Video Discussion Session 1

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1 GOD BUILDS A NATION God will accomplish His plan in this world, but often He does it, in ways we would not expect and through the most unlikely people. Video Discussion Session 1 1. Icebreaker (Use before the video): If you were going to explain to someone the idea that during all of human history there has been both an upper and lower story, what would you say? What examples would you give? 2. Many of the people God called to follow Him and who eventually did great things (through God s power), had excuses or reasons they thought God should not use them. What are some common excuses people still use today when they want to get out of following God s leading for their life? 3. When God called Abram to follow Him, there was a clear sense of partnership. God promised to do specific things and also called Abram to do his part (Genesis 12:1-5; The Story, p. 13). What was God s part and what was Abram s part in this great adventure? 4. Take a look at Hebrews 11:8-9 (The Story pp ). What did you learn about Abraham and Sarah s faith? 5. Abraham and Sarah were called by God and they followed Him in faith. Share with the group a time when God called you to take a step of faith. How did you respond and how did that step of faith turn out? 6. Sarah did not think God was moving fast enough with the whole nation building project. So, she decided to help God by giving her handmaid to Abraham to bear a child for her. Give some examples of ways we jump ahead of God s timing for our lives in an effort to help Him. 7. Share with the group a time when God said WAIT, but you wanted to rush ahead. What happened? Why is it so hard to be patient and wait on God s will for our lives? 8. Eventually, Abraham and Sarah chose to follow God by faith and trust the He would build a nation through them. What step of faith is God calling you to take right now, but you are still waiting or even resisting? What can you do to take a trust-filled step and move forward in this area of your life?

2 The Queen of Beauty and Courage God is near, present, and working...even when we can t see Him. Video Discussion Session 2 1. Icebreaker (Use before the video): Tell the group about a time when you lost a person or actually got lost yourself. 2. What were some of the cultural norms and laws that came into play in this chapter of The Story (for Vashti, for Haman, for the Jews)? Why is it important for believers today to understand our culture as we seek to be messengers of God s grace? 3. What circumstances drive a person like Haman? Have you had to navigate a relationship with a person that has similar motivations? What wisdom would you give a Christian who is forced to live, work, and simply do life around a Haman-like personality? 4. What characteristics marked the life and behavior of Mordecai? How can we take steps to grow in character like Mordecai as we seek to follow God s upper and lower story in our lives? 5. Although God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, what God-like qualities stood out to you about Esther s character? How did she demonstrate godly character as she related to people, and in the risks she took? What can we learn from her example? 6. Eventually a great and radical reversal happened between Haman and Mordecai (Esther 5-7; The Story, pp ). How do you see God s hand at work bringing His Upper Story plan into the Lower Story of Haman s plots and schemes? 7. In one of The Story s epic moments, Esther resolved in her heart to approach the king, reveal her national identity, and make an appeal for her people - despite the great risk involved. She concluded, If I perish, I perish. Likewise, Christians are called to take up their cross daily and follow Jesus. What risk is God calling you to take for Him and how can the group stand with you as you follow God s leading 8. At the end of this chapter, we read that God did not completely remove the danger of the attack on the Jews, but provided a chance for them to defend themselves. Is there a battle (or an injustice) that God is calling you to fight? How can we pray for you?

3 Video Discussion Session 3 The Trials of a King Sin costs us and other people more than we ever dream. 1. Icebreaker (Use before the video): Share with the group about a time in your childhood when you made a foolish or sinful choice and it led to a series of other sins. 2. As we begin to view King David s lower story (2 Samuel 11; The Story pp ) we see the domino effect of other sins that followed. Identify each of David s sins and how these choices affected others near him (Bathsheba, Uriah, the Prophet Nathan, the military commander Joab, and his soldiers, Bathsheba s baby and other people in David s life). 3. Once Uriah was dead, David seemed to think that he had gotten away with all his sins. But later, when Nathan confronted him, David realized that God knew everything. What are some of the ways we can deceive ourselves into thinking we have covered our tracks and hidden our sins from ourselves, others and even God? 4. David s predecessor, King Saul was judged and removed from the throne for not destroying the Amalekites property and consulting a medium (I Samuel 28; The Story p. 143). What made matters even worse was the fact that Saul refused to admit his sin and made excuses. How is David s response to his sinfulness different from Saul s (2 Samuel 12; The Story, pp )? How do you think David s repentance effected God s response? 5. God forgave David, but there were still consequences due to his sinful actions. What are some of the consequences David faced immediately and over the long term of David s reign? 6. Why is it important that we walk in grace but still realize we might face very real consequences of our sins? 7. What do we learn about the holiness and heart of God when we consider Nathan s interaction with David? 8. What do you think he would say if you could ask David at the end of his life, What advice would you give about temptation and dabbling in sin? 9. Randy pointed out that David s life, even with all the pitfalls, still pointed to God. How does God use both the good and the bad to mature us and serve as a witness to others?

4 Video Discussion Session 4 Daniel in Exile Integrity is who we are when no one is looking 1. Icebreaker (Use before the video): All sorts of voices in our culture cry out and invite us to compromise our integrity. What are some common phrases these voices use to tempt us to violate our values? 2. When Daniel and his three friends became prisoners of war, they were pressured to change many things as part of their training process (Daniel 1; The Story pp ). What concessions were they willing to make and where did they draw the line and say no? Why do you think they drew the line where they did? Can you give a real life example where you drew a line to preserve your integrity? 3. When Daniel heard of King Nebuchadnezzar s seemingly impossible request (Daniel 2:1-18; The Story pp ), he asked his friends to pray and seek the face of God with him. Why is prayer the right response at this critical moment of Daniel s story? What is one situation you are facing right now that you need prayer from the group for? (Stop and pray at this point in the group.) 4. Once God answered the prayer of Daniel and his friends, Daniel lifted up an amazing prayer of praise (Daniel 2:20-23; The Story p. 252). What do you learn about Daniel s understanding of God in this prayer and how might this shape the way you pray? 5. As Daniel explained the king s dream and its interpretation, he was careful to not take credit but give all the glory to God (Daniel 2:27-30; The Story pp ). In what ways can we be tempted to take credit for what God does? How can we give him glory instead? 6. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego risked their lives when they defied the King and didn t commit idolatry. Share about a time when you faced (or are facing) real pressure to compromise biblical truth? What was at stake? 7. As a result, the three men ended up in the furnace and later Daniel was thrown into the lion s den. Describe a time in your life when you refused to compromise and God showed up. What happened? 8. What are some areas where we need to stay engaged with our culture but still not compromise? Specifically, where does God want you to shine His light in a dark world without adopting its values?

5 God s Messengers The prophets were God s signposts given to God s people so they wouldn t drive off a cliff. Video Discussion Session 5 1. Icebreaker (use before the video): Share about a time you saw a sign and followed it and were glad you did. Or, tell about a time when you missed or ignored a posted sign and suffered for it. 2. God still loves people, and tenderly seeks to warn us when we are in danger. Name some ways God posts warning signs along the roads we travel through life? 3. When Elijah challenged the false prophets of Baal, He turned to the people of Israel and asked How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God follow Him; but if Baal is God follow him (1 Kings 18:21; The Story, p. 204). What does it look like today when Christians waiver between opinions or keep one foot in the world while still trying to walk with Jesus? How does indecision affect their relationship with Jesus? 4. Read 1 Kings 19:1-9 (The Story pp ). What happened to Elijah after the victory on Mt. Caramel (emotionally, physically and spiritually)? What did God do? 5. Have you ever hit a low spot in your faith after a great victory? What happened? How has this experience prepared you for future spiritual attacks like this one? 6. Read 2 Kings 6:8-23 (The Story, pp ). Describe what was going in both the Upper and Lower Story at this moment. Why is it important for us to pray for spiritual eyes so we can get a glimpse of what s really happening in both the Upper and Lower Story? 7. It s clear that if God s people will turn from their sin and return to Him, He s ready to embrace them with love and grace. What does true repentance look like, especially for those who live in the light of the cross of Jesus

6 Video Discussion Session 6 The Hour of Darkness Jesus hour of darkness led to our brightest! 1. Icebreaker (use before the video): Share about a time when you experienced relational, emotional, or spiritual darkness and how the light of God was still shining. 2. As Jesus prepared for the Passover meal He did not stop teaching and showing His followers how to live (John 13: 1-17, The Story, pp ) despite the horror that awaited Him. Describe this act of service Jesus offered His disciples (including Judas) and how they responded. How does our willingness to serve people (especially in times of personal pain or crisis) demonstrate that Jesus has overcome this world? 3. Jesus was emphatically clear that He is the only way back to a restored relationship with the Father and the only path to heaven (John 14:6; The Story p. 370). How do some people (even Christians) push back on this exclusive claim of Jesus? Why is it important for us to embrace this clear teaching of the Savior? 4. Right before his arrest, Jesus took three friends and went to pray (Matthew 26:36-46; The Story, pp ). What can we learn about the power of God contrasted with the weakness of people, as you read this account? 5. Peter, one of Jesus closest friends, vigorously denied three times that he even knew the Lord - even as Jesus watched on (Luke 22:54-62; The Story, p. 375). How must this have felt to Jesus? What are ways we deny Jesus and act like we don t know him? 6. Read Luke 23:32-43; John 19:25-27; (The Story, pp ). What can we learn about the heart of Jesus as He hung on the cross by His interactions with those who crucified Him (consider His treatment towards His captors, the dialog with the two criminals, and providing care of His mother)? 7. One of the most powerful statements in all of scripture is when Jesus said, It is finished. From a lower story perspective what must people have thought when Jesus spoke these words? From an upper story spiritual reality, what was Jesus declaring and what does that mean for us? 8. Hebrews 10:19-22 points out three things that happen when we enter into a friendship with Jesus: We can draw near to God with absolute confidence; We no longer have a guilty conscience; We live with a sense of being cleansed and pure. Have you experienced these in your life? Explain.

7 Video Discussion Session 7 Paul s Mission Once we have the message it is time for our mission 1. One message that Paul taught as he proclaimed the gospel is that heaven is our true home and in Christ our resurrection is sure. How does a daily awareness that heaven awaits all those who have faith in Jesus bring hope, encouragement, and confidence to live for God? 2. Read Acts 13:1-12; 16:16-34; The Story, pp , ). As Paul preached the message of Jesus he faced spiritual attack. What forms did these battles take? What spiritual wars might we face as we seek to bring the message and hope of Jesus to our world? How can we resist and overcome? 3. As the early church began to understand and spread the life-saving message of Jesus, the truth of the gospel was declared again and again. What is the heartbeat of the gospel in each of those presentations: When Paul preached to the people in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:13-39; The Story, ); As Paul wrote to the Church at Rome (Romans 1:16-17; The Story, pp ). 4. If a close friend or family member came to you and said, I have been watching your life and listened to your words and I want what you have. What must I believe and do to be saved? What would you share with them? 5. While in Ephesus, Paul and his companions faced resistance and persecution from business and religious communities (Acts 19:8-10, 23-41; The Story, pp ). In our 21 st century context, what are some ways that we may face similar resistance today? 6. As Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth, he addressed the problem of division in the church (1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 3:1-11; The Story, pp ). What was the issue there and how can the church today guard against similar assaults by Satan? 7. The church is a body, and every member is a specific part with a specific function (1 Corinthians 12; The Story, pp ). What is one spiritual gift God has given you and how are you developing it and using it for his glory? How can your group members encourage you as you seek to use your gifts to serve Jesus? 8. Take a look at Galatians 5:22-23, (The Story, p. 431). Here, Paul lists the attributes of someone who is filled with the Spirit and maturing in their relationship with Jesus. Which of the fruit of the Spirit do you feel that God is really cultivating in your life right now? Specifically, how is He pruning you so you can bear more fruit?

8 Video Discussion Session 8 Paul s Final Days Becoming like Jesus takes a lifetime...and then some! 1. Icebreaker (use before the video): Share with a group a time in your spiritual journey when you felt God called you to a new level of commitment and growth in your faith? How did you respond to His call? 2. Randy told a story about a sculptor chiseling away everything that did not look like a lion. What is one area in your life that God is chiseling and how is He calling you to partner with Him in the sculpting project? 3. As the apostle Paul drew near the end of his life, he expressed some thoughts about how he had lived. He highlighted how he had served God with humility and faithfully proclaimed the truth. He recounted that he called Jews and Gentiles to repentance and bravely faced prison. As you think of how you are investing your life, name one thing you really want to do for Jesus and one step you could make to propel you towards this goal? 4. Take a look at Ephesians 2 (The Story pp ). What before Jesus and after Jesus pictures did Paul paint of the Ephesian believers? Imagine if there was a twenty-four-hour surveillance camera that has been filming the entirety of your life. What big contrast would viewers see in your life before you trusted Jesus compared to today? 5. God cares greatly about unity among Christians. Read Ephesians 4:4-6. Here, the apostle Paul gave several examples of our call to oneness (Ephesians 4:4-6; The Story, p.455). List these ones and discuss how our unity affects people both inside and outside the body of Christ. 6. Our priority to be like Christ should be lived out first and foremost at home with our families. Take a look at Ephesians 5:21-6:4 (The Story, p.455). What is one practical lesson you ve learned from Paul s teaching on the family? How might you live out this truth on a more regular basis? 7. Beyond our individual families, we have a larger Christian family. Just as Paul was a spiritual father to Timothy, we can enter relationships like these in the family of God. Talk about a spiritual parent that God has used to shape your faith. Likewise, is there a Timothy in your life that you re helping to become more mature? How could you develop these two crucial relationships?

9 Video Discussion Session 9 The End of Time God wins! If we are on his side, we win too. 1. Icebreaker (use before the video): Tell about the ending of one of your favorite books, movies or children stories. Why do you like this ending? 2. John painted an amazing picture of Jesus in Revelation 1; (The Story, pp ). According to this portrait, who is Jesus and what has He done? 3. The book of Revelation includes letters written to seven real churches in the ancient world. What did Jesus letter to the church in Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7; The Story, p. 461) say regarding the following: What they were doing well; what they needed to grow or change; what action they needed to take? What are some specific ways that you can make sure Jesus remains your first love? 4. In the letter to Laodicia (Revelation 3:14-21; The Story, p. 462) Jesus told the people He did not want them to be lukewarm. What does it look like when a church becomes lukewarm and what can we do to make sure our church stays hot for God? 5. In John s vision, he got glimpses of heavenly worship (Revelation 4-5; The Story, pp ). From these scenes what can we learn about worship and how might these snapshots shape the way we should engage when we come into the prescence of our God. 6. It s a serious and sobering reality that all people will spend eternity in heaven or hell. How does the book of Revelation affirm this reality and how should this spur us to share the message of love of Jesus with the people in our lives? 7. John gave us a vision of what heaven will be like (Revelation 21:1-22:5; The Story, pp ). What specific element of this vision makes you excited to spend eternity in this amazing place? 8. In the video, Randy spoke about how the hope of heaven thrills him because he knows he ll see his mom again. Name one person who you love that is already with Jesus. How does this hope make heaven even more wonderful? The end of The Story, is God will be with his people again! Let this hope sustain you until God comes to complete us!

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