Science Journal (Small Group Activity) This activity will help the children review the Main Point, Bible Lesson and Bible Verse.

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1 Lesson Goal: The children will learn that because God knows everything we do, we should do good in every part of our lives. Main Point: God Knows Everything! Bible Lesson: God knows when a sparrow falls and the number of hairs on your head (Matthew 10:9); God knows everything about me, the good and the bad (Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18, 23-24) Bible Verse: O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. Psalm 139:1 (NLT) Particle Drop (Opening Activity) This activity will reinforce the theme of the series and will engage the children s attention as they enter the room. I Never (Alternate Opening Activity) This activity will introduce the children to the idea that God knows everything about everyone. Skit And Bible Lesson (Large Group Activity) The children will learn that because God knows everything we do, we should do good in every part of our lives. Bible Formula (Small Group Activity) This activity will get the children into their Bibles and help them review the Bible Verse for the week. Science Journal (Small Group Activity) This activity will help the children review the Main Point, Bible Lesson and Bible Verse. God Knows The Good You Do (Small Group Activity) This activity will help the children understand that God knows the good things they do in private. I Know Your Card (Small Group Activity) This activity will help the children see that only God knows everything. Who Took It? (Small Group Activity) This activity will help the children see that God knows everything we do. Experiments With Dr. Oppenheimerstein (Review Activity) This activity is a strategic time to review and reinforce the content of the lesson.

2 Particle Drop OPENING ACTIVITY LESSON 3 Purpose: This activity will reinforce the theme of the series and will engage the children s attention as they enter the room. Description: One child will hold a plastic spoon in their mouth while another child places a particle (ping pong ball) onto the spoon. The child with the spoon will then walk over to the table where he or she will drop the particle into a cup. The cups will be staggered across the table, the farthest cups being worth three points, the middle cups being worth two points, and the closest cups being worth one point. After every team has taken a turn, the Teacher and Co-Teacher will tally up the points to determine which team is the winner. Materials Needed: For this activity you will need this Help Sheet, nine plastic cups, multiple plastic spoons, a table, a step stool (optional), ping pong balls, and the Opening Activity media elements from the Lesson 3 MediaShout or ProPresenter File. Note: Play the Doors Open Music when the children begin to enter the room. To introduce this activity, say the following: Let s get started! This activity is called Particle Drop. We are going to have two volunteers from one team come up on stage. One of you will hold this plastic spoon in your mouth, and the other will place a particle, or ping pong ball, on to the spoon. If you are the one with the spoon in your mouth, be sure you walk and do not run during this activity. Once you have a particle on the end of your spoon you will walk over to the table where there are cups set up. It is your job to get as many particles into the cups as you can. But there s a catch! The closest cups are worth one point, the second layer of cups are worth two points, and the farthest cups are worth three points. You will have to decide whether you want to go for the closest cups and have a better chance of receiving the points, or go for the more difficult cups in order to get more points. We are going to time you. Once every team has gone, we will tally up the points and announce the winner. Note: Choose two volunteers from one team. One to hold the spoon in their mouth and the other to put the particle on the end of the spoon. Once the round is complete, choose two more volunteers from a different team. You can make the time frame for each round of this activity as long or as short as you would like. Additionally, if your children are not tall enough to reach the table, you can place a step stool for them to stand on at the short edge of the table. For detailed instructions on how to do this activity, see the Teacher/Co-Teacher Training Video. During the activity, say the following: 1. Are you ready? Kids, are you ready to cheer for your teammates? Okay! 2. Ready, Set, Go! 1

3 Particle Drop OPENING ACTIVITY LESSON 3 Note: Play the Game Go Music Keep going! You only have 10 more seconds. Kids, keep cheering. Great job! Now it s time for us to pick new volunteers and play again. Note: Reset the game and continue playing with new volunteers from each team until it is time to start your children s worship hour. After the activity, say the following: 1. Great job with that game! 2. Let s get ready for our countdown to Adventures In Science! 2

4 Alternate Opening Activity: Purpose: This activity will introduce the idea that God knows everything about everyone. Description: The children will play a game where they will learn more about each other. They will learn that we can know a lot of things about people, but only God can know everything. Materials Needed: For this activity you will need this Help Sheet and a chair (or a piece of paper taped to the floor) for all the children except the one in the middle. To introduce this activity, say the following: 1. We are going to play a game called I Never. 2. I need everyone to get into a circle and take a chair (or a piece of paper) to mark your spot. 3. I need a volunteer to stand in the middle of the circle. Your job is to try and get someone else s spot in the circle. 4. Say something that you have never done, and those who HAVE done it, get up and move to a new spot. While they are moving, try to get one of their spots. 5. Whoever does not find a spot has to be our new person in the middle. 6. Remember that you don t want to be in the middle, so try your best to find a chair. 7. For example: I have never been to Disney World. If I said that in the middle of the circle, everyone who HAS BEEN to Disney World has to get up and move, and I would try to get their spot. Note: Substitute an example that you have not done. Remind the kids that the goal is to sit down. In order to do that, they need to pick something that they have NOT done but that other people HAVE done. For detailed instructions on how to do this activity, see the Training Video. During the activity, say the following: 1. I never knew that about you! 2. We are learning a lot about each other aren t we? After the activity, say the following: 1. Tell me something new you learned about someone in the group. 2. What is something that we learned about you? Summary: In this activity we learned some things about everyone, but there s no way we could learn everything. But today we will learn that God knows everything about everyone.

5 Bubbles of Awesomeness SCIENCE EXPERIMENT LESSON 3 Purpose: This activity will add a fun element to the service and will engage the children s attention. Description: The children will watch an engaging experiment conducted by the Teacher and CoTeacher to capture the children s attention and imagination. Materials Needed: For this activity you will need this Help Sheet, two safety goggles, one block of dry ice, one medium sized bowl, 1/2 gallon of distilled water, five tablespoons of Dawn Dishwashing Soap, four tablespoons of glycerin, a plastic cup, one pair of gloves, one piece of cloth approximately 3x12 inches, and one table to perform the experiment on. To introduce this activity at the beginning of service, say the following: 1. Today s experiment is called Bubbles of Awesomeness. 2. I m going to pour this in here...perfect! Note: At the beginning of service the Teacher will come out from backstage whistling. Pour one cup of distilled water into the plastic cup. Add the soap and glycerin then stir. Once the Teacher has prepared the experiment, the Co-Teacher will enter and service will officially begin. For detailed instructions on how to do this activity, see the Teacher/Co-Teacher Training Video. During the activity in the middle of service, say the following: 1. It s almost time to go to our Scientific Groups but before we do, let s take a look at today s Science Experiment. 2. Go ahead and put your safety goggles on and I will put my gloves on. 3. Earlier I was mixing up my special potion. I want you to dip this rag in my potion. 4. While you re doing that I am going to add water to the bowl. 5. Now drag the cloth across the top of the bowl and we are going to create a bubble of awesomeness! 6. Wow! Look at the bubble. That is awesome. Note: Put gloves on and pick up a block of dry ice. Place the dry ice in the bowl. Pour the remaining distilled water over the dry ice. Dip the cloth in the soap, glycerin, and water mixture that was created at the beginning of service. Be sure to get the entire cloth wet, but not soaking wet. Holding both ends of the cloth taut and flat, slowly slide the cloth over the top of the bowl, making sure the cloth stays in contact with the rim of the bowl. After the activity, say the following: Now it is time for our Scientific Groups. Have fun! 1

6 AIS Lesson 3 Questionnaire 1. Imagine you re at the supermarket by yourself. You see a box of cereal that has fallen off a shelf onto the floor. There is no one around you and no one watching you. Do you pick up the cereal and put it back on the shelf? 2. Imagine that you got a lot of money for your birthday. At church you decide to give some of your money during the offering. When you get home do you tell your mom about it or not? 3. You accidentally break one of your brother s old toys. No one saw you break it, and your brother doesn t really play with this toy anymore. Do you hide it and pretend nothing happened, or do you tell your brother what you did?

7 LESSON 3: GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING! Single Teacher Digital Media Script WATCHING THE BIBLE LESSON AND SKIT ON VIDEO Purpose Statement: The children will learn that because God knows everything we do, we should do good in every part of our lives. Materials/Props Needed: Adventures In Science Lesson 3 MediaShout or ProPresenter File. Costume (Teacher: Lab coat and safety goggles.) Props: One clipboard and the AIS Lesson 3 Questionnaire from the Lesson Materials Folder. Opening Activity Supplies: See the Help Sheet for a list of supplies. Science Experiment Supplies: See the Help Sheet for a list of supplies. Begin the Opening Activity. Lead the children through the Opening Activity Particle Drop, or another Large Group Activity to engage the children s attention as they enter the room. For a detailed example, watch the Adventures In Science L3 Teacher/CoTeacher Training Video. Begin Large Group Time with the Countdown Video. [1] Hippity hoppity there kids! What s goin on? (looks at class) Say, great looking class we have here today! (walks to experiment table) Let me do a couple of more things here with the experiment I m working on (works on it)...and now I m ready! #1 (to children) I m Professor (Teacher s name) and this is AIS Laboratories, a place of research and development where we look at the miracles and mysteries of the Bible. And just down the hall from us we have the privilege of doing research in the same building as the illustrious Dr. Oppenheimerstein and his robot, Flask. Dr. Opp is a brilliant scientist trying to win the famous Plutonium Award! As you can see around you we have a lot of items in this lab that need to be treated in a delicate manner. Because of that, we have some very important rules that all of us need to follow. [2] The first is that everyone must stay in their seat at all times, unless we tell you that you can get up! [3] The second is that there should be no talking while we are up here on the AIS stage. #2 #3 1

8 [4] The third is be sure to keep your hands to yourselves. [5] And the fourth is to participate and have fun! Which, by the way, begins now! Everybody, stand up and help me kick off our time in the Adventure In Science lab with the AIS Theme Song! Teacher leads the children in singing Shout Out Loud. [6] Whew. That was really great! You were all singing exceptionally well on that one. No really! You should tell your parents how good you sang. So, quick question, who enjoys telling people about the good stuff you do? (allows children to answer) #4 #5 #6 I see. Well maybe you could help me with something. I have a brief questionnaire that I would love to get your answers on. Are you ready? Okay. [7] First question: imagine you re at the supermarket by yourself. You see a box of cereal that has fallen off of a shelf onto the floor. There is no one around you and no one watching you. Do you pick up the cereal and put it back on the shelf?(allows children to answer) #7 I see. Next question: imagine that you got a lot of money for your birthday. At church, you decide to give some of your money during the offering. When you get home do you tell your mom about it or not? (allows children to answer) Uh huh. All right, last question: You accidentally broke one of your brother s old toys. No one saw you break it, and your brother doesn t really play with this toy anymore. Do you hide it and pretend nothing happened, or do you tell your brother what you did? (allows children to answer) Interesting answers. So while some people may not do the right thing because they think no one sees them, it s important to do what is right, because God does see everything we do. Just because people don t see you doesn t mean that God doesn t see it. God knows everything we do, both the good and the bad. Think back to earlier when I asked you those questions. Should we only do something good if people will know about it? And should we do something bad if no one will know about it? Nope. We should do good even if there aren t any people watching us. And just because we don t get caught, doesn t mean it s okay to do something we know is wrong. God knows everything and sees everything. Maybe we should think about that for a little bit. God knows everything I do. That s our Main Point for today. So everybody stand with me and shout this Main Point with some motions. [8] God Knows Everything! 2 #8

9 The Teacher leads the children to make up cheerleader-type hand motions that go along with the Main Point. Once everyone has gone over the Main Point, have the children repeat it with the motions two or three times. So God knows (emphasis) EVERYTHING! And God is the One we should try to please. It s nice if all the people around us think we re a good person and know about the good things we do, but they aren t the ones we should be working to please. We should act in a way that pleases God. That means that we should do good even if no one is around us, and even if no one will ever find out. Let s go see what Doctor Oppenheimerstein and Flask are up to. Teacher exits. Play the Skit and Bible Lesson Video. [9] #9 Teacher re-enters. Wow. Did you hear what the Bible Story teacher said? God knows so much He even knows the number of hairs on my head! The Bible has many verses that tell us about God and how He knows everything, especially about us. I know a really good one that I want us to use as our Bible verse today. Check it out. [10] O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. Psalm 139:1 (NLT) #10 So, if we put all this together, because God knows everything about me and everything I do, I should act in a way that pleases God! Even if I do something good and there is no one around to see it, God still sees it. It s just like when Flask found Oppenheimerstein s lab coat and put it in a place where he would find it. Flask could have bragged about being the one who found it, but that wasn t what was most important. Flask helped Oppenheimerstein even though he would probably never get credit for it. Even if no one else will know, we should act in a way that pleases God. And how do we find out what pleases God? The answer is: We will know how God wants us to act by reading our Bibles and coming to church. One thing that the Bible tells us that we should do is worship God. And that s what I want to do right now. Everybody, stand up and sing with us, please. Teacher leads the children in singing Limitless. [11] It s now time to break up into our Scientific Groups, BUT before we do that would you like to see the experiment I have been working on. Watch! [12] #11 SCIENCE EXPERIMENT - Bubbles Of Awesomeness #12 3

10 Pretty cool huh? Now it is time for our Scientific Groups. Have fun and I ll see you when you get back. SCIENTIFIC GROUPS (SMALL GROUPS) [13] #13 Take Offering while in Scientific Groups. I m glad everyone made it back from Scientific Groups, because now it s time for a Mouse Maze! [14] WEEKLY RACE ACTIVITY - Mouse Maze We need your help! Dr. Oppenheimerstein is experimenting again! It s time for Experiments With Dr. Oppenheimerstein! [15] WEEKLY REVIEW ACTIVITY - Experiments With Dr. Oppenheimerstein Thanks for helping the Doctor. That experiment never would have worked without you. Don t forget our Main Point this week: God Knows Everything! 4 #14 #15

11 Review Activity: Purpose: This activity is a strategic time to review and reinforce the content of the lesson. Materials Needed: For this activity you will need this Help Sheet and the Lesson 3 MediaShout or ProPresenter Experiments With Dr. Oppenheimerstein media elements. To introduce this activity: Ask the following questions and ask for volunteers to answer. If they answer correctly, hit the next cue. 1. True or false? You should only do good things if other people will see and be impressed. A. True. B. False. 2. Imagine that you re walking home from school. You re all alone and you see some trash on the ground. What should you do? A. Pick it up. B. Wait until someone will see you before you pick it up. C. Just leave it there, no one is watching so don t worry about it. D. Pick it up and then brag about your good deed when you get home. 3. Imagine that you helped someone at school today. What should you do when you get home? A. Brag to everyone in your family about what you did. B. Make a huge sign that tells about your good deeds. C. Call a news station so they can do a report on you. D. Just tell your family about your day. 4. In today s skit, what did Dr. Oppenheimerstein lose? A. A coffee mug. B. A pencil. C. A lab coat. D. The Plutonium Award for Scientific Achievement.

12 5. Who was the first to find Dr. Oppenheimerstein s labcoat? A. The Science and Research Council. B. Dr. Oppenheimerstein. C. Flask. D. Professor Poppinstuff. 6. There will always be someone who knows everything you do. Who is it? A. Your best friend. B. Your neighbor who spies on you. C. Your parents. D. God. 7. In today s Bible story, we learned that God knows. A. The number of hairs on your head. B. The number of fish in the sea. C. The number of stars in the sky. D. The number of freckles on your face. 8. According to our Bible verse, Psalm 139:1, what does God know about us? A. God knows a few of the things we do. B. God doesn t pay attention to what we do. C. God knows everything about us. D. God knows our favorite color but that s about it.

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