Sacramental Information & New Parishioners

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1 STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass Tims: Mon. 12:10pm, Tus. & Thurs. 8:30am, Wd. & Fri. 6:30am, First Sat. 8:30am, Sat. 4:00pm, Sun. 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:00pm Confssion Tims: Sat 3:00-3:45pm, Sun. 6:00-6:15am, 7:30-7:45am, 9:15-9:45am, 4:15-4:45pm, 15 minuts bfor wkday Mass & by prson appointmnt. Offic Hours: Mon. Thurs. 8:30am-12pm, 1-4pm Fri. 8:30-12pm Adoration Chapl: Mon.-Fri. aftr morning Mass until 5pm Pastor: Fr. Mark Dris Rsidnc: Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll Dacon: Dn. Cliff Tannr Phon: School: Elmntary CCD: Fax: Addrss: 1110 Old Spanish Trail, Scott, LA Mailing Addrss: P.O. Box 610, Scott, LA Sacramntal Information & Nw Parishionrs Sts. Ptr and Paul Parish Staff Scrtary & Bookkpr: Monica Laprous Bulltin Editor :Nicol Habtz DRE 1 st -8 th :Jant Hbrt & Bth Duplchin DRE 9 th -11 th : Nicol Habtz & Hathr Agustin School Principl: Danill Babinaux Wbsit: Lik us on Facbook! Diocs: Baptism: Expctant parnts, who ar parishionrs, should contact th offic four to six (4-6) months bfor th birth of th child. Marriag: Coupls planning marriag nd to mak an appointmnt with th pastor at last six months bfor th intndd wdding dat to bgin th prparation procss. A wdding dat cannot b schduld without approval of th pastor. Anointing of th Sick: Contact th offic to schdul an appointmnt, hom or nursing hom visit, and, if dath is imminnt, contact th offic for immdiat action. First Communion and Confirmation: Contact th Elmntary DRE or High School DRE rspctivly. Holy Communion for th Hombound: Contact th parish offic to rqust a visit. If you ar intrstd in bcoming Catholic or rciving Confirmation as an adult, or if you simply want to larn mor about your faith, contact th offic to inquir about RCIA. Jsus said to thm, Com, and you will s (John 1:39). Nw Parishionr Forms ar found in church and on our wbsit (Policis and Forms, Cnsus Form) and should b submittd to th offic. Parishionr Funral: Whn a parishionr passs away w ask that you plas contact th parish offic first bfor going to th Funral Hom. Fr. Mark would lik to st up an appointmnt with th family of th dcasd.



4 Parish Announcmnts & Contact Informa on Holy Hours Ndd for our Adoration Chapl: W ar in nd of 1 prson on Thursday aftrnoon 2-3 & Friday 10-11am. Call Sadi Boudraux at (337) to sign up or for mor information. RCIA is offrd for adults sking to bcom Catholic, or adult Catholics sking to rciv First Holy Communion, Confirmation, or hav thir civil marriag blssd by God s Church. It is also availabl to adult Catholics who simply want to continu larning about thir faith. RCIA will b availabl vry Thursday from 6:15pm-7:30pm in th parish offic. For mor information contact th parish offic. If you hav lost an itm, plas com to th church offic to chck th lost and found. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CCD TEACHER? Th Elmntary CCD program is in sarch of activ practicing Catholic mmbrs of th Sts. Ptr and Paul Church Parish who strongly dsir to guid our youth to Christ. For mor information contact Jant Hbrt or Bthany Duplchin Attntion parnts of 1st gradrs and nw parishionrs: CCD rgistration for 1st through 8th gradrs is undrway. To rgistr your child for CCD classs you must complt and submit a cnsus and rgistration form. You can obtain a copy of ths forms from th church wbsit (, rctory or in th vstibul of th church. Plas call for mor information. A $10 lat f will b assssd aftr Spt. 1st. Th High School CCD program is in nd of small group ladrs. W ar looking for somon who can commit to us from Octobr to April, somon who is looking to b mor involvd in th parish but also somon who wants to activly hlp guid our youth to Christ. Plas call th Church offic for mor information. PLEASE don t skip a Sunday Donation!!! It maks a hug diffrnc. You can always mail it or drop it off at th Church offic. If w r closd you can drop it through th mail slot on th door! Collctions for th wknd of: August 12: On Collction August 15: Assumption August 19: 2 Collctions (Maintnanc Fund) Collction :$12, Church Dbt:$6, WEEKLY EXPENSES: $17,000 MONTHLY EXPENSES: $68,000 Plas considr putting Sts. Ptr & Paul Church and School in your will Plas rmmbr to pray for thos in our parish who ar sick and suffring. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GENEROSITY!

5 Diocsan Announcmnts Rgistr Now for an Aquinas Institut Cours! Summr Cours: THE 293 Augustin and th Dawn of th Christian Era 3 sm. hours will b taught by Fr. Clinton Snsat, STL on Saturdays 10:00 AM 2:00 PM at John Paul th Grat Acadmy in Lafaytt. Classs start Jun 2 and nd August 4. Fall Courss: THE 203 Jsus, Son of God by Fr. Michal Russo, STB, MA (Tusdays 6:15 9:00 PM at Knight Hall at Our Lady of Fatima Classs bgin Aug. 21 and nd Dc. 4) and PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 sm. hrs. by Fr. Brian Harrington, MA, PhL (Wdnsdays 6-8:45 PM at ULL Classs bgin Aug. 22 and nd Dc. 5). Th classs can b takn for collg crdit (accrditd through Univrsity of Holy Cross) or for catchtical crdit (audit). For mor info or to rgistr call (337) , mail, or go to Th Jsuit Spirituality Cntr will offr a prsonally dirctd rtrat bginning on August 20. Participants may choos an 8-day, 5-day, or 3-day option. Th cntr spcializs in ths prsonally dirctd rtrats, which ar basd on th Spiritual Exrciss of St. Ignatius Loyola. Solitud and silnc ar important aspcts of th rtrat xprinc. For additional dtails, including cost and rgistration information, plas contact th cntr at or visit onlin at Cntnnial Nws - Sunday, August 12, 2018 Clbrating th Assumption of Our Lady - Th Solmnity of th Assumption of th Blssd Virgin Mary is a fast particularly dar to th popl of Acadiana. Our Lady of th Assumption is th patronss of th Acadian popl. And on th 250 th Annivrsary of th Arrival of th Acadians, in 2015, Fr. Michal Champagn and th Community of Jsus Crucifid stablishd a bautiful and nw way of honoring th Blssd Mothr and th faith of th popl through th Ft-Diu Eucharistic Procssion down th Bayou Tch. This yar s procssion, in honor of th 100 th Annivrsary of th Diocs of Lafaytt, will travl up th Vrmilion Rivr from Abbvill to th Cathdral of St. John th Evanglist on August 15 th. Cntnnial Fst Honoring our Diocsan Cntnnial with our young popl throughout th Diocs of Lafaytt, w will hav a youth gathring at Parc Intrnational Downtown Lafaytt on Saturday, Octobr 20 th from 3pm to 8pm and will includ Music, Gust Spakrs, Music, Mass, Food and closing with a Candllight Eucharistic Adoration with Bishop Dshotl. Our Youth, All Youth Groups, Familis, Clrgy and Rligious ar invitd. Plas mark your calndars now. This will b a grat opportunity to s th Lif of Our Faith. Admission will b fr (food for purchas will b availabl). Aug. 18/19 Eucharis c Ministrs, Radrs, and Altar Srvrs Masss Eucharistic Ministrs Radrs Altar Srvrs Sat. Aug. 18 4:00pm Sun. Aug. 19 6:30am Carolyn Prjan, Danny Hollir JR. Dn. Tannr Tri Faul, Louis Crdur, Dn. Tannr John Prjan Blak Broussard, Grant Duplchin, Myah Hbrt Glnn Faul Adrinn Hndrix, Mary-Estr LBlanc 8:00am Elsi Smith, Carral Mnard, Dbbi Boudraux, Dn & JoAnn Tannr Susan Rabalais Addi Hodg, Connr Bnoit, Blair & Lily Lunau 10:00am Gary & Rachl Kimbl, Charls Frdrick Mary Harrison Ruby Thibodaux, William Olivir, Cartr Aucoin, Cartr Chadwick 5:00pm Audry Nick & Aim Srio, Glnn Landry Gabril Rd, Cad Thibodaux, Jack Braux Babinaux, Emma Mistric *Plas rmmbr: if you ar unabl to a nd your schduld Mass, you ar rsponsibl for finding a subs tut

6 Don t forgt to pray for our Prist and our Sminarians. O Jsus, trnal Prist, kp your prists within th shltr of Your Sacrd Hart, whr non may touch thm. Kp unstaind thir anointd hands, which daily touch Your Sacrd Body. Kp unsullid thir lips, daily purpld with your Prcious Blood. Kp pur and unarthly thir harts, sald with th sublim mark of th pristhood. Lt Your holy lov surround thm and shild thm from th world's contagion. Blss thir labors with abundant fruit and may th souls to whom thy ministr b thir joy and consola on hr and in havn thir bau ful and vrlas ng crown. Amn. -St. Thrs of Lisiux Aug. 12 Rv. Lawrnc Abara & Col Laurnts Aug. 13 Rv. Ambros Akalawu, CSSP & Cad LBlanc Aug. 14 Rv. Alxandr Albrt & Jacob LBlanc Aug. 15 Rv. Anthony Anala, SVD & Brtt L Aug. 16 Vry. Rv. Chstr Arcnaux & Calvin LMair Aug. 17 Rv. Michal Arnaud & Sth Lmair Aug. 18 Rv. Borgia Aubspin, SVD & Josph Marcantl SUN 12 MON 13 TUES 14 Com, Lord Jsus Bibl Study, 6pm in CCD Bldg. AA, 8pm in Room 11 Back to School Mass at 10:00am Nintnth Sunday in Ordinary Tim 1 Kings 19:4-8 Psalm 34 Ephsians 4: :2 John 6:41-51 Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c Ps 148:1-2, Mt 17:22-27 Rosary in church cry room, 9am CLJ Bibl Study, 9:30am in CCD Bldg AA, 7pm in Room 11 KC Mting in th KC Hall at 7:00pm NO MORNING MASS 5:30pm anticipatd Mass for th Assumption for th Blssd Virgin Mary St. Maximilian Kolb Ez 2:8 -- 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 WED 15 THURS 16 FRI 17 SAT 18 Prayr group in church cry room 10am CLJ Bibl Study, 6:30pm in CCD Bldg. AA, 8pm in Room 11 Mass at 8:30am & 12:10pm for th Assumption of th Blssd Virgin Mary Offic & Adoration Chapl will b Closd Th Assumption of th Blssd Virgin Mary AA, 7pm in Room 11 RCIA 6:15-7:45 in th Rctory Grif Support in th Hall at 6:30-8:30 St. Stphn of Hungary Ez 12:1-12 Ps 78:56-59, AA, 8pm in Room 11 Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63 Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6 Mt 19:3-12 AA, 7pm in Room 11 Blssd Virgin Mary Ez 18:1-10, 13b, Ps 51:12-15, Mt 19:13-15 Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Mt 18: :1


8 Holy Sacri ic of th Mass Offrd For: Saturday, August 4:00pm: M/M Hctor Sonnir, Harry Lgr, Lucin (Ann) & Divin Lgr, Sybil Allman, Effi Savoy (Ann), Agns Grangr, Molli & Frd Domingu, David L. Boo Prjan, Grry Buck Ransont, Dirk P. Hbrt (L)(HBD), Paul & Myrtl Braux, M/M W.F. Guilbau, Adly & Bvrly Scrantz, Mrs. John Sonnir, Emtil & Edward Bourqu SR. Jan Guillot, Dupr Hbrt, Josph Courvll Family, Harry Jagnaux Family, Brnt Spanglr, Gloria Boudraux, Audry B. Landry, John Wad Mouton, M/M Ozr Domingu & Family, Frd Domingu, M/M (L) Jo Allman, Lynn Poirrir, Myrtl & Winfild Thriot, Alln J, Pummy Guillott, SR. Evan & Louis Domingu, M/M Camill Dlhomm, M/M Wilfrd Hbrt & Woodly, M/M Jack Tannr & Waltr, M/M Gorg Griggs, SR. M/M Larry Hbrt, M/M Earl Tannr, SR. Souls in Purgatory, Snsat Com Lord Jsus Group (L), Claud Pajan (L)(HBD), John Cormir Sunday, August 6:30am: For th Popl Sunday, August 8:00am: Paula Wiltz (L)(HBD), Tuckr Savoy (L)(HBD), Spiritual Haling, Succssful School Yar, Mary Ann Corntt (L)(HBD), Karn Molbrt (L), Eryn Hollir (L)(HBD), Ptr Doai Tran Sunday, August 10:00am: Rayford Domingu, Louis Dgytr, Danna Sonnir, Adrian & Eulalia Vga, Paul SR & Clarin Martin, Hamil & Bll Higginbotham, Sylvia Comaux, Gn & Louis Provost, Charli Provost, Wavr & Sosthn Guidry, Carl Guidry, Mary Hbrt (L) Sunday, August 5:00pm: Mary Fontnot Monday, August 12:10pm: Mary Bam, Dana D. Boutin Tusday, August 8:30am: Liam Crdur (L), Jams Comaux, Clair Bonin, Tr Mixon (L) (HBD), Lyn Poirrir, Lost Soul LV 24 Wdnsday, August 8:30am: Thrsa & Tom Boudraux, Chip Provost (L)(HBD), Alic Matt (Ann) Wdnsday, August 12:10pm: Polly Richard (L)(HBD), Lost Soul LV 25 Thursday, August 8:30am: Edia Hbrt (Ann), Mlvin Guillot, Lost Soul LV 26 Friday, August 6:30am: Molli Domingu, Lah M. Hbrt (L)(HBD), Adly (D. Ann) & Bvrly Scrantz, Chris Mnard, Maria Mai L Fr. Mark Dris, Chancllor Sts. Ptr and Paul School Nws Mrs. Danill Babinaux, Principal Wlcom to th school yar! W ar starting th school yar with th thm Lov on anothr as I hav lovd you. Our faculty and staff ar rady to hlp our studnts bcom faithful Catholics and acadmic ladrs in our community. Our school yar is off to a grat bginning! Opn Hous will b Wdnsday, August 22 rd from 6:00-7:00pm. Th vnt will bgin in th school caftria. Additional information will b snt to parnts. Visit thm: 1301 Old Spanish Trail, Scott, LA Fax thm: (337) Contact or Visit Thm On-lin:

9 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS: Sts. Ptr and Paul Church # Old Spanish Trail Sco, LA TELEPHONE: CONTACT PERSON: Nicol Habtz SOFTWARE: MSPublishr 2016, Adob Acrobat X, Windows 10 PRINTER: HP Lasrjt 6P TRANSMISSION TIME: Monday, August 6 2:00pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: August 12, 2018 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:


STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-

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STS. PETER & PAUL. Clergy. Fr. Mark Derise. Bishop Emeritus M. Jarrell. Deacon Cliff Tanner

STS. PETER & PAUL. Clergy. Fr. Mark Derise. Bishop Emeritus M. Jarrell. Deacon Cliff Tanner STS. PETER & PAUL Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. Mail us: P.O. Box 610 Visit us: 1110 Old Spanish

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Staff. Office Hours: Monday Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm Friday: 8:30am-12:00pm. Adoration Chapel: Mon-Fri. after morning Mass until 5pm.

Staff. Office Hours: Monday Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm Friday: 8:30am-12:00pm. Adoration Chapel: Mon-Fri. after morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Addrss: 1110 Old Spanish Trail, Scott, LA 70583 Mailing Addrss: P.O. Box 610, Scott, LA 70583 Email: Wbsit: Phon

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-

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Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Staff

Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Staff STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass Tims: Mon. 12:10pm, Tus. & Thurs. 8:30am, Wd. & Fri. 6:30am, First Sat. 8:30am, Sat. 4:00pm, Sun. 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:00pm Confssion Tims: Sat 3:00-3:45pm,

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-

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Staff. Office Hours: Monday Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm Friday: 8:30am-12:00pm. Adoration Chapel: Mon-Fri. after morning Mass until 5pm.

Staff. Office Hours: Monday Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm Friday: 8:30am-12:00pm. Adoration Chapel: Mon-Fri. after morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Addrss: 1110 Old Spanish Trail, Scott, LA 70583 Mailing Addrss: P.O. Box 610, Scott, LA 70583 Email: Wbsit: Phon

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Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Staff

Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Staff STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass Tims: Mon. 12:10pm, Tus. & Thurs. 8:30am, Wd. & Fri. 6:30am, First Sat. 8:30am, Sat. 4:00pm, Sun. 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:00pm Confssion Tims: Sat 3:00-3:45pm,

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass Tims: Mon. 12:10pm, Tus. & Thurs. 8:30am, Wd. & Fri. 6:30am, First Sat. 8:30am, Sat. 4:00pm, Sun. 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:00pm Confssion Tims: Sat 3:00-3:45pm,

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass Tims: Mon. 12:10pm, Tus. & Thurs. 8:30am, Wd. & Fri. 6:30am, First Sat. 8:30am, Sat. 4:00pm, Sun. 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:00pm Confssion Tims: Sat 3:00-3:45pm,

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-12pm, 1-4pm Fri. 8:30am- 12pm Adoration of th Blssd Sacramnt

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris, Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll, In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-12pm, 1-4pm; Fri. 8:30am-12pm Adoration of th Blssd Sacramnt

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Staff. Office Hours: Monday Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm Friday: 8:30am-12:00pm. Adoration Chapel: Mon-Fri. after morning Mass until 5pm.

Staff. Office Hours: Monday Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm Friday: 8:30am-12:00pm. Adoration Chapel: Mon-Fri. after morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Addrss: 1110 Old Spanish Trail, Scott, LA 70583 Mailing Addrss: P.O. Box 610, Scott, LA 70583 Email: Wbsit: Phon

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clrgy Fr. Mark Dris Pastor Bishop Emritus M. Jarrll In Rsidnc Dacon Cliff Tannr Adoration Chapl Hours: Mon-Fri aftr morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Offic Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-

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STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Clergy Fr. Mark Derise Pastor Bishop Emeritus M. Jarrell In Residence Deacon Cliff Tanner Adoration Chapel Hours: Mon-Fri after morning Mass until 5pm. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Office Hours Mon.-Thurs.

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