Lesson 9: Prophecy about the LIFE DETAILS of Jesus

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1 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 9 Christ in Old Testament Prophecy Lesson 9: Prophecy about the LIFE DETAILS of Jesus Day 1 - Read the Old Testament The Jews waited for 400 years of silence from God after the prophets had concluded their messages to the nation. Imagine their shock when John the Baptist arrived on the scene, announcing the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. Who was this Messiah he was announcing? Not the king of the Jews they expected, but a humble servant, the very cornerstone of the future church. Why were the Jews so blind-sided by Jesus coming? Did they not understand the words of the prophets? This week we ll look at the Old Testament prophecies about John and Jesus and how these two men fulfilled the words of the prophets. In today s lesson we ll look at Jesus life details as previewed in the Old Testament Jesus would be preceded by a forerunner, and would be seen as both a servant and a cornerstone. Margaret Williams Take a Look PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. READ each passage several times, asking yourself the question, What does it say? RECORD the significant things that you see. (It is always a good habit to use words right from the passage instead of summarizing in your own words.) Forerunner What do these Old Testament prophets say the forerunner will do? Isaiah 40:3 Malachi 3:1 Malachi 4:5-6 Servant What do you learn about Jesus as a servant in these verses? Isaiah 42:1-4 Isaiah 49:5-6 Isaiah 52:13-14 Isaiah 53:

2 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 9 Cornerstone - What does the Old Testament say about the coming Cornerstone? Isaiah 28:16 Isaiah 8:14 Psalm 118:22-23 Think about it If you did not know the New Testament Jesus, what kind of person would you expect Him to be? How do you picture a person who would not break a bruised reed? What new insights do these verses provide about Jesus? What questions do these passages raise? Day 2 - Read the New Testament As we continue to look at the forerunner of Jesus and Jesus as a servant and the cornerstone, see if your expectations from the Old Testament previews were correct. Before reading these New Testament passages, based on the Old Testament reading, what specifically will you be expecting to learn about Jesus? Take a Look PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. READ each passage several times, asking yourself the question, What does it say? RECORD the significant things that you see. 38

3 Lesson 9 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Forerunner See if these verses confirm what you thought you d learn about Jesus forerunner. To whom is John the Baptist compared? Luke 1:13-17 Matthew 3:1-3 Matthew 17:10-13 Matthew 11:7-14 Mark 1:1-8 Luke 7:24-29 Servant Look for examples of Jesus as a servant. Matthew 20:25-28 Matthew 12:14-21 John 13:1-5 Philippians 2:5-8 I Timothy 2:5-6 39

4 Lesson 9 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Cornerstone - What is the importance of a cornerstone? of a sure foundation? Matthew 21:42 Acts 4:11-12 Romans 9:31-33 Ephesians 2:19-22 I Peter 2:4-8 Psalm 118:22-23 Think about it Look back at your expectations at the very beginning of today s lesson (before the Take a Look section.) What is now different from what you expected to read about Jesus in the New Testament? Which view of Jesus was the way you picture Him? Did any of your perceptions of Jesus change as you read these passages? PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you reflect on His Word that you have studied.. Before we start putting the pieces together, have the scriptures you ve read reminded you of any other passages you recall about Jesus forerunner, Jesus as a servant, or Jesus as the cornerstone? Day 3 - Make the Connections WRITE them here even if you re not sure where they re found (just record a phrase or two): 40

5 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 9 What do we learn about Jesus? RECORD what you have learned Jesus forerunner, Jesus as servant, and Jesus as the cornerstone. What new insights did you see? Do you see the necessary balance in the life of Jesus? (That is, What if He were only a gentle servant? What if He presented himself only as the solid rock?) Act on it How does this lesson encourage you? What difference does this lesson make to you? Can you be a forerunner, pointing someone to Christ? Can you become a servant, humbling yourself as Jesus did? Could you be a cornerstone for someone a strong rock that can be built into a dwelling place for God? How does this lesson challenge you? What practical step do you need to take? Talk about it PREPARE to discuss this lesson with your small group by identifying: one INSIGHT you have gained from your study one QUESTION that has been raised by your study (Then share as time allows, and as your comments fit into the table conversation.) 41

6 Lesson 9 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament 42

7 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 10 Christ in Old Testament Prophecy Lesson 10: Prophecy about the MINISTRY of Jesus This week we are going to be looking at Jesus ministry, focusing on the many aspects that are foreshadowed and/or prophesied in the Old Testament. Together we ll take a look at five different prophecies that were fulfilled through Jesus ministry. on Day 1 we ll get an overview of His ministry in general, and take a look at his specific ministry in Galilee. on Day 2 we ll explore some of his miracles and parables. on Day 3 we ll consider people s responses of unbelief, leading us to examine how we respond as well. Nancy Isaac Day 1 - Ministry Overview Take a Look PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. READ each passage carefully, asking yourself What does it say? RECORD the significant things that you see. (It is always a good habit to use words right from the passage instead of summarizing in your own words.) Ministry Overview: Isaiah 61:1-2 Luke 4:16-21 Ministry in Galilee: Isaiah 9:1-2 Matthew 4:12-16 Matthew 4:

8 Lesson 10 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Think about it As you ponder the type of Messiah s ministry as prophesied in the OT and fulfilled in the NT: List the types of people Messiah was sent to serve, as described in all of today s passages: What insight does this give you into the type of person He would be? We learned in Lesson 8 that Messiah would have a special connection to the town of Bethlehem. (RE-READ Micah 5:2) We see today that Galilee will also play a role in His life. How do these two facts help to explain Nathaniel s seemingly harsh response that you READ in John 1:43-46? Do today s verses raise any questions in your mind? Day 2 - Miracles & Parables PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. READ each passage carefully, asking yourself What does it say? RECORD the significant things that you see. His Miracles: Isaiah 35:5-6 Matthew 11:2-6 John 5:36 Acts 2:

9 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 10 His Parables: Psalm 78:1-4 Matthew 13 Read through all of Matthew 13. Mark the words parable and hear each time you see them in the passage Think about it As you consider what you ve read: Jesus response in Matthew 11:4-5 to John s question does not seem very straightforward at first glance. How do you think His reply actually did provide a very clear answer for John and for us? What explanation does Jesus give for speaking in parables? LIST 2 or 3 other parables you may have heard or read about, and the main point they were intended to teach. (Don t worry if you need to leave this space blank.) Do today s passages raise any questions in your mind? Day 3 - Unbelief Forewarned PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. Take a Look READ each passage carefully, asking yourself What does it say? RECORD the significant things that you see. The Response of Unbelief: Isaiah 6:

10 Lesson 10 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Isaiah 29:13-14 Matthew 13:10-17 re-read Matthew 13 quickly, focus in on verses Mark the words see and hear each time you see them in the passage Matthew 15:7-9 Isaiah 53:1 John 12:37-41 Think about it Almost 700 years before Messiah s arrival, the prophet Isaiah foretold that the people of God would not recognize Him nor believe in Him. Jesus acknowledges this fact in the verses we ve read in Matthew and John. How is the heart condition of the people of Israel described in these passages? Make the Connections PAUSE and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you now reflect on what you have studied.. What do we learn about Jesus? RECORD what you have learned about Christ from the prophecies about His Ministry. 46

11 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 10 Act on it CONSIDER the prophecies about Christ s ministry and the responses of the people as revealed in the Old and New Testament passages we looked at this week. Prayerfully consider how you respond to Christ in the following ways: believing and trusting what the Scriptures teach us about Christ (especially in light of how our world currently views Him) obeying what He has instructed growing your relationship with Him through studying His Word, prayer, etc. What is a practical step of application you need to take in response to what you have learned about Christ this week? Talk about it PREPARE to discuss this lesson with your small group by identifying: One thing from your study that has encouraged you One thing from your study that has challenged you (Then share as time allows, and as your comments fit into the table conversation.) 47

12 Lesson 10 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament 48

13 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 11 Christ in Old Testament Prophecy Lesson 11: Prophecy about the DEATH of Jesus Day 1 - Read the Old Testament While prophesies concerning the details and events surrounding Jesus's crucifixion are riddled throughout the Old Testament, today's passages are the most prophetically dense. As you study, pay careful attention to the structure of each scripture. Note transition words to observe shifts in tone. Each passage initially paints a dark picture yet ends with a message of hope. Similarly, Christ endured the bleakest circumstances to offer us the ultimate gift. His story of suffering and despair ultimately ends in victory and triumph. Beth Buckwalter PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. Take a Look READ Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 carefully. RECORD the details you find that may pertain to Christ s death, using the chart on the following page (OT Prophecies column). Make a note of what verse you find the information in. You will have an opportunity to confirm the details in tomorrow s lesson. Think about it In Psalm 22, what truths does David, the psalmist, look to for hope and encouragement as he faces persecution? In whom does he place his trust? What is David's hopeful conclusion? Which verse in Isaiah 53 do you find the most encouraging? How does it encourage you? According to Isaiah, what is the outcome of the servant's (Christ's) suffering? What does this mean to you? 49

14 Lesson 11 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament OT Prophecies NT Fulfillment 50

15 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 11 Day 2 - Read the New Testament PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. Take a Look READ Matthew 26 and Matthew 27 carefully. In Matthew 26, what does Jesus Himself reveal about the days to come? Record his prophecies. REVISIT the details you recorded from the OT prophecies on Day 1. Which ones did you see unfold in today's reading? How were they fulfilled? RECORD your findings on the chart (in the New Testament column). RE-READ Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. After reading the account of Jesus's death, are there other prophecies in these passages that you hadn't noticed before? If so, record them now on the chart. Think about it When Jesus foretells his death and some of the events surrounding it, what is the response of His disciples? Why do you suppose that is? Whether this is your first or your hundredth time reading this account of Jesus's death, record your impressions. How does this passage speak to you? Was there anything you'd never realized or thought about before? Have any questions surfaced regarding these prophesies or their fulfillment in Christ's death? Record them here. 51

16 Lesson 11 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Day 3 - Make the Connections. PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you reflect on His Word that you have studied. What do we learn about Jesus? How is Jesus described in Isaiah 53? Yesterday, we looked at some of the ways Jesus foretold his death and details surrounding it. What does this suggest to you about the character and person of Christ? Act on it How does it encourage you, knowing what Jesus endured on the cross for us? What has challenged you about this lesson? What is a practical way to respond to the truths you have studied? Look to Psalm 22 for inspiration. 52

17 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 11 Talk about it PREPARE to discuss this lesson with your small group by considering the following questions. Have you ever felt that God has forsaken you, seemed distant or silent? What were the circumstances? What was your response? How was it similar to or different from the psalmist's? As a God of redemption, in what ways did He meet you on the other side of this situation and use it for His glory? If you are currently experiencing this feeling, please consider asking the ladies at your table to pray you through this valley. 53

18 Lesson 11 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament 54

19 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 12 Christ in Old Testament Prophecy Lesson 12: Prophecy about the RESURRECTION of Jesus Day 1 - Read the New Testament The resurrection of the Messiah was established in Hebrew prophetic Scriptures long before the death and resurrection of Jesus. Some of these Scriptures are not as stand-out clear as those that reference his birth and death. So some careful reading and consideration must be done to grasp what the Scriptures are saying, and about whom they are speaking. We will carefully examine these passages by looking at context and then also referencing the New Testament teachings that help to explain them in greater fullness. Maryanne Sharp Take a Look PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. REFRESH your memory of the resurrection accounts in the NT before going to the OT. READ the following passages in whatever version you have: Matthew 28:1-10 Mark 16:1-8 Luke 24:1-12 John 20:1-10 RECORD the significant things that you see as you answer the following questions. (It is always a good habit to use words right from the passage instead of summarizing in your own words.) What indications do you see in these passages that the disciples did not comprehend what Jesus told them about his resurrection? (List some references.) READ Luke 24: Who were the people involved? What were the men talking about after they left Jerusalem? When did it take place? Where did it take place? When Jesus joined them, how did they respond when He asked them what they were talking about? 55

20 Lesson 12 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament How did they describe Jesus? What had been their hope about Him? Think about it What was Jesus response to them and what did He then do? Write out Luke 24:27 Had you been there, what is one question you would have asked Jesus about all these events? In verses Jesus makes it clear that the Old Testament Scriptures spoke of Him both of His suffering and of Him entering into His glory. He then proceeded to interpret to them what Moses and all the prophets had to say about Him. On day 2, we are going to look at some of the Scriptures that spoke of Jesus. Day 2 - Read the Old Testament Take a Look PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. READ the following passages in the Scripture handout provided. UNDERLINE in red any references that you think apply to Christ. (If you have difficulty with a passage, go on to the others. We will clarify things during the teaching session.) Psalm 16:10 and Acts 2:24-31 Psalm 110:1 and Acts 2:32-35 Isaiah 9:6-7 Isaiah 53:10-12 ANSWER the following questions about what you have read. Comparing Psalm 16:10 and Acts 2:24-31, whose soul is it that would not be abandoned to Sheol? Look at Psalm 110:1 and Acts 2:32-35 and explain what you think it means in the phrase The LORD said to my Lord. 56

21 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 12 How do you think the references in Isaiah 9:6-7 and 53:10-12 might imply the resurrection of Christ? Digging Deeper (optional if you have time) READ the following passages and UNDERLINE in red any references that you think apply to Christ. Genesis 3:15 Job 19:25-26 Jonah 1:17 and Matthew 12:38-40 Psalm 2:7 and Acts 13:32-35 Think about it What insights do today s passages provide about Christ that you may not have been aware of before? What are some questions that you have from these passages? PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you reflect on His Word that you have studied.. Before we start putting the pieces together from our look at the Old and New Testaments, has your study reminded you of any other Scriptures that point to Christ s resurrection? Day 3 - Make the Connections WRITE them here (if you re not sure where they re found, just record a phrase or two): What do we learn about Jesus? What names for Christ do you find in these passages? Is there anything new about the resurrection that you had not known or thought about before? 57

22 Lesson 12 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Act on it We have just recently come through the celebration of Christ s resurrection. REFLECT on the names assigned to Christ in Isaiah 9:6-7. Spend some time meditating on what each of those names means for you as a believer in Christ, knowing He is alive that he was resurrected and is at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Spend some time in PERSONAL WORSHIP of the resurrected Christ. WRITE out a prayer of praise, thanksgiving and worship, if you would like. Talk about it PREPARE to discuss this lesson with your small group by identifying: one INSIGHT you have gleaned about the Resurrection or the resurrected Christ from the study of these passages one of the NAMES for Christ in Isaiah 9:6,7 that was meaningful to you one QUESTION that has been raised by your study (Then share as time allows, and as your comments fit into the table conversation.) 58

23 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 13 Christ in Old Testament Prophecy Lesson 13: Prophecy about the Ascension to GLORY and RETURN of Jesus Day 1 - Leaving His Home in Glory This week we will look at the resurrected Jesus return to His home in Glory at the time of His Ascension. This event was another milestone on the certain path of the crushing of the serpent s head promised in Genesis 3:15. But in order to appreciate the significance of the Ascension, we need to look back into eternity past as well as forward into eternity future. on Day 1 we ll see Jesus leaving His home in Glory as He took on flesh in His incarnation on Day 2 we ll see His ascension to Glory on Day 3 we ll see His return in Glory We ll also observe appropriate responses to His glory among those who experience a personal encounter with Him. Peggy Huber Take a Look PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. READ each passage several times, asking yourself the question, What does it say? RECORD the significant things that you see. (It is always a good habit to use words right from the passage instead of summarizing in your own words.) At Home in Glory take in the amazing descriptions of the heavenly dwelling place of God Daniel 7:1, 9-10, Isaiah 6:1-5 Psalm 104:1-4 REFLECT on what you have read What adjectives would you use to describe the scenes you have just read about? Which of your senses would be involved in experiencing these scenes? 59

24 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 13 Imagine if heaven were your home. What a huge step downward to come to earth and dwell within the limitations of becoming human. As you explore the verses below, use the chart on the following page to record what you see. Stepping Down from Glory READ each passage carefully, asking yourself the question, What does it say? MARK the word glory or glorify in a distinctive way each time you see it. RECORD what was involved in Jesus leaving His heavenly glory in the left /downward arrow of the chart. John 1:1-4, 14 Philippians 2:6-8 Matthew 1:18-20 Luke 2:8-14 Hebrews 2:14a, Hebrews 5:7-8 John 12: John 17:1, 4-5 Think about it REFLECT on what you have read What impact does this collective description of Jesus setting aside His heavenly glory have on you? If you could ask God a question about just one of these verses, what would you ask? Why? Digging Deeper (optional, if you have time) Even during Jesus earthly life, there were glimpses of His glory revealed. READ Matthew 16:28-17:8 How do these verses compare with other descriptions we have read today? The 5 blocks along the bottom of the chart represent various aspects of Christ s earthly life that we have looked at in previous lessons. RECORD in each block one of the following: an insight from one of the verses you just finished reading an insight from one of the previous lessons 60

25 Daniel 7:1, 9-10, Isaiah 6:1-5 Psalm 104:1-4 GLORY Revelation 1:12-18 Revelation 4:1-6, 8-11 Revelation 5:1-14 Revelation 19:11-16 John 1:1-4, 14 Philippians 2:6-8 Heb. 7:25 John 14:1-3 Heb. 10:12-13 Matthew 1:18-20 Acts 1:6-11 Luke 2:8-14 Hebrews 2:14a, Philippians 2:9-11 (review verses 6-8 for the context) Hebrews 5:7-8 Ephesians 1:20b-22 John 12:23-33 Hebrews 1:1-4 John 17:1, Peter 3:22 His BIRTH His LIFE His MINISTRY His DEATH His RESURRECTION 61

26 Lesson 13 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Day 2 - Ascension to Glory Today we ll look at OT prophecies of the Ascension, the actual Ascension event, and some of the spiritual implications of that event. We ll also discover what Christ is currently doing, now that He has returned to His heavenly home in glory. Take a Look PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you study His Word. Prophecies of the Ascension The few OT prophecies about the Ascension of the Messiah are only clearly understood with the 20/20 hindsight provided by the NT scriptures. READ each passage carefully, asking yourself the question, What does it say? UNDERLINE phrases in each passage that give hints about the Ascension of the Messiah. Psalm 110:1 Psalm 68:18 John 6:62 Ephesian 4:8-10 His Ascension to Glory READ each passage carefully, asking yourself the question, What does it say? MARK the word glory or glorify in a distinctive way each time you see it. RECORD what was involved in Jesus returning to His heavenly glory in the right /upward arrow of the chart. Acts 1:6-11 Philippians 2:9-11 (review verses 6-8 for the context) Ephesians 1:20b-22 Hebrews 1:1-4 1 Peter 3:22 Think about it ANSWER the following questions, noting the reference where you find your answer. Who was involved in the Ascension event? What did they do? Where is Jesus in relation to other heavenly beings? What do you learn about the name has He now earned? 62

27 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 13 His Current Activities in Glory READ the following verses which describe some of the things that Jesus is doing now that He has returned to His Father s side. RECORD what you learn in the arrowhead of the right /upward arrow. Hebrews 10:12-13 Hebrews 7:25 John 14:1-3 How do you respond to these explanations about Jesus current heavenly activity? Day 3 - Return in Glory PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you as you reflect on His Word that you have studied.. Before we start putting the pieces together from our look at the Old and New Testaments, has your study reminded you of any other Scriptures that point to Christ s leaving His home in glory or His ascension to glory? WRITE them here (if you re not sure where they re found, just record a phrase or two): There is one more piece of our puzzle remaining, and that involves taking a look into the future. I m sure by now you ve noticed several times when Jesus declared that even after He returns to His home in glory He will come again in glory to accomplish what remains of His Father s will. Details abound throughout the Old and New Testaments, but we ll just look at a few snapshots from the future. What do we learn about Jesus? READ the following passages, carefully noticing whom they refer to and what is going on. MARK anything that particularly stands out to you. Revelation 1:12-18 Revelation 4:1-6, 8-11 Revelation 5:1-14 Revelation 19:11-16 REFLECT on what you have read What adjectives would you use to describe the scenes you have just read about? Which of your senses would be involved in experiencing these scenes? 63

28 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Lesson 13 Act on it REVIEW the following verses that we ve already looked at. RECORD who was involved and how they responded to their experience: Isaiah 6:1-5 (Day 1) Matthew 17:1-6 (Day 1 Digging Deeper) Revelation 1:12-18 (Day 3) How does their example challenge you? How might you need to adjust your attitude or perception of worship, prayer, devotion to God, etc.? Spend some time in PERSONAL WORSHIP of the ascended Christ. WRITE out a simple prayer of praise, thanksgiving and worship, if you would like. Talk about it PREPARE to discuss this lesson with your small group by identifying: one INSIGHT you have gleaned about the Ascension or the ascended Christ from your study this week one of the IMAGES of Christ in the Revelation passages that was meaningful to you one QUESTION that has been raised by this week s study (Then share as time allows, and as your comments fit into the table conversation.) 64

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