Baptism 101 A Volunteer Led, Parent Taught Study on Baptism

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1 Baptism 101 A Volunteer Led, Parent Taught Study on Baptism (designed for families with children 10 to 99 years old) Objective: To partner with parents in communicating to their children a solid knowledge and understanding of baptism so that their children will choose to become baptized believers of Jesus Christ. Make yourself at home! Thank you for participating in our Baptism 101 class. You and your child will each need the following items for today s class: a name tag, a pencil or pen, a Bible and this workbook. You will also need one Bible Quick View Worksheet (to share). If you need any of these items please notify the class facilitator. The donuts, coffee and water are for your enjoyment too. Introduction to Baptism 101 Today s class will be taught by YOU, the parent! The volunteer facilitating today s class will be leading you through this workbook, offering discussion suggestions and providing clarity to the material as needed. YOU and your child will be interacting with God s Word and discovering together what baptism is all about. You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed and a wee-bit under qualified to teach your child about baptism, but have no fear! Our God has created you, the parent, to be your child s most influential spiritual mentor. Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all you've got! Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (MSG) It is part of God s wonderful plan that YOU be your child s spiritual mentor. Parents are the only ones who can take advantage of the daily opportunities God gives you to impress upon your children His wonderful teachings and commandments. However, if you have doubts or feel a bit clumsy in the Bible department, remember that you are not doing this alone. You have a partner, the class facilitator, who will be right here to lead you through the study and give you the encouragement and equipping needed to succeed. Jump In The Water s Fine!

2 How To Receive Salvation (the prerequisites for baptism) Read aloud Romans 3:23-27 (see the Quick View Worksheet) What does this passage have to say about the following? Sin Jesus Forgiveness God Sal va tion (noun) Freedom from sin or the penalty of sin through Jesus Christ's death on the cross. Salvation doesn t come from works, you can t earn it; it s a free gift! However, while salvation is a free gift, you still must do something to receive salvation. Just like a birthday gift, it s not yours until you grab it & rip it open! What do the following passages say about salvation? John 6:28-29 Acts 16:30-31 To receive salvation we must. Be lieve (verb) To accept that something is true or real. To place trust in something or somebody. What does the following passage say about salvation? Luke 13:3 To receive salvation we must. Re pent (verb) To feel regret about a sin and change your ways or habits. What does the following passage say about salvation? Romans 10:9-10 To receive salvation we must. Con fess (verb) To declare one s belief in something or somebody. What does the following passage say about salvation? 1 Peter 3:21 To receive salvation we must. Bap tism (noun) A religious ceremony in which somebody is immersed in water symbolizing Christ s death & resurrection.

3 What is Baptism? Christians disagree about baptism. They disagree over how it should be done. They disagree when it should be done. And they disagree about why it should be done. But just because Christians disagree about baptism doesn t mean we shouldn t study what the Bible says about it. As a matter of fact, if you concentrate more about what the Bible says about baptism and less on what Christians say about it, you ll find that this topic really isn t so confusing. One fact is undeniable. Baptism is an important Bible practice and teaching. Jesus and his followers were baptized themselves. Jesus example (Mt. 3:13) and command alone should be enough to end uncertainty over the value of baptism (Mt. 28:19). Baptism is important, as we will discover in today s study, and no person who wants to be Christ s disciple should neglect being baptized. When Christians disagree over a Bible topic, the best thing you can do is to patiently and carefully study the Bible for yourself. Look up the passages that talk about the subject. Read them carefully. Pray for insight, and think for yourself about what these passages mean. Let God and his Word convince you of the truth about baptism. Soaked in God s Word (a biblical study on baptism) Read each passage. How common and widespread was it in the days of the early Church for Christians to have been baptized? Romans 6:3-4 Galatians 3:26-27 According to the following passages, how should people approach baptism? Mark 16:16 Acts 2:38 What might these preconditions of baptism suggest about the age or maturity of the people who are being baptized. As sume (verb) To accept something is true without checking it. Early Christians assumed all believers were baptized. Re spon si bil i ty (noun) All people are held accountable for their choices whether they are good or bad. Later in this study we will discuss more about knowing if you are ready to be baptized and how God treats those who are unable to or not mature enough to distinguish between good choices and poor choices. Dis cern ment (n) Having good taste and judgment. Being able to know the difference between good & poor choices.

4 Read each of the following passages and list what happens when a person is baptized. Mark 16:16 When Baptized You Are made free from sin. Acts 2:38 Follow Jesus example. Enter the body of Christ. Wash away your sins. Are saved from death. Acts 22:16 Receive the Holy Spirit. Have forgiveness of sins. Romans 6:3-4 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 Galatians 3: Peter 3:21 What evidence might these passages provide about how people were baptized in Bible times. John 3:23 Acts 8:35-39 Romans 6:3-4 Some people mistakenly think that Christians who tell people coming to Christ to be baptized are teaching salvation by works. According to Paul, the writer of Colossians 2:12, whose power is at work when people are baptized? Why is Baptism Important to Me? Baptism (English) Baptisma (Greek) Literal translation means immersion, submersion or dunk. When you were baptized, you were buried together with Christ. You were raised to life together with him by BELIEVING in God's power. Having gone through the biblical text, what truths about baptism have you learned and which truths do you see in a new light? Do you feel or believe that baptism is an important part of your salvation? Why?

5 Answer to Some Common Objections to Baptism Objection! What about the thief on the cross? He was saved without baptism or noted repentance. 42 Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." 43 Jesus answered him, "What I'm about to tell you is true. Today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:42-43 (NIrV) Consider this The thief was saved before Jesus died, and the command about baptism was given after Jesus resurrection. Remember God s mercy. Exceptions do not determine the norms. Objection! I was baptized as a baby or small child. Isn t that good enough? Consider this It s important to understand why parents do this. Most, if not all parents, have a deep spiritual concern for their children. They want what is best for their child s physical, mental and spiritual well being. Some parents are also influenced by traditions from their families religious beliefs. However, when we look at the practices of the early church, we cannot find a single instance of infant baptism. By reviewing our findings in today s study on baptism, we quickly see several prerequisites for baptism that infants cannot satisfy. For example infants cannot believe (Mark 16:16) nor can they repent of sins (Acts 2:38). Note: Later on today we will discover how God treats those who are unable to or not mature enough to distinguish between good choices & poor choices. Objection! I was sprinkled when I was baptized. Do I need to be immersed? Consider this The symbolism of baptism is in the immersion and raising up out of the water. 3 All of us were baptized into Christ Jesus. Don't you know that we were baptized into his death? 4 By being baptized, we were buried with Christ into his death. Christ has been raised from the dead by the Father's glory. And like Christ we also can live a new life. Romans 6:3-4 (NIrV) 12 When you were baptized, you were buried together with him. You were raised to life together with him by believing in God's power. God raised Jesus from the dead. Colossians 2:12 (NIrV) Baptism symbolizes death, burial and resurrection. Also consider the literal translation of the word baptism. Baptism comes from the Greek word baptisma which translated literally means immersion or dunk. Furthermore, consider some of the instances of baptism. I suggest looking up John the Baptist (John 3:23) and Phillip and the Eunuch (Acts 8:35-38). Objection! So what about the dying man in the desert? Would he be lost because he couldn t get baptized? Consider this The Bible already gives us one desert example. And please note an important point. Just because God can save some people without baptism doesn t mean that you ll be one, especially with a baptistery so near.

6 Am I ready to be baptized (Is my child ready to be baptized)? Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you wish to repent from your sins and turn to God? Do you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead? Do you desire to be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins? I don t for a minute doubt that your child loves Jesus with all their heart and desires deeply to be placed in a right relationship with God through the act of baptism. I am confident the he or she has answered the questions above with an enthusiastic YES! But before considering a life as a disciple of Christ, Jesus asks us to count the cost of such a commitment. 28 "Suppose someone wants to build a tower. Won't he sit down first and figure out how much it will cost? Then he will see whether he has enough money to finish it. 29 Suppose he starts building and is not able to finish. Then everyone who sees what he has done will laugh at him. 30 They will say, 'This fellow started to build. But he wasn't able to finish.' 31 "Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. And suppose he has 10,000 men, while the other has 20,000 coming against him. Won't he first sit down and think about whether he can win? 32 "And suppose he decides he can't win. Then he will send some men to ask how peace can be made. He will do this while the other king is still far away. 33 "In the same way, you must give up everything you have. If you don't, you can't be my disciple. 34 "Salt is good. But suppose it loses its saltiness. How can it be made salty again? Luke 14:28-34 (NIrV) Are you ready to make a lifetime commitment to Christ? Are you willing to follow his example and teachings? To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and all with your mind? Are you willing to love your neighbor as you love yourself? Are you ready to take responsibility for the choices you make, doing your best to always make good and honorable choices? The answer to these questions are seldom answered as enthusiastically as the ones preceding them. However that doesn t mean you or your child isn't ready for baptism, but it is a good place to start discussing one s motives for wanting to be baptized. Ultimately, as the parent, you have to ask yourself if you believe your child is capable of being held accountable for his or her own choices, even the choices that lead to death (sin).

7 I don t feel my child is ready for baptism but I am concerned for their spiritual wellbeing and standing before God. Faith is being confident in God s character. Our faith is lived out when we trust that in all situations our God is loving, honest, merciful and wondrous beyond compare. 31 The Lord your God is tender and loving. He won't leave you or destroy you. He won't forget the covenant he made with your people long ago. He took an oath when he made it. Deuteronomy 4:31 (NIrV) A tender and loving God does not condemn children. There are two clear passages in the Bible that confirm God s character in this area. 39 "You said your little ones would be taken prisoner. But they will enter the land. They do not know right from wrong yet. But I will give them the land. They will take it as their own. 40 As for you, turn around. Start out toward the desert. Go along the road that leads to the Red Sea." Deuteronomy 1:39-40 (NIrV) In this passage we see where God could have condemned his chosen children to the same fate as the adults. However, God pardons the children because, they do not know right from wrong yet. 15 "The time will come when he is old enough to decide between what is wrong and what is right. By that time he will have only butter and honey to eat. Isaiah 7:15 (NIrV) This passage illustrates the belief that there is an age when a child is able to decide between what is wrong and what is right. What is the magic age of accountability? The Bible is unclear on this, most likely because it varies from child to child. Don t let Satan shake your faith in God and cause you to doubt your understanding of your child s unique spiritual and mental development. God loves your child very much and when the time is right, both you and your child will know. On the same token, be open to the possibility that one day, maybe soon, your child will be ready for baptism. Talk about it when your child brings it up and pray about it often. "Let the little children come to me. Don't keep them away. The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like them." Matthew 19:14 (NIrV) Large portions of this study were adapted for families from Foundations: Building a Better Christian Life and various Sunday sermons by Kerry Decker, Senior Minister at Pathway Christian Church, Riverside, CA. Used with permission.

8 Now What? Now it s time to decide if and when to be baptized. You may want to go home and review this material some more or you may decide to jump into the baptistery later this week or even after class! Whatever you decide, please know that our Children s Ministry is here to answer any specific questions you may have about baptism, from preparing for the big day to taking a tour of the baptistery. You may also want to take some time to explain the importance of the Lord s Supper. It has been a long tradition in the Churches of Christ that only baptized believers participate in the Lord s Supper. If your son or daughter chooses to be baptized, they will be invited to partake in the Lord s Supper. Our Children s Ministry provides the Lord s Supper for children who have been baptized during the 10:30am hour. What Should I Bring to My Baptism? Here is a quick checklist Write down on a 3x5 card your reason(s) for wanting to be baptized. Choose a baptized believer to perform the baptism. This could be Dad, Grandpa, Mom, a Minister, Shepherd or a really good friend. Pick a date and contact Heritage Church of Christ at to let us know what date and time you wish to be baptized. Bring with you a bathing suit, t-shirt, towel and a change of clothes. You will also want to bring your camera and a personal photographer. your baptism photo to Minister Matt Jamba Johnson at so that he can create and send to you a personalized baptism certificate. Remember to keep taking steps towards God. Baptism doesn t mean you'll never make a poor choice again. However it does mean that you will do whatever it takes to grow in your faith and ever nearer to God. This study was prepared by Matthew Jamba Johnson Children s Minister at Heritage Church of Christ 4201 Heritage Trace Parkway, Keller, TX w) m) e)

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