A Workbook on. 2 Corinthians. Adult Workbook - Third Quarter 2018 Forum Terrace Church of Christ. by Daniel R. Vess

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1 A Workbook on 2 Corinthians Adult Workbook - Third Quarter 2018 Forum Terrace Church of Christ by Daniel R. Vess

2 Table of Contents Lesson 1: Comforting the Hurting, 2 Corinthians Sunday, July 8, 2018 Lesson 2: Restoring the Grieving, 2 Corinthians Sunday, July 15, 2018 Lesson 3 Epistles, Covenants & Veils, 2 Corinthians Sunday, July 22, 2018 Lesson 4: We Do Not Lose Heart, 2 Corinthians Sunday, July 29, 2018 Lesson 5: A New House & A New Creation, 2 Corinthians Sunday, August 5, 2018 Lesson 6: Credentials & Conduct of Ministry, 2 Corinthians 6-7: Sunday, August 12, 2018 Lesson 7: Rejoicing in Repentance, 2 Corinthians 7: Sunday, August 19, 2018 Lesson 8: Generosity & Integrity in Giving, 2 Corinthians Sunday, August 26, 2018 Lesson 9: Grace of Giving, 2 Corinthians Sunday, September 2, 2018 Lesson 10: Boasting of Apostleship, 2 Corinthians Sunday, September 9, 2018 Lesson 11:True Vs. False Apostles, 2 Corinthians 11:1-23a Sunday, September 16, 2018 Lesson 12:Paul s Credentials, 2 Corinthians 11:23b-12: Sunday, September 23, 2018 Lesson 13: The Coming of Paul, 2 Corinthians 12:14-13: Sunday, September 30, 2018

3 Lesson 1 Sunday, July 8, Corinthians 1: Comforting the Hurting 1. Who is the author? 2. What was Paul and by what authority? 3. Who was the co-author of the letter and co-worker of Paul? 4. To whom is the letter addressed? 5. What and where is Achaia? 6. How is God described in verse three? 7. How are Christians able to comfort others? 8. What abounds in Christians? 9. What the two purposes for being either afflicted or comforted? 10. Why is Paul's hope steadfast in them? 11. How much trouble did Paul suffer in Asia? 12. Who did Paul learn to trust and why? -3-

4 13. How had the brethren at Corinth helped Paul and his companions when they were in trouble? 14. How had Paul and his companions conducted themselves before the Corinthians? 15. True False Paul had planned to come to see the church at Corinth on the way to Macedonia and again from Macedonia. 16. Paul's travel plans were a) made lightly b) made as God is faithful c) planned according to the flesh d) Yes and No 17. Who had preached the Son of God among the Corinthians? 18. Who was Paul's witness as to the truthfulness of his travel plans? 19. Why did Paul not come back to Corinth? 20. Matching verse 24: Paul and co-workers a) stand by faith Paul and Corinthians b) had no dominion over the Corinthian's faith Corinthians c) fellow workers for joy Application and Discussion: 1. What can we do to comfort those who are suffering? -4-

5 Lesson 2: Sunday, July 15, Corinthians 2: Restoration the Grieving 1. Why did Paul not want to come to the Corinthians in sorrow? 2. Who was to make Paul glad? 3. What where the three motives for Paul writing 1 Corinthians according to 2:4? 4. In verses 5-11 Paul reminds the Corinthians of the discipline taken on the man in 1 Corinthians 5. Read that chapter and tell who was punished. 5. Who inflicted the punishment upon the sinner? 6. Read 1 Corinthians 5:2,5,7,13. What had the congregation at Corinth done as a form of discipline to the sinner who was among them? 7. Instead of inflicting more punishment upon the sinner who had been disciplined, what three things should the Corinthians do for the man? 8. Why should they do these three things for him? 9. How would obeying Paul's instructions in verses 2:7-8 show that the Corinthian saints were obedient in all things? -5-

6 10. Why had Paul already forgiven this sinner? 11. What are the various devices of Satan? 12. Why was Paul in Troas? 13. Why was Paul upset in Troas? 14. Where did he go next? 15. "Now thanks be to God who leads us in in Christ." 16. What is the "fragrance of His knowledge" in verse 14b? 17. To whom is the "fragrance" being diffused? 18. Why is "fragrance of His knowledge" "leading to death" for some and "leading to life" for others? 19. How is Paul's ministry different from "so many"? Application and Discussion: 1. Was the church discipline upon the man at Corinth (1 Cor. 5), successful in bringing him to repentance? Once the sinner repents is the final conclusion of church discipline? Explain. 2. Paul wrote that the Corinthians were to bring him joy, they were to restore joy to the sinner whom they had disciplined, and Paul s spirit had no rest in the joy because of not seeing Titus again. How do we as Christians bring joy to one another? -6-

7 Lesson 3: Sunday, July 22, Corinthians 3: Epistles, Covenants, and Veils 1. Does Paul in verse one condemn the use of letters of commendation (see Acts 18:27-28; Rom. 16:1-2; 1 Cor. 16:10-11; 2 Cor. 8:16-24; Col. 4:7-9)? Explain 2. Who is Paul s epistle? Who reads its? Upon what is it written? 3. Did God ever write on tablets of stone? Explain. 4. From where does Paul deride his confidence and sufficiency? 5. How is the New Covenant contrasted with letters of commendation in verse six? 6. How is the Old Covenant as ministry of death? 7. When and why did Moses face shine (see Exodus 34:20)? 8. Does spirit in verse eight refer to the Holy Spirit? Explain. (See John 6:63). 9. Read verse ten. The Old Covenant was glorious. What glory excelled it? Explain. 10. When and how did the Old Covenant pass away (see Col. 2:14)? -7-

8 11. Ministries of Moses and Paul contrasted and compared. Ministry of Moses Ministry of Paul ministry of death (3:7) ministry of condemnation (3:9) what is passing away (3:10) glorious (3:7) 12. When did Moses put a veil over his face? When did he remove the veil? (See Exodus 34:33-34). 13. What is the veil over the eyes of those who read the Old Covenant (see Matt. 13:14-15)? 14. How does Christ take away the veil of blindness on those who read the Old Covenant (see John 5:39,46-47)? 15. What does turns imply in verse fifteen (see Acts 3:19; 26:18,20; 28:27)? 16. What does the Spirit of the Lord bring? How? 17. Who has an unveiled face in verse eighteen? 18. How is one transformed? Application and Discussion: 1. Who our your letters of commendation? 2. How could your eyes be veiled to the truth? -8-

9 Lesson 4: Sunday, July 29, Corinthians 4: We Do Not Lose Heart 1. What do things does Paul have that will result in him not losing heart or being discouraged? 2. What three things has Paul renounced in verse 2? 3. Why is the Gospel veiled to some? 4. Who does Paul preach? 5. What is Paul to the Lord? 6. What is the light with shines and what does it do when it shines? 7. What is the treasure? 8. What is the earthen vessel? 9. Matching we are hard-pressed on every side, a. but not forsaken; we are perplexed, b. but not destroyed persecuted, c. yet not crushed; struck down, d. but not in despair; -9-

10 10. What is to be manifest in Paul s body? Why? 11. How does the delivering a Paul to death result in life in the Corinthians? 12. Why must Paul speak or preach? 13. What does Paul confidently know Jesus will do? 14. What will bring glory to God? 15. What is the outward man and what is the inward man? 16. How are afflictions described? What will these afflictions bring? 17. What is the contrast between things seen and things not seen? Application and Discussion: 1. Twice in this chapter Paul talks about not losing heart or being discouraged in his ministry. Using this passage what can we do not become discourage in our labor for the Lord? 2. How does the Devil, god of this world, blind people to the Truth today? -10-

11 Lesson 5: Sunday, August 5, Corinthians 5: A New House & A New Creation 1. What is the earthly tent? 2. What is the building or house from God? 3. Why do Christians, like Paul, groan? 4. How can mortality be swallowed up by life? 5. Who has prepared for our future "clothing"? What is our guarantee of this? 6. While one is in the flesh they are...? 7. When one is absent from the body they are...? 8. What does verse seven mean in his context? How does one walk by faith and not by sight in reference to their future resurrected body? 9. What is one's aim to be when absent or present with the Lord? 10. What must all appear before Christ's judgment seat? 11. What does Paul and other persuade men? -11-

12 12. What does it mean for Paul to be "well known" in the Corinthians' consciences? 13. What is to be the boast of the Corinthians? What is the boast of others who are against Paul? 14. Who died for all? Why is it that "all died"? 15. Who do the Corinthians live for and why? 16. What was it for Paul to have known Christ according to the flesh? 17. What three things are said of those who are in Christ? 18. Who was given the ministry of reconciliation? How was it administered? 19. What does it mean that God reconciled the Corinthians by "not imputing their trespasses to them"? 20. What is the message from the "ambassadors for Christ"? 21. How and when did Christ become "sin for us"? Why? Application and Discussion: 1. What are the benefits of being clothed with a new body in the resurrection? How does this comfort us in this life? 2. What is our responsibility when it comes to reconciling others back to God? -12-

13 Lesson 6: Sunday, August 12, Corinthians 6: Credentials & Conduct of Ministry 1. What did Paul plead of the Corinthians in verse 1? 2. What verse was Paul quoting from in verse 2? What day was this passage referencing? 3. Why did Paul not want to cause offence in anyway? 4. True False Paul is hypocritically guilty of self-commendation in verse Matching: Definition of Paul s Endurance in tribulations a. from beatings in needs b. riots in distresses c. depriving oneself of food to enrich the soul in stripes d. goodness, generosity, a spirit of graciousness in imprisonments e. insomnia in tumults f. not easily provoked or angered in labors g. narrow places difficult to escape in sleeplessness h. physical, spiritual, emotional suffering in fastings i. information revealed through the Spirit by purity j. distress from duties and obligations by knowledge k. genuinely holy conduct and thought by longsuffering l. multiple incarcerations by kindness m. occupational hardships by the Holy Spirit n. affection without hypocrisy by sincere love o. equipped for spiritual war with spiritual weapons by the word of truth p. miraculous endowment or inner strength by the power of God q. a spirit that is holy by the armor of righteousness r. truthful speech -13-

14 6. Matching: paradoxes by honor a. and yet true by evil report b. yet always rejoicing as deceivers c. and yet possessing all things as unknown d. and dishonor as dying e. and yet not killed as chastened f. and good report as sorrowful g. yet making may rich as poor h. and yet well known as having nothing i. And behold we live 7. Why does Paul ask the Corinthians to have their heart open? 8. Who are the unbelievers in verse 14? 9. Who is Belial? 10. Why be separate from idols? 11. What two promises are given for those who separate themselves from evil? 12. Since Christians have these promises what two things should they do? Application and Discussion: 1. Should Christian servants commend themselves to others today? How? 2. In what ways to Christians today participate too closely with things and people of the world? -14-

15 Lesson 7: Sunday, August 19, Corinthians 7: Rejoicing in Repentance 1. What three motives does Paul give the Corinthians for opening their hearts to him in verse 2? 2. Although Paul spoke boldly to them before what is his motive? What is his feelings toward them? 3. What was Paul suffering from in Macedonia (verse 5)? 4. How did God comfort Paul according to verse 6? 5. What three things did Titus tell Paul which caused the apostle to rejoice? 6. Fill in the chart: Godly Sorrow Worldly Sorrow is according to God causes rejoicing produced temporary regret produces repentance results in salvation 7. Why was Paul not sorry that he had made them sorry? 8. According to verse twelve what was Paul s motive for writing his first letter to them? -15-

16 Matching: Sorrowing in a Godly manner 9. Zeal a. earnestness 10. Vindication b. attending to the charges of guilt 11. Vehement Desire c. profound displeasure 12. Indignation d. dread of the consequences of sin 13. Fear e. an eager yearning to correct wrong 14. Diligence f. a desire to see justice done 15. Clearing of Yourselves g. fervor or eagerness of spirit 16. Why did Paul rejoice for Titus (verse 13)? 17. Why was Paul not ashamed in his boasting to Titus about the Corinthians? 18. What are the two reasons Titus had greater affections for the Corinthians? 19. To what extent did Paul rejoice in the Corinthians? Explain. Application and Discussion: 1. How can you determine whether someone s repentance is genuine? 2. How do other Christians bring joy to your life like the joy which was brought to Paul and Titus in this chapter? -16-

17 Lesson 8: Sunday, August 26, Corinthians 8: Generosity & Integrity in Giving 1. Who was to be the Corinthian s example of giving? 2. What two negative things could have been used as an excuse by the churches of Macedonia for not giving liberally? 3. What was their attitude about giving according to verse three? 4. Why were they able to give so freely? 5. What was Titus to complete in the Corinthians? What is meant by grace in verse six? 6. In what other graces did the Corinthians abound? 7. What was Paul testing and how? 8. How is Jesus Christ an example of giving to the Corinthians? 9. What was Paul s advice to the Corinthians in verses ten and eleven? 10. What must they have first before giving? -17-

18 11. What does it mean by giving out of equality? 12. Where does Paul get his quote in verse fifteen? What is the original context of the passage Paul is quoting? 13. What did God put into the heart of Titus? What did this motivate him to do? 14. What are the credentials of the brother sent with Titus? 15. By sending Titus and the brother to collect Corinth s contribution for the needy saints, what was Paul seeking to avoid? 16. What were Paul s endorsements of Titus? 17. What were Paul s endorsements of other brethren who were collecting funds? 18. What two things were the Corinthians to show proof of to these brethren and the other churches? Application and Discussion: 1. How can this chapter help the average Christian today to improve both the quality and quantity of his giving? 2. What lessons can we apply this text today in regard to proper handling of the Lord s money? -18-

19 Lesson 9: Sunday, September 2, Corinthians 9: Grace of Giving 1. Why was it superfluous for Paul to write to the Corinthians about their contribution for the needy saints in Jerusalem? 2. What was Paul boasting to the Macedonians about the Corinthians? 3. What were the two reasons Paul gives for sending the brethren ahead of him in regard to the preparations for the collection? 4. What was to be the manner of their giving in verse five? 5. What does the law of sowing and reaping have to do with giving? 6. What are two ways they are NOT to give according to verse seven? 7. What are two ways they are to give according to verse seven? 8. What kind of giver does God love? 9. How is it that they will always have an abundance for every good work? -19-

20 10. From where does Paul get his quote in verse nine? What does it s context teach? 11. How does God supplying seed help with abundant increase? 12. What causes others in verse twelve to give God thanks? 13. What two things of the Corinthians will cause others to glorify God? 14. Why will others pray for and long for the Corinthian saints? 15. What is the indescribable gift in verse fifteen? Application and Discussion: 1. How does God s grace enable us to give liberally? 2. Does this passage teach the Health/Wealth Gospel? Explain. -20-

21 Lesson 10: Sunday, September 9, Corinthians 10: Boasting of Apostleship 1. In what manner did Paul plead with the Corinthians? 2. What is the presumed difference between Paul s presence and absence? 3. What is meant by walk in the flesh? 4. How is Paul s warfare in contrast with literal, physical warfare? 5. What four things can Paul s mighty warfare accomplish? 6. What confidence does Paul s opponents have according to verse 7? 7. Why did God give Paul authority? 8. What were some saying about Paul s letters, body, and speech? 9. Did Paul agree with their assessment of him (see verse 11)? -21-

22 10. Who are not wise according to verse twelve? 11. To what extent will Paul control his boasting? 12. Was Paul overextending his authority with the Corinthians? Explain. 13. Why did Paul come to Corinth? 14. What was Paul s hope in verse fifteen? 15. In what was Paul not wanting to boast? Explain. 16. In whom should men glory or boast? 17. Who is commended? Application and Discussion: 1. When and how is boasting appropriate in the Christian s life? 2. How important is a preacher s physical appearance, speaking skills, style of writing, etc.? What things are more important? -22-

23 Lesson 11: Sunday, September 16, Corinthians 11:1-23a: True Vs. False Apostles 1. What are the Corinthians asked to bear? 2. Why is Paul jealous? 3. What is a betrothal? 4. How did the Serpent beguile Eve (Gen. 3:1-6)? 5. What three things does Paul accuse the Corinthians of putting up with in verse four? 6. To whom is Paul not inferior? 7. In what is Paul untrained? What makes up this his lack of training? 8. Why did Paul preach the gospel to the Corinthians free of charge? 9. How did Paul rob others churches? 10. From where did Paul get his material needs? 11. Did Paul love the Corinthians? Explain. -23-

24 12. How are the minsters of Satan described? 13. What will be the end of Satan s ministers? 14. Why does Paul boast in the flesh? 15. What does Paul sarcastically call the Corinthians in verse nineteen? 16. Matching: For you put up with it if one... brings you into bondage a. beat them down into submission devours you b. sets himself above to lord over another takes from you c. takes advantage of another exalts himself d. financially eat up every thing one has strikes you on the face e. enslave to false teaching 17. What is Paul too weak to do? 18. List the four credentials that Paul shares with the false apostles in verses 22 and 23? Application and Discussion: 1. Should we be jealous over those who are brought to Christ? Explain. 2. How do Satan s ministers today transform themselves into angels of light? -24-

25 Lesson 12: Sunday, September 23, Corinthians 11:23b-12:13: Paul s Credentials 1. Matching: labors a. voluntarily going without food stripes b. persecution by Jews prisons c. manual labor and preaching deaths d. Highwaymen beaten with rods e. crossing rivers and flash floods stoned f. Acts 9:23; 17:5 shipwrecked g. Acts 14:19 perils of robbers h. Acts 16:23; 23:10; 35 perils of water i. Acts 27:37-44 fastings j. Acts 16:22 nakedness k. a lack of sufficient clothing 2. What came upon Paul daily? 3. How does Paul react to those who are weak and stumble? 4. In what will Paul boast? 5. What does God know about Paul? 6. What happened to Paul in Damascus? -25-

26 7. What are visions and revelations? 8. List the various visions Paul received as recorded in the scriptures? 9. Who is the man Paul is referring to in verses 2 through 4? 10. What was given to Paul so that he would not boast in his many revelations? 11. How many times did Paul pray for its removal? 12. What was the Lord s answer? 13. What was Paul s response? 14. Why did Paul resort to the foolishness of boasting? 15. What are the three signs of an apostle listed in verse twelve? 16. For what did Paul ask forgiveness of the Corinthians? Application and Discussion: 1. Is it ever appropriate for Christians to boast, play the fool, use sarcasm or irony to make a point in an argument? Explain. 2. How should we react when God answers our prayer with a NO? -26-

27 Lesson 13: Sunday, September 30, Corinthians 12:14-13:14: The Coming of Paul 1. How many times had Paul come to the Corinthians before the writing of this letter? 2. Why will Paul NOT burden them with his needs? 3. Why will Paul gladly be spent for their needs? 4. What does Paul accuse them of in verse fifteen? 5. What have some accused Paul of in verse sixteen? 6. How should the Corinthians have answered the five questions of Paul in verse 17-19? 7. What is Paul s overall motivation toward the Corinthians? 8. What does Paul fear he will find when he comes? 9. Why might Paul be humbled and mourn when he comes again? 10. Matching: contentions a. selfish disputing jealousies b. rivalry outburst of wrath c. explosive temper selfish ambitions d. speaking out to destroy reputation backbitings e. shameful behavior without shame -27-

28 whisperings f. puffed up with pride conceits g. gossip, rumors tumults h. strife, useless debate uncleanness i. all filthiness of the flesh and spirit fornication j. any form of sexual immorality lewdness k. disturbances, disorder 11. Where in the Old Testament does Paul get his quote found in verse one? Where is this repeated in the New Testament? 12. What will be Paul s proof that Christ speaks in Him when he comes again? 13. How was Christ weak? How was He powerful? 14. Why should they examine or test themselves? 15. What two things did Paul pray for the Corinthians (13:7,9)? 16. Why is Paul glad he is not present with them? 17. What blessing will result if they obey Paul s exhortations in verse eleven? 18. Who is to be with the Corinthians according to verse fourteen? Application and Discussion: 1. How should we respond to finding our brethren in sin and unrepentant? 2. Should we engage in self-examinations of our spiritual life? How? -28-

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