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1 ST. ELIZABETH SETON LEGACY OF FAITH 100 QUESTION BOOKLET ANSWER KEY 1. Who is the head of the Church, also known as the Holy Father, who is Bishop of Rome and the head of the Vatican? Pope Benedict XVI. 2. What is the Vatican? The Vatican is the name of the world headquarters of the Church. 3. What is a Bishop? A Bishop is a priest that has been appointed to lead a geographical region of churches called a diocese. 4. Name one of the current Bishops serving the Archdiocese of Chicago. Bishop Francis J. Kane Bishop George J. Rassas Bishop John R. Manz Bishop Joseph N. Perry 1. Why does a Bishop carry a shepherd s staff called a crosier? A Bishop carries a crosier to symbolize his responsibility as shepherd of the flock of believers. 2. Name the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The name of the Archbishop is Francis Cardinal George. 3. What does an Archbishop preside over? An archbishop presides over an archdiocese, which is a larger diocese. 4. What is the difference between a diocese and an archdiocese? A diocese is a local Church in a particular area with established boundaries that is pastured by a diocesan Bishop. An archdiocese is comprised of several dioceses, overseen by an Archbishop. 5. What is the name of the cathedral that is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago? The name of the cathedral is Holy Name Cathedral. 6. The name of the Pastor of our Parish. Rev. Richard M. Homa 7. What is the role of the Pastor? With the bishop, priests form a presbyteral (priestly) community and assume with him the pastoral mission for a particular parish. 8. The name of our Associate Pastor. Rev. Stanislaw Kuca

2 9. The name of our Deacons. Frank Gildea, Joseph Bishop 10. What is the work of a deacon? Deacons may baptize, proclaim the Gospel, preach the homily, assist the bishop or priest in the celebration of the Eucharist, assist at and bless marriages, and preside at funerals. 11. What does it mean to be an ordained minister in the Church? An ordained minister of the Church is a man who has studied to become a priest and through the sacrament of Holy Orders is ordained and receives the power and grace to perform the sacred duties of the Church ministry. 12. Who administers Holy Orders? Only a bishop can administer Holy Orders. 13. The name of our Pastoral Associate. Margie Guadagno 14. Who are religious brothers or sisters? A religious brother or sister is a lay person who commits his/herself to Christ and the Christian community by vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. 15. What is the role of the people (laity) of the parish? The laity s role is one of taking an active part in the worship of the parish, of belonging to and working together in the various parish organizations, of supporting the parish financially, and of carrying the teaching and sanctifying action of the Church into the community in which they live and work. 16. Name 3 of the ministries that the laity may participate in our parish. Eucharistic Minister, Greeter, Lector, Minister of Care, Choir Member, Altar Server, Sacristan, Social Action Ministry, Youth Ministry (Branches). 17. The name of the Patron Saint for whom our Parish was named. Elizabeth Ann Seton 18. List the accomplishments for which this person became a saint. St. Elizabeth Seton was the foundress of the American Sisters of Charity which led the basis for the United States Catholic school system. She also founded orphanages in Philadelphia and New York. 19. What is a saint and who can become one? A saint is a person who has lived a good and holy life. This person may have performed a miracle and has been recognized by the Church as someone who should have a special place in the Church. Anyone has the potential to become a saint.

3 20. Why do we study the lives of the saints? We study the lives of the saints to learn about them and so that we can have them as models for Christian living. 21. What is the name of the solemn declaration by the pope that a deceased member of the faithful may be venerated as a saint? Canonization is the solemn declaration by the pope that a deceased member of the faithful may be venerated as a saint. 22. What is the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity? God reveals himself to us in three persons---father, Son and Holy Spirit. This mystery of three persons in one God is the Blessed Trinity. 23. How has God revealed himself to us? God has revealed himself through his Son, Jesus. 24. What do we call the son of God becoming human? We call the son of God becoming human the Incarnation. 25. What do the names Jesus and Christ mean? Our English word Jesus is a derivative of the Hebrew name Joshua or Yeshua which means God saves. Christ means anointed or the anointed one. 26. Why do we refer to Mary as the Mother of God? Mary is the Mother of God because it was from her that the Second Divine Person took his human nature. 27. What do we mean by the Immaculate Conception? By the Immaculate Conception we mean that, by a privilege which was granted to no other human being, Mary was preserved from original sin from the very instant of her conception in the womb of her mother, St. Anne. 28. What is meant by the Assumption of Our Lady? By the Assumption of Our Lady is meant that at the end of her earthly life Mary was taken, body and soul, into heaven. 29. Name the devotion of prayer and meditation to Mary which is shared by all Roman Catholics. The devotion of prayer and meditation to Mary is called the Rosary. 30. Who is St. Joseph? St. Joseph was the husband of Mary and the foster father of Jesus. 31. When do we celebrate Jesus birth? We celebrate Jesus birth (in Bethlehem) on Christmas Day. (December 25 th ) 32. Where did Jesus live most of his life? After his birth in Bethlehem and exile in Egypt (to escape King Herod, who sought to kill him) Jesus lived in the little town of Nazareth in Galilee of Judea, a section of what is now the country of Israel.

4 33. When did Jesus begin his public ministry? Jesus began his public life when he was about thirty years of age. 34. How was Jesus put to death? In addition to being scourged mercilessly Jesus was forced to carry his heavy cross through the city of the place of his crucifixion. Jesus was nailed to the cross and hung there for several hours. 35. When did Jesus die? Jesus died on Good Friday. 36. What do we call the traditional Roman Catholic devotion which is prayed to meditate on Jesus journey to death and his resurrection? We call this devotion the Stations of the Cross. 37. When did Jesus rise from the dead? Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. 38. When did Christ ascend into heaven? On Ascension Thursday we celebrate Our Lord s triumphal ascension into heaven. 39. What did Jesus do at the time of his Ascension? Jesus delegated his powers to his apostles and their successors. He gave them the commission to teach, sanctify and rule in his place. 40. When did the Holy Spirit come down upon the Apostles? The Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles on Pentecost. 41. When do we celebrate Pentecost? We celebrate Pentecost 50 days after Easter. 42. How does Jesus remain with us? Jesus remains with us through the Holy Spirit. 43. What is prayer? Prayer is the raising of one s mind and heart to God and the requesting of good things from him. It is an act by which one enters into awareness of a loving communion with God. 44. What is the prayer that Jesus taught? The Our Father is the prayer that Jesus taught. 45. What is Jesus Great Commandment? Jesus Great Commandment is You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 46. What are the Beatitudes? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us the words that tell us how to attain happiness in this life.

5 47. What are Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy? The Corporal (bodily) Works of Mercy are actions by which we help our neighbors in their body needs. (Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the prisoners, bury the dead, and give alms to the poor.) The Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions that help our neighbor in their spiritual needs. (Counseling the doubtful, instructing the ignorant, admonishing the sinner, comforting the sorrowful, forgiving injuries, bearing wrongs patiently, and praying for the living and the dead.) 48. What is the liturgical year? The liturgical year is the means by which the Church relives the life of Christ by celebrating throughout the year the mysteries of his life, death and resurrection. 49. Name the color of each liturgical season. The colors of the seasons are blue/advent, white/christmas, purple/lent, white/easter and green for ordinary time. 50. List the 4 movements of the Mass. The 4 movements of the Mass are: Introductory Rites, The Liturgy of the Word, The Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Concluding Rites. 51. What is the Old Testament (the Hebrew Scriptures)? The Old Testament (or the Hebrew Scriptures) is a collection of the sacred books of the Hebrew people. It tells the story of their relationship with God. 52. How many books are contained in the Old Testament? There are 46 books in the Old Testament. 53. Who was Moses? Moses was the great leader and law-giver whom God chose to lead the Hebrews out of captivity in Egypt into the land he had promised them. It was to Moses that God gave the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. 54. What is a prophet? A prophet is a person sent by God to reveal to the people the will of God. 55. What is the role of the Ten Commandments? The Ten Commandments express how we should live in response to God s love with God and our neighbor. 56. What is the New Testament? The New Testament is a collection of writings composed at various times by different authors after the death of Jesus. 57. How many books are contained in the New Testament? There are 27 books in the New Testament. 58. What are the names of the 4 gospel writers? The names of the 4 gospel writers are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

6 59. What are parables? A parable is an illustration of a truth by means of an example or story. By using parables Jesus was able to present great religious truths in a form which allowed them to be grasped and remembered by all. 60. Name the 5 Precepts (Rules) of the Church given to us by Church authorities that provide the minimal basis for a prayerful moral life. The 5 Precepts of the Church are: You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation You shall confess your sins at least once a year You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least during The Easter season You shall keep holy the holy days of obligation You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence 61. What is meant by Christian morality? Christian morality is a way of living for people who have been joined to Christ through baptism. 62. What is Sin? Sin is saying no to God s plan and to God s plan for us. Sin is willful disobedience to God. This disobedience may be an action, a thought, a desire, an intention, a word, or it may be an omission or failure to love. 63. What is meant by Original Sin? Original sin is the sin of our first parents Adam and Eve. We suffer from the effects of original sin, but we are not personally guilty of it. The effects are the pull everyone feels toward doing things that are wrong. 64. What is Mortal Sin? Mortal sin is a serious offense against God. It breaks our relationship with God, and causes us to turn from doing God s will to doing our own will. 65. What is Venial Sin? Venial sin is a less serious offense against God. Venial sin is a sin which does not sever our relationship with God but does weaken our love for God. 66. What does having a conscience mean? It is our consciences that call each of us to do good and avoid evil. 67. What is the official teaching of the Church concerning abortion and euthanasia? The Church has always condemned abortion. From it s conception, the child (embryo) has the right to life. Euthanasia, sometimes called mercy killing, is murder and is morally unacceptable by the Church. 68. What is a Sacrament? A sacrament is a life-giving sign of God s immeasurable love for us.

7 69. Name the three sacraments of initiation. Baptism Eucharist Confirmation 70. Name the two sacraments of healing. Reconciliation (penance) Anointing of the Sick 71. Name the two sacraments of service. Holy Orders Marriage (Matrimony) 72. What is Baptism? Baptism is the Sacrament of Initiation in which we are joined to Jesus Christ, become members of the Church, are reborn as God s adopted children, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and original sin and our personal sins are forgiven. 73. What is sanctifying grace? Sanctifying grace is a supernatural gift of God s life within us that we receive at Baptism. 74. Who can administer the Sacrament of Baptism? The Sacrament of Baptism normally is administered by a priest or deacon. 75. What are the words used when baptizing? The words used when baptizing are: I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 76. What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist is the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ; who is truly and really present under the appearances of bread and wine, and in which we are fully joined to Christ and to the Church, the Body of Christ. 77. When did Jesus institute the Eucharist? Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper. 78. What is the required time for Catholics to fast from food and drink before receiving Holy Communion? We are expected to fast from food or drink for at least one hour prior to receiving Holy Communion. 79. What is Reconciliation (Penance)? Reconciliation is the Sacrament by which Jesus, through the absolution of the priest, forgives sins committed after Baptism and brings about reconciliation with God and with the Church. 80. What is contrition? Contrition is sorrow for and hatred for sins, together with the firm intention of not sinning in the future.

8 81. How does confession help the sinner? Confession is part of the Sacrament of Reconciliation because the confession (or disclosure) of sins, frees us and facilitates our reconciliation with others. Through personal confession to a priest sinners are helped to amend their ways and grow in the love of God. 82. What is absolution? Absolution is the act of the priest, using the power Christ entrusted to the Church, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) by which he pardons sin(s) of the penitent. 83. What is the Anointing of the Sick? The Anointing of the Sick is the Sacrament by which Jesus, through the anointing and prayers of a priest, gives health and strength to a person who is seriously ill. 84. Who may receive the Anointing of the Sick? Anyone who is seriously ill due to sickness or old age may receive this Sacrament. Sick children who have reason to be comforted by this Sacrament also may be anointed. 85. What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders? Holy Orders is the Sacrament in which a bishop ordains a man to be conformed to Jesus Christ by grace, to service and leadership in the Church. Through this Sacrament, the mission that Christ gave to his Apostles is continued in the life of the Church. 86. What is the Sacrament of Marriage (Matrimony)? The Sacrament of Marriage (Matrimony) unites a baptized man and woman in a lifelong bond, or covenant, of faithful love to serve the Church as a sign of Christ s love for the Church. 87. Name the sacred oils of the church. The sacred oils of the church are: Chrism Oil of the Catechumens Oil of the Sick 88. What is Chrism? Chrism is a mixture of olive oil and a perfume called balm, consecrated by the bishop at the Holy Week Chrism Mass. It is used for anointing in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. 89. What is Confirmation? Confirmation is the Sacrament which completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation seals our relationship with Christ and his Church. It signals our maturity as Christians and empowers us to fulfill our responsibility to proclaim the Gospel in our everyday lives.

9 90. Why should all Catholics be confirmed? All Catholics should be confirmed in order to be strengthened to profess, defend and spread the faith. 91. What is the role of the Confirmation Sponsor? The role of the Confirmation Sponsor is to mentor and guide you throughout your Catholic life. 92. Who is the minister of Confirmation? The bishop is the ordinary minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation. This presence of the bishop highlights the fact that through Confirmation a person is united in a deeper fashion to the entire Church and its apostolic mission. 93. Name the 3 major parts of the Confirmation Rite. The Confirmation Rite has three major parts: Renewal of baptismal promises. Laying on of hands. Anointing with chrism. 94. What are the 2 signs of the Sacrament of Confirmation? The 2 signs of the sacrament of Confirmation are the imposition of hands and anointing with chrism. 95. What are the words used when the Bishop is anointing the person to be confirmed? The words used when the Bishop is anointing the person to be confirmed are: Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. 96. What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit that you receive at Confirmation? The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Confirmation are: Wisdom Understanding Right judgment (Counsel) Courage (Fortitude) Knowledge Reverence (Piety) Wonder and awe (Fear of the Lord).

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