March Third Edition, February, 2018

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1 Menaion March Third Edition, February, 2018

2 His Eminence The Most Reverend Metropolitan JOSEPH Archbishop of Ne York and Metropolitan of All North America ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA Beloved in Christ: To all the Choir Directors, Choir Members, Chanters, and those ho are interested in Church Music It is ith thankfulness to God that e elcome this electronic version of the Kazan Menaion proect thoroughly compiled and digitized by Mr. Christopher Holey, the former chairman of the Department of Sacred Music. In this electronic, online version, many of the typos and mistakes have been corrected from the original printings. This platform ill also make it very easy hen modified and corrected translations are made by our Department of Translations as e ork to bring uniformity to our texts and service books. Therefore, e holeheartedly encourage all of our parishes to use this online version of the Kazan Menaion and check it regularly for updates. We are grateful to Mr. Christopher Holey for the countless hours he spent on digitizing this proect originally produced by the late protopsaltis, Mr.. Wishing you and your loved ones all of God s blessings, I remain, Your Father in Christ, +JOSEPH Archbishop of Ne York and Metropolitan of all North America Given at our headquarters in Engleood, Ne Jersey, this 8 th day of January, 2016 The disciples ere first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11: 26) 358 Mountain Road, P.O. Box 5238, Engleood, NJ (201) T (201) F




6 The SelfRuled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America DEPARTMENT OF SACRED MUSIC Paul Jabara, Chairman guiding chanters, choirs and congregations to musical excellence in orship for the glory of December 17, 2015 The holy Prophet Daniel and the Three Children: Ananias, Azarias and Misael Greetings to you all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! When I as appointed chairman of the Sacred Music Department in February, 2006, I sa that e had already typeset s Byzantine Vespers Proect as he originally rote it. Some of the accenting of the music as incorrect, but the ison as added, and e had a much cleaner copy of it all. I then began to proof and correct his Byzantine Matins Proect, already typeset by +Michael Kargatis, ith the opportunity to make sure the barring and accenting of the music and the ison ere done properly, and that the text as according to the approved text from The Divine Prayers Services by Nassar. This Proect as completed and approved for use in The next Proect our department took on as Kazan s Menaion, the music for many of the Feast Days of the Saints and the 9 fixed Maor Feast Days of the Orthodox Church celebrated throughout the year, since e discovered back then that it as out of print. This has been a 5 year proect, no completed at the end of The music presented here in each of the 12 months of the Menaion is basically the original music ritten by and Ray George, of blessed memory, but also corrected in the same manner as the Matins. In this updated, typeset edition of the Menaion, e have corrected the barring and accenting of the music, corrected the text according to Nassar, added various rubrics and instructions for the services according to the Typikon, added the names of the special melodies used for various stichera in Vespers and Matins, and added the ison to complete the style of Byzantine chant. The music presented here is to be used in conunction ith Kazan s Vespers and Matins Proect, as ell as Nassar. I am eternally grateful to Deborah Abraham for doing the initial typesetting of the Menaion back in 2007; to Michael Farro and Emily Loe for their role in proofing the final editions of each month; to Chadi Karam for helping me along the ay ith the correct ison; and to Paul Jabara, our current chairman, for alloing me to finish this Proect. May God continue to bless you all as e sing His praises throughout the year, glorify His holy Name, honor His Saints and celebrate the Feast Days of the Holy Orthodox Church. Yours in Christ, Christopher Holey

7 VESPERS MENAION 1 MARCH 25 ANNUNCIATION TO THE THEOTOKOS After the Sunset Psalm, omit "Blessed is the Man," then sing "O Lord, to thee have I cried " in the 6th Tone, then sing the folloing Prosomia on pages 2 through 6 of this book. No sing the "Glory and Both No," as on page 7, folloed by "From heaven the archangel Gabriel as sent to announce " on pages 7, 8, and 9. After "Gladsome Light," and the daily Prokeimenon, read the Old Testament Prophecies, as in the Feast of our Lady's Nativity, on pages 284 to 286 of The Divine Prayers and Services by Nassar. Continue ith the Vesper Service to the Aposticha, then sing the Aposticha in Tone 4, as on pages 10 to 12 of this book. No sing "Glory and Both No," as on page 13, folloed by "Today is the Annunciation, the virginal celebration," as on pages 13, 14, and 15. Folloing St. Simeon's Prayer and the Trisagion Prayers, chant the Troparion of the Feast in Tone 4, as on page 16, three times. Then conclude the Vespers as usual. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 02/14/07 Rev0 DA

8 Vespers Menaion Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Verse 1 Fast Ison If thou O Lord should est mark in iq ui ties, O Slo Lord ho shall stand, Special melody: Having laid up all their hope Prosomion 1 b, for ith Ver i ly, Ga bri el b thee, dis b b b b thee there is for give ness. b did come to clos ing the pur pose hich as be b b fore thē a ges, hail ing thee and b say ing, Re oice, O un seed ed land! Re oice, O un b b. burn ing bush! Re b. oice, b depth in ac ces si ble to vi sion! Re b b b # b. oice, O bridge lead ing to the heav ens! Re b oice, O lof ty 2 b. lad der hom O Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

9 Vespers Menaion Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Ja cob did be hold! Re ar of di. b b oice, vine man na. Re b. oice, O dis so lu tion of the curse! Re b b. oice, O re call of Ad am! The b ith Verse 2 Fast thee. O Lord Be cause of thy name have I ait ed for thee O Lord, my soul hath aited up on thy ord,, 3 Slo b my soul hath b hoped in the, Lord. is Verse 3 Fast From the morn ing atch un til night, from the morn ing atch, No repeat Prosomion 1, "Verily, Gabriel did come to thee," and then sing the 3rd verse. Slo let b Is ra el trust in the Lord. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

10 Vespers Menaion Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Prosomion 2 b And b cap the blame less Maid en, re tain of b. me as a man. hosts,. b plied b b b to the Ver i ly, thou dost ap pear to b Wherefore, then, dost thou ut ter. b su per hu man things, say ing that God b shall b be ith 4. me and dell b in my omb? Tell me, ho am I, b then, to be place of sanc ti fi ca tion for b come a spacious him, ho b b.. b rid eth on the cher ubim? Mis lead me not ith de b ceit; for I have knon no pleas b proached ed. lock. Ho, then shall I b ure, b give birth to a and have not ap son? Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

11 Vespers Menaion Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Verse 4 Fast For ith the Lord there is mer cy, and ith him is Slo a bun dant re demp tion, b, b and he ill de liv er Is ra el from all his in iq ui 5 b b No repeat Prosomion 2, "And the blameless Maiden replied," and then sing the 5th verse. ties. Verse 5 Fast U Praise the Lord all ye na tions; praise him all ye peo Slo b b ple. Prosomion 3 b Then thē in cor po b. b b re al one cried un to her, say ing, When so ev er God ill b or der of hich is b na ture is ov er su per hu man is ac come, eth, b b. b com b plished. Wherefore, O all pure and ho ly one, be. and that lieve thē b Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

12 Vespers Menaion Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 thou my 6 true ords., b But she cried, b b b say ing, Let it be un to me as thou say est, and b b al, I ill give ho b po re birth to thē In cor b shall take a bod b ith y from he may b me, that by his b raise man to the b ūn ion there b. first rank, since b he a lone is might Slo Verse 6 Fast, y. Slo b For his mer cy is great t'ard us, and the b truth of the Lord en b dur eth for ev b er. No repeat Prosomion 3, "Then the incorporeal one," and then continue ith the "Glory." Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

13 Vespers Menaion Glory Doxastikon Tone 6 # # # # b b b Glo Fa ther and to 7 b the ry to the. Son and to the # # b Ho ly Spir it. # # Both no b and ev er, and un to # # b a Doxastikon # # b b ges of a ges. A From heav n # # # # # # # # sent to an b Vir b b n men. b en thē arch an gel Ga bri el as nounce the con cep tion to the gin. n b He ent to b Naz a reth b n n. b b think great b ing ith in him self and on der ing ly, b ho it is that he b ho is in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

14 Vespers Menaion Doxastikon Tone 6 # # b high est b n and # #. born of a Vir 8 b in com pre hen si ble b U shall be gin. He hose # # b b throne is # # n earth his foot heav U n en, b and n stool, ho shall he be con # # b tained in a om # # n. Ho as he an's n J pleased to be in b. omb? car nate of # # #. her by a ord on b ly, he hom the # # n. n n six ing'd ones and those of man y # # eyes cannot b gaze up b n on? b Yea, he ho Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

15 Vespers Menaion Doxastikon Tone 6 # # b n com eth is the # # n # # b b n Why then do I b n 9 b Word of b. dress the Maid en, say ing,. God. hes i tate, and not ad b b Hail O # # b full of b grace, the b n grace of the # # n b b n b n n # # # # Lord is ith thee? b b Hail, O groom less b Moth n Hail O spot less Vir. b bride! Hail, O er of life; bless ed is the b n gin! fruit of # #. b b thy omb? Folloing the Entrance and "O Gladsome Light," chant the daily Prokeimenon, and then read the Old Testament Prophecies, as on pages of The Divine Prayers and Services by Nassar, hich are also the ones for the Nativity of the Theotokos. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

16 Vespers Menaion The Aposticha Tone 4 Idiomelon 1 In the 10 sixth month thē arch b an gel as sent to a pure mouth to her ith Vir gin. And as he opened his Peace, he an b nounced to her that from her should come the Re. deem er. And hav ing ac cept ed the greet ing ith faith, she con ho ast b man b ceived thee, O God be fore e ter ni ty, pleased, in an in ex pli ca ble ner, to be come in car for the sal Stichos 1 Fast, From day to day, sho forth b va tion of our Slo the sal va tion of our souls. nate Lord. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

17 Vespers Menaion The Aposticha Tone 4 Idiomelon 2 b The The o to kos heard a lan guage b un derstand; for thē arch an gel ut tered to her b she did not ords of thē An nun ci a tion. And hav ing ac cept ed the greet ing ith faith, she con b God b be lift our voice to the b ceived fore e ter ni ty. Where n thee. God ho ast in 11 in. b oy, say thee, O fore, e ing, car nate ith out O b tran sub stan ti a tion, grant the orld b safe ty and our souls the Great Mer cy. Stichos 2 Sing un to the Lord a ne can ti cle. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

18 Vespers Menaion The Aposticha Tone 4 Idiomelon 3 b Behold, no is our re call made man i n b God is ū b ef fa ble man voice of thē arch 12 fest; nit ed ith man kind in an in ner. b And at the an gel er ror hath van ished; for the Vir gin hath re ceived for. oy and n b orld b earth ly things have be come heaven ly, is freed from thē b an cient. curse. n and the Where fore, let cre a tion re oice; b n let it raise its voice ith praise, O Lord, b our Cre a tor and Re deem er, glo ry to thee. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

19 Vespers Menaion Glory and Both No Tone 4 Slo b Glo ry to the Fa ther and to the b Son and to Ho ly Spir it. Both no and ev er, and un to b a ges of a ges. A Slo the men. To day is thē An nun ci a tion, the b vir gin al cel e bra tion; for ter res tri als., shall ū nite ith ce les tials, Ad am be'ng re need and b Eve freed of the first sor b ro. tab er nac le ho is of our on sub hath be come a tem ple for de i fi b ca 13, And the stance tion of the clay de God, by b rived from her. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

20 Vespers Menaion Glory and Both No Tone 4 What myst' ry, 14 thē in compre hen si ble qual i ty b of the con de scen sion, and thē in b ef an. fa ble man ner of the Con cep tion! An gel min is ter ing the on der, and the b vir gin omb re ceiv ing the Son. Ho ly Spir it is sent, and on high the Fa The b ther is ell pleased. The b rec on cil i a tion as ef b fect ed by the ū ni ver sal. ill, through hich and by b hich hav ing been saved, let us ith Ga bri el sing un to the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

21 Vespers Menaion Glory and Both No Tone 4 Vir gin, b. Hail, 15 O full of grace. The. Lord is ith thee, from hom Christ our Lord God and b b. Sav ior did take our na ture and oin it to him self. Where fore, im b plore thou him to b # n save our souls. Folloing St. Simeon's Prayer and the Trisagion Prayers, sing the Troparion of the Annunciation, as on the next page, three times. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

22 Vespers Menaion Troparion Tone 4 Sung three times To day is the be 16 b b gin ning of our sal va tion, b b and the man i fes ta tion of the myst' b b from thē a ges; for the Son of God be. ry b b b com eth the Son of the Vir gin, and b b. b Ga bri el proclaimeth grace. Wherefore, do e shout ith him b b b. to the The o to kos, Hail, O full of grace. The b.. Lord is ith thee. Third Ending b. b Lord is ith thee. Then conclude the Vespers Service as usual. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 4, DA, CAH

23 Matins Menaion Pages Follo the Byzantine Matins Proect by Kazan through "God is the Lord" in Tone 4, then sing the Troparion of the Feast three times, as on page 16 of this book. No read the Kathismata, as on pages 519 and 520 of the Divine Prayers and Services by Nassar. Then sing the Anabathmoi, as on pages 63 and 64 of the Byzantine Matins Proect, and follo this ith the Prokeimenon, as on page 17a of this book. THE MATINS GOSPEL After the Gospel, read Psalm 50. Then sing "Glory" and "Through the intercessions of the Theotokos...," as on the bottom of page 67 of the Byzantine Matins Proect by Kazan, folloed by "Both no" and again "Through the intercessions of the Theotokos...," folloed by "Have mercy upon me, O God..." and the Idiomelon "Today doth Gabriel announce to her..." in Tone 2, as on page 18 of this book. For the Katabasiae, sing "I shall open my mouth...," ith special changes for the 4th, 6th, and 8th Odes, as found on pages 1922 of this book. Sing the Ninth Ode, as on pages 22 to 27. Then conclude ith the Ninth Ode and its Magnification, "Reoice, O earth..." and "The Theotokos, being the living tabernacle of God..." Then sing the Exaposteilaria, as on pages 28 and 29 of this book. The Praises are sung in Tone 1, ith the Prosomia, as on pages 30 to 33 of this book. This is folloed by the "Glory" and "Both No" and the Doxastikon in Tone 2, as on pages 34 and 35 of this book. No sing the Great Doxology in Tone 2, as on page 205 of the Byzantine Matins Proect by Kazan. Instead of "Today is salvation...," sing the Troparion of the Feast, as on page 16 of this book: "Today is the beginning of our salvation..." DIVINE LITURGY MENAION Second Antiphon Page 36 Eisodikon (Entrance Hymn) Page 36 Kontakion Page 37 Ninth Ode ith its Magnification Page 38 Koinonikon (Communion Hymn) Page 39 Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/3/17, Rev 2, DA, CAH

24 Matins Menaion Prokeimenon Tone 4 17a Refrain Ison From Verse Fast (The 'A's may be flatted.) day to day sho forth the sal va tion of our God. Sing un to the Lord a ne song, sing un to the Lord all thē earth. Third and final time From day to day sho forth the sal va tion of our God. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/3/17, Rev 3, DA, CAH

25 Matins Menaion Idiomelon Tone 2 18 Slo "Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness..." b b b To day doth Ga bri el an nounce to her ho is b full of b. grace, Hail, O groomless and un ed ded Maid b en. b Let not my b b strange ap pearance daz zle thee, nor be dis mayed at. b. me; for I am thē arch an gel. b b Ó Ver i ly, the ser pent did deceive Eve of old, b and no I b b bring thee glad tid ings. of b oy. b birth b Thou shalt re to the n b main ith out cor rup Lord, O. pure b tion, and shall give one. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

26 Matins Menaion Katabasiae Tone 4 Ode 1 I shall b o pen my 19 mouth and it ill be filled ith the. Spir it, and I shall speak forth to the b Queen Moth er. I shall be seen oy ful ly sing b. prais b and es, and I shall delight to sing of her on ders. ing her Ode 3 As a liv ing and cop ious foun b tain, O b The o to kos, do thou strength en those ho hymn thy prais n es, and are oined together in a spiritual compa ny for thy ser b J vice; and in thy di vine glo J ry make them b or thy of crons of glo ry. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

27 Matins Menaion Katabasiae Tone 4 Ode 4 The tran n sit. scend ting in glo ry on the God head, hath b ent ly di vine Je sus, b come on a throne b bright of the cloud, sav ing ith the clasp of his in cor rupt i ble hands those ho cry un to him, Ode 5 All cre Glo ry to thy might, O. Christ. a tion as a mazed at thy di vine glo ry, for thou, O unedded Vir gin, didst hold ithin thee the b God of all, and didst b 20 bear thē E ter nal Son, ho re ards ith sal va tion all ho hymn thy prais es. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

28 Matins Menaion Katabasiae Tone 4 21 Ode 6 Ó In the bel ly of the hale, Jo nah the Proph et, fore shad oed the threeday Bur i al, lifting his b voice and im plor ing, De liv er me from cor b b rup tion, O Jesus, King of the po ers. Ode 7* The crea b god ly mind ed child ren or shipped not the ture rath er than the Cre a tor, but trampling upon the threat of fire in. sang: man ly fash ion, they re. "O all praised Lord and b oiced God and of our b fa thers, bless ed art thou." (*Ode 7 as not in the original music.) Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

29 Matins Menaion Katabasiae Ninth Ode Tone 4 Ode 8 We praise, e Heark tell Make thee b bless and e or ship the Lord. b en, O Maiden, vir gin and pure, that Gabri el may thē ē ter nal ill of the High b read y to re b n ceive God; est. for thē Uncon tainable shall, through thee, mingle ith man kind. Where fore, re n oic ing, I cry, Bless the 22 Lord, all his orks.. # Deacon/Priest: The Theotokos and Mother of the Light, let us honor and magnify in song. Magnification Proclaim, O earth, the glad tid b b ings of heav ens, praise the glo ry of great oy, and ye God. 9th Ode 1. b TheTheo to kos, be'ng the liv ing tabernacle of God, shall b nev er be touched by an un clean hand. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

30 Matins Menaion Magnifications Ninth Ode Tone 4 But the b lips of be liev ers shall sing un to her ceaseless ly ith the voice of an gels, crying oyfully,. Magnification Reoice, O full of grace. The Proclaim, O earth, the glad tid b 23 b Lord b ings of is ith heav ens, praise the glo ry of thee. great oy, and ye God. 2. Thou hast tran b scend ed the bounds of na ture, O Maid en, b. b hav ing con ceived God in an in ef fa ble b man ner; for be'ng of a per ish a ble n na ture, thou ast ex empt ed in thy b birth giv ing from that hich per tain eth to Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

31 Matins Menaion Magnifications Ninth Ode Tone 4 24 moth ers. Wherefore, as. Reoice, O full of Magnification grace. The Proclaim, O earth, the glad tid b is meet, thou dost hear, b Lord b ings of is ith heav ens, praise the glo ry of 3. Ho dost thou Vir thee. great oy, and ye God. o ver flo ith milk, O un de filed gin? Ver i ly, thou hast ap b peared as a strange man i fes ta tion, un ut ter a ble by human. tongue, transcending na ture and the b bounds of the las of birth. Where fore, thou dost hear, as is meet, Reoice, O full of grace. The b Lord is ith thee. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

32 Matins Menaion Magnifications Ninth Ode Tone 4 Magnification Proclaim, O earth, the glad tid b 25 b ings of heav ens, praise the glo ry of great oy, and ye God. 4. The God in spired Scrip tures, O Moth er of the.. High est, have Ja spok en of thee mystic' ly; b cob hen he sa the lad der of for n old, hich as a fore sign of say ing, This is thē as cent of thee, cried, God. Wherefore, as is meet, thou dost hear, Reoice, O full of b grace. The Lord is ith thee. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

33 Matins Menaion Ninth Ode Glory Tone 4 b 26 Glory to the Fa ther and to the Son and to the Holy Spir it. Magnification Proclaim, O earth, the glad tid b ings of great oy, and ye b heav ens, praise the glo ry of God. Glory Tone 4 The b bush and the fire did re veal to God be holding b 295 b Mos es a on derful miracle. And seeking the ful fill there of ith the pass ing of time, he cried, say I shall be b hoshall be ad. hold her ho is a spotless Maid en, dressed ith re oic ing as the Theo to ment ing, kos, Reoice, O full of grace. The b. Lord is ith thee. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

34 Matins Menaion Ninth Ode Both No Tone 4 Both no Tone 4 Both no and ev 27 b er, and unto a ges of a ges. A men. Magnification Proclaim, O earth, the glad tid b ings of great oy, and ye b heav ens, praise the glo ry of God. 329 b Ver i ly, Dan iel called thee a super sen suous. moun tain, and I sa iah, the Moth er of God. Gideon. 335 b b sa thee as afleece. David called thee a sanctuar y, 340 and an oth er a door. But Gabri el cried un to 345. thee, say ing, Reoice,O full of grace. The b. Lord is ith thee. No conclude ith the Heirmos of the Ninth Ode ith its Magnification, as the Katabasia, as on the next page. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

35 Matins Menaion Katabasia Ninth Ode Tone 4 27a Deacon/Priest: The Theotokos and Mother of the Light, let us honor and magnify in song. Magnification Proclaim, O earth, the glad tid b ings of great oy, and ye b heav ens, praise the glo ry of God. 9th Ode 1. b The The o to kos, be'ng the liv ing tabernacle of God, shall b nev er be touched by an un clean hand. But the lips of be liev ers shall sing un to her b ceaseless ly ith the voice of an gels, crying oy ful ly,. Reoice, O full of grace. The b # Lord is ith thee. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 2/22/18, Rev 5, DA, CAH

36 Matins Menaion Exaposteilarion Tone 2 Special melody: Upon that mount in Galilee b The Lead er of the heav'n b from Al b ly b hosts as sent might y God to an un de 28 b filed Vir gin to an b b b nounce to her the strange and in ef fa ble on der b b that God as Man shall, ith out b b seed, be come a child from her, re stor ing the b hole cre a tion b. Wherefore, ye na tions, re ceive the glad tid ings b of the rēcre a tion of b of the man b hole kind. b orld. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

37 Matins Menaion Exaposteilarion Tone 2 b b O de Re oice, O The o to b b liv erance of 29 Ad am kos, from the curse! Re b b b oice, chaste The o to kos! Re b oice, O liv b lamp! heav ing bush! Re oice, O bril Re b b oice, O ho ly throne! Re b enly lad der and door! Re oice, O di chariot! Re oice, O bright cloud! Re b tem. moun ple, b O most gild liant oice, O b ed ar! Re b b oice, O tain! Re oice, O Taber na cle and ta vine oice, O b ble! b b. Hail to thee, O de liv er er of Eve. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

38 Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 1 Verse 1 Fast 30 b Praise God in his sanc tu ar y,, Slo praise him in the b firm a ment of his po'r. Special melody: Thou art the oy Prosomion 1 b From thē arch es on high did Gabri el de scend coming b t'ard Naz a b Vir reth. gin Mar y, lift ing his He came to the voice to her b say ing, Hail; for thou shalt con ceive a Son b old er than Ad am, to the Mak b and Cre a tor of thē a b ho de ges, liv er eth those ho cry un to thee, er b O un de filed one, Hail! Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

39 Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 1 Verse 2 Fast b Praise him for his might y acts, praise him ac b 31, Slo cord ing to his ex cel lent great ness. Prosomion 2 b From heav en did Ga bri el come, b bringing thē Annun ci a tion to the Virgin Mar y, b and crying un to her, Hail; for thou dost carry in thy omb b him ho shall be con tained in thee, b b thē Un con tain a ble in J J Thou shalt be revealed as carrying him ho shineth b Fa ther, be fore the morn ing space. forth from the star. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

40 Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 1 Verse 3 Fast b Praise him ith the sound of the trum pet, Slo b praise him ith the Prosomion 3 b psal ter y and harp. The Word, co e ter nal ith the Fa ther be b b fore e ter nity, as not sepa rat ed from the ce les tials. But he de b those ho are be scend ed, through his exceed ing com passion,, lo, tak ing pit y on our b stum bling and fall, and put ting b on the hu b 32 mil i ty of Ad tak ing on a strange like ness. am, to Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

41 Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 1 Verse 4 Fast Praise him ith the tim brel and dance, Slo praise him ith the stringed 33 in struments and or, gans. Prosomion 4 b The tran sub stan tial Word, ap ter nal ly from his Fa ther, pear ing ē and in time from his Moth er, taketh on the like nes of a. ser vant, becom ing flesh, ithout sep a ra tion from the God head and re ne ing the cre a tion of Ad am in the omb of her ho con cieved the Sav iour ith out an y seed. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

42 Matins Menaion Doxastikon at the Praises Tone 2 34 b b b Glo ry to the Fa ther and b 544 Son, and to the Ho ly Spir b. Both no and ev to the it. b J er, and un to Ó. b b a ges of a ges. A men. b b To day is disclosed the myst' ry be fore thē a. ges; b b b and the Son of God shall be come the Son of Man, b that by his a dop tion of the lo est b he Ad may grant me the high. b est. b b am failed to be come a b he de Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH n b sired, so God be came Of old. God as b Man that

43 Matins Menaion Doxastikon at the Praises Tone 2 b Ad am might be 35 come as. God. b b b Where fore, let cre a tion re oice, and b na b b ture ex change greet ings, for thē archan gel did stand b b b rev er ent ly be fore the Vir gin and b b b of b. fered her oy in stead of sor ro. b b Where fore, O our n b God, ho by b b b. thy com pas sion be came man, n b glo ry be to thee. No sing the Great Doxology in Tone 2, as on page 205 of the Byzantine Matins Proect by Kazan. Then sing the Troparion of Annunciation, as on page 16 of this book: "Today is the beginning..." Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

44 Divine Liturgy Menaion Second Antiphon and Entrance Hymn 36 Second Antiphon Refrain Tone 2 b Save us, O ast in b b car nate thee, Al le b Son of God, for our sake, ho lu b ho b sing U ia. to Begin ith the Verse, and then sing the Refrain: Verse 1: He shall come don as rain upon the fleece, and as the de hich falls upon the earth. Verse 2: The Most High hath sanctified His tabernacle; our God shall plainly come, and shall not keep silence. Verse 3: In His days righteousness shall shine forth; and abundance of peace, so long as the moon endureth. Verse 5: Glory to the Father... Both no and ever... Only begotten Son and Word of God... For the Third Antiphon, sing the Troparion of the Annunciation, as on page 16 of this book. Entrance Hymn b b b From day to day sho forth the sal va tion of our God. b Save us, O b Son of God, b b b ho ast in car nate b for our sake, b U ho sing to thee, Al le lu ia. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

45 Divine Liturgy Menaion Kontakion Tone 8 37 Kontakion The Original Melody To thee the champ ion lead er, I. thy cit y as scribe thank of ferings of vic to ry for thou hast de #. liv ered me from ter rors, O The o to kos. But as thou hast that po er hich is in vin ci ble, from all dan gers set me free, that I may cry. b out un to thee: Hail, O. bride ith out bride groom. n Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

46 Divine Liturgy Menaion Ninth Heirmos ith its Magnification Tone 4 Magnification Pro claim, 38 O earth the glad tid ings of great oy, and b ye heav ens praise the glo ry of. God. The The o to kos, be'ng the liv ing ta ber nac le of God, shall. touched by an lips of be un clean hand. nev er be But the liev ers shall sing un to her cease less ly ith the voice of an gels, cry ing oy ful. ly, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

47 Divine Liturgy Menaion Ninth Heirmos Tone 4 Communion Hymn Tone Reoice, O full of grace. The b Lord b. is ith Thee. # Communion Hymn Tone 1 Slo b b. b He The. Lord hath hath chosen Zi. on. chos en it for n his dell ing. Al le lu b Al le lu. ia. ia. b Al le lu ia. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/4/17, Rev 4, DA, CAH

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