Edgewood Bible Church Counseling June 2011 FEAR & WORRY

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1 FEAR & WORRY Our mission Course Description This class deals with two of the acceptable emotions that Christians face. Biblical Counseling is the process where the Bible, God s Word, is related individually to a person or persons who are struggling under the weight of personal sin and/or the difficulties with suffering, so that he or she might genuinely change in the inner person to be pleasing to God. Course Objectives 1. To know the Biblical descriptions of fear, which is right and which is wrong. 2. Learn keys to deal with fear biblically. 3. Understand how to diagnose worry and the root causes. 4. Understand the steps to overcome worry. Course Materials Required reading for this class: Pamphlets on Worry, Fear and Depression Recommended reading for this class: Course Homework Pre-class homework: None In class homework: None Page 1 of 14

2 Instructor Outline Worry Definition The Greek word in the New Testament translated as Worry is μεριμνάω From Louw-Nida: μεριμνάω: (derivative of μέριμνα worry, ) to have an anxious concern, based on apprehension about possible danger or misfortune to be worried about, to be anxious about. τίς δὲ ἐξ ὑμῶν μεριμνῶν δύναται ἐπὶ τὴν ἡλικίαν αὐτοῦ προσθεῖναι πῆχυν; can any of you live a bit longer by worrying about it? Lk 12:25; μὴ μεριμνήσητε πῶς ἢ τί λαλήσητε do not worry about how or what you are going to say Mt 10:19. 1 The Greek word above is translated as these English words in the NASB95 Bible: 1. Anxious Philippians 4:6 2. Concerned Philippians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 7:32, 7:33, 7:34 3. Care 1 Corinthians 12:25, Matthew 6:34 4. Worry/Worried Matthew 6:25, 6:27, 6:28, 6:31, 6:34, 10:19; Luke 10:41, 12:11, 12:22, 12:25, 12:26 The English word worry at is defined as: Noun: To torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret. Verb: to torment with cares, anxieties, etc.; trouble; plague. 1 Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996). Vol. 1: Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: Based on semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition.) (312). New York: United Bible Societies. Page 2 of 14

3 One counselors definition: Worry is an over-anxious concern regarding the future and things that keep a person from fulfilling current biblical responsibilities, Randy Patton from Track I training at Faith Biblical Counseling training Another counselor s view, (taken from class notes FBS BC401 Unit 3 on 1/11/2012, Dr. Robert Jones professor): Worry is one step along a spectrum of concern for something. Where a person lies on the spectrum is a matter of intensity. The spectrum can be seen as: Concern Worry Anxiety Fear (or Phobia) Panic Counseling tip: People may use these words interchangeably, without understanding the nuances of each word. While it isn t important that we correct them on the spot, it is important that we ask further questions to identify where the person is along the spectrum. For instance a person may come and say I am concerned that my son/daughter marries a Christian. Upon further questioning you find out that they are consumed with this thought and are taking inappropriate actions to force the issue. Proper Concern There is a proper place for being concerned about our God given responsibilities. 1 Corinthians 7:32-34 Paul is instructing the church of God at Corinth to have concern. The unmarried person will have concern for the Lord s affairs, while the married person will have concern for their spouse. Philippians 2:20 Paul is describing the concern that Timothy has for the church at Philippi. from proper planning (James 4:3-14) Conclusion: we are to be concerned about the areas where God has given us responsibilities. The concern is a call to action, to perform the duties with which we are responsible. Page 3 of 14

4 When Worry becomes sin Worry become sin when (from my notes from Faith Biblical Counseling Track 1, Randy Patton) 1. Thoughts or focus are on the future 2. When thoughts are unproductive 3. When the worry controls me instead of vice versa 4. When it prevents fulfilling responsibilities 5. When it damages my body 6. When I lose hope instead of finding answers 7. When I stop functioning. Matthew 6:19-34 Idolatry When we worry we are idolizing the object of our worry. We are forgetting that God is sovereign and in control of all things. We are placing ourselves before God and trusting in our self to fulfill a desire or perceived need. In Matthew 6:25 we are told not to worry. This verse begins with For this reason (NASB), which means we go back a few verses to figure out why not to worry. Matthew explains how our worry competes with God in three ways. (from Getting to the Heart of Your Worry, Robert D. Jones) 1. Competing treasures: Our worry reflects the earthly treasure we are worshipping rather than the heavenly treasure God has in store for us. 2. Competing eyes: Our worry reflects that our vision is on darkness. Our focus is on earthly things that we really can t see or know the outcome of, instead of looking towards Jesus. 3. Competing masters: Our worry reflects that the object of our worry is our master. We have given this object power over us. It controls what we do and what we think. Jesus is clear in Matthew 6:24 that we cannot serve two masters. When we worry we are no longer serving our Lord, but the object of our worry. The solution is to repent of our competing treasures, eyes and masters. We must turn back to God. Page 4 of 14

5 Unbelief When we worry we are demonstrating the fruit of remaining doubt. Our worry is a statement about our unbelief or lack of understanding in who God is and indicates that we are living for something or someone other than God. The solution is to mature our faith. This can be done by disciplining ourselves to focus on four key areas (taken from my notes from Faith Biblical Counseling Track 1 Worry and Fear session) 1. God s care for mankind (Matthew 6:25-30). God cares for his creation. In these verses there is a progression of God s care. If He cares for the plants and animals, we can know that he cares for humans, that bear His image. 2. God s omniscience (Matthew 6:31-32). God already knows our needs. When we worry we are making a statement that He either doesn t know, doesn t care or doesn t have the power to do anything about it. In Philippians 1:6 we are told that God is at work in us and will perfect us. 3. God s promises (Matthew 6:33). 4. Pleasing God by taking care of responsibilities for today (Matthew 6:34). Rather than spend our energy on worry, we should be spending it on performing the tasks we are responsible for. Some quotes from Corrie Ten Boom, found on [ a. Worry is like a rocking chair-it keeps you moving but doesn't get you anywhere. b. Worry is like racing the engine of an automobile without letting in the clutch c. Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. Counseling tip: Use the The Big Picture diagram from How People Change, Paul Tripp and Timothy Lane, page to help identify idols of the counselee s heart. Page 5 of 14

6 Philippians 4:4-9 Antidote for Worry Worship Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! When we are worshipping our Lord and Savior we will not be worrying. We can rejoice in all that the Lord has already done, and in the promises of what He will do in the future. Pray Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. We are instructed to take our worries and concerns and give them to God. When we pray we are to be thankful for what God has already provided and for what He will provide. The result of our sincere prayer will be the peace of God will overcome us and guard us from the effects of worry. (Philippians 4:7) Counseling tip: counselees may need some guidance in what it means to give their concerns to God. This could be another facet of their worrying. When instructing the counseling take them through Paul Tripp s Circle of Concerns v. Circe of Responsibilities: found in Instrument in the Redeemer s Hands, pages Think Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. When we worry we are focused on the negative things that might happen. Our mind is consumed with negative thoughts and conclusions about which we have no control. Instead we need to exercise selfcontrol and train our minds to dwell on the positive things. This isn t the secular version of Power of Page 6 of 14

7 Positive Thinking, but it is to instead think about God s promises. It is to think about who God is and the power that he has. The thinking should draw us close to God, rather than worrying which takes us away from God. Do Philippians 4:9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Finally, it is when we put these things into action that demonstrates a heart change. First, we must do the things God has given us the responsibilities to perform. When we worry we rob ourselves of time to do the things that God has called us to do. Begin by creating a schedule of all the things you are responsible for completing. Be sure to start with time in prayer and reading God s Word. Second, review time spent on activities that lead to worry (e.g. listening to talk radio, watching the news, etc.) and plan on doing wholesome activities as a replacement (e.g. read a good book, visit with a neighbor/friend, volunteer at a local shelter, etc.) Homework suggestions 1. Read Philippians and record 5 verses with the promises of God, with regard to God s care and provisions. 2. For the person that has been a Christian for a while, have the person review their Bible for verses that they have underlined. Have them write down what God is revealing to them in those verses. 3. Have the counselee keep an Anxiety Journal, reference Appendix A, Lou Priolo s Anxiety Journal. Helpful Resources: 1. Getting to the Heart of Your Worry, Robert D. Jones, ing%20to%20the%20heart%20of%20your%20worry_%20r.%20jones_.pdf 2. Helping People Overcome Worry, Lou Priolo, ping%20people%20overcome%20worry_lou%20priolo_.doc Page 7 of 14

8 3. Three Bible Studies: A Bible Study for Worriers, Howard A. Eyrich, e%20study%20on%20worry%20_%20eyrich_.pdf 4. Running Scared, Ed Welch 5. When People are Big and God is Small, Ed Welch Page 8 of 14

9 Fear Definition of fear Secular: the natural f e e l i n g of alarm caused by the expectation of imminent danger, pain, or disaster. Holman Bible Dictionary. Religious: the result of a w e and r e v e r e n c e toward a supreme power. Holman Bible Dictionary. Fears that are right Fear is right and good and proper when it moves us toward God and toward biblical behavior. Patton Fear G o d (Prov 9:10; Eccl 12:13&14) our response is to be o b e d i e n t Fear d a n g e r (1 Cor 6:19-20) our response to fear should be to get out of d a n g e r Fear due to g u i l t (Prov 28:1) our response is to r e p e n t and become o b e d i e n t Fears that are wrong Fear becomes sinful when it is allowed to motivate our t h i n k i n g and b e h a v i o r to be unbiblical Fear as a c o n s e q u e n c e of s in: (Gen 3:10) Fear of m a n (John 12:42-43) this is that my fear is more horizontal than vertical. Fear of t e m p o r a l t h i n g s (1 Cor 4:5) having fear of things for which we have no control. Page 9 of 14

10 Keys to deal with fear Biblically 1. Develop a strong G o d focus (Gal 1:10) Homework: memorize Gal 1:10 2. Deal with g u i l t biblically Biblical counseling: people that are grappling with fear often are still dealing with unresolved g u i l t. Bring the person to repentance and understand forgiveness. 3. Develop l o v e and f a i t h as the antidote to fear (1 John 4:15-21) 4. View fearful situations as an o p p o r t u n i t y to g r o w in God s grace (Romans 8:28-30) 5. M e d i t a t e and m e m o r i z e Scriptures (Psalm 119:10-16; Isaiah 26:3) Page 10 of 14

11 Bible Study on Worry A Personal Bible Study Assignment Read 1 Peter 5: What attitude are we to have before God and others? Give practical examples? 2. What is God s attitude toward you? What will He do for you? 3. What commandments are we given in these verses? Read Philippians 4: What does it mean to Rejoice in the Lord? In what can you rejoice in right now? (Ref. Matthew 5:12; Philippians 1:18, 2:17, 3:1, 3:7, 3:14, 3:20-21, 4:13, 4:19) 2. Where does this verse say the Lord is? (Ref. also Psalm 119:151) How does that help you? 3. What are we commanded to do instead of worry? What are you thankful for right now? 4. What is the opposite of worry? (Ref Isa 26:3, Col 3:15) 5. What should we think about, instead of worrying? 6. In verse 6 we are commanded to pray, in verse 8 we are commanded to think, what are we commanded to do in verse 9? Application Assignment 1. Pray: In 1 Peter 5 we were commanded to cast all our anxiety on Him. List specific areas you are worrying about then formulate specific prayer requests for each, focusing on God s care for you, specifically in relationship to 1 Peter 5: Think: On a 3x5 card make a list of the things Philippians 4:8 instructs us to think about, define each term then write out a specific example of each from your life. 3. Do: When we worry we neglect to do the things that God has given us responsibility to do. Make a list of the roles you currently serve. With each role, list tasks for which you are responsible, lists areas of concern for that role. The table below may be useful. An example is provided.

12 ROLE/RESPONSIBILITIES/CONCERNS Role Responsibilities Concerns Father 1. Train my children 1. That they come to know Jesus Christ as Lord/Savior

13 Appendix A 2 Directions For Using the Anxiety Journal An Anxiety Journal is a worksheet on which you can work out your anxieties in written form according to Philippians 4:6-9: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. Photocopy as many journal pages as you think you'll need in a given two-week period. If all goes well, the frequency of your anxieties will diminish so you'll use fewer copies in subsequent weeks. At the top of each sheet, underneath the words "My Anxiety (what I am concerned about)," describe the exact nature of your anxiety in the first person (e.g., "I'm afraid that if I go to the shopping mall, I'll have a panic attack."). Underneath the words "Biblical Prayer," write out your personal prayer. Be as specific as possible with your requests. Most importantly, express thankfulness to God for as many things as you canespecially those things that are connected to your concern. (Remember to thank in terms of past, present, and future.) Underneath the words "Biblical Thoughts," write out how you are going to think about your concern so as not to worry. Reconstruct your thought patterns to reflect biblical hope and theological accuracy, especially when it comes to trusting in God's sovereignty and goodness, and His other Fatherly attributes. Use Philippians 4:8 as a guideline. Your reconstructed thoughts do not have to be a verbatim quotation from Scripture. A personalized application of a biblical principle or directive will do nicely. Write down the appropriate Scripture references next to each thought for future study, meditation, and/or memorization. Underneath the words "Biblical Actions," write out the specific action you can take that will either address each concern on a day-by-day basis or focus your mind on more noble matters. The two questions to ask yourself are, "What can I do (what actions can I take today) to keep what I'm worried about from happening tomorrow?" and "What can I do (what actions can I take at this moment) that will engage my mind with more profitable thoughts than worry?" 2 The Anxiety Journal is taken from the following online resource: 20Overcome%20Worry_Lou%20Priolo_.doc

14 Anxiety Journal My Anxiety (what I am concerned about) Biblical Prayer Biblical Thoughts 1) 2) 3) 4) Biblical Actions 1) 2) 3) 4)

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