[ 헤드라인뉴스 ] 하나님의이상세계를지상에실현한다 기독교복음선교회 [Headline News] Christian Gospel Mission: "We actualize God's ideal world on the Earth."

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1 [ 헤드라인뉴스 ] 하나님의이상세계를지상에실현한다 기독교복음선교회 [Headline News] Christian Gospel Mission: "We actualize God's ideal world on the Earth." 기독교복음선교회는 1978 년 6 월부터설립자정명석총재가말씀을전파하기시작, 현재 전국 4 백여개의교회와해외 50 여개국에 20 여만명의회원들이선교활동을벌이고 있다. 기독교복음선교회는 27 년의짧은시간에도불구하고놀라운전파력으로국내외 선교활동을벌이고있다. Chairman Jung Myung Seok, who established Christian Gospel Mission (CGM), started to spread the gospel in June of Currently, there are about 200,000 members in 400 churches throughout the nation (Korea) and 50 overseas nations. Even though it s only been a short period of time 27 years they have been actively engaged in ministry and have powerfully branched out throughout the nation and also abroad.

2 제 6 회지구촌평화문화연합대회 The Sixth Global Peace United Cultural Convention 오직하나님의진리 를이땅에 Spreading only God s truth to the Earth 27 년의짧은선교역사가운데서도전국 400 여개의교회와해외 50 여개국에 20 여만의 회원을거느린세계적인단체로성장하게된기독교복음선교회의성공비결에대해 선교회관계자는 종교는이론이아니라생활 이라는점에주목해야한다고설명했다. Within 27 short years of ministry, CGM has become a worldwide organization with 200,000 members from 400 churches throughout the nation and 50 overseas nations. A staff of CGM shared their secret to success: to remember that religion is not a theory but a lifestyle. 이관계자는 하나님의온전한진리와사랑의뜻을실현하여우리가살고있는이세상을 평화의세계로만들자 는목표아래하나님의이상세계인천국을죽어서야만가는멀고 먼이상향이아닌, 바로여기인 지상에실현한다 는구체적생활론과행동론에기반한 종교활동을펼치고있다고기독교복음선교회의특징을언급했다. He also mentioned a distinct characteristic of CGM, We have a goal: By actualizing God s perfect truth and His Will of love, let s make our world into a world of peace. And, with that goal, we have a theory of lifestyle and action: Instead of considering Heaven as a Utopia in a very faraway place that we go to only after we die, we can actualize it, God s ideal world, here on this Earth. Based on that theory, we are carrying out religious activities.

3 좁은지식으로그리는작은원은넓은지식으로그리는큰원의크기에미치지못한다. 또좁은세계의지식만으로는그이상의것을상상조차할수없다. 기독교복음선교회의 정명석총재는하나님의이상세계가현실에서펼쳐지는보다큰원을그리기위해서 2 천여번이상성경을통독하고 30 여년동안극적인기도생활을하는과정에서방대한 성경의진리말씀을통해모든종교와사상을하나로꿰뚫는하나님의진리를깨닫게 됐다고말한다. A small circle that is drawn with limited knowledge cannot reach a big circle that is drawn with vast knowledge. Furthermore, we cannot even begin to imagine what is beyond the small circle with the limited knowledge. In order to reach the big circle, where God s ideal world unfolds in reality, CGM Chairman Jung read the Bible from cover to cover about 2,000 times, and he said that during the 30-year process of an extreme life of prayer and through the vast Word of Biblical truth, he realized the truth of God that completely unites religion and ideology. 30 개론의새로운성경해석바탕 The foundation of the new interpretation of the Bible - The 30 Principles 성경은하나님의말씀이기때문에, 하나님이깨우쳐주지않고서는인간의어떤노력이나 연구에의해알수있는것이아니다. 기독교복음선교회는정명석총재가표방하는 30 개론이라는새로운성경해석론을바탕으로성경의실천과생활화라는강령을내걸고 주로청년 대학생들을대상으로한선교활동을펼치고있다. Since the Bible is the Word of God, it is beyond our comprehension. Unless God enlightens human beings, we cannot understand it through our own efforts or study. Chairman Jung advocates the foundation of the new interpretation of the Bible, The 30 Principles, which targets mainly young people or college students; CGM is evangelizing with the creed, Take action upon the Bible and make it your lifestyle. 30 개론중 7 단계법칙은모든존재세계는법칙을생명시해서창조해놓았으며법에맞지 않으면존재할수없음을강조하고있다. 광물계는광맥이라는법칙, 생물계는생리라는 법칙, 물질계는물리라는법칙, 지구계는지리라는법칙, 우주계는원리라는법칙, 인간계는심리라는법칙, 하나님과인간사이에는진리라는법칙이존재하고이법에 맞지않으면존재할수없다고한다. One of the 30 Principles, the Seven Steps of the Law, explains that all the existing worlds are created strictly and absolutely according to the laws, and emphasizes that these worlds cannot be sustained if they don t adhere to the laws. It says, There is a law called the vein of ore in the mineral kingdom, there is a law called physiology in the biosystem, there is a law called physics in the physical world, there is a law called

4 geography in the earth system, there is a law called principle in the system of the universe, there is a law called psychology in the world of human beings, and there is a law called the truth between God and human beings, whereby if people don t adhere to that law, they will be unable to exist. 특히하나님과인간사이에는진리법칙이존재하고이법칙에어긋나면인간의영이 하나님과관계성이끊어진다고한다. 인간은진리를잃어버려서혼돈속에살게되었고 어떤것이진리인지모르다보니법을무시하고하나님의법칙법도가무서운지모르고 살고있다. 따라서진정한자유함이란진리의원존재와하나되어야한다고한다. 모든 인간은절대진리안에서서로하나가될수있다고한다. In particular, if the law of truth that exists between man and God is violated, the relationship between human spirits and God will break. Since human beings lost the truth, they ended up living in chaos, and because they didn t know what the truth was, they came to ignore the law and weren t afraid of God s law and customs. Therefore, true freedom comes when human beings become one with the Original Being of truth. All mankind can become one with each other within the absolute truth. 기독교복음선교회는오직하나님을사랑함으로, 그분의성정을닮고자하여말씀을 듣고실천하는단체로순수구원을위한복음의메시지뿐만아니라, 하나님을사랑하는 자에게선물로주시는것이문화와예술이라고간주, 하나님께대한감사의표현으로 문화예술활동에도심혈을기울이고있다. 또회원각자가자신의개성에맞게소질을 개발하여다양한방면으로하나님께영광을돌리고있다 고말했다. The staff member said, CGM is an organization that takes action on the Word only out of love for God and because we want to resemble His nature. In addition, we consider culture and art as a gift from God to His beloved ones, so we put a lot of effort into culture and art activities as an expression of thanksgiving to God. Also, each member develops their talents according to their individuality and gives glory to God in various ways. 세계곳곳에사랑과평화실천 Taking action on love and peace everywhere in the world 기독교복음선교회는지난 1978년정명석총재가서울에서선교활동을시작한이래 1980년첫생명의결실을시작으로 1982년한국대학생MS선교회창립, 1983년예수교대한감리회교단가입, 그리고 1986년예수교대한감리회 ( 진리 ) 를창립해감독으로정명석총재가취임했다. 1989년세계청년대학생MS연맹으로조직을개편했고, 1996년에는국제크리스천연합으로개편해운영했다.

5 In 1978 when Chairman Jung started his ministry in Seoul, he bore the first fruit of lives in From that point on, CGM established Korean College Students MS Ministry in 1982, registered the Presbyterian Methodist Order in 1983, founded a Presbyterian Methodist organization in 1986, and appointed Chairman Jung as the director. In 1989, it was restructured as the World Youth College Students MS Union, and in 1996, it was re-organized and run as the International Christian Union 년 10 월에는 기도하는선교회, 진리로하나되는선교회, 세계로나아가는 선교회 라는목표아래기독교복음선교회로개편해현재까지이르고있다. 전국 22 개 지역회에 400 여개의교회, 20 여만명의신자가소속되어있으며, 해외에도 50 여개국에 지부를형성, 세계적인선교회로교세를확장하고있다. In October 1999, with the theme, The ministry that prays, the ministry that becomes one through the truth, and the ministry that has advanced to the world, it was reconstructed as Christian Gospel Mission, which has been operating until now. They have 400 churches in 22 regional districts throughout the nation and have branched out to 50 foreign nations with a total of 200,000 members worldwide. They are expanding their religious influence as a worldwide ministry. 특히설립자정명석총재는 오직사랑하면평화가오리라 는설립정신으로 이웃으로부터지구촌의이념과종교, 민족을뛰어넘어서생명사랑과인류평화를지향해 왔다. 청소년의올바른육성을위한지도로부터건실한가정을이루기위한 가정평화이념을주창하며건강한정신과육체를위한문화운동을전개했다는평가도 받고있다. The founder, Chairman Jung, has been particularly supportive of loving lives and the peace of mankind, not only amongst next-door neighbors but also amongst various nations, beyond global ideologies and religions, with the mentality upon which he had founded CGM: With love alone, peace will come. In addition, he received great reviews for developing a cultural movement towards a healthy mind and body, as well as for fostering the appropriate guidelines for proper youth development and the healthy family model, while advocating household peace. 하나님의나라건설 을활동목표로삼고있는기독교복음선교회는세계를향한새로운 도전에비전을두고있다. 지구촌이하나가되는새시대를맞아많은선교사들을양성해 해외에파견하는한편, 이를통해신앙뿐아니라한국적아름다움도전해국제교류를 통한평화세계구현에앞장서고자하는것이기독교복음선교회가밝히는지향과제다. CGM sets building God s Kingdom as its goal and has the vision and new challenge of sharing this with the world. To establish the new era, where the whole world will become one, CGM is embarking on a mission to raise and dispatch many missionaries to foreign

6 countries, and through that, take the lead in not only in faith, but also in actualizing the world of peace by spreading the beautiful side of Korea throughout the world. 지난날에는서양으로부터기독교를전수받았지만이제는역으로새로운말씀과 하나님의계획을서양선진국들에전하는데기독교복음선교회는박차를가하고있다. In the past, Korea learned Christianity from the West, but now, conversely, CGM is accelerating to spread the new Word and God s plan to the developed western countries.

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