Questions for Grades 6-8

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1 Questions for Grades 6-8 What is the work of the whole Church, celebrant, all the people, with Jesus Christ as the Head? Liturgy What do we call the union of all those already in Heaven, those who are in Purgatory, and all those here on earth trying to live according to God s ways? The communion of saints What prophet do we especially hear from during Advent? Isaiah The Acts of the Apostles is Part Two of what Gospel? Luke How many books make up the Old Testament? 46 Who was the 2nd King of Israel, defeated Goliath the giant Philistine with a slingshot and composed many of the psalms? King David What is the meaning in the Apostles Creed of the words, he descended into hell? After Jesus died on the cross, he went to gather all those who had died and had lived good lives to now be able to share with him eternal happiness in heaven. What saint was originally Jewish (known as Edith Stein), then became an atheist, and finally became Catholic and then became a Carmelite Sister. She was arrested by the Nazis in 1942 and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp where she died in the gas chambers. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross What was the essence of Mary s message at Fatima? To pray the rosary for peace What is The Mystery of Faith we proclaim immediately after the Consecration of the bread and wine? It is the mystery or miracle that after the words of Consecration the bread and wine actually become the Body and Blood of Christ. What provides a firm foundation for our living as Catholic Christians? The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes By whom and when were the Mysteries of Light of the Rosary introduced? Pope John Paul II in October 2002 What is the prayer that we say as the priest holds up Jesus in the Consecrated Host; it is taken from the centurion s plea asking Jesus to heal his servant found in Matthew 8:1-8? Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Essentially what is Christian morality? To live and love as Jesus did

2 What changed the apostles from being fearful about carrying out the mission that Jesus left for them before He returned to His Father in Heaven? The coming of the Holy Spirit What is the most important prayer found in the Old Testament and which Jesus uses when He answers the Pharisee when asked which is the greatest commandment in the law? Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4) Hear, O Israel the Lord is our God You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength How did the very first Christians in Jerusalem worship God on Sunday? They attended the Temple together to hear the Word of God and then gathered in their homes for the breaking of bread (the liturgy of the Eucharist) Acts 2:46. Who was a martyr, saint and military leader acting under God s inspiration, who led the French Army to victory over the British during the Hundred Years War at the age of 18? She is the patroness of soldiers and of France? St. Joan of Arc What beatitude emphasizes our need to depend on God and make God more important that anyone or anything else in our lives? Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God. What was a beautiful chest containing the Tablets of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament called? Ark of the Covenant Who was one of the 7 men chosen to be deacons and then was the first one to be stoned to death for faith in Jesus? Stephen What is the prayer that reminds us that Mary is always ready to intercede for us if we approach her with love and a desire to do God s will? Memorare What part of the Mass symbolizes our giving of our lives to God in the offering of bread and wine and the money we place in the basket? Presentation of the Gifts Why does the bishop lay his hands over those to be confirmed? The bishop prays that the Holy Spirit will come upon that and that the candidates will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Whose people s faith is lived as a response to God s revelation as found in the Old Testament? Jewish People Who is known as the intercessor and advocate in heaven for a nation, a place, a certain craft, or a person? Patron saint When the Christians were being persecuted by the Romans for at least 300 years, where did they celebrate Mass? In the underground catacombs in Rome Who are those ordained who take care of the needs of the community and assist the priest? deacons

3 What do we call that part of the Mass in which we offer prayers for the needs of the Church, civil leaders, the sick and the dead? Prayer of the Faithful or General Intercessions What did Jesus use many times in his preaching to help his hearers understand His messages? parables Name 2 of the 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching? Life and dignity of the human person; the call to family, community and participation; rights and responsibilities of the human person; option for the poor and vulnerable; dignity of work and the right of workers; solidarity of the human family; care for God s creation What is the special agreement that God made with Moses on Mt. Sinai whereby God promised to always protect His people and help them to live in freedom, and the Israelites promised to live according to the Ten Commandments? Covenant What is the little container called that carries the Eucharist to the sick or dying? Pyx Which Mystery of the Rosary is about Jesus giving Peter, James, and John a glimpse of heaven? The Transfiguration The only way to truly be forgiven for mortal sin is to receive what sacrament? Reconciliation also called Penance Name 3 of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. Baptism of Jesus, Wedding at Cana, Proclamation of the kingdom, Transfiguration and Institution of the Eucharist. Who was the founder of the Salesians also known for his love for children and youth? He dedicated his life to the service of abandoned young people. St. John Bosco What is the gesture at Mass that expresses the peace and unity we should have within ourselves, with one another and with God as prepare to receive Jesus in Holy Communion? The sign of peace On what feast day of Mary do we celebrate her being filled with God s life and love from conception? Immaculate Conception-December 8 One of the purposes of this sacrament is to help one another live according to God s ways and ultimately live with Him one day in heaven? Marriage Name two Corporal Works of Mercy. Feeding the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, bury the dead On what day do we celebrate Jesus returning to the Father in heaven? Ascension Thursday, 40 days after Easter

4 What is the action done by the priest at Mass which expresses the reunion of Christ s body and blood in his resurrection which had been separated in his death? Breaking of a piece of the Consecrated Host, then mingled with the Precious Blood in the chalice What part of the Mass brings the Liturgy of the Word to a close? The General Intercessions or Prayer of the Faithful Why do we say that the Bible is a book made up of many books? It is made up of 73 books What short prayer do we say or sing that indicates that Jesus is the new Passover Lamb who sacrifices his life on the cross to free us of our sins? Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. What beatitude speaks about forgiving others and not taking revenge on those who hurt us? Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy. One aspect of sin is choosing to do wrong, what is the other aspect? Choosing not to do the good that we could or should do. In what season of the liturgical year do we reflect on the people in the Old Testament who waited so long for the Promised Messiah? Advent Who was the Bishop of Philadelphia, founded the first Catholic diocesan school system in the US and was the first American bishop to be canonized? St. John Neumann In what liturgical season are we especially called to change our lives in order to better live daily as followers of Jesus? Lent In what sacrament do we receive spiritual help to overcome our sins, weaknesses and failures? Reconciliation/Penance What is the sacrament that increases and deepens our baptismal grace and calls us to spread and defend our faith in word and action? Confirmation To whom did Mary appear and reveal herself as the Immaculate Conception? Sr. Bernadette Soubirous Who worked hard at establishing the Church in many places after Jesus returned to His Father in heaven? St. Paul What is an essential part of the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation? Be sincerely sorry for our sins and have a firm intention not to continue to sin. Where in the Bible do we especially find how our Catholic Church began to grow? Acts of the Apostles The Feast of Christ the King falls on the last Sunday of what liturgical season? Ordinary Time

5 During what liturgical season do the Gospels show us Jesus in His risen body? Easter What is the word that means that God, while remaining God, took on our human nature? Incarnation In what part of the Mass do we have the readings from Sacred Scripture? Liturgy of the Word What is the meaning of adding of a few drops of water to the wine in the chalice just before the Consecration? The wine symbolizes Christ s divinity and the water symbolizes our humanity. We share in Christ s divine life. How many books make up the New Testament? 27 Name the 6 Holy Days of Obligation. Christmas, December 25; Mary Mother of God, January 1; Ascension Thursday, 40 days after Easter, Assumption of Mary into Heaven, August 15; All Saints, November 1; Immaculate Conception, December 8 What sacrament strengthens those who are ill and prepares for our final encounter with Jesus? Anointing of the sick What title of Jesus especially makes us realize that Jesus is the Divine Son of God? Lord It was in the context of this celebration that Jesus gave us Himself in Holy Communion for the first time? Passover Essentially, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world? God created us with a free will to choose between good and evil. What do we call the persons that God called to be his messengers calling the people back to faithfully live their covenant promises? Prophets Name 2 of the Precepts of the Church? Observe the prescribed days of fast and abstinence, attend Mass on Sunday or Saturday evening and Holy days of Obligation, confess one s sins at least once a year, receive Holy Eucharist at least once during the Easter season, provide for the material needs of the Church and emphasize the meaning of charity. What do we call the part of the Mass when the priest repeats the words over the bread and the wine that Jesus used at the Last Supper? Consecration What is the Sunday during Advent called when the priest usually wears rose-colored vestments? Gaudete Sunday Who was the prophet who was taken to Babylon, remained determined to live by God s law even in a distant land? Because of his fidelity he was put in a lion s den to be devoured but an angel of God spared him? Daniel

6 During which part of the Mass is the death and resurrection of Christ made present again and the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ? Liturgy of the Eucharist In the Gospel of John 10:11-15, what is the beautiful image that Jesus gives of Himself which gives us great comfort? Good Shepherd What is the name of the oil that is used in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick? Oleum infirmorum (oil of the sick) What is the Eucharist called when it is received by a person preparing for death and the hope of eternal life? Viaticum Where in the Gospel of Matthew do we understand that whatever we do to anyone, we are doing to Jesus? Matthew 25:34-40 Who is the Mohawk Indian, born in Auriesville, NY, baptized at the age of 20 and died at the age of 24. Her decision to become Catholic Christian angered her tribe. She suffered much for her faith. St. Kateri Tekakwitha What is the action done by the priest at Mass which expresses the reunion of Christ s body and blood in his resurrection which had been separated in his death? Breaking of a piece of the Consecrated Host into the Precious Blood in the Chalice What part of the Mass symbolizes our giving of our lives to God in the offering of bread and wine and the money we place in the basket? Presentation of the Gifts Who said the words found in Luke 1:38, Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word and on what occasion? Mary, when the Angel Gabriel brought God s message that she had been chosen to be the Mother of the Promised Savior. Which mark of the Church describes its connection to the apostles and their mission? apostolic The sacrament whereby a man is ordained a priest or permanent deacon? Holy Orders What does it mean in the Creed when we say that we believe that the Church is apostolic? The faith we profess and practice is built on the faith practiced by the Apostles What is an essential aspect of our getting to know the Bible? That its message affects the way we live our daily lives Which parable teaches us about the sacrament of Reconciliation? The Prodigal Son What do we call the books in the New Testament that tells us about how the Church was established in different parts of the then known world? Letters of St. Paul

7 On what day do we celebrate the assumption of the body and soul of Mary into heaven? August 15, Assumption of Mary Who was the prophet that prepared the Israelites while in exile in Babylon for the destruction of Jerusalem, but then he became the prophet marked for his stress on the promise of salvation in a new covenant that was coming? Ezekiel What is a biblical form of prayer that Mary speaks of in her apparitions and the word comes from Latin of a garland of roses? The rosary Which mark of the Church indicates its mission to all peoples? Catholic What gives the priest the authority to forgive sins in confession? The sacrament of Holy Orders Jesus promised his Church that where how many are gathered together in His name, He would always be in their midst? Two or more What do we call what the apostles told about what Jesus said and did? Oral tradition What biblical image describes that we have spiritual life only if we are united to Christ? The vine and the branches On what feast do we recall the time when Mary first heard that she would be the mother of the Promised Messiah? Annunciation The celebration of the Mass includes many rituals from which Jewish feast? Passover Who was the prophet of the Old Testament who didn t want God to forgive the sinners of Nineveh? Jonah What is the word used to refer to God making Himself known to us? Revelation



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