A God Journey COMING SOON!

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2 this 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 1 Thessalonians 5:23 2 Thessalonians 2:1 1 Timothy 6:14 1 John 2:28 Titus 2:11-13 Hebrews 9:28 Lesson #1 In much of the world today, mixed messages are being presented about what the future holds. As storm clouds build on the horizon, hopelessness and fear seems to have gripped even those within the Christian community. In times like these, where is our hope and what is our message? Let s see if God s Word can give us something to look forward to. ANTICIPATION IN THE EARLY CHURCH 1.) Take time to read the opening comments of the Apostle Paul, to the church in Corinth, as recorded in 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. What phrase in verse 7 does Paul use in reference to the future? Waiting For : Having to do with an attitude of eager anticipation. Coming Of Our Lord Jesus Christ : A commonly used phrase in the New Testament, having to do with the promise of Christ s return. When He Shall Appear : Notice that the coming of Christ is a matter of fact and not just a wish or a desire. Looking For : It was considered an any moment event. That Blessed Hope : The confidence the early church had in Christ s return is clearly defined in this beautiful expression of faith. If the early church was filled with excitement and expectation about Christ s return, how much more should we be today! 2.) Notice the closing comments of Paul to the church in Thessalonica. Are there any similarities? (1 Thessalonians 5:23) 3.) In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul once again challenges the same group of believers about this anticipated event. Take the time to write down the words found in 2 Thessalonians 2:1. 4.) In 1 Timothy 6:14, a young minister was being instructed to live faithfully for the Lord in light of what important event? Christmas Easter The appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ 5.) A similar challenge is given to all believers in 1 John 2:28. Is it correct to say that Christians were instructed to always live in anticipation of Christ s coming? 6.) Living in anticipation of the coming of Christ is explained even more clearly in Titus 2: Write down the words found in verse ) Hebrews 9:28 confirms this anticipation of early believers. 8.) Can you honestly say you are presently living with an anticipation and an excitement of the soon return of Jesus Christ?

3 this Acts 1: Thessalonians 4:16,17 Hebrews 10:36,37 Revelation 22:7,12,20 John 14:1-4 Shall Descend From Heaven : The word shall or will in scripture, accompanying a stated promise of God, establishes it to be an absolute fact. Shall Be Caught Up : Clearly there is an event in which God s people will be caught up, or taken off this planet, to be with the Lord in heavenly places. Shall We Ever Be With The Lord : Never to be separated from the Lord again. I Will Come Again : Here we have a literal quote from Jesus Christ himself, promising to return for his people someday. If God s Word declares that Christ will return for his people; then I have every reason to believe it is so! Lesson #2 Did the Early Church anticipate the return of Christ simply because they wanted such an event to take place, or was this attitude of expectation based on something more substantial? What did they know that we should know concerning this topic? THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING 1.) First of all let s consider the words spoken as Christ was ascending into heaven. In Acts 1:9-11, when two angels suddenly appeared to the followers of Christ, what was their message? 2.) What key word in verse 11 makes Christ s return a sure thing? 3.) One of the most detailed accounts of this promised event can be found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. How many times in these two verses does the Bible boldly declare what shall or will take place? Once Twice Three times Four times 4.) Concerning the coming of Christ, notice the announcement found in Hebrews 10:36,37? Write verse 37 on the lines below. 5.) As you read God s Word, you find there are many important messages to to consider yet notice what is presented as the final topic of discussion in scripture. What key phrase is found three times in Revelation 22? verse 7 verse 12 verse 20 6.) Now lets turn to what could be considered the boldest statement made by Christ concerning his return. After reading the words found in John 14:1-4, What powerful promise does the Lord make in verse 3 that relates to this particular lesson? I will 7.) The question is: Are you fully convinced the promise of Christ s return is an absolute, biblical fact?

4 this John 14:3 2 Thessalonians 2:1 1 Thessalonians 4: Corinthians 15:51,52 Receive You Unto Myself : Christ boldly reveals that he will one day come for all true believers in the Lord. Dead In Christ Shall Rise First : On the day of Christ s return for his people, the dead bodies of every born again believer who ever lived will come back to life and be taken. Then We Shall Be Caught Up : Those believers living at the time of Christ s coming will be evacuated from off of this planet. We Shall Be Changed : At the moment of Christ s return for his people, our earthly body will be transformed into an eternal body. Sounds like that the coming of the Lord is an event I definitely do not want to miss! Lesson #3 Clearly there is a reason why the church should be proclaiming the good news that Jesus is coming. What a message we have to share! Now let s look more closely at this anticipated event and find out what this means for the believer in Christ. Are you ready for some exciting news? THE DAY OF DEPARTURE 1.) When Christ referred to his coming in John 14:3, what did he reveal would be the purpose or reason for his return? I will come. 2.) Notice that this is consistent with Paul s declaration to the Thessalonians in 2 Thessalonians 2:1. What did he state would happen in connection with the coming of the Lord? 3.) This dramatic event, which is yet to take place on God s prophetic calendar of time, is boldly presented in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 for all to see. After reading this passage, please respond to the following questions & statements. * According to verse 15, is Paul dealing with the coming of the Lord? * What will happen to the bodies of those who had become believers in Christ during their lifetime, but who had already passed away before this event? * Those believers in Christ who are alive at his coming, will enjoy this dramatic event, but will remain on the earth to accomplish some further purpose. * Verse 17 specifically says: 4.) Look at Paul s description of the quickness of this event in 1 Corinthians 15: 51,52. It seems that Christ s coming, the resurrection of the righteous dead, and the changing of our bodies to meet the Lord in the air all takes place In a day s time. In an hour s time. In a split second of time. 5.) Obviously it is critical to always be ready for Christ s return.

5 this Matthew 18:16 2 Corinthians 13:1 Genesis 5: Kings 2:11,12 Acts 1:9-11 God Took Him : In this instance, because of his unique relationship with the Lord, Enoch was taken or in other words translated to heaven without passing through deaths door. Elijah Went Up : At the end of Elijah s life here on earth, God removed him off the face of this planet, in full view of his servant Elisha. He Was Taken Up : The ascension of Christ into heaven is another documented event recorded in the bible, witnessed by many people who were with him at that moment. It seems quite evident that there are enough credible examples in scripture to prove the validity of the catching away, or rapture of the believer! Lesson #4 The word rapture is a common term used by many who discuss the subject of Christ s coming for his saints or in other words the catching away of the believer into heaven. Yet there are those who question the validity of such an event and see it as nothing more than a wild misinterpretation of scripture. Let s see if the Bible can clear up the confusion surrounding this issue. SOME EXAMPLES TO CONSIDER 1.) First of all let s establish how a truth is verified according to scripture. Read Matthew 18:16 as well as 2 Corinthians 13:1, then explain what the Bible says it takes for something to confirmed as truth. 2.) With that in mind, let s see what proofs there are in God s Word concerning the reality of a catching away or rapture type experience that allows a person to be caught up into heavenly places by God s design. Consider an incident found in Genesis 5: * What person is being discussed in this passage? * Was Enoch a godly man? * At the end of Enoch s life, how did he leave this earth and enter into heavenly places with God? He went by way of death. He was removed by God. 3.) Look next at the account found in 2 Kings 2:11,12. In this passage we notice another unusual departure of one who once lived on this planet. * Who is the Bible focusing on in this passage? * How did Elijah s life end? * Who does the Bible say witnessed this unusual event? 4.) Finally let s take a look at a New Testament example of a rapture type experience. Read Acts 1:9-11, then answer the follow questions below. * Who does this biblical account speak of? * Describe Christ s unusual departure. * Were there any witness to this amazing event?

6 this 2 Peter 3:3,4 Matthew 24: Peter 2:5 Luke 21:34-36 Where Is The Promise : The bible reveals that in the last days there will be a tremendous amount of skepticism concerning Christ s return. As The Days Of Noah : Christ makes it extremely clear that many people living in the last days would either ignore or reject the reality of God s prophetic warnings just as they had done in Noah s time. And Take Heed : Christ warned end-time believers to be careful lest they also become distracted by worldly concerns and interests. Lesson #5 It s hard to believe there are those who have already heard the good news of Christ s coming, but for one reason or another have chosen not to believe the message. Can you imagine standing in a burning building, hearing the shrill sound of the fire alarm, knowing you are within reach of the fire escape, and yet you choose not to believe anything that you see or hear. What a tragedy! As we will soon see in this lesson, God s Word reveals that many will refuse the opportunity to escape the coming wrath of God. I DON T BELIEVE IT! 1.) According to 2 Peter 3:3,4, what kind of attitude will people have concerning the message of Christ s return? 2.) As they scoff at his coming, what question will they ask as seen in verse 4?...Where is? 3.) Does it appear the people represented in this passage are those who hear about the soon return of Jesus Christ, yet choose to blatantly reject such a word, simply because they are too wrapped up in this world and what it has to offer? Notice the last phrase of verse 3. 4.) In Matthew 24:37-39, the bible draws a parallel between the days of Noah and the last days before Christ s coming. While Noah was busy preparing the ark to escape God s wrath upon this world. What were the people of this planet preoccupied in doing? Worried and afraid Focused on this life Making preparations 5.) Maybe in Noah s day the flood caught people off guard because no one warned them in advance. According to 2 Peter 2:5, were there any preachers on the earth making known the things of God? To ignore or deny the reality of God s prophetic Word, does not in anyway change what the Lord has clearly stated he is going to do in the days, weeks, months and years that lay ahead! 6.) So why do you think no one else besides Noah and his family were saved when the flood waters were poured out? The people failed to recognize the weather patterns. The people must have rejected the warnings of Noah s preaching. 7.) In Luke 21:34,35 we see Christ addressing his concern for those living in the last days. Does he again address the fact that many would neglect to prepare simply because they would be too focused on themselves and the things of this world? 8.) Do you know anyone who has rejected the message of Christ s Coming?

7 this Revelation 6: Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9 Romans 5:9 2 Peter 2:5-9 Revelation 3:7-13 Luke 21:34-36 Wrath Of The Lamb : Reference to a specific period of time when the Lord will finally pour out his righteous anger on a world saturated with ungodliness. Not Appointed Us : Believers are promised they will not have to endure God s wrath when it is finally poured out on this earth during what is known as the Tribulation Period. Hour Of Temptation Another reference to the time of God s wrath sent to try or test the people of this world because of evil. Worthy To Escape : Living holy before God is the issue, and being removed out of harms way is the promise. All the more reason why I should persistently live for the Lord, to avoid the coming days of his terrible wrath! Lesson #6 Those who have studied bible prophecy know there is coming a period of extreme difficulty on this planet, in which God s wrath will be poured out in response to a rebellious and sinful world. Since there are some who feel the rapture, or catching away of the saints may not precede this 7 year period of God s wrath referred to as the Tribulation Period ; let s see if there is some consistent teaching on the subject from God s Word. WRATH OR RAPTURE 1.) If you were to read the details of the Tribulation Period as found in Revelation, chapters 6-18, you would definitely see God s wrath in action. Take some time to read the words found in Revelation 6:15-17, then write the 17th verse on the lines below. 2.) Now let s look at some verses in God s Word that reveals whether or not believers are destined to experience this outpouring of God s wrath. 1 Thessalonians 5:9 God has not appointed us. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 Who delivers us from. Romans 5:9 We will be saved from God s. 3.) In 2 Peter 2:5-9 we see some Old Testament examples showing whether or not it is consistent for the Lord to remove his people from the time and place of his wrath being poured out. In this passage, who did the Lord deliver when God s hand of judgment was about to be executed? * * 4.) While addressing the church in Philadelphia, what promise did the Lord give to them concerning the hour of temptation in Revelation 3:10? Keep in mind this phrase has direct reference to the Tribulation Period. 5.) Even Christ himself made reference to this teaching in Luke 21:36. After describing the details surrounding the Tribulation Period, what does the Lord instruct them to prepare for? 6.) Is the idea of being with the Lord during this time presented in this passage? 7.) So what should be our focus of anticipation? The Tribulation Period The Rapture

8 this Matthew 24:4,5,11,24 1 Timothy 4:1,2 2 Timothy 3:13 1 John 4:1-3 Lesson #7 Time and time again God s Word announces the reality of Christ s coming and clearly challenges every believer to live in expectation of that event. At the same time there are some strong, clear warnings as well. Even though much of Matthew 24 speaks of God s dealings with the Jewish nation during the Tribulation Period, Christ also shares some critical concerns relating to end-time believers. Let s focus on these concerns during the next few lessons. WARNING... DON T BE DECEIVED! Take Heed : In other words watch out, stay alert, be on guard. That No Man Deceives You : Christ s first warning had to do with being led astray from the truth of God s Word. And Shall Deceive Many : In the last days multitudes will seemingly be led astray away from the gospel of Christ, convinced they have found something better. Doctrines Of Devils : Many will abandon their faith in Christ, strongly influenced by cleverly crafted, demonically inspired revelations. It s very apparent that end-time believers need to know and understand the truths of God s Word. Anything less leaves a person open to demonic deception! 1.) In Matthew 24:4,5 we discover Christ s #1 concern for end-time believers. And Jesus answered. 2.) In fact, Christ mentions this concern more than once in this chapter. Notice verses 5,11 & 24. What is the basic message in all three of these verses. 3.) According to these verses, will this satanic effort be successful? 4.) Now look at the words found in 1 Timothy 4:1,2. Here we see some very bold statements concerning Satan s work of deception in the last days. After reading this passage, answer the following questions below. * Will there be those who will turn away from their faith in Christ? * Instead of Keeping their attention on the good news of God s Word, what kind of message will seemingly catch the attention of so many as seen in verse 1? 5.) The emphasis of this end-time reality continues in 2 Timothy 3:13. Take the time to write this verse on the lines below. 6.) Finally, what is the biblical test to discover whether or not something that some one says or does is of the Lord? For the answer read 1 John 4:1-3.

9 this Matthew 24:6-8 2 Timothy 1:7 Luke 21:25-28 I Thessalonians 4:16-18 Wars And Rumors Of War : In dealing with end-time events, Christ explained that world conflict would dominate the focus and energy of many nations. Be Not Troubled : Christ s second warning had to do with crippling fear that would grip the world in the last days, causing many to lose their confidence and trust in the Lord. Spirit Of Fear : The bible reveals in the spirit realm, Satan uses disabling fear to appose, oppress, and even destroy lives if at all possible. End-time believers must not allow Satan s strategy of disabling fear to shake their absolute faith and confidence in Almighty God! Lesson #8 In the last lesson we were made aware that Satan will initiate a massive effort of deception in the last days. No doubt the goals of this effort will be to keep a firm grip on those who are unsaved, as well as to do everything possible to challenge the faith of the believer through every deceptive means possible. Now we are going to view a second concern Christ shared with his disciples. WARNING... DON T BE TROUBLED! 1.) Take some time and look carefully at the words found in Matthew 24:6-8. What kind of terrible troubles do you find Christ predicting would become more and more common in the last days? Mark the correct answers below. Global conflicts Terrible famines Horrible plagues Destructive earthquakes Peace and safety 2.) Christ s concern and challenge for believers was that their faith remain unshaken and that they would resist the spirit of fear which he stated would grip the people of this planet. Notice Christ s words in verse 6. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not 3.) In God s Word we are frequently reminded that we must refuse to allow fear to dominate our lives, because Satan uses fear to attack us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Notice how clearly this is presented in 2 Timothy 1:7. * Does the God of the bible oppress us with fear? * What 3 things does God provide enabling us to overcome fear? 4.) The good news is when the works of deception and chaos begin to dominate the headlines of this old world, the believer can anticipate the soon return of Jesus Christ. Write down the words of Christ found in Luke 21:28. 5.) Returning again to the details found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, which verse in this passage clearly tells us that the message of Christ s coming for his saints should be the focus of our encouragement? 6.) Could it be that Christ was speaking about the day and age we are presently living in?

10 this Matthew 24:8,9 John 15:18-21 Luke 21:16,17 Luke 6:22,23 Lesson #9 The third area of concern Christ specifically spoke about in connection with the end-times, was the rise of persecution that would take place and how it would cause many to give into that pressure to the point of becoming bitter and hateful themselves. As you work through this lesson, keep in mind we have just come through the bloodiest century ever when it comes to the persecution and murder of Jews and Christians. WARNING... DON T BE OFFENDED! The World Hates You : Jesus made it extremely clear there are many in this world who despise Christians. You Shall Be Betrayed : Jesus also told his followers to not be surprised when even family members and close friends would one day turn against. Many Be Offended : In this passage Christ warns of a time when tensions would be so high and relationships would be so strained, that it could cause even God s people to be discouraged and turn away from the Lord. I must not allow anything or anyone to affect my walk with the Lord, even though there will be those who choose to turn against me because of my faith in Christ! 1.) Notice the gruesome picture Christ painted in Matthew 24:9. Write this verse on the lines below. 2.) Now take the time and read the words of Christ found in John 15:18-21, then answer the following questions. * Did Christ face hatred and persecution while on earth? * Which verse in this passage states that those who follow after Christ will probably face hatred and persecution as well? * According to verse 21, why do people choose to oppose God s people? 3.) Does it appear that after reading Luke 21:16, ones own family may even become hostile and hateful to those who associate themselves with Christ? 4.) The Lord knew that in the last days many would be offended because of the persecution they would face. What do you think the word offended means as viewed in Matthew 24:10? 5.) In Luke 6:22,23 the Lord taught his disciples how they should respond when facing the persecution to come. What were his instructions? 6.) How will the Lord bless those who suffer persecution Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy, in heaven

11 this Matthew 24:12,13 1 John 2:15-17 Romans 12:1,2 James 4:4 Colossians 3:1,2 Love Not The World Because of the sinful influences of this world, God s Word clearly teaches that we must aggressively resist those influences without compromise. Be Not Conformed : The word conform in this passage literally means: to pattern or be molded by. Be Ye Transformed : To resist the influences of this world, we must allow God to completely change our way of thinking as it relates to the way we live this life. Set Your Affections : A strong mental focus is required to living a Godly life, in an ungodly world. Now that I have committed my life to Christ, I refuse to be influenced by the interests and opinions of this world.! Lesson #10 Christ s opening words to his disciples in Matthew 24 give us a clear picture of the conditions God s people will encounter in the last days. In this lesson let s look at a fourth concern the Lord brings to our attention. By the way, if you think the sinfulness of this old world is going to improve in the days ahead then think again. WARNING... DON T BE CONFORMED! 1.) Notice the words of Christ in Matthew 24:12, then write this verse on the lines below. 2.) Does it appear that in the last days a segment of God s people will be influenced by the sinful conditions of this world, even to the point of conforming or becoming like the world they are living in? 3.) Strong words are given to believers throughout God s Word as it relates to the dangers of being caught up in the ways of this world. Read 1 John 2:15-17 and then answer the following questions below. * If a person s desires and passions are wrapped up in worldly things, can they say they truly love the Lord? * What are the 3 categories of sinful passions mentioned in this passage? (A craving for worldly pleasures) (A craving for worldly possessions) (A craving for worldly popularity & power) 4.) Now look at the strong challenge given in Romans 12:1,2. Verse 2 states:, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind 5.) According to James 4:4, a person who allows himself to become influenced and involved in the ways of this world actually becomes what? Very intelligent Greatly admired An enemy of God 6.) It would appear that Colossians 3:1,2 gives us the right perspective when dealing with the consuming influences of this world. God s people are to resist any and all worldly distractions and keep their focus on spiritual things.

12 this 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 Lesson #11 Are you aware there is a specific action plan presented in the Bible for end-time believers? After the Apostle Paul s exciting revelation of the rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, he goes on to present a list of priorities for believers to incorporate into their daily lives. Before you do the lesson below, take the time to read and consider the initial challenge presented in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 Let Us Watch : Meaning to keep watch or be on guard. We must not allow weariness or worldliness to interfere with our focus on Christ s coming! Edify One Another : Believers have been given the responsibility to encourage and build one another up in the faith. In other words our calling is to be constructive, not destructive. Be At Peace : Since turmoil can easily ruin the forward progress of God s people; the Lord expects the church to produce an atmosphere of peace and harmony at all times. As an end-times believer I have been given the responsibility to guard my focus, to fulfill God s purpose, and to demonstrate a love and compassion to any and all people! WHAT TO DO UNTIL THE NEXT BIG EVENT 1.) After each of the verses below, draw a line to the appropriate phrase that best describes it s content. Keep in mind these are God given priorities for end-time believers. Not a list of suggestions, but a list of expectations! 1 Thessalonians 5:6 Protect yourself spiritually by putting on the armor of God. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 Surround yourself with other believers for encouragement and support. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Make it a point to be watchful, alert, and always on guard. 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Be a peacemaker and always promote an atmosphere of unity within the church. 1 Thessalonians 5:13 Respect and pay attention to spiritual leaders whom God has placed over you. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 Confront and challenge anyone who becomes a troublemaker in the church. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 Make it a point to be an encourager to those who are struggling. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 Do what you can to give a helping hand to those who are suffering. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 Refuse to hold a grudge and never seek revenge. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 Show yourself to be a person who does not easily lose his cool around others. 2.) According to the list we have looked at so far, what are the key topics that God s Word reveals as top priorities. Guard your spiritual walk Involve yourself in a local church Be a person of love and compassion 3.) Would you say you are doing well in all three of these key areas?

13 this 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 Lesson #12 It s time to finish reviewing the action plan for end-time believers given in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5. Keep in mind that these are not merely biblical suggestions, but rather biblical expectations! A definite checklist to follow. WHAT TO DO UNTIL THE NEXT BIG EVENT (Part Two) Quench Not : Don t be guilty of trying to extinguish, to put out, to appose, to reject the moving of the Holy Spirit. Prove All Things : Even though it is inappropriate to appose the work of the Holy Spirit; it is extremely appropriate to be sure that what a person is experiencing is from God himself. Abstain From : God s people are clearly instructed when it comes to sin, they must make it a point to take action and distance themselves away from even the appearance of evil. Better safe than sorry! Blameless : Living carelessly in a sinful world is to put ones eternal future at risk. It would appear my attitude towards God, as well as my opposition of sin, demonstrates my readiness for eternity! 1.) After each of the verses below, draw a line to the appropriate phrase that best describes it s content. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Continually remain in an atmosphere and attitude of communion with God. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Continually remain in an atmosphere and attitude of thanksgiving to God. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Continually remain in an atmosphere and attitude of rejoicing in the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Don t treat a word of prophecy with contempt or in a light hearted manner. 1 Thessalonians 5:20 Yes it s appropriate to prove and test a prophetic word that is spoken. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Accept and hold on to that which is proven to be biblically sound. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Don t be guilty of opposing or rejecting the present workings of the Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Refuse and reject anything and everything that even appears to be ungodly. 2.) In fact, what was Paul s prayer for the condition of every believer at Christ s return?...your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3.) In other words, the Lord is coming for those who take seriously the challenge to live a life of holiness before God. 4.) After reading 1 Thessalonians 5:27, does it appear this was a list for just a small group of believers, or for all believers to follow? For just a small group of believers For any and all believers 5.) Now it would seem that God has extremely high expectations for end-time believers.

14 this Matthew 24:13 1 Corinthians 15:58 Galatians 5:1 Galatians 6:9 2 Timothy 2:3 Hebrews 12:1 Revelation 3:11 Philippians 3:13,14 2 Timothy 4:6-8 Lesson #13 Yes Jesus is coming again! This is our message of hope for a lost and dying world. In this series we have focused our attention on words of promise as well as words of challenge in light of his coming. No doubt you have learned some important facts from God s Word which will help you to keep your attention in the right direction. Now it s time for one final word of encouragement. A RACE OF ENDURANCE 1.) Of all the things the Lord emphasized while speaking about the end times, great victory for God s people was always the theme presented. Look at Matthew 24:13 then write down the words of this glorious promise below. Be Ye Steadfast : To be steady, sure, and remain on course Endure Hardness : A strong, determined resolve in the face of life s difficulties. Run With Patience : Be persistent about moving forward in the will of God. Hold Fast : Get a grip on God s Word, and refuse to let go. In light of Christ s soon return it is critical that I stay on course, that I remain determined, that I keep moving forward, and that I refuse to give up. The bottom line is that I m a winner, not a quitter! 2.) Since endurance is the critical emphasis in this passage, what does it mean to endure to the end? 3.) As we prepare to walk victoriously into the future, until the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let s take a few moments to feed our faith. Look up the following verses then write down the key phrase from each passage that presents the challenge not to give up. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Galatians 5:1 Galatians 6:9 2 Timothy 2:3 Hebrews 12:1 Revelation 3:11 4.) The Apostle Paul was a good example of one who lived a life with a bold determination to serve the Lord in spite of any and all obstacles. Notice his words found in Philippians 3:13,14....I press in Christ Jesus. 5.) When facing the end of his life, how did Paul describe his persistence in 2 Timothy 4:6-8? Note verse 7.


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