Our Lady of the Rosary s Message at Fatima

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1 Our Lady of the Rosary s Message at Fatima Part I: Introduction The Greatest Event of the 20 th Century (and beyond) The most significant event in the life of the Church. The most important event for world history. God s Revelation of His Divine Plan for mankind s salvation. The Message Carries the Highest Authority It is the greatest public miracle that God has performed (excluding those narrated in the Bible). Fatima has received unprecedented approval and support by the Popes and Church authority. The prophecies and miracles foretold have thus far all come true. Pope John Paul II held that this message obligated the Church to respond. The Third Part of the Secret received an official approbation that has no precedent in history. Fatima is akin to Biblical Events It is a natural miracle, witnessed by 70,000+, which was even pre-announced. It is a prophetic message: some of it has already been fulfilled, some is yet to be fulfilled. It has had a profound impact on world history. It involves direct commands from Heaven which man must obey. Its message has an apocalyptic nature which parallels those found in the Scriptures. Fatima fits into a unique category of quasi-public revelation Public Revelation God has chosen to reveal it to all mankind. All mankind has the solemn duty to believe and accept it. One s salvation hinges upon it. God transmits it to us via the full teaching authority of Holy Mother Church, whom He has invested with His own authority. e.g. Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, Infallible Teachings, the Deposit of Faith Private Revelation Church Approved: We know it is true and it is helpful for our salvation. It does not have the universal binding character of Public Revelation, meaning the Church and individuals are not solemnly obligated to it. e.g. Devotion to the Sacred Heart, Prayer of St. Gertrude, Our Lady of La Salette, etc. Non-Church Approved: It may or may not be true, may or may not be helpful for salvation. One must exercise much greater prudence, caution and discernment within this category. e.g. The Cure de Ars insights into a penitent s soul, a prediction that the world will end next week, the Message and Apparitions of Medjugorje The Message of Fatima cannot simply be relegated to the category of Approved Private Revelation because of its uniqueness (see the section above). Those who attempt to categorize it as private fail to acknowledge that it has many, though not all, of the characteristics of Public Revelation. Thus, in my opinion, it fits best into a third & unique category, quasi-public. 92

2 A Crucial Message of the Greatest Urgency Our Blessed Mother came to give us a message of the greatest importance and urgency: this is a last chance that God is extending to sinful humanity. This message obliges the Church and every single Catholic; it is more relevant today than ever before (thus also spoke John Paul II). This message is relevant for every single human being (recall Pascal s Theorem). This message is particularly essential to, and intertwined with, the Office of the Papacy. Part II: The Message of Fatima (see appendix I) In 1917, Mary appeared to three Portuguese shepherd children: Lucia de Santos (10 yrs) and her cousins, Francisco Marto (9 yrs) and Jacinta Marto (7 yrs). The Angel of Fatima (1916): Intercession, Reparation, the Blessed Eucharist The Six Appearances of Our Lady: She appears for the first time on May 13, Do not be afraid! Pray the Rosary every day and do Penance! Offer up all your sufferings for poor sinners. Pray for the Holy Father. The Secret of Fatima: Revealed to the Children on July 13, (1) Vision of Hell. Hell is real and the mere sight of it would make you want to die. Many souls go there because they disobey God and have no one to pray for them. (2) The Immaculate Heart of Mary. God wishes to establish salvation and peace through the IHM. Russia must be consecrated to the IHM. People must stop offending God and do much prayer and penance. If not, worse calamities will befall the world and Russia will spread her errors throughout the world. In the end, the IHM will triumph. (3) An Apocalyptic Vision. It includes a devastated world and the martyrdom of the Pope followed by many others. The Third Secret also includes our Lady s words represented by an etc : In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc. The Miracle of the Sun on October 13, The Blessed Mother reveals herself as Our Lady of the Rosary. She shows Lucia a vision of the Fifteen Decades of the Rosary. St. Joseph and Jesus bless the world. The vast multitudes witness the Miracle of the Sun. The Devotion of the First Five Saturdays: For five consecutive months, on the first saturday of the month: [1] Receive Holy Communion, [2] Make a Good Confession (within eight days), [3] Pray the Rosary, [4] Meditate on the Fifteen Mysteries for Fifteen minutes, and [5] Offer this in reparation for the many offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Learn the Prayers of Fatima and pray them (see attached Opening Prayer #5) What does the Blessed Mother ask of us (Pray, Penance, Consecration) [1] Pray the Rosary every day [3] Wear the Brown Scapular [2] Five First Saturdays [4] Offer our Duty in Reparation [5] Russia to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart by the Pope and Bishops 93

3 Part III: Fatima and World History (see appendix II) God allowed such an exceptional miracle because the Church would encounter exceptional times. The Lady of the Rosary came in order to ward off an immense evil and save souls. The Consecration of Russia The Queen of Heaven has asked the Holy Father, Vicar of St. Peter, to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Sr. Lucia insisted upon important specific points to be obeyed: [1] The Pope had to consecrate Russia, by name, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. [2] This consecration was to be made by the Pope in union with all bishops of the world. [3] It was to take place in a solemn public forum, e.g. a Mass or liturgical celebration. Certain consecrations have been performed. The Madonna in turn has granted great graces to show her gratitude and fidelity and to strengthen our Faith, encouraging full obedience. Yet to this day, 94 years later, the consecration has not been performed as Our Lady requested and the Church remains in disobedience to the Queen of Heaven. Mary has promised that eventually the Holy Father will obey her, Russia will be consecrated and converted, a time of peace will be granted, and the Immaculate Heart will reign. However, it will be too late for the world will experience a great chastisement. Now, prayer and penance (conversion!) are absolutely essential to mitigate the extent of that chastisement. Global Secular Events World War I: The War is going to end... Spanish Revolution: More than 500,000 die in this horrible conflict. Communism is defeated, but the Church suffers many martyrdoms and great persecutions. The Bishops consecrate Portugal to the IHM and it is miraculously spared from the conflict. World War II: The Bolshevik Revolution takes place days after the Miracle of the Sun. Without repentance, there will be a worse war. After 1931, Sr. Lucia intensifies her requests for the Consecration. Heaven is not obeyed, and so WW II begins as Mary prophesied. It is only after Pius XII worldwide consecration (1942) that evil can be defeated. Cold War: There is no real peace. Nuclear war threatens global destruction. the Fatima message helps reduce the nuclear escalation (1963). Both consecrations (1952 and 1984) help avert world wars. The Iron Curtain falls and Russia is somewhat weakened. War and Famine: In the 20th century, our world has experienced wars unceasingly. Their magnitude, severity, destruction, and death toll dwarf that of the past. Famine has also been used systematically (intentionally) to devastate peoples. It will get worse. Errors of Russia: Russia s errors have been spread throughout the world. An incomplete list includes: Atheism, Elimination of Private Property, State Absolutism, Communism, Class Conflict, Elimination of Classes and Hierarchy, Welfare State, Use of Mass Violence and Terror to accomplish Means (upwards of 100,000,000 killed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot...), Destruction of the Church, Denial of the Human Soul, Denial of Spiritual Reality, Outlaw Religion, Elimination of the Family, Destroy the Father s Authority, Total Sexual License, Abolish Adultery, Divorce Free and Easy, Abortion, Childcare by Government (or community), Definition of Family must be changed to be more open, False Feminism, Women in the factory on an equal footing with men, Eliminate definite Roles for the Two Sexes, Eliminate the notion of the Woman as a Housekeeper, Immodest Dress... 94

4 Persecutions of the Church: The persecutions are external and internal. In the 20th Century: (1) The Church relinquished all its temporal authority, (2) The Church largely lost its international respect and authority, (3) The Church changed its liturgy, doctrine and devotions, (4) Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life plummeted, (5) Marriage Life has been decimated, (6) Moral decadence is rampant among those consecrated to God, and (7) More Catholics were martyred than in all previous centuries combined. It will still get worse. In His great mercy, God is extending to humanity the only possibility for peace, which is through devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Global Ecclesial Events Struggle between Papal Obedience and Disobedience Rise of Neo-Modernism Second Vatican Council Auto-Destruction of the Church What has happened to critical doctrinal teachings which Our Lady taught at Fatima: [1] Heaven, [2] Hell, [3] Purgatory, [4] Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, and [5] Sacrament of Penance What is happening to the life of the Church as regards: Faith (Doctrine), Liturgy (Mass), Devotions (Rosary), Spirituality (Mortification), Vocations, Marriage and Family Life, Grave Scandals, Authority... Without a doubt, the smoke of satan is within the Temple of God and the devil s tail is sweeping mass destruction across the Bark of Peter The Holy Father will have much to suffer. Part IV: The Third Secret of Fatima Brief History of the Third Secret» Sr. Lucia kept the Third Secret hidden within her soul until (1) her Bishop gave her an express command to write it and (2) the Blessed Virgin appeared to her and gave her the grace to do so.» Sr. Lucia informed the world that Our Lady commanded that the Third Secret be revealed in The Portuguese bishops let it be known that they would be obedient to this command.» The Third Secret was kept in Portugal until it was expressly requested by the Vatican (Apr 6, 1957).» On Aug 17, 1959, Pope John XXIII broke the seal and read the Third Secret. He determined that it was not a message for our times. It was buried deep in the Vatican s top secret archives.» Pope John Paul II published the vision of the Third Secret on June 26, Why was it not revealed in 1960? The Church has never given a formal reason as to why the Queen of Heaven was (is) disobeyed. It should have been revealed in (1946) Canon Barthas interviewed Sr. Lucia on October 17/18. As per his report, when he asked Why 1960?, Sr. Lucia confidently answered Because the Blessed Mother wishes it so. (1955) Cardinal Ottaviani pressed Sr. Lucia on the date and she explained, Because then it will seem clearer. Father Valinho, Sr. Lucia s nephew, independently confirmed this date and reason. 95

5 Pope John XXIII was the first pope to read the Secret in (Socci, 153-6) I leave it to others to comment or decide, and This message is not for our times. He considered them abstruse locutions that could be fantasies of Sr. Lucia and the message may be not entirely supernatural. He refused to pass a judgement as he did not agree with them (annoyed? frightened?), but knew that previous popes and the faithful were devoted to Fatima. So he hid the Message, canceling it. John XXIII refused to judge this matter - although this is the pope s specific charism. He neglected his duty and instead had the Vatican anonymously report that it wouldn t be revealed. John XXIII deprived the Catholic faithful of a message addressed to them, shackled his predecessors, and did so without furnishing a doctrinal (or pastoral) reason. Pope Paul VI was elected on June 21, 1963 and installed on June 29. He read the Secret on June 27 and followed John XXIII s example, rendering no definitive judgment and leaving it buried. Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI believe the Message is from heaven and seem more willing to reveal the Secret, but have grave reservations concerning such a revelation. Why? They have serious reasons: Certain details of this religious prophecy could be misinterpreted, causing (1) sensationalism, (2) one-sidedness, and (3) disequilibrium. Nothing new is added to Revelation that Christians must not already believe. The message is contained in Scripture. Prayer, penance, and conversion are what is most needed. The Sodano-Bertone Thesis Antonio Socci is a well-respected Catholic Italian investigative journalist. He set out to prove the Vatican s positions against radical Fatimists. He makes every effort to remain loyal to the Vatican and gives them the benefit of the doubt. Nevertheless, the evidence he discovers is conclusive. While he does not consider himself a Fatimist, he agrees with many of their conclusions. Sadly, his search for the Truth has meant a lost friendship with Cardinal Bertone. Cardinal Sodano, Secretary of State, provides a preventive interpretation (May 20, 2000), although he is not the formal Vatican doctrinal / theological authority.» He implicitly identities the Pope in the Secret with John Paul II (1981).» He twists the text in order to make it fit a symbolic interpretation.» Goal: Everything about the Secret is consigned to the past and the publication of the Secret closes a period of history. Cardinal Bertone, Secretary of the CDF, interviewed Sr. Lucia (April 27, 2000) to clarify questions regarding the interpretation of the Third Secret. This meeting was pivotal for it to be published.» It lasted several hours. She was lucid and serene throughout.» He did not ask (or report) the most important questions needed from Sr. Lucia. Why?» He met with Sr. Lucia again, on Nov 21, 2001 to dispel rumors concerning the Third Secret. Again he failed to ask (or report) the most important matters in this critical interview.» For neither meeting do we have any video, recording or transcript of the interview. Why?» He became Secretary of State in His public attempts to defend the Vatican s official position on the Third Secret have resulted in contradictions and inconsistencies. 96

6 Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the CDF, provided a theological commentary (June 20, 2000).» He did not make a free theological commentary, but was constrained within a preconceived idea.» He states that in this interpretation no great mystery is revealed, the veil of the future is not parted.» He states there are no official definitions or obligatory interpretations concerning the Vision.» He did not wish to attribute exclusively to the past the contents of the Secret in a simplistic manner. Is the Sodano-Bertone Thesis a plausible interpretation?» They have been very careful to use precise wording so as to lead the faithful into accepting the official line while leaving a door open so they can claim they did not actually lie but rather presented the truth from a certain perspective.» All the evidence we have suggests that Sr. Lucia did not agree with the interpretation I wrote what I saw, the interpretation is not mine to make. - April 27, 200 And if we have not yet seen the complete fulfillment of the final part of this prophecy, we are going towards it little by little with great strides. - May 12, 1982 letter to JP2 There is no legitimate evidence that she supported this interpretation. She refused to watch the revelation of the Third Secret on June 20, Above all, Sr. Lucia remained obedient to Church authority all her life. So what could she have done?» John Paul II word s imply that this interpretation is incomplete Therefore, when I was shot by the assassin in St. Peter s square, I did not pay any heed at first to the fact that it was precisely the anniversary of the day on which Mary had appeared to the three shepherds in Fatima, in Portugal, revealing to them those words which, by the end of the century, seemed to be moving toward their fulfillment. - Crossing the Threshold of Hope, 1994» These Cardinals of the Church are suggesting an obviously weak interpretation? Why? The Missing Part of the Third Secret The words which the Blessed Mother spoke as part of the Third Secret remain hidden Evidence from the pattern established by the Blessed Virgin» The visions she shows the children are always accompanied by her words [of explanation] June 13: She tells them she will take them to heaven, then they see themselves in light July 13: She shows them hell, then she tells that what it is and why poor sinners go there Oct 13: She reveals her name as the Lady of the Rosary, then the vision of the three sets of the Mysteries of the Rosary Why would Mary then give a vision without any word of explanation to three small children? Evidence from Sr. Lucia s Testimony» With regards to the Second Secret, Sr. Lucia s Fourth Memoir (Dec 8, 1941) was a copy of the Third Memoir (Aug 31, 1941), with the inclusion of the following phrases: (1) In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved etc. (2) Tell this to no one. Yes, you may tell it to Francisco.» Francisco only saw the vision, he did not hear the Blessed Mother speak.» The etc. stands for the continuation of the words of the Blessed Mother. Evidence provided by Church leaders: JP2, Canon Barthas, Cardinal Ottaviani, John XXIII 97

7 The Third Secret has Two Parts (hence Socci s use of the term Fourth Secret ) Father Schweigel was an Austrian Jesuit ( ), well-respected and trusted by Pius XII to interview St. Lucia regarding the Third Secret on Sep 2, He said: I can not reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope. The other, logically - although I must say nothing - would have to be the continuation of the words: In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved [...] Bishop Capovilla, Perhaps the Bertone envelopes is not the same as the Capovilla envelope. Dr. Solideo Paolini, There are two texts of the Third Secret? Capovilla, Precisely so! (Socci, 132) Cardinal Ottaviani also said that the true text of the Secret was kept by Pope John XXIII and not in the Holy Office Archives which he oversaw. (Socci, 139) Msgr. Tavares was called by John XXIII to translate the meaning of certain Portuguese dialectical expressions (regionalism or provincialisms), but there are no such phrases in the published part. There are not only two parts to the Secret, but Sr. Lucia herself created this demarcation by writing the two parts at different times, on different papers, and in a different format.» The vision took up four pages in her notebook as part of her diary. It has been kept in the Holy Office s archives. The Vatican revealed this in 2000 and provided its own interpretation.» The words of the Madonna were written by Lucia in a letter format, addressed to the Bishop of Leiria- Fatima, and sealed within an envelope. It was been guarded in the papal bedroom. This second part of the Third Secret includes the prophetic (explosive) words of the Madonna. The Second Part remains hidden. And so the disobedience begun in 1960 continues... The Contents of the Fourth Secret Papal Sermons on May 13 at Fatima Provide an Interpretive Key Paul VI (1967) and John Paul II (1982 & 2000) cover key themes: (Socci, 83-87) (1) Fidelity of the Church - Apostasy in the Church (Dogma of the Faith) (2) Unity of the Church - Schism in the Church (3) Peace of the World - Wars, Famine, Persecutions, Errors of Russia (4) Employ Apocalyptic scriptural references - Global Cataclysmic Punishments (5) Emphasize the need for Conversion - Prayer, Penance, Rosary, IHM Cardinal Ratzinger speaks directly and succinctly He states that he Secret corresponds to Scripture and other Marian apparitions (La Salette, Akita?) Reconfirm the urgency of penance, conversion, pardon, and fasting. He quotes Jesus, If you do not convert, you will all perish. (Socci, 90 & 94) (1) Radical Call to Conversion (2) The Absolute Importance of History (3) The Dangers Threatening the Faith (4) The Life of the Christian and of the World (5) The Last Things: Heaven, Hell, Death and Judgment Thus spoke Sr. Luica... (see Socci, ) Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world. The devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Blessed Virgin. The devil will specifically target souls consecrated to God. 98

8 There is a diabolical disorientation at work within the Church and the blind lead the blind. God sends Mary as the last option. The final two remedies are the Rosary and IHM. There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, temporal or spiritual, private, family, or of nations, that cannot be resolved thorough the prayer of the Rosary. Undoubtedly, the Third Secret concerns the Grave Crisis of Faith in the Church The introductory statement to the Third Secret is: In Portugal, the Dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc. This clearly implies it will not be preserved elsewhere. Testimony of Churchmen: Father Schweigel, Father Joaquin Alonso, the official archivist of Fatima, and Bishop Alberto Amaral, Third Bishop of Fatima. Cardinals of the Church tell us a crisis will exist in the highest levels of the Church. (Socci, 122)» Cardinal Ciappi, pontifical household theologian from , stated in the Third Secret it is predicted among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.» Cardinal Oddi stated The Third Secret pre-announces some grave error committed involuntarily by the Church which, because of bad interpretations, is now going through difficult moments. He also said: The Third Secret has nothing to do with Gorbachev. The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against apostasy in the Church.» Cardinal Ottaviani confirmed some of the Third Secret by stating: Cardinal will oppose Cardinal and Bishop will oppose Bishop. The Popes themselves have revealed there is a grave crisis, an apostasy, even within the highest levels of the Church: Paul VI, John Paul II, and Pope Pius XII. There can be no greater chastisement than when millions of souls are at risk of losing eternal life. This happens when Dogma is no longer taught / believed or when the Grace of the Sacraments is unavailable / abused. This is far worse than any war, famine, pestilence or any other physical evil that can kill our body. For certain, it concerns the Errors of Russia being Spread Throughout the World In 1957, Sr. Lucia told Fr. Fuentes that Russia will be instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world. In her letter to JP2 (May 12, 1982), Sr. Lucia tells us that the Third Part of the Secret refers to the Errors of Russia causing wars and persecutions in the Church, martyrdom, the Holy Father suffering, and nations annihilated (which matches quite well with the Vision of the Third Secret). Ali Ağca, who shot John Paul II, was most likely in the service of the Soviets. He stated, I wish to say one thing to the court, the attack against the Pope is linked to the Third Secret of the Madonna of Fatima. (Socci, 88) He also said, the Third Secret should be revealed in its entirety, especially the part which perhaps makes reference to the Antichrist. (Socci, 162) Most likely, the Third Secret involves Global Apocalyptic Disasters Some believe the message only concerns the grave crisis in the Faith, but this does not make sense of all the available evidence. Sr. Lucia has stated: It is all in the Book of the Apocalypse - read it! She also indicated precisely Chapters 8 and 13 of the Apocalypse. (Socci, 89) 99

9 The Diplomatic Version of the text which Paul VI supposedly sent to JFK and Khrushchev to prevent nuclear escalation. It has many errors, but also some accurate information. (Socci, 76-77) John Paul II speech at Fulda, German in November of (Socci, 77, footnote 130) Other Details Provide Crucial Insights into the Contents of the Third Secret The Message of Fatima is deeply intertwined and concerned with the Office of the Pope. It should have been revealed in 1960 because it would have been clearer then. The current and previous popes believe it could be misinterpreted, provoke sensationalism, cause disequilibrium, and hurt the Faith. It s message is so explosive that it has paralyzed the popes. The Visions of Blessed Jacinta Marto Jacinta does not share these visions with others because they deal with the Third Secret. Jacinta sees the Holy Father in a very big house,kneeling and weeping with his head in his hands. Outside people throw stones, curse him and used bad language. Jacinta sees the highways and roads full of people who cry with hunger and nothing to eat. The Holy Father is in a church praying before the IHM with many praying with him. A plausible interpretation (my own) of the Vision contained in the Third Secret The Bishop dressed in White - gave the impression that he was the Holy Father The children see him as people appear in a mirror (see James 1:23) Once we put all of these clues together, we can largely deduce the contents of the Third Secret. It is helpful to consider where Our Lady of the Rosary s Message at Fatima stands today. Part V: Fatima Today The Secret of Fatima First Secret: Hell - It is real, eternal, and infinite suffering. The vast majority of souls are going to hell. Pray and do penance to save souls. Be faithful to the First Saturday devotion and always remain close to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Eucharist. Second Secret: Immaculate Heart of Mary - God wishes to save the world through devotion to the IHM. Russia must be consecrated to the IHM precisely as requested by Heaven. This has not been done but will be. The IHM will triumph, but there will be much suffering beforehand. Third Secret: The Pope, The Church, The Chastisement - We know enough from the Vision, Scripture, and all the evidence thus far revealed that we should be extremely serious and completely dedicated about prayer, penance, conversion, and spreading the message of Fatima. Our Blessed Mother is bringing a Message to the World! Our Lady of La Salette Our Lady of Akita For certain we know: A Great Chastisement is imminent. We must do as much prayer and penance as possible. 100

10 Following apocalyptic disasters, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. Devotion to the Sacred Heart In 1689, through St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Jesus asked that France be consecrated to His Sacred Heart. This message implied a grand design of Providence concerning France. Nothing was done. In 1789 (100 years later), the French Revolution broke out. The French king was imprisoned and attempted to fulfill Jesus requests. It was too late. He was murdered, the Church was severely persecuted, war and famine wrecked France, there was a Reign of Terror throughout France, Europe was plunged into decades of war, and the errors of France spread throughout the world. To this day, the world remains under this demonic influence and we continue to live out its devastating consequences. Note the similarities this bears with Fatima! A Theology of the Papacy The Pope is the Vicar of Peter. Just as the Church lives out the Life of Christ in history, so too the history of the Papacy reflects the Life of Peter. Matthew 16: at the Institution of the Papacy Luke 22:24-33 at the Last Supper The Slumber of St. Peter - At the Garden of Gethsemane (Mk 14, and parallels) The Betrayal of St. Peter - He denies Jesus (Mk 14, and parallels) St. Peter has recourse to our Blessed Mother and Our Lord for forgiveness / salvation. The Redemption of St. Peter - John 21:1-33 The Martyrdom of St. Peter - Quo Vadis The Pope has supreme spiritual and temporal authority on earth, because he is the Vicar of Christ the King. These two are inseparable, just like the Hypostatic Union and human nature. There is a Papal Identity Crisis today that infects the Church and the world. It concerns his role as Christ s Vicar, specifically the grace and authority that corresponds to his office. The Pope has suffered much and will have much to suffer even more - we must pray for him! - including an eventual martyrdom. The Vision of St. John Bosco (Socci, 59-61) and the promise of Our Lady at Fatima prophecy the Pope s eventual triumph. Jesus promise in Mt 16:18 guarantee their assurance. Marian Theology Through Fatima, our Blessed Mother teaches us about: (1) Penance and Prayer (Reparation) (5) Immaculate Heart (9) Modesty (2) Profound Devotion to the Eucharist (6) Holy Rosary (10) Hell (3) Necessity of Confession (Conversion) (7) First Saturday (11) Purgatory (4) Commandments of God (8) Brown Scapular (12) Heaven The Magnificat Mary s Role in Salvation Do not be afraid! 101

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