TITUS, CHAPTER 2. As for you, Titus, promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. (Titus 2:1 NLT)

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1 TITUS, CHAPTER 2 INTRO: Today we are continuing in a study of Paul s letter to Titus, today we are looking at the second chapter. Notice the very first verse: You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. (Titus 2:1) Before we start our study, let me ask you a question: If I announced that I was going to teach some topics that were in accord with sound doctrine what would come to mind? [PAUSE} You might think, OK, he is going to teach on justification of faith, the diety of Christ, the trinity, sanctification etc.. Now all those are important topics, and topics the apostle Paul taught about on occasions, but notice what he connects with sound doctrine in this passage: Pray and read Chapter 2:1-10 In the letters to Timothy and Titus, six times Paul emphasizes sound [or healthy] doctrine. But as we think of doctrine, we should just think of a bunch of hard-to-understand theological words, but simply think of the word teaching in other words, the church needs good, healthy, teaching and not just information in our heads or to tickle our ears; this is teaching that has practical application; it affects our lives. The New Living Translation brings out this emphasis: As for you, Titus, promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. (Titus 2:1 NLT) This reminds me of Paul s words to Timothy: Watch your life and doctrine closely. (1 Tim. 4:16V) Notice, not just watch your doctrine...but also your life. One of the great weaknesses in our nation s theological training is that there is too much emphasis on the academics and too little emphasis on a man s character. Both ought to go hand-in-hand. Paul says to Titus as he teaches younger men, In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. (Titus 2:7-8) So, if w are going to teach others, we don t have to be a perfect person, but we ought to have a life that matches our words integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech.. So, in this chapter 2, Paul will address five groups of people that ought to cover all of us: Older men; older women; younger women; younger men; and there is a fifth category slaves. We will not discuss the role slaves in N.T. times, but many of those slaves were like indentured servants. As we read these verses, we can apply to concepts to all who are employees. And you can read about the right behavior in vv try to please your boss, don t steal from him, be trustworthy and much more that your words about Christ, the way you work will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive. (v. 10) We will not discuss this employer/employee relationship in detail today. But let s look at four groups: 1

2 OLDER MEN (2:2) It is hard to define who older men and women are. Sometimes the Greek word refers to those who are grey-haired; In 1 Tim. 5:9 older widows are those aged 60 or older. One Greek writer, Hippocrates called a man older after age 49. So, in my thinking, its folks who are 50 or older. How many old men are here? Temperate (sober-minded; level-headed) This man is wise in decision making and careful when making judgments; he avoids distractions and seeks to keep right priorities in life. This man doesn t go after tangents or get excited about the latest conspiracy theory. He doesn t go into a tailspin every time the stock market drops; He is level-headed. He is a man of the Word of God, because it is through the word our minds are constantly renewed and we become more level-headed. Worthy of respect (dignified; serious) He can smile and enjoy a joke, but this is man who is not seen as a jokester or an entertainer or someone who is frivolous about life; he is serious about the things of God and matters in life... Sadly, in most of our movies, men are often portrayed as bumbling idiots or playboys or men who are far from dignified. Men, especially you older men, do you have a life that others could say is worthy of respect? Self-controlled (This word is the most repeated in our lists and applies to every group; I will come back to this later) Sound (healthy; wholesome) in faith, in love and in endurance. The word sound used in both vv. 1-2 also means healthy and well The Greek word is hugies, from which we get the English hygiene. So, men, as we get older do we feel our faith is getting healthier? Are we sound and healthy in our love? How about endurance? How do we go through the difficulties in life? With complaints? Or are we pressing on despite the difficulties, trusting in the Lord? OLDER WOMEN (2:2) Reverent in the way they live (God-fearing) Such women will live in a way that pleases the Lord Not to be slanderers They guard the tongue; they are not constantly tearing someone down. The word slander in the Greek is diabolos which is also translated devil. One of the devil s chief weapons is accusation and if you do the same thing, you are joining in with the devil s work. Not addicted to much wine. Commentators point out that in Crete, where Titus is now stationed, heavy drinking was considered a virtue. [Pratt] In 1:7, the male church leaders are warned about it, so obviously there were some problems. Ladies and men, we need to be careful about alcohol. Our elders here are not prohibitionists; biblically a glass of wine is not a sin. But in our American culture, like in Crete, there is often too much excessive-drinking in social settings. Some of you need to be careful in this regard. And, parents, if you are drinking regularly in your home, and children are around, you may be setting some of them up for a fall. As a teenager, I can remember my dad having a lot of liquor in his cabinet. My brothers and I thought, if its good enough for the old man, its good enough for us too! And, we would sometimes help ourselves to his collection. Ladies and men, let us be careful! 2

3 Teach what is good; train the younger women. Ladies, if you ever want a ministry, this is one of the most important. There has to be a natural relationship; this kind of mentoring cannot be forced. We are not talking here just about Bible studies, although that may be helpful. The Greek word for train used in v. 4 does not mean classroom instruction, although that can be helpful. Greek dictionaries say it means to encourage; to recall a person to his senses; to give instruction in wise behavior. For an older wiser woman to just spend time with a younger woman can be very helpful. Over the years, whenever I have met with younger men, I am not always teaching them the Bible; we share life together... and hopefully something good is imparted... The verses that follow mention more specifically some things to be taught. YOUNG WOMEN (2:3-5) Learn to love their husband and children How many of you younger women, when you got married, knew all you would need to know about being a good wife and mother? Our culture puts a lot of emphasis on falling in love, but we ought to put more emphasis on learning to love. Young ladies, how have you sought to become a better wife and mother? Do you seek out advice and read good books on the subject? Have you ever sought out older, wiser women? If not, you may be missing out on one of God s best resources to help you. In this church, a younger woman could find a lot of wisdom... Love their husbands The Greek word here is phileo, which means friendship love. Wives, are you seeking to be friendly with your husbands? By the way, a new book for parents that I recommend is this one: Recommend: Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch To be self-controlled (We will come back to this) To be pure In the past ten years especially, women have been bombarded with impure media. It pops up on the computer and it shows up in many of the popular films. It makes adultery and extramarital affairs seem wonderful and rarely portrays the ugly reality and cost of such affairs Many a woman today gets unhappy and the world shouts to her, Go find your soul-mate; someone who will really listen to you and love you the right way; after all you don t deserve to be in such bondage; be free and find your true self! And many a woman (and man) finds themselves in a sinful relationship that is anything from pure in God s sight. Young women, always remain pure and faithful to your husband. Stay true to your marriage covenant. But, what if you have already slipped? Well, you may have to suffer some consequences, but one thing is assured you can come to God for forgiveness: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) To be busy at home (homemakers NKJV) -- the Bible isn t against working women you can read Prov. 31 and see a working woman who is called an excellent wife. But young women musts set some boundaries and keep their home life a priority. To be kind Women should be like Jesus, kind to people, even those outside your social circles, being considerate and generous with your time and money. Ladies, would the people in your home describe you as being kind? It s a fruit of the Spirit that ought to be developing in us. 3

4 Be subject to their husband The Bible teaches wives to submit to husbands. It does not mean women are to be mindless doormats; they are companions and partners in Christ. But in God s order, men should be the head and women submit to their leadership. Men actually have the heavier responsibility; in Eph. 5 we are commanded to love our wives as Christ loved the church... A lot of questions can be raised about submission, but we cannot get into that now. Young ladies, why are you to do these things? v. 5 - so that no one will malign the word of God. The Message says here: We don't want anyone looking down on God's Message because of their behavior. (Titus 2:5 The Message) YOUNG MEN (2:6) To be self-controlled. This is the only specificthing that Paul mentions to younger men and as we said, it is mentioned or implied in every one of these four groups. It must be very important. Since self-control is the only quality mentioned for young men, we must conclude it is especially important for a younger man. So, let s look a little more closely at... SELF-CONTROL Self-control (Greek, sophron 5 times in this 2 nd chapter; no single word can adequately translate the Greek) = self-discipline, moderation, the ability to avoid excesses, sensible thinking, show self-control, exercise good judgment, curb one s passion, restraint over one s impulses, emotions, or desires especially in regard to sensual pleasure Self-control = the ability to pursue the important over the urgent, rather than to be always impulsive or uncontrolled. (Tim Keller) So, is this word important for young people today? How about older people? The Bible compares our Christian life to that of an Olympic athlete, who was marked by discipline and self-control. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things (1 Cor. 9:24-27NAS) Contrast this idea with what we see around us: In the last days...men will be without self-control (2 Tim. 3:1-3) There are a lot of areas where we need to practice self-control. This morning I feel impressed to mention THREE AREAS IN PARTICULAR that ought to be relevant to all of us. 1. OUR SPEECH If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. (James 1:26 NLT) 4

5 The book of James spends a whole chapter (3) on telling us that the tongue is a deadly evil and full of poison. How I regret many words I have said hurtful words, sarcastic words, crude words, cutting words, hasty words Some people pride themselves on their frankness. I say just what I think. they may boast. Frankness is appropriate at times, but if we just erupt with all our emotions, we are only speaking as a fool. We must be careful of rash, cutting words; they can have a terrible and lingering effect. Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. (Prov. 12:18) Sometimes we speak too much. Have you ever been with someone and you ask a simple question and the next thing you know you re getting a 20 minute explanation and story you never knew you wanted to hear!? We can wear people out with our words. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few. (Eccl. 5:2) God has rebuked me on occasions for saying too much or being too opinionated or saying something stupid. Controlling our tongues is no small matter. Left to ourselves, not one of us could control the tongue; but through the Holy Spirit we can restrain it. 2. OUR PHYSICAL URGES each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; (1 Thes. 4:4-5) Brethren, this can include sexual sin, gluttony, or addictions of any kind... By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome. Remember self-control is one of the fruit of the Spirit. And the Spirit can help us overcome the pulls of the sinful nature. Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. (Rom. 8:12-14) We are not in this battle alone. But don t ever settle for defeat; resolve to be an overcomer in the power of the Holy Spirit. 3. OUR TECHNOLOGY Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Cor. 6:12) Lack of self-control here can lead to a multitude of sin. Some of you parents are addicted to Facebook or constantly checking your phone and you have been greatly distracted. The remedy is self-control and this means we lay down some self-imposed rules. If we don t, we will probably lose this battle. Here are a few suggestions that I have borrowed from several sources: 5

6 Set limits for time on your screens. Look at the word of God in the morning before you look at your phone, Facebook, or computer. (This has become a battle for me e.g., to start checking out my phone first thing...and I am determined to try to keep the Word first...) Keep people a priority ahead of personal entertainment/pleasure. [I have been in restaurants on more than one occasion in which two parents are playing on their phones and a couple young children are looking bored. And, I have seen three or four young people sit down in a booth and just about the whole time they are engaging with their phones, not really talking to each other.] Folks, call me old-fashioned if you want, but I declare to you that is wrong. We are often missing something and that is learning to interact personally with each other. One of the best things we can do is just visit, have face-to-face conversations, Teresa and I like to play games with other people...or have friends over for planned activities... Don t use cell phones at the dinner table; learn to be sociable. Keep your computer screen where it can easily be seen by others. (safeguard against pornography) Parents, don t use media often as a babysitter. At 9:00 p.m., plug your phone at the kitchen and don t take it to bed with you. [Parents, did you know that 87% of kids take their phones to bed with them at night? And if they do, you don t have a clue what they are doing in the late hours of the night] Brethren there is a major reason self-control in all these areas is no small matter for those who are serious about following Christ; if self-control is lacking, you are most vulnerable to the enemy of your souls. A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. (Prov. 25:28 NLT) In ancient days, a city with no sturdy walls was wide open to the onslaughts of its enemies. In the same way, a man with self-control, will have greater protection against Satan s fiery darts. Finally, there is some good news at the end of this second chapter: WHY WE CAN BE SELF-CONTROLLED [read 2:11-14]. There are three major factors that can help us become more self-controlled: God has given us grace (2:11-12). Because of the grace of God, we can say no to ungodliness and live self-controlled lives. Without the grace of God, everyone of us would be captives to sin and self-serving. There is one word that the world seldom uses as far as sin and pleasure no. By the grace of God, we can say, No. Say it with me, NO! Of course, naturally, we don t like to say no, because its only when we come to Christ we are told to take up our cross daily, deny ourselves, and follow Him. There is a second thing that can motivate us to live self-controlled lives Jesus will come again [in all His glory]. (2:13-14) 6

7 Why should we try to live a life that would be pleasing to Him? What is our motivation? We don t want to stand ashamed when he comes back a second time. When he comes back, he will come in all his Glory, He will judge all mankind, reward the righteous and punish the wicked. That motivates me to be self-controlled! But more than this negative reason, there is a positive motivating factor in v. 14 Jesus gave himself for us. (2:14) o He purchased us o He purifies us o He wants to possess us [ a people for his own possession] If my wonderful Savior has done and is doing all this for me, should I not want to follow him fully? To say no to ungodliness and worldly passions? To exercise self-control? Let s just take a moment and be still before the Lord...and allow the Spirit to confirm something you have heard this morning. [PAUSE] Older men...young men...older women...younger women, I say to you all...let us follow Christ! Next week, Lord willing, we will finish this study. Please read this entire book of Titus a time or two before we meet again. 7

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