The Southam College P.I Revision Guide

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1 The Southam College P.I Revision Guide This booklet is intended to support the Religious Studies OCR GCSE course. If you need any more information on any of the topics in the booklet or if you would like to have practice answers marked please see your P.I teacher. 1

2 Answering the questions In your GCSE you will sit two exams each lasting one hour. In your first exam (Ethics 1) you will answer questions on the following two topics - 1. Religion and Human Relationships. 2. Religion and Medical Ethics. In your second exam (Ethics 2) you will answer questions on the following two topics 1. Religion, Peace & Justice 2. Religion and the Media Each question is made up of 5 questions, labelled A, B,C,D and E. There is a technique to answering the questions, making sure you know what this is will help you gain the maximum number of marks. A, B and C are KNOWLEDGE based and marked as points. A = a definition; it is worth 1 mark (spend 1 minute on this) B = two examples or explanation; it is worth 2 marks (spend 2 minutes on this) C = Examples and explanation of a belief/teaching; it is worth 3 marks (spend 3 minutes on this) D gets you to show UNDERSTANDING to the examiner and is level marked. It is asking you the effect or importance of something you have studied. It is worth 6 marks (spend 6-8 minutes on this) Remember to EXPLAIN not just DESCRIBE and always state the obvious (as you see it) as the examiner does not know you so must be told clearly what you understand. E is an EVALUATION (JUDGEMENT/ARGUMENT) and is level marked. For this you will need to show AT LEAST 3 points of view to get the full marks. E is always a STATEMENT and worth 12 marks (spend minutes on this). Structure your answer in the following way FOR the statement (agree) AGAINST the statement (disagree) Sentence Starter Some Christians (Roman Catholic/Quakers/Protestants or Muslims) believe that... PEE (Give a point, evidence it with a quote or a piece of research, then explain it) Sentence Starter However other Christians ((Roman Catholic/Quakers/Protestants or Muslims) believe that... PEE (Give a point, evidence it with a quote or a piece of research, then explain it) CONCLUSION (Give your own opinion once you have weighed up both sides of the argument. 2

3 Sentence starter After weighing up both sides of the argument I am firmly of the opinion that... Exam Style Exam style varies from one person to another show yours so you get the best results BULLET POINTS DRAW TABLES Some Christians think... me being funny appreciate it please) Some Muslims think... Draw pictu res (belo w is Use Acronyms Never Eat Shredded Wheat (Geography North,East,South,West) Spelling, punctuation and grammar You are awarded four marks for this. Evidence = Qu ran and Bible stories/quotes For each of the sections there are a series of stories and quotes for you to try to use in your exam. Once you have used these stories and quotes remember to explain them so you show you understand why you have added them in you DO NOT have to agree with the quote or story but you do have to show you understand it. BONUS = You can use the same stories or quotations throughout your answers on all topics as long as it is relevant. For example, Bible quote thou shall not kill (one of the 10 commandments) is relevant to MEDICAL ETHICS (ABORTION/EUTHANASIA/FERTILITY TREATMENT) and RELIGION, PEACE AND JUSTICE (JUST WAR THEORY/IMMORAL ACTIONS/PACIFCISM). 3

4 Religion and Human Relationships Religion and Human Relationships Religion and relationships looks at these key areas. You can tick off each when you have revised it, and to remind you what you have achieved. 4


6 (c) Name three key elements which might form part of a Christian wedding. [3] (d) How may a Christian marriage ceremony reflect belief? [6] (e) Divorce is wrong. Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. [12] Total: [24] Christian attitudes to co-habitation Catholic The Roman Catholic Church is totally opposed to people cohabiting (living together without being married). Sexual intercourse outside marriage is a very serious sin and these people cannot receive communion in the church. Protestant Some Protestant churches accept cohabitation although they would always encourage people to marry in church before living together. Pre-Marital sex Catholics do not agree with pre-marital sex (any sex before a person is married). St. Paul Said in the Bible that you should devote yourself to God and not have sex, but if you cannot do that, then the only right way to have sex is in marriage where the holy union is blessed by God. Christians (both Catholics and Protestants) do not believe in FORNICATION (sex solely for pleasure but only for procreation-making babies) it therefore follows that you only make babies in marriage and will not be having any sex before marriage. Before Marriage a person should be CHASTE (remain sexually pure a virgin), once married they should have intercourse solely for making new life, pleasure is just an extra of sex, it is not the main aim. For Protestants, they are realistic and understand that many people cannot wait until marriage for sexual intercourse, they argue that as long as sex is conducted in a long term loving relationship then it is allowed. Some groups of people are unable to have sex because of their job, such as Priests, Nuns and Monks. These Catholics devote themselves to God and to serving the community, and because of that are not allowed to have sex, marry or masturbate. These people are CELIBATE. CONTRACEPTION Catholics do not need contraception as they are having sex to procreate (make babies) and are only having sex within marriage. Remember each and every sexual act must be open to the possibility of pregnancy or it is a sin! 2

7 Catholic Contraception interferes with the will of God. You are not getting a chance to become pregnant if you use contraception. God did say to Adam, be fruitful and multiply Contraception could encourage sex before marriage, as this is the way that it can be done safely, with no commitment. Sex before marriage is NOT allowed in Catholicism. Every sperm is sacred. This means that sperm which is wasted, e.g. not used for making babies is WRONG, this includes masturbation. All methods of contraception are wrong as sperm is not being used for the purpose which it is intended. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that when a sperm fertilises an ovum (egg) the result is a being with full human rights. All artificial forms of contraception are not, therefore, allowed. Before I formed thee in the womb I knew thee Jeremiah 1:4 Protestant All methods of contraception are allowed, people have the right to decide when and where they want a family. Contraception allows for sensible family planning. Just because you are married, does not mean that you are ready to have a child. Sexual intercourse is pleasurable and is a way for two people who are in love to express their feelings. It is a close and personal bond between two people, not just a way to reproduce like an animal. A woman has the right to want a Child and a child has the right to be wanted. Liberal Protestants CAN have sex before marriage, as long as it is in a loving, long term relationship. This means that safe sex is vitally important, so that STI s are not caught. Protestants would prefer to have children in marriage so would need to be protected if they chose to have intercourse before marriage. Christian attitudes to Marriage Why do Christians get married? P.U.R.P.O.S.E VOWS Procreation - having children Union - a loving partnership of living together Rearing children - providing nurture & security Pattern for society - family unit of mutual support One flesh - sexual intimacy Sacred - blessed by God Eternal - lifelong faithful relationship I,..., take you,..., to be my wife [or husband]. to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and this is my solemn vow. REMEMBER, both Catholics and Protestants would get married in a Church, not in a registry office. Catholic It is only men and women who are intended to be together. God made Adam and Eve in Genesis (first book of the Bible). It is ONLY men and women who Protestant Strict protestants still believe that only men and women should be married and have relationships. However, some liberal (free thinking) Protestants 3

8 are to be together. Homosexuality is NOT acceoted. At a Catholic ceremony Holy Communion or Eucharist (bread and wine) is shared to show a very religious bond of the marriage with Jesus and God, and that the teachings of Jesus will be a part of the marriage and any children the couple may have. Catholics should be virgins until marriage Catholics are married by a Priest which is always a man, who can never marry himself and is CELIBATE (chooses or is forced by his job to not have sex) believe that homosexuality IS allowed. It is up to the individual Vicar what they believe about the issue, and one church will differ from another. Some vicars may even be in favour of same sex civil partnerships (gay marriage). Sometimes a couple may have holy communion at a wedding, but not often. Protestants can have sex before marriage as long as it is in a loving long term relationship. Protestants are married by a Vicar, who could be a man or a woman. Vicars can get married, have children and use contraception. Marriage is a SACRAMENT. This means that it is one of the vital life stages that every Catholic must go through. This means that it is expected that you will marry; the only people who will not are nuns, monks or priests who are married spiritually to God. Order of Service and symbols If you are asked to describe a wedding service, try to remember a wedding you may have been to or even one that you have seen on TV. Go through each stage and say how each symbol has a meaning. 1. It is in a CHURCH (the wedding is happening under the eyes of God, a sacred blessing) 2. The Bride is GIVEN AWAY showing a time when women were often seen as objects or possessions to be bought and sold by their father, she is being passed from her father to a husband. 3. The Bride wears a WHITE DRESS a symbol of her purity and virginity. She has kept herself CHASTE for her husband. 4. The church is full of friends and family, WITNESSES to the marriage and the bond that the couple are making. 5. There must be at least one BIBLE READING, to show the importance of the Holy Book. It also shows the couple that the Bible can be turned to during times of difficulty in the marriage for advice. 6. PRAYERS are said to bless the marriage. 7. HYMNS are sung, songs to show that it is a happy occasion. 8. At a Catholic wedding the EUCHARIST/HOLY COMMUNION (bread and wine) are shared, showing that the important symbol of Jesus is at the wedding. 9. VOWS are exchanged, promises that the couple make to each other before the witnesses and before God. 2

9 10. RINGS are exchanged, they are gold or platinum, a pure metal to represent the purity of the couples love. The rings have no join to symbolise that the marriage has no beginning and no end and reinforce the vows til death do us part. 11. CONFETTI is thrown as the married couple leave the Church, rice is a symbol of fertility, showing that the couple should now go and reproduce be fruitful and multiply. Today, bio-degradable confetti is thrown as rice is not allowed in Church grounds. The ring is made from a pure metal, just like your love which is pure. The ring also has no join representing a never ending eternal bond. Christian attitudes to divorce Catholic 'Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce'. But I say to you that anyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. Matthew 5:31-32 The quote tells us that only adultery is grounds for divorce, and even then you should seek to go to counselling before you seek out divorce. Protestant Divorce should only be a last resort after all other methods have tried and failed. After counselling and a period of separation. Protestants understand that marriage cannot always last, and divorce may be needed. In the Roman Catholic Church a marriage can only be ended by an annulment. This is given only if the marriage is found to be invalid (for example, if it can be proved that the vows were not meant, or if a person was tricked into the marriage, and it has not been consummated you have never slept together) and it is then considered never to have taken place. A divorce can definitely be allowed in cases where a husband or wife has harmed the other one. Especially in cases of abuse, (mental, physical etc). What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder Mark 10:9 This means that when God has witnessed two people getting married then nobody should try to break a marriage apart. If that is by having an affair, spreading lies or tricking a person. Divorce should be taken seriously and any children in the marriage should be put first. They should see counsellors or therapists to get over the shock of parents divorcing. Christian attitudes to re-marriage Catholic Remarriage is forbidden in the Roman Catholic Church (unless an annulment has been granted) because divorce is not permitted. Protestant In 1981 the Church of England allowed people to marry again after a divorce and many other Churches now follow this position I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, Most Protestant Churches do allow divorce, but 3

10 except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery Matthew 19: 9 it is actually up to the choice of the individual Vicar and their opinion if they agree with remarriage or not, and can choose if you are allowed to in their Church. If you remarry, then the Catholic Church will not recognise you as married, unless your first partner had died. They will see you as legally divorced but not spiritually. You are still married in the eyes of God, and are therefore committing adultery. Roles of men and Women TRADITIONAL ROLES Traditional Christians - The belief that men and women as EQUAL but having different roles. It is the role of the woman to cook, clean and run the household, bringing up the children. Men will go out to work and be the breadwinners. Quotes: St. Paul said in the Bible that Men should lead and Women should follow he also said that Women should not speak in Church, but wait until they get home and ask their husbands, that a woman should not have authority over a man. Jesus was male and all of his disciples were male. A woman is not able to represent God on Earth. Think of FATHER TED (a male priest, living with other males Mrs. Doyle is just there to make the tea and clean the house). Modern Roles Liberal Christians - In a modern household both the man and woman are equal in both their jobs inside and outside of the house. Quotes/Stories: Jesus had many important women around him, he would never have been born if it weren t for his mother Mary, his friend Mary Magdalene was with him as he was crucified and who he appeared to for the first time after his resurrection. Jesus spoke to women as equals and fought for women to have equal marital status. Think of the VICAR of DIBLEY a vicar who is a major part or the community, with an important job who is devoted to the church, yet is still able to marry, have sexual relationships and children if she wishes. 4

11 Stories and quotations Therefore what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. Golden Commandment: Treat others as you would like to be treated Each an every sexual act must be open to the possibility of pregnancy. Til Death do us part Be fruitful and multiply But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Mark 10:6-9 5

12 Islam and Human relationships useful for an e question if you would like another point of view: Key Words Nikah- a contract signed by the husband and wife to acknowledge each others rights Mahr- Money or property given by the husband to the wife as a gift. Walima- A feast which takes place some days after the marriage ceremony Islamic Marriage Many Muslims rely on their parents to find them a spouse. This is because Islam does not permit mixing of the sexes before marriage. This is known as an arranged marriage (not FORCED marriage) Marriage sites and speed dating are now a newer phenomena which enables Muslims to find partners Same-sex marriage and civil partnerships Same-sex marriage (also called gay marriage) is a legally or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender. Same-sex marriages cannot be considered legal with a Muslim marriage as same sex couples cannot have children naturally. For many religions including Islam homosexuality is wrong because it involves sex that doesn't create life. God created man and woman (Adam and Eve) to have children. However not all Muslim groups are against civil ceremonies and homosexuality (There are many Muslim gay marriages in the United States, Canada and India). Divorce- Divorce rates are much lower in Muslim countries than in the West, but the divorce process is much more simple. If a man or woman is unhappy, the only honourable option is divorce. HOWEVER even though it is allowed in Shari a law it is really disapproved of and should only be a last resort Adultery is forbidden in The Qur an, the punishments in countries following Muslims law should be a flogging of 100 lashes, but this is not always used... Shari ah law treats adultery as a capital crime in other words it is punishable by death. Either keep your wife honestly, or put her away from you with kindness. Do not force a woman to stay with you who wishes to leave. The man who does that only injuries himself Qur an Islam and sex before marriage The Qur an states very clearly that there should be no sex before marriage. It also teaches that boys and girls should be separated as much as possible after puberty. Islamic law (the Shari ah) follows the teaching of The Qur an and forbids sex before marriage. The primary purpose of sex in Islam is for making children. Muslims believe that children should only be born into a family where the mother and father are married. 6

13 Religion and Medical Ethics 7

14 Religion and Medical Ethics You should understand the key terms: SACRED GIFT FROM GOD You should understand the key terms: QUALITY QUANTITY VALUE ABILITY /DISABILITY PAIN You should understand the key terms: CONCEPTION CONTRACEPTION TERMINATION ECTOPIC MURDER INTENSIVE CARE PREMATURE WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN? You should understand the key terms: MERCY KILLING EASY DEATH LIFE SUPPORT Specimen Questions MODERN TECHNOLOGY HUMAN RIGHTS DIGNITY ACTIVE PASSIVE VOLUNTARY INVOLUNTARY DIANNE PRETTY TONY BLAND You should understand the key terms: IVF AID (Artificial Insemination by Donor) AIH (Artificial Insemination by Husband) SPERM AND EGG FREEZING DONATION PLAYING GOD ADAM AND EVE DOMINION STEWARDSHIP VIVISECTION COSMETIC TESTING DRUGS AND OPERATIONS (a) What is fertility treatment? [1] (b) Describe Christian attitudes towards fertility treatment. [2] (c) What does Christianity teach about abortion? [3] (d) Explain Christian attitudes to the use of animals in medical research. [6] (e) Every woman has the right to have a baby. 8

15 Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. [12] Total: [24] Which is more important... SANCTITY of Life? (Catholic) ALL life is a MIRACLE. A real gift from God. It is amazing that we have come into this world. No gift should ever be returned, it is a disrespectful thing to do. We are made in the IMAGE OF GOD. This means that we are very special as human beings on Earth. Famous Case Studies - QUALITY of Life? (Protestant) It is not the length of your life that matters but what you do with it that counts. Suffering and pain makes your life unliveable. A loving God would understand that you cannot take pain any longer. You honour God with the work that you on the earth, you cannot represent God if you are ill and suffering or unable to move or speak. Every human being has the right to make a contribution to the world. If you are in a coma, PVS or paralysed you cannot make any sort of worthwhile contribution and therefore are no use to the world. DIANNE PRETTY Dianne had Motor Neurone DIANNE PRETTY Disease which she Dianne knew had Motor Neurone would kill her in a Disease painful and which she knew degrading way. She would did not kill her in a painful and want her husband degrading to be put in way. She did not prison for murder want so she her husband to be put in asked for VOLUNTARY prison for murder so she EUTHANASIA. Court asked of for VOLUNTARY human Rights said EUTHANASIA. NO and Court of she died in pain in human a Rights said NO and HOSPICE. she died in pain in a TONY BLAND Tony was crushed at the Hillsborough football ground in He was kept alive by machines, and was in a PVS. His family asked for INVOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA. Courts said NO that you cannot kill somebody, but take away the things keeping him alive. Food and water. He 2

16 Abortion and Euthanasia The Law on Abortion: Abortion has been legal in Britain since The law allows a pregnancy to be terminated up until the 24th week. Two doctors must agree. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Font color: Black her life is at risk there is a risk of injury to the woman s physical or mental health. A woman can have a legal abortion in the UK as long as the doctors agree that an abortion is necessary there is a risk that another child would threaten the health of existing children there is a substantial risk that the baby might be born disabled her life is at risk there is a risk of injury to the woman s physical or mental health. A woman can have a legal abortion in the UK as long as the doctors agree that an abortion is necessary there is a risk that another child would threaten the health of existing children there is a substantial risk that the baby might be born disabled 2

17 Voluntary euthanasia When the person concerned asks someone else to help them die. They may persuade another person to assist them to die. Passive Euthanasia This is when a person refuses to have any more treatment or operations and to live the rest of their life to the full. They are aware that refusing treatment will shorten or end their life. 4 Types of Euthanasia Active euthanasia When a specific action is undertaken to bring life to an end - for example a person ending their own life (suicide). Involuntary Euthanasia This is when a person is unable to ask to die because they are in a coma or PVS (persistent vegetative state). Others must make their decision for them 3

18 Catholic Abortion is ALWAYS wrong. It says in the Didache (early Christian document) that You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb The Bible also tells us that: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. Jeremiah 1 Abortion is MURDER Even in cases of abuse, incest and rape, abortion IS NOT allowed. The life of the baby and the mother are equally important. If the mother s life was in danger, for example if there was an ectopic pregnancy then the fallopian tubes must be removed to save the mother, a secondary cause of this operation would be the loss of the foetus. This is not viewed as an abortion as the child s life was not intentionally taken. (This is known as double effect ) If God makes a life it is your duty to bring it into the world as another Christian to do Gods work. Your body is a sacred vessel; it represents the union between God and the body of the Church. By dishonouring your body you dishonour the bond between God and the community. Are not five Sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered. Do not worry you are worth more than many sparrows This means that God will not do anything that is not done for a reason. Even the smallest things in the world God knows about, such as tiny sparrows and hairs on your head, he knows the smallest details of things on Earth. He would not create something as important as life for no reason. You could put a child up for adoption. This is much better than to murder an innocent being. Christian attitudes to Abortion Protestant On the whole abortion is wrong but can be allowed in some circumstances. (Situation Ethics look at each situation and make a decision based on the kindest route) We do not know when life begins. It might not be A LIFE until quite late on a pregnancy, in which case you cannot MURDER something which does not really have life. Abortion is not murder, a foetus is NOT the same as a baby, we do not know when the soul is implanted! Abortion IS allowed in cases of rape, abuse and incest. Many people could not have a rapist s baby. Abortion would be allowed if the mother s life would be in danger to keep the baby. The mother s life is the most important. A loving God would understand choices made in times of confusion and distress. A loving God would not want you to suffer. Each person has the responsibility to be able to look after any child brought into the world and offer it the best possible start. If you cannot offer this then you should not have a child. Treat others as you would want to be treated This means that you should place yourself in somebody else s shoes to see how you would feel if they judged you for a choice you had made. The quote tells protestants to respect other people s choices and not judge them for the personal decisions they have made. Your body is your own property and only you have to go through the pain of birth or can be in control of it. 4

19 Christian attitudes to Euthanasia Catholic ALL Euthanasia is WRONG, it is MURDER ALL life comes from God. He made it. It tells us this in Genesis So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:26-28 This means that as God makes life only HE has the right to take it away. ALL life is sacred; it is VALUABLE and should be treated as the most precious gift. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6:19 It says in the most basic Christian teaching that we should not murder, in the 10 commandments it says: Thou shall not kill. Exodus 20:13 Euthanasia leaves no chance for miracles or for cures from the medical profession. Medical advances happen all of the time and people in comas are now proven to have brain activity where they can imagine places and visualise things. The Catholic Church sees Hospices as an alternative to Euthanasia; they can control pain and care emotionally for patients and families in the weeks and days before they die. Double effect is not a sin to Catholics regarding euthanasia. This means when a person dies as a side effect to treatment that was intended to save life or control pain. For example dying after being given morphine which was given to relieve pain and suffering. Suicide is very WRONG, if you commit suicide then Catholics believe you go straight to hell. Protestant Euthanasia is not something which is desirable. It is the last option when life is so painful that there is little quality left. Life is from God, and we are made to represent him on earth and look after the planet and animals. We cannot do this if we are in pain or are suffering. We must feel that our life has VALUE if we are to feel we are doing a good job representing God. Life is only a gift if it is a comfortable existence. If you are living in pain or you are trapped inside a disabled or paralysed body then life becomes worthless. A loving God would not want you to suffer. A loving God would not want you to suffer; HE would understand that you are suffering every day and that your close family and friends are suffering with you.protestants can be more modern thinking. They realise that people are often kept alive on machines when naturally they would have died. This means that new choices have to be made about when lives should be ended to relive the suffering of patients and their families. Sometimes a patient has tried years of medical treatment from operations to painful drugs which have bad side effects, they may want their last weeks, months or years to be free from painful treatment and hospitals, and to enjoy them with family and friends. There could be ways of regulating and making euthanasia legal, so that people do not abuse the system and calling all murders euthanasia. Suicide is seen as a cry for help, not something to be punished or thought of in an uncompassionate way. 5

20 Types of fertility treatment IVF AID AIH In Vitro means in glass and people often refer to this method of conception as having a test-tube baby. The woman is given drugs to help her produce eggs, which are then collected, fertilised with the man s sperm outside her body and then placed back inside. Many women undergoing IVF give birth to twins or even more babies! Success rates are around 34% in the best clinics in the UK and it costs over 3000 per try. You can use a man and woman s own eggs and sperm as well as donor eggs and sperm (or a mix of both). ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION BY DONOR This is useful when the man is infertile. Sperm from an anonymous donor are placed in the neck of the womb from where they travel to meet the woman s egg, this method is cheap and can be done at home and needs no training to perform. Fertilisation then takes place, but the male partner has not supplied the sperm. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION BY HUSBAND This is used when there is a medical reason why a couple cannot conceive although there is nothing wrong with their eggs or sperm. The husband s sperm are collected and placed in his wife s body. SPERM & EGG STORING It is now possible to store a man s sperm or a woman s eggs in case they are needed some time in the future. The man or woman may die early or become infertile. Should this happen, their eggs or sperm can be used. 6

21 Christian attitudes to Fertility treatment Catholic Fertility treatment goes against Natural Law; it is only with natural intercourse that Gods will can happen. God gets to choose who is allowed to have children and who is not, taking that away goes against the will of God. Making embryos in test tubes is playing God. Messing with science and nature goes against what God would want. Every sperm is sacred. This means that male masturbation is wrong as it wastes sperm. Although this is intended for use in pregnancy it is not natural, and therefore wrong. When embryos are made, only some of them are used in the pregnancy, the ones that are not needed are destroyed or tested on, then destroyed. Since life begins at conception (when the sperm and egg meet), you are killing human lives. That is MURDER. Protestant Fertility treatment is allowed. It is humanity s ability to create life which should be used to the best extent, and God does say to Adam and Eve, be fruitful and multiply. You can use any method of fertility treatment except A.I.D. You should only use the sperm of your husband to become pregnant. Using another mans sperm is classed as adultery. You are cheating on your husband to use another mans sperm. Children bring joy to couples all over the world, as long as they are not created using donor eggs and sperm then any means of achieving this happiness and bringing new life into the world is acceptable. The child will be loved, wanted and cherished. Method Catholics Protestants IVF AID AIH 7

22 Cloning Cloning is the creation of a genetically identical animal or plant from another animal or plant. A famous clone was Dolly the sheep in 1997; She was the first mammal to be created from an adult cell, rather than from an embryo. She was not the first clone, just the most famous example. Cows, sheep, frogs and mice have all been cloned. If you take a cutting from a plant to make another, you are cloning it. Identical twins are also clones. At the moment, there are no human clones, this technology is very risky. Human Cloning problems: Women would need to donate hundreds of eggs to the procedure. Women would have to carry the clones surrogate pregnancies. The surrogate births would have a high risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. The clones carry a risk of premature aging if they are successfully born. Human Reproductive cloning is banned in most countries. However, there are other types of cloning that could be applied to humans. Therapeutic Cloning (cell or nucleus replacement) This is done for the replacement of human tissues, lost during illness, accident or disability. The cells from a human are taken, and reprogrammed (the nucleus is removed) to change them into different cells (any type of cell in the body). The cells could be kept in storage, or used straight away, and could be transferred into a part of the body which requires the treatment, and will replicated in the human body. Therapeutic cloning has already been conducted in animals, with stem cells being grown in this way. The HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act) was amended in 2001 to allow embryos for stem cell research. This means that scientists can use embryos left over from IVF, up to 14 days of development. In 2005 scientists at Newcastle University successfully cloned the first human embryo it lasted 5 days. Advances in this area could lead to the treatment of major brain disease and deterioration. The Protestant Church teaching on cloning Cloning is seen as against the will of God especially cloning a human being. Each person has individuality and human life should not be tampered with. Some Christians say that THERAPEAUTIC CLONING could be good, as it would benefit human beings. It is caring for Gods creation (ourselves). As long as there 8

23 are strict controls then it is using the skills God gave to take care of what God made. The Catholic Church and cloning Cloning is not allowed for Catholics as it separates the act of sex from the act of procreation (making babies). In cloning large numbers of lives (or potential lives!) are killed when embryos are tested on and then destroyed. Even if the end action is good (to cure disease) the human body is not a tool in curing this. The foetus is of prime importance. Christian attitudes to Animal Testing Catholic Catholics have a sensible attitude towards animal testing. They believe that animals are below humans and are therefore for us to rule and control. We should be able to eat animals and use them as we feel is right. Animals do not have a soul. We should still be kind and not make animals suffer in pain. Animal research was used in the discovery of vitamins, understanding how embryos develop, the development of anaesthetics and the treatment of diabetes. Tests on animals have helped to produce a vaccine for polio, drugs for the treatment of asthma and the survival of premature babies. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply...and have dominion over...every living thing Genesis 1: 28 The Church recognises the need for animals to receive careful and sympathetic treatment, both during their lives and in the manner of their dying. How many of us would really take a medicine that had not been tried and tested first? It is reasonable to assume that the side effects of using an unknown drug far outweigh the sacrifice of animals who are below us in the food chain. Protestant Protestants believe that animals should be treated with care and respect. This means that we should be careful in the products we buy and the companies we use. We should protest at animal cruelty. There are cases of deliberately causing cancer in animals, this raises many concerns: Should we create a living being deliberately to suffer pain and an early death, and should such pain and suffering earn profit for companies? The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15 It is not hard for basic human compassion to show us that animal testing is wrong. It is out human ability to feel guilt and be emotionally effected by suffering that shows clearly how animal testing is against the will of God. 9

24 Quotes Medical Ethics: ISLAM Using quotes is a great way of supporting your ideas in an exam. Abortion Abortion is not welcomed in Islam but can be allowed in some circumstances. Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verify the killing of them is a great sin. (17: 31) Fertility Treatment Muslims do allow some fertility treatments as long as all natural methods have failed and it is the sperm of the husband. If it is the sperm of a donor then this is seen as adultery. Most Muslims would prefer the eggs to be the woman s but if this has failed then a donor may be considered. And (remember) Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord: O my Lord! Leave me not without offspring, though Thou art the best of inheritors, So we listened to him, and We granted him Yabya: we cured his wife s barenness for him. Euthanasia and Suicide Euthanasia and Suicide are seen as wrong as life is a gift from God Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves, for verily Allah hath been to you most Merciful! (4: 29) Anyone who throws themselves down from a rock and commits suicide will be throwing themselves into Hell. A person who drinks poison and kills themselves will drink it for ever in Hell. A person who stabs themselves will stab themselves forever in Hell. (Hadith) Use of animals Animals must be treated humanely but will allow animal testing if it is done to produce genuine medical advances. There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Nothing we have omitted from the Book, and they all shall be gathered to the Lord in the end (6: 38) 10

25 Religion, Peace and Justice 11

26 Keywords: Capital punishment Conscientious objector Pacifism Holy War Just war theory Quakers Justice Deterrence Authority Protection Retribution Retaliation Reform Corporal punishment Social injustice Liberation theology CAFOD Amnesty International Prisoner of conscience Restorative justice 12

27 (a) What is meant by war? [1] Exam practice Questions (b) State two possible aims of punishment? [2] (c) Describe what Christians mean by a Just War [3] (d) Explain why Christians believe Justice is important[6] (e) Religious people should never go to War. Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. [12] Total: [24] The Breakdown: Attitudes towards war Just War Theory Attitudes towards the use of violence Attitudes towards pacifism Reasons for these attitudes Concept of Justice Aims of punishment Attitudes towards capital punishment Beliefs about the treatment of criminals Responses to the treatment of criminals Concept of social justice and injustice Beliefs about social injustice Responses to social injustice I know this... 13

28 Just War Theory: Christian attitudes towards war: FOR WAR and VIOLENCE... In the Old Testament Wars happen as a way of God punishing those nations who oppose the Israelites the Israelites fight on behalf of God a Holy War, where they destroy their enemies. Initially in the early days of Christianity the new followers of Christ were pacifists and any soldiers who became Christians were expected to leave the army. When Emperor Constantine became a Christian in the 3 rd Century the pacifism of Christianity was problematic for the huge empire of Rome it they remained pacifist then anyone who chose could invade without anyone putting up a protest. This lead to the establishment once again of the idea of a Holy War. In the Middle Ages Thomas Aquinas devised something called Just War Theory. Aquinas saw the appalling suffering caused by the idea of Holy War caused and believed that there should be an assumption that War was wrong unless it was being fought for Just reasons. The general idea is to limit the number of Wars that happen and for people to behave morally within War. Conditions of a Just War this criteria should be met before a war could be started: Before War is declared PROPER AUTHORITY (Peter) The war proposed must be declared by the authority of the state or ruler. JUST CAUSE (Jordan) There must be a Just cause such as self defence. ESTABLISH GOOD (Easily) The war must be to promote good and stop evil. REASONABLE CHANCE OF SUCCESS (Reheated) It must be possible to win. LAST RESORT (Last) The war must be a last resort. During War the methods must be just: SUFFICIENT FORCE (Saturday s)- The methods (what is done in war) must be proportionate no more force than necessary. CIVILIANS (Chips) - Innocents should not be targeted. After War Peace must be restored after the war is over. 14

29 Pacifism Against Violence Christian attitudes towards the use of violence and towards pacifism Christians look to the Bible to look for guidance about violence and war. Although the Old Testament has stories of God ordering the Israelites going to war the New Testament says nothing directly about War although it does reject the use of violence for personal gain. Biblical Teaching: AGAINST VIOLENCE In Matthew 5 Jesus says: You have heard it said an eye for an eye but now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, let them slap you your left cheek too. It is thought that Jesus was teaching that acts of revenge were wrong. More from Matthew: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you Christians may argue that you cannot love your enemy if you are being violent towards them. And more Blessed are the peacemakers, God will call them His children. Again this seems to suggest that God wants people to be peaceful not violent. When Jesus was arrested he refused to use violence to resist arrest and stopped one of his disciples when he got a sword and tried to stop the authorities from arresting him. Christians may argue that killing in war is as bad as any form of murder. If you kill because you hate the enemy this is wrong and if you treat them as if they aren t really human so you can bring yourself to kill them then this is wrong because all humans are children of God. People who refuse to go to war are called pacifist. Quakers are pacifist they believe that if it s wrong to murder people ( thou shalt not kill ) then it is ALWAYS wrong and will only breed more violence. Quakers believe that they can find better, more creative ways to solve problems and will often try to be mediators in times of war. Being a Pacifist is not just about not using violence to solve problems between individuals or nations but also about actively seeking to bring about Peace. Other Christians argue that Pacifism may be the IDEAL way to solve problem but what should Christians do if that doesn t work? They may say that sometimes violence/war may be necessary as the lesser of 2 evils it may be worse to stand by and do nothing, for example not standing up against Hitler. 15

30 Concept of Justice Justice Fair treatment Social Injustice: Violent and Non-Violent Action Some Christians argue that it is never acceptable to use violence to achieve Justice in Society. Case Studies: Martin Luther King argued that the black population should never use violence to achieve equal rights he believed in Non Violent Direct Action resisting the unfair laws but without using violence. MLK used boycotts (like the Bus Boycott), sit-ins, marches, all designed to make the point without physically harming anyone. MLK said this way of stopping of injustice was voluntary, dignified and creative he meant it was a positive choice, it doesn t take away anyone s human rights and that it is inventive rather than just reacting in desperation and anger. Other Christians have said that like with Pacifism non-violence doesn t always protect those who are most vulnerable. What would have happened if the American Government had just shot all the Civil Rights Protestors? Sometimes violence may be necessary as a last resort. Some supporters of Liberation Theology which sees that God is on the side of the poor - believe it may be necessary to take up arms (go to war with) evil rulers who oppress and exploit their people in order to protect the innocent and destroy evil. They may argue that in the Bible God commanded: Amos 5: 24 Let justice roll flow like stream, and righteousness like a river that never runs dry. They may argue to stand by and allow people to be oppressed and murdered and do nothing is a worse evil than to use violence to protect. Oscar Romero from El Salvador Revolution is necessary to free the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, cloth the naked, and bring a life of well-being for the needy majority of the people. God is on the side of the poor, the Church is on the side of the poor. (He will shot whilst saying Mass for his views 1980) Cardinal Ernesto He believed that like with Just War Theory sometimes violence was necessary to resist an evil regime. He grew up in Nicaragua where there was a lot of oppression by the Government of the people. Anyone who disagreed with the Government was murdered. As a catholic Priest Ernesto believed that it was wrong to let the Government go unchallenged if he loved his neighbour he would have to stand up against them even if this mean violence. Ernesto believed in something called Liberation Theology. This belief taught that God is on the side of the poor and that he wants to set people free from poverty and oppression some also believed that if this meant using violence to do it then it was justified. The lesser of 2 evils. Ernesto led an armed attack on the Government forces believing that he could not stand by and allow the oppression and suffering to continue. 16

31 Eventually Nicaragua had democracy and he served in the Government as the education minister for many years. Treatment of Criminals: Christian beliefs about the treatment of criminals Remember the different ideas about the purpose of punishment: Retribution Protection Rehabilitation + Reform Revenge OR Deterrence Authority Protection Pay back Even Reform The Old Testament teaching about the treatment of Criminals is that of making amends for the wrong done compensation to the same extent of the harm done - an eye for an eye. Punishment in the Old Testament seems to be about for retribution and revenge and capital punishment was acceptable for some crimes including murder and adultery, among others. In the New Testament there seems to be an emphasis on forgiveness and leaving God to be judge. In the story of the Woman caught in Adultery Jesus suggests that you are only entitled to condemn someone if you yourself are perfect. He tells the woman to go and sin no more. These different approaches lead to Christians having differing views about how criminals should be treated. Some believe that they should pay for their crime and emphasis punishment. People should be held responsible for what they do and this means harsh punishment for their own good and the good of society. Others may think it is important to understand the criminal s background and state of mind they may think that reform and rehabilitation are more important than just punishing people people need to be changed. Either way, for Christians there is the belief that people can change and faith in Christ can change their life both Moses and Paul were murders who reformed! Many Christians may think that the sort of punishment that allows a criminal to make up for their crime and to understand the suffering they have caused may be best. It is more creative than just banging someone up. For Capital Punishment Although Jesus doesn t say anything about this issue there are crimes in the Old Testament that carry the death penalty. Today there are Christians who are on both sides of this debate and feel equally passionate about it. Those in favour argue that it is Justice if someone takes a life then they forfeit theirs an eye for an eye, a life for a life. They may say that because life is Sacred if someone takes a life then they must pay the ultimate price with their life. They may argue that some criminals are so dangerous they pose a constant threat to the prison officers who care for them and to protect them and society at large some people need execution. 17

32 Against Other Christians believe that if murder is wrong then this includes capital punishment. When the woman was caught in adultery according to Jewish Law at the time she should have been executed whereas Jesus stepped in and saved her life God should be the ultimate judge not us. Other Christians argue that to sentence someone to death and have them on death row is inhumane. They argue that killing someone doesn t really give them an opportunity for rehabilitation. People do change and capital punishment ignores this. Islam Religion, Peace and Justice Key terms Muslim Aid- A Muslim charity who help people less fortunate than themselves Jihad- There are 2 types the lesser and greater. The lesser is also known as holy war. Pacifism Some Muslims choose to be pacifists, this means they are against war and violence in any situation. Some Christians, such as The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), are totally opposed to fighting and during warfare they are conscientious objectors. They are prepared to go into battle driving ambulances or doing other duties but they will not fight. Holy war The idea of a holy war is a war fought on behalf of God. The most famous example of a so-called holy war was the Christian wars to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims in the Middle ages. Christians called this the crusades. Those fighting believed that they were fighting a holy war on God s behalf. Lesser Jihad is known as Holy War in Islam. Muhammad fought in many battles but he disagreed with harming civilians and believed there should be a just reason for war to take place. Islam and War Islam sets down clear guidelines as to when war is ethically right, and clear guidelines as to how war should be conducted. War is allowed - in self defence when other nations have attacked an Islamic state if another state is oppressing its own Muslims War should be conducted: in a disciplined way so as to avoid injuring civilians with the minimum necessary force without anger with humane treatment towards prisoners of war Jihad 18

33 The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort. The media often call it holy war but to Muslims it means much more than holy war. Muslims use the word Jihad to describe different kinds of struggle: Greater Jihad- A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible whilst building a good Muslim society Lesser Jihad -Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary Social Injustice- Examples include- Lack of education Lack of healthcare No access to clean water Muslims feel they should try to help others who are less well off than themselves. This is shown through the pillar of Zakat which teaches Muslims to give 2.5% of their yearly income to charity. Charities like Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief help people all over the world who are less well off and also help when natural disasters strike like Tsunamis and Hurricanes. The Pillar of Sawm (fasting) also helps Muslims to think about those who are less well off than themselves and through Ramadan Muslims pray for others and also share their end of Ramadan feast with the poor and needy. The Pillar of Salah (prayer) also gives Muslims an opportunity to pray for others and ask Allah to help them. Muhammad also helped the poor and needy so Muslims should follow his example. "The best charity is that which is practiced by a wealthy person Quotes from the Quran Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors. Qur'an 2:190 If anyone killed a person - unless it was for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed the whole people Qur'an 5:32 Those who readily fight in the cause of God are those who forsake this world in favour of the Hereafter. Whoever fights in the cause of God, then gets killed, or attains victory, we will surely grant him a great recompense. Qur'an 4:74 "The best charity is that which is practiced by a wealthy person Muhammad Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Shaitan. (the Devil) Qur'an 4:76 19

34 Religion and the Media 20

35 Religion and the Media - ~ Revision topics include: Relationship with the media, including different forms of media, the influence of, portrayal of religion and attitudes towards ~ Use of the media; to represent and educate ~ Censorship and freedom of speech; portrayal of violence and sex, attitudes and responses Keywords: Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Print Broadcasting Internet Film Political Bias Xenophobia Watershed Mass Media Evangelical Stereotypes Censorship Freedom of Speech Exam practice Questions (a) What is media? [1] (b) How might media influence people? [2] (c) How is Christianity portrayed in the media?[3] (d) Explain Christian attitudes to towards portrayals of sex and violence in the media [6] (e) People should have the right to complete freedom of speech. Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. 21

36 [12] Total: [24] The Different forms of the media: 1. Print Books, newspapers, magazines, comic strips 2. Broadcasting TV, Radio, 3. Internet Mass Communication e.g. youtube 4. Film Cinemas How does the Media influence our world and the people within it? The influence of the media Mass commuciation: eg, one tv show can reach a huge audience The media has wide appeal because it is very varied. There are many different types. It reaches a large amount o people. Why is the media so influential? Efficient modern technology and transport mean that it is quick to circulate media Lots of Money in media, 19.4 billion spent in As a result media is very powerful. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Christians are concerned that media has a massive effect on people and this means that church attendance has fallen and the authority of the church. Many people believe that the media is becoming too powerful and does not allow people to think deeply about issues; many people only get soundbites of information from the media. Christianity in the Media: There are many programmes in the media which are linked to Christianity Songs of Praise, Radio 4 Sunday Worship, many Evangelical preachers In 1994 the Church of England ordained its a controversial comedy which helped to first women priests. In response, BBC made break down barriers within the church. Other contemporary issues include: In 2008 MP s debated the controversial Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. This included issues such as abortion and embryo research which conflicted with Christian ethics about the sanctity of life. Three RC members of the cabinet voted with their religious beliefs rather than with the PM. Mixed reaction in the media. 22

37 How are religious figures portrayed? Portrayal of important religious figures Religious figures are presented by the media in a variety of ways depending on the circumstances, context and any bias. Often presented as positive role models, living a morally good lifestyle, helping others, being kind, putting biblical teachings into practice. Some areas, often tabloids, highlight the bad things they get up to, eg, affairs, debt, ill treatment of others and present it as a scandal when they are about church leaders. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Portrayal of important religious figures The Queen is Head of the Church of England, and often shown attending church and meeting with religious people. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Dr John Sentamu, is often in the news when he does something unusual to raise awareness of a cause. Portrayal of Jesus Jesus is portrayed in many different ways, sometimes factual and the bible stories are reflected. At Christmas and Easter, the media focuses on Jesus and there are many documentaries and articles. Shows Jesus as a uniquely positive, praiseworthy figure. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision 2

38 Portrayal of Jesus Sometimes Jesus is portrayed more controversially. American cartoon South Park, Jesus is shown having his own TV show called Jesus and Pals and is killed fighting Iraqi when trying to escape Santa on Christmas Eve. Seen by some as entertaining and funny, others as offensive and blasphemous. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Films and Books examples of how these are used: What issues are tackled? A religious or philosophical issue may be shown in a film. Religious: the way that a film shows religious characters events or activities gives ideas and meanings about them Philosophical: focus on beliefs, morals, truth and the meaning of life The Matrix: focuses on a philosophical issue. It tries to make the audience question the reality of life. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Responses and attitudes towards books and comics Range of books available for people to learn more about their faith Books by Christians about their faith and life for others to read Biographies and autobiographies, Mother Teresa Not all books about God written by Christians and not all encourage people to develop faith. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision 2

39 Other Film Examples Remember that Christians might respond in different ways. Directed by a catholic Aimed to be as truthful as possible Some believed it contained unnecessary grpahic violence Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision How can the Media be used? How can the media educate Christians and non Christians? Relate experience as well as information The media as a tool Provoke thought and encourage people to look more deeply at Christianity Provide information in variety of useful ways Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Be contemporary up to the minute broadcasts to educate a modern society. 3

40 How can the media educate Christians and non-christians? The media has limitations about educating people about Christianity as it may not give a full picture of the faith. It might misrepresent the religion due to bias or inaccuracy. Some non Christians may know little, so the media can be an excellent introduction. Most religious media includes basic information Christians will have a certain amount of knowledge and experience, media can develop this further. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Censorship and Freedom of Speech Censorship means: The act of controlling what is said or written Removal of harmful or offensive material (eg sexual or violent material, terrorist messages, material which incites hatred) Freedom of Speech is: the belief or principle that people have the right to voice opinions freely and without restriction. Many countries permit freedom of speech, but will have some restrictions The Human Rights Act (1998) supports the right to Freedom of Expression, subject to certain conditions Racial and Religious Hatred Act Makes it an offence to stir up racial hatred, (applies to verbal, written, physical) Obscene Publications Act Defines limits of obscenity Law of blasphemy was ablolished in 2008 In 2008 a man prosecuted under Obscene Publications Act for making up a story on a website about the kidnap, rape n murder of Girls Aloud. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision 4

41 Examples in the media 9pm watershed anything shown on terrestrial tv before 9pm must be suitable for adults and children. In addition radio and tv may bleep out swear words. Films are all classified. Jerry Springer: The Opera was shown by the BBC in The BBC received 63,000 complaints by Christians offended by its portrayal of Christian icons. In October 2008 there were 37,000 complaints to the BBC about Jonathon Ross and Russell Brand and their telephoning an actor to discuss private relationships with his granddaughter. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision Christian Responses: It is a good thing that censorship exists to ensure a minimum moral standard. Censorship against racial and religious hatred is a good thing because the Bible teaches Christians to be nice to people from different cultures. Censorship of pornography is good because it can become destructive and addictive Swearing is wrong and should be restricted. But I tell you swearing is wrong. (Matthew 5:34) Portrayal of graphic violence is wrong and personally offends many Christians. Therefore they may agree that it should be censored. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn him to the other cheek. (Matthew 5:39) Some Christians feel that censorship does not go far enough and could be improved. Other Christians do not believe in any censorship, because they believe its important for people to have free will and choose themselves. Philosophy and Ethics Unit 12: Media Revision 5

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