Dedication of Holy Infant Church

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3 Dedication Holy Infant Church Celebrant: Concelebrant: Pastor: Master Ceremonies: Deacon Word: Deacon Eucharist: Deacons carryg relics: Lectors: Altar Servers: Music: Gift Bearers: Altar Cleaners: Color Corps: Greeters Ushers: e Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic Fifth Bishop Diocese Greensburg e Most Reverend Ronald W. Gaer Eleventh Bishop Diocese Harrisburg Reverend Mark E. iss Reverend Joshua R. Brommer Deacon Jack Paruso Deacon Joseph Kramer Deacon Tom Boucek Deacon Mike Grella Jill Euclide & John Kellett Aaron Troup, Tyler Roman, Rachel Speranza, Erica Troup, Ethan Euclide, Sam Sklar, Ben Andraisi Beverly Spangler, Music Director Adult Choir directed by Frank Schwartz Bruce Benedik, Kathy Benedik Sue Kramer, Nancy Mikos, Liz Wible Knights Columbus Fourth Degree Color Corp Shawn Super, Ry Super, Alan Troup, Colleen ntz, Joe ntz, Larry Plummer 3

4 Greetg brief processional to entrance Let us go re oic g to house Let Us Go Reoicg Lord. Music: On Alstott, 1977, 1990, OCP. All rights reserved. Hg over buildg entrance to church Gar People 4

5 & # lov won all hearts flame all hearts love 9. hearts 10. clod & # ed drous who im im that s that fam sto hun pris faith wound ly ries ger oned ed pris oned strong er la bor splen dor Gar People (cont.) by our by than for. God. grace. thirst. shame. hearts. worn. fear. death. peace. grace. ΠΠll share hold drk know fd o live rise com our 9. brea 10. share & # Bod mem y ry full pas ness sion cour age suf f rgs free dom glo spir ry it ban quet through with.. Lord. Lord. Lord. Lord. Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord. Lord, Lord. Here So So Let till as as Then till Here 2 us to Refra 110. come what eat. Rites for Blessg Sprklg Water e Bishop blesses water with which to sprkle people as a sign repentance as a remder ir baptism, to purify walls new church. 5

6 Rites for Blessg Sprklg Water (cont.) & # # 4 3 & # #. Bless ed Savior, pour upon us liv g streams wa ter. Shor us with godliness, & # # & # # ba us your light.. Chosen peo ple, roy al priest hood, heaven s pride. glo. Πry, gath ered here to cel e brate & # # ddg feast. Lamb. Livg Streams 3 Text music: Mass Christ Savior, 2013, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. After sprklg congregation with Holy Water, Bishop says: All: Amen. May God, Far mercies, dll this house prayer. May grace Holy Spirit cleanse us, for are temple his presence. 6

7 Gloria Glory to God & bb b b Glo ry to God high est, on & b b b b.. J earth peace to peo ple good will. praise you, & b b b b. J bless you, a. dore you,. glo ri fy you, & b b b b Œ give you thanks for your great glo ry, Lord God, & b b b b.. heav en ly Kg, O God, al might y Far. & b b b b Ó Œ. J w Lord Je sus On ly Begotten Son, Lord God, & b b b b. J Lamb God, Son Fa r, you take a way ss Text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music 2007, 2010, Kev Keil, ASCAP. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. 7

8 Gloria cont. Glory to God (cont.) & bb b b. world, have mer cy on us; you take a way ss & b b b b. world, re ceive our & b b b b Fa r, have. prayer; you are mer cy on U. us. seat ed at right h For. you a lone are & b b b b.. J ΠHo ly One, you a lone are Lord, you a lone are & b b b b ΠMost High, Je sus with Ho ly Spir it, & b b b b. w glo ry God Far. A men. A men. Text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music 2007, 2010, Kev Keil, ASCAP. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. First Readg Nehemiah 8:24a, 56, 810 Responsorial Your words, Lord, are Spir it life. Second Readg Music: On Alstott, 1977, 1990, OCP. All rights reserved. Ephesians 2:1922 8

9 Acclamation fore Gospel Alleluia Gospel Homily Pression Faith Luke 19:110 I lieve God, Far, Almighty, maker heaven earth, all that is seen unseen. I lieve one Lord, Jesus only Son God, eternally gotten Far, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, gotten, not made, consubstantial with Far. rough him all thgs re made For us men for our salvation he came down from heaven, by Holy Spirit was carnate Virg Mary, came man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered, died, was buried. On third day he rose aga fulfilment Scriptures. He ascended to heaven is seated at right h Far. He will come aga glory to udge livg dead, His kgdom will have no end. I lieve Holy Spirit, Lord, giver life, who proceeds from Far Son, with Far Son he is worshipped glorified. He has spoken through Prophets. I lieve one holy catholic apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for forgiveness ss. I look for resurrection dead, life world to come. Amen. 9

10 Litany Sats As name after name Christian sats are chanted, whole Christian community prays for mercy Most Holy Trity support our brors sisters who are fully alive Christ heavenly kgdom. & # # # Litany Sats Cantors All.. Lord, have mer cy. have mer cy. Lord, have mer cy. Lord, have have Lord, have mer cy. mer cy. mer cy. & # # # Cantors All. á ( ). Holy Mary, Mor Sat Holy Angels Gód, Sat John Báptist, Sat Jóseph, Sat Peter Sat Pául, Sat Ándrew, Sat Jóhn, Sat Mary Mágdalene, Sat Stéphen, Sat Ignatius Ántioch, Sat Láwrence, Sat Perpetua Sat Felícity, Sat Ágnes, & # # # Cantors All Gód, pray for us. Mích ael, Sat Grégory, Sat Augúste, Sat Athanásius, Sat Básil, Sat Márt, Sat Bénedict, Sat Francis Sat Dómic, Sat Francis Xávier, Sat John Viánney, Sat Care Siéna, Sat Teresa Jésus, All holy men women, Sats Gód, Lord, merci ful, Lord, de liv er us, pray. & # # # Cantors All. á. From àll é vil, Lord, de liv er us, pray. From èvery s, By your Death Rèsurréction, From everlàstg déath, By outpourg By your Ìncarnátion, Hòly Spírit, Concludg Prayers Text music 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 10

11 Depositg Relics Refra & b 4 2 & b Sats mer cy, Verses & b & b I I Sce saw saw e a ven God a pray for us. Holy Infant Altar Relics St. John Neumann bishop Philadelphia ( ) who mistered to needs people livg area to what is now known as Diocese Harrisburg. Blessed Pope Paul VI pope ( ) who was strumental overseeg reforms Second Vatican Council published groundbreakg encyclical Humanae Vitae. St. Louis Guanella Italian priest at turn 20th century who founded a numr religious stitutes focusg on relief efforts poor St. Victoria martyred 304 AD for refusg to sacrifice to pagan gods. St. Laura Cordoba martyred 864 AD as a Spanish Christian by Muslim captors. bid g arms souls sats neath al mul ti tude from ev ry l peo now this cloud wit ness es surrounds Sats God J 2 tar, ple us, & b sla wor let where so for ship us each all with ar g cast g a wit fore side one tears m was are may ness to throne ight rod washed run God s a Word, grace, s, white. way. race. to Refra ΠText: Based on Revelation 6:9 11; 7:9, 17; Hebrews 12: Text music 2001, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. 11

12 Prayer Dedication Anotg Altar Walls Church e Bishop declares will community to dedicate this new altar church to God Alone. e anotg with sacred chrism makes altar a symbol who, above all ors, is e Anoted One. e anotg church signifies that it is given over entirely perpetually to Christian worship. Refra How Lovely is Your Dllg Place O how love ly is your dll g place, dll g Lord hosts! How long for your house, O Lord, sg g out a song oy to liv g God! Verses E Bless d Hear For For ven are our one our spar those prayer, day God rows who O with pro fd fd Lord tects a ir your us home with strength God house ex from all you, you, hosts; ceeds harm; whose re a he swal hearts ceive thou gives lows are our s his lay high lives spent fa ir ways a vor young to for your to your way from his rest. will. hs! you. love. Bless Brg Look ed g are oy to would rath All good thgs to er will those those hearts serve come who a with to to Refra dll round those those you m, love house love y than you your who him. Rall DeBruyn Text: Based on Psalm 84. Text music 1981, OCP Publications. All rights reserved. 12 sg go grant alth Lord, your from us praise, strength all pow r walk O to re with God! strength. need! ceive.

13 Incensation Altar Church Incense is burned on altar to signify that Christ s sacrifice, re perpetuated mystery, ascends to God as an odor setness also to signify that people s prayers rise up pleasg acceptable, reachg throne God. (Rev. 8:34) e censation church dicates that dedication makes it a house prayer. e people God are censed also, cause y are livg temple which each fanciful memr is a spiritual altar. (Rom. 12:1) p Eveng Psalm O Lord, let my prayer rise fore you like cense, my hs like an ev ng fer g. 1984, Paul Inwood. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Lightg Altar Church e lightg altar, which is follod by lightg church, remds us that Christ is a light to enlighten nations, his brightness shes out Church through it whole human family. LampLightg Antiphon Voice Your light will come, Je ru sa lem; up on you glo ry 7 Lord will dawn all nations shall walk your light, alle lu ia. Excerpts from English translation Dedication Church Altar Copyright 1978, International Committee on English Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2002 by GIA Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved 13

14 Offertory Sanctus How Glorious Your Name (choir) Roc O'Connor, S.J. & b b 4 Ho ly, Ho ly, Ho ly Lord God w hosts. & bb Heav en earth are full your glo ry. Ho & bb san na high est. Bless ed is he who comes & bb. name Lord. Ho san na high est. Mystery Faith & bb 4 4 Save us, Savior world, for by your. Cross J Amen & bb Res ur & bb 4 4 A men. rec tion A men. you have set us A w free. Kev Keil w men. Agnus Dei (Lamb God) Cantor/Choir & b b b Lamb God, you. take a way ss. world, 1, 2 & b b All b Œ. Œ mi se re re no bis, mi se re re no bis. Mass St. Frances Cabri Kev Keil & b b b Fal Text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music 2007, 2010, Kev Keil, ASCAP. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. do na no bis pa cem, Œ All do na no bis pa. cem. 14

15 Communion Processional Refra Ubi Caritas 1 U bi ca ri tas et a mor, De us i bi 2 to Verses Verses 1, 3 (Fe) est. est. Our Then, Our gath God oed oy er is with none to a can geth live, bless mea er ed, sure, God filled oy love love with hope that knows is no Christ; near; grace, end, let so dear re each love Lord, sound one one g an great from glad oth glo end er ry less him with may age a to heart see age. re s your A oice. cere. face. men. (to Refra) (to Refra) Verse 2, Let all man quar y, rels, come all one di bod vi y sion, as all Spir our con it flict bds, cease; n will seek to Christ tru ly one dll a Christ mong us one as heart our Lord md. Peace. (to Refra) Prayer after Communion Text: Adapted from Lat (from liturgy Holy Thursday) by Laurence Rosania. Text music 1992, Laurence Rosania. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. 15

16 Solemn Blessg Dismissal Recessional & b b 4 3 & bb & b b & bb O Then And That For And At ll & b b & bb To And. J. God hear, O. J. sg. love amaz who know your fa can wheth er prais g, Sav ior, Ac g That vor May. on ly won der At our to morrows Be blessgtri umph through our sor with out num r rows. J. lift our hearts fore mar vel at your au. J. hon make or a a oy ful O God Beyond Praisg you ty dore you, Our du ty Our And And And And yond all gracious worshicept you love songs serve. ev filled can you not as to day brg, re our ry with gift good cies to you or with out bless you merrise wait upory glo great might sac ri fice y pay; Kg; send, ill, end: still: your word, your ways,. Lord. praise. Text: D; Michael Perry, , 1982, 1987, The Jubilate Group. All rights reserved. Admistered by Hope Publishg Co. Used with permission. Music: Gustav T. Holst, Choir Postlude 16

17 Special Thanks To all our parishioners friends for your monetary donations, participation our gift card program or fundraisers, for your prayers.

18 Our parish roots go back to Decemr 21, On that day Bishop McDevitt blessed St. Joseph s Chapel Sagaw, PA. After recognizg large parish growth, a new church was built n dedicated by Bishop Leech on July 19, In May 1972, Bishop Daley, established Holy Infant Church as an dependent parish. e church York Haven, PA was our home till May 2016.


20 Holy Infant Church 535 Conewago Creek Road Manchester, PA

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