1. A creed tells people A. How to pray. B. What we believe. C. Stories of Jesus life D. How to follow the Ten Commandments.

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1 1. A creed tells people A. How to pray. B. What we believe. C. Stories of Jesus life D. How to follow the en Commandments. 2. Jesus called God Abba because A. Jesus had a special love for God, his Father. B. It was written in the Scriptures. C. Jesus knew he was the Savior. D. Jesus was angry with God. 3. An apostle is A. A special follower of Jesus. B. A Gospel writer. C. Anyone who lived at the time of Jesus. D. A part of the rinity. 4. Where do we learn that the angel visited Joseph in a dream? A. In the dictionary B. In the en Commandments C. In the Scriptures D. In the Lord s Prayer 5. Why did God send Jesus? A. o be our Savior B. o teach us to fear God C. o solve the world s problems D. o show us his greatness 6. Saint Ignatius of Loyola taught us to find God in A. Church. B. Every living creature. C. Heaven. D. A monastery in Spain. 7. An angel told Joseph A. o go to Jerusalem. B. hat Mary would have a baby. C. o teach Jesus the Scriptures. D. How to pray to God. 8. Joseph accepted the angel s message because he A. Had no choice. B. rusted in God. C. Was afraid of God. D. Knew the angel was correct. 9. God created all things A. Because he was bored. B. o fulfill the Scriptures. C. o give us something to do. D. Because of his love. 10. he Lord s Prayer reminds us that because God forgives us, we should A. Forgive others. B. Give money to the Church. C. Believe in God. D. each others our faith. 11. he name Jesus means A. God saves us. B. rock. C. gift of God. D. the anointed one. 12. he Lord s Prayer A. A prayer of faith that tells what we believe B. A prayer of praise that teaches us to keep the rinity in our hearts C. A prayer that Jesus taught the disciples D. A prayer to the rinity that we pray near the beginning and end of Mass 13. Glory Be to the Father A. A prayer of faith that tells what we believe B. A prayer of praise that teaches us to keep the rinity in our hearts C. A prayer that Jesus taught the disciples D. A prayer to the rinity that we pray near the beginning and end of Mass 14. Sign of the Cross A. A prayer of faith that tells what we believe B. A prayer of praise that teaches us to keep the rinity in our hearts C. A prayer that Jesus taught the disciples D. A prayer to the rinity that we pray near the beginning and end of Mass 15. Apostles Creed A. A prayer of faith that tells what we believe B. A prayer of praise that teaches us to keep the rinity in our hearts C. A prayer that Jesus taught the disciples D. A prayer to the rinity that we pray near the beginning and end of Mass 16. We show our love for God when we follow the en Commandments. **17. Jesus showed us ways of serving God s kingdom by working hard and loving all people. **18. Jesus chose the apostles because he knew he needed help spreading God s word.

2 1. Jesus told his disciples a parable about a butterfly in a cocoon. F 2. Doing something little like helping a friend doesn t serve God s kingdom because it s too small to matter. F 3. he parable of the mustard seed teaches us that great results can sprout from small beginnings. 4. Saint Paul wrote a letter to remind his friends about Jesus death and resurrection. 5. Jesus told Peter he would soon be catching men instead of fish. 6. he Gospels tell us the story of Creation. F 7. Conversion is a change of heart that leads us closer to God. 8. We call Jesus passage from death to resurrection the A. Parable B. Kingdom of God C. Mission D. Paschal Mystery 9. A is a story Jesus told to teach us about God s kingdom. A. Parable. B. Monastery. C. Mission. D. Paschal Mystery 10. Jesus taught that his is for all people. A. Monastery B. Mission C. Kingdom of God D. Paschal Mystery 11. Saint Benedict founded a for monks who wanted to work and pray together. A. Mission B. Kingdom of God C. Parable. D. Monastery 13. Communion of Saints A. An object or action that helps our faith grow. B. he leader of a parish. C. he angel s visit to Mary. D. Mary s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. E. One body, united before God 14. Sacramental A. An object or action that helps our faith grow. B. he leader of a parish. C. he angel s visit to Mary. D. Mary s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. E. One body, united before God 15. Pastor A. An object or action that helps our faith grow. B. he leader of a parish. C. he angel s visit to Mary. D. Mary s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. E. One body, united before God 16. Annunciation A. An object or action that helps our faith grow. B. he leader of a parish. C. he angel s visit to Mary. D. Mary s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. E. One body, united before God **17. Visitation A. An object or action that helps our faith grow. B. he leader of a parish. C. he angel s visit to Mary. D. Mary s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. E. One body, united before God **18. Which of the following is not one of the Marks of the Church? A. Holy B. Prayerful C. Catholic D. Apostolic 12. Jesus taught us that the is like the yeast in bread. A. Paschal Mystery. B. Mission. C. Kingdom of God. D. Monastery

3 1. he Rosary is a prayer that helps us honor A. he saints. B. he Holy Spirit. C. Mary. D. he apostles. 2. he Holy Spirit gave the disciples strength to A. Gather during Pentecost. B. See him as flames of fire. C. Continue Jesus mission. D. Lift things that were really heavy. 3. o whom did Jesus say, You are the rock upon which I will build my Church A. Peter B. Paul C. he Holy Spirit D. His disciples. 4. Another name for the pope is A. he Apostle. B. he Mystical Body of Christ. C. he Vicar of Christ. D. Emmanuel. 5. How is Jesus Christ especially present during Mass? A. In the consecrated bread and wine. B. In the Holy Spirit. C. In the psalms. D. In holy water. 6. Some sacramental s can be objects; others can be A. Songs. B. Blessings. C. Houses. D. People. 7. When our actions are guided by the Holy Spirit, the result is A. he Annunciation. B. Pentecost. C. Fruits of the Holy Spirit. D. A miracle. 8. In the story of Jesus and the Roman officer, Jesus was amazed at A. His own ability to heal. B. he officer s great riches. C. he servant s beautiful speech. D. he officer s great faith. A. Vocation C. Obligations B. Epistles D. Psalms 10. A parish gathers to at the celebration of the Mass A. alk C. Initiate B. Worship D. Reflect 11. Mary praised God by praying the words of the A. Lord s Prayer. B. Magnificat. C. Hail Mary. D. Glory Be to the Father. 12. We are called to celebrate Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of A. Initiation. C. Vocation. B. Obligation. D. Worship. 13. Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are Sacraments of A. Initiation. B. Obligation. C. Holy Spirit. D. Vocation. 14. Another name for the Church is the of God. A. Songs B. People C. Holy Spirit D. Lord 15. Any sin in which we disobey God is a sin. A. Mortal C. People B. Personal D. Serious 16. A more serious sin in which we totally reject God is a sin. A. Personal C. Mortal B. People D. Serious **17. We are each called to a special way of life, or A. epistles. B. obligation. C. worship. D. vocation. **18. Because it is the day on which we remember the Resurrection, Sunday is the Day. A. Holy Spirit C. People B. Lord s D. Prayer 9. Paul wrote letters, or, to his friends to remind them of Jesus love.

4 1. After the Resurrection, Jesus breathed on his disciples and told them to receive the. Holy Spirit 2. Philip celebrated this sacrament with the Ethiopian court official. A. Baptism. C. Eucharist. B. Holy Orders. D. Matrimony 3. In this sacrament a priest shares the gift of forgiveness. A. Penance. C. Eucharist B. Holy Orders. D. Matrimony. 4. hose who celebrate this sacrament become priests or deacons. A. Baptism. C. Eucharist. B. Matrimony. D. Holy Orders. 5. In this sacrament we remember Jesus words at the Last Supper. A. Baptism. C. Eucharist. B. Holy Orders. D. Matrimony. 6. Men and women who celebrate this sacrament agree to live in faithful love together. A. Baptism. C. Eucharist. B. Holy Orders. D. Matrimony. 7. he acts of charity performed by Blessed Frederic Ozaman and his friends show us that A. Some problems are too difficult to solve. B. It takes a lot of money and power to make a difference. C. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference. D. We should follow the en Commandments. 8. From the first moment of life, God makes each person A. Virtuous. B. Useful. C. Sacred. D. Delicate. **9. he virtue of faith helps us to A. Go to Mass every week. B. Believe in God. C. Prove to others that God exists. D. Give money to the poor. 10. he devil tempted Jesus when he went to A. he emple. B. he Sea of Galilee. C. Jerusalem. D. he desert. 11. he first three commandments teach us A. he Scriptures. B. o honor God. C. How to live with one another. D. About Saint Paul s love for the church. 12. Commandments four through ten teach us E. How to live with one another. F. How to celebrate mass. G. About the People of God. H. o honor God. 13. o show how excited he was about the growing faith of his friends, Paul E. Wrote letters to them. F. Sent messengers to them. G. Performed miracles. H. Spoke to them from a mountaintop. 14. We can live together in peace, harmony, and justice through the grace of E. Saint Paul. F. he Holy Spirit. G. he apostles. H. he Church. 15. When Monica kept praying for her son Augustine, she showed she had the virtue of E. Charity. F. emperance. G. Justice. H. Hope. 16. Because she spent her life serving the poor, Blessed Jeanne Jugan displayed the virtue of A. Faith. B. Hope. C. Charity. D. Patience. 17. Jesus refused to give in to the devil s A. emptation. C. Justice. B. Virtues D. Moral Law. **18. he en Commandments help us to follow the A. Justice. C. Virtues. B. Charity. D. h

5 1. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they A. Died. B. Gave into the serpent s temptation. C. Knew as much as God. D. Wanted more. 2. Which of the following helps us to recognize what is good and to make correct choices? A. Fruits of the Holy Spirit. B. he New estament. C. Prudence. D. Advice from our classmates. 3. God promised to send Jesus to bring us A. salvation. B. everything we want. C. good advice. D. free will. 4. he Kingdom of God is represented on earth by A. he Church. B. he Pope. C. Jesus. D. he sky. 5. he heological Virtues A. Were promised by god to Adam & Eve. B. Are ways we know God s holiness. C. Are gifts from God that help us follow Jesus D. Are described in the four Gospels. 6. God gives every person a soul when he or she is baptized. F 14. he helps us carry on the word of Jesus Christ. I. Beatitudes. J. Holy Spirit. K. Ascension. L. Redeemer. 15. Jesus taught the at the Sermon on the Mount. I. Blessed. J. Beatitudes. K. orah. L. Holy Spirit. 16. he Law, found in the Old estament, is known as the A. Ascension. B. New estament. C. orah. D. Fruits of the Holy Spirit. **17. he Beatitudes begin are the poor in spirit. A. Blessed. B. Good. C. Hopeful. D. Forgiving **18. Because Jesus came to free us from our sins, we call him our A. Redeemer. B. Pope. C. Fortitude. D. orah. 7. A psalm is a sacred song or hymn. 8. We show thanks for creation by using it in whatever way we want. F 9. In the Bible we learn about God s plan for us. 10. We learn about Jesus in the four Gospels of Peter, Paul, Luke, and John. F 11. God told Adam and Eve to leave the garden because they disobeyed God. 12. After Adam and Eve left the garden god gave up on them. F 13. Free will means we have the right to do whatever we please. F

6 1. According to the Precepts of the church, what are we called to do on Holy Days of Obligation? A. Avoid unnecessary work. B. Attend Mass. C. Go to Confession. D. Read the Bible. 2. Men who receive this sacrament are ordained as bishops, priests, and deacons. A. Anointing of the Sick B. Matrimony C. Holy Orders D. Penance 3. In this sacrament we are given the joy of God s forgiveness. A. Eucharist B. Matrimony C. Holy Orders D. Penance 4. Forty days after his Resurrection, Jesus was taken to heaven. We call this the A. Beatitudes. B. Ascension. C. orah. D. Redemption. 5. Peter performed miracles in the name of A. orah B. Holy Spirit C. Love D. Jesus 6. he Works of Mercy are ways we can ease the physical suffering of those in need. A. Spiritual B. Corporal C. Blessed D. Joyful 7. Jesus new commandment teaches us to one another. A. Love B. Forgive C. Praise D. Help 8. Because he listened so attentively, many people came to Saint John Vianney to A. Complain about their jobs. B. Ask for advice. C. ell him about Jesus. D. Confess their sins to him. 9. When the disciples preached Jesus message despite the possibility of punishment, they displayed the virtue of A. Patience. B. Peace. C. Fortitude. D. Love. 10. he first disciple was? Mary 11. When we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we A. Want people to know how good we are. B. Want justice and fairness for everyone. C. Receive communion at Mass. D. Donate food to the poor. 12. When he was about 30, Jesus was moved by the Holy Spirit to A. Preach the Kingdom of God. B. Go to Jerusalem. C. Die on the cross. D. Ascend into heaven. 13. Which of the following is a Corporal Work of Mercy? A. Read the Bible. B. Feed the hungry. C. Go to church. D. Do your homework. 14. Which of the following is a Spiritual Work of Mercy? M. Clothe the naked. N. Go to church. O. Bury the dead. P. Bear wrongs with patience. 15. he duties of faithful Catholics are known as the M. Universal Church N. Precepts of the Church 16. Our desire to have someone else s good fortune is called A. Sloth B. Envy **17. Which sin is a less serious break with God and others A. Mortal Sin B. Venial Sin **18. An examination of conscience helps us prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance.

7 1. Who is responsible for taking care of a diocese? A. A priest B. A bishop C. he pope D. Jesus 2. Saint Dominic knew that Jesus church should be A. he most powerful community in the world. B. Based in Spain. C. Open to everybody. D. Open to anyone who could give donations. 3. In the story of the forgiving father, what did the younger son do with his money? A. He opened a business. B. He spent it on all sorts of pleasures. C. He gave it to the poor. D. He lost it while traveling 4. When the apostles were choosing a new member, they cast lots because A. hey thought it would be fun B. It was a way to let God tell them who to choose C. Jesus had told them to do this. D. It was written in the Scriptures. 5. he pope and bishops are successors of A. Jesus B. he rinity C. he Church D. Peter and the apostles 6. We can accept the Holy Spirit s call to discipleship by E. Attending Mass every week. F. elling others about the Kingdom of God. G. Performing miracles. H. Praying to God. 7. When the risen Jesus appeared to his apostles, he told them to E. Make new disciples. F. Perform miracles in his name. G. Become martyrs like he was. H. Return to their previous jobs. 8. If our conscience tells us we have done something seriously wrong, we should E. Make a public apology. F. Receive Holy Communion. G. Keep it a secret. H. Confess our sins and ask God for forgiveness. 9. Which of the following is not one of the Precepts of the church? E. Confession of serious sins at least once a year. F. Observance of the days of fast and abstinence. G. Praying to God before and after meals. H. Providing for the needs of the Church. 10. In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus said he would rejoice over one sinner who shows A. Virtue C. Repentance B. Loyalty D. Knowledge 11. Which of the following is not a part of the Sacrament of Penance? E. Confessing our sins F. Receiving Eucharist G. Receiving absolution H. Praying the Act of Contrition 12. What does the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand teach us? E. God shares generously with us. F. If we are Christian, we will always have plenty to eat. G. Jesus followers had more food than they thought. H. God will forgive our sins. 13. On Sunday we remember E. he birth of Jesus. F. Jesus great sacrifice for our salvation. G. he coming of the Holy Spirit. H. he story of the vine and branches. 14. In the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, a person is anointed with Q. Holy water C. Baptismal water R. Oil of the sick D. Healing ointment 15. One sacrament that prepares people for service to the community is O. Baptism C. Anointing of the Sick P. Eucharist D. Matrimony 16. Repairing our relationship with God, with the Church, and with others is known as C. Sacrifice. C. Reconciliation. D. Viaticum. D. Anointing **17. In this sacrament a man and a woman receive the grace to love each other faithfully. Matrimony **18. Saint Paul taught that we can live in freedom if we cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

8 1. We inherit the effects of original sin when we are A. baptized. B. born. 2. Who told Mary she would have a child? A. Elizabeth. B. Joseph. C. Gabriel. D. God. 3. In this sacrament a person who is sick or suffering is anointed with oil. A. Eucharist B. Anointing of the Sick C. Holy Orders D. Penance 4. In this sacrament bread and wine become the body and Blood of Jesus Christ. A. Eucharist. B. Matrimony C. Holy Orders D. Penance 5. Viaticum is sometimes received during this sacrament. A. Eucharist B. Matrimony C. Holy Orders D. Anointing of the Sick 6. We pray the Act of Contrition during this sacrament. I. Eucharist J. Matrimony K. Holy Orders L. Penance 7. he Isrealites were cruelly treated as slaves here I. Egypt. C. he River Jordan. J. Mount Sinai. D. he desert. 8. he Isrealites escaped when Moses parted this I. Mount Sinai. J. he River Jordan. K. he desert. L. he Red Sea. **9. God gave Moses the en Commandments here I. Egypt. J. he River Jordan. K. Mount Sinai. L. he desert. 10. Moses spoke to his people one last time here? he River Jordan 11. One way we break God s commandment telling us not to worship false gods is by I. Not praying often enough. J. Making things like clothes too important in our lives. K. Committing sins. L. Missing church. 12. Which of the following questions do we not ask when making a moral choice? I. Will something good come from my decision? J. Will I get in trouble for making this decision? K. Am I making this decision for the right reasons? L. What is influencing this decision? 13. When Jesus told us to love God above all and to love our neighbor as ourselves, he was teaching us I. he en Commandments. J. he Great Commandment. K. he Beatitudes. L. God s covenant. 14. he first three commandments teach us S. How to make a moral decision.. he Precepts of the Church. U. How to treat others. V. o worship God above all. 15. An agreement between God and his people is a(n) Q. Blessing. C. Commandment. R. Covenant. D. Exodus. 16. Which of the following is not one of God s commandments? E. You shall not kill. F. You shall not commit adultery. G. You shall not get angry. H. You shall not covet your neighbor s goods. 17. What does Jesus call us to do to our enemies? C. Ignore them. D. Forgive them and love them. E. each them about Jesus. F. Spend lots of time with them. **18. Limiting our desire for things that give us pleasure is known as A. Obedience. C. Abstinence. B. emperance. D. Communion

9 1. is the book in the bible where one finds the story of creation. A. John B. Genesis C. Psalms D. Jobe 2. Our belief that there is one God yet three distinct persons is known as the mystery of the. A. Rosary. B. Beatitudes. C. rinity. D. Creed. 3. he testament tells the story of God s people before Jesus time. Old 4. People who practice Judaism are called. A. Jews or Hebrews. B. Islamic. C. Followers. D. Isrealites. 5. In Jesus Sermon on the Mount, he taught us the to help us to share in God s life, grow in Christian virtue, and be happy. A. Apostle Creed B. en Commandments C. Beatitudes D. Rosary 6. Who makes up the rinity? he Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit 7. Which three religions honor Abraham as a holy person? A. Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism B. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam C. Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam D. Christianity, Jainism, and Islam 8. Saint Augustine was a great teacher. What did he help people to understand? A. Islam B. Slavery C. Jokes D. he rinity 9. Creation is the work of whom? A. Saint Augustine B. he rinity C. Adam D. he Holy Family 10. With whom does the story of salvation on earth begin? A. Abel B. Abraham C. Adam D. Noah 11. One way to praise the rinity is to pray the Sign of the Cross; another way is to pray the A. Psalms. B. Hail Mary. C. Glory Be to the Father D. Act of Contrition 12. he followers of Islam are called A. Muslims B. Jews 13. hrough Moses, God gave the people rules to follow. hese are called the A. Lord s Prayer B. en Commandments 14. he story of Jesus and the early Church is told in the estament. New 15. Purgatory is a total separation from God. False 16. Jesus established the to carry on his mission on earth. E. rinity F. en Commandments G. Church H. Sacraments **17. Jesus touches our lives today through the. E. Sacraments. F. Church. G. he rinity. H. Rosary. **18. After his ascension into heaven, Jesus sent the to the disciples. E. Angel F. Dove G. Holy Spirit H. Bible

10 1. he Sacrament of calls us to take on grater responsibilities in the church and to work for justice and peace. A. Matrimony B. Confirmation C. Reconciliation D. Holy Communion 2. is the Sacrament that ordains men as priests, bishops, or deacons. Holy Orders 3. What is the Incarnation? A. God becoming man in Jesus. B. Jesus sending the apostles. C. God taking the form of a burning bush. D. he Holy Spirit. 4. In the sacraments whom do we recognize as the source of all blessings? A. Mary. B. God the Father. C. Jesus. D. he Holy Spirit. 5. In the Sacrament of Baptism, A. Priests and deacons are ordained. B. Our illnesses are healed. C. We celebrate the Exodus from Egypt. D. he effects of original sin are removed. 6. Stewardship calls Catholics to A. Convert people. B. Pray for people in purgatory. C. Share their time, money, goods, and talents to contribute to God s kingdom. D. Go to Church every Sunday. 7. hrough Confirmation we receive the Holy Spirit and E. Form a closer bond with Jesus. F. No longer contribute to God s kingdom. G. Become ordained. H. Confess our sins. 8. he help we need to fulfill our mission to be a living sign of Jesus is called sanctifying grace. 9. he Apostles Creed is a prayer that summarizes our beliefs as Christians. 11. Holiness is living a life dedicated to God and the mission of the Church. 12. Jesus Christ is also known as the Advocate, or Helper. False 13. In the Stations of the Cross, we C. Pray to Jesus during Mass. D. Honor Jesus through the Benediction. E. Retrace the steps of Jesus on the way to his crucifixion. F. Ask Jesus to help us devote ourselves to Holy Orders or Matrimony. 14. here is a tradition in Christianity that a family is also called a A. Domestic sacrament. B. Domestic clergy. C. Sacrament at the Service of Communion. D. Domestic Church. 15. Mary was called to be the mother of Jesus at the time of the A. Assumption. B. Annunciation. C. Resurrection. D. Incarnation. 16. Members of the Church who are not priests or in the religious life are part of the A. Eastern radition. B. Rite of Ordination. C. Laity. D. Bishops. **17. In the Sacrament of Matrimony, a couple s union is a reflection of the love between Christ and the A. Church. B. Pope. C. rinity. D. Bishops. **18. o truly celebrate the Eucharist, Saint Paul says that we must I. Drink the wine. J. Sing the psalms. K. Share with others. L. Donate money to the church. 10. We celebrate God s forgiveness and receive Jesus healing grace in the sacrament of Holy Orders. False

11 1. Which of the following is not a step in making a moral choice? A. Ask the Holy Spirit for help. B. hink about whether you will be popular or not. C. hink about God s law and Church teachings. D. Ask for advice. 2. he presence of sin helps explain the existence of all the following except A. War. B. Peace. C. Violence. D. Crime. 3. We receive the grace we need to act morally through the E. Sacraments. F. Bible. G. Incarnation. H. Precepts of the Church 4. Which of the following would not happen as a result of the Last Judgment? E. Be united with God in heaven. F. Be reincarnated. G. Enter hell. H. Purification in purgatory. 5. Who was the first Native American to be declared blessed by the Church? E. Francis of Assisi F. Elizabeth Ann Seton G. Isaac Jogues H. Kateri ekakwitha 6. Saying things about a person that are true but her that person s reputation is E. Chastity. F. Reparation. G. Detraction. H. Indulgences. 7. otal separation from God is I. Hell. J. Detraction. K. Purgatory. L. Indulgences. 10. Saint Paul emphasizes unity in the church but not diversity. False 11. he Sacrament at the Service of Communion are Holy Orders and Matrimony. 12. In the Sacrament of Matrimony, a man and woman exchange promises to express their commitment of lifelong love for each other. 13. he virtue that helps us unite our physical sexuality with our spiritual nature is G. Indulgences. H. Reparation. I. Chastity. J. Detraction. 14. What does the liturgical year commemorate? E. Jesus preaching. F. Each visitation of an angel. G. he events in the Old estament. H. he life of Jesus, from his coming and birth to his death, resurrection, and ascension. 15. What are the last two steps in the Order of Mass? E. Liturgy of the Eucharist and Communion Rite. F. Communion Rite and Concluding Rite. G. Introductory Rite and Liturgy of the Word. H. Communion Rite and Introductory Rite. 16. he Sacrament that helps unite those who are suffering with Jesus saving and healing power is E. Baptism. F. Anointing of the Sick. **17. Contrition, confession, satisfaction, and absolution are the essential parts of the E. Sacrament of Penance. F. Anointing of the Sick. G. Matrimony. H. Confirmation. **18. he bread and wine becoming the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist is called the M. Ascension. N. Annunciation. O. ransubstantiation. P. Chalice. 8. All people, including the laity, are called to holiness. 9. Spreading the news about Jesus is called evangelization.

12 1. During Mass, the homily is part of the A. Introductory Rite. B. Liturgy of the Word. C. Communion Rite. D. Liturgy of the Eucharist. 2. Saint homas Aquinas s writings have helped people to understand how Jesus is present in the A. Gospels. B. Eucharist. C. Readings. 3. he Jewish celebration of recalls God s liberation of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. Passover 4. he is a memorial that commemorates and makes present to us the sacrifice of Jesus. Mass 5. he name Jesus means. God Saves 6. In the Anointing of the Sick, a priest anoints a person with. Oil of the sick 7. Jesus says that he is the living bread, and that whoever eats this bread will M. Live forever in heaven. N. Live a long life, but eventually die. O. Become immortal on earth. P. Be able to perform miracles. 8. he priest, the assembly, the Word of God, and the consecrated bread and wine are all A. Heavenly virtues. B. Steps in the order of Mass. C. Sacraments. D. Ways in which Jesus is present. 12. A period of purification before entering heaven is. A. Reparation. B. Purgatory. C. Detraction. D. Hell. 13. he help we receive to continue to say yes to God and choose the path of Jesus is K. Indulgences. L. Reparation. M. Chastity. N. Detraction. 14. An important step in making good decisions is to think about God s law and church teachings. 15. When we say something about someone that is true, but we only say it to hurt that person, it is called slander. False 16. he fifth commandment calls us to live in truth. False 17. All people, married or single, ordained or lay, are called to practice the virtue of chastity. **18. About how old was Jesus when he began his ministry? Q. 21 years old. R. 25 years old. S. 30 years old.. 19 years old. **9. From the very first moment of her conception, Mary was preserved from sin. Original 10. Bishops, priests, and are ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Deacons 11. he pope and bishops are successors of the. Apostles

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