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1 THE UPPER ROOM SQUAD CURRICULUM OF HAPPINESS Why am I so happy? Because I know Jesus Christ! Because I know Jesus Christ I know that in him I have eternal life and my whole life is guided by the truth of his promise of salvation. I'm happy because Jesus changes the way that I think, replaces the worlds lies with the truth, replaces bad news with the good news. He offers me a relationship that is the only perfectly happy, healthy, holy and permanent relationship in my life. He speaks deep into my heart giving me comfort and companionship, motivation and meaning. Every need and desire of my heart is filled in my relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus Transformers my will, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The world and my experiences tell me I can't, but Jesus tells me I can. Jesus gives me myself so that I can give myself in life giving relationships with the people that I love the most and want to love more. Jesus helps me to see that happiness is not real or complete until it is given away. Because of Jesus I am happy and I want to tell the whole world they too can be truly happy in Him. CRISTO CENTRISM WORD Mind SACRAMENT Body PRAYER Heart OBEDIENCE Spirit COMMUNIO* EVANGELIZATION Pillar One: Christocentrism: This pillar has to do with the Divine Essence and Person of Jesus and therefor responds to the Esse or unique person himself. -Teleological Pillar Encounter with the Reality of Christ as the center of all things. This encounter is in a sense what all the other pillars are and what makes sense of all of the pillars. There is no encounter with life like the encounter of death Conversion: placing Christ at your center (this includes dethroning that which has been at the center of your life; is work, family, friendship, church, pleasure, pride (you) at the center or is Jesus Christ at the center of everything for you? If Christ is not then the center of your life is not stable nor even a real axial but a false center.) Habits: (1) meditation on your death and (2) complete reworking of your life plan (schedule) based on the universal call to holiness and (3) your personal vocation and personal understanding of the meaning of "your" life or Gods vision for you "For me to live is Christ and death would be gain", "I have been crucified work Christ and it's no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me." So the virtue of repentance and the awakening of perseverance are increased in this pillar.

2 As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts, though many, are one body, 1 Corinthians 12:12 Pillar Two: Word: This pillar has to do with the mind of Christ and the intellect of the disciple. -Intellectual Pillar Encounter: this encounter is fostered by the living Word of God which is both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. But even more it is the kerygma, the essential Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ! The content of this encounter is a great breadth of material after 2000 years of Catholicism. While it is important and natural in the first movement of personal Trinitarian growth to desire and pursue the reading of as much is humanly possible over a lifetime of discipleship, it must be remembered that this is a personal encounter with Jesus Christ not an academic exercise. A bare minimum would be the reading or listening to the Gospels (specifically the words of Jesus) and the reading of the Creed. Conversation: "Be renewed by the transformation of your minds" (Rom 12:2). An orthodox priest once said that unless you're a saint you are mentally ill. While this may be a bit drastic there really is a new way of thinking that, building off of the first pillar, we must allow the Holy Spirit, as we study the Words of Jesus to transform our old ways of thinking to begin to think with His mind. Habits: these habits must correspond to the each of the parts of our intellect; memory, imagination, thoughts and reasonings. The Habits must include (1) daily reading of the bible; (2) memorization of the Creed and certain Bible passages; and (3) the visualization and re-scripting of our thoughts. So the virtue of Faith and theology which is faith seeking understanding are fostered in this pillar. Pillar 3: Sacraments -pillar of intimacy Encounter: this encounter happens in the reception of the sacraments but much more. Every time we are moved or make an act of faith, hope or charity we encounter Jesus in the grace of our baptism which deepens through these experience and acts. This encounter is so profound because we encounter His Divinity in our humanity as though between two equals. This encounter is a Soul encounter, not just spiritual not just physical: the sacraments are physical signs which mediate a spiritual reality which Jesus called a New and Everlasting Covenant. Conversion: the Souls the form of the Body, where spirit and body touch, this integrity was mortally wounded by the sin of Adam and Eve. Original sin is our inheritance and our inclination but grace is our ransom. If God is offering me a Covenant then He is offering to completely transform my soul so that I am no longer the sin but the sanctified. In the sacrifice of the Mass the priest concludes the consecration of the precious body by saying "for you", and the precious blood by saying "of me." Though we are not equals He makes is so through grace; worthy reception of the sacraments is made in perfect gratitude only by those who believe and receive this infinite blessing. Habits: (1) Consider what your current inclination is in approaching your relationship with God and others: is it W-W, W-L, L-W, L-L? (2) Consider how you will approach and prepare for each sacrament and how you will proceed after its reception. (3) Consider going daily for reception of the Eucharist and weekly or monthly reception of Confession so as to grow in the habit of covenantal union with God. -the virtues of Gratitude, worship and awe grow through this pillar Pillar 4: Obedience -pillar of proactivity Encounter: In Hebrews 5(?) it says that Jesus "learned/achieved perfect obedience to God through suffering." That He was "like us in all things but sin." Holiness, happiness, healthiness and virtue are essentially synonymous in Christ. Whenever we encounter holiness or healthiness in prayer, other people, ourselves, anywhere, we are encountering the obedience of Christ. It is His obedience that saves us and the cross is the means by which He chose to manifest His perfect obedience to the Father

3 and perfect love for us. Emeritus Pope Benedict once said, "ultimately it is not truth that draws us to God and the Church, it is beauty in creation and the art we call sacred and the goodness of our saints!" When we encounter goodness we encounter Jesus plain and simple. Conversion: St Thomas Aquinas days that the first virtue of the Christian is repentance. We don't necessarily think of repentance as a virtue so what does he mean by this? It means that we have the ability to choose our response to the experiences and temptations in our life: Responce-Ability. This is the paradigm shift from the deterministic mindset, "this is just who/how I am" to "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (St Paul's Letter to the Phillipians ch.3?). What are we responding to and what's does our response produce? Jesus has manifested His love for us in Pillars 1-4 and now says, "if anyone has my commandments and obeys them, he it is who loves me, he who loves me will be loved by my Father and I too will love him and we will make our dwelling within him" (John 14:19-21). Habits: (1) examination of conscience, examination of happiness - does it make you happy when you do those unwanted behaviors and why do you do them? Examen your freedom and responsibility - response ability - and admit "I can do it! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" (2) Consider the opposite virtue to your favorite or most uncontrolled vice and plan ways for how you can grow in it. ((Faith,Hope,Charity, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance)) (3) Set a goal, discuss with someone you trust and as them and hold yourself accountable to that goal. -The virtue of this pillar is authentic Christian self-confidence which is an auxiliary virtue of the theological virtue of Hope Pillar 5: Prayer: -pillar of joy and enthusiasm Encounter: Whenever we are moved by beauty, truth, goodness or unity we are encountering Jesus. The first question Jesus asked of the first disciples was, "What is the deepest desire of your heart?" (John 1:35-42). Often times it wasn't even a word or a teaching but a simple look, "Jesus looked at him and He loved him" (Gospel of Mark 12?). Once when Jesus was walking into a town as a funeral procession was heading out of town for the burial, Jesus saw the mother morning and it says his heart was, "pletnizsoumie". It's a Greek word that means, he was so moved by compassion that his insides were rent and heart almost burst. This is what the sacred heart of Jesus is like for us. The heart of Jesus is for you, he is fulfilled in emptying himself for you, he loves you, your response to his love is what is his desire. Conversion: Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God" Gospel of Matthew 5:6). Jesus said the "Our Father" in response to the request, "teach us how to pray." This request is like asking what is in Your heart Lord and how do we synchronize our hearts with yours. His response is, My heart is your heart and what you should pray for is every need to be fulfilled in My heart. Habits: (1) Silence, taking time for daily silence to listen to Gods heart and to your own heart. This habit is simply to schedule in the time. (2) Lectio Divina is the ancient method of pray by which you pick a passage and then Read, Reflect, Respond and Rest in Gods Word to you. For example daily meditate on the Our Father petition by petition and soon you will feel safe, protected and at home in the heart of the Trinity. (3) Daily Journaling; this is also to strive to put your heart into all of the pillars and to Examen why you are not or how you might more fully give your heart to God and others and gain more self-possession. -the virtue of this pillar is surrender Pillar 6: Communio -pillar of unity Encounter: We encounter Jesus (both in His divinity and humanity) in every baptized Christian. People who met Blessed Mother Teresa said that it was like seeing the face of Jesus and she said that ever time she encountered another person, especially the poorest of the poor, she encountered Jesus. Many people who spend time with religious nuns or strong discipleship communities say that

4 it's like being with Jesus. Jesus himself said, "when two or three of my disciples come together in my name, there am I in their midst." We call the Church the Body of Christ because when we encounter the Church in one member or in 1,000's we encounter it's head Jesus Christ. The Church is the mystical body of Christ and so we mysteriously encounter Him in the Church and her members. No one would ever say "my moms arms hugged me" they would say "my mom hugged me". We encounter the senses of Christ and something of his holy human psychology. The more healthy the disciple we meet the more holy the encounter. Conversion: the Paradigm shift here is as tremendous as every other Pillar. Just as with the others, it's not that we will experience Him when we learn how to love, or when we become a saint or only if we become a priest or a nun, no! It is through our baptism that we were incorporated into His body and so every time we come together with other disciples we encounter him in both the other and our own selves. There is no such thing as a solo disciple. We need to have fellowship with intentional disciples and when these gatherings become centered on Christ and the first 5 pillars are brought into play then we call this Comminio. There are lots of different sorts of gatherings but it only becomes Communio when all the pillars are in play. The maximum form of Comminio can only be experienced in the Mass but a very high form of Communio can be experienced in small gatherings of disciples, and this more so the deeper their knowledge and commitment to each other. In Communio we as speaking of two things, disciples growing in knowledge and love of the Trinity together; and knowledge and love for each other together. In the the Habits we will learn some tools for how to grow in this encounter and conversion. "They will know that you are my disciples by the love you have for each other" (Gospel of John 16(?)) Habits: (1) The first is to evaluate your friendships and consider if or how you might be able to incorporate all 7 Pillars into your friendship. If they are not able to or not willing to then you cannot call this a Communio Friendship (Evangelization friendships will be discussed in Pillar 7), and you need to guard your heart and create boundaries for yourself. If it is a Communio friendship then you need to have an intentional conversation with him or her about more and more putting the pillars into your gatherings. (2) Self-Knowledge, Possession, Donation are all at play. We need to strive to mature out of Dependence, and into Independence in order to have Interdependence which is true friendship and Communio. One excellent tool in helping each other to grow in psychology freedom (to compliment our spiritual and intellectual freedom found in pillars 1-5) is to apply the 5 Love Languages to your friendship. This not only will help you to grow as a friend but also can bring you deeper in pillars 1-5 as wounds in the Love Languages get projected onto God and blocks consolation in many ways. (3) The "Word become Flesh and dwelt among us." Implies the eternal communication and the deeply human communication of Jesus Christ. There are 4 types of communication: Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, Passive/Aggressive. A healthy communicator is an Assertive communicator. Much of love has to do with Respect in attitude and Trust in Communication. The Habit of deeply Listening to God, ourselves and the other person results in selfrespect, other respect and Truth respect. This Listening will help to make you a healthy Assertive communicator. This also means a deep understanding and skill in the art of forgiveness and reconciliation. -the virtue of this pillar is friendship Pillar 7: Evangelization -pillar of proclamation Encounter: In a sense this pillar like the first pillar includes all the others. Like pillar 6 we encounter Christ as we become the encounter with Christ. The public ministry of Jesus was the model for evangelization. When you think about it Jesus' plan for how to save the world was to "spend 30 years doing carpentry, 3 years camping with his 12 best buddies and 3 hours on a cross." Conversion: there is something that happens when we share good news, we feel good, like we are blessed more than the person we are giving the thing/message to. How many time have we heard people come back from a mission trip or service to the poor and describe all the things they did for the

5 poor but then exclaim, "I am sure I received more than I gave." Jesus himself said this when sharing the Gospel with His disciples in the upper room, "I tell you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete" (John 15:7?). The conversion is to believe deeply that Jesus is in you and calling you to share the Gospels in word and deed. Traditionally we have called these words and deeds the Spiritual and Corporeal Works of Mercy. ((CWM: (1) Feed the Hungry (2) Drink to the Thirsty (3) Shelter the Homeless (4) Cloth the Naked (5) Visit (Ransom) the Prisoners (6) Care for the Sick (7) Bury the Dead) (SWM: (1) Share the Gospel (Knowledge) (2) Advice to those who Need it (3) Comfort the Suffering (4) To be Patient w/other (5) Forgive those who Hurt you (6) Give Correction to those who Need it (7) Pray for the Living and the Dead)). In brief this is to Proclaim the Good News and to Be the Good News. Jesus said, "they will know you are my disciples by your love for one another." The 14 Works of Mercy could begin and end in Communio. Certainly the synergy that comes from the different members of the Body of Christ is the source and the promise land for the Gospel we proclaim (or it should be). But Catholic Evangelization must proclaim and be the Good News to everyone in society and hit every level of society. Just as the Charisms build up the Church they also heal, serve and save society and the people in it. For this reason you vocation and occupation play a significant role in this pillar. Also your friendships. As has been mentioned above only friendships with disciples can be considered True Friendships. To consider a non-christian or an anti-christian or even a struggling Christian a partner in your growth and happiness as a disciples is a grave error and will likely lead to the demise of your happy life as a disciple. On the other hand, if you admit that it is not a Communio Friendship and set boundaries to protect your interior life, then hopefully it will become an Evangelization Friendship. The Win-Win is no not the same as that of Communio but that you become happier in Christlikeness and they hopefully heal, return or are saved in Christ by becoming a Christian and hopefully a Catholic as to share in eh fullness of Joy in Christ. Habits: (1) the first habit is know Christ's story and your personal testimony like the back of your hand. By Christ's story we mean 5 things -1- God is love and created all things in His love; -2- Man in the beginning rejected Gods love and brought sin, suffering and death into the world, -3- God became a man like us in all things but sin to save us in the person of Jesus Christ, -4- Jesus died on the Cross and rose again so that anyone who believes and is baptized has eternal life; -5- Jesus is the only sure way of salvation and anyone who rejects him will have eternal death. (2) Habit two is to find at least one other person and to begin discussing how you both are being called to proclaim and be the Good News (3) Habit three is to try out different small ways and then lead into bigger ways to evangelize. Remember that you will not be fully alive and happy in this life unless you proclaim and become the Good news you were made to be in Christ. -the virtue of this pillar is kenosis or self-emptying love Consolation and Desolation in the Growth Process of Discipleship: In the Catholic spiritual tradition of discipleship St Ignatius of Loyola is one of the foremost experts. His most famous work after his prayer "Anima Christi" is "The Rules for Discernment of Spirits." If you haven't read it I would take time today to read and start to memorize them today. Or read them with your discipleship group to become experts in the movements of the Holy Spirit and the side tracks and obstacles of the enemy. In each of the pillars it is possible to experience both consolation and desolation as we grow as disciples. When we are experiencing consolation that means we're moving with Jesus in that pillar. Conversely it may mean we are not moving with Jesus and ourselves in the healthy sense if we have desolation in a particular pillar. It could however just be that we are experiencing growth pains or resistance from the World, Flesh and or Devil. It also could be that we need to go back to the first two movements, encounter-conversion and go deeper. Often however the pain or desolation manifests itself in a different pillar than the one we are weakest in. Prayer for example can greatly help with Communio and Obedience; strengthening prayer will make loving God in obedience and others much easier and more fruitful.

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