The miracle attributed to the intercession of. Saint John Paul 11

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1 The miracle attributed to the intercession of Saint John Paul 11

2 Announcing His Holiness : Saint John Paul II Mystical Son & Saviour of Ireland, Father of Poland: Saint Karol of Krakow Prince of World Peace Saint Wojtyla of Wadowice. Urgent Press Release : Global News release Sainthood for John Paul II set to be announced.

3 In 2007, An Irishman approached the Vatican and asked them to investigate a miracle he experienced attributed to the intercession of Saint John Paul II. Here are excerpts from the evidence given to the Vatican. The Vatican are set to make world history as you will soon learn. Please prepare your media outlets accordingly. This is all non fiction. Repeat this is all true and is world history in the making.

4 Cnoc Mhuire Knock County Mayo Ireland 1879 Before reading the mystery of light that occurred in Knock it is important that we recall the writings of the Irish Prophet St. Columbkille The clergy shall be led into error, by their misinterpretation of their reading. This is not to say the church or Vatican purposely led people into error, it just suggests that they may through no fault of their own misinterpret something. Knock, Co Mayo is located near the Holy Mountain of St. Patrick. If you believe in the vision that occurred in Knock, then you have to accept the witnesses testimony and as you read it you will begin to see they were not sure who the third figure was that was cast in this mysterious light. Ergo you must also accept that the church did all they could based on the evidence they had. They based their beliefs on the same thing you did, the testimony of good Irish Catholic People. If you do not believe or indeed do not know what occurred in Knock, brace yourself. The church in Knock is named after St John the Baptist whom of course prepared people for the first coming of the messiah. August 21st 1879 ( ) (3-8-25) (11-7) (18) (9) County Mayo, Ireland was close to the brink of another famine in It was; for all intensive purposes a normal Irish summers evening in the small town of Knock. There was little more than a church, a school and a few shops in this bog side village that was about to shoot to international fame. It was a Thursday, about 8pm and it was raining. Mary Byrne was just one of 15 people that would later be called to give an eye witness account of the miraculous event that she saw. There were no means of modern communication

5 available, back then people still relied on their senses, and their eyes would not fail them on this occasion. Mary McLoughlin was aged 45 and was employed as the housekeeper to Archdeacon Cavanagh, the local priest. En route to her friend s cottage, that of Mary Byrne, Mrs McLoughlin stopped by the parish church and noticed some new illuminated statue like figures which she presumed the church had acquired from Dublin to decorate the grounds. It was not until she returned about 15 minutes later with her friend to lock up the church that the two realised what was before them. Another witness also passed by the church but paid no attention to the lights until she too returned later in the evening. As it dawned on them that they were not statues purchased to decorate the grounds they both exclaimed simultaneously They are moving! It is the Blessed Virgin. The lights could be seen from far away. One man who lived a half mile away could see the glow at the church on the evening from his home and remarked to folk that it looks like the church is on fire from here. That is how powerful the heavenly rays were. This witness did not know that an apparition was occurring. In immense heavenly light, there appeared the figures of Our Lady, St Joseph and a third figure that they did not recognise. There also appeared a plain altar upon which there sat a lamb with a cross and the altar was surrounded with angels. Naturally when (and if) one sees such a heavenly apparition, there starts a rollercoaster of emotions instantly. Confusion, bewilderment, surprise, awe, fear, joy and a sense of complete calmness with peace all at the same time. Within minutes the 2 ladies were joined by 13 other witnesses and they all stood in awe and began praying. The age range of the witnesses was from 6 to 75, the account of their experience was all the same: The figures they saw before them were all about 2 feet from the ground and appeared as though suspended in mid air. The Blessed Virgin Mary was dressed in white robes with a golden crown upon her head that also had a golden rose at the brow. The crown sparkled with gems in the shape of crosses. Our Lady also had a yellow vestment over the robe that she wore. Dressed in white and yellow (papal colours), with a gem encrusted golden crown and a golden yellow rose upon her brow. Our Lady was in an attitude of prayer with her hands raised to shoulder level and her eyes upwards towards heaven. St Joseph appeared with head bowed, as if in total respect to Our Lady. He wore brilliant white robes and had greyish hair. The third figure was unknown to the 15 witnesses. It was suggested on the evening in question by Mary Byrne that the third figure resembled a statue of St John the Evangelist which she had previously seen in another church. As nobody knew who the third figure before them was they all agreed that possibly it was that of St John, but in their testimony it was recorded that this was just their opinion and they were not sure. Without knowing who it was, they all agreed that it must be St John the Evangelist, but they left it open to speculation.

6 The difference between this figure before them and the statue the witness referred to was that the man in this apparition was wearing a mitre (small white skull cap) similar to that worn by a Pope. The third figure stood with what appeared to be a book of gospels in his left hand with his right arm raised and angled towards Our Lady. He also had his index finger and middle finger raised with the other fingers tucked underneath his thumb and looked as though he was trying to get a message across to an audience in the form of preaching. One witness was said to be able to read the gospel passage but there is no available published evidence of this. Before you decide whether you believe this or not it is vitally important you ask yourself if this story was made up, why would the people all describe the same vision and state they did not recognise the third figure. If this story was made up they would have kept their stories simple and not included details such as an anonymous third figure. They told the truth and described what they could as best they could because they were witnessing a piece of worldwide history. If you still disbelieve you will become part of history as opposed to part of the future that this history is shaping today. The people remained in awe in the rain reciting prayers and the rosary. They were obviously drenched, but there was no rain falling in the direction of the vision, in fact the ground underneath the vision was incredibly dry. After about 2 hours when the vision had disappeared, the ground became wet. What these people were witnessing was in fact a prophetic vision from providence, but what did it mean? The Vision in Knock seemed to confuse the church. There was no message from Our Lady, no speaking, just a visualisation. It differed to previous apparitions particularly those in La Salette and Lourdes, where on both occasions Our Lady encouraged the recital of the rosary and penance. One thing was for sure and that was that the sacrficial lamb, the second coming of the Son of God it would appear would come from Ireland and would be related to a Pope preaching. A pope however had never been to Ireland. Would the Pope be the lamb or would the sacrificial lamb come after the Pope s arrival? There was no doubt in the minds of The Vatican that Ireland played an official role in the second coming in some way shape or form. There was of course an enquiry set up almost immediately. Within 6 weeks it was confirmed that the eye witness accounts were credible, trustworthy and satisfactory. People began to arrive in Knock from all parts of Ireland and overseas and many miraculous cures were reported which Archdeacon Cavanagh began recording in a diary. It is important to emphasise that these people were deeply religious and would not have made up such a story. A 6 year old boy gave an account of what he saw time and time again as did the other 14. All the stories matched even when these people were questioned separately. These people rarely sinned so to think they made up a story about the Mother of God to trick everyone is just ignorance on the part of mankind today. Not everyone sins so freely contrary to popular belief.

7 Visitors came from near and afar. People began taking souvenirs with them from the brick wall of the church and they had to seal off the area. Newspapers across the world reported the story. The first reported miracle is given complete medical backing by the Father of Oscar Wilde who was a leading ear doctor. Dr Wilde had been the last of a string of doctors that a deaf man had visited in the hope he could cure his lifelong deafness. Dr Wilde was the leading ear specialist of the day and he told the man his long term deafness was incurable. The patient heard of this miracle town in the West and decided to pay it a visit. Within minutes of entering the church the man began to hear for the first time in his life. Dr Wilde who was not catholic attested that there was no medical explanation for the sudden recovery of this patient. Leading ear doctors do not go on record stating such things could be miracles unless they fully accept it may just be. As pilgrims arrived from afar so too did doctors testimonies with several writing to the Archdeacon to confirm their patients had mysteriously healed themselves. There is a record of healings and miracles. The title "Our lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland" was bestowed on the Blessed Virgin and Knock received full recognition from The Vatican even though its true meaning was not understood. The Vatican knew that something happened here, fully believed it and knew eventually it would be understood in time to come. The Mother of God does not manifest on earth in silence unless she has good reason to. In 1936, a second enquiry was set up to reinvestigate the vision to see if anything was overlooked, The Vatican were eager to try and understand what this silent vision meant and to see if it could throw any light on the visions of Fatima in With only 3 of the visionaries still alive, their testimony remained the same even after 57 years. Mary Byrne, lying on her death bed and under oath verified exactly what she had said in The 6 year old boy who was now in manhood still reiterated his version of events. Vatican officials travelled to New York to interview him as he emigrated from the shores of Ireland. The Church was still left bewildered. They approved and backed the apparition but did not truly understand the prophetic vision. In 1979, 100 years later Pope John Paul II arrived in Ireland for a whirlwind tour and in one of many memorable speeches he announced to the flock that had gathered to see him in Knock I am at the heart of my pilgrimage". This further endorsed the apparition. The Pope also gave a wonderful golden crown to the parish in order to fully recognise his approval that The Queen of Ireland did indeed appear in Knock. Despite the fact the Pope appeared in Dublin, Galway and many other leading cities, he chose to announce that appearing at Knock was for some reason the goal of his mission. Now why would a man who Time Magazine named person of the year say that a small bog side village in Ireland was the goal of his pilgrimage? Many of course will testify that the Pope knew he was that third figure. Although there were the usual doubters and sceptics, Knock without a true explanation of what the apparition really meant was not as popular a place for pilgrims to attend as Lourdes or Fatima much to the delight of those that passed the vision off as a "bunch of nonsense" from a crowd of "drunken Irish people".

8 Whatever occurred in Knock changed the people of Ireland. It created The Mothers of Knock. Even 100 years later, it didn t matter which of your friends house you entered there was always a little altar or picture in the hallway of Our Lady. The faithful Mothers of Ireland whom stayed true to their devotions always had faith in this apparition trusting their intuition as Mothers that guided them to believe that our Lady would not simply appear in silence unless she had good reason to. On Thursday September 12th 1963, A Father Horan was transferred to Knock Parish as curate, and from 1967 as Parish Priest. He remained here until his untimely death on August 1st Often referred to as the 'Builder of Knock' he undertook to improve the facilities at Knock for pilgrims and parishioners alike. His main achievements during this time were : The building of the new church of 'Our Lady, Queen of Ireland', which was blessed and dedicated on July 18th The church is large enough to accommodate 10,000 people and covers one acre of ground. It was a gigantic undertaking, which required the collaboration of church authorities, architects, contractors and workers and Monsignor Horan had the responsibility of overseeing the whole operation. On September 30th 1979, Pope John Paul II raised the new church to the dignity of Basilica. The invitation to Pope John Paul II and subsequent acceptance to visit Knock for the centenary celebrations in It took the vision and courage of Msgr. Horan to think on the scale, which the events of this visit dictated. It has been said that if one man brought the Pope to this country, it was James Horan. Over 450,000 people came to Knock on that day. His third and equally amazing achievement was the building of Horan International Airport. The fact that a Parish Priest in the west of Ireland could be responsible for a multi-million pound airport seemed unrealistic and unattainable. When the first flight out of Knock Airport, destined for Rome, departed on October 24th 1985, Msgr. Horan stated that it was 'the greatest day in the history of Connacht for a hundred years'. He showed his true character and sheer determination in achieving this impressive goal. Two months after the official opening of the airport, Msgr. Horan went on pilgrimage to Lourdes with members of his family and friends. He died unexpectedly on that pilgrimage on August 1st. His body was flown from Lourdes to Knock and was the first funeral to fly into Knock airport. Despite the fact there were numerous miracles recorded and Knock received Vatican approval, many people were highly sceptical purely because not only was the apparition silent and no message was given but there was also a third figure in the apparition that remained unidentifiable. Since 1879 it has been taken that Our Lady did indeed appear with St Joseph and St John the Evangelist along with an altar upon which sat a lamb surrounded by angels. What nobody expected is that Our Lady would one day return to Ireland to explain this mystical vision so that it would all make sense. Knock was an integral part of The Marian Code as it predicted the future of what was to come; the apparition

9 said it all and there was no need for an audible message. The sacrificial lamb would come from Ireland. In hindsight the message of Knock could not have been any clearer; Our Lady appeared in heavenly light to announce the coming of the Mysteries of Light. As one reads the messages left by Our Lady in previous apparitions, it becomes quite clear that the world has been given ample notice of the second coming (The II Coming) and how to prepare for it but most have chosen to ignore it. Providence has spent centuries preparing us for the second coming, but of course there are many that felt they were God and took the laws of the world into their own hands only to find that God is now coming back to claim ownership of the very world he created. Unfortunately for the world we have ignored Our Lady's repeated requests of Prayer Penance and Peace in favour of a lifestyle which we feel suits us better thus putting the bible to the back of our minds and so Our Lady's predictions of pestilence, plagues, famines, wars and a multitude of other disasters have started to become reality...but in the end her immaculate heart will triumph. Not only was Our Lady coming to Ireland to declare The Second Coming but also sowing the seeds of her intention to earn the title of Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. August 21 st is the Feast day of the Queen of Ireland, Our Lady of Knock. The apparition occurred on the eve of The Feast of The Queenship of Mary and The Feast of The Immaculate Heart of Mary which is celebrated on August 22 nd annually. St Joseph whom had just been declared by The Vatican as head of The Universal Church made a rare appearance. This was the Holy family but who was that third figure in the prophecy from Providence? Why did Providence give us so many Gifted Prophetic Irish Saints? Why is the Royal County of Meath steeped in history? Why? Why is Ireland chosen? Within this mystery cast in light there was a third man dressed in white with a small round skull cap, similar to a Pope and not too dissimilar to that same Pope shown to three children in Fatima some 38 years later and not too dissimilar to a Pope that visited Knock some 100 years later The Marian Code was getting deeper and deeper, the light shining ever so brighter and brighter, Madonna Of Ireland, Our Lady of Ireland, Queen of Ireland, Our Lady of Knock, guide me with thy light. Guide you she will. The Vatican could hardly announce to the world that they knew this was the sign that the Second Coming was approaching. Although they were not 100% sure they knew there were no coincidences in Providence. All they could do was add this to their growing list of evidence that Ireland was chosen by God to lead the world into a new era. Nor did they know that a lot more evidence would come their way some of which they would ignore showing they too are human like the rest of us.

10 What better a way for Providence to reveal the mystery of The Holy Trinity and Holy Quarter then to prove St Patrick was right and that The Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Mother are four united yet separate beings. Where else could they reveal the mystery of the redemption other than in the Emerald Isle?

11 The Third Figure at Knock cast in light: Son and Saviour of Ireland, St. John Paul II Father of Poland, Saint Karol of Krakow Patron Saint of Peace, Saint Wojtyla of Wadowice Our Lady of Knock Hear the prayer of the son for his Mother. Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire, atá lán de ghrásta, Tá an Tiarna leat. Is beannaithe thú idir mná, Agus is beannaithe toradh do bhroinne, Íosa. A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé, guigh orainn na peacaigh, anois, agus ar uair ár mbáis. Amen. Knock and you shall receive...

12 Last Will Testament & Prophecy Pope John Paul II "I Hope That Christ Will Give Me the Grace for the Last Passage" VATICAN CITY, APRIL 7, 2005 here is a translation of John Paul II's last will and testament, published by the Holy See. The Testament of (and the subsequent addition) "Totus Tuus ego sum" In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen. "Watch, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming" (cf. Matt 24:42) -- these words remind me of the last call, which will occur at the moment the Lord wills it. I want to follow Him and I want all that forms part of my

13 earthly life to prepare me for this moment. I do not know when it will occur, but like everything, I also place this moment in the hands of the Mother of my Master: 'Totus Tuus.' I leave everything in the same maternal hands, and all those who have been connected to my life and my vocation. Above all, I leave the Church in these hands, and also my Nation and the whole of humanity. I thank all. I ask all for forgiveness. I also ask for prayer, so that God's Mercy will show itself greater than my weakness and unworthiness. During the Spiritual Exercises I reread the testament of the Holy Father Paul VI. This reading has led me to write the present testament. I do not leave behind me any property which will be necessary to dispose of. Insofar as the things of daily use that served me, I request that they be distributed as will seem opportune. My personal notes should be burned ( Authors note : should is not definitive nor is a date given. The writings should be burned, but to date have not been nor have they been revealed, yet.) I request that Don Stanislaw watch over this, whom I thank for his very prolonged and comprehensive collaboration and help throughout the years. All other thanks instead I leave in my heart before God himself, because it is difficult to express them. In regard to the funeral, I repeat the same dispositions which were given by the Holy Father Paul VI [here he notes on the margin: grave in the earth, not in a sarcophagus, ]. "apud Dominum misericordia et copiosa apud Eum redemptio" ( Translation :"With the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plentiful redemption) John Paul pp. II Rome, 6.III.1979

14 After my death, I ask for Holy Masses and prayers 5.III.1990 * * * Undated sheet: I express my profound trust that, despite all my weakness, the Lord will grant me every necessary grace to face, according to his will, any task, trial and suffering that he might require of His servant in the course of life. I also trust that he will never permit that, through some attitude of mine: words, works or omissions, I betray my obligations in this Holy Petrine See. * * * 24.II -- 1.III.1980 Also during these Spiritual Exercises I reflected on the truth of the Priesthood of Christ in the perspective of that Transit that for each one of us is the moment of our own death. Eloquent sign [addition above: decisive] for us when taking leave of this world -- to be born in the other, the future world -- is the Resurrection of Christ. I have read therefore the registration of my testament of last year, also made during the Spiritual Exercises -- I have compared it to the testament of my great Predecessor and Father Paul VI, with that sublime testimony on the death of a Christian and a Pope -- and I have renewed in myself the awareness of the questions, to which the registration of the 6.III.1979 refers, prepared by me (in a rather provisional way). Today I only want to add this to it, that everyone should have present the prospect of death. And must be ready to present himself before the Lord and Judge -- and, contemporaneously, Redeemer and Father. I also take this into consideration continually, entrusting that decisive moment to the Mother of Christ and of the Church -- to the Mother of my hope.

15 The times, in which we live, are unspeakably difficult and disquieting. The way of the Church has also become difficult and tense, characteristic trial of these times -- both for the Faithful as well as for the Pastors. In some countries (as for example in the one I read about during the Spiritual Exercises), the Church finds herself in such a period of persecution that is not inferior to that of the first centuries, rather it exceeds them by the degree of ruthlessness and hatred. "Sanguis martyrum -- semen christianorum" ( Blood of Martyrs Seeds of Christians). And in addition to this -- so many people die innocently, also in this country in which we live. I desire once again to commend myself totally to the Lord's grace. He himself will decide when and how I must finish my earthly life and pastoral ministry. "Totus Tuus" through the Immaculate in life and in death. Accepting this death already now, I hope that Christ will give me the grace for the last passage that is [my] Pasch. I hope that he will render it useful also for this most important cause which I seek to serve: the salvation of men, the safeguarding of the human family, and in it of all the nations and peoples (among them I also turn in a particular way to my earthly Homeland), useful for the persons he has entrusted to me in a particular way, for the issues of the Church, for the glory of God himself. I do not wish to add anything to what I wrote a year ago -- only to express this readiness and contemporaneously this trust, to which the present Spiritual Exercises have again disposed me. John Paul II * * * "Totus Tuus ego sum" 5.III.1982 In the course of this year's Spiritual Exercises I read (several times) the text of the testament of 6.III Although I still consider it as provisional (not

16 definitive), I leave it in the form it exists. I do not change (for now) anything, nor do I add anything in regard to the dispositions contained in it. The attempt on my life on 13.V.1981 in some way has confirmed the accuracy of the words written in the period of the Spiritual Exercises of 1980 (24.II -- 1.III) I feel that much more profoundly that I am totally in God's Hands -- and I remain continually at the disposition of my Lord, entrusting myself to Him in His Immaculate Mother ("Totus Tuus") John Paul II * * * 5.III.82 In connection with the last phrase of my testament of 6.III 1979 (: "On the place/ the place, that is, of the funeral/ the College of Cardinals and my fellow countrymen should decide") -- I clarify what I have in mind: the Metropolitan of Krakow and the General Council of the Episcopate of Poland -- I request the College of Cardinals in the meantime to satisfy insofar as possible the eventual questions of its members. (Here is where Pope John Paul II was clearly warning that eventually The Polish Cardinals will come forward to request that Pope John Paul II be returned to Krakow. Authors note) * * * 1.III.1985 (in the course of the Spiritual Exercises). Now -- in regard to the expression "College of Cardinals and my fellow countrymen": the "College of Cardinals" has no obligation to question "my fellow countrymen" on this argument; it can however do so, if for some reason it considers it legitimate. ( Per chance if my countrymen rally together to have The Father of Poland returned to his beloved Krakow the church need not necessarily intervene..unless of course you see no harm in it. Perhaps by chance

17 something will crop up after my death that will give cause for the question of my burial to resurface? Who knows? Providence! Authors note) JPII The Spiritual Exercises of the Jubilee Year 2000 (12-18.III) [for the testament] 1. When on the day of October 16, 1978, the conclave of Cardinals elected John Paul II, the Primate of Poland, Card. Stefan Wyszynski said to me: "The task of the new Pope will be to lead the Church into the Third Millennium." I do not know if I repeat the phrase exactly, but at least such was the sense of what he then felt. It was said by the Man who has passed into history as Primate of the Millennium. A great Primate. I was a witness of his mission, of his total trust. Of his struggles: of his victory. "Victory, when it occurs, will be a victory through Mary" -- these words of his Predecessor, Card. August Hlond, the Primate of the Millennium used to repeat. In this way I was in some manner prepared for the task that the day October 16, 1978, presented before me. In the moment in which I write these words, Jubilee Year of 2000, it is already a reality in progress. The night of December 24, 1999, the symbolic Door of the Great Jubilee was opened in St. Peter's Basilica, later that of St. John Lateran, then of St. Mary Major -- on New Year's Day, and the day of January 19 the Door of the Basilica of St. Paul "Outside the Walls." This last event, because of its ecumenical character, has remained imprinted in my memory in a particular way. 2. As the Jubilee Year 2000 goes forward, from day to day the 20th century closes behind us and the 21st century opens. According to the plans of Providence, it was given to me to live in the difficult century that is going into the past, and now in the year in which the age of my life reaches eighty years ("octogesima adveniens"), one must ask oneself if it is not the time to repeat with the biblical Simeon "Nunc dimittis."

18 On the day of May 13, 1981, the day of the attempt on the Pope during the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Divine Providence saved me in a miraculous way from death. He who is the sole Lord of life and death, He himself prolonged this life, in a certain way he has given it to me again. From this moment it again belongs even more to Him. I hope He will help me to recognize how long I must continue this service, to which he called me on the day of October 16, I ask him to call me when He himself wills it. "In life and in death we belong to the Lord... we are the Lord's" (cf. Rm 14:8). I also hope that so long as it is given to me to carry out the Petrine service in the Church, the Mercy of God will give me the necessary strength for this service. 3. As every year during the Spiritual Exercises I have read my testament of 6.III I continue to hold the dispositions contained in it. That which now, and also during the subsequent Spiritual Exercises, has been added is a reflection of the difficult and tense general situation, which has marked the '80s. Since autumn of the year 1989 this situation has changed. The last decade of the last century was free from the preceding tensions; this does not mean that it did not bring with it new problems and difficulties. In a particular way may Divine Providence be praised for this, that the period of the so-called "Cold War" finished without violent nuclear conflict, which danger weighed on the world in the preceding period. 4. Being on the threshold of the Third Millennium "in medio Ecclesiae," I wish once again to express gratitude to the Holy Spirit for the great gift of Vatican Council II, to which together with the whole Church -- and above all with the entire episcopate -- I feel indebted. I am convinced that once again and for a long time it will be given to the new generations to draw from the riches that this Council of the 20th century has lavished. As a Bishop who has participated in the conciliar event from the first to the last day, I wish to entrust this great treasure to all those who are or will be in the future called to realize it. For my part, I thank the eternal Pastor who allowed me to serve this great cause in the course of all the years of my pontificate. "In medio Ecclesiae"... from the first years of episcopal service -- precisely thanks to the Council -- it was given to me to experience the fraternal communion of the Episcopate. As priest of the Archdiocese of Krakow I

19 experienced the fraternal communion of the presbytery -- the Council opened a new dimension of this experience. 5. How many people I would have to list! The Lord has probably called the majority of them to himself as regards those who are still on this side, may the words of this testament remind them, all and everywhere, wherever they find themselves. In the course of more than twenty years in which I have carried out the Petrine service "in medio Ecclesiae" I have experienced the benevolent and extremely fruitful collaboration of so many Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops, so many priests, so many consecrated persons -- Brothers and Sisters -- in short, of so many lay persons, in the curial environment, in the Vicariate of the Diocese of Rome, as well as outside these environments. How can I not willingly embrace all the Episcopates of the world, with which I met in the succession of visits "ad limina Apostolorum!" How can I not also remember so many Christian Brothers -- not Catholics! And the Rabbi of Rome and the numerous representatives of non-christian religions! And the many representatives of the world of culture, science, politics, the means of social communications! 6. In the measure that the end of my earthly life approaches I return to the memory of the beginning, of my Parents, my Brother and my Sister (whom I did not know because she died before my birth), to the parish of Wadowice, where I was baptized, to that city of my love, of my contemporaries, girl and boy companions of elementary school, the junior high school, the university, until the times of the Occupation, when I worked as a laborer, and later on in the parish of Niegowic, Krakow's of St. Florian, to the pastoral care of academics, the environment... to all environments... to Krakow and to Rome... to persons who in a special way were entrusted to me by the Lord. To all I wish to say one thing: "May God reward you"

20 "In manus Tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum" A.D. 17.III.2000 Whilst the world was celebrating St Patricks Day and the Feast of The Madonna of Ireland in 2000, the Pope was signing his last will and leaving a clear message behind him for the Emerald Isle. Just as there no coincidences in Providence the Pope was ensuring there was no coincidences with his last will.

21 The Prophecies Of The Mystical Son Ireland 1979 In short the historic visit of Pope John Paul II was wrapped in one big mystery of light. He spoke as though he was warning us of the future all the while entrusting us over to the care of the Queen of Ireland. The Mother of God, Our Lady of Knock. He came delivering us a task which we would not understand until 2008 nearly 30 years later. He came speaking from Providence. Deep down the Pope knew that one person within the Irish flock would eventually realise they were the lamb sat upon the altar in the Knock vision from Hopefully when you see how accurate he was in his descriptions of modern day Ireland, you will also accept that it is no coincidence Our Lady has returned to Ireland this time in Navan, to announce to the world her role in The II Coming as Mediatrix, Coredemptrix and Advocate as was predicted by her vision in Knock, years later he showed up mysteriously on our shore to let us know what we must do in accordance with the divine plans he has received for the Irish from Providence. He came to us to reveal the part we will play in The Marian Code. Arriving on Irish soil, the first thing this man did was kiss the ground in order to show his blessings to Our Country and in order to fulfil what Our Lady said in Lourdes Kiss the ground for the conversion of sinners, an act he repeated in many a country. He was well aware of both his and our mission and truly aware the battles they lay ahead of us. Although spoken in 1979, his Homilies and speeches were actual prophecies for us. He delivered them knowing that when the time was right we would reread his words and finally understand that Ireland was chosen by Providence to play a vital role in the salvation of man. In order to understand a prophecy of the future, it must happen first. The coming of Pope John Paul II to Ireland was the fulfilment of the prophecy of Knock in To deny this is to deny God exists so beware before you tell God you do not believe him as this would just further add to the chastisements which the world already endures. The second thing he did when he arrived was thank Ireland for the continued role they have played in the contribution of Christian practices and spreading the faith. He then did something that was totally out of our control and which

22 we must accept. He called upon Our Blessed Lady (whom he had a direct relationship with) and he asked through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Queen of Peace to follow him throughout his tour of Ireland. He placed his pastoral visit under her care. In other words he handed Ireland to Our Lady on our behalf and then delivered his prophecies across our land. Now that he is gone, and the prophecies have come true we must once again turn to The Queen of Ireland for guidance. As you can see from the past, Our Lady has mysterious powers which we have no control over. If the Vicar of Christ asked the Queen of Ireland to watch over us, he did so for a very good reason. When you read his words you will notice how quite eerily we can use them some 30 years later and word for word you can see his accurate prediction of how Ireland would turn out. He was warning us and we did not listen. We fell into the trap and now we must realign ourselves and admit our mistakes. Practice forgiveness and receive peace needs to be practiced by the flock and indeed the shepherds. He prayed that we would be strong enough to meet the challenges that will be put before us. Just what challenges were they? Ireland is being challenged in a new way today. Ireland is not immune from the influence of ideologies and trends which present day civilisation and progress carry with them. The very capability of mass media to bring the whole world into your homes produces a new kind of confrontation with values and trends that up until now have been alien to Irish society. Pervading materialism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with aggressiveness that spares no one. The most sacred principles, which were the sure guides for the behaviour of individuals and society, are being hollowed out by false pretences concerning freedom, the sacredness of life, the indissolubility of marriage, the true sense of human sexuality, the right attitude towards the material goods that progress has to offer. Many people now are tempted to self indulgence and consumerism, and human identity is often defined by what he owns. Prosperity and affluence, even when they are only beginning to be available to larger strata of society, tend to make people assume that they have a right to all that prosperity can bring, and thus they become more selfish in their demands. I come here in celebration of our salvation. (Better understood now) You are witnessing the Body of Christ You are my friends if you do what I command you I recall how Divine Providence has used this island on the edge of Europe for the conversion of The European Continent, that continent which has been for two thousand years the continent of evangelisation. John Paul II goes on to say how through the intercession of those Irish that spread the faith around the world and that had it not have been for those the word of God may never have

23 reached Poland and assisted in producing a Pope. Without knowing it Irish missionaries in the past helped form the future. Indeed it was an irish Monk, Aaron of Cologne that went straight to Krakow in Poland when he read the Book of Kells. Once again he was reminding us that just as these folk played a part in the plans of God, so too would we. Yes Ireland had a role and this was why we received the visions of Knock to let us know what role we play. My visit is a providential occasion I am expressing my sense of what Ireland deserves, and also satisfying deep needs within my own heart. The book of prophecies of Pope John Paul II is eighty nine pages long. He lets us fully know that he believes Our Lady came to knock for a reason, he knew the reason and he prepared us in 1979 for what was to come in the new millennium. You can partake in the mission if you want, we all can. If you want to know what the future holds it lies in our past. In fact if our journalists listened to his prophecy given directly to them when he was here, he told them their work enters the home of millions around the world, knowing one day it would do just that as they report on Our Lady of Navan and the revelations of The Second Coming. The Pope in Ireland Addresses and Homilies is the book containing the prophecies. It should be available at all leading book shops but is available in Veritas. The Irish Government have been reading the prophecies he left us as too have other countries as more and more people begin to accept he was more than just a Polish priest that became Pope but was in fact a gifted mystic that came to deliver the word of God in order to prepare us for the fulfillment of biblical prophecies with regards to the second coming of christ, Pope John Paul II throughout his tour repeated the fact that he had been to Mexico, Poland and now Ireland and his next destination was The USA to address the United Nations. In each location he said what needed to be said and delivered his various prophecies, all of which appear to make much more sense today. Not that he would say it, but if he were here today nobody can doubt he would indeed be able to say Told you so. In fact this man would probably walk off the plane today if he could, kiss the ground and announce once again Young people of Ireland, I still love you. Hear I am at the goal of my journey he recited these words at Knock. Why was it his goal to get to Knock? Why did a Pope and man from Poland feel it was his goal to stand in a small town in the West of Ireland? The answer is in the question. Whether we believe or not, the man kissed the ground for the conversion of sinners and asked Our Lady to bless us. From reading about the power of Our Lady in various other apparitions it is hoped the reader can understand the true power of the Mother of God and accept that God does exert

24 control over each and every one of us and our globe. As he departed Ireland the crowd sang Come back again... how ironic it sounds today. The Pope came to Ireland in order to forewarn us as instructed by Our Lady. He came to leave us with a cross on our map, but he did not get to because of violence in Northern Ireland Visit of Pope John Paul II did not get to Northern Ireland.

25 Many Irish Catholics hope that the Vatican will permit the remains or relics of Pope John Paul II to revisit Ireland to celebrate his first historic visit and thus assist fulfill the seven mysteries of both the joys and sorrows of his Mystical Mother, The Madonna of Ireland.

26 Stay Awake Ireland Knock! Knock! 1985 Marian Quakes July 1985 It was one of the wettest summers in Irish history until it was outrained in the summer of From Ballinspittle, Co. Cork came the first reports then from Mount Mellory in Co. Waterford. Ireland stood still, the worlds media descended upon the country and many thought Our Lady would finally appear to follow through on her silent appearance in 1879 in Knock with an audible message, but it was not to be so. A 17 year old in Ballinspittle reports to have witnessed a statue of The Madonna shake violently and then rise and levitate (float). Many said it was a warning about a future earthquake. Soon many other witnesses see the same phenomena and it is repeated for days. Testimony is the same; the statue moves and seems to float in the air. People of all backgrounds could see the miracle but could not explain it. The Statue in Ballinspittle was concrete and one local Sergeant even went back the next day after he saw it move to check that it was not performed by magic. The statue was deeply embedded in the ground and he knew there was no way it lifted and replaced itself. The Church remained tight lipped, the people of Ireland prayed but with no actual apparition, vision or message the people were laughed at and the Irish; now getting bored with all the talk soon forget the moving statues and file it away with their forgotten memories of Knock. Not a clever move.

27 August 5 th 1985 ( ) ( ) (4-23) (4-5) (9) Two young local girls, Rosemary O Sullivan and Marie Vaughan cycle frantically away from a grotto in their home town of Gortaneadin, Co Cork. The grotto was built in 1969 in accordance with the wishes of Mary McCarthy, a young local girl whom had visions with Our Lady in the area which was mentioned earlier. Before the girls stood a glowing figure cast in beautiful light. The girls describe the vision as being three dimensional and after watching it in awe for a few moments they left in fear. The girls spoke of their experience to the elder sister of Rosemary. The girls seemed unable to get their words out so excited and confused were they. It became apparent that something had occurred to the two young children. They were advised by her sister to return to the grotto the next day at the same time in order to see if the same would happen again. All this occurred on the feast date of Our Lady of Snows. The construction of this grotto is similar in story to that of the construction of the Church of Saint Mary Major in Rome. August 5 th is also dedicated to the construction of this church and to Our Lady of Snows. August 6 th 1985 ( ) (6-8-23) (14-5) (5-5) (1) The two girls return to the grotto and although nervous they begin to recite the rosary. Our Lady appears to them and says just one word Peace. Thus began a series of apparitions with Our Lady that lasted until February Our Lady called for the people of Ireland to remember the Ten Commandments, the sanctity of marriage and the importance of prayer penance peace and church. Our Lady was following through on the message to Ireland that Pope John Paul II delivered in 1979 and which the Irish were beginning to ignore as materialism crept into their society. In the same Grotto between June 25 th 1986 and March 25 th 1987, Mary Casey, a local housewife reports to have had 81 visions with similar messages of those given to the two girls. There was a sense of urgency in the messages to pray for the conversion of sinners and Our Lady announced that everything was going according to her son s plan for Ireland. What plan was that many asked?

28 May 3 rd 1987 ( ) (8-25) (8-7) (15) (6) Noreen Reddington a professional nurse had always prayed and hoped that the many apparitions that had occurred would be believed. She often prayed for a sign that everyone would believe. This day was none other than the feast day of the Queen of Sorrows and Queen of Poland. At about 4:44pm she arrived at the grotto and began to pray the rosary. With priests and witnesses present she testified to having witnessed a silent apparition of Our Lady. The apparition lasted about 15 minutes and at the end of it a loud noise occurred which all present could hear. Following this a flame appeared from the chest of Our Lady, the flame moved up and down and over each of her shoulders. In 1994 a visitor from Derry, P Rosh, reports to have received the following message at the grotto: "My Children: I welcome you here to Gortaneadin Grotto. I have waited for you to come so that I could give you these words of Love. I wish people to come here for I have so many blessings to give them. The Father has allowed me to be here for an allotted amount of time. Because I do not speak now does not mean that I am not here. Many people will forget after a while that I am still waiting for the prayers I asked for. This place is holy and blessed by God, The Father. We await many prayers for these will be included in the salvation of the world. I give you this message so that when you begin your journey out into the world, then this place will never be forgotten. These shrines throughout the world are but stepping stones towards grace. I wish a series of prayers to begin here. "Say my Rosary that this place will become a place of procession once more. Many healings will take place here because the hand of Jesus has touched the waters in healing. Tell all who need conversion to come here. Conversion is what I am here for. I await their prayers, for much prayer is needed for the approaching times. "I love you. People must come here for healing and for conversion. This is what I am asking of you this day." September 2 nd 1985 ( )(11-23) (11-5) Patricia and Colleen Mcguinness together with their cousin Mary McGuiness, friends Mary Hanley and Diane O Dwyer were on their way to the local shop at

29 9:20pm in Carns, Co Sligo. The girls were walking Diane home who was staying with her Grandfather whilst on a visit from the UK. The girls were singing Be not afraid as they skipped down the road and were also engaged in conversation. As they reached their destination they said their goodbyes and headed home. On their way home the 5 were now 4 and suddenly they notice a wonderful vision in the sky. There were two brilliant figures in white. One was the figure of Our Lady and the other that of Saint Bernadette. Saint Bernadette was looking up at Our Lady. There was a brilliant star to the right of Our Lady s head. Although scared; the girls began to recite the memorare and then they headed home excited and confused. When they reached the home of Mary Hanley, her mother answered the door and before they could even tell her what they saw, she remarked how they all had a glow of light surrounding them. A grotto marks the site of the silent apparition today. Our Lady was leaving a clue. She appeared in Lourdes to St Bernadette, she appeared in Knock and she was telling Ireland to be prepared for an occurrence similar to that in Lourdes. All Ireland had to do was stay true to their devotion to the Mother of the Church and the church itself. Unfortunately we did not listen. In 1985 Our Lady paid several visits to Ireland. We had statues moving during Marianquakes, Apparitions in Cork and Sligo but where would it all lead? Our Lady was trying to keep the attention of Ireland. Stay awake, my statues are shaking, I am not finished with Ireland. I appeared in Knock. The apparition to the girls was a prophetic vision of what was to come for Ireland, its message: Remember Ireland, I appeared in Lourdes to St Bernadette, I will come back and do the same in Ireland one day, be prepared. Note the setting, Our Lady, a grotto and a star over Our Lady s right shoulder. It is quite clear that Our Lady was preparing Ireland. Leaving clues behind her namely those relating to Lourdes. Was Our Lady going to appear to someone in Ireland like she did in Lourdes to Saint Bernadette? Would Ireland finally then receive an explanation for the mystery of light in Knock in 1879? Within years of these occurrences the Irish did exactly what Pope John Paul II advised them not to. They became addicted to materialism and money. Following some horrid sexual abuse allegations at the hands of the clergy and numerous stories about priests abandoning their celibacy, the Irish decided that this was their ticket out of the church and they embraced their new found wealth with open arms. Whilst they turned their back on the church and its teachings in record numbers and left the church pews empty, they also left their belief in God and morals in their empty seats which was not a great move as they were to find out. The Irish decided they had enough of catholic living and their

30 government gave them an economy which they were not used to and unable to handle. Traditionally an agricultural country, the land became valuable and soon new cities and towns were appearing everywhere. Not content with owning one house many bought several properties in order to cash in. Equity release and trading up replaced talk of a second coming. With no spiritual guidance they slowly but surely lost their faith which was the very foundation of their country brought to them by St Patrick. Although some turned their back on God and the church they certainly continued to celebrate St Patricks Day by drinking, totally oblivious to the fact that their nation was headed towards disaster. Divorce became legal and thus began this nations downward spiral. They turned their back on God and their history and decided they knew what was best for them. Everything their forefathers and ancestors had fought for was going down the drain. It was a chance for the Irish to practice their faith with pride after centuries of torment from the British. The catholic heritage their ancestors fought hard to maintain was slowly slipping away. The Celtic Tiger years brought with them great prosperity, jobs were in abundance as too was money and the Irish embraced materialism at its best. Drink, drugs and poor diets became their stable way and in a matter of years their society became corrupted. Violence, murders and suicides wreak havoc in every major city with alcohol and drugs cited as the cause. Broken families as one English judge said is as big a threat as global warming to the world. The Irish society faces a grim battle as they experience the side affects of embracing materialism. The spanner was then thrown in the works when the economies of The UK and USA began to crumble. The Irish Government failed to warn their people that the good times they experienced were based on other countries strong economies. In 2007 house prices began to fall and many found they owed more to the bank then their house was actually worth. Job vacancies were replaced with layoffs and March 2008 saw the highest rise in unemployment ever. Food prices rose and of course the people became confused and could not understand where their once strong pseudo safe economy was gone. Nobody had warned them and God was hitting the Irish where it hurts, in their pockets. The Celtic Tiger years were heralded as a great success by the Irish Government but in reality it showed the world how to ruin a nation. It taught the people to spend and borrow beyond their means. People were defined by what car they drove, where they lived, what they wore, how many houses they owned and how many sexual partners they had. People became superficial and cared only what others saw of them externally all the while internally their souls were switched off. The people unable to cope turned to various addictions, who wouldn t? Basic Christian morals abandoned as too were beliefs in a Second Coming. Move over God make way Celtic Tiger.

31 Although men and women still married they neglected their parenting duties as working hard became priority to keep their materialistic lifestyle going. As a result children were left in creches. Children need their parents around them as role models and as a result the Celtic Tiger years spawned a new generation of children that didn t attend mass, ignored the sabbath and under age sex, drink and drugs became acceptable to them. Most would look at you like you had two heads if you asked them about the second coming and look at you as though you had three heads if you asked about the first coming. Irish women who traditionally stayed at home to look after the children in a Motherly capacity joined the worldwide crusade to prove women are equal to men. Instead of being companions to men they became competitors and wanted to prove Women are better then Men. When you set out to prove you are equal to a man it means you do not believe you are. In God s eyes we are all equal and you do not need to prove this to anyone. Women have a calling as too do men and men are differant to women as women are differant to men. Neither sex is better than the other. We just have differant callings. If you decide to have children your priority should be to be around them as much as possible to ensure their well being. If your lifestyle doesnt allow for this then perhaps the lifestyle needs to change. If God graces you to be with child then you should repay him by taking care of Gods child. Mary The Mother of God didn t set out to prove she was better than or equal to Joseph nor did she seek a career and leave Jesus in a creche. She followed her calling as a woman and was obedient to her husband and God. As more and more people followed the materialistic way of life they found themself unable to fulfil basic marriage principles and broken families cripple this country. Lost souls were marrying lost souls and producing more lost souls. People got married because it was the done thing and not because they had found their soul or soulmate. The wedding after party became the focal point of a marriage ceremony and not the committment the couple were undertaking on front of God. Cyberspace became the new world for many yet people failed to realise that you will not find love online but you will find lost souls looking for love. Cocaine became as common as having an alcoholic drink which was very common for the Irish. The Celtic Tiger years will go down in history as the despiritualisation of one of the once finest Catholic Countries in the world. Post Celtic tiger Ireland has many people walking around in complete shock. To say the country is in deep denial about their problems is an understatement. Although the Irish are known the world over for their drinking abilities, their love for alcohol would eventually catch up with them. Greed took a hold and evil became widespread but the Irish think they know better and can continue in their faithless society. The churches remain empty, the bars, shops and fast food outlets remain full as they try to eat, shop and drink their way out of this mess. In March 2009 with 11% of the workforce out of work their near to collapse Fianna Fail party who brought the country into rancid territory announce an

32 emergency budget in the hope it would appease the countries crippling situation. Tax payers are hit left right and centre in order to bail the government out of the mess and they are also required to bail out banks. Many of these banks had been robbing from their customers for years and still the tax payers were robbed even more by having to bail them out. Whilst the tax payers complain many believe if you attend the party it is only right you clean up afterwards. The cost of purchasing toxic debt from the banks was to the tune of 90 billion euro. With a population of circa 4 million people that was one expensive party and one big hangover. If only they listened to the words of the Pope in When the Celtic Tiger ran he left a tornado behind him. Many believe the demise of this countries economy will also be the demise of the once highly popular Fianna Fail party and rightly so. Many are already calling them Fianna FALL. The country also looks set to eventually leave the EU. In 2008 they rejected the Lisbon treaty after being bullied by the French President into voting YES but the Irish stood their ground and voted No. As Pope John Paul II agreed with the then Cardinal Ratzinger : The European Union Charter is a Godless document that would cause moral and social harm to families. Nowhere can this statement ring truer then in Ireland. Many Irish people are annoyed at how much of their country they have lost to the EU including their native language and currency. Many believe it is just a matter of time before this once fine nation breaks free and becomes an Independent unified 32 county country of peace and neutrality and they set the example for the world at how God expects a country to live in peace and harmony. No doubt God will reward them for same. 22 years after her 1985 appearance The Queen of Ireland, Our Lady of Knock would announce her presence in The Emerald Isle once again and offer a full explanation with regards to her many mysterious appearances. On October 16th 2007 a young man In Navan, Co Meath reports to have received the first secret of Navan given to him during a vision with Our Lady. He describes the vision : Our Lady appeared beside the statue in the rosary garden of St Mary s church. There was a big bright star over her right shoulder and St. Bernadette at her feet. It was during this very vision that Our Lady revealed to him the First Secret of Navan and details of The Second Coming. October 16th of course the same date that Pope John Paul II announced to the world the new mysteries of the rosary entitled The Mysteries of Light. July 2002 The moving statues phenomena had quietened down. Providence was ready to yet again capture the attention of the Irish. In inner city Dublin, two removal men who were working on clearing out a building report a statue of Jesus they were carrying was lifted out of their arms. The men report that as they were removing the statue to a skip it literally jumped out of both of their hands. The sky then darkened and a picture frame that was in the skip was mysteriously

33 caught in a gust of wind and made its way towards the two. It was the only thing in the skip that got blown out of it. The two men describe the scene as something out of the movie Omen where a man has his head cut off by a pane of glass. We had to duck quickly to avoid the frame. The statue, which was broken before any of this occurred then omitted a rose scent. A local man that took pictures then found there was a Christ like image superimposed on the negatives when he had them developed. The Catholic Church remained tight lipped and neither doubted nor supported the claims. They were staying true to their form, Knock had caused the Church much puzzlement and every report of Marian apparitions since was not claimed as valid but neither was it denied. The Church knew that if these occurrences were true that Our Lady was sending Ireland a message to stay alert. Be on your guard Ireland! The Church stayed true to their faith in a time when their pews were empty knowing one day that Our Lady would stay true to her promise that In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Two men do not make up stories about a statue jumping from their hands and a picture frame nearly decapitating them because they know they will be laughed at. They told the truth but they were still laughed at by some, Providence was leaving another clue in Ireland. The Church knew things were heating up. Whatever role Ireland played in the Second Coming was going to happen sooner rather than later but unfortunately the Irish would not be ready. The Celtic Tiger years destroyed the faith of the Irish and it is only today in 2009 that we can see what happens when a country abandons it s belief in God and opts for a society based on materialism. Whilst it is ok to have material items in your life it is also ok to have a belief in God but the Irish and many other countries didn t get the balance right.

34 Picture of Celtic Tiger running. The Beast comes in many forms and leaves behind him a flock of lost lambs. Picture of lost lambs.

35 THE LAST COMING OF CHRIST VATICAN CITY, APR 22, 1998 (VIS) - In today's General Audience in St. Peter's Square, the Pope said that, while we are moving towards the Jubilee of the Year 2000, we are invited "to look forward, in the hope of the second coming of Christ at the end of time." "The passion, death and resurrection of the Lord are the supreme event of the history of humanity.... The resurrection of the dead which we hope for at the end of time, plays an important role now, in the spiritual resurrection, the primary objective of the work of salvation. This involves the new life given by the Risen Christ, as the fruit of his redeeming work." John Paul II went on to say that Christian eschatology is "a historical process which has already begun and which is moving towards fullness. The apocalyptic images of the eschatological discourse of Jesus concerning the end of all things must be interpreted as being symbolic. They express the precariousness of the world and the sovereign power of Christ who holds the destiny of humanity in his hands. History is moving towards its end, but Christ has given no chronological indicator. However, the attempts to predict the end of the world are illusory and misleading. Christ has assured us only that the end will not arrive before his saving work has reached its universal dimension, through the proclamation of the Gospel." "The Father gave to Jesus the 'power to judge, because he is the Son of Man'... that is, a person full of understanding and someone taking on the human condition. Christ is a divine judge with a human heart, a judge who wants to give life. Only the unrepentant root in evil can prevent him from giving this gift, for which he did not hesitate to face death."

36 Jesus I trust in you. The Popes message said it all, whilst he did not know the day or the hour, he knew it was approaching and hoped people would not only listen but also understand and save their soul. Your Judgement depends on your belief now.

37 The Mysteries Of Navan 2007 The Providential mission was not over. The Archangel Mary had another appearance to make in Ireland. Our Lady was no stranger to Ireland having paid it many visits and some of which were clues about Lourdes. Remember in Lourdes Our Lady came from a cave. Navan when translated means Cave and it is in the HEART of the Royal County of Meath. It is also spelled the same front and backwards. It is truly unique and is why Our Lady chose it to announce the ascension and crowning of Pope John Paul II in heaven and his Sainthood amongst other things like fulfilling Isaiah by giving Birth in the New Jerusalem, God s Holy City without going into labour. Whoever heard of such a thing?... St Mary s Church, Navan, Co Meath. On September 15 th 2007 a local man in his 30 s advises the church via that he began a 30 day rosary as requested to do so by The Archangel Michael. His 30 day Rosary began on September 13th and ended on October 13 th and he informed the Church via a drawing that he had witnessed a vision. The vision involved a rainbow of lights, a dove, some angels, Pope John Paul II and Our Lady. He also told the church he wished to remain in silence about his visions as they were ongoing. He simply wanted to let the church know that he was experiencing something out of the ordinary. The church were informed it had something to do with The Mysteries of Light. The church were also informed that the world needed to prepare for chastisements like they had never experienced before. As is natural he was doubted until the chastisements became reality. The church and its grounds are a walking museum dedicated to Our Lady and her mystical son, Pope John Paul II. The church has a grotto dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help who of course looked over Pope John Paul II. There is a Jubilee garden that has a cross made of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark. This of course is the same description given by St Lucia of a cross she saw in the 3 rd secret of Fatima. The visionary in Navan was shown the visions of Fatima in the church grounds. On top of this the visionary was shown the vision of Knock and he informed the church that Pope John Paul II was the third figure in the Knock visions and not St John the Evangelist. The visionary did not consult with the church so nobody could say this was coming from priests for he knew that people doubt the church. He also knew that the church doubts people. The whole church and its grounds are in fact a mirror image of Our Lady s many earthly visits.

38 Navan is dedicated to Our Lady under the title of The Assumption and the dogma of The Assumption is closely tied into the dogma of The Immaculate Conception. It was in Lourdes Our Lady announced she was The Immaculate Conception and now in Navan she is confirming she was also assumed into heaven in both body and soul. In a homily in 2004 in Lourdes Pope John Paul II quoted : Jesus stated, "When I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am, there you may be also" (Jn 14: 3). Mary is the pledge of the fulfilment of Christ's promise. Her Assumption thus becomes for us "a sign of sure hope and consolation". By appearing in Navan Our Lady is confirming she is the sign. Our Lady revealed herself to the visionary as The Queen of Sorrows, Our Lady of Navan and said her appearance would fulfil several past prophecies and that the victory for the Immaculate Heart was in Navan. Our Lady revealed that Knock was to become the home of The Seven Joys of Mary as it is where she announced to Ireland the Second Coming and that Navan is to become the home of The Seven Sorrows of Mary the way of the cross, the 13th station. Our Lady of Navan said that Ireland played a role in both the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of Mary and that the sixth and seventh mysteries of both needed to be fulfilled. The church of course are well aware of Our Lady of Navan through Saint Malachy so there is no need for them to approve an already approved title for The Queen of Ireland. The church of course was constructed in 1839 the same year as Ireland was chastised on the feast of the Epiphany by a mysterious storm. Located in the church grounds is also a Celtic cross that contains the instruments of Christ s passion along with Our Lady on the back of the cross with the words Stabat Mater Dolorosa The Seven Sorrows.Also along the wall of the church is a stone plaque dedicated to the visions of Fatima and another plaque with a memorial garden dedicated to Pope John Paul II. Inside the church there is etched in glass Totus Tuus and the emblem of Pope John Paul II. On top of the altar lies the biggest clue which is The M and Cross from the miraculous medal. It is almost as if this very church was created especially with the purpose of revealing The Second Coming. Amongst other things the visionary gave the church a painting which he was asked to have created that reflects Pope John Paul II being crowned in Heaven being watched over by Our Lady. Another painting reflects the bleeding heart of Saint Padre Pio along with a wonderful crown. The visionary was shown a scapular of protection, the Saint John Paul II Scapular which is blue and yellow in colour and matches his emblem. This Scapular was given to Cardinal Sean Brady who himself was mysteriously elevated to cardinal after the church learned of the visions in October A few weeks after an Irishman is mysteriously Cardinalised; a priest from Navan

39 found himself being promoted also. Msgr Tighe from Navan was working as the Director of the Office for Public Affairs in the archdiocese of Dublin. He was unknown to the world s media until Pope Benedict XVI elevated him rapidly and he is now Secretary for the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. This is the department of The Vatican that handles how they deal with the WORLDS MEDIA. The Vatican had announced two mysterious promotions to Irish men. The Vatican were preparing to announce something big regarding the Emerald Isle and the much awaited Second Coming. Our Lady announced how she played a vital role in guiding Pope John Paul II and bestowed upon him the following titles: Son and Saviour of Ireland, Saint John Paul II (Mystical Son) Father of Poland St Karol of Krakow Prince of Peace Saint Wojtyla of Wadowice. Three titles in one which is said to reflect and remind people of the three in one Holy Trinity.Many people are also referring to the late Pontiff as Saint John Paul II Patron Saint of Peace and Saint of Saints. The visionary says that anyone who visits the church will see it is a Marian Map detailing the second coming and has been under the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Help amongst others. The church and its grounds are the perfect MIRROR image of how Mary is The Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate and MIR = Peace ROR = Return of the Rosario. The visionary was also told by Our lady that she was known as Mary, but now wanted to be known as The Archangel Mary, Queen of all Nations. As Archangels are God s most revered Angels in heaven and are his chief messengers it is befitting that Our Lady who is also a chief messenger of God is given such a title to show just how important she is in heaven and that she can interceed on our behalf just as the angels do. Our Lady is a human that was taken to heaven and given Angelic abilities as a reward for sacrificing her life over to God. This is how she manifests herself on earth as God has given her the ability to do so. The visionary also released a secret which was entrusted to him to release to the people of Ireland and from its reading it would appear there is going to be an Irish Pope and that the chariot of God is back in Ireland. Be on your guard then... Up ye Children of Light!

40 In Gaelic Style the Queen did say, I command thee reader, to halt and pray In times of woe, may you ask from me To guide you in light So that you (ii) may see. The visions of Navan, come true if they will. Therein lies the clue, Mine Eire, be still. I invoke all you Wise ones, To heaven please pray The Chariot of God Is back here to stay. In knock did I see you, from heaven did shine Our Son did we leave you, to save all mankind. Unite in the message; shine forth my bright light, Oh Eireann be still as you hear of your plight. Second Part of The Secret of Navan I am not in Kells, But await, just left, on the road to Trim. Set fire on my chariot, In Summer I shine, In winter I fall,

41 Thirteenth Rays, I am true light my eyes they see all, In Tara we build, The new road of Our Faith? But tis it a destiny to lead to Hells fate? St Patrick, once stood there, On ground, oh so high, Have you got the key? Heavens gate it's nearby, Where the (II) Rivers meet. Joint together, you and I, For Peters, forvision, will see death pass us by. If mysteries are wonderous, Let this one come true, Our faith, be restored, Follow this Wheel (II), for it is but my eye, it spins on my travels, hath stopped! So prosper with Joyous hope In the valley, here am I, St Patrick, I rid evil, Peters Rock lay near by. Beginth with endth A Solstice, at my Throne, now hath he kneel. Its my son, bequest I? I pledge thee Oh wise ones, Leave Tara of Stone, For it still is the seat,

42 Of Merkabas Great Throne. Our past forms our future, Destroy it, we dare, The visions revisit, (iii) fold they will fare. In Jubilous Joy, may you reflect in the light, For the Mystery of pastures, In Royal County lay my plight. With (v) as the number, (iv) winds, they will blow, But my light shall shine on, my Throne I bethrow. In Malachy he sees us, In revelation he pertains, All Gods give one life, In thine own faith is it gained. So join the great Emerald, In war may he shine, leave peaceful souls to rest, & mind will be purified, Then Tara shall be blessed. If Pope be of heritage, and Peace be his proclaim, The path starts at Tara, My victory in this : The faith he hath gain, In prophets lights are near us, O wisdom or disdain. If thrice you did deny me,

43 The first wind is now blowth, take one more chance at peace, for now you have (iii) but to get back to, Ill begotten, Peters Pence is earned. In Victory we surface, A new era thus lies hence. In mystery may you find me of the (iv) in me immence. A (v) is on horizon, oh begin my Jubilee! Oh Crowned King be seated, In me mystify. As (vi) is now (vii) the truth is now nigh. First Secret of Navan The Catholic Church has remained tight lipped thus far about these startling visions and revelations. A full investigation has been ongoing. The Vatican are preparing to make history as they prepare the world for The Second Coming. Now who ever heard of such things????? April 2nd 2009 ( ) (6-11) On this the feast of Our Lady of Light and the 4th anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II and on Vatican letter headed paper, Pope Benedict XVI issues a letter to the faithful of Navan. As the church celebrates its 170th Jubilee year this forthcoming October the Holy Father congratulates them on their faith and encourages them to continue enjoying the rewards and benefits from God and indeed The Mother of God. Without giving Our Lady of Navan their official approval just yet they are indeed preparing the people and making their presence known in Navan.

44 St Mary s Church, Navan, County Meath. Home of The (II) Coming.

45 The Blessed Virgin Of the Stumped. July 8th 2009 ( ) (15-11) (6-11) In what was turning out to be a monsoon July it could only mean one thing and that was Our Lady was back in The Emerald Isle. The Virgin of the Stumped as it became known as locally appeared in the trunk of a chopped down tree in a church in Rathkeale, Co Limerick. The Blessed Virgin appeared holding the child Jesus in her arms to the people. Our Lady clearly preparing the people of the world to be stumped by the news about The Mysteries of Light and Second Coming. Those with faith and whom are prepared can clearly see the Blessed Virgin and child and are stumped that others cannot. If you want to test your faith visit this stump and prepare to be stumped. Rathkeale of course has a street called Thomas Street named after doubting Thomas who refused to believe Jesus was resurrected unless he could see it for himself. There are no coincidences in Providence. If you are on guard then you wont be stumped. It is becoming known as The Parable of the Mother. Its lesson : Don t wait to be stumped. The church chosen is named after Mary Magdelene a once hardened sinner and by appearing in a tree stump Mary is clearly showing her part in the tree of life that nourishes mankind forever. Well done Mary! Needless to say the sceptics and those whom are totally unprepared for the promised Second Coming had a great old laugh failing to realise that he or she who laughs last does indeed laugh longest.

46 Our Lady clearly showing how she is an integral part of The Holy Quarter and truly earning that title of CoRedemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Once again well done Mary! No doubt the faithful of Rathkeale will ensure this tree of life lives on forever.

47 The Victory Of the Immaculate Heart In order for there to be a victory, the map on the back of the Miraculous Medal should be traceable. The Map above shows the clear M when one draws a line from Portugal up through Ireland and Scotland (homes of Irish Saints and apparitions.) One can then connect this line to Rome passing through Belgium which again was the home of apparitions. The next line can be drawn from Rome to Poland as this is where Karol Wojtyla was from. The last line one can draw from Poland to Mount Carmel passing through Medjugorje. The bar going across is the Axis of St Michael and all this is surrounded by 12 countries. The 12 stars. One can also use the line from Ireland to Poland passing through Walsingham, England. The M you form can also be turned upside down to reveal a W for Wojtyla. The top part of the cross is formed of course in Germany as this is where our current Pope is from and on front of it all stands Our Lady of all Nations in Holland. A true victory has been mapped out that nobody can deny. The first star of the new evangelisation came from Ireland. The Queen of Ireland is also the Thirteenth Star. Ireland is almost in the middle of a map of the Globe, the midpoint.

48 Lourdes to Belgium down to Rome up to Poland down to Medjugorje forms an M. The axis of Saint Michael forms the bar and the cross is in Germany for our current Pope. Our Lady of all Nations stands behind the cross in The Netherlands. Upside the down the M is a W and a W is two V s, a true double victory. Ireland over to Russia forms the axis. Lourdes, through Belgium, down to Montichiari, up to Krakow and down to Medjugorje. The cross is placed in Germany for Pope Benedict XVI. The people of the world need to understand that during the Second Coming the mission will be to judge the unfaithful. When the son returns he does not have to prove to anyone who he is, he simply has to fulfill his mission of judging. He is not going to do a whirlwind tour of the world seeking glory or proclaiming who he is. People seeking celebrity status do these sort of things. The bible tells us what to expect during the second coming and if people are so asleep that they do not notice the signs then it just goes to show how ignorant they are towards

49 the bible and the word of God. No doubt he will try warn the people but due to pride, stubborness ignorance and evil forces people will not listen. The Chastisements will speak for themself. It will call for simple wisdom and for mankind to admit they were wrong and seek forgiveness from God which he will grant only if the people come back to him, his son and his church. This will be non negotiable. Providence does not negotiate with disbelievers. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega.

50 In His Own Humble Words 2008 There are many books written about me since I have died and indeed when I was alive but none have captured the true essence of my mission. In simple English so all may understand I lived my earthly life from a very early age knowing that I was not in control of my life but Providence was, just like they control everybody s life. To deny that the secrets of Fatima are important is to accept how sad the world is today. The evidence is there but we refuse to believe it because we are in denial. To believe God exists might make some people lead a more pious life and nobody wants that. Instead we want materialism; we want designer clothes, fancy cars, big houses, big bank accounts at the expense of faith and spirituality. In order to achieve these material things we must lie to ourself and others. We become inhumane and selfish in our quest for our chosen way of life. Addictions, crimes, murders and corruption begin. None of these material things will fast track you to heaven in fact they act as deterrents to your entrance into the kingdom of God. God did not mean for his world to turn out the way it has and will not sit back and watch it being destroyed. God created the world and only God can destroy it. For those of you who do not know me other than my Papacy please understand that on many occasions my life was spared from death. Why would the life of a

51 Polish priest be so protected unless that Polish priest had a mission? When you understand my mission do not let my life be in vain. Listen to my message; it is easier to live in a sinless society. Everyone sins, it is part of life but the more you ask for forgiveness the less likely you are to repeat the sin. The problem occurs when people do not repent their sins and they continue en masse committing sins against themselves and their God given soul. God did not put you on this earth to hurt others, to say nasty things about people and to commit sins. When evil takes over this is where the battle begins. If you are evil to your own soul and do not nourish it you will become an evil person doing evil things that you never thought you were capable of. If you did not hear my word during my earthly life than please hear it during this profound spiritual evolvement period the globe is experiencing thanks to The Holy Trinity and of course the Mother of God. Providence is asserting its power over the Universe that God rules over. The new star of the evangelization is here. I was born to two people that installed in me the importance of prayer and a belief in God. These people, my parents and my brother were taken from me but the strength of prayer kept me going. I was born opposite St Marys Church of Perpetual Succour (Perpetual Help) in Wadowice, Poland. This church is very close to a mystery of light miracle that occurred in 1345 in Poland. I was baptised here and my earthly Mother died here when I was aged 9. To say I grew up around St Mary, her perpetual help and her influences is an understatement. For some reason even back then without me knowing what lay ahead of me I was under her protection. On September 15 th 1926, on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland I began school. When my brother was taken from me I was aged just 13. I remarked to many that it was God s Will. Even at that young age I had a profound understanding of Providence. My brother coincidentally was born on the feast of the Seven Joys of Our Blessed Virgin Mary. My first close brush with death is something I rarely spoke about and did not attribute much importance to it until May 13 th I was aged 10 or 11 and I had one of those déjà vu moments that we all experience but discount or write it off. I was in a small local restaurant beside our home run by the Banas family. My Father would speak with Alojzy Banas the owner whilst I would play with his son Boguslaw. On this day a policeman had come into the restaurant and taken off his gun belt. Boguslaw picked up the gun and aimed it at me, I stood feet away. I suddenly had a feeling to move slightly to the left as if an inner voice guided me. Unknown to Boguslaw the safety catch was off the gun and as he clicked a bullet was fired. Had I not have moved, guided by that inner feeling to do so I would not have been Pope. The bullet brushed past me. I had that similar feeling in 1981 when I was shot at in St Peters Square. In the book Rise let us be on our way I state that I always had a special devotion to my Guardian Angels namely Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint

52 Raphael. I always felt their very often unmistakeable presence in my life. At the age of 15 I was given the scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and wore it daily thereafter and always felt closely protected by Our Lady. It was 1939, a Friday the 1st of September. I went to confession and then mass. It was during this mass that the air raid sirens went off and the bombs of World War II began to fall. Nobody left the church and we finished mass. It is a day I will never forget for it is the day dedicated to all the feasts of Our Lady and more importantly the war was predicted by Our Lady in Here is what The Nazi Hans Franck wrote about Poland soon after: The Poles have no rights whatsoever. Their only obligation is to do what we tell them. A major goal of our plan is to finish off as speedily as possible troublemaking politicians, priests and leaders who fall into our hands. Failure to obey the Nazis would merit a trip to a concentration camp or a bullet on the spot. A local priest that I knew; Father Kowalski was drowned in human excrement at Auschwitz because he refused to grind a pair of Rosary beads under his feet. The priest that gave me my first Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was beaten to death. 3,500 Polish Priests were sent to concentration camps with less than 1,000 surviving. We left Krakow and headed east only to learn the Russians had invaded. We then headed back to Krakow the lesser of two evils. Here we had to queue from 4am in the morning for a simple lump of stale bread whilst the German only shops had full shelves. We the Poles fought on. Our Universities were ransacked so our teachers taught us in secret. In order to avoid deportation I worked in a quarry. I will never forget that freezing cold day in February 1941 when I returned home to find my bedridden Father had died. I stayed with him all night and prayed to his soul. I had never felt so alone in my life. I was now aged 19. It was here I began to pray lying prostrated on the floor with my arms stretched out like the shape of a cross. I joined forces with a group of young men that were called The Living Rosary and I was introduced to the writings of St John of the Cross. It was also around this time that my Marian devotion truly began. I tried to become less reliant on utilising Our Lady as a vehicle to get me in touch with Christ but soon realised it is through her that we are led to Christ. At this time I was writing much poetry and doing much acting. Many people often said I should become a priest but the thought truly did not register with me. What kept me and the others around me alive were our constant visions and discussions of what Poland would be like once liberated. It was in the autumn of 1942 that I truly understood my calling and decided after much deliberating to enter the Priesthood. I told nobody and began my

53 training in complete secrecy. It was a huge weight off my mind when I made this decision, it was as though my soul became illuminated. By now I was working at The Solvay Chemical plant whilst engaging in secret studies on Theology and Philosophy and training in secret to become a Priest. February 29 th 1944 was the day that changed my life forever and it is where I truly understood my calling. This truly was my wake up call. Ironically enough in a leap year we are given one extra day thanks to Pope Gregory and look what happened to me ( ) ( ) (11-2-9) (11-11) I was walking home from a double shift at the chemical plant. I was focusing on mental prayer and clutching my Rosary, always in my pocket in case I was seen with it. A German lorry knocked me down, ran me over and left me for dead on the roadside lying in a kerb covered in blood. A woman travelling on a tram noticed my body. I lay there aged 24, unconscious and bleeding and this lady helped me. A German officer driving by in a car noticed the lady and stopped to assist. Noticing I still had a pulse the German thankfully did not search my pockets as was custom but rather he flagged down a passing timber lorry and ordered the driver to take me to hospital. Before he did this he asked the lady to collect some water to wash away the blood. The water was muddy just like that water which St Bernadette of Lourdes uncovered. After a nine hour coma I awoke with severe concussion and a shoulder injury. I was left with my head bandaged and my arm in plaster. It was during this time that I began to realise all things happen for a reason. I examined where I was going in my life and used the recuperation period to focus on my calling. I truly believe I was knocked down so that I would take time out to reflect on where my path in life was heading during recuperation. I would also urge anyone that is struck down with serious illness suddenly to take stock, there is a message there somewhere, possibly a red flag for you to change your lifestyle and examine your life but only you will know. Also in 44 I Was knocked down by a streetcar. On August 1 st 1944 there was an uprising in Warsaw mainly consisting of young men. On August 6 th the Gestapo swept through Krakow and took away anyone capable of resistance. When I heard of this I had no time to run. I simply went down into the basement fully aware the soldiers would come in and search the premises from top to bottom. I hid behind a door clutched my Rosary and prayed to The Heavenly Mother. I heard the soldiers enter the house and go up the stairs. I knew it was only a matter of time before they came into the basement. They suddenly left without checking the basement and my life was spared. The Archbishop moved 10 of us into his residence. He knew he needed

54 to train a new batch of priests that would rebuild the ravaged Catholic Church in Poland. In early 1945 the Germans retreated and ran from the Russians. Even upon retreat they caused damage and blew up the main bridge in Krakow. The building that was once a seminary was ransacked but we went to reclaim it and rebuild it. My task was to chop up the frozen excrement left in the buildings toilets and cart it away before I began assisting with restoring the roof. Soviet domination then began that would last 40 years in my homeland. On October 13 th 1946, the feast day of the Miracle of the Sun I received my sub-diaconate and on November 1 st, All Saints Day, I was officially ordained a priest and soon thereafter I was sent to Rome where I would complete my doctoral studies. By the end of December I was residing in the Belgian College in Rome. In 1947 I went to see Saint Padre Pio and he heard my confession. What an experience it was to have this fine messenger of God hear my sins. Padre Pio I send you my guardian angel without you knowing you have just invoked his assistance. Padre Pio was a gifted mystic and blessed with the Holy Spirit. One can never go wrong when calling upon him for assistance; he is a true Prince of the church. Also in 1947 I travelled to France, Belgium and Holland. When I left Rome in 1948 having completed my doctorate I took with me a profound vision of the future of the church. I was then posted to a country village parish in Poland called Niegowic. I arrived there full of passion, my belongings included one change of clothing, a bible and some books. From here I was then posted to St Florians parish in Krakow a place where one day I hope to revisit should my last will and testament be adhered to. When questioned about my vow of poverty I always remained humble regarding it. The less you have in life, the less you need. There is a sense of freedom in knowing that all you own can fit in one suitcase with room to spare. People that have too much always want more hence greed arises. Materialism is an addiction as many are finding out the hard way and too stubborn to accept. There is no room in heaven for fancy cars or other materialistic items. In 1950, Communism swept through and did its best to destroy Catholicism in Poland. It was gut wrenching to see but it was prophesised in 1917 in Fatima by Our Lady so it was of no surprise. Together we spent years in suppression though carried on knowing one day our work would be rewarded. My experiences under the atheistic communists led to me publishing Love and Responsibility, it was all I could do to assist my countrymen. At the age of 38 I received the most astonishing news of my pastoral career. Out of the blue I was appointed a Bishop on July 4 th, the feast day of Our Lady of all Miracles. So shocked was I that Pope Pius XII would elevate me at such a young

55 age that I almost refused the position. Immediately I went to a local Ursuline Sisters convent and prayed to Our Lord, even back then I had a feeling that this posting was a direct result of intercession from Providence. My ordination took place on September 28 th 1958, a day before the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and twenty years before the death of Pope John Paul I whom I succeeded. In 1959 I was very excited when I learned about the Second Vatican Council. It would give me a chance to submit my thoughts on paper on how we could shape the church on a global scale and bring it into a new era. My first paper was submitted entitled The Crisis of Humanism. I would read this submission time and time again throughout my Papacy. My first experience of a true miracle directly associated with my intercession occurred in Wanda Poltawska at the age of 19 was taken by the Gestapo to Ravensbruck concentration camp just outside Berlin. Amongst other atrocities she experienced she was injected with diseased bacilli into her bone marrow just to see how her body would cope. I prayed for her throughout this period. Three years later she was found amongst hundreds of bodies at this concentration camp skeletal but still alive buried under other dead bodies. Wanda promised herself that if she ever got out of this camp she would follow into the path of medicine. We became good friends some years later. When in 1962 I learned she had cancer I immediately wrote to Padre Pio asking for his prayers for her. When Wanda was admitted to hospital to have this cancerous tumour removed from her neck the operation was cancelled because the doctors could no longer find the tumour, it had disappeared. I again wrote to Padre Pio thanking him for this miracle. Wanda went on to assist me in many ways throughout my Papacy. I found myself travelling throughout the world in the late 60 s meeting many Cardinals and Bishops, looking back this was Providence ensuring I got used to travelling knowing that one day I would travel the world. I was elevated to Cardinal on June 26 th 1967, one day before the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help whom guided me since my baptism in her church. By the 70 s I had travelled to USA, Canada, Australia and across Europe which back then was unusual but everything happens for a reason. I was always reminding communist authorities that their days were numbered. As a result the Communists had my residence bugged, my car tailed and when they really wanted to send me a strong message to stay quiet they would beat up priests in the diocese. On August 6 th 1978, The Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ, Pope Paul VI died. I remember remarking to myself that providence had chosen this date for a reason but as usual with providence the reason sometimes becomes clear right

56 away or can take many years to fathom. Just look how long it took the prophecies of Fatima to come true! On August 26 th 1978 we elected Cardinal Luciani of Venice as Pope John Paul I. It was during a half moon just as the Irish Bishop St Malachy had predicted in his prophecies and his death occurred also during a half moon. Providence was preparing us for something big. On the 28 th September, the 20 th anniversary of my consecration as a bishop I attended a party thrown by some friends. It was during this party that I began to thank them all for their friendship; I felt it was what I must do; it was as though I knew I would not be seeing them in the same capacity for quite some time. On September 29 th 1978, the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael; the angels that guided me all my life, I received the news that the Pope we elected had died only 33 days into his reign on St Peters throne. I knew that something was up and I prayed for guidance. Providence; when they want someone s attention use dates that have meaning. On October 13 th 1978, the feast of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima 1917 I received devastating news regarding a close friend, Bishop Andrezej Deskur. He had suffered a massive stroke and I went to visit him in Gemelli hospital, Rome. Providence once again was bringing my attention to Fatima and The Gemelli hospital on this date, but why? When I was elected Pope I was truly shocked. Indeed there were some Cardinals in conclave that could not even pronounce my name nor did some know anything about me. I had not even considered a papacy title and when asked what name I would chose it came out like it was well planned Pope John Paul II in honour of those men whom had passed before me. Whilst many of you know about my Papacy, the most important date for me was May 13 th 1981, The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, a Second Coming of sorts. Providence wanted my attention. I did not speak to anyone about this but I remembered that day way back when I was in the restaurant playing with my young friend and he discharged a bullet and I suddenly felt the guided urge to move milliseconds before a bullet was accidentally fired. I began to realise that this was a prophecy back then to warn me that I would be shot and saved in later life. Providence you must understand works in mysterious ways. I also began to remember how a lady saved my life when I was run over in 1944, this too a prophecy to me. Two near death experiences involving a bullet, an injured arm and a lady saving me. History was repeating itself and Providence had my full attention. I would urge all those people that doubt in miracles to read chapter 20 of the book Universal Father. I forgave my assassin instantly, offer forgiveness and receive peace. Carrying around anger blocks the spirit and soul. I later went to visit my assassin in jail, whilst we had a private discussion which

57 will remain private; it is no secret that he was eager to question me about the content of the third secret of Fatima. Somehow he knew his aim was correct so he wanted to know how I did not die. Like the doctors who could not explain my survival nor the mysterious healing of my hand, this assassin could not understand how I survived. In 1944 when I was left for dead I felt back then that the accident had occurred in order to give me time during recuperation to reflect on where I was going. When the body is rendered useless due to illness there is a message there awaiting to be heard. I ignored the message and I insisted on being released from hospital to get back to work after being shot. Like any other human I refused to accept I was sick and needed time to recuperate. I soon found myself back in Gemelli Hospital. I had received contaminated blood. It was during this illness that I began to put the pieces of the puzzle together and of course with the guidance of the Mother of God I was made fully aware of my mission. I was shot at and survived as a child. I was left for dead and saved by a lady in On October 13 th, the feast of the Miracle of the Sun, 3 days before I was elected Pope I found myself in Gemelli Hospital and now in 1981 I am shot at on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. The clues were leading me to the Mother of God. I still at this point had not read the third secret of Fatima. When eventually I read that third secret during recuperation, well what can I say? A man dressed in white similar to a Pope is shot at, and then attacked with a knife of sorts. He walks around preaching to the world and when he dies so too do many others after his death. This coupled with the vision of hell and the request for Russia to be consecrated left me with the most difficult task of my life. I had to accept that I had a new task during my papacy to fulfil. I also did much reading on other Marian apparitions such as Lourdes and Knock in Ireland. I could not but help remember the speech I made when I visited Knock I am at the heart of my pilgrimage. I realised that no amount of thinking would bring answers. When The Mother of God was ready she would reveal more to me. I did not reveal the text of the third secret because it needed to be fulfilled in order for its meaning to be understood. I also realised that I must die and other things happen after my death before the prophecy was completely fulfilled. All I could do was fulfil Our Lady s request and let Providence do the rest. When I was attacked in Fatima in 1982 by a man yielding a knife I realised that I was that Bishop dressed in white in the third secret of Fatima. The rest is history. The world is aware of my work and my writings. I delivered the word of God to the world and all I could do was hope that it registers with the people that Karol Wojtyla was chosen by Providence and protected for a very good reason. That reason was to fulfil biblical prophecies with regards to the

58 Second Coming of Christ. We all sin folks, we all make mistakes and God understands this but the world must make amends. The world has a profound opportunity to seek forgiveness and receive peace. With this in mind, the people of the globe may now understand why I made 104 pastoral visits around the world and within Italy 146. As Bishop of Rome I visited 317 of the 333 parishes. I wrote 14 encyclicals, 15 apostolic exhortations, 11 apostolic constitutions and 44 apostolic letters. On top of this I published 6 books, canonised 482 Saints and beatified 1,338 Blesseds. I am hoping now that people begin to understand my mission they will also understand why I was so busy making so many Saints, there is a Saint for everyone in there somewhere! Ireland has many new ones. Guided by Providence to do so in order to prepare for what lay ahead, remember we look for the resurrection of the dead and the light of the world to come. Amen. I would urge you all to read my Last Will and Testament once again which will be better understood now and allow me to be resurrected and allow my relics to tour the world once again so that those that missed my mission the first time, can truly understand it during this my (II) coming. I also look forward to the prayers and masses I requested within my will and eventually should my fellow Cardinals of Poland decide to, I would very much like to return to my Homeland. I have no doubt that following this, World Peace will truly surface as you begin a new era of Christian evangelization. I wish to announce the Seven Joys and Sorrows of The Blessed Virgin. I would also urge every Country to read the various homilies and speeches I made within their land as these will be better understood today for this is what God wanted. With regards to my relics touring the world I would like very much to visit all countries which will receive me. With regards to Ireland I would very much like during my (II) coming to visit Armagh, a place I never made it to during my earthly life and finish off my cross. Lastly how fitting it would be to also announce the declaration of the fifth and final Marian Dogma now that the world truly knows that indeed The Mother of God is The Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate and in order to celebrate this my second coming I would like to bestow upon the Queen of Ireland the title Queen of Joys and the new mystery of the rosary The Mysteries of the Mother. May God reward you all. Totus Tuus P.S. Young people of Ireland, I still love you and May God hold you all in the hollow of his hands.

59 Announcing The Fifth Mystery of The Rosary : The Mysteries of the Divine Mother. The Fifth Mystery of the Rosary The Mysteries of the Divine Mother The first mystery of the Divine Mother: Mary as the Mother of God (Theotokos) Every Mother gives body to the child she bears; God gives the body the soul. It is in this way that Mary gave the body to Jesus but God gave him a divine soul. Mary through the intercession of The Holy Spirit was able to give body to Jesus whilst God gave him his soul. The soul given to Jesus was Gods soul so in giving birth to the body that contained Gods soul she became the Mother of Gods soul on earth not to be confused with giving birth to God. Jesus was therefore two people, son of Mary as she gave him his earthly body but as he was also the son of God because he had Gods soul on earth she also inherently was therefore The Mother of God. God came to earth through both Mary and Jesus. Whilst Jesus was alive so too was God so Mary became the Mother of his earthly body and of his soul. Once again through the intercession and wishes of God, The Archangel Mary was able to give Motherly protection to Pope John Paul II. The Second mystery of The Divine Mother: The Immaculate Conception Conceived through natural methods to St Anne and St Joachim, the conception was without original sin and with the plenitude of Divine Grace. Born pure and without the ability to sin. As the angel Gabriel announced Hail Mary, Full of Grace. We on earth were not given this ability so all we can do when we sin is

60 repent to either Mary who will redirect our sins to Jesus or directly through Jesus Christ. We do this through confessional. God understands that we all sin but when we ask forgiveness he truly forgives. Ask forgiveness receive Peace Pope John Paul II said. The Mother can wipe away and cleanse the soul if requested to, a gift given to her by God in return for remaining pure so she can partake in the Redemption of Mankind. The Third mystery of The Divine Mother: Mary as the Ever Virgin. Before giving birth and after giving birth Mary remained as always the pure and ever virgin, chosen by God to fulfil his mission. This mission is now coming true and this is proof of her virginity. She was willing to sacrifice herself to God as asked to and now God is coming back to reward The Queen of Heaven for sacrificing her earthly life. The fourth mystery of The Divine Mother: Mary as the eternal guide to The Mysteries of Light. As Mary had never sinned throughout her earthly life it was befitting that she be assumed into heaven both body and soul, the reward for carrying out the divine mission she fulfilled. It is a reminder to us all of the glory that awaits us when our time has come. Mary remained unstained in a world full of temptations and was therefore assumed into heaven in both body and soul. This was the exact path her Son took when he ascended. Therefore it is only befitting that if we follow in her light we will be led to the light of Jesus Christ. Try live as pure a life as possible and when you go wrong repent and ask for forgiveness. By asking for forgiveness you will get peace and led ever closer to the light of The Holy Spirit. The Fifth mystery of The Divine Mother: Archangel Mary as CoRedemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate Mary fully cooperated with God by agreeing to give the earthly body to Jesus at The Annunciation. In doing so she proved she was at one with the redeemer and thus cooperated in our redemption. She suffered with Jesus at the foot of the cross. As Co-redemptrix Mary shows us the supernatural values of carrying the cross of the saviour. As all the graces from The Father and The Son, that flow from The Holy Spirit, do so through Mary this is how she presents herself as The Mediatrix. It is through her constant intercession and through our prayers that we receive these graces. Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs,

61 mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy towards us, and after this exile show to us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary Five mysteries = 59 beads by 5 = 295 prayers. October 22nd = 295 Day of Year.

62 The Second Coming of The Son of Man, The Mysteries of Light. Signs to watch out for : Prophecy Predicted in Will rule with power Isaiah 40:10 Will challenge those worshipping false Isaiah 41:21 Gods Will be a servant Isaiah 42 Will call Israel to listen Isaiah 43:8 Will be assisted by God Isaiah 43:12 Will declare there is only one God Isaiah 44 Will declare God as Creator and Saviour Isaiah 44:22, 45:11 Will make accurate predictions Isaiah 44:26 Will be appointed by God as The Messiah Isaiah 45 Will denounce false Gods Isaiah 46 Will pass Judgement on people Isaiah 47 Will declare God of All Isaiah 48 Will prove there is a Divine Plan Isaiah 48:17 Will be preappointed before he is born Isaiah 49 Will restore Jerusalem and create New Isaiah 49:9, 54:11 Jerusalem Will obey God Isaiah 50:4 Will have a final victory Isaiah 51:6 Bringer of Good News Isaiah 52:7 He will suffer and everyone will be Isaiah 52:13 shocked. Will bring news of Gods Mercy Isaiah 55 and Saint Faustina Prophecies Will be a victory for God against All Nations Isaiah 56 and Prophecies of Our Lady all Nations Will bring healing and relief from God to Isaiah 57:14 the people Everyone can be saved and will praise Isaiah 61:11 God WIll take a Virgin as his bride (Mystical 62:5 bride St Faustina) Will wear red Isaiah 63 Will punish people Isaiah 65:7 Will declare a new era Isaiah 65:17

63 Will Judge Isaiah 66 Will be born in a city to a woman that will Isaiah 66:7 not involve labour. This city will be the New Jerusalem. He will be carried in the arms of his Mother Mary Mother and Son is part of the Tree of Life Mother is The Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, saves the Son and she is labelled Queen of ALL Nations thus the Son she gives birth to is King of ALL Nations. People will witness all this see Gods power and understand his wrath with the people Will appear near Day of Judgement He will judge against those that do not pay staff wages and those who take advantage of widows, orphans and Foreigners, basically anyone that disrespects him and others. The Second Coming and Judgement will happen! Will be Preceded by a man of God with the ability to Baptise him for the forgiveness of Sins Will be himself baptised with water from the Jordan but in a New Jerusalem Will tell people to turn away from their sins quickly! Will heal people and news of him will spread Will teach us new laws, discuss Divorce, Adultery, Revenge, Love of enemy, and how to Pray He will be a sinner and led to temptation like everyone else Will turn away those with no faith or those who reject him Isaiah 66:12 and Prophecy of The Stumped, Limerick. Prophecy of the Stumped Limerick and Akita. Prophecy of CoRedemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate Our Lady of ALL Nations. Isaiah 66:19 Malachi 2:17 and Prophecy St Malachy Ireland. Malachi 3:5 Malachi 4 and St Malachy prophecies Ireland. Matthew 3 Matthew 3:13 Matthew 4:17 Matthew 4:29 Matthew 4 Matthew 4 & Psalm 51 Matthew 7:21 He will cure sicknesses and diseases Matthew 8:17 Will control the weather Matthew 8:27 People will beg and pray he will leave 8:34 their town ( Who wants the Risen Son of Man floating about watching you?) Will use parables 13:35 People will be warned by Angels this is happening. These Angels may look like Humans but will be Mystics guided by the Matthew 13:41

64 Angels of God in their work. St Pio, St Faustina, St John Paul II, The town he emerges from will not Matthew 13:56 respect him. He will ask the world outright Matthew 14:31 Why did you doubt it would happen? It will involve a wedding of sorts Matthew 22 mystical wedding So sure will people be it his him they Matthew 22:45 wont even dare ask him if it is He will suffer while back on earth Matthew 17:25 He will ask himself what level of Faith he Matthew 18:8 has found when amongst us He will appear with great Power and Glory Matthew 21 with his Angels and Saints He will know everything about humans, John 2:23 &John 3:27 he will be super intelligent but it will be a gift from God not his own Knowledge via The Spirit He will tell everyone he is The Second John 3:32 Coming of the Son but nobody will listen to him. God will give him all the power including John 3:34 the Holy Spirit to achieve his mission He will have a lot of authority John 18:19 He will have stigmata to prove it is he the John 6:27 & St Padre Pio. Bread of Life He will give us life John 6:33 He will prove God s Spirit exists John 7:63 He will be hated because of what of what John 7:7 he tells the world People will ask how does this fella know John 7:15 so much about this stuff? Especially seen as he is not a Priest. This question will be asked throughout the Vatican and indeed the world He will cure those living in darkness or John 9:5 Spiritual Blindess as he is the Light of the World He will be an ordinary person that gives John 10:18 his life over to God of his own free will Many will believe in him John 10:42 He will somehow raise a dead man to give John 11:4 glory to God He will bring God glory by telling the John 16:14 people what God told him Will be brought to us by Mary St Columbkille Will be brought to us by Mary Boo of Kells Prophecy Will write a book Book of Kells Prophecy Will be affiliated with St Michael St Padre Pio Prophecy

65 Will battle and crush Satan St Padre Pio Prophecy Will give and be given a crown St Padre Pio Prophecy Will judge and separate the flock St Padre Pio Prophecy Will have Five stigmata St Padre Pio Prophecy Will be Divine St Faustina Will read the Diary of St Faustina St Faustina Will look like the image of Divine Mercy St Faustina & Isaiah 50:6 without the beard Will preach Gods Divine Mercy St Faustina Will shock the world Prophecy La Salette Will be crucified again Prophecy La Salette A Peasant will be Lourde to a cave Prophecy of Lourdes Will Come from Ireland Prophecy Knock 1879 Will be preceeded by a Pilgrim Pope St Malachy Prophecies Will be young and bring people to the St Malachy Prophecies gates Will crush Evil St Malachy prophecies Will promote the Rosary St Malachy prophecies Will be guided by the Spirit St Malachy prophecies Will come from Navan St Malachy prophecies Will be bought at a great Price to give Navan church prophecy glory to God Will be crowned King Secret of Navan Mysteries of Light fulfillment Pope John Paul II prophecy of the rosary Book of Revelation Fulfillment of Messianic & Enlightenment Era will begin as too will the light versus darkness battle of revelation. This is just a sample of what he will do and not complete list.

66 In order to fulfil Isaiah 50:6 many believe the Second Coming of the Son will say this picture is him without the beard. Many are Invited but few are chosen... His Holiness Saint John Paul II Saint of Saints Blessed Trinity, we thank you for having graced the church with Pope John Paul II and for allowing the tenderness of your fatherly care, the glory of the cross of Christ, and the splendour of the Holy Spirit, to shine through him. Trusting fully in your infinite mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary, he has given us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd, and has shown us that holiness is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life and is the way of achieving eternal communion with you. Grant us, by his intercession, and according to your will, the graces we implore, hoping that he will soon be numbered among your saints. Amen. About The Author : If you do not know My Mother, then you do not know me and if you do not know me you do not know the one who sent me nor my Mother.

67 The Madonna of Divine Light Oh Mystical Madonna, Of Divine Pure Light, God s chosen messenger with whom we delight. Let my prayer of devotion be heard up above, May you enshroud this poor sinner with your Light and Love. Ever protect me in night and in darkness, My light be my Angel whom will guide me all day, to serve you Madonna and live your Divine way. Your blessing upon me, God s light will now shine. Oh Madonna of Light Sweet Madonna Divine. Amen. A Panel from the Fresco Painting The Sealing of The Covenant and The Baptism of The Mysteries of Light. It is said anyone who says a prayer to the Madonna of Divine Light will instantly be reborn of The Spirit of God. The Fresco was donated in 2009 to St Marys Church in Navan Co Meath and is to the Eternal Covenant of God what the Commandments were to the Ark of the Covenant; a true reflection of Gods presence here on earth. The Fresco is currently being examined by Vatican Experts in an unknown location and many miracles are already being attributed to its intercession. If they move at their normal pace we will know in 70 or so years.

68 Another panel from the fresco above shows God sending forth his Spirit upon the Divine Madonna and Child of Light. The Fresco is said to omit the fragrance of Linen, Lavendar and Vanilla as the whole Fresco was sealed in candle wax upon Divine instructions the artist received. This is said to reflect the sealing of The Covenant and the fulfillment of the promises of Christ and forthcoming victory for The Immaculate Heart of Mary And Sacred Heart of Jesus.

69 The Covenant of Light The rainbow in the sky was a promise from God to never flood the earth again. Everytime we see a rainbow we should remember God and thank him for this mystery of light. A Rainbow is made of of seven colours. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. What we did not know was that each of these colours also represents and Angel in heaven. When the Son of Man returns he will return as The Mysteries of Light and will reveal to us the Seven Angels of Divine Light as this is the promise of God. These Angels in turn will help defeat Satan and lead us back to Eden and the Tree of Divine Life. All the proof is pointing towards Navan, County Meath as being The New Jerusalem.

70 Angels of Divine Light : Red : Archangel Uriel Orange : Archangel Gabriel Yellow : Archangel Jophiel Green : Archangel Raphael Blue : Archangel Michael Indigo : Archangel Raziel Violet : Archangel Zadkiel

71 The Divine Plan of Providence. God s To Do List 1) Create the universe and mankind. 2) Guide the people through the Holy Spirit and Prophets. 3) Send a Son born to a Virgin woman. 4) Allow Son to teach people how God the Father expects them to live on earth. 5) Allow son to die for the sins of the people. 6) Allow people on globe to lose touch with God, his son and his words of the bible. 7) Allow Satan to penetrate the people and tempt them. 8) Resend Son a second time to save and remind them there is a God before judging them...11:11 9) Judge the people of the world based on their beliefs in God and his Son... 10) Create a Kingdom of God here on earth... Daniel 12:4 :...Close the book and put a seal on it until the end of the world. Meanwhile many will waste their efforts trying to understand what is happening.



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