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2 JONAH AND THE WHALE BIBLE BASIS Jonah 1-3 LESSON That the child will learn that God wanted Jonah to obey Him by telling others about Him and that God wants us to tell others about Him. SCRIPTURE AIM INSIGHT 'Probably the most hotly debated book in the Bible is the book of Jonah. Skeptics throughout the last century or so have tried to cast doubt about its historicity. Yet today it is not the book of Jonah that should be on trial but our lives, as we study it to learn the deep truths it teaches about God's love and mercy and his dealings with his servant Jonah and a nation of pagans. Jonah has been called the first missionary because God called him to go to a foreign country to deliver a message of judgement ap,d repentance~ The results of Jonah's rebellion and disobedience are a great warning to us. At first it must have seemed to Jonah that his plan was working as the ship he had boarded set sail for Tarshish, a city far away f,rom Nineveh. Before long, however, his sin of disobedience caused great trouble for his shipmates (Jonah 1:4-15).Jonah soon discovered that it is impossible to flee from God or to turn one's back on God's commands, and if disobedience goes,on long enough, other people will be drawn into its consequences. Is this not also true in our lives? Our rebellion against God and our disobedience nearly always involve others, and they are forced to suffer because of us. We need to examine our lives for areas that are displeasing to God and then follow Jonah's example of repentence when we find such an area. We need to remeniber this lesson from Jonah's life before oudamilies, our associates and our friends are drawn into the consequences of our sin. God stands ready today to hear us, to forgive us and to provide that second chance that the rest of the book of Jonah is all about. ' GREETING Greet your children this morning with a construction paper picture. (See Greeting pattern.) Tape a flap over the Jesus s.ticker on your picture. As ea<;:hchild comes into the room,have the following conversation: "Good morning, (child's name). This is Jonah. Guess what Jonah is talking about? Jonah is telling his friends about someone very special. Pull up the flap and you will see who Jonah is talking about." (Have the child pull up the flap.) "Who is Jonah talking about? He is telling the friends that Jesus loves them. God wants us to tell our friends that Jesus loves them, too." Direct the child to the center with the fewest children. 1. "Where Are You Going, Jonah", CENTER TIME The purpose of this activity is to teach the Bible story of Jonah by having the children place dzfferent paris of the story onto the moveable mural. *NOTE - These mural pieces will also be used in telling the story: You will need your Bible, a paperdoll puppet for Jonah, a cluster of faces (smiling on one and sad on the other side), a boat, a cloud, three raindrops and a large fish. (See center 1 patterns.) If you have six children at your table. each child can hold a mural piece. ' The pieces can be combined for fewer children. Tape a sheet of butcher paper to your table. 'Draw the following picture on the paper. ~/ ~~ (Do Not Draw races Until Told)

3 Give each child a piece for the mural except the fish which you will give out later. Place your Bible in front of you. Use the construction paper fish as a bookmark, placed at the book of Jonah in the Bible. You will want the tail sticking out. Have the following conversation: "What is-this sticking out of my Bible? It's a big fish! I want to tell you a true story from the Bible all about a man named Jonah and a big fish. (Open your Bible as you talk and then hand the fish to one of the children to hold.) As I tell the story each of you put your piece on our table where it' belongs." The story of Jonah: "Jonah was in his house." (Have the child holding Jonah find the house and place Jonah in it.) "The Bible says God spoke to Jonah, and God said, 'Jonah, I want you to go and tell some people all about how much 1love them!'" (Ask the children who has the people, and have that child place the people, sad faces showing, on the opposite side.) "Jonah did not want to tell the people about God. He did not want to obey God. Jonah decided to run away from God so he did not have to mind God. But you cannot run away from God, can you?" "Jonah ran to the water and golinto a boat." (Have the child place the boat on the water. Then run Jonah to the boat and put him on the boat.) " "The boat went out in the water, up and down on the waves. Jonah could not run away from God in the boat. The Bible says God is always with us no matter where we az:e." "Then a big storm came. The clouds and the rain made the boat bump up an down." (Have the child place the cloud and raindrops in the sky over the water.) "... " "But God was with Jonah. He would not let Jonah get hurt. "Guess what God sent to help Jonah? A big fish called a whale." (Have the child place the big fish in the water.) " " "The big fish opened his big mouth and swallowed Jonah. Jonah sat in the big fish's stomach. Jonah did not get hurt. God watched" over Jonah." (Have a child put Jonah in the fish's stomach.) "Jonah was in the fish's stomach for three days. He rode up and down inside the fish." (Let a child "swim" the fish up and down.) "Jonah prayed to God when he was inside the fish." (Set Jonah up and hold his hands together.) "Jonah told God he was sorry that he was running away. He said that now he wanted to obey God. He wanted to go imd tell the people about God." "So the fish took Jonah to the land and spit Jonah out on the land. Jonah walked to the people." (Let one child walk Jonah to the sad faces.) " ". "Jonah said, '1 have come to tell you that God loves you very much.' This made the people happy. (Have a child turn the sad faces over to happy ones.) God was happy Jonah had obeyed Him.': " " You may repeat the abqve action and story again. The children will be able to participate more the second time. End your time together in prayer. Hold Jonah's hands together as you ask God to help the children tell others about God just like Jonah did. 2. Who Can I"Tell? The purpose of this activity is to make the child think of times when he can tell his friends about Jesus. You will need a Bible, a small paperdoll,.o, Jesus sticker (with the backing left on) and a Bible sticker for the Sunday School table. Tape a sheet of butcher paper to your table. Draw the following diagram on the paper. *NOTE -, Be sure to draw your diagram large enough for the paperdoll you have made. (See paperdoll pattern for center #1). " Place the paperdoll and the Jesus sticker in the center circle. One of the children will move the paperdoll and the Jesus sticker to each picture where he can tell a friend (the smiley face) about Jesus. Always have the child return the papernoll ann the sti,ker to the center circle before he walks the paperdoll with Jesus to another picture. C>. )~ ~ ~n

4 The pictures are (going clockwise) as follows: The child can tell a friend that Jesus loves him in the car. The child can tell Mommy and Daddy that Jesus loves them when Mommy or Daddy puts him to bed at night. The child can tell a friend at the grocery story that Jesus loves him. The child can tell a friend that he's playing with that Jesus loves him. The child can. tell a friend at Sunday School that Jesus loves him. The conversation is as follows:., (Child's. name), do you know the Bible says that we should tell our friends that Jesus loves them." (Open your Bible and point to the words.) "Let's pretend this is you. Can you find a friend on the swing set and tell him that Jesus loves him?" (Have the child walk the paperdoll down the line to the swing set next to the friend, smiley face. Then have the child pl~ce the Jesus sticker nearby.) "What is friend's name?" (Try to get the child to say a name. If not, one of the children at your table.) "You say, ' (Friend's name), Jesus loves you. Jesus wants you to love Him too.' Very good! Now, walk the paperdoll bqck to the circle." (Let the child repeat the action with Qther pictures~ Then allow the other children at the table to have turns. Use similar conversation and refer to the picture descriptions to remind you of what should take place at each picture.) End your time together in prayer. Place the paperdoll's hands together as the children fold theirs. Ask God to help each child tell his friends about Jesus: 3. What's In Jonah's Suitcase? The purpose of this activity is to get the of what Jonah might need to go on a missionary trip, You will need several dolls.or stuffed animals, a suitcase, pajamas, a toothbrush, a pair of tennis shoes or shorts, a sticker or picture of Jesus, a children's book about Jesus and abible. You will also need a man's coat (or a boy's coat) for Jonah to wear. ". Have the children sit in a group with you on the floor. (Have the dolls or animals placed a distance away from your group.) Let one of the children be Jonah and wear the coat. All of the other items should be in a sack near you. Open your Bible and tell the children that you want to tell them a true story from the Bible about a man named Jonah. Point out the child playing Jonah. Have the following conversation,: "God told Jonah to go on a long' trip and tell some friends about God." (Point to the "friends," the dolls or stuffed animals.) "Let's help Jonah pack his suitcase. What do you think Jonah will need?" (Begin to pull out.each item from your sack leaving the Bible, book and Jesus sticker for last.) " (Child's name), what is this? It's a toothbrush. Jonah will need to brush his teeth while he is on his trip.',' (Use similar conversation with the other items. Be sure to emphasize the use of the Bible. book and Jesus sticker in telling others how much]esus loves them.) When you have finished talking about each item and placed it in the 'suitcase, you are ready to go on your "trip." If thesuitcase is small, you can let "Jonah" carry it. If it is too large,the teacher can carry the suitcase. Then you can guide Jonah and the other children on a short walk arqund the room ending your trip at the group of "friends." Have Jonah open his suitcase and get out his Bible, book and Jesus sticker. As the child holds the Bible and shows the "friends" the. picture of Jesus, have him S(j.y,"Hello, Friends! I have come to come to tell you that Jesus loves you very much." This makes the friends very happy. End your time together by having Jonah, the friends and the other children fold their harids while you ask God to help the children tell others about Jesus. ~7" Zt{"O:> 1. Jonah Thkes A Ride FOR CHILDREN 24 MONTHS OLD AND UNDER The purpose of this activity is to 'teach the.children the main points of the Bible story. You will need a "big fish," a small paperdoll JOll<ih and smiley faces, all made from construction paper. (See Center #1 for older children patterns). Tape a piece of butcher paper to the wall (almost to. the floor). Draw the water using a blue crayon and the shore using a brown crayon. Tape the faces, smiley side up, onto the shore. The big fish and Jonah will be moveable.

5 '-,;:r1j~'"" I. -' \ ' \ I '\, FOR CHILDREN 24 MONTHS OLD AND UNDER (Cont'd.) Place five or six carpet squares or placemats on the floor. A sheet of construction paper with a large smiley face drawn on it and a Jesus sticker stuck next to the smiley face will make a very good permanent mat if it is covered with contact paper. If you use this kind of mat, have the following conversation as each child approaches your group:" (Child's name), here is your mat. You can sit on it. See how happy you are! (Point to the smiley face,) That is because Jesus loves you!" Then encourage him to sit down on his smiley mat. ' After the children have been seated in front of the butcher paper, let each child take a turn lightly sticking Jonah onto the big fish and making the big fish ride up and down in the water toward the shore. Then guide the child in removing Jonah from the fish and walking him toward the smiley faces. Have the following convers;:ltion:,"this is Jonah. (Hold up Jonah.) The Bible says Jonah fell into the Water. God sent a big fish to swallow Jonah. (Child's nilme) ; can you come up and put Jonah in the fish. (Applaud for the child). The big fish went up and down in the water with Jonah." (Pass the fish with Jonah taped to it around to each child and let each child make the fish go up and down. Remind the children that God watched over Jonah. If you have a small number of children, let each child come to the butcher paper and make the fish go up and down on the water.) After each child has had a turn "swimming" the fish, let. them take turns removing Jonah'from the fish and walking him toward the smiley faces. Say the.following: "NowJonah can get out of the fish. Jonah Walks up to the people and says, 'Jesus loves you!'" The'children wilf need your guidance in removing Jonah and walking him toward the smiley hices. As each child holds the paperdoll, guide him in saying "Jesus loves you!" 2. Smilin' Back At Me! The purpose of this qctiv ty is to encourage the child to say 'Jesus loves you," You will need ten to twelve Jesus stickers,ten to twelve construction paper flaps, and ten to twelve construction paper smiley faces. Tape a piece of butcher paper to the wall. Tape ten to twelve small flaps to the butcher (only tape to top so that the flaps will lift up). Tape a smiley face under each flap! As each child approaches the center; give him a Jesus sticker and have the following conversation:, <Child's name), can you put this Jesus sticker right here (on the flap)?jesus loves you, (child's name) Let's look under the flap, There's (name of any child in the room)! Can you say 'Jesus loves you, (child you just named)!',that makes (child just named) smile at you.". Repeat this activity with other children. Encourage the children to say, "Jesus loves you." When all the flaps have a Jesus sticker, the remaining children wii.! only point to the sticker of Jesus and say "Jesus loves me." Then continue with the rest of the conversation. 3. The Telephone's For You! The purpose of this activity is to encourage the child to say, ''Jesus lovesyou, by using the telephone.. (name of any child allhe tabu') 'n Have a real or play telephone on the table beside you. After the children have been seated, open your Bible and have the following conversation: "Can you say 'Bible'? The Bible says, (point to the. words in the Bible) 'Jesus loves you.' Say that with me." Pick up the telephone receiver and say, "It's (name of any child at the table) on the phone. Can you say, 'Jesus loves you, Allow each child to have a turn. (same child's name)?'" 1. Supplies Needed STORY TIME Bible; supplies from center #1 (paperdoll Jonah, boat, big fish, smiley faces); large doll; pictures of children interacting with children, a parent and a child; people in any situation where a child could tell them "Jesus loves you."; a sheet of butcher paper with house, water and land already drawn on it (see diagram for center #1); double tape for the supplies from center #1. ' 2. Preparation For The Story

6 Ease the children to your story circle by singing your transition song. Once the children are seated, sing "Where IS?", act out monthly Bible verse and begin story with prayer. *BIBLE LEADER - Have one child come up and read (repeat after you while he is holding the open Bible.) "And God made a great fish to swallow Jonah." Jonah 1:17 3. Outline For Story *NOTE - Have the butcher paper already taped to the wall and your mural pieces ready to stick onto the paper. Be sure all the children in the story circle can see the mural.. Open your Bible. "I want to tell you a true story from the Bible about a man named Jonah." "Let's pretend this is Jonah." (Hold up the paperdoll.) "God wanted to do something, and Jonah tried to run away from God. Let's see what happened to Jonah." "One day Jonah was at home. (Place Jonah on the house.) And God spoke to Jonah. God said, 'Jonah, I want you to go to some people and tell them how much I love them.'" (Place the sad smiley faces on the butcher paper. See center #1 diagram.). "Gcid wanted Jonah to go and tell these people tl?-at God loved them." (Point to the sad faces.) "Jonah did not want to do that, so he decided he would run away from God. Jonah ran down to the water and got on a boat." (Run the paperdoll down to the water and place Jonah on the boat. Do not stick the boat onto the water yet.), "So, Jonah went out into the water in the boat. But Jonah could not run away from God. God is always watching over us." ("Ride" the boat across th~ waves.) "Then a big storm came and the boat began to go up and down." (Rock the boat up and down.) "Jonah jumped out of the boat into the water. But Jonah still could not hide from God in the water. Guess what God did?" (Place' Jonah in the water.). "God did not leave Jonah in the water t<)get hurt.' God made a big fish,. called a whale, come to get Jonah." (Place the whale in the water.), "The big fish opened its big mouth and swallowed Jonah. There was enough room in the big fish's stomach for Jonah to sit." (Place Jonah in the fish's stomach.). "Jonah knew then that he could not hide from God. He knew that God was taking care of him." "Guess what the BIble says Jonah did when he was in the fish's stomach? Jonah prayed. He knew God could hear him even in a fish. Jonah told God that he was ready to obey Him and to do what God wanted him to do. Remember, God wanted Jonah to go tell these people all about God:" (Point to the sad faces.). "The fish swam all the way to the ground and spit Jonah out onto the ground." "Then Jonah did what God wanted him to do. He went to the people and said, 'God loves you so much and God wants you to IQveHim.'" "Jonah obeyed God. God wants us toobey Him.and tell our friends how much God loves them." At this point you can show pictures of children interacting with other children or with adults and any other pictures of situations where a child could say, "Jesus loves you." Comments as you show each picture. If you have time and the children are still attentive, place a large doll next to you in a chair and pretend that the doll is a friend. Turn to the "friend" and say, "I want to tell you something, friend. Jesus loves you. He sure does. And He wants you to love Him." Place your arms around doll and give her a hug. Close your time in prayer asking God to help the children to always tell others that Jesus loves them ,..-,,- ~...,... /~:St?;'t~ '~----':" ~ : 'J\ C.J I U\jF--i.~ FOR CHILDREN 24 MONTHS OLD AND UNDER 1. Supplies Needed Bible; a large doll; three or four stuffed animals; a paperdoll Jonah; the boat; the large fish; smiley faces; butcher paper with water and land drawn on it. (See center #1 for older children and patterns). 2. Preparation For Story Same as for older children.

7 r'. c;. '~' I.,,..../_-u-' \ (}\i"-s-.j FOR CHILDREN 24 MONTHS OLD AND UNDER (cont'd.) *NOTE - Have one child come up and read (repeat after you while he is fiolding the open Bible). "And God made a fish to swallow Jonah." Jonah 1:17 3. Outline For Story *NOTE - Place butcher paper on the Wall.Place the stuffed animals in chairs. As you begin your ' story, hold the large doll in your lap. Open your Bible and begin your story talking to the large doll. " (Doll's name), did you know the Bible says we should 'tell our friends that Jesus loves them." " (Doll's name), are these your'friends?" (Point to the stuffed animals.) "Would you please tell your friends how much Jesus loves them? (Carry the doll to each stuffed animal. Place the doll's hands, on each animal's face and say, "Jesus loves you,!teddy Bear)." Repeat with each animal. Remember to call each one by name.), ' "The Bible tells us a story all about.a man named Jonah. (Place Jonah on the butcher paped This is Jonah." (Point to the paperdoll.), "God told Jonah to tell these people all about Jesus." (Place the smiley faces on the butcher paper.) "Jonah did not want to tell the people about Jesus. So Jonah decided to run away from GDd." (Run paperdoll up and down the bank.) ~'But Jonah could not run away from God." "Then Jonah got onto a boat. The boat went up and down, up and down in the water." (Place Jonah on the boat and move the boat up and down in the water.) "Then a big storm came, and Jonah jumped off the boat." "Jonah floated in the water. But Jonah could not run away from God. God could see Jonah even in the water." (Tape Jonah on the water.). "God sent a big fish to swa)low Jonah. Jonah sat in the fish's stomach. (Place Jonah on the fish.) Jonah prayed." (Fold the paperdoll's hands in a praying position.) ''This fish swam around in the water." (Move the fish up and~down in the water.) "The fish carried Jonah all the way to the land." "Jonah got,out of the fish. Jonah was safe and dry." (Place Jonah on the land.) "Jonah did what God told him to do. He ran to tell the people about Jesus. 'Jesus loves you!jesus loves you!''' Close your time with prayer. MUSIC TIME Sing "Jesus Loves Me", as the children enter the room. Let two children come up front and hold a,completed craft while the children sing the following song (to the tune of''' Mary Had A Little Lamb"). ' God made a fish to swallow Jonah, to swallow Jonah, to swallow Jonah., God made a fish to swallow Jonah, And in his stomach he stayed. Jonah prayed and prayed in the fish's stomach, in the fish's stomach, in the fish's stomach. Jonah prayed and prayed in the fish's stomach, And this is what he said. Lord, help me do what you want me to, what you want me to, what you want me to. Lord, help me do what you want me to, Help me to obey.

8 Conversation: "What did God want Jonah to do? God wanted Jonah to tell the people about Jesus." Also sing: "Jesus Loves The Little Children," "God Is So Good" and "When I Pray." End your music time in prayer. CRAFT TIME 1. Before Sunday cut the whale and the paperdoll out of construction paper. Make copies of the attached song about Jonah. Glue the song onto the back of the whale. 2. Have the child glue the Jonah paperdoll onto the whale. Say, "And God made a big fish to swallow Jonah." 3. Have the children hold up their whales and "swim" them up and down in the air while all of you sing the Jonah song. *Young children will omit #3. NafE TO PARENTS The following points might be included in your note to ~arents. 1. Advise them of the story and activities taught that day. 2. Encourage the parent to use the craft to reinforce the story. Have the child "swim" the fish up and down in the air while the parent and child sing the song (on the back of the whale). Then the parent should ask the child the attached question.

9 EXPANDED SESSION JONAH AND THE WHALE Supplement - BIBLE BASIS Jonah 1-3.*NOTE - Chapter 4 of the book of Jonah may be difficult to explain to 4 year aids and may confuse them. If your children are five or older, you may want to include chapter 4..LESSON AIM That the child will learn that C~odwanted Jonah to obey Him bytelling others about Him and that God wants us to tell others about Him. 1. Who Can I Tell? CENTER TIME (See CUrticulum under #2 for exact details.) *Nm'E - Although this center is for younger children, it communicates the message. You may make the center more mteresting by allowing the children to draw their own pictures at a car, a bed, the grocery store, etc. You may have more success with this center on the floor. Draw the pictures on posterboard and use it as. a game letting the children take turns moving their smiley fate and the Jesus sticker. You will want to refer to your Bible as you talk about God wanting Jonah to tell others about Him. End you center time in prayer asking God to help us tell others that Jesus loves them. 2. "What Can I Tell About God" Book.. The purpo.~eof this activity is to help remind the children what they do know about God that they can tell to others.. To make the book, cut any color of construction paper in half (one piece for each child). Place the 2 halves. together, folrl in half again, and staple on the fold... n-1~:;l.plec.. ~ ~Id * '5ta.p/e The children love to staple things if you have time for them to do it in class. Make enough copies of the front cover and inside pages for each child (see patterns) and cut apart. The cover and pages will be pasted by the child onto the construction paper books. Then the child can trace over the dotted in words and color the pictures.. As the children are working on their books, discuss with them how God wanted Jonah to tell the people of Nineveh about Him, and He also wants us to tell others about Him. Jesus told us to "go into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15. Be sure to read and talk about what is written on each page and talk about what the picture means. STORY TIME *NOTE - The following supplies can be prepared before class or if time allows the children can help prepare them as you talk about Jonah.. 1. Supplies Needed Bible; butcher paper; Jonah paperdoll (see curriculum for pattern); boat; 4 "scared" smiley faces for men on the boat (see curriculum for pattern); 4 smiley faces for the people of Nineveh; 4 small praying hands for the people of Nineveh; 2 clouds and some raindrops.

10 2. Preparation For Story Ease the children to your story circle by singing your transition song. Once the children are seated, sing' 'Where IS ", act out monthly rhyme, say monthly Bible verse and begin with prayer. *NOTE - If you have a lot of children, you willwant to siton the floor with the butcher paper facing the children. 3. Outline For Story *NarE - Draw the background onto the posterboard. You may want to cut water with waves and water without waves out of blue construction paper and place on the paper. Draw only the land onto the posterboard. Draw Jonah's house onto the land. Have the children open their Bibles to the book of Jonah. You should have enough story pieces foj:. each child to have one or more. This story will be done the same way as Manna In The Wilderness was done. *Be sure to read Jonah 1-3 before class.. "God told Jonah that He wanted him to go to Nineveh." (Have child place Jonah beside his house. Point to Nineveh.) "Nineveh was a place where a lot of people lived that did not know God. God wanted Jonah to go and tell them how much God loved them." "The Bible says that Jonah did not want to tell the people 'about (;od. Jonah wanted to run away from God so God wouldn't make him go to Nineveh.". "So Jonah found a big boat down by the water. Some men were on the boat. (Have childrenplace boat in smooth water and men in the boat.) Jonah got on the boat." (Place Jonah on the boat.) "Jonah thought he could run away from God. But God knew just' where Jonah was.".'the Bible says that God sent a great wind,on the sea and a big storm., The water became really rough, and the men were' afraid the boat was going to break." (Place wavey water on butcher paper and rock back and forth; place raindrops and clouds in the sky.) "One of the men went to Jonah and said, 'Jonah, why is God sending this storm?' And Jonah told the men that God had ask him to go and tell some people about God, and he didn't want to." "So, he was running away from God. Then Jonah told the men if they would pick him up and throw him into the sea, the storm would go away.". "So the Bible says that the men picked Jonah up and t}1rewhim into the sea." (Place Jonah in the water.) "Then the water became calm, and the storm went away." (Have the children remove clouds and raindrops and replace the wavey water with the smooth water.).. "Then God sent a big fish (or whale) to swallow Jonah. Jonah was in the fish's stomach for 3 days." (Have child place Jonah in the fish's stomach.)' ' "The Bible says that Jonah prayed to God. He told God that he would go to Nineveh and tell the people about God." (Fold Jonah's hands together and tape them in a pr~ying position.).. "Then the fish swam to the land and spit Jonah out." (Place Jonah on the land at Nineveh.) "Jonah walked up to the people at Nineveh." (Place Nineveh faces on the land.) "Jonah told the people how much God loved them and that God wants them to love Him." "Then the people ptayed to God and told God they were sorry and that they wanted to love God." (Place praying hands beside faces.) End your time in 'prayer asking God to help you tell others about God.


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