Lessons for the Leader. Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus. Session at a Glance. Week of July 24, a Application Activities Format: Follow the

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1 Week of July 24, 2011 Lessons for the Leader Paul and Barnabas worshiped through telling others about Jesus. How will you lead worship today? Tell the children the exciting news of Jesus. Read Acts 13:1-3. The five men called prophets and teachers were worshiping God and fasting. The men may have been praying for fellow believers or they may have been praying that God would call people to spread the gospel. God told the men to send Saul and Barnabas to spread the gospel. The church fasted and prayed to make sure God's will was done. These believers were not careless; they wanted to be certain God's will was done. Too often we act hastily in making decisions about spiritual things. Read Acts 14:1-3, God used Paul (Saul) and Barnabas to reach many Jews and Gentiles with the gospel in Iconium. However, Paul and Barnabas also encountered opposition. The men faced many people who disagreed with them concerning the message they preached. Paul and Barnabas used the beliefs and understandings of these individuals as starting points to share about Jesus. Are you discouraged about your worship leadership or other ministry? Renew your commitment to His call where He has placed you. Notice how God affirmed Paul and Barnabas' ministry by allowing them to bear fruit. He also assured them of His presence through the miracles God performed through Paul and Barnabas. God blesses those who are diligent in His service regardless of the hardships. Read Acts 14: Paul and Barnabas left many leaders to continue what they started. The men returned to Antioch and gathered the church people together to tell what God did through them. What has God done for or through you? What do these symbols mean? 1a Application Activities Format: Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus 20-minute Application Activities format. 1 Large Group Only Format: Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large group only format. Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus Bible Passage: Acts 13:1-3; 14:1-3,21-28 Key Bible Verse Teach other people about Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:2 Life Application I can learn missionaries tell about Jesus. Level of Biblical Learning (Community and World) Missionaries tell people about God and Jesus in my country and in other countries. Session at a Glance Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes) Greet Children Explore a Map Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes) Welcome Children Sing "Clap Your Hands" Sing "No, No, No, Never" Sing "Allelu" Pray Define Missionary Find It! Tell the Bible Story Present Offering and Pray Review the Bible Story Use Worship Guides Learn the Bible Verse Make Application Transition Application Activities (20 minutes) Wrap-Up (10 minutes) OK to copy.

2 Introduction to Worship 1aGreet Children Pull It Together Offering container Show children where to place their offerings. 2aExplore a Map Pull It Together Scissors, Giant Game Floor Mat*, brad fastener, safety pin or long paper clip Print "World Map GGFM" and "Color Spinner" (CD). Cut apart and prepare the spinner. Turn mat so pockets are portrait view. Fold mat so only 2 rows show. Insert map pieces into the pockets in numerical order (first row is pictures 1 4; second row, 5 8). Place the mat on the floor. Invite children to spin the spinner and match the color of the spinner to places on the map. Help children say the places. Ask: "Do you think any missionaries are in [name the place]? Missionaries, people who go tell people about Jesus, are found all around the world." Continue: "Paul and Barnabas (BAHR nuh buhs) traveled in Bible times to many places to help people learn about Jesus. Missionaries today travel to places all over the world to help people learn about Jesus." Worship 3aWelcome Children (1 minute) Comment: "We will talk about Paul and Barnabas. These men traveled to many places and taught people about Jesus. God wants everyone to know about Jesus." 4aSing "Clap Your Hands" (DVD, 2 minutes) 5 Sing "No, No, No, Never" (DVD, 2 minutes) 6aSing "Allelu" (DVD, 2 minutes) 7aPray (1 minute) Pray, thanking God for Jesus and for helping us tell people about Jesus. 8aDefine Missionary (5 minutes) Pull It Together Paper, marker, scissors Print Missionary on the paper. Cut apart the word (Mis-sion-ary). Invite three volunteers to hold the papers. Point to and pronounce each syllable. Lead children to say the syllables and finally the word with you. Ask: "What is a missionary?" Encourage responses, recognizing children who give correct responses. State: "A missionary is 'someone who goes to places and tells people about Jesus.' Where do you think missionaries live?" (houses, apartments, all over the world) Conclude: "Missionaries do live all around the world. These men and women want to tell people about Jesus." 9 Find It! (3 minutes) Pull It Together Print Acts from "Bible Books" (CD). Display title. Challenge: "Let's open our Bibles to the Book of Acts so we can read about the first missionaries sent by the church." Allow time for children to look for the Book of Acts, prompting them to notice the titles across the tops of the pages. Say: "The Book of Acts is in the New Testament. It is toward the backs of your Bibles. Keep your Bibles open for our Bible story." 10aTell the Bible Story (7 minutes) Pull It Together Print "Teaching Picture 8 Paul and Barnabas" (CD). Open your Bible to Acts 13 and tell the story. Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus Based on Acts 13:1-3; 14:1-3,21-28 [Display teaching picture.] Paul and Barnabas were teachers who, along with others, taught in the church at Antioch. One day, God told the teachers He wanted Paul and Barnabas to do special work. The other teachers prayed for Paul Paul and Barnabus Told About Jesus

3 and Barnabas. The church people sent the men off to other places to tell people about Jesus. [Remove teaching picture.] Paul and Barnabas became traveling missionaries. Paul and Barnabas traveled to many places and taught about Jesus. In one town, the men went into a synagogue and listened to someone read from the Bible scroll. Paul taught the men more about God and Jesus. When Paul and Barnabas started to leave the synagogue, the people invited them to come back the next week to teach them more about Jesus. During the week, people followed Paul and Barnabas. The people wanted to learn more about Jesus. The next week a large crowd of people came to the synagogue to hear the men teach. Some of the leaders did not want Paul and Barnabas to talk to the crowd of people. The leaders said unkind things about Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas said, "We will tell everyone about Jesus. God wants all people to know that He sent His Son, Jesus." Some people were happy to hear about Jesus. The men told people the good news about Jesus. The same thing happened in another town. Paul and Barnabas left that town. The men traveled to other places and told people about Jesus. In many of the places, Paul and Barnabas helped people begin churches where the people could learn more about Jesus. 11aPresent Offering and Pray (2 minutes) Say: "Our offerings help people learn about Jesus in our community and around the world." Pray. 12 Review the Bible Story (4 minutes) Pull It Together "Teaching Picture 8 Paul and Barnabas" from step 10 Display the teaching picture. Comment: "Paul and Barnabas taught people about Jesus. The men traveled to many places to tell people about Jesus." Invite children to answer the review questions [see Wrap-Up]. Conclude: "Missionaries travel to many different places to teach others about Jesus. God wants everyone to know about Jesus." 13aUse Worship Guides (7 minutes) Pull It Together Worship Guides, pencils, small stickers Distribute materials. Lead children to complete the activities on the Worship Guides. 14 Learn the Bible Verse (6 minutes) Pull It Together Print "2 Timothy 2:2" (CD). Invite six children to stand in front of the group. Tell each child a word or reference from 2 Timothy 2:2, pointing to the words on the paper. Invite the children to say their words in correct order several times. Challenge all children to say the verse with the six children. Comment: "God said we should teach people about Jesus. How can we teach other people about Jesus?" Invite children to name ways they can tell people about Jesus. 15aMake Application (3 minutes) Pull It Together "Missionary" word pieces from step 8 Invite children to take turns placing the pieces in the correct order to make the word. State: "In the Bible we can read, 'Teach other people about Jesus.' 2 Timothy 2:2. We can learn missionaries tell people about Jesus." 16aGo to Application Activities or Wrap-Up Ask Yourself As a result of this session, H what did the children hear? N what will the children know? D what will the children do? Week of July 24, 2011

4 Wrap-Up (Large Group Only Format) 17 Sing "Whoa!" (DVD, 2 minutes) 18 Review (4 minutes) Pull It Together "Teaching Picture 8 Paul and Barnabas" from step 10 and "2 Timothy 2:2" from step 14 Hold both papers facedown in your hand. Invite two children to pull the papers from your hand. Lead each child to recall something about the Bible story or say the Bible verse. Retrieve the papers. Invite more children to pull the papers and tell. Comment: "Paul and Barnabas taught people about Jesus. The men traveled to many places to tell people about Jesus." Conclude: " 'Teach other people about Jesus.' 2 Timothy 2:2. Missionaries travel to many different places in our country and in other countries to tell people about Jesus. God wants everyone to know about Jesus." 19 Play a Game (4 minutes) Pull It Together Giant Game Floor Mat* Print "Review Game GGFM" (CD). Place papers in the mat in correct page number order (pp. 1 5 across top row, 6 10 in second row, and so on). Place mat on the floor. Lead a child to choose a number between 1 and 20 and move that many spots on the mat. Assist the child with reading the paper in the pocket and doing the action or answering the question. Direct the child to sit down. Invite another child to play. Lead children to take turns choosing numbers, moving, and doing the tasks on the papers. 20 Dismiss Children to Parents * Giant Game Floor Mat ( ) may be ordered through LifeWay Christian Resources Customer Service Center at or online at Wrap-Up (Application Activities Format) 17aSing "Whoa!" (DVD, 2 minutes) 18aHighlight Application Activities (2 minutes) Call on several children to tell what they did in their Application Activities. ddarts and Crafts Make Flags dddramatic Play Learn About Missionaries ddgames Play Tag Games ddexploration and Discovery Pretend to be Missionaries Apply: "Our activities helped us learn missionaries tell people about Jesus." 19aReview the Bible Story (4 minutes) Pull It Together "Teaching Picture 8 Paul and Barnabas" from step 10 Display the teaching picture. Comment: "Paul and Barnabas taught people about Jesus. The men traveled to many places to tell people about Jesus." Invite preschoolers to answer the review questions [see below]. Conclude: "Missionaries travel to many different places to teach others about Jesus." 20aLearn the Bible Verse (2 minutes) Pull It Together Print "2 Timothy 2:2" (CD). Display and read aloud the verse. Challenge children to whisper the verse three times in a row (including the reference). Invite several children to say the verse by themselves. 21aDismiss Children to Parents Review Questions About whom did Paul and Barnabas teach? (Jesus) What did Paul and Barnabas become? (missionaries) Where did Paul teach the men about Jesus? (synagogue) Who did not like that Paul was teaching in the synagogue? (the leaders) In what Bible book is today's story found? (Acts) What is a missionary? (someone who goes and tells people about Jesus) Week of July 24, 2011 Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

5 Application Activities Select from the following choices. Each choice is designed for 20 minutes of small group time. Pull It Together Paint stirrers or large craft sticks (1 per child); colored construction paper; scissors; tape, glue, or glue sticks Print "Flags" and "Photos" (CD) and cut apart. Worship Through Arts and Crafts Make Flags Say: "Paul and Barnabas told people about Jesus. Today, missionaries go all over the world and tell people about Jesus. The missionaries serve in different countries. Each country has its own flag. Let's look at some flags from different countries." Show children several flag pictures and ask them to identify the U.S. flag (or other flag). Lead each child to choose a flag to use as a model. Place the materials on the table. Direct each child to create a flag to match his flag picture. Invite children to glue missionary photos to the front of their flags. Give each child a paint stirrer and assist children in attaching the stirrer to the flag. Lead children to clean the area. State: " 'Teach other people about Jesus.' 2 Timothy 2:2. We can teach people about Jesus. We can learn missionaries go and tell people about Jesus. Missionaries live in our country and all around the world." Lead children to wave flags and say, "I can teach people about Jesus." Pray. Pull It Together Globe, fishing poles with magnetic ends, chenille stems, scissors, tape, large container Print "Missionaries" (CD) and cut apart. Cut the chenille stems into halves. Leave for children to make fish or follow directions in activity to make the fish. Teacher Tips Print and cut apart several copies of "Missionaries" so there are many fish to catch. Allow children to take a string of fish home. Tie magnets to dowel rods to create fishing poles. Worship Through Dramatic Play Learn About Missionaries State: "Let's go fishing today. First, we'll need to make some fish to catch. Then, we'll take turns with the fishing poles and fish. We'll catch fish and then I'll help you read the papers hanging from your fish." Lead children in making the fish. d Fold each chenille piece in half and twist the open ends together once, leaving a short tail length. Open the circled area into a fish shape. d Loop the paper strips through the fish and tape ends closed (1 paper strip per fish). Make sure the words face outward. d Pile the fish in a large container or on the floor. Invite children to go fishing. Read different fish strips as children fish. Direct children to "catch and release," putting the fish back in the container to be caught again. Invite children to find places on the globe for you to name. Say: "Jesus said we are to tell other people about Him. Missionaries travel to different places in our country and around the world to tell about Jesus. 'Teach people about Jesus.' 2 Timothy 2:2. We can tell people about Jesus, too." Lead children to clean the area. Pray. Week of July 24, 2011

6 Pull It Together Clear playing area. Worship Through Games Play Tag Games Direct children to sit quietly while directions are given. State: "We'll play three different tag games today. I'll give directions each time we change games. What did we learn about today?" Allow responses. Continue: "We learned about Paul and Barnabas. We learned they were the first missionaries sent by the church. We learned missionaries go and tell people about Jesus. We'll use these words as we play our tag games." Explain each tag game as you play. Change who is It every few minutes. d Crawl Tag Say: "One person is It. It touches people to freeze them. When tagged, you cannot move and must stand with your feet apart. The only way to become unfrozen is for a person to crawl through your legs. Say 'Missionaries tell' as you crawl through the legs. The person frozen answers 'about Jesus' and is unfrozen." d Buddy Tag Explain: "Everyone get a buddy. Buddies will move around the room trying not to be tagged. The buddies who are It can both tag people. You must keep your arms locked together at all times. When tagged, the team must stand frozen. This time we play until each team is frozen." d Amoeba Tag State: "This time, one person will be It to start. When you get tagged, you must link arms with the person who is It or someone linked to It. We will play until everyone is linked together." Say: " 'Teach people about Jesus.' 2 Timothy 2:2. We can teach people about Jesus. Missionaries travel to different places in our country and around the world to tell people about Jesus." Pray. Pull It Together Container, props (Bibles, paper scraps, balls, plastic animals, play doctors' kits, tracts, play food, etc.) Print "Missionaries" (CD), cut apart, and place in a container. Teacher Tip Place the "Missionaries" strips in containers and set in places around the room. Invite children to move to the containers and pull strips to learn about missionaries. Worship Through Exploration and Discovery Pretend to be Missionaries State: "Paul and Barnabas traveled to places and told people about Jesus. The men helped the people as they taught about Jesus. Let's learn some things that missionaries today do as part of their jobs. We can play out some of the jobs." Invite a child to pull a slip of paper for you to read. Assist the child as he prepares props and plays out the task. Direct another child to pull a slip. Repeat this process until each slip is pulled and played out. State: " 'Teach people about Jesus.' 2 Timothy 2:2. We can tell people about Jesus. Missionaries travel to different places in our country and around the world to tell people about Jesus. The missionaries do different jobs as they tell about Jesus." Lead children to clean the area. Pray. Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. OK to copy.

7 Paul and Barnabas Told About esus Acts 13:1-3; 14:1-3,21-28 Week of July 24, 2011 Color in the circle next to each place Paul and Barnabas visited on their missionary journeys. Place an X on the pictures in each row that do not belong. What Is a Missionary? (mish uh ner ee) A missionary is "a person who goes and tells others about Jesus." Who were the first missionaries sent by the church? Paul Barnabas Missionaries go and tell about Jesus. Teach other people about Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:2 Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Worship Guide 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy. The motorcycle and speed boat should be the only pictures with Xs on them. Many of the methods of transporation used in Bible times are still used today.


9 Corbert Gauthier Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus 2011 LifeWay Press of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in the USA. Acts 13:1-3; 14:1-3,21-28

10 Missionaries pick up trash. Missionaries show movies about Jesus. Missionaries teach English to people. Missionaries teach people to grow food. Missionaries teach job skills. Missionaries tell people about Jesus. Missionaries give away Bibles. Missionaries provide medical, eye, and dental care. Missionaries start home churches or Bible study groups. Missionaries give out tracts about Jesus. Missionaries do drama presentations (songs, skits, plays). Missionaries play ball (basketball, soccer, football, rugby, etc.) and lead sports camps. Missionaries run coffeehouses. Missionaries teach people how to raise animals. Missionaries make friends and meet needs. Missionaries teach people about the Bible. Missionaries provide food, water, and shelter. Missionaries give out tents, food, money, and other supplies. Missionaries use sign language to communicate when needed. Missionaries can play music in a variety of places. Missionaries (July 24) 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

11 ALASKA CANADA NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

12 GREENLAND NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

13 EUROPE ASIA World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

14 ARCTIC OCEAN NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

15 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

16 SOUTH AMERICA SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

17 AFRICA INDIAN OCEAN ANTARCTICA World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

18 AUSTRALIA SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN World Map GGFM (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

19 Photos (July 17) 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

20 Teach other people about Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:2 2 Timothy 2:2 (July 24) 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

21 Cut across the dotted line under the spinner. Punch a hole through the center of the spinner. Place a brad fastener through a safety pin (or long paper clip) and through the spinner hole. Spread open the fastener. Use the safety pin as the spinner. No fastener or pin? Loop one end of a chenille stem and twist closed. Place the loop on the center circle of the spinner. Place and hold a sharpened pencil in the center point (through the loop). Invite kids to spin the long piece of the chenille stem. Color Spinner (July 24) 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

22 Australia England Poland Italy Flags (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

23 India China Mexico Spain Flags (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

24 Russian Federation Denmark Israel Japan Flags (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

25 Venezuela Turkey Canada United States of America Flags (July 24) LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

26 START Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

27 What happened in today's Bible story? Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

28 Shake hands with a friend. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

29 Name a book in the Bible. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

30 Say today's Bible verse. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

31 Who were the people in today's Bible story? Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

32 Stand on one foot and count to 10. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

33 What happened first in today's Bibble story? Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

34 Fly an airplane without going anywhere. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

35 Tell something about God. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

36 Link elbows with a friend and turn around. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

37 Name a woman in the Bible. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

38 Tell something about Jesus. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

39 How did the story end? Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

40 Name a man in the Bible. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

41 FINISH Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

42 What did you learn today? Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

43 Flap your arms 5 times. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

44 Name a child in the Bible. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

45 Hug a friend. Review Game GGFM LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

46 Acts Bible Books 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

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