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1 SIMPLE CHORAL GRADUAL Entrance, Offertory, and Communion Antiphons for Sundays and Soemnities of the Church Year Appendix: Feasts of the Lord and Soemnities of Saints Richard Rice

2 Musica settings copyright 2011 by Richard Rice. A rights reserved. Antiphon texts from The Sacramentary (1985); Engish transation prepared by the Internationa Commission on Engish in the Liturgy. Psam verses copyright 1963 by The Grai, Engand. Appendix: 1st Printed Edition, Apri 2011

3 February 2: Presentation of the Lord Isaiah 35:4,5 Antiphon at the Bessing of Candes # 44 «&. j. j The Lord wi come with might - y pow r, and give? #4 4 _ «. _«j _ # «««& n.. jj n «# ight to the eyes of a who serve him, a - e - u - ia.? # «_ «n n _«_ Procession antiphon: Lumen ad reveationem Luke 2:32 & j _«Christ is the ight of the na - tions, and the? 4 _«. _«j 32 & 4. J go - ry of Is - ra - e his peo - pe.? 4 _«««Luke 2:29 32 (Cantice Nunc Dimittis) * Goria Patri ad ib. & W W _«1. Lord, now you et your ser - vant go in peace; your word has been fu- fied. R. 2. My own eyes have seen the sa - va - tion which you have pre - pared in the sight of eve - ry peo - pe. R. 3. A ight to revea you to the na - tions and the gory of your peo - pe Is - ra - e. R. 4.* Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho - y Spir - it. R. 5. As it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, and wi be for ev - er. A - men. R.? WW _ W W Presentation of the Lord 1

4 _ Psam (47)48:10,11;2,3 Entrance Antiphon & bc Œ 2 3 Œ C With - in your tem - pe, we pon - der your ov - ing kind - ness, O?b C Œ 3 2 _ Œ «C & b 6 4 Œ _«God. As your name, so a - so your praise reach - es to the?b 6 4 _ Œ _ & bc 2 3 Œ _«w ends of the earth; your right hand is fied with jus - tice.?b C 2 3 _ Œ w_ w & b W 1. The Lord is great and wor - thy to be praised His hoy mountain ris - es in beau - ty, 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now,?b W W _ & b W 1. in the cit - y of our God. the joy of a the earth. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for ev - er. A - men. W?b 2 Presentation of the Lord

5 Psam (44)45:2,3;4,5;8,9 Offertory Antiphon & W 1. My heart over - fows with no - be words. To the king I must speak the song I have made: You are the fairest of the chi - dren of men. 2. O mighty one, gird your sword up - on your thigh; in spendor and state, ride on in tri - umph. 3. God, your God, has a - noint - ed you with the oi of gadness a - bove oth - er kings: your robes are fragrant with a - oes and myrrh. W W? _ & 6 4 Œ _«_«Gra - cious - ness is poured up - on your ips, for? 6 4 _«Œ & w. God has bessed you for ev - er - more. _«_«? _«. _«_ j w. Presentation of the Lord 3

6 Luke 2:30 31 Communion Antiphon & b j With my own eyes I have seen the sa - va - tion which?b _ & b U. j 4 _«. J.. ĵ you have pre - pared in the sight of a the na - tions. _?b 4 U Psam (47)48:2,3,4,9,10,11 & b W 1. The Lord is great and worth - y to be praised His hoy mountain ris - es in beau - ty, 2. Mount Zion, true poe of the earth, God, in the midst of its cit - a - des, 3. As we have heard, so we have seen in the city of the Lord of hosts 4. O God, we pon - der your ove Your praise, O God, ike your name W_?b W _ & b W 1. in the cit - y of our God. the joy of a the earth. 2. the Great King s cit - y! has shown him - sef its strong - hod. 3. in the cit - y of our God, which God up - hods for ev - er. 4. with - in your tem - pe. reaches the ends of the earth. W?b 4 Presentation of the Lord

7 Luke 12:42 & bc.. j _«The Lord has put his faith - fu ser -?b c.. _ J & b _«. J w vant in charge of his house - hod.?b _ «. j w w_ Psam (91)92:13,14;2 3 March 19: St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Entrance Antiphon & b W 1. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to procaim your ove in the morn - ing 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, W_?b W & b W 1. to make music to your name, O Most High, and your truth in the watch - es of the night. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for - ev - er. A - men.?b W St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 5

8 _ Offertory Antiphon Psam (88)89:25,35;20;37,38 & b W 1. My truth and my ove sha be with him: I wi never take back my ove. 2. I have set the crown on a war - rior, I have exated one chosen from the peo - pe. 3. In my sight his throne is ike the sun; ike the moon, it sha en - dure for ev - er. W_ W?b & b _«. { w c Œ { w By my name his might sha be ex - at - ed. By my ed.?b 6 4 _«c Œ _ w { { 6 St. Joseph, Husband of Mary

9 _ Matthew 25:21 Communion Antiphon & bb 4 _«Come, good and faith - fu ser - vant!?b b 4 «& bb Œ 2 3 b.. J n w. Share the joy of your Lord! _«?b b _ ««. _«Œ 3 2 b nw. Psam (111)112:1 8 joy & bb W n 1. Bessed the man who fears the Lord, His sons wi be pow - er - fu on earth; 2. Riches and weath are in his house; He is a ight in the darkness to the up - right: 3. The good man takes pit - y and ends, The just man wi nev - er wav - er: 4. He has no fear of e - vi news; With a steadfast heart he wi not fear;?b b W & bb W 1. who takes deight in a his com - mands. the chidren of the up - right are bess - ed. 2. his justice stands firm for ev - er. he is generous, mer - ci - fu and just. 3. he conducts his af - fairs with hon - or. he wi be remem - bered for ev - er. 4. with a firm heart he trusts in the Lord. he wi see the down - fa of his foes.?b b W St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 7 of your

10 Hebrews 10:5,7 & 6 4. j _. _«j _ «_«Œ _«As Christ came in - to the word, he said: Be -? 6 _«_«_«. j 4 Œ & j _«_«_«#w_. w. hod! I have come to do your wi, O God.? 4 _ «6 _«4 w. w. Psam (18)19:2,3 March 25: Annunciation Entrance Antiphon & W # 1. The heavens procaim the go - ry of God Day unto day takes up the sto - ry 2. Gory be to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, nw_ W _? & W 1. and the firmament shows forth the work of his hands. and night unto night makes known the mes - sage. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for ev - er. A - men. W_ W? 8 Annunciation

11 Luke 1:28;34,35a;35b Offertory Antiphon & bb W 1. Hai, Ma - ry fu of grace, the Lord is with you. 2. How can this be, since I have no hus - band. The Hoy Spirit wi come up - on you, and the power of the Most High wi o - ver - shad - ow you. 3. Therefore the chid to be born wi be caed ho - y, the Son of God.?b b W W _ & bb 3 4 {.. j.. Œ Bess - ed are you a - mong wom - en, and?b b 3.. _ J _ 4 _«. { Œ & bb U. j Œ {. bess d is the fruit of your womb. womb.?b b _ Œ. U. { Annunciation 9

12 Isaiah 7:14 & bc _«_«. Œ The Vir - gin is with chid and sha bear a son, and?b C Œ & b. w she wi ca him Em - man - u - e. «_«?b w Psam (18)19:2-7 Communion Antiphon & b W W 1. The heavens procaim the Day unto day takes 2. No speech, no word, no voice is heard yet their span ex - 3. There he has paced a tent for the sun; it comes forth ike a bridegroom 4. At the end of the sky is the rising of the sun; to the furthest end of the W W?b & b W 1. go - ry of God and the firmament shows forth the work of his hands. up the sto - ry and night unto night makes known the mes - sage. 2. tends through a the earth, their words to the utmost bounds of the word. 3. com - ing from his tent, rejoices ike a cham - pion to run its course. 4. sky is its course. There is nothing conceaed from its burn - ing heat. _?b _ W _ 10 Annunciation

13 John 1:6,7; Luke 1:17 & b Œ _«_«_«There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He?b 4 _ 2 3 Œ & b 4. j _«Œ _«_«came to bear wit - ness to the ight; he _«.?b 4 j Œ & b. j 2 3 _««w. w_. came to pre - pare an up - right peo - pe for the Lord. _«. j?b 3 2 _ ww. Psam (91)92:2 3 June 24: St. John the Baptist Entrance Antiphon & b W 1. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to procaim your ove in the morn - ing 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, W_?b W & b W 1. to make music to your name, O Most High, and your truth in the watch - es of the night. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for - ev - er. A - men. W?b _ St. John the Baptist 11

14 Offertory Antiphon Psam (91)92:13;2;3;14 # & W 1. It is good to give thanks to the Lord to make music to your name, O Most High. 2. To procaim your ove in the morn - ing and your truth in the watch - es of the night. 3. Panted in the house of the Lord they wi fourish in the courts of our God.? # W_ W # & C 2 3 The just wi four - ish ike the pam tree? # C «_«3 2 & # Œ j. C ww and grow ike a Leb - a - non ce - dar.? # _«Œ J _«. j C w 12 St. John the Baptist

15 Luke 1:78;68 71;76 79 (Cantice Benedictus) Communion Antiphon & C. _«Through the ten - der com - pas - sion of our God, the dawn? C _«_«_«. _«& # # # w from on high sha break up - on us.? _«_«_«_«w & W # 1. Bessed be the Lord, the God of Is - ra - e; He has raised up for us a might - y sav - ior, 2. Through his hoy prophets he prom - ised of od He promised to show mercy to our fa - thers 3. You, my chid, sha be caed the prophet of the Most High; to give his peope knowedge of sa - va - tion 4. In the tender com - pas - sion of our God to shine on those who dwe in darkness and the shad - ow of death, W? _ & W 1. he has come to his peo - pe and set them free. born of the house of his ser - vant Da - vid. 2. that he woud save us from our en - e - mies. and to remember his ho - y cov - e - nant. 3. for you wi go before the Lord to pre - pare his way, by the for - give - ness of their sins. 4. the dawn from on high sha break up - on us, and to guide our feet in - to the way of peace.? WW _ St. John the Baptist 13

16 Sacramentary & b 2 _«2 3. j _«2 6 4 Œ _«These men, con - quer-ing a hu - man frai - ty, shed their bood and?b J 2 _ 6 4 Œ & b _«. J 2 Œ 6 4 _«.. ĵ heped the Church to grow. By shar - ing the cup of the?b «2 Œ 6 4 _.. _ J _ & b j 2. j 6 4 _«. J w Lord s suf - fer - ing they be - came the friends, the friends of God.?b2 3 _«. _«j_ 2.. J 6 «4 _ w w_ Psam (138)139:1,2,3 June 29: St. Peter and St. Pau, Apostes Entrance Antiphon & b W 1. O Lord, you search me and you know me, you discern my pur - pose from a - far; 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, W_?b W _ & b W 1. you know my resting and my ris - ing, a my ways ie o - pen to you. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for - ev - er. A - men. W?b _ 14 St. Peter and St. Pau, Apostes

17 _ Offertory Antiphon Psam (44)45:18,17;2;3 & W _««1. May this song make your name forev - er re - mem - bered. May the peopes praise you from age to age. 2. My heart over - fows with no - be words. To the king I must speak the song I have made. 3. You are the fairest of the chi - dren of men and graciousness is poured up - on your ips. W? & 2 3. { C. _«w_ { You wi make them princ - es o - ver a the earth.? 2 3. _ C. { w { St. Peter and St. Pau, Apostes 15

18 Matthew 16:16,18 & bc Œ Œ 3 2 _«. Œ. Pe - ter said: You are the Christ, the Son of the iv - ing God. Je - sus?b C Œ _ Œ _ 2 3 «. Œ _ & b Œ Œ _«C w an - swered: You are Pe - ter, the rock on which I wi buid my Church.?b Œ «Œ _«C _ w Psam (79)80:2,8 10,15 16,18 19 Communion Antiphon & b W 1. O shepherd of Is - ra - e, hear us, God of hosts, bring us back; 2. You brought a vine out of E - gypt; Before it you ceared the ground; 3. God of hosts, turn a - gain, we im - pore, Visit this vine and pro - tect it, 4. May your hand be on the man you have chos - en, And we sha never for - sake you a - gain: W?b & b W 1. you who ead Jo - seph s fock. et your face shine on us and we sha be saved. 2. to pant it you drove out the na - tions. it took root and spread through the and. 3. ook down from heav - en and see. the vine your right hand has pant - ed. 4. the man you have giv - en your strength. give us ife that we may ca up - on your name.?b W 16 St. Peter and St. Pau, Apostes

19 _ August 6: Transfiguration cf. Matthew 17:5 Entrance Antiphon & 6 4. j _«Œ _«_«In the shin - ing coud the Spir - it is seen; from it the? 6 «4. J «_«_«. j Œ &. j. j Œ. j. j voice of the Fa - ther is heard: This is my Son, my be - _«? _«. J «_«_«. _«j _«Œ. _ J _ &. Œ _«_«. j Œ. J. # j w. #w_. ov - ed, in whom is a my de - ight. List - en to him..? Œ _ «Œ _ w. w. Psam (26)27:1 & W # 1. The Lord is my ight and my hep; The Lord is the strong - hod of my ife; 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, W_W? W & whom sha I fear? before whom sha I shrink? 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for ev - er. A men. W_ W? Transfiguration 17

20 _ Psam 8:5,6,7;2 Offertory Antiphon & W _««1. What is man that you shoud keep him in mind, morta man that you care for him? 2. You made him itte ess than a god; put a things un - der his feet. 3. How great is your name, O Lord our God, through a the earth! Your majesty is praised a - bove the heav - ens. W? & 4 _«_«Œ With go - ry and hon - or you crowned him; gave him? 4 «_«_ Œ & 3 4. j _«_«_«.. pow r o - ver the works of your hand, O Lord. _«_ 3 «. _«j _ «. j? Transfiguration

21 1 John 3:2 & b 3 2 _«.. Œ When Christ is re - veaed we sha be ike him,?b2 3.. Œ & b Œ «C «_«w for we sha see him as he is.?b Œ C w_ w Psam (33)34:2 9 Communion Antiphon & b W 1. I wi bess the Lord at a times, in the Lord my sou sha make its boast. 2. Gori - fy the Lord with me. I sought the Lord and he an - swered me; 3. Look towards him and be ra - di - ant; This poor man caed; the Lord heard him 4. The ange of the Lord is en - camped Taste and see that the Lord is good.?b W W & b W 1. his praise a - ways on my ips; The humbe sha hear and be gad. 2. Together et us praise his name. from a my ter - rors he set me free. 3. et your faces not be a - bashed. and rescued him from a his dis - tress. 4. around those who revere him, to res - cue them. He is happy who seeks ref - uge in him. L W ===========================?b Transfiguration 19

22 Reveation 12:1 A great sign ap & bb 4 Œ. - peared _ «_«_ «Œ A great sign ap?b b 4. - peared in heav - en: a Œ & bb ĵ 4 _ «Œ j wom - an cothed with the sun, the moon be - neath her?b b _ J 4 Œ _ 6 4 _.. J _ tweve stars on her head. & bb 4 3 _«4 4 nw_w feet, and a crown of tweve stars?b b on her head. w w Psam (97)98:1 August 15: Assumption Entrance Antiphon & bb W n 1. Sing a new song to the Lord His right hand and his ho - y arm 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now,?b b bw _ & bb W 1. for he has worked won - ders. have brought sa - va - tion. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for - ev - er. A - men.?b b W 20 Assumption

23 Offertory Antiphon Sacramentary; Offertoriae & W 1. Mary has been taken up to heav - en; the an - ges re - joice: 2. Through Eve, the gate of para - dise was cosed to a, and through the Virgin Mary was made o - pen a - gain. The an - ges re - joice: W_W? _ & 3 U 4.. j. J _«. j C _«Prais - ing the Lord to - geth - er and bess - ing him, a - e - u - ia.? J _«_ C U Assumption 21

24 Luke 1:48 49; (Cantice Magnificat) Communion Antiphon & b 4 3 bess - ed, 4 Œ A gen - er - a - tions wi ca me bess?b4 3. j_ - ed, for the A -. j_«4 Œ & b. j Œ. J w might - y has done great things for me, has done great things for me.?b. j Œ _ #w w & b W 1. My sou procaims the great - ness of the Lord, for he has ooked with fa - vor 2. He has mercy on those who fear him He has shown the strength of his arm, 3. He has cast down the might - y from their thrones, He has fied the hun - gry with good things, 4. He has come to the hep of his ser - vant Is - ra - e the promise he made to our fa - thers, W?b _ & b W 1. my spirit rejoices in God my Sav - ior on his ow - y ser - vant. 2. in every gen - er - a - tion. he has scattered the proud in their con - ceit. 3. and has ifted up the ow - y. and the rich he has sent a - way emp - ty. 4. for he has remembered his prom - ise of mer - cy, to Abraham and his chi - dren for ev - er. W?b 22 Assumption

25 September 14: Triumph of the Cross Entrance Antiphon cf. Gaations 6:14 & bc.. ĵ _«_ We shoud go - ry in the cross of our Lord Je - sus?b c. J _««. _«j & b Œ.. j Œ «Christ, for he is our sa - va - tion, our ife and our res - ur - Œ?b _. J Œ ««& b Œ _«_«w rec - tion; through him we are saved and made free.?b _ Œ «w_ w Psam (66)67:2-4 & b W 1. O God, be gra - cious and bess us So wi your ways be known up - on earth Let the peopes praise you, O God; 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now,?b W W & b W 1. and et your face shed its ight up - on us. and a nations earn your sav - ing hep. et a the peo - pes praise you. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for ev - er. A - men.?b W Triumph of the Cross 23

26 _ Sacramentary; Offertoriae Offertory Antiphon & b W 1. Protect your peope, O Lord, by the sign of your ho - y cross, from the attacks of a en - e - mies. 2. We humby beseech you, O ho - y Cross of God, that by your strength you may guard our sous and sanc - ti - fy our thoughts through Jesus Christ, who hung up - on you. 3. O Innocent one, who hung upon the wood of the cross, have mercy on the peope you have re - deemed; that they may be seaed with this sac - red sign. W_ W?b & b 2 3. C Œ That our ser - vice may be peas - ing to you, and our?b2 3 _«. C Œ & b.. j. _«. j w sac - ri - fice ac - cept - a - be, a - e - u - ia. L ===========================?b w w 24 Triumph of the Cross

27 _ John 12:32 & b 3 4 _««4 _ When I am ift - ed up from the earth, I wi?b4 3. j _ 4 & b 4 3. j 4. j w draw a men to my - sef, says the Lord.?b4 3 _«. j 4 _ w w_ Psam (17)18:2 3,4,18,38 39,50,51 Communion Antiphon & b W 1. I ove you, Lord, my strength, My God is the rock where I take ref - uge; 2. The Lord is worth - y of a praise: He snatched me from my pow - er - fu foe, 3. I pursued and o - ver - took my foes, I smote them so they coud not rise; 4. So I wi praise you, Lord, a - mong the na - tions: He has given great victo - ries to his king?b W W _ & b W 1. my rock, my for - tress, my sav - ior. my shied, my mighty hep, my strong - hod. 2. when I ca I am saved from my foes. from my enemies whose strength I coud not match. 3. never turning back ti they were sain. they fe be - neath my feet. 4. I wi sing a psam to your name. and shown his ove for his a - noint - ed. W?b Triumph of the Cross 25

28 November 1: A Saints Entrance Antiphon Sacramentary # 34 &. j C _«.. ĵ Let us a re - joice in the Lord and keep a fes - ti -? #3 _ 4. J _ C _.. J _ # &. j Œ 3 4. j va in hon - or of the saints. Let us join with the? # _.. j _ J Œ _ 3. J _ 4 & #. j.. an - ges in joy - fu praise, in praise to the Son of God.? #. J. _. Psam (32)33:1,18 # & W 1. Ring out your joy to the Lord, O you just; The Lord ooks on those who re - vere him, 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now,? # W_ W _ # & W 1. for praise is fit - ting for oy - a hearts. on those who hope in his ove. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for - ev - er. A - men.? # W W _ 26 A Saints

29 _ Offertory Antiphon Wisdom 3:1 3,4 & W 1. But the sous of the just are in the hand of God, and the torment of death sha not touch them; in the sight of the un - wise they seemed to die: 2. Their departure was tak - en as mis - er - y, and their going away from us as ut - ter de - struc - tion: 3. And though in the sight of men they suf - fered tor - ments, their hope is fu of im - mor - ta - i - ty; for in the sight of the un - wise they seemed to die: W_W _ L ===========================? & 3 «4. ĵ _. _«4. J w_ w But they are in peace, but they are in peace.? 4 3 _«4 ww A Saints 27

30 _ Matthew 5:8 10 Communion Antiphon & bc.. Œ _«. Œ _«_«. Bess - ed are the pure of heart for they sha see God.?b C _ Œ. Œ & b Œ Bess - ed are the peace - mak - ers; they sha be caed sons of?b _ Œ _ 3 2 & b Œ _«C. «God. Bess - ed are they who suf - fer per - se - cu?b Œ C - tion for _ & b.. Œ «_ w. tice sake; the king - dom of heav - en is theirs.?b Œ 2 3 w_. w. jus - _ continued next page 28 A Saints

31 Psam (125)126:1 6 & b W 1. When the Lord deivered Zi - on from bon - dage, Then was our mouth fied with augh - ter, 2. The heathens themseves said: What mar - ves What marves the Lord worked for us! 3. Deiver us, O Lord, from our bond - age Those who are sow - ing in tears 4. They go out, they go out, fu of tears, they come back, they come back, fu of song,?b W W & b W 1. it seemed ike a dream. on our ips there were songs. 2. the Lord worked for them! In - deed we were gad. 3. as streams in dry and. wi sing when they reap. 4. carrying seed for the sow - ing: car - ry - ing their sheaves.?b W A Saints 29

32 _ cf 4Esdras 2:34 35 November 2: A Sous Entrance Antiphon & 4 rest, O Lord, # # _«#. # Œ _«Grant them e - ter - na rest, O Lord, grant? 4 # Œ # rest, O & # #. n J # 2 3 Œ # n. # them e - ter - na rest, O Lord; and et per -? 3 2 # Œ n & 4. jn «Œ n_«n pet - u - a ight shine up - on them, and et per - _«. _«? 4 j «Œ # # n up - on them. &. _ j # # #w w pet - u - a ight shine up - on them..? J _«. _«j _«w up - on them. continued next page 30 A Sous

33 Psam (64)65:2 5 & #W # # W n n # # 1. To you our praise is due in Zi - on, O God. To you we pay our vows, you who hear our prayer. 2. To you a fesh wi come with its bur - den of sin. Too heavy for us, our of - fenc - es, but you wipe them a - way. 3. Bessed is he whom you choose and ca to dwe in your courts. We are fied with the bess - ings of your house, of your ho - y tem - pe.? W W n n Sacramentary; Offertoriae Offertory Antiphon Note: the Goria Patri is not sung. & W _«_«1. O Lord, Jesus Christ, King of go - ry, deiver the sous of a the faith - fu de - part - ed from the sufferings of he and from the deep pit. 2. Deiver them from the mouth of the i - on; may they not be swa - owed up by he; may they not fa in - to dark - ness. 3. But may Saint Michae, the stand - ard - bear - er, present them in ho - y ight, 4. We offer our sacrifices and our prayers to you, O Lord; receive them for the sous that we are re - mem - ber - ing to - day; O Lord, make them pass from death in - to ife. W_W? # # & C #_ «U. n_«. # # As he prom - ised of od to A - bra - ham and his chi - dren.? C n_ «n _ «. _«j «U A Sous 31

34 4Esdras 2:35 & 4 3. j 4.. May ight e - ter - na shine up - on them, O Lord, with your? 4 3 _«. j # 4.. & 4 3 n saints for ev - er, for you are mer - ci - fu. _«? _«_ 4 «. J _ #_.. Psam (129)130:1-6; cf 4Esdras 2:34 35 Communion Antiphon & W # n n 1. Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, O et your ears be at - ten - tive 2. If you, O Lord, shoud mark our guit, But with you is found for - give - ness: 3. My sou is wait - ing for the Lord, My sou is ong - ing for the Lord 4. Grant them e - ter - na rest, O Lord; W? n W & # # Lord, hear my voice! to the voice of my pead - ing. 2. Lord, who woud sur - vive? for this we re - vere you. 3. I count on his word. more than watch - man for day - break. 4. and et perpetua ight shine up - on them. W_ W? 32 A Sous

35 _ November 9: Dedication of St. John Lateran Entrance Antiphon Psam (67)68:36 & bb 3 4. J. j C Œ Great - y to be feared is God in his sanc - tu - ar - y;? b b _ 3 _ «4 «. J «C Œ & bb 3 4. J C he, the God of Is - ra - e, gives pow r and strength to his? b b _«3 4 _«_«_ C _ & bb U n Œ 3 4. J C. n j peo - pe. Bess - ed be God! Bess - ed be God!? b b «Œ 4 3 _«C U Ps 83:2,3 & bb W 1. How ovey is your dwe - ing pace, My sou is ong - ing and yearn - ing, 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now,? b b W_ W _ & bb W Lord, God of hosts. is yearning for the courts of the Lord. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for - ev - er. A - men.? b b W _ Dedication of St. John Lateran 33

36 Offertory Antiphon 1 Chronices 29:17,18; 2 Chronices 7:8,11;2,3 & W _««1. O Lord God, in the simpiche finished the house of the Lord, and he pros - pered. i - ty of my heart I have joyfuy of - fered a these things; and I have seen with great joy your peope which are here pres - ent. 2. Soomon kept the soemni - ty at that time; 3. The majesty of the Lord fied the tem - pe; the chidren of Israe saw the gory of the Lord de - scend up - on the house, and faing down, they a - dored and praised the Lord. W? & 4 3. j O God of Is - ra - e, keep for? 4 3 «. j _ &. J C U _««_«_«_ ev - er this wi, a - e - u - ia.? C U 34 Dedication of St. John Lateran

37 1 Corinthians 3:16 17 & b 3 4. J 4 _«. J 4 3 # Œ You are the tem - pe of God, and God s Spir - it dwes in you. The? b _ 3 4 Œ _ & b. j n. J 4 Œ. J # w tem - pe of God is ho - y; you are that tem - pe. _«? b # 4 «_«Œ w Psam (121)122:1 2,4 9 Communion Antiphon & b W n 1. I rejoiced when I heard them say: And now our feet are stand - ing 2. For Is - ra - e s aw it is, There were set the thrones of judg - ment 3. For the peace of Je - ru - sa - em pray: May peace reign in your was, 4. For ove of my breth - ren and friends For ove of the house of the Lord W? b _ & b W 1. Let us go to God s house. within your gates, O Je - ru - sa - em. 2. there to praise the Lord s name. of the house of Da - vid. 3. Peace be to your homes! in your pa - ac - es peace! 4. I say: Peace up - on you! I wi ask for your good.? b W Dedication of St. John Lateran 35

38 _ December 8: Immacuate Conception Isaiah 61:10 Entrance Antiphon & bc.... I ex - ut for joy in the Lord, my sou re -?b C.... & b 2 3 Œ joic - es in my God; for he has cothed me in the _?b 3 2 _ Œ & b.. Œ.. gar - ment of sa - va - tion and robed me in the coak of jus -?b _ Œ «& bc Œ.. w tice, ike a bride, a bride a - dorned with her jewes.?b C _ Œ.. _«w_ w Psam (29)30:2,3 & b W 1. I wi praise you, Lord, you have res - cued me O Lord, I cried to you for hep 2. Gory to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, W_?b W & b W 1. and have not et my enemies re - joice o - ver me. and you, my God, have heaed me. 2. and to the Ho - y Spir - it: and wi be for - ev - er. A - men.?b W 36 Immacuate Conception

39 Luke 1:28;34,35a;35b Offertory Antiphon & bb W 1. Hai, Ma - ry fu of grace, the Lord is with you. 2. How can this be, since I have no hus - band. The Hoy Spirit wi come up - on you, and the power of the Most High wi o - ver - shad - ow you. 3. Therefore the chid to be born wi be caed ho - y, the Son of God.?b b W W _ & bb ĵ.. Œ { Bess - ed are you a - mong wom - en, and?b b _ _ J _«. Œ { & bb U. j Œ {. bess d is the fruit of your womb. womb.?b b _ Œ. U. { Immacuate Conception 37

40 Sacramentary & bc 6 4 Œ _«A hon - or to you, Ma - ry! From you a -?b C 6 _ 4 Œ _ & b «C w _ rose the sun of jus - tice, Christ our God.?b C _«_ w w_ Luke 1: (Cantice Magnificat) Communion Antiphon & b W 1. My sou procaims the great - ness of the Lord, for he has ooked with favor on his ow - y ser - vant. 2. The Amighty has done great things for me, He has mercy on those who fear him 3. He has shown the strength of his arm; He has cast down the might - y from their thrones, 4. He has come to the hep of his ser - vant Is - ra - e the promise he made to our fa - thers,?b W W & b W 1. my spirit rejoices in God my Sav - ior From this day a generations wi ca me bess - ed. 2. and ho - y is his Name. in every gen - er - a - tion. 3. he has scattered the proud in their con - ceit. and has ifted up the ow - y. 4. for he has remembered his prom - ise of mer - cy, to Abraham and his chi - dren for ev - er.?b W 38 Immacuate Conception


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