THEO 2216/ 5316: Pauline Letters 2 nd Term, Lecturer: Rev. Prof. Lo Lung Kwong

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1 THEO 2216/ 5316: Pauline Letters 2 nd Term, Lecturer: Rev. Prof. Lo Lung Kwong Time Slot: Friday 2:30pm 5:15pm Lecture Room: CCT G01 I. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is a study of selected passages particularly from Romans, with reference to 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, Philemon, and passages related to Paul in Acts, including general questions of setting, content, purpose and main theological emphasis. II. LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge Outcomes: 1. To have basic knowledge of the content, theology and historical context of Pauline Letters; 2. To have basic knowledge of historical Paul; 3. To be able to understand particularly the first letter of Pauline Letters in the New Testament (i.e. the Letter to the Romans); and 4. To be able to grasp the method of Bible study and exegesis, particularly Pauline Letters. Skills Outcomes: 1. To enhance critical intelligence thinking; and 2. To enhance analytical ability throughout exegesis. Attitude Outcomes: 1. To develop one s ability to have a critical and yet sympathetic understanding and appreciation of different church traditions and scholarly perspectives; and 2. To develop one s sensitivity to the limit of doctrines and enhance openness to different exegesis. III. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lecture Course Reading Written Assignment (hr) in /out class (hr) in /out class (hr) in /out class M NA NA M NA M M: Mandatory activity in the course O: Optional activity NA: Not applicable 1 of 15

2 IV. ASSESSMENT Task nature Description Weight Deadline 1. Class Discussion Active participation in class 15% N/A 2. Critical Book Review (3000 words in Chinese or 2500 words in English). Choose one book or one section from the list of Introduction to Paul or Pauline Letters and write a reading report on it The report should include a summary (70%) and a 25% 2:30pm Feb. 19, An Analysis of the outline of the Letter of Roman (max. 4 pages) 4a. An exegetical paper of a paragraph of the Letter of Roman or any other Pauline Letters (7000 words in Chinese or 5000 words in English); or 4b. A thematic paper (7000 words in Chinese or 5000 words in English) Critical Book Review Assessment Criteria: 1 critical reflection (30%). A critical analysis of the structure and content of the Letter of Roman. Each section should not be more than 20 verses and each heading should not be more than 20 words. An exegetical paper should include a discussion of historical context, broader and immediate context, grammar, verbal structure, critical theme (including theology, the relationship to other passages of the Letter of Roman, the relationship to Paul, or the relationship to NT/ OT/ Chinese culture/ others), and the position, role and nowadays relevancy of the selected passage in the Letter of Roman. The paper should take reference to at least 3 commentaries from the reference book list 8 in section V. The thematic paper should have a clear thesis with sound argumentation. For example: the anthropology and soteriology of Paul ecclesiology of Paul the relationship of faith and law from the perspective of Paul 10% 2:30pm Mar. 11, % 2:30pm Apr. 30, 2016 (taken & revised fr. &ei=P8b4U6C- OtTp8AX86oHgDA&usg=AFQjCNHUQFsP028mZkjMj5iwBHWyHBvBkA&sig2=l9pF8CJImU5CKNcbxneqgA&bvm=bv ,d.dGc) 1. Comprehension (20%) i. demonstrate a close cognizance of the scope of the book reviewed ii. aim to summarize the book's main themes in a succinct manner iii. demonstrate a good understanding of the key ideas of the book 2. Critical thinking (20%) i. incorporate a critical evaluation of the book's success in handling these themes; the clarity of its argument (style), and the overall success of its approach to its subject matter (structure); ii. include a justifiable stance of opinion on the part of the reviewer. 1 Proven plagiarism will earn you a failing grade in this course. You may visit to see how plagiarism is defined in the CUHK context. 2 of 15

3 3. Quality of writing (20%) i. minimal grammatical, typographical and referencing errors. 4. Organization (20%) i. well organized and structured indicated by a reasonable logical flow and coherence. 5. Reflection of learning (20%) i. able to reflect on what has been learned from the book V. LEARNING RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS Reference Books (* = major reference books; # = reserved books kept at service counter of Chung Chi Library [4 hours]) 1. Introduction to Paul ( 保羅簡介 ) Badiou, A. (1997), St. Paul: The Foundation of Universalism, trans. R. Braissier (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003) #* Barclay, W. (1958), The Mind of St. Paul (London & Glasgow: Collins). [BS2651.B ] Barrett, C. K. (1994), Paul: An Introduction to His Thought (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox). * (1999), Paul in Jesus, Paul and John, ed. L. K. Lo (Hong Kong: Theology Division, Chung Chi College) pp [ 中譯 : 巴列特 (1999), 保 羅, 耶穌 保羅 約翰 盧龍光編,( 香港 : 崇基神學組 ) 頁 28-47] #* Beker, J. C. (1988), The Triumph of God: The Essence of Paul's Thought, trans. L. T. Stuckenbruck (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990). [BS2651.B4513] #* Bornkamm, G. (1969), Paul, trans. D. M. G. Stalker (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985). [BS2506.B6213] #* Boyarin, Daniel (1994), A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity (Berkeley: University of California Press). [BS2506.B ] Bultmann, R. (1952), Theology of the NT, trans. K. Grobel (London: SCM, 1959) Vol. I: pp Hengel, M. (1991), The Pre-Christian Paul, trans. J. Bowden (London: SCM, 1991). #* Hooker, M. (2003), Paul: A Short Introduction (Oxford: One World) [BS H ] Hunter, A. M. (1954), Interpreting Paul's Gospel (London: SCM). * Malherbe, A. J. (1999), Paul as a Pastor in Jesus, Paul and John, ed. L. K. Lo (Hong Kong: Theology Division, Chung Chi College) pp [ 中譯 : 馬賀比 (1999), 保羅一位牧者, 耶穌 保羅 約翰 盧龍光編,( 香港 : 崇基 神學組 ) 頁 ] Murphy O Connor, J. (1996), Paul: A Critical Life (Oxford: Clarendon). Neyrey, J. H.(1990), Paul, in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox). #* Park, Eung Chun (2003), Either Jew or Gentile: Paul s Unfolding Theology of Inclusivity (Louisville: Westminster John Knox). [BS P ] Porter. S. E. (1999), Paul in Acts, (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2001) #* Sanders, E. P.(1991), Paul (Oxford: OUP). [BS2651.S ] Schreiner, Thomas R. (2012), Four Views on The Apostle Paul (Grand Rapids: Zondervan) Segal, A. F. (1990), Paul the Convert: The Apostolate and Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee (New Haven: Yale University Press). 3 of 15

4 #* Wright, N.T. (2005) Paul: in Fresh Perspectives (London: SPCK) [BS2651.W ] [ 中譯 : 保羅神學嶄新觀, 邵樟平 邵尹妙珍譯 ( 香港 : 天 道,2008){BS2651.W }] #* Ziesler, J. A. (1983), Pauline Christianity (Oxford: OUP). [BS2651.Z ] 2. Pauline Letters ( 保羅書信 ) (A) Introduction ( 導論 ) Achtemeier, P. J., Green, J. B. & Thompson, M. M. (2001), Introducing the NT: Its Literature and Theology (Pt. II) (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans) [ 中 譯 : 新約文學與神學 : 保羅及其書信, 伍美詩譯 ( 香港 : 天道, 2004) ] Conzelmann, H. & Lindemann, A. (1985), Interpreting the NT, trans. S. S. Schatzmann (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1988) pp Johnson, L. T. (1986), The Writings of the NT: An Interpretation (Philadelphia: Fortress) pp Kuemmel, W. G. (1973), Introduction to the NT, rev. ed., trans. H. C. Kee (London: SCM, 1984) pp Martin, R. (1978), NT Foundations (Exeter: Paternoster) Vol. II: pp Marxsen, W. (1964), Introduction to the NT trans. G. Buswell (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976) pp 盧龍光 (2006), 基督教的身分尋索 : 使徒行傳和新約書信導論 ( 香港 : 天道 ) (B) Monographs ( 專書 ) Cousar, Charles B. (1996), The Letter of Paul (Nashville: Abingdon). #* Dunn, J. D. G. ed. (2003), The Cambridge Companion to St. Paul (Cambridge: CUP) [BS C ] Keck, Leander E. (1979), Paul and His Letters (Philadelphia: Fortress). Keck, L. E. & Furnish, V. P. (1984), The Pauline Letters (Nashville: Abingdon). #* Meeks, W. A. ed. (1972), The Writings of St. Paul (New York: W. W. Norton). [BS2505.A3M43] Patte, D. (1983), Paul's Faith and the Power of the Gospel: A Structural Introduction to the Pauline Letters (Philadelphia: Fortress). Porter, S. E. & Evans, C. A. edd. (1995), The Pauline Writings: A Sheffield Reader (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic press). Roetzel, C. J. (1983), The Letters of Paul, 2nd ed. (London: SCM). 房志榮編 (1974), 保祿使徒的生活 書信及神學 ( 台北 : 光啟 ) 3. Paul in Context ( 保羅之處境 ) (A) Primary Sources ( 歷史文獻 ) Barrett, C. K. (1961), The NT Background: Selected Documents (NY: Harper & Row). Stern, M. ed. ( ), Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, 3 vols. (Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities). Schneemelcher, W. ed., Wilson, R. McL. trans. (1989), N. T. Apocrypha, vol. 2, 4 of 15

5 rev. ed. (Cambridge: James Clark, 1992). Charlesworth, J. H. ed. (1983, 1985), The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, 2 vols. (N. Y. Doubleday). Thackeray, H. St. J. et al. trans. & ed. ( ), Works of Josephus, 10 vols., Loeb Classical Library (London: Heinemann). Colson, F. H. et al. trans. & ed. ( ), Works of Philo, 12 vols., Loeb Classical Library (London: Heinemann). 黃根春主編 (2001), 基督教典外文獻 - 新約篇 四卷 ( 香港 : 基督教文藝 出版社 ) 黃錫木主編 (2000), 新約背景文獻選輯 ( 香港 : 基道 ) (B) Historical Background ( 歷史背景 ) Banks, R. (1979), Paul's Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Historical Setting (Surry Hills: Anzea). Barclay, John M. G. (1996), Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora: From Alexander to Trajan (323 BCE 117 CE) (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). Best, E. (1988), Paul and His Converts (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). Branick, V. (1989), The House Church in the Writings of Paul (Wilmington: Michael Glazier). * Bruce, F. F. (1985), The Pauline Circle (Exeter: Paternoster). Esler, P. F. (2003), Conflict and Identity in Romans: The Social Setting of Paul s Letter (Minn.: Fortress). Engberg-Pedersen, T. ed. (1995), Paul in His Hellenistic Context (Minneapolis: Fortress). Gutmann, J. ed. (1981), Ancient Synagogues: The State of Research (Chico: Scholars Press). * Hengel, M. (1973), Judaism and Hellenism, 2 vols, 2nd ed., trans. J. Bowden (London: SCM, 1974). * Hock, R. F. (1980), The Social Context of Paul's Ministry: Tentmaking and Apostleship (Philadelphia: Fortress). * Koester, H. (1980), Introduction to the NT, 2 vols (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982). * Kraabel, A. T. et al. (1992), Diaspora Jews and Judaism, ed. J. A. Overman & R. S. MacLennan (Atlanta: Scholars Press). Maier, H. O. (2013), Picturing Paul in Empire: Imperial Image, Text and Persuasion in Colossians, Ephesians and the Pastoral Epistles (London: Bloomsbury). #* Malherbe, A. J. (1983), Social Aspects of Early Christianity, 2nd ed. (Philadelphia: Fortress). [BR166.M ] (1986), Moral Exhortation: A Greco-Roman Sourcebook (Philadelphia: Fortress). Marshall, P. (1987), Enmity in Corinth: Social Conventions in Paul's Relations with the Corinthians (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr). * Meeks, W. A. (1983), The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (New Haven: Yale University Press). Millar, F. (1977), The Emperor in the Roman World (31BC-AD337) (London: Duckworth). Nickelsburg, G. W. E. (1981), Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah (London: SCM). * Safarai, S. & Stern, M. ed. (1974), The Jewish People in the First Century, 2 vols. (Assen: Van Gorcum). * Sampley, J. Paul ed. (2003), Paul in the Greco-Roman World: A Handbook (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2003). 5 of 15

6 #* Schuerer, E. ( ), The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus (175 B. C. - A. D. 135), 3 vols., rev. & edd. G. Vermes & F. Millar (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). [UL DS122.S v.1,2,3 pt.1&2] Sherwin-White, A. N. (1963) Roman Law and Roman Society in the NT (Grand- Rapids: Baker, 1994). * Smallwood, E. M. (1981), The Jews under the Roman Rules (Leiden: E. J. Brill). * Stone, M. E. ed. (1984), Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period (Assen: Van Gorcum). Tajra, H. W. (1994), The Martyrdom of St. Paul: Historical and Judicial Context, Traditions, and Legends, WUNT 2. Vol. 67 (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr). Wallace, Richard & Williams, Wynne (1998), The Three Worlds of Paul of Tarsus (London: Routledge). (C) Paul and Jesus ( 保羅與耶穌 ) Barnett, P. (2008), Paul: Missionary of Jesus (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans). Boers, H. (2006), Christ in the Letters of Paul: in place of a Christology (Berlin; NY: Walter de Gruyter). Hengel, M. (1975) "Between Jesus and Paul" in Between Jesus and Paul, trans. J. Bowden (London: SCM, 1983). Klausner, J. (1940), From Jesus to Paul, trans. W. F. Stinespring (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1944). Talbott, Rick F. (2010), Jesus, Paul, and Power: Rhetoric, Ritual, and Metaphor in Ancient Mediterranean Christianity (Eugene, Or.: Cascade Books). * Wedderburn, A. J. M. ed., Paul and Jesus (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1989). * Wenham, D., Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity? (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995). (D) Paul and the Old Testament ( 保羅與舊約聖經 ) Aageson, J. W. (1993), Written Also for Our Sake: Paul and the Art of Biblical Interpretation (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox). Capes, David B. (1992) Old Testament Yahweh texts in Paul s Christology (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr) * Ellis, E. E. (1957), Paul's Use of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1985). Evans, C. A. & Sanders, J. A. edd. (1993), Paul and the Scriptures of Israel, JSNTSS83 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). #* Hays, R. B. (1989), Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul (New Haven: Yale University Press). [BS2655.R32H ] * (2005), The Conversion of the Imagination: Paul as Interpreter of Israel s Scripture (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans) Longenecker, R. N. (1975), Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans) pp Porter, S. E. & Stanley, C. D. edd. (2008), As it is written: Studying Paul s Use of Scripture (Leiden; Boston: E. J. Brill). Stanley, C. D. (1992), Paul and the Language of Scripture: Citation Technique in the Pauline Epistles and Contemporary Literature (Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press) (2004), Arguing with Scripture: The Rhetoric of Quotations in the Letters of Paul (NY: T & T Clark). 6 of 15

7 4. Paul and the Jews ( 保羅與猶太人 ) * Davies, W. D. (1984), Jewish and Pauline Studies (Philadelphia: Fortress) Paul and Rabbinic Judaism 4th ed. (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1980). * Dunn, J. D. G. (1991), The Partings of the Ways (London: SCM). [ 中譯 : 鄧雅各 分道 揚鑣 : 基督教與猶太教的分離及其對基督教特性的意義 楊慧譯 香港 : 道 風書社,2014 ] Lin, Rong-Hua Jefferson (2009), Is St. Paul a Jewish deviant or a reformer of Judaism? the clash of Jewish identity and Christian identity in Asia Minor (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen). Luedemann, G. (1983), Opposition to Paul in Jewish Christianity, trans. M. E. Boring (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1989). #* Sanders, E. P. (1977), Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion (London: SCM). [BM561.S25] #* (1983), Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (London: SCM, 1985). [BS2655.L35S26] (1990), Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah (London: SCM) (1990), Judaism: Practice and Belief 63BCE-66CE (London: SCM, 1992). 5. Paul and the Law ( 保羅與律法 ) Badenas, R.( 1985), Christ the End of the Law: Rm.. 10:4 in Pauline Perspective JSNTSS10 (Sheffield: JSOT Press). Bornkamm, G. (1952), Das Ende des Gesetzes: Paulusstudien (Muenchen: C. Kaiser). Carson, D. A., O Brien, Peter T. & Seifrid Mark A. edd. (2001, 2004), Justification and Variegated Nomism 2 vols. (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr). * Cranfield, C. E. B. (1964), "St. Paul and the Law" in NT Issues, ed. R. Batey (London: SCM, 1970) pp #* Dunn, J. D. G. (1990), Jesus, Paul and the Law: Studies in Mark and Galatians (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox). [BS2417.L3D85] #* (2008), The New Perspective on Paul, Rev. Ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). [BS2651.D ] (1996, 2001) ed., Paul and the Mosaic Law: The Third Durham- Tuebingen Research Symposium on Earliest Christianity and Judaism (Durham, September, 1994) (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr). * & Suggate, A. M. (1993), The Justice of God: A Fresh Look at the Old Doctrine of Justification by Faith (Carlisle: Paternoster). Gaston, L. (1987), Paul and the Torah (Vancouver: UBC). Huebner, H. (1978), Law in Paul's Thought, trans. J. C. G. Greig (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). Huttunen, N. (2009), Paul and Epictetus on Law: A Comparison (London; NY: T & T Clark). Kim, Seyoon (2002), Paul and The New Perspective: Second Thoughts on the Origin of Paul s Gospel (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans) Koperski, V. (2001), What are they saying about Paul and the Law? (NY: Paulist). Longenecker, R. N. (1964), Paul, Apostle of Liberty (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1977). Martin, Brice L. (1989), Christ and the Law in Paul (Leiden; NY: E. J. Brill). * Raeisaenen, H. (1983), Paul and the Law (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986) (1992), Jesus, Paul and Torah, trans. D. E. Orton, JSNT SS43, (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). Rhyne, C. T. (1981), Faith Estabishes the Law, SBLDS55 (Chico: Scholars Press). 7 of 15

8 Richerdson, P. & Westerholm, S. (1990), Law in Religious Communities in the Roman Period: The Debate over Torah and Nomos in Post-Biblical Judaism and Early Christianity (Waterloo: Wilfried Laurier University Press). #* Sanders, E. P. (1983), Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (London: SCM). [BS2655.L35S26] Schreiner, T. R. (1993), The Law and Its Fulfilment: A Pauline Theology of Law (Grand Rapid: Baker). * Stuhlmacher, Peter (2001) A Challenge to the New Perspective: Revisiting Paul s Doctrine of Justification with an essay by Donald A. Hagner (Downers Grove: IVP) Thielman, F. (1994), A Contextual Approach: Paul and the Law (Downers Grove: IVP). Thurén, L. (2002), Derhetorizing Paul: A Dynamic Perspective on Pauline Theology and the Law (Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity). Tomson, P. J. (1990), Paul and the Jewish Law: halakha in the Letters of the Apostle to the Gentiles (Assen: Van Gorcum). Watson, Francis (2007), Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles: Beyond the New Perspective (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans). * Westerholm, S. (1988), Israel's Law and the Church's Faith (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans) (2004) Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The Lutheran Paul and His Critics (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans) Winger, M (1992), By What Law? The Meaning of "Nomos" in the Letters of Paul SBLD128 (Atlanta: Scholars Press). * Wright, N. T. (1991), The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). Yinger, Kent L. (1999), Paul, Judaism, and Judgement According to Deeds, SNTSMS 105 (Cambridge: CUP). * 盧龍光 (2010),< 保羅新觀對保羅研究之貢獻及其對華人基督徒的意義 >, 山道 期刋,2010 年卷 13 第一期, 總第 25 期 ( 香港 : 香港浸信會神學院 ): 頁 Pauline Theology ( 保羅神學 ) Bassler, J. M. ed. (1991), Pauline Theology, Vol. 1: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon (Minneapolis: Fortress) (2007), Navigating Paul: An Introduction to Key Theological Concepts (Louisville: Westminster John Knox). Becker, J. (1989), Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles, trans. O. C. Dean, Jr. (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1993). #* Beker, J. C. (1980), Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and Thought (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). [BS2651.B4513] Boers, H. (1994), The Justification of the Gentiles (Peabody: Hendrickson). * Bultmann, R. (1952), Theology of the NT, trans. K. Grobel (London: SCM, 1959) Vol. I: pp * Campbell, Douglas A. (2005), The Quest for Paul s Gospel: A Suggested Strategy (London, NY: T & T Clark International) Clarke, Andrew D. (2008), A Pauline Theology of Church Leadership (London; NY: T & T Clark). Conzelmann, H. (1968), An Outline of the Theology of the NT, trans. J. Bowden (London: SCM, 1969) pp Cosgrove, C. H. (1997), Elusive Israel: The Puzzle of Election in Romans (Louisville: Westminster John Knox). Donfried, K. P. & Marshall, I. H. (1993), The Theology of the Shorter Pauline Letters (Cambridge: CUP). 8 of 15

9 #* Dunn, J. D. G. (1997), The Theology of St. Paul The Apostle (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). [BS2651.D ] (1993), The Theology of Paul s Letter to the Galatians (Cambridge: CUP). Fee. G. (1994), God's Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul (Peabody: Hendrickson). Fitzmyer, J. A. (1993), According to Paul: Studies in the Theology of the Apostle (NY: Paulist). * Furnish, V. P. (1968), Theology and Ethics in Paul (Nashville: Abingdon). Gaventa, Beverly Roberts ed. (2013), Apocalyptic Paul: Cosmos and Anthropos in Romans 5-8 (Waco: Baylor University Press) * Goppelt, L. (1976), Theology of the NT, trans. J. E. Alsup, ed. J. Roloff (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982) Vol. II: pp Haacker, Klaus (2003) The Theology of Paul s Letter to the Romans, NT Theology Series, ed. J. D. G. Dunn (Cambridge: CUP) Hay, David M. (1993), Pauline Theology, Vol. 2: First and Second Corinthian (Minneapolis: Fortress) & Johnson, E. E. (1995), Pauline Theology, Vol. 3: Romans (Minneapolis: Fortress) (1997), Pauline Theology, Vol. 4: Looking Back, Pressing On (Atlanta: Scholar Press). Jewett, R. (1971), Paul's Anthropological Terms: A Study of Their Use in Conflict Settings (Leiden: E. J. Brill). * Kaesemann, E. (1969), Perspectives on Paul, trans. M. Kohl (London: SCM, 1971). Kuemmel, W. G. (1972), The Theology of the NT, trans. J. E. Steely (London: SCM, 1974) pp Ladd, G. E. (1974), A Theology of the NT (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans) pp [ 中 譯 : 新約神學, 馬可人 / 楊淑蓮譯 ( 台北 : 中華福音神學院出版社, 1984) 下卷, 頁 ] Longenecker, R. N. ed. (1997), The Road from Damascus: The Impact of Pauls Conversion on His Life, Thought and Ministry (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). Lovering, E. H. Jr. & Sumney, J. L. ed. (1996), Theology and Ethics in Paul and His Interpreters, Essays in Honor of V. P. Furnish (Nashville: Abingdon, 1996). #* Martin, R. P. (1981), Reconciliation: A Study of Paul's Theology (London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott). [BS2655.R29M37] Moxnes, H., Theology in Conflict: Studies in Paul's Understanding of God in Romans (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1980). Munck, J. (1954), Paul and the Salvation of Mankind (London: SCM, 1959). Murphy-O Connor, J. (1991), The Theology of the Second Letter to the Corinthians (Cambridge: CUP). Penna, R. (1991), Paul the Apostle: A Theological and Exegetical Study, 2 vols., trans. T. P. Wahl (Collegeville: Michael Glazier, 1996). Ridderbos, H. (1966), Paul: An Outline of His Theology, trans. J. R. Dewitt (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975). #* Schnelle, Udo (2005), Apostle Paul: His Life and Theology, trans. M. E. Boring (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic). [BS S ] Schweitzer, A. (1931), The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, trans. W. Montgomery (London: A & C Black). Stacey, W. D., The Pauline View of Man (London: Macmillan, 1956). Tamez, Elsa (1991) The Amnesty of Grace: Justification by Faith from a Latin American Perspective, trans. Sharon H. Ringe (Nashville: Abingdon). Theissen, G. (1983), Psychological Aspects of Pauline Theology, trans. J. P. Galvin (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1987) (2013), Jesus and Paulus: Fundament und Architekt des Christentums [ 中 9 of 15

10 譯 : 用新眼光看耶穌與保羅 : 基督宗教的根基與建築師, 南與北文化出 版社 台灣神學院 台南神學院翻譯小組譯 ( 台北 : 南與北文化出版社, 2014)] Whiteley, D. E. H. (1972), The Theology of St. Paul (Oxford: Blackwell). Wright, N. T. (2013), Pauline Perspectives: Essays on Paul, (Minneapolis: Fortress) (2013), Paul and the Faithfulness of God, Vol. 1 & 2 (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013) Yee, Tet-lim N. (2005), Jews, Gentiles and Ethnic Reconciliation: Paul s Jewish Identity and Ephesians, SNTSMS 130 (Cambridge: CUP) #* Yeung, Maureen W. (2002) Faith in Jesus and Paul: A Comparison with Special Reference to Faith that Can Remove Mountains and Your Faith Has Healed/Saved You WUNT2: 147 (Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck). [BS2545.F3.Y ] [ 中譯 : 移山 之信 : 比較耶穌與保羅之信心觀, 沈珪譯 ( 香港 : 漢語聖經協會有限公 司,(2009)] [BS2545.F3.Y ] Formatted: English (U.K.) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, (Asian) 華康楷書體 W3(P), English (U.K.) 7. The Background and Characteristics of the Letter to the Romans( 羅馬書之背景與特色 ) * Bassler, J. M. (1982), Divine Impartiality, SBLDS 59 (Chico: Scholars Press). Bell, R. A. (1994), Provoked to Jealousy: The Origin and Purpose of the Jealousy Motif in Roman 9-11 (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr). * Brown, R. E. & Meier, J. P. (1983), Antioch & Rome (London: Geoffrey Chapman). Cappelletti, Silvia (2006), The Jewish Community of Rome: From the Second Century B.C. to the Third Century C.E., Supplements to the JSJ, vol. 113 (Leiden: Brill). Davies, G. N. (1990), Faith and Obedience in Romans: A Study in Rm. 1-4, JSNTSS 39 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). #* Donfried, K. P. ed. (1991), The Romans Debate, rev. & exp. Ed. (Peabody: Hendrickson). [BS R ] [ 部份及其他相關文章中譯 : 盧龍光主編, 筆戰羅馬 羅馬書之研究 ( 香港 : 天道出版社,2010) ] Ehrensperger, Kathy (2004), That we may be Mutually Encouraged: Feminism and the New Perspective in Pauline Studies (NY: T & T Clark). Elliott, N. (1990), The Rhetoric of Romans, JSNTSS 45 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). Esler, Philip F. (2003), Conflict and Identity in Romans: The Social Setting of Paul s Letter (Minneapolis: Fortress) Gamble Jr., H. (1977), The Textual History of the Letter to the Romans (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). Gathercole, Simon J. (2002), Where is Boasting: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul s Response in Romans 1-5 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). * Georgi, D. (1965), Remembering the Poor: The History of Paul's Collection for Jerusalem (Nashville: Abingdon, 1992). Guerra, A. J. (1995), Romans and the Apologetic Tradition: the Purpose: Genre and Audience of Paul s Letter SNTSMS81 (Cambridge: CUP). Jeffers, J. S. (1991), Conflict at Rome (Minneapolis: Fortress). Jervis, L. A. (1991), The Purpose of Romans: A Comparative Letter Structure Investigation JSNTSS55 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). Kaylor, R. D. (1988), Paul's Covenant Community: Jew and Gentile in Romans (Atlanta: John Knox). * Lampe, Peter (1989), From Paul to Valenus: Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries, 2 nd ed., trans. M. Steinhauser, ed. M. D. Johnson (Minn.: Fortress, 2003) 10 of 15

11 * Leon, H. J. (1960), The Jews of Ancient Rome, rev. ed. (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1995). #* Lo, Lung-kwong (1998), Paul's Purpose in Writing Romans: The Upbuilding of a Jewish and Gentile Christian Community in Rome (Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary). [BS L6 1998] [ 中譯 : 論盡羅馬 : 透析保羅寫羅馬書之目的, 王敏賢 譯 ( 香港 : 漢語聖經協會有限公司,2010) ] (2002), Identity Crisis Reflected in Rm. 14:1 15:13 and the Implications for the Chinese Christians Controversy on Ancestral Worship in Ching Feng Vol. 3, No. 1 2 (N. S.), pp (2005), Paul s Gospel to the Gentiles and Its Implications for Christian Mission to Chinese in Text & Task: Scripture & Mission, Parsons, Michael ed. (Carlisle: Paternoster), pp (2009), Paul and Ethnicity: The Paradigm of glocalization in Jesus and Paul: Global Perspective in Honor of James D. G. Dunn for his 70 th Birthday, B. J. Oropeza et al. edd. (London: T & T Clark International), pp (2014), Interpretation of Karpos (Romans 1:13) and The Occasion of Paul s Letter to the Romans in Diverse Strands of a Common Thread: An Introduction to Ethnic Chinese Biblical Interpretation, edd. Sze-kar Wan & Mary F. Foskett (Hong Kong: Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK), pp * Minear, P. S. (1971), The Obedience of Faith: The Purpose of Paul in the Epistle to the Romans (London: SCM). Moores, J. D. (1995), Wrestling with Rationality in Paul: Romans 1-8 in a New Perspective, SNTSMS82 (Cambridge: CUP). * Nickle, K. F. (1966), The Collection: A Study in Paul's Strategy (Napeville: Alec R. Allenson). Reasoner, M. (1999) The Strong and the Weak: Romans 14:1-15:13 in Context, SNTSMS 103 (Cambridge: CUP) * Stowers, S. K. (1981), The Diatribe and Paul's Letter to the Romans, SBLDS57 (Chico: Scholars Press). Thompson, M. (1991), Clothed with Christ: The Example and Teaching of Jesus in Rm. 12:1-15:13, JSNTSS 59 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). Walters, J. C. (1993), Ethnic Issues in Paul's Letter to the Romans: Changing Self- Definitions in Earliest Roman Christianity (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International). * Watson, F. (1986), Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles: A Sociological Approach SNTSMS56 (Cambridge: CUP). * Wedderburn, A. J. M. (1988), The Reasons for Romans (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). * Williams, S. K. (1980), "The Righteousness of God's in Romans" JBL 99, pp Wright, N. T. (1997) What St. Paul Really Said? [ 中譯 : 再思保羅神學爭議, 白陳 毓華譯 ( 台北 : 校園,2000) ] 盧龍光 (2007) 保羅新觀 : 羅馬書的主題與目的 增訂本,( 南京 : 金陵協和神學 院 ) 8. Commentaries on Romans ( 羅馬書註釋 ) Achtemeier, P. (1985), Romans (Atlanta: John Knox). Agamben, Giorgio (2000), Il tempo che resta: un comment alla Lettera ai Romani (Torino: Bollati Boringhieri). [ 中譯 : 剩餘的時間 : 解讀 羅馬書, 錢立卿譯 ( 長春 : 吉林,2011) ] Ambrosiaster, Commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians, translated and edited by Gerald L. Bray, Ancient Christian Texts (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press) 11 of 15

12 Barrett, C. K. (1957), The Commentary on Romans, (London: A & C Black). Barth, K. (1933) The Epistle to the Romans, trans. E. C. Hoskyns (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968) [ 中譯 : 羅馬書 譯義, 魏育青譯 ( 香港 : 漢語基督教 文化研究所,1998) ] Black, M. (1973), Romans (London: Marshall, Morgon & Scott). Bowen, R. (2009), A guide to Romans (London: SPCK). Bruce F. F. (1986), Romans, rev. ed. (London: Tyndale). Calvin, Jean ( ), Commentaries on the epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans [ 中譯 : 羅馬書 注釋 : 加爾文集, 趙中輝 宋華忠譯 ( 北京 : 華夏, 2011) ] #* Cranfield, C. E. B. (1975, 79), ICC Commentary on Romans 2 vols., (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). [BS2665.C v.1, 2] Cobb, Jr., John B. and David J. Lull (2005), Romans, Chalice Commentaries for Today (St. Louis: Chalice). #* Dunn, J. D. G. (1988), Word Biblical Commentary on Romans, 2 vols. (Dallas: Word Books). [BS91.2.W67 v.38a, 38B] Dodd, C. H. (1932), Romans, (London: Hodder & Stoughton). #* Fitzmyer, J. A. (1993), Romans: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, Anchor Bible, Vol. 33, (N. Y.: Doubleday). [BS192.2.A G3 v.33] Harrisville, R. A. (1980), Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament: Romans, (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House). Heil, J. P. (1987), Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Reader-Response Commentary, (NY: Paulist Press). Hultgren, Arland J. (2011), Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Commentary (Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans). * Jewett, Robert (2006), Romans, Hermeneia (Minneapolis: Fortress). #* Kaesemann, E. (1973), Romans, trans. G. W. Bromiley (London: SCM, 1980). [BS K3313] * Keck, Leander E. (2005), Romans, Abingdon NT Commentaries (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). Krieb A. Katherine (2002), The Story of Romans: A Narrative Defence of God s Righteous (Lousville: Westminster John Knox). Kruse, Colin G. (2012), Paul s Letter to the Romans (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans). Luther, M., ( ) Commentary on Romans, trans. J. T. Mueller, (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1976). Matera, Frank J. (2010), Romans (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic). Moo, Douglas (1991), Romans 1-8, Vol. 1, (Chicago: Moody Press) (1996), The Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). Morris, L. (1988), The Epistle to the Romans, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). Murray, J. (1959, 1965), Romans, 2 vols. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). Nygren, A. (1944), The Commentary on Romans trans. C. Rasmussen, (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1949). * Sanday, W. & Headlam, A. C. (1902), ICC Commentary on Romans, (Edinburgh: T & T Clark). * Schlatter, A. (1935) Romans: The Righteousness of God, trans. S. S. Schatzmann (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1995). Stowers, S. K. (1994), A Re-reading of Romans: Justice, Jews and Gentiles (New Haven & London: Yale University Press). * Stuhlmacher, P. (1989), Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Commentary, trans. S. J. Hafemann, (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1994). Wilckens, Ulrich (2010), Der Brief an die Römer, EKK 6 (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener; Mannheim: Patmos). 12 of 15

13 Witherington III, B. & Hyatt, D. (2004), Paul s Letter to the Romans: a socio-rhetorical commentary (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans). Wright, N. T. (2002) Romans in The New Interpreter s Bible Commentary vol. 10 (Nashville: Abingdon) pp #* Ziesler, J. A. (1989), Paul s Letter to the Romans, (London: SCM). [BS Z54] 周兆真 (2007), 羅馬書 ( 香港 : 基督教文藝 ) 陳終道 (1981), 羅馬書 ( 台北 : 校園 ) 曾思瀚著, 吳瑩宜譯 (2008), 傳到地極 : 羅馬書初探 ( 香港 : 基道 ) 曾思瀚著, 吳瑩宜譯 (2008), 羅馬書解讀 : 基督福音的嶄新視野 ( 台北 : 校園 ) #* 馮蔭坤 (1997, 1998, 2001, 2003), 羅馬書 卷壹, 卷貳, 卷叁, 卷肆 ( 台北 : 校 園 ) [BS F v.1-4] 詹正義 ( 編 ) (1990), 羅馬書 活泉新約希臘文解經, 卷五 (Monterey Park: 美國 活泉出版社 ) 鮑會園 (1991, 1996), 羅馬書 卷上, 下 ( 香港 : 天道 ) 9. New Testament Hermeneutics ( 新約聖經解釋學 ) Barton, J. (1998), The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation (Cambridge, University Press). Collins, R. F. (1983), Introduction to the NT (London: SCM). Conzelmann, H. & Lindemann, A. (1985), Interpreting the NT: An Introduction to the Principles and Methods of NT Exegesis, trans. S. S. Schatzmann (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1988) pp Elliott, J. H. (1993), What is Social-Scientific Criticism? (Minneapolis: Fortress). Holmberg, B. (1990), Sociology and the NT: An Appraisal (Minneapolis: Fortress). Kee, H. C. (1989), Knowing the Truth: A Sociological Approach to NT Interpretation (Minneapolis: Fortress). Kennedy, G. A. (1984), NT Interpretation Through Rhetorical Criticism (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press). Krentz, E. (1975), The Historical-Critical Method (Philadelphia: Fortress). Ladd, G. E. (1967), The NT and Criticism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). Longman III, T. (1987), Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation (Leicester: Apollos). McKnight, E. V. & Malbon, E. S. edd. (1994), The New Literary Criticism and the NT (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International). Petersen, N. R. (1978), Literary Criticism for NT Critics (Philadelphia: Fortress) (1985), Rediscovering Paul: Philemon and the Sociology of Paul's Narrative World (Philadelphia: Fortress). Porter, S. E. & Tombs, D. edd. (1995), Approaches to NT Study, JSNTSS120 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). Tuckett, C. (1987), Reading the NT: Methods of Interpretation (London: SPCK). 周天和 (1990), 新約研究指南, 增訂本 ( 香港 : 崇基學院神學組 ) 10. Others ( 其他 ) Barrett, C. K. (1982), Essays on Paul (London: SPCK). Childs, B. S. (2008), The Church s Guide for Reading Paul: The Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans). 13 of 15

14 * Cranfield, C. E. B. (1982), "Changes of Person and number in Paul's Epistles", in Paul and Paulinism, edd. Hooker, M. D. and Wilson, S. G. (London: SPCK, 1982) pp ; reprinted in The Bible and Christian Life: Collection of Essays (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1985) pp * Dahl, N. A. (1977), Studies in Paul (Minneapolis: Augsburg). Doty, W. G. (1973), Letters in Primitive Christianity (Philadelphia: Fortress). * Dunn, J. D. G. (1987), "The Problem of Pseudonymity" in The Living Word (London: SCM). Ehrensperger, Kathy, and J. Brian Tucker, eds. (2010), Reading Paul in Context: Explorations in Identity Formation: Essays in Honour of William S. Campbell (London; N.Y.: T & T Clark). * Fitzmyer, J. A. (1993), According to Paul: Studies in the Theology of the Apostle (NY: Paulist). Furnish, V. P. (1989), "Pauline Studies" in The NT and Its Modern Interpreters (Atlanta: Scholars Press) pp * Hagner, D. A. & Harris, M. J. (1980), Pauline Studies: Essays Presented to F. F. Bruce (Exeter: Leicester). Hawthorne, G. F., Martin, R. P., Reid, D. G. eds. (1993), Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (Downers Grove: IVP). * Hooker, M. D. & Wilson, S. G. edd. (1982), Paul and Paulinism: Essays in honour of C. K. Barrett (London: SPCK). Jewett, R. (1979), Dating Paul's Life (London: SCM). Knox, J. (1950), Chapters in a Life of Paul (Nashville: Abingdon). Langton, Daniel R. (2010), The Apostle Paul in the Jewish Imagination: A Study in Modern Jewish-Christian Relations (N. Y.: Cambridge University Press). Longenecker, Richard N. (2011), Introducing Romans: Critical Issues in Paul s Most Famous Letter (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans) Luedemann G. (1980), Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles: Studies in Chronology, trans. F. S. Jones (London: SCM, 1984). Ruden, Sarah. (2010), Paul among the People : the Apostle reinterpreted and reimagined in his own Time (N.Y.: Pantheon Books). Robinson, J. A. T. (1979), Wrestling with Romans (London: SCM). #* Stendahl, K. (1976), Paul Among Jews and Gentiles (Philadelphia: Fortress). [BS2506.S ] (1995), Final Account: Paul's Letter to the Romans (Minneapolis: Fortress). Sumney, Jerry L. ed. (2012), Reading Paul s Letter to the Romans (Atlanta: SBL) 郭漢成 劉聰賜 (2013), 羅馬書的句型分析和思路 (Singapore: Genesis Books) 龔聖美 張振華 王澤堂編 (2014), 信義宗教會與天主教會有關成義 / 稱義教義的聯 合聲明 世界循道衛理宗協會就有關成義 / 稱義教義的聯合聲明的聲明 ( 香港 : 道聲 ) VI. FEEDBACK FOR EVALUATION An end-of-term university wide course evaluation will be conducted in class. Students comments and feedback on the course through s or personal meeting with instructor are always welcomed. 14 of 15

15 VII. COURSE SCHEDULE Week Date Topic 1 Jan. 15 Introduction of the course; sharing of experiences in reading Pauline Letters 2 Jan. 22 Introduction to Paul and Pauline Letters 3 Jan. 29 The Life of Paul, the historical Background of his Letters and the Relation to the Acts of the Apostles 4 Feb. 5 The Authorship, Content and Theology of Pauline Letters: Philemon as a case 5 Feb. 19 The Letter to the Romans: Context, Purpose, Style, Theme, Position of Rom Feb. 26 Exegesis: Rom 14:1-15:13 7 Mar. 4 Exegesis: Rom 15:22-33; 16; Acts 28:13b-31 8 Mar. 11 Exegesis: Rom 1:1-17; 1:18-32; 2:1-13; 2:14-29; Gal. 3: Mar. 18 Exegesis: Rom 3:1-18; 3:9-20; 3:21-31; 4: Apr. 1 Exegesis: Rom 5:1-11; 5:12-21; 6:1-14; 6: Apr. 8 Exegesis: Rom 7:1-6; 7: Apr. 15 Exegesis: Rom 8:1-30; 8: Apr. 22 Conclusion VIII. TEACHERS CONTACT DETAILS Professor: Name: Rev. Prof. Lung Kwong LO 盧龍光牧師 LG1/F., Chi-tung Yung Memorial Building Office Location: Telephone: IX. A FACILITY FOR POSTING COURSE ANNOUNCEMENTS Details for book ordering, course special arrangement and feedback for questions will be announced via . X. ACADEMIC HONESTY AND PLAGIARISM Students must submit their papers via VeriGuide ( and hand in a print out of receipt and a signed Academic Honesty Declaration Statement from VeriGuide (received via after you have submitted your assignment). Relevant information on academic honesty and plagiarism can be allocated via: 15 of 15

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