PK-2 nd. Lesson #4-17. Preparing the Way for the Messiah: Come and See the Messiah John 1:19-34; John 1: Sunday, January 7, 2018

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1 Sunday, January 7, 2018 Lesson #4-17 Preparing the Way for the Messiah: Come and See the Messiah John 1:19-34; John 1:35-51 PK-2 nd Key Verse: The Point: And I myself have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God. John 1:34 They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained with him that day. John 1:39 We see what it looks like to give testimony to the Messiah and how we deepen our trust in Jesus by following him. Making Connections: Encountering the Messiah Bible Nuts & Bolts: Gospel Spiritual Practice: Prayer 1

2 Activities Supplies Create copies like disciples copied their rabbi. See symbols of Jesus. Try a fruit that Jesus ate. Water play reminds us of our Baptisms. Play clay or blocks Durable symbols or pictures of Jesus (cross, lamb, empty Easter egg, baby, manger, etc.) Figs or fig cookies Dish pan or basin Water Water toys Describe objects for others to find. Play a game of seeing and naming. None Items that symbolize Jesus (cross, lamb, bottle of oil, Bible, an icon or picture of Jesus, candle or flashlight, plastic egg, Christmas decoration, crown, nails, etc.) Tray Blanket or towel Whiteboard or large sheet of paper Marker 2

3 Different people see different pictures. Bible Activity Sheet #4-17.A John the Baptist was clear about his mission. Bible Construction paper Crayons Optional: magazines, scissors, glue Jesus calls the disciples. Bible Remember our baptism. Jesus calls each of us by name to follow him. Baptismal font or bowl of water None Sing a song to learn the story. Optional: Internet-connected device Practice telling others about Jesus. Take turns leading people like Jesus did. Bible None 3

4 Taste some figs. Students continue their own Bible storybook. Dried figs or fig bar cookies Grapes or raisins, dates, pomegranates, olives, pita bread, and/or hummus Napkins Water or other drink Cups Bible Book page (found at end of lesson) Cardstock or plain paper Pens Markers or crayons Optional: three-ring binders, hole punch None 4

5 Background for Teachers Story Connections The assigned text for this week describes two days in the beginning of Jesus ministry. John the Baptist, who had his own ministry calling for repentance and baptizing in the Jordan River, was standing with some of his own followers when he saw Jesus and announced Jesus as the Lamb of God. John prepares the way and calls others to come and see as they encounter the Messiah. Story Summary: Preparing the Way for the Messiah John 1:19-34 John the Baptist travels the country, preparing for Jesus arrival. John corrects the assumption by many of his followers that he is the messiah for whom they wait. Over and over again, he corrects their misinterpretation by pointing to the coming of Jesus, the true Messiah. John is the lowly one, the servant, unworthy of even untying the sandals of Jesus. John clarifies that his baptism is a baptism of water, while Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit. John is merely the messenger, while Jesus is the Lamb of God, the one who will cleanse them from their sins. He shares what he has seen: that the Holy Spirit rests with Jesus. We often mix up the stories from the various Gospels in our minds. In this Gospel, John is not referred to as the Baptist, does not baptize Jesus, and is not described as wearing camel s hair and eating locusts and honey. Indeed, he does not even converse with Jesus, although he does point to him. Come and See the Messiah John 1:35-51 Sight is an important sense in this passage. In the 17 verses in John 1:35-51, there are 13 uses of words related to vision or sight. Often when people see Jesus in this passage, they seem compelled to respond. Many of those who saw Jesus named him as the Messiah. John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God. Andrew found his brother and said that they had found the Messiah. Philip told Nathanael that they had found the one about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote (John 1:45). Nathanael responded to Jesus by calling him the Son of God and the King of Israel. All of these titles identify Jesus as the promised Messiah, the one for whom many had been waiting a long time. However, seeing Jesus and naming him was not enough for these men. After they met Jesus, they became his disciples. The word disciple means student. At this time, the disciples of a rabbi (teacher) were not there to learn some facts and figures, but to learn the rabbi s way of thinking and acting. The Point We see what it looks like to give testimony to the Messiah and how we deepen our trust in Jesus by following him. John s purpose was to prepare the people for the revelation of Jesus as Messiah. As John testifies about whom he knows Jesus to be, we too are called to testify about Jesus as God s promised savior. Like John, we can point people to Jesus. That does not mean we have no questions about following Jesus. It is as the first disciples begin to follow Jesus and learn whom he really is that their trust deepens. The same is true with us. It is as we continue to follow Jesus and seek to live as his disciples, that our trust deepens and our lives better reflect his teachings and the good news of God s redemption. 5

6 Background for Teachers Bible Nuts and Bolts: Gospels The word gospel means good news, and includes the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. People often find it difficult to understand how four writers who are essentially telling the same story can take such different viewpoints. Readers must take into consideration the personality and focus of each individual writer, the culture of the day, the circumstances in which each lived, and the audience to whom each wrote. Much as witnesses to an event may have different accounts based on where they were standing and what affected them the most, the gospel writers have a different perspective and view to the story of Jesus. By including all four gospels to inform the narrative, we have a full and complex picture of Jesus ministry on earth. Spiritual Practice: Prayer Prayer can be both a corporate and a personal practice. In the two passages for this extended lesson, we remember the gift of the Holy Spirit through baptism. Baptism often happens in the corporate setting of worship, and is an entrance into the family of God known as the church. The second lesson tells of Jesus calling the disciples personally, by name. Jesus also calls each of us by name; yet we travel together in community along this journey of faith. 6

7 Lesson #4-17 (PK-2nd) January 7, 2018 Lesson Plan Story Centers are mini-activities designed specifically for preschool and kindergarten students. Depending on the size of your class, you can set these up as centers for in-class rotations or do them as a whole class one after another. In most preschool and kindergarten classes, these centers along with a snack, the Learning the Story activity, and the Living the Story activity will fill the education time, but feel free to choose any activity you think would be fun and appropriate for your class. See and Do Using play clay or blocks create a simple model of what you want students to make (a cross, ball, building, etc.) and have them copy it. Students can take turns making the original model for each other to copy. Seeing Jesus Collect durable symbols (cross, lamb, empty Easter egg, baby, manger, etc.) or images of Jesus and put them around an area. Have the students come and see Jesus. Come and Taste Have a treat of cut up dried figs (make sure the pieces are small enough to not cause a choking hazard) or fig bar cookies and tell them that Jesus ate figs, too. Before serving any food, always check with participants or caregivers for students who have food allergies. Provide an alternative if necessary. Remember our Baptism Provide a tub with a few inches of water, and allow children to play with water toys. Remind students that any time we are near water, we can remember our own baptism. 7

8 Describe objects for others to find. You will need: Nothing During class: 1. Today we are going to start with a game called Eye Spy. Who would like to volunteer to go first? Choose a volunteer. 2. Your job is to look around the room and pick something, but do not tell us what it is. Instead, describe it. You might want to say what color it is, how big it is, or what it is used for. After each description, the rest of the class will get a chance to guess. When we figure out what you picked, someone else will have a turn. 3. Take turns, giving as many students a chance to choose an item as possible. 4. We were able to figure out what you picked because you were able to tell us about it. In our story today, people learned about Jesus because a man named John was able to tell about him. They had not met Jesus yet, but John did such a good job of describing him that people were excited to meet him. 8

9 Play a game of seeing and naming. You will need: Items that symbolize Jesus (cross, lamb, bottle of oil, Bible, an icon or picture of Jesus, candle or flashlight, plastic egg, Christmas decoration, crown, nails, etc.) Tray Blanket or towel Whiteboard or large sheet of paper Marker Before class: 1. Gather a selection of five to ten items that relate to who Jesus is, including various names of Jesus. Suggestions include: a cross, a lamb, a bottle of oil (Messiah or Anointed One), a Bible, an icon or picture of Jesus, a candle or flashlight (Light of the World), empty plastic Easter egg (Resurrection or Easter), Christmas decoration, crown, nails, etc. 2. Set up the items on the tray (or a table) so they are all visible. For older students, you may have more items and set them up closer together. For younger students, have fewer items spaced farther apart. 3. Carefully place a blanket or other cover over the items so they are hidden from view. During class: 1. Our Bible story today is from the Gospel of John. In this passage, Jesus tells some people Come and see. I want you to come here and see this collection of objects I have put together. 2. When I uncover them, look at them carefully for 30 seconds and try to remember what is here. When I cover them back up, raise your hand to tell me about every object that you can remember. 3. Uncover the tray or table for 30 seconds or longer, and then cover it back up. 4. Go around the class and have students list the items out loud. Write this list on the whiteboard or paper. 5. Once everyone has had a chance to share and your class list is complete, uncover the items again and check the accuracy of students memories. 6. Let s look at these objects again. What do they have to do with one another? What is their connection? [They all have to do with Jesus. If any students are unclear about how an object is related to Jesus, explain it to them.] 7. Pick up one item that is easily connected to Jesus (e.g. a cross). What do you think of when you see this item? When we see a cross, we think about Jesus dying on the cross, right? You are seeing something, and it helps you to identify or name something about Jesus. That is what happens in our Bible story. Let s come and see what happens. 9

10 Different people see different pictures. You will need: Bible Activity sheet #4.17.A Before class: 1. Make a copy of Activity Sheet #4-17.A for each student. During class: 1. We have talked about some of the different books of the Bible, and that the books are divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. Today, we are going to talk about the first four books of the New Testament. These books are known as the Gospels. 2. The four books that we call Gospels are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These were four different people who loved Jesus and told the stories about what Jesus did. Can you imagine traveling around with Jesus, and then trying to write down all these stories to tell other people? What an exciting thing to do! But all four of these men were different, and they each looked at things in a little different way. 3. Hand out Activity Sheet #4-17.A. These are special drawings called a Rorschach test. This is not like a test in school, but it is a way that we can test how different people see different things. I want each of you to look at this picture, and tell me what you see. 4. Give students a chance to look at the picture, and ask them what they see. Keep this moving, so you get first impressions and students do not have time to rethink their answer and change their minds. If there is time, go through more than one picture. 5. Even though you all saw the same pictures, you saw a lot of different things when you looked at them. That is because our minds see things differently, and then pick out things that we think are most important. 6. When we read the stories about Jesus in the Gospels, if we take the stories from all four men Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John we will get a full, rich picture of Jesus ministry. When you tell other people your story about Jesus, it will be different than my story about Jesus, but people will hear the most important thing: that Jesus loves all of us. 10

11 John the Baptist was clear about his mission. You will need: Bible Construction paper Crayons Optional: magazines, scissors, glue During class: 1. Today we are going to hear a story about a man named John. Many people thought that John was the Messiah that they had been waiting for, but he was not. It would have been easy for John to pretend that he was. But he knew it was more important for him to tell other people about Jesus than to try to be someone he was not. 2. Read John 1:19-34 to the students, or paraphrase the story for them. 3. Who are you? We are each going to make a picture that shows who we are. Hand out construction paper. First, write your name in the center of this piece of paper. Assist students who need help. Now you can decorate it to make a picture of you. You can draw pictures of things you like to do or things you like to eat, or pictures of your family or of your self or of your pets. 4. Optional: If you would like to use these magazines to cut out pictures and glue them on instead of drawing, you can do that too. 5. Give students a chance to work. When they are done, let them explain their picture. 6. You sure are good at telling people about who you are, just like John the Baptist! Our next story (or next week) will give us a chance to tell people who Jesus is. 11

12 Jesus calls the disciples. You will need: Bible During class: 1. In our story today, we hear about a group of people who traveled with Jesus. They were a special group of friends that were called the disciples. They followed Jesus and learned from him and learned how to be like him. They also learned how to tell other people about how special Jesus was. Let s hear the story. 2. Read John 1: There are sure a lot of people learning about Jesus in our story! Let s read it one more time, and pretend that we are the people in the story. We will need one person to be Jesus. Select a volunteer. Good. Next we will need John the Baptist. Select a second volunteer. Now we need Andrew and Simon, who s name gets changed to Peter. We also need Philip and Nathanael. Line these volunteers up in the front of the room. 4. Read the story again, this time having Jesus and John walk past each disciple and bring them along as they travel. 5. Jesus sure was good about inviting other people to join him! We can tell other people about Jesus too. 12

13 Remember our baptism. You will need: Baptismal font or bowl of water Before class: 1. If possible, move your class to the baptismal font for this baptismal reminder prayer. If not, simply use a bowl of water in your classroom. During class: 1. We heard the story about John pointing the way to Jesus. John was baptizing people with water, but Jesus baptism would be special because it is not just water but water with the Holy Spirit. 2. Today we are going to remember our baptism. This is not baptizing again, but just remembering that the Holy Spirit is in our hearts, too. 3. We are going to pray for each other today. Each of you will take a turn in the middle of the circle, and the rest of us will gently touch you as we pray. I am going to dip my finger in this water to help us remember the baptismal water that is in our story. Invite each child to take a turn at the font or in the center of the circle. Invite the other students to gently touch the student, while you say [Name], child of God, you are filled with the Holy Spirit and loved by Jesus. Invite the students to join you: Amen. 13

14 Jesus calls each of us by name to follow him. You will need: Nothing During class: 1. Today we are going to say a prayer that will help us remember that Jesus invites us to follow him. It will be kind of like a prayer parade. As I walk past you, I will say your name and invite you to come along. 2. Move around the group, inviting each student with [Name], Jesus says to follow him! 3. When you have everyone in the prayer parade, conclude by saying: Thank you, Jesus, for inviting us to follow you. Amen. 14

15 Sing a song to learn the story. You will need: Optional: Internet-connected device Before class: 1. If you are unfamiliar with this traditional tune, it can be found on various websites. I will make you fishers of men, Fishers of men, fishers of men. I will make you fishers of men, If you follow Me. If you follow Me, If you follow Me, I will make you fishers of men, If you follow Me. 15

16 Practice telling others about Jesus. You will need: Nothing During class: 1. Sometimes we can feel a little uncomfortable telling people about Jesus. The best way to get more comfortable with something is to practice it, so that is what we are going to do today. 2. Put students in pairs or small groups. Allow them to choose groups so they feel comfortable. 3. We are going to take turns talking to each other about Jesus. I will give you a way to start, and you can take turns in your group finishing each sentence. 4. Give groups time to complete the following: a. Jesus is my friend because... b. I go to church because... c. I know Jesus loves me because... d. We can pray to Jesus because... 16

17 Take turns leading people like Jesus did. You will need: Nothing During class: 1. Jesus told Philip to Follow me. So we are going to play a game of Follow the Leader. But this game will be a little different. The leader will walk around and act out things that Jesus did or that we can do to follow Jesus. When I say, Switch! the current leader will go to the back of the line and the new leader will take over. 2. If walking around is not an option, have the leader stand in front of the class and students copy her or him. 3. Optional: For younger students, the teacher can remain as the leader, acting out things like helping, hugging, healing, praying, worshipping, etc. 17

18 Taste food from the story. You will need: Dried figs or fig bar cookies Grapes or raisins, dates, pomegranates, olives, pita bread, and/or hummus Napkins Water or other drink Cups Before class 1. Before serving any food, always check with participants or caregivers for students who have food allergies. Provide an alternative if necessary. 2. Include other foods from Israel in the New Testament, such as grapes or raisins, dates, pomegranates, olives, pita bread, and hummus (while hummus itself was probably not eaten at this time period, the ingredients were). 3. Please be aware of choking hazards for young children. During class: 1. Jesus told Nathanael in our passage today that he had seen Nathanael under a fig tree. How many of you have eaten a fig? Pause for students to raise their hands. 2. Figs were a common fruit in Israel in Jesus time. Let s try some! 3. Distribute a sample of dried fig or fig bar cookies to students on a napkin and provide water or other drink 4. The disciples ate other foods too. Let s see what they taste like, too. Explain the foods that the students can taste. 5. What do you think? Which food was your favorite? 18

19 Optional ongoing activity. You will need: Bible Book page (found at end of lesson) Cardstock or plain paper Pens Markers or crayons Optional: three-ring binders, hole punch Before class: 1. Make copies of this week s Bible Book page on cardstock or copy paper for each student. During class: 1. Pass out Bible Book pages. 2. Read the bottom of the Bible Book page aloud, reminding students of what they learned in the lesson. 3. Have them put their names on their pages, and draw a picture of something they particularly liked or remember from story in the middle of the page. 4. Optional: Collect and three-hole punch the pages, and put them in individual binders for each student to be kept at church until the end of the year. If you wish, you can investigate other options for binding the Bible books through a local print shop at the end of the year instead of using a three-ring binder. 19

20 Before ending class, make a point to come together to pray. Use the following or say your own prayer. Jesus, the Messiah, Thank you for coming into our world and inviting us to follow you. Help us to tell other people about you. Thank you for calling us by name. Amen. 20

21 Activity Sheet #4-17A Lesson #4-17 (PK-2nd) January 7, 2018 I See... Different people see different pictures. 21


23 Bible Book Lesson #4-17 (PK-2nd) January 7, 2018 Preparing the Way for the Messiah John 1:19-34 The Point: We see what it looks like to give testimony to the Messiah and how we deepen our trust in Jesus by following him. 23


25 Bible Book Lesson #4-17 (PK-2nd) January 7, 2018 Come and See the Messiah John 1:35-51 The Point: We see what it looks like to give testimony to the Messiah and how we deepen our trust in Jesus by following him. 25


27 The Home PK-2 nd Living the Word: Teaching Kids God s Story Narrative Lectionary, Year 4 ( ) Last Week Lesson #4-17 John 1:19-34; John 1:35-51 Last week concluded the study of God s presence among people with the story of God dwelling with the people from the beginning of time. This Week This week we join John the Baptist and the disciples at the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. Story Summary Preparing the Way for the Messiah John the Baptist travels the country, preparing for Jesus arrival. Over and over again, John corrects the assumption by many of his followers that he is the messiah for whom they wait by pointing to the coming of Jesus, the true Messiah. Come and See the Messiah Many of those who saw Jesus named him as the Messiah. Some became his disciples. The word disciple means student. At this time, the disciples of a rabbi (teacher) were not there to learn some facts and figures, but to learn the rabbi s way of thinking and acting. Practice: Prayer Prayer can be both a corporate and a personal practice. We remember the gift of the Holy Spirit through baptism, which often happens in the corporate setting of worship. Jesus also calls each of us by name; yet we travel together in community along this journey of faith. Practice different types of prayer, both as a family and as individuals. The Point We see what it looks like to give testimony to the Messiah and how we deepen our trust in Jesus by following him. Bible Nuts & Bolts Gospel The word gospel means good news, and includes the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. People often find it difficult to understand how four writers who are essentially telling the same story can take such different viewpoints. Readers must take into consideration the personality and focus of each individual writer, the culture of the day, the circumstances in which each lived, and the audience to whom each wrote. Much as witnesses to an event may have different accounts based on where they were standing and what affected them the most, the gospel writers have a different perspective and view to the story of Jesus. By including all four gospels to inform the narrative, we have a full and complex picture of Jesus ministry on earth. Next Week Next week the wedding at Cana is the setting for Jesus first public miracle.


29 Family HOME Lesson #4-17 John 1:19-34; John 1:35-51 Use the questions below or other questions you think of to discuss today s Scripture reading (listed above) with your family. In what way does this text speak to our theme of Encountering the Messiah? What does this scripture have to do with our lives today? What part of this scripture is the most interesting to you? Why? Family Devotions As you hear and study these stories each week, consider what God has to say to you and your family. What is God s message to us? How should we respond? Sunday Read John 1:19-34 Preparing the way for the Messiah. Compare this story of John the Baptist with those in Matthew 3 and Mark 1. How are they the same? How are they different? Monday Read 2 Kings 2:7-8 Elijah parts the waters of the Jordan. Fill a sink with water. Try to part the water into two sides. Thank God for miracles. Tuesday Read Malachi 4:5-6 God will send Elijah. If you were a prophet, what would your message be? Stand and deliver it. Wednesday Read Luke 3:1-18 John the Baptist preaches. How does this version of John the Baptist compare with the ones you read on Sunday? Thursday Read Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus is baptized. Imagine this scene. What would you have thought was happening if you had seen the dove and heard a voice from the clouds? Friday Read Matthew 4:1-11 The temptation in the wilderness. What tempts you to stray from your faith? Pray for strength to withstand temptation. Saturday Read Matthew 4:12-17 A prophecy about Jesus. Take out a map or GPS. Choose a spot and pray for the people there.

30 Family HOME Lesson #4-17 John 1:19-34; John 1:35-51 Use the questions below or other questions you think of to discuss today s Scripture reading (listed above) with your family. In what way does this text speak to our theme of Encountering the Messiah? What does this scripture have to do with our lives today? What part of this scripture is the most interesting to you? Why? Family Devotions As you hear and study these stories each week, consider what God has to say to you and your family. What is God s message to us? How should we respond? Sunday Read John 1:35-51 Come and see the Messiah. Play a short game of Follow the Leader doing things that show love to God and to each other, such as praying, waving your hands in the air, giving hugs, etc. Monday Read Matthew 4:18-20 Simon and Andrew become disciples. Simon and Andrew were brothers. Is it hard to talk to your family about Jesus? Why or why not? Tuesday Read Matthew 4:21-22 James and John become disciples. Immediately James and John left their life s work and followed Jesus. What would be the hardest thing for you to leave behind? Wednesday Read Matthew 9:9-13 Matthew becomes a disciple. Matthew was unpopular because he was a tax collector. Who are the people today that other people look down on or do not like? Those are the people that Jesus called; pray for them. Thursday Read Matthew 9:35-37 The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Jesus had compassion for the crowds. For whom do you have compassion? Pray for those people. Friday Read Matthew 10:1-4 The twelve disciples. If you could cure diseases, which would you cure first? Why? Pray for people who suffer from these diseases. Saturday Read Matthew 10:5-12 The mission of the twelve disciples. What do you pack for a trip? What did Jesus tell the disciples to take?

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