Understanding the Truth of GOD

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1 Understanding the Truth of GOD 2 Corinthians 7:1 perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Vol. I, Number 1 December 2013 A Publication of the Independent Church of God 7 th Day Welcome to the 1 st edition of Understanding the Truth of God! The purpose of this publication is to provide you with a useful tool to help you in your studies of the Bible. Please read and study your Bible along with the articles presented. The Bible is the written Word of God. It is the foundation of all knowledge. Jesus Christ is the Word of God in person. He is the Chief Cornerstone. If, through obedience and faith you build on the foundation of Jesus Christ and literally apply the truth of God into every facet of your life, you will learn to rightly divide the word of truth. Of course, this requires that each of us understand the basic doctrines of God's church in Hebrews 6:1-3. Without obedience to this knowledge, God the Father will never let us go on to perfection. We must understand repentance from dead works, faith toward God, baptism, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. These doctrines are the basis of perfect fellowship within the church of God so that we can all speak the same thing, because we have the same spirit. Our goal is to encourage you to come to a deeper understanding of the truth of God. This requires that you come to have the very same faith that Jesus Christ had. (Jude 1:3) By constant endurance in the doctrines that require faith, you may become one of God's chosen people that are blessed to be in the first resurrection, and inherit the Kingdom of God. If you do your part, He will do His! 1

2 In This Issue Introduction Page 1 A Godly Family Page 3 Biblical Facts You Are Responsible For Your Beliefs Page 10 Coming Soon Spiritual Reasons For Physical Obedience Love Your Neighbor As Yourself Seek God's Face Part 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Live Services at 1:30 pm each Sabbath! Call (661) Access Code # VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT Contact Information Wayne Holmes (870) or wayne@icog7.org Independent Church of God 7 th Day P.O. Box Hwy 14 S Yellville, AR

3 A Godly Family Do you have a Godly family? Everything that God has purposed for you is designed to make your family strong. If you and I are not building Godly families, then we do not understand the purpose of our calling. Consider the importance of a Godly family. A Godly family faithfully obeys the laws of God because they desire to be holy. Through the Holy Spirit, God nurtures and corrects the family to make it holy and fit for the kingdom of God. Acts 4:19-31 In verse 29 the word boldness is Strong's number G3954, which means all out spokenness, frankness, bluntness years ago, God's people prayed and asked God to give them the ability to speak the word of God with boldness. These men had determined from their heart to do the work of God and they asked that God would do healings and signs and wonders through the name of Jesus Christ. And God gave them the power to do this by filling them with His Holy Spirit. Comparatively speaking, we find ourselves living in a time just before the return of Jesus Christ. Scripture tells us that this time will be worse than any time ever before. A time that will be more dangerous and evil than ever before! Genesis 6:5-13 Man became so evil that God decided to destroy the Earth in a flood. Did God believe that this would take care of the problem or did He believe that man would get this bad again? Matthew 24:30-39 Remember at the time of the flood---noah alone found grace. Will you and your family find grace in this evil time? The end time is coming! This certainly, is not a time to let down and not do the work of God. We must act and speak just as boldly today as the brethren did 2000 years ago---but do we as God's people have the heart that they had? Are we set in mind to have the same purpose of heart that they had? 3

4 Do you fully realize what is to be required of you in order for you to be perfect enough to have that heart and mind? One way that we can ensure that we will be spiritually strong in the end time is to have a strong family unit as God intended from creation for every family to have. When you build your family---you are building the church! Everything that God has purposed for us is designed to make our family strong. If you and I are not building Godly families, then we do not understand the purpose of our calling. Malachi 4:5-6 How important is family to God? How important is it that families be close to Him, and to each other? Does your immediate family resemble this? Let us understand clearly that this society has been designed specifically to destroy your family. The man that comes in the spirit and power of Elijah is going to care about families. His focus will be to put families back together so that God will not decide that the only recourse He has when He destroys society, this time, is utter destruction. With this in mind, why did Jesus Christ say that He came to send a sword to divide families? Matthew 10:34-38 Cross G4716 is the Greek word stauros and it is defined as a stake or post (as set upright), that is, (specifically) a pole or cross (as an instrument of capital punishment); figuratively exposure to death. Now why would Jesus Christ do this in light of what we have just read in Malachi? We need to understand why Jesus Christ said what He did, because it directly concerns our families and one of the purposes of our calling today. Let's look into the Scriptures and see why Jesus Christ did not come to send peace and why, at times, a sword divides families. Originally, when God created man, He set up a patriarchal family system in which the entire family was blessed, if the head of the family was Godly. At the time of the flood, Noah was given grace and was saved because he was a just man who walked with God. Noah's immediate family survived the Flood 4

5 because of the grace given to Noah. We don't read anything in Scripture about other members of Noah's family being righteous or receiving grace. When God called Abraham shortly after the flood, God set up a covenant of circumcision in which each male in the household was circumcised. Genesis 17:19-23 When God brought Israel up out of Egypt, He took a downtrodden people that were slaves, and once again set up the patriarchal family, so that the families of Israel would serve him. That's why He set apart the firstborn in Israel. Exodus 13:1-16 God intended for the father to teach his firstborn son about the covenant that God had set up with them. And the firstborn son would teach his firstborn son and so in that manner each firstborn would be Godly and the covenant would be passed on to the next generation of the family. Numbers 3:12 Very quickly, because of their disobedience, Israel proved that this system would not work for them. So God chose one tribe, the Levites, to serve Him instead of the firstborn. The Levites had no inheritance in the land; meaning they had no land on which they could live or grow their food. God was their inheritance, and they were given 1/10 (the tithe) in Israel, of which they gave 1/10 to the Highpriest. You can read the history of Israel throughout the Old Testament and see that this whole system failed repeatedly. The patriarchal family did not work because the hardness of men's hearts. The system of the priests and the Levites failed and that is why God set up another way through Jesus Christ. Through the Melchizedek priesthood God is going to have a righteous system that will not fail. This new system is discussed in the book of Ezekiel. It is based on an individual's righteousness. Ezekiel 18:1-24 We see this system set up through Jesus Christ into his church today. Every 5

6 individual regardless of the household that he lives in is blest---if he chooses to live righteously. If the father chooses to sin, but the son does not, the son is blessed, and the father is cursed. In ancient Israel, children could be punished because of the sins of the fathers by being sent or put into captivity. God's promises today are no longer national in nature, they are individual. Nations do not serve God anymore as Israel did for a very short time, under a few righteous kings. Today we are a part of the church of the firstborn, which is Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:12-23 Hebrews 12:18-29 God the Father calls those that have an opportunity to be in the first resurrection. Sadly, that does not always consist of each member of the household. As we read in Ezekiel 18, only those that choose to do righteousness---are righteous. What good would it do for God to call those who love to do evil? This is where the converted members of the family come in. Once we have been called and given God's Holy Spirit, we have a job to do. Since not every member of the family chooses to be righteous; the righteous people of that family have a responsibility to God to help them become righteous. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 We are the ambassadors for a coming kingdom that will never be destroyed. We have a job to reconcile people to God. This begins with our families. 1 Corinthians 7:7-17 This is a wonderful truth, because God will allow someone to be called through you. By your example, you can cause your spouse, your children, even your neighbor, to see the benefits of living a Godly way of life, as God wanted Israel to be a model nation. But they would not have it. God the Father may not call every individual in your family, but through your example, you may change their heart to one that God will call. 6

7 2 Chronicles 16:9 So let's look at what God intended for the family, so that we can know how God wants our families to be in this end time. We must follow the laws that regulate family life. Genesis 2:7, God made man and woman to be the basis of the family. 1 Corinthians 11:1-3 God's authority is from the top down. Ephesians 5:22-33 In verse 22 the word Lord is from the Greek word "kurios" which means supreme authority, controller, a respected title. The husband in the home is responsible to make his home a Godly one. God has given him the authority to do so. Therefore he must see to it that he conducts himself like Jesus Christ does! Along with the authority, comes the responsibility to be HOLY, just like Jesus Christ is! 1 Peter 3:1-7 Men, if there is a problem in your home and you do not correct it, in a Godly manner, you will stand before God's throne and answer for it. His first and only question will be, WHY DID YOU NOT CORRECT IT? Men, you must allow your wife the room to grow spiritually. Let's not make things so hard on each other. There is a time to be firm as in the case of sin. Willful sin of course cannot be tolerated by husband or wife. As fathers and husbands we need to give of ourselves (die daily) to make the family work. 1 Timothy 2:8-15 Adam and Eve had a problem. Adam was not deceived, but Eve was. Sadly, Adam allowed Eve to take the lead in this situation, even though Adam knew she was deceived. Adam did not sin because he listened to his wife, as some believe. Adam sinned because he did not stop his wife from taking the lead over him and then choosing to follow her into sin. Husbands and wives should always communicate, but the husband must always lead. Paul is saying that this behavior (her taking the lead, assuming headship over Adam) brought sin into Adam and Eve's lives. We are not to repeat that. 7

8 Verse 15: A woman's redemption is raising a Godly family. Sobriety G4997 means soundness of mind, literally sanity---or self-control. When a wife loses her self-control---her soundness of mind---it is because she has (just like Eve) placed herself in a position to usurp her husband's authority. It is very easy at that point---just like Eve---for Satan to cause her to sin. Titus 2:1-8 Every member of the family has a responsibility help make the family holy. 1 Timothy 5:9-15 How many times have women turned aside after Satan as Eve did? When any of us turn aside or commit a sin that we know we are trying to work on--- Satan uses that information against our families before the very throne of God! That is why God looks upon a virtuous woman as He does!! Proverbs 14:1 A virtuous woman would never tear down her own house. Rather---everything she does builds it. Proverbs 12:4 God looks at a virtuous woman as a crown to her husband. She is that perfect jewel that completes her husband. Read Proverbs 31:1, This incredible chapter describes a virtuous woman. Parents; here are some of the scriptures that deal with child rearing: Proverbs 13:24 Proverbs 19:18 Proverbs 20:11 Proverbs 22:6,15 Proverbs 23:13-22 Proverbs 29:15,17 Psalms 127:1-5 Children are a blessing from God. Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Children should be taught in everything you do. 8

9 Exodus 12:24-27 Explain to your children why you obey God as you do. Ephesians 6:1-4 Your children should see you as Godly. That same respect your children have for you will then be easily transferred to God at the age of accountability. Your children should develop good habits early. During services your children should be beside you looking up scriptures and seeing the example you set, so they can learn to live that way also. What your children become is your responsibility. You must not neglect them, because if you don't teach them, Satan will. How much your family is in the world---will show in your children! Malachi 4:4-6 How about it fathers? Are you approachable? Can you turn your heart in love towards your children? What a shame it would be for God's own church to have to have Elijah to come and teach us what we should already be doing. How about wives and husbands with unconverted mates? Can you live Godly enough to let your example change the heart of your spouse? So that they can literally be called?!!!!! God is simply not impressed with worldly accomplishments. He wants to know that you would take the time to build the family that Satan is working so hard to destroy. The end times that are coming, should motivate you to be holy enough to represent God, so that your family members and others you come into contact with---will want what you have! This is a time to be bold and it is time to speak boldly. Hebrews 13:4-6 Let's not practice covetousness. Let's not fear what man can do to us. Set aside any weight that keeps you from obeying God. Each individual member of the family has a responsibility to build and nurture the family through the laws that God has given to us. The Lord is our helper. We are His family. Let's show by our works that we honor and respect our Father in heaven by building a GODLY FAMILY. 9

10 Biblical Facts You Are Responsible For Your Beliefs! Have you thought very much about the doctrines you choose to believe? The reason I ask this is because God the Father evaluates what you believe and do each day! He does this because He knows very well that the doctrines you choose to believe and practice each day determine whether He considers you to be Holy or not! We must be Holy everyday. Unless we are extremely careful, God the Father may not be as happy with us as we think He is! God examines your judgment of yourself. He alone determines whether you please Him or not. Many people in God's church are guilty of selfishness. They choose to believe in doctrines that allow them to think in selfish terms. They seem not to care what they put others through. That is not Godly at all! Please read Philippians 2:3---Do you always esteem others better than yourself? Have you taken the time to follow 2 Corinthians 13:5? Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? Examine means to test or scrutinize. What do your tests show? The word 'reprobates' means to be rejected. Does God approve of you or could you be a candidate to be rejected? What do your doctrines allow you to believe about this? Are you working out your own salvation WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING? (Philippians 2:12) Be careful what you choose to believe! Let's not reason that because we believe something to be true, that---that makes it true! How much have we allowed the world around us to determine what we believe? Scripture paints a clear picture of the difference between God and this world. There are some Biblical facts we must face about what we believe concerning this world we live in. Please examine your doctrines as we look at the following Scriptural facts: 10

11 This present world is an evil world. (Galatians 1:4) Whosoever is a friend of this world is the enemy of God. (James 4:4) Satan the devil is disguised as an angel of light, therefore his ministers are disguised as ministers of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11:12-15) The god of this world (Satan the devil) has blinded the minds of the people of this world, to blind them to the truth of the Gospel. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Satan the devil has deceived the whole world. (Revelation 12:9) God has separated His people from the people of this world, if you are one of God's chosen people---you are to be HOLY, because God is HOLY. (Leviticus 20:23-26) How well do you fit into this world? In 1 John 2:3-4 we are told that those who say they know God, yet do not keep HIS COMMANDMENTS---ARE LIARS AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN THEM. Worldly Christianity believes that Jesus Christ did away with the Law of God. Yet decades after the crucifixion, the Apostle John was inspired to write in verse 6 that we have to walk as Jesus Christ walked. Of course, John was referring back to the days prior to His crucifixion WHEN JESUS CHRIST LITERALLY WALKED ON THIS EARTH. Jesus Christ kept all His Father's commandments. He kept the Sabbath, the Holydays, all three Feasts of God and He lived in complete Faith toward God. God is looking for people that want to be just like Jesus Christ, who will walk as HE DID!!! We see in scripture that God gives His Holy Spirit only to those that obey Him. (Acts 5:32) We also see that unless we have the Holy Spirit in us, we are not one of HIS (Romans 8:9). We see that it is only those who keep all of God's commandments and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them are God's people. Those who lack this are still of the world---and still an enemy of God. Do your doctrines allow you to believe this? Remember (2 Timothy 2:19). Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. God knows them that are His! Do your doctrines allow you to accept God's definition of who HIS people are? Are all of your doctrines Godly? Our goal is to provide the Truth of God in an understandable way to everyone that would like to receive it. 11

12 Nehemiah 8:8 says: So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. It is our hope that we can help you have a real relationship with God as you examine what the Truth of God really is. Let's be like those of Berea that the Apostle Paul said proved to be very noble. Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. If you have any questions, or would like to know more, please contact us at wayne@icog7.org or by letter at P.O. Box 1328; Yellville, AR Additionally, if there are any subjects you would like to have discussed in this publication, please contact us. 12 Independent Church of God 7 th Day P.O. Box Hwy 14 South Yellville, AR 72687

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