A Mighty Fortress Program No SPEAKER: JOHN BRADSHAW

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1 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 1 A Mighty Fortress Program No SPEAKER: JOHN BRADSHAW This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me today. The Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, Germany, about 225 miles south of the city of Hamburg, was completed in the year 1068, and at one time it was the home of one of history's most famous prisoners. From time to time people appear on the world stage that profoundly affect the planet. Very often, they have no intention of ever doing so, and one of those people was Martin Luther. Luther was kept as a prisoner here between May of 1521 and March of It was at this solitary retreat that Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. It was in this very place, safe from the malice of his enemies, amidst some of the greatest dramas of his life, that Martin Luther kept the fires of reform burning throughout Germany and throughout all of Europe. And Martin Luther left to the world a profound legacy that affects all of us, even today. The journey that brought Martin Luther to this place of peace and quiet was one of tempest, conflict and great peril. Charles V, the new Holy Roman Emperor, who reigned over most of central Europe, was under great pressure from Rome to crack down on Luther and his followers. So Charles had a big problem. The man whose influence was most responsible in getting him elected emperor, Frederick the ruler of the province of Saxony, was deeply impressed by Luther's teachings and had given Luther protection. Frederick insisted Luther had done nothing wrong and that no error was found in his teachings, so he refused to act against the Reformer. And since the emperor was dependent on Frederick's support to stay in power, the emperor found himself in quite a bind. Frederick of Saxony was a faithful and powerful friend to the great Reformer, and his influence ultimately saved Luther's life. Soon after Charles became emperor, key representatives from throughout the German states gathered in the city of Worms to meet with the young monarch. Now in spite of the fact that there were plenty of pressing political problems troubling the empire, there was nothing generating the amount of excitement as the challenge that had been made to the church and its teachings by a young Saxon monk named Martin Luther. And when word spread that Luther had been summoned to appear before the princes, that excitement really grew. You see, thousands of people had been impressed by the biblical clarity and by the passion and by the eloquence of

2 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 2 Martin Luther's teachings. Hope sprang up in countless hearts that a new day was dawning, for the church in Germany and for all of Europe. But a papal representative named Eleander was not impressed. He insisted to the emperor and to others that because the pope had already excommunicated Martin Luther, the princes and their new emperor had no other option than to go along with what the pope had already decided. So Charles gave Eleander an opportunity to make his case to the princes. He spoke eloquently and passionately and persuasively against Luther and against Luther's challenge to the establishment. Many people were impressed, but the princes were well aware that the church had been guilty of terrible crimes and terrible persecution. Nothing Eleander could say could erase that knowledge from their minds. A committee was put together by the princes to catalog the abuses and oppression committed by the established church. The list contained 101 specifications. The emperor was urged to set about immediately to correct these problems. "It is our duty," the princes said, "to prevent the ruin and dishonor of our people." Addressing the emperor, they declared, "We most humbly and most urgently entreat you to order a general reformation and to undertake its accomplishment." The princes then demanded that Charles stick with his original plan to bring Luther to appear before an assembly of the princes, known as the Diet of Worms. Now, if you see those words written they look like they say the Diet of Worms, but the Diet was an assembly and Worms was the German city in which that assembly took place. There were loud protests from the papal authorities, but the emperor did not consent and he pressed ahead with his original intention. An imperial messenger was dispatched to Wittenberg with the emperor's summons, told to bring him back to Worm. And he assured Luther that the emperor had pledged that Luther would be kept safe. But Luther's friends weren't so sure. They remembered what had happened over a century earlier to the Reformer, John Hus, of Bohemia. Hus has been promised protection and safety when he appeared before a papal tribunal, but that promise was broken as soon as Hus arrived at the tribunal. He was imprisoned and ultimately burned at the stake. But although Luther's friends were afraid, Luther himself was not. He was convinced that God would be glorified whether he lived and preached or died and was silenced. So Luther and several companions set out on what would be a two-week journey from Wittenberg to the city of Worms. Almost the entire population of Wittenberg came out to farewell their friend, many people in tears because they believed they would never see their friend alive again.

3 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 3 They were convinced that the church was going to treat Luther the same way it had treated John Hus. Luther's journey to Worms was quite the spectacle. In many towns along the way he was greeted as a hero and he was frequently warned that the church was going to burn him at the stake, just like it had Hus and Jerome and so many others. But Luther was firm in his reply. "Though they should kindle a fire all the way from Worms to Wittenberg, the flames of which reached to heaven, I would walk through it in the name of the Lord. I would appear before them. I would enter the jaws of this behemoth and break his teeth, confessing the Lord Jesus Christ." I'll have more in just a moment. EVERY WORD Hebrews chapter 11 deals with the great heroes of faith and gives examples of their great faithfulness. Verse 36 says, "Others had trial of mockings." People were put on trial and challenged and ridiculed for their faith. There've been many examples of that in post-bible times as well. When Martin Luther was on trial and urged to take back what he'd said in defense of the Bible and in criticism of the ruling church, he said, "I cannot and I will not retract. For it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. May God help me. Amen." It takes something to stand for what you believe--it takes faith. And that's what Luther, like so many heroes of the Bible, had. Luther did not wilt in the face of opposition. Instead, he leaned on the Bible. That's an example worthy of imitating. RETURN TO PROGRAM When Luther finally reached Worms the welcome that awaited him was more grand and more spectacular than the one that had greeted the new emperor. Martin Luther had truly become Germany's new national hero. Some of his followers were still frightened for his safety, but Luther's opponents were even more worried. They urged the emperor to burn Luther at the stake immediately and to not give him a hearing. But Charles wouldn't do it. He insisted he would keep his promise and let Luther present his case. Luther was so popular with the nobles and with the citizens of the city of Worms that he had hardly any rest as he awaited to address the Diet. His first night in Worms there were so many kings and priests and nobles and citizens who wanted to talk to Martin Luther, he only got a few hours sleep. It seemed that everybody wanted a glimpse of the courageous young man who dared resist the pope and the might of the church. The next morning, Luther at last stood before the council. The emperor sat on his throne, surrounded by the princes and great men of Germany. It's probably fair to

4 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 4 say no one charged with the task of defending the faith of Christ had ever appeared in the presence of a more imposing assembly than this one. Luther was nervous, realizing that the eyes of both heaven and history were upon him. A deep hush fell across the assembly. An imperial officer came forward and asked two questions. As he pointed to a collection of Martin Luther's writings, he asked first, "Were these in fact Martin Luther's writings?" And second, "Was Luther prepared to renounce what he had written against the teachings of the church?" Luther stated that these were very much his writings, but in answer to the second question he asked the emperor if he could have more time so that he could check to review that everything he had written was in harmony with the Scriptures. The next day, he was to give his final answer. It looked as though Martin Luther's enemies were about to triumph. "My last hour has come," he cried to the Lord. "My condemnation has been pronounced, but the cause is mine and it is a righteous and eternal cause. Stand at my side, for the sake thy well-beloved Jesus Christ, who is my defense, my shield and my strong tower." Luther had come to a place where he recognized his weakness and his need of God's help. And that's the right place for anyone to be. God says in 2 Corinthians 12 in verse 9, "My strength is made perfect in weakness."* It's when we are weak that we can be the strongest, when we rely on God. The next morning, Luther was asked to appear again before the emperor and the princes. At first he made his case in German, but was asked to repeat his presentation in Latin, which means Luther got to state his case twice. Then Luther was asked if he would retract what he had written, if he was prepared to renounce what he had believed. And Martin Luther gave his answer, in words that will live forever in history. "Unless therefore I am convinced by the testimony of Scripture or by the clearest reasoning; unless I am persuaded by means of the passages I have quoted; and unless they thus render my conscience bound by the Word of God, I cannot and I will not retract. For it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. May God help me. Amen." As Luther finished, the entire assembly to which he spoke was speechless with amazement. Priests and princes, even the emperor. No one expected Luther to stand so resolutely. Charles himself said of Martin Luther, "This monk speaks with an intrepid heart and unshaken courage." The emperor and his council debated what they should do with the stubborn Reformer. The papal authorities urged that like John Hus a century before, Martin Luther be burned at the stake, and that his ashes, like the ashes of Hus, should be thrown into the Rhine River.

5 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 5 But even among those people who disagreed with Martin Luther there was a sizable number who had no desire to see the promise of safety made to Martin Luther be broken. They were familiar with the calamities that followed the execution of John Hus. The emperor believed that killing Luther would be a disaster for him and for his people. So Martin Luther was permitted to return home to Wittenberg. But no sooner had Luther left Worms than the emperor was persuaded to condemn Luther, his writings and his followers. An order was issued to arrest him wherever he might be found. People were forbidden to shelter him or to give him food and drink. His writings were to be destroyed. Luther's enemies were now convinced the fate of the Reformation was sealed. But God had the last word. Martin Luther was still in the hollow of His hand. The Duke of Saxony came up with a plan. As Luther made his way home from Worms to Wittenberg, he was captured by some of his own supporters and brought by force to this castle. Even the Duke didn't know where Luther had been taken, and that was the intention. This was, if the Duke was asked by the emperor or anybody else if he knew of Luther's whereabouts, he could honestly say that he didn't know. But he knew that Luther was safe, and to the Duke, that was all that mattered. Spring, summer, autumn and winter passed, as 1521 became Martin Luther remained a prisoner in this magnificent fortress. The church was confident his voice would be heard no more. His disappearance convinced them he had been seized and put to death. But from the friendly security of this castle, the light of truth was to shine with growing brightness. And the work of the Reformation would go forward. I'll be right back. OFFER I hope you'll get the book I'm offering you this week. It's called "Revelation Today." It unfolds the end times scenario presented in the book of Revelation. It untangles the end time prophetic scenario to let you see how the battle between good and evil ultimately plays out. Just call or write, and I'll send you "Revelation Today." There's no cost, no obligation. It's absolutely free. All you need to do is call 1 (800) , and ask for "Revelation Today." You can call 24 hours a day. You can also request your free copy of "Revelation Today" by writing to It Is Written, Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401, and we'll mail a copy to your address in North America.

6 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 6 To get it right away you can download a free electronic version of this book "Revelation Today" from our website ItIsWritten.com. Now, It Is Written is a faith-[based ministry made possible by viewers like you. Thank you so much for your kind support. Your tax-deductible gift can be sent to the address on your screen, or you can support us online at ItIsWritten.com. Our tollfree number is 1 (800) , and our web address is ItIsWritten.com. It was right here, in this very room, that Martin Luther wrote so profusely. In here, in this place, Luther translated the New Testament into German, giving the Word of God to the people in their native language, enabling the Reformation to surge forward. Like John the Revelator writing during his confinement on the Island of Patmos, what Martin Luther achieved here would revolutionize the world. Luther's enemies were baffled by the steady production of materials that flowed from the pen of someone they thought was dead. Even though he remained in isolation, his labors flourished. In fact, his labors flourished because he remained in isolation, cut off from earthly support and the outside world. Luther was protected from not only the attacks of his enemies but also from the pride and self-confidence that so often accompany great success. Six years later, now removed from the safety of this place, Martin Luther wrote the lyrics of the song which became known as "The Battle Hymn of the Reformation," "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." Recalling his times of trial and triumph, his moments of courage and conflict, Martin Luther wrote about defenses available to any believer, the greatest defenses of all. He wrote about towers and turrets and ramparts invulnerable to the craft and the design of even the most brilliant of God's enemies. He wrote: A mighty fortress is our God A bulwark never failing Our helper He amidst the flood Of mortal ills prevailing. And he went on to say this: Let goods and kindred go This mortal life also The body they may kill God's truth abideth still His kingdom is forever. If anybody could understand those words, it was Martin Luther. His experience taught him the truth of all of this. A single, humble man driven by a relentless desire to honor God and an unshakable faith that would trust God and lean on God in all things.

7 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 7 The truth is, we can have Martin Luther's faith experience ourselves. You can, and I can too. Luther made a decision every day that Jesus would be his fortress. And knowing that Christ was his fortress, his defense, he could face some of history's most difficult enemies knowing that God would be honored, Jesus would be glorified, and that Luther himself would be kept in the mighty fortress that was his God. A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper he amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe; his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal. And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God hath willed his truth to triumph through us. The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure; one little word shall fell him. Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill; God's truth abideth still; his kingdom is forever. Amen. Well now, let me ask you this: How is it with you today? How is it with you and God today? Luther was able to say, a mighty fortress is our God, and he was really saying, a mighty fortress is my God. I think both you and I know that Jesus walked on water; He turned water into wine. Jesus fed the five thousand and other people besides with just five loaves and two fish. Jesus is able to do all of that. We know that God created something out of nothing way back then. We know the Bible is the Word of God, we trust that it is true, we believe that often by experience, we've seen God work, we understand something about fulfilled prophecy. But at

8 It Is Written Script: 1291 A Mighty Fortress Page 8 the end of the day, are you able to say, a mighty fortress is my God? Are you able to say, in the midst of the difficulty I'm facing right now, I trust him. Are you able to say, in the midst of my financial challenges, my marital challenges, my health challenges, even in the midst of my joys and successes knowing that many people just forget God in the midst of all of that, are you able to say, in a real way, in a living, experiential way, a mighty fortress is my God? Luther could, not because he was any better than you or me, but because he made that decision. Today, Jesus will be my fortress; today, I will trust in God; today, the Bible will be the foundation of my faith not just in theory, but in fact. Would you like Jesus to be your fortress today, not in theory but in fact? Can you make a decision that the Bible will be the foundation of your experience today? Again, not in theory but in fact. Why don't you make that decision with me right now. Let's pray. PRAYER Our Father in heaven, I think You for Martin Luther's example. For his courage, for his faith, for his tenacity, for his trust in You. But more than that, I thank You for Your faithfulness. I thank You that You will be to anyone what You were to Luther. I thank You that You are willing to be a fortress for me today. So Lord, today we make a decision to yield to You. Be our fortress, be our strength, be the foundation of our lives, be the mighty castle or tower that surrounds and keeps us. We trust You, we want to trust You more. Be more real to us than You've ever been. And may, like Luther, we determine that we would live up to all of the light that we have and follow the Word of God, wherever it leads us; to be faithful, whatever anybody says; to trust in You and follow You. Let it be pleasing. We want it, we believe it and we pray it in Jesus' name. Amen. It Is Written PO Box 6, Chattanooga, TN USA Tel: Fax: * Bible verses are New King James Version unless otherwise noted.

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