. The imagery of this phrase goes back to the Old Testament accounts of the tabernacle and the temple. When the tabernacle, the portable tent for worship where God met with His people (Ex. 33:7-10), was completed, God s glory appeared over it as a cloud (40:34 35). This cloud continued to lead the children of Israel through the wilderness and symbolized God s presence among His people (vv ). After Solomon completed the temple in Jerusalem, once again a cloud descended, representing God s favor and His presence among His people (1 King 8:10 11). When Jesus came to earth from heaven, He laid aside His glory (Phil. 2:5 8). In His high priestly prayer (John 17), Jesus asked His Father to restore to Him the full glory He had before the world existed (17:5). Though Jesus glory on earth was limited in comparison to His position in heaven, He still revealed His deity while He was on earth through

8 what He said and did. Just as God had revealed His glory to Israel through the cloud, now God revealed His glory on earth through His One and Only Son. Peter described how he and James and John were eyewitnesses of His majesty while they were with Him on the holy mountain (2 Pet. 1:16 18; see Mark 9:2 8). Jesus lived among people while He was on the earth so they could know He was God s Son and the Messiah, and put their faith in Him. He urged His disciples to continue to remain in Him and His love through their obedience to all He had taught them (John 15:1 10). The same exhortation applies to all who choose to become His disciples. As we remain faithful, we will reflect His glory (2 Cor. 3:18) and bring glory to His Father (1 Cor. 10:31). John ended his great summary of the gospel by saying Jesus was full of grace and truth, two simple words but so charged with meaning. First is the word grace. In the New Testament grace carries the sense of a gift that is undeserved. For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God s gift not from works (Eph. 2:8 9a). We don t deserve God s gift of Jesus and the salvation He brought. We can never be good enough to earn the right to be children of God (John 1:12). Jesus came to earth from heaven to live as a demonstration of God s grace, ultimately by dying for our sins. Everything He did was gracious. Jesus came to bring us God s offer of grace and to become the way (14:6) of providing that grace. That reality is what makes God s grace amazing grace. The second word is truth. How does anyone consistently make wise decisions that will be in his or her best interest? The only way is to have a clear view of reality. Paul said the only way to see clearly is to look through the eyes of faith, focusing on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Cor. 4:18). How do we learn to see like this? By looking at Jesus. He is more than a bearer of truth and ultimate reality: He is the truth (John 14:6). In addition, Jesus promised His disciples that after He returned to heaven He would send the Holy Spirit to guide them into all the truth (16:13). When we put our faith in Jesus as the embodiment of all that is true, then we are able to distinguish between what is meaningless with only temporary value and what has eternal meaning and rewards. This is why the Word became flesh, to enable us to know the grace and truth that sets us free (8:32). God s grace and truth make it possible for us to live in an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father through the light of His Son (1:4). GUIDE: Call attention to the phrase full of grace and truth. (ENHANCEMENT: Display Pack Item 3: Grace and Truth. Make a connection to Christmas with the words on the poster from stanza four of Joy to the World! ) > > Stress that God s glory is seen in grace and truth. > > God s grace and truth should radiate from the lives of believers. > > We who have experienced God s grace should be truth people. > > We who believe God s truth should also be growing in grace. SAY: Jesus came to rescue us, and He calls on those who accept Him to join Him in His rescue mission. DISCUSS: Question #5 (PSG, p. 40): What is your next step in joining Jesus on His rescue mission? (Alternate: How can we reflect God s glory?) 47

9 THE POINT LIVE IT OUT 5 minutes GUIDE: Emphasize The Point: Jesus came to earth to rescue us. Jesus came to earth to rescue us. LIVE IT OUT Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior who was born in Bethlehem to save all who place their faith in Him. We ve heard the Christmas story our whole lives. But let s not allow our familiarity to prevent us from focusing on the miraculous good news of Christ s rescue mission. Which application below is God leading you to complete as you prepare to celebrate the birth of His Son? Review Live It Out (PSG, p. 41; see text to the right). Invite group members to think about which application speaks most to where they are in their spiritual journey. Wrap It Up GUIDE: Note these words from the popular carol: Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King. Stress that Christ has come to us in the flesh to rescue us from sin and darkness. Joy to the world! (OPTION: Invite the group to sing Joy to the World. Gather hymnals IN ADVANCE, if necessary.) > > Reach out to Jesus. If you are sensing your need for rescue, reach out to Jesus today. Confess your sins, and accept His forgiveness. Then tell a member of your Bible study group what God has done for you. > > Celebrate. As you celebrate the birth of Jesus in the coming days, make a list of three to five of your favorite Christmas carols. Write the words of each, and note how each relates to the story of Jesus coming to rescue us. Note specific words or phrases. Thank the Lord each day that He did not leave you on your own but sent His Son to rescue you from your sins. > > Join Jesus on His rescue mission. Do you know someone who needs rescuing during the Christmas season? Enlist two or three members of your group to visit fellow seniors in your church or community who will be spending Christmas alone. Work to develop an ongoing relationship, and determine needs your group can help address. Share Christ. Stay in touch. PRAY: Father, thank you for the miracle of Christmas. May we never take for granted that you sent your One and Only Son to become one of us to save us from our sins. Amen. 48 Session 3

10 The following excerpt is from the article In the Beginning A Comparison of Genesis 1 and John 1 (Win ), which relates to this session and can be purchased at biblicalillustrator. The Hebrew word for created is bara. Scripture uses it exclusively for the activity of God. Bara in the context of Genesis communicates the idea of creation from nothing. In the beginning the eternal God brought the material universe into existence from material that had never before existed. The expression heavens and earth represents the totality of creation. In the beginning the eternal God created every thing that exists from the most simple to the most complex. That brings us to the Fourth Gospel where we are instinctively drawn to the phrase In the beginning (1:1). John intentionally used this phrase to call our attention to Genesis 1. John immediately began the process of identifying the God of the Old Testament, the God of the beginning, with the Word. Previous articles To Tabernacle (Sum. 2005), The Word in John s Gospel (Fall 1997), and Light in John s Writings (Win. 1982) relate to this session and can be purchased at biblicalillustrator. Look for Bundles: Bible Studies for Life. Subscribe to Biblical Illustrator at or call SHARING THE GOOD NEWS The whole reason Jesus came to earth as a baby was to die for us and make our salvation possible. We experience salvation as we place our faith and trust in Christ. Each week, make yourself available either before or after the session to speak privately with anyone in your group who wants to know more about becoming a Christian. See the article, Leading Someone to the Greatest Decision of All, on page 2 for guidance in leading a person to Christ. Remind group members that page 2 in the PSG offers guidance in how to become a Christian. Encourage believers to consider using this article as they have opportunities to lead others to Christ. > > Get expert insights on weekly studies through the Ministry Grid ( Life). >Grow > with other group leaders at the Groups Ministry blog ( > > Additional ideas for your group are available at BibleStudiesFor 49

SAVED BY GOD S SON SESSION 3. The Point. The Passage. The Bible Meets Life. The Setting. Jesus came to earth to rescue us.

SAVED BY GOD S SON SESSION 3. The Point. The Passage. The Bible Meets Life. The Setting. Jesus came to earth to rescue us. SESSION 3 SAVED BY GOD S SON The Point The Passage John 1:1-5,9-14 The Bible Meets Life Some assembly required. Many of us dread those words. Maybe you ve known that terrible feeling that comes when you

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